Whether it is possible to choose female consultation. How to choose a clinic for pregnancy management. What to do if you had to give birth in another city

The question of which antenatal clinic you belong to usually becomes relevant after the news of pregnancy. Since registration is the best way to keep the health of the expectant mother and her unborn baby under the control of doctors. So, let's talk about how to determine where you can apply for registration.

Where to register

The right of a pregnant woman to be registered in a antenatal clinic is given by the legislative framework of the Russian Federation. At the same time, any expectant mother has such a right, regardless of where she lives or has a registration. We also note that such services in the antenatal clinic are legally guaranteed free of charge. However, the option of paid management of a pregnant woman in a clinic or center is also not excluded.

How to choose an antenatal clinic

Considering that the expectant mother has the right to independently choose the institution where she wants to be observed, you can consider two main options - women's consultation at the place of residence or at registration. Although there are two more options - a paid clinic or a more convenient women's consultation (for example, near the place of work, etc.). When choosing paid pregnancy management, make sure that the clinic has the appropriate license. If you want to register in the consultation of your choice (not at the place of residence and not at the place of registration), you will need to unsubscribe from the consultation at the place of registration.

When to register at the antenatal clinic

It is equally important to know the timing when you need to go to the antenatal clinic for the first time. The best option for a future mother is the period from 7 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. You can, of course, later, but in this case the risk is much greater, since it is the early identification of possible dangers or pathologies that makes it possible to correct everything in time.

What do you need to register in the antenatal clinic

In order to calmly register with the antenatal clinic, you need to take your Russian passport and compulsory medical insurance policy (original and a couple of copies) with you for your first visit to the gynecologist. Both documents must be submitted without fail. Unlike a paid clinic, where a policy is not required from you.

If you are registered at the place of registration, you also need to take a register of citizens - in this case, you will be registered at the institution on a permanent basis. If there is a rental agreement for actual residence (if there is none, the fact of residence will be checked by a doctor or nurse), and you will be issued temporarily, for the period of pregnancy.

As for the address of the consultation and contact numbers, such information can be searched for at the stands of polyclinics, to which antenatal clinics are attached, as well as on the websites of medical institutions or on forums. The same applies to paid clinics.

Every expectant mother should register with the antenatal clinic, but not everyone knows how to do it and where to go. First of all: drop the panic, to become registered, you hardly realized that you are not in a position. Even if you register on the second or third day of the delay, the doctor simply will not be able to confirm the fact of pregnancy, not to mention deeper studies of the body. Doctors recommend addressing this issue for a period of 4-5 to 10-12 weeks. At this time, the baby’s heartbeat will already be noticeable on the ultrasound and the doctor will be able to confirm the pregnancy. After the diagnosis is made, you will be given a pregnant card, which is an analogue of honey. cards. It records all the features of the course of pregnancy, your visits and complaints.

When the deadline for registration has come, it's time to think about where you want to be observed.

According to the legislation of the state, any woman has the right to register with the antenatal clinic, regardless of her registration. In other words, doctors cannot deny you the right to be observed in a specific antenatal clinic on the basis that the registration does not correspond to the place of residence.

A health insurance policy is required for registration, issued by one of the insurance companies in Russia. You will also be asked to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. But registration, we repeat, does not matter. A woman who is registered, for example, in Perm, has the right to register with a antenatal clinic at the place of residence - in Moscow or any other city. It should be noted that antenatal clinics, as medical institutions, can be independent or be part of the maternity hospital and polyclinic complexes.

If during pregnancy a woman needs consultation and examination by a specialist, you will most likely be referred to the doctors of the clinic where the antenatal clinic is located (if it is part of a larger medical institution) or to the clinic where you are registered at the place of residence.

Every woman can also choose examinations in private medical complexes. Turning to private companies, you do not have to present an insurance policy, and in state antenatal clinics it is mandatory. Returning to the issue of private centers, a woman can contract to monitor pregnancy for all three, two, or just one trimester. Addresses of antenatal clinics should be located on the stands in all clinics. A woman can also check with her gynecologist where to go. And of course, there is information about women's consultations on the Internet.

