On which finger should the ring be worn? Carried through the ages. On which finger to wear a man's ring

Rings belong to the traditional types of jewelry, and are popular not only among women, but also among men. Previously, such accessories were used as talismans and amulets that protected the owners from bad influences.

Now, jewelry has not lost its popularity, and everything also has a symbolic meaning. You can choose the right option online. For example, on the site www.mizo.com.ua/catalog/mrings/ men's rings are presented in a wide range.

signet ring

Men's signet rings have already lost their former importance, and the owners of such products do not pay much attention to which finger to wear the jewelry on. It is worth noting that today men use such items in order to emphasize their status and significance in society.

Often, such rings are preferred by older people, those who have already achieved success in any field, and can boldly declare this to society using such jewelry. A variety of metals, jewelry and decorative elements are used for manufacturing.

Many still prefer to turn to an individual order. Thus, you can get the original jewelry, which will be created only in a single copy, and exclusively for one person.

The most common forms of male seals include:

  • round products. Considered a classic option, elegant and refined in their execution;
  • oval shape. The most conservative look, the rings look expensive and very impressive;
  • Oxford. Rectangular or square products with rounded corners fit massive fingers;
  • octagon. The most modern form, is popular with young people.

All of the above options have come into today's time since ancient times. But such products as an octagon or oxford have gained their distribution relatively recently.

How to wear

Buying a product is not enough. You need to learn how to properly wear a signet ring so that everyone in society can see and understand that this person still understands a lot about such jewelry.

Here are some tips to help you with this:

  • little finger. This solution is suitable for those who do not want to show cultural or religious attachments;
  • nameless. This finger is responsible for inspiration and creative qualities, so the ring should be worn by people who are associated with artificial activities;
  • average. An option for those who wish to emphasize their confidence and masculinity;
  • pointing. It is recommended to wear a ring on this finger if the person has clear leadership and authority;
  • big. An option for confident people who have achieved clear success in any business.

It is worth noting that most men prefer to wear the accessory on the leading hand.

From this video you will find out if you can wear special seals:

For many centuries, jewelry has been the prerogative of men. However, over time, restraint reigned in men's fashion, and the stronger sex could only wear a wedding ring and cufflinks. Today, the situation is changing, and seals are becoming increasingly popular. On which finger do men wear a signet and what does their choice say?

The signet is an ancient piece of jewelry with a rich history, endowed with a special symbolism. This is a ring on which a coat of arms or initials was carved and which was intended for people of noble birth, vested with a certain power. Among other things, letters were sealed with such a ring, putting a seal - hence the name.

The signet was ordered to be worn on the little finger of the left hand, and the head of the clan was to put it on the ring finger. There were other rules, but today they are irrelevant, and representatives of the strong half of humanity can wear this decoration at their discretion. Therefore, there is no unambiguous answer to the question on which hand men wear a signet. However, if they want to follow the tradition, then it must be the left hand. The choice of a finger is determined by internal sensations and by the fact that the representative of the stronger sex will broadcast (perhaps unconsciously) to others. So, on which fingers do men wear rings (including rings, seals) and what does this mean?

Little finger

As mentioned above, signet rings were originally intended to be worn on this particular finger. It is still considered a very good choice to this day, since it is not associated with any religious or cultural messages. So you can safely follow the tradition. At the same time, today both men and women rarely decorate their little fingers. Therefore, it is believed that people who like to draw attention to themselves do this, for example, extraordinary personalities, with a pronounced creative streak. And it is also believed that the little finger can be a good choice for those who intend to develop, make their intellect more powerful. There will be a ring on it as an assistant for those who are fond of gambling.

At the suggestion of wealthy members of the American mafia, who in the 30s of the last century decorated their little fingers with signets, this manner became associated with belonging to the criminal community. However, at present, such a subtext is almost lost.


This is the "legitimate place" for the wedding ring, but if there is none, it is the signet or other ring that can take its place. A man can decorate with them the ring finger of his left hand (if he is not a married Catholic). This is considered a sign of a desire for luxury, a demonstration of wealth and / or status, but aesthetic, balanced.

From the point of view of palmistry, it is believed that this is the right choice for people associated with art: a piece of jewelry will give them bursts of inspiration and inexhaustible creativity.