If you are in a big city, where there is plenty to choose from, be sure to read the reviews of mothers who had to be examined in one or another antenatal clinic. And remember, no matter where and how you decide to give birth, the constant supervision of doctors throughout the pregnancy is simply necessary.

Registered, You will undergo scheduled check-ups so that the baby develops correctly and harmoniously. Staying in a day hospital is indicated only for pregnant women with health problems.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in a woman's life. A representative of the weaker sex should be taken with all responsibility to her body. However, some women, after they see two stripes on the test, are in no hurry to go to the doctor. And this is due, first of all, to the fact that the expectant mother is afraid to get to a bad specialist. After all, he will have to entrust not only his life, but also the future little man.

Where the pregnancy will be observed, it is worth choosing in advance. It is not necessary to visit the institution at the place of residence. A woman can be observed by any doctor. It is worthwhile to study the rights of pregnant women in advance in the antenatal clinic so that you can protect yourself in any situation.

How to register during pregnancy?

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, every woman who has an insurance policy has the right in any city in the country. Official residence does not matter. Therefore, the expectant mother can independently choose in which medical institution the specialist will observe the pregnancy. How to find out the antenatal clinic at the place of residence? It is worth consulting with a therapist in a clinic or clarifying information with the insurance company that issued the policy.

issued at the place of work. Unemployed women need to apply to one of the insurance companies at the place of residence. The absence of a policy is not a reason for refusing to register a woman. However, a pregnant woman will have many restrictions. You will have to pay for any medical services.

How can I register in a antenatal clinic without a residence permit? Exactly the same as with registration. Contact a medical institution convenient for you with a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. They have no right to refuse.

When should you first see a doctor? The faster the better. Many experts recommend getting up for registration no earlier than 7 weeks. But first it is worth finding out whether the pregnancy develops normally, whether there are no pathologies.

If you start seeing a doctor for up to 12 weeks, you can receive a one-time payment, which will depend on the woman's average income over the past six months. In addition, timely access to a doctor can avoid many problems in the future. If the pregnancy develops incorrectly, it can be terminated in the early stages with minimal losses for the woman.

The fact that a woman is registered for pregnancy is evidenced by an exchange card. This is the main document of the future woman in labor. It will contain all the information about the tests, the state of health of the woman and the unborn baby. How to find out the antenatal clinic at the place of residence in order to issue an exchange card? You can check with your GP for more information.

Registration of an exchange card

This basic document entitles a pregnant woman to give birth in any maternity hospital. If a woman is admitted to a medical institution with contractions, but there is no exchange card, she will be assisted in the infectious disease unit. Thus, it is possible to protect other representatives of the weaker sex, as well as their newborn babies.

To get an exchange card, you need to contact any antenatal clinic and provide the Specialist will prescribe a series of tests, conduct an examination. After the picture regarding the state of the woman's health is clear, an exchange card will be issued. The document is issued immediately. It must be carried throughout the pregnancy at all times.

You need to carry the card for every appointment with the doctor. The mode of visiting a specialist depends on the course of pregnancy. In most cases, you have to go to the antenatal clinic once a month. But starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, you need to visit a doctor once every two weeks. Before you find out the antenatal clinic at the place of residence, it is worth deciding on the possible mode of visiting a specialist. This is especially important for working women. Most medical institutions are open from 8:00 to 17:00.

Is it possible to refuse medical care?

Every expectant mother should know her rights. Is it possible to register in any antenatal clinic? Is it possible to refuse medical care? Such questions often arise in pregnant women. It will be possible to choose any medical institution without problems if there is a health insurance policy. But a complete refusal to help will lead to a number of problems. First of all, you will have to forget about state compensation. In addition, the absence of an exchange card will lead to problems during childbirth.

A woman who was not registered for pregnancy may cause increased interest in the child from social services. This should also be remembered.

Is it necessary to take tests?

There are a number of mandatory measures, without which a woman cannot be registered for pregnancy. This includes tests for sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Additionally, you should be examined by the main specialists. This will help to identify possible chronic diseases. If you have a compulsory health insurance policy, any manipulations in a medical institution are free of charge. A woman has the right to refuse paid tests.

Any women's consultation can be chosen as a future mother. To which antenatal clinic the address of residence belongs, you can check with neighbors who have already encountered a similar issue.

What should the doctor explain to the pregnant woman?

Unfortunately, many future mothers have little understanding of issues related to obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor is obliged to tell the woman about the need for an ultrasound, an additional medical examination. A pregnant woman should know all the negative and positive aspects of the procedure and make a decision for herself. If necessary, the gynecologist prescribes medication. He must explain the purpose of their introduction. A woman has the right to consult with another specialist. In case of refusal to undergo procedures and examinations, the doctor is obliged to take a receipt from the woman. The reason for the refusal of medical manipulations must be indicated here.

Before registering, you need to visit a lawyer who can thoroughly explain all the rights and obligations of a pregnant woman. Every patient has the right to be treated with kindness and professionalism by a doctor. By law, a pregnant woman can choose the doctor she will register with. How to find out the antenatal clinic at the place of residence? This information can be easily obtained from the therapist.

What to do if you had to give birth in another city

Experts do not recommend women to travel in late pregnancy. But situations are different. If you have an exchange card, childbirth is allowed in any medical institution. The same applies to situations where a pregnant woman in a foreign city has health problems. If this is the case in the capital, any antenatal clinics can be visited only have to provide information about undergoing treatment. Basic information will be entered into the exchange card.

What does a woman have a right to know?

The expectant mother has every right to get acquainted with the results of the tests, with the doctor's record in the exchange card, and ask the specialist questions about her health. The doctor, in turn, is obliged to provide full information to the expectant mother, to give her recommendations. The specialist must remember that any data relating to a pregnant woman is confidential.

Before you know your LCD, any representative of the weaker sex should study their rights.

Summing up

The health of not only the future mother, but also the baby depends on the choice of the doctor who will conduct the pregnancy. Therefore, the choice of a medical institution should be taken with all responsibility, especially if it is a women's consultation. To which antenatal clinic the address of residence belongs, you can easily find out at the local clinic.

A woman must know her rights. This will allow you to protect yourself in an unusual situation. It is worth remembering that almost all services in medical institutions are provided to policy holders free of charge.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and wonderful state of any representative of the female population. When a girl finds out about the imminent addition, a wave of happiness covers her and a lot of questions arise in her head.

First of all, the expectant mother is concerned about the process of passing through an interesting position and childbirth. Most young mothers are in no hurry to get women's advice on how to register at the place of residence, because they are afraid to get to an incompetent specialist. And due to the lack of up-to-date information on this issue, an unpleasant situation may result.

The expectant mother is on guard of her health and the unborn baby. But, one desire of the mother is not enough, the participation of a medical institution is necessary. Therefore, after receiving the most pleasant news, it is necessary to contact the antenatal clinic. The question immediately arises: where is it possible to get your advice and find answers to all questions?

You can find out where you can get a antenatal clinic at the clinic's reception desk. Each woman in labor, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to register for free pregnancy and childbirth in the clinic. There is also the option of paid maintenance of an interesting position. The girl makes an independent choice of institution according to the following main options:

  1. at the place of registration;
  2. At the place of actual residence;
  3. Paid pre- and postpartum care;
  4. Convenient location of the clinic;

In the case when the choice is made in favor of paid services, it is necessary to thoroughly check the license of the selected center. If preference is given to the hospital according to actual residence, then it will be necessary to detach from the site by registration.

A woman in labor must be registered from the eighth to the eleventh week. It is at this early period that possible pathologies of the fetus can be identified and a set of necessary measures can be taken in time.

At the first visit to the doctor, a woman in labor presents a passport and a policy of compulsory medical insurance. The doctor, in turn, in addition to the conversation, draws up an exchange card, which is an important document for the woman in labor. All important indicators are entered into the exchange card, as well as the results of analyzes and other planned examinations. The exchange card entitles the expectant mother to give birth in any maternity hospital and is issued immediately after filling out, at the first appointment with a specialist.

The woman who is registered has been making frequent, scheduled visits to the doctor for all nine months. As a rule, doctors conduct appointments in two shifts, so you can choose any convenient time for visiting. The doctor should inform the woman in labor about all the results of the tests, ultrasound, give competent advice, and the girls can ask any disturbing questions.

Of course, sometimes frequent visits to the doctor are depressing, but you must always remember that all this is done solely for the benefit of the mother and child. Under the policy of compulsory medical insurance, almost all services in the clinic are provided free of charge. In a paid clinic, it is enough to present only a passport.

Legal points

According to the law on the protection of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation, each female half of humanity has the right to:

  • choose your own doctor
  • change the doctor at any stage;
  • receive complete, up-to-date information about the process of pregnancy and the development of the baby;
  • ask the doctor any questions of interest and ask again if any terms spoken in professional language are not clear;
  • in the case of prescribing medications, know their effect and possible side effects;
  • on the confidentiality of information.

During the initial visit, the doctor collects complete information about past illnesses, operations, and the presence of allergic reactions. Interested in the number of possible abortions. Every little thing is important for quality observation. Therefore, no secrets should be made from the transmitted information. All necessary indicators of the woman in labor and the initial gynecological examination are measured.

Important documents

The birth certificate belongs to the category of serious and basic documents. Based on it, the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation pays for services provided to expectant mothers. This document is written out by the doctor and issued at the time when the sick leave is issued. A certificate is issued, approximately, from the thirtieth week. The certificate is issued to girls who have been observed without interruption for at least twelve weeks.

In accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a future mother, at their request and on the basis of a doctor's opinion, is entitled to maternity leave. This leave lasts seventy calendar days before childbirth and the same number of days after childbirth, with the only exception being multiple pregnancy and any complications during childbirth. An allowance is paid in the amount established by the legislation of Russia.

When a girl voluntarily refuses to apply for this kind of leave and continues to work for a short period of time before the onset of childbirth, the certificate of incapacity for work confirms a temporary release from work for the pre- and post-natal period.

Refusal to register

In the event of a refusal to register on a general basis, you need to make a complaint in writing and go to the head doctor for proceedings. If the expected result is not obtained, then the complaint is already drawn up and sent to the Ministry of Health. The most important thing is not to panic, but to tune in to a positive wave and think only about the future baby. And temporary difficulties that have arisen will certainly be resolved.

Final moments

The choice of a specialist who will conduct pregnancy must be taken with all seriousness. Because the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby depend on this choice. Every pregnant woman should be aware of her rights and opportunities.

Long gone are the days when a woman could go to a antenatal clinic only at the place of registration. Now we have the right to choose where to be observed - in a private clinic or a public institution close to home. But how to choose an antenatal clinic? Perhaps it is worth combining the options: to be observed in a state institution, and to carry out diagnostics in a private clinic. Or entrust the analyzes to a private laboratory. This way you can cut costs while choosing a doctor you trust.

Private clinic


  1. The most polite attitude for your money.
  2. Modern equipment with high accuracy of results.
  3. The doctor will offer you several options for modern diagnostics, including an alternative one - when the diagnosis is made abroad, regardless of the opinion of Ukrainian colleagues. To do this, the analysis data and answers are sent through special closed information channels, it is not necessary to go abroad.
  4. You can get all the services without standing in queues and without filling out a pile of documents.


  1. Women's consultation in a private clinic can be expensive.
  2. You can be prescribed not only those tests that are necessary, but also related ones - which are not necessary.
  3. The professionalism of a doctor in a private clinic also needs to be checked - just like in a public institution.
  4. There is no guarantee that, without knowing a doctor, you will get to a highly qualified physician. You will have to take an interest in his experience, and best of all - get recommendations from friends.

government agency


  1. With a very high probability, the women's consultation at the place of registration is located near your home. An experienced doctor can work there, who has also treated your mother, sister and aunt - that is, he knows your hereditary characteristics well.
  2. You are more likely to get reliable information about such a specialist than about a doctor from an unfamiliar area or institution.
  3. As a rule, you will spend much less money in a state-approved antenatal clinic than in a private clinic.


  1. Queues, insufficiently friendly service.
  2. Not new equipment - both diagnostic and those used for therapeutic purposes.
  3. The need to fill out a large number of documents.
  4. The need to visit other specialists (except gynecologists) in another institution, if the antenatal clinic is located separately from the clinic.

Keep in mind that the health of you and your baby is the most important thing in the world. Choose the best option for women's consultation and an experienced doctor and be healthy!

Where is the expectant mother usually seen? In the antenatal clinic at the place of residence. And here she often gets into some kind of addiction: you have to go to appointments often, you need to take tests all the time and undergo a lot of examinations, and at some specific time! And God forbid you miss something! Yes, examinations during pregnancy are necessary, but you should not forget about your rights and comfort. Let's talk about what the expectant mother has the right to in the residential complex.

1 be observed anywhere

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a pregnant woman can choose any antenatal clinic (LC), and not just the one to which she is attached at the place of registration. This means that you can live in one area of ​​the city, and be observed in a completely different one: for example, next to your place of work or just in the antenatal clinic that you like best. Moreover, you can register for pregnancy even in the residential complex of another city. The main thing is that you need a compulsory medical insurance policy valid throughout Russia. To register outside the place of registration, you need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the consultation, bring the original and a copy of the passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, insurance certificate SNILS.
And even if for some reason you stop visiting the LCD, for example, you go to a private clinic, no one has the right to deregister you in the LCD.

2 choose a doctor

Also, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can choose a doctor who will monitor your pregnancy, or change a doctor who, for some reason, did not suit you. To do this, you also need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the LCD.
In addition, every expectant mother in a antenatal clinic or maternity hospital has the right to read her medical record or birth history, to look at records of examinations. And you don't need to explain why you need it. If you do not understand why you need some kind of appointment or analysis, then the doctor should explain everything in an accessible form.

3 register at any time

You can register with the antenatal clinic at any stage of pregnancy. True, in a very short period, neither a doctor nor an ultrasound scan will yet be able to accurately confirm pregnancy, so it’s still better to register after the 6-8th week. It is at this time that the doctor will be able to reliably establish the fact of pregnancy during the examination.
There is one more recommendation - to come to the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the first ultrasound is done at 10-12 weeks and at this time it is possible to most accurately determine the gestational age. By the way, those women who register with the LCD before 12 weeks receive a cash payment called “a one-time allowance for women registered with a medical institution in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)”. True, they give nothing at all, but they will come in handy for someone.
But all this does not mean that it is necessary to register strictly up to 12 weeks. No, you can come at any time (even in the last trimester), the main thing is to have time to pass the necessary tests before the birth.

4 visit the residential complex at the time you need

If you feel well, the tests are normal and you do not want to go to the antenatal clinic often, you have the right to refuse regular visits to the gynecologist. Just tell your doctor about it, he should respect your decision. Yes, the doctor will warn you that you are responsible for your choice, but he should not intimidate or threaten you to refuse to issue an exchange card. If something like this happens, immediately go to the head physician of the antenatal clinic or contact the health department.
But you need to know that there are studies (ultrasound, blood test for chromosomal pathologies) that must be done within strictly defined terms, otherwise their result may be unreliable. Therefore, ask the doctor in advance about the time of some examinations.

5 select surveys

If you want to do all the examinations you need, you have the right to receive them in full. Each antenatal clinic has a list of examinations and consultations required during pregnancy. You can ask your doctor to tell you in detail about them and do everything that you are supposed to. If you, on the contrary, think that you do not need this or that appointment or is unacceptable for you, you can refuse it. No one has the right to force you to do an ultrasound, screening, take any drugs. Even if you refuse something, you cannot be deregistered due to pregnancy, you cannot be issued a birth certificate and an exchange card. The doctor will simply record your refusal in the card and write that it was explained to you why this or that study was recommended.
In general, to get an exchange card, you need to pass a series of tests at least once (clinical blood test, urinalysis, smear, tests for HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C) and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least twice. The first time you come for an initial examination and in order to get a referral for tests, the second time - to enter the results of the examination into the exchange card.

6 do as you please

All examinations in the antenatal clinic are carried out completely free of charge. And even if there is no specialist or there is temporarily no research, you should be given a referral to another medical institution where all this is available. The doctor does not have the right to refer you to any additional paid tests or consultations if they can be done free of charge under compulsory medical insurance.
If you want to do some research yourself for a fee and in another clinic (for example, to do an expert ultrasound), then you must accept its results at the antenatal clinic (and not say that we believe only our analyzes or specialists).

If you want to be seen in the antenatal clinic the way you want, don't be afraid to talk about your preferences. Calmly and confidently remind you of your rights, your job is to choose what you need from medicine and what you don’t.

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Women's health is a fragile thing. The most important thing for most women often depends on problems with him - the opportunity to become a mother. A visit to a gynecologist is also a very intimate process. It is not easy to talk about the secret. But the timely diagnosis and proper treatment sometimes depend on the trust between the doctor and the patient.

Therefore, the question of how to choose a antenatal clinic is not only for residents of those settlements where there are 1-2 medical institutions of this kind. In large cities and metropolitan areas, making a choice is even more difficult! Especially when it comes to registration for pregnancy and childbirth.

Which antenatal clinic to choose? Of course, good. And what is a good one? How to find it? Ask friends, relatives, colleagues? Maybe search the internet?

There are many questions and the answers to them must be sought carefully, studying various sources of information.

Where to find information about antenatal clinics

The most accessible source today is the Internet. You can go to the website of the city health department and see what antenatal clinics are and where they are located. As a rule, such sites have an exhaustive list of all medical institutions with addresses, phone numbers and the types of medical services that they are entitled to provide.

If you enter into a search engine a query about how to choose an antenatal clinic, you can find the sites of the consultations themselves. Many post full information about doctors (indicating their qualifications), photos of the interiors of the medical facility and doctors' offices, provide a description of the equipment available, etc. on their pages on the network.

Another source is relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, discussions on various forums and social networks, TV reports. Using word of mouth, you can learn a lot of things that will never be reflected in official sources.

It should only be taken into account that such information is often distorted, and even turns out to be an outright lie. Therefore, you should not base your choice only on it. It is best to visit in person all those consultations that are of more interest to others. Talk to the patients waiting in line, with the manager, with other staff, inspect the room, read the stands. All information received must be carefully weighed and evaluated against the selection criteria.

Criteria for choosing a medical institution

1. Location of the antenatal clinic. The best option can be considered the one when the institution is located in the "hospital campus" - a medical complex, where there is a polyclinic, hospital departments, laboratories. This is especially important for pregnant women, as it saves time and effort on visiting different specialists.

2. Room. The presence in the corridors of sofas, armchairs, couches and other furniture that is comfortable for waiting, pleasant decor, greenery - all these are optional conditions for the interior of the antenatal clinic. But at the same time, this is a convenient and pleasant plus, which speaks of the attitude of the staff towards the patients.

3. Availability of own laboratory facilities, or at least a room for taking tests, a treatment room. This is an undeniable advantage, which, however, does not matter much when the consultation is located in the "hospital campus".

4. Equipping the antenatal clinic with tools and equipment necessary for gynecological procedures and the possibility of its processing on the spot.

5. Conducting reception in the premises of the institution by narrow specialists (therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, ultrasound diagnostician, etc.) is also important when looking for an answer to the question of how to choose an antenatal clinic. Especially for pregnant women.

6. Lack of information about the facts of professional incompetence of the staff of the institution.

Much needs to be learned, taken into account, foreseen. And don't neglect it. It is necessary to approach the choice of antenatal clinic (and any other medical institution) thoughtfully, weighing all the pros and cons.