On which hand do men wear a ring if it is a family decoration? The hand can be right or left, but the finger is often recommended to choose the middle one. True, this is quite inconvenient from a practical point of view, especially if the ring is massive. But this will not stop a real man, especially since it is believed that the middle finger as a place for a ring is chosen by courageous, internally balanced, very (even, perhaps too) self-confident, representatives of the strong half of humanity who are not afraid of difficulties and responsibility. And if such qualities are only in the plans, you can also choose the middle finger: palmists are convinced that this can develop them faster.


If a man belongs to the business community, such a choice would be inappropriate. For everyone else, this is quite permissible, but you need to know what this arrangement of the signet says about the desire - conscious or unconscious - for leadership, victories, dominance over the rest.

Suffice it to say that, according to some sources, the rings flaunted on the index fingers of Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu and Ivan the Terrible.

Such aspirations are not always welcomed by others, and therefore, when choosing a ring for this finger, a sense of proportion is especially important. A massive piece of jewelry here may look too pretentious and pretentious, exposing its owner in a somewhat caricatured form. The metal of the ring should be simple, the dimensions should be small, and the shapes should be restrained.

If a person suffers from weakness of will, dependence on others, eternally being on the sidelines in his circle, self-doubt, a signet on his index finger will help him develop opposite qualities.


The ancient Greeks and Romans often wore seals on this particular finger. Then they personified power and financial viability, and also - the purely masculine virtues of the owner, his high potential as a representative of the stronger sex. Wearing iron rings on it was designed to protect male power. Today it is believed that rings on the thumb are worn by extremely energetic, decisive, domineering, prone to self-assertion by any means, attaching great importance to men's sexual relations.

In choosing a signet or other ring for this finger, a sense of proportion is important. As in the case of the index, too pretentious, bulky jewelry is out of place here. They can cause others to associate with bad taste, and not with a variety of achievements and virtues.

A century later, rings and seals again became a popular men's jewelry. True, it adorns only those who know which finger to wear on.

If you have a signet, wear it, but are not sure if you are doing it right, then take 2 minutes to read this article.

A bit of history

The ring symbolizes the eternal cycle of life. Therefore, the powers that be have always attached great importance to rings. And this privilege was given exclusively to men. It's hard to believe, but once no woman dared to decorate her fingers with this accessory. Even wedding rings were worn exclusively by the stronger sex.

In ancient Rome, where the fashion for seals came from, men often wore several rings on one finger. And these were not just decorations, but wrist seals, impressions and even passes to secret meetings. Putting a signet for a patrician on his finger (a person who belonged to a wealthy burgher family) meant to show that he had already taken possession of his father's inheritance. And also emphasize their status and position in society.

Elemental Choice

The choice of the finger on which the ring was worn was largely associated with esotericism. According to astrologers, each finger has its own element: the little finger - water, the ring finger - air, the middle - earth, the index - fire, and the big - the element of ether, the receptacles of the gods. Therefore, it is still not so much the ring itself that is of great importance, but the finger on which you put it on.

Source: youtube.com


Rings and rings on this finger of a man's hand attract great attention. The motto of its owner is to assert oneself by any means, and first of all in sexual terms. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power. Like it or not, a person with a ring on his thumb, as a rule, has incredible energy.


The ring on this finger is a symbol of power. This is a sign of strong-willed character, pride and desire for victories and accomplishments. On the right hand, he speaks of prudence, and on the left - of megalomania and a tendency to hysteria.

Rings on the index fingers were worn by Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu and many other power-hungry. It is believed that even the most shy man, putting a ring on his index finger, becomes incredibly confident and strives for leadership.


The longest and most central finger best demonstrates jewelry and how much a person likes himself. If the ring is with a diamond, and the larger it is, the stronger its owner seeks to convince others of his irresistibility.

As a rule, family jewelry is worn on the middle finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. It is believed that this is where the ring increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties.


The right hand (or left, for Catholics) is marital status. For the first time on the occasion of marriage, the ancient Egyptians began to wear rings. They believed that from the ring finger, or the finger of the Sun, begins the "artery of love", leading the way straight to the heart.

Wedding rings were very diverse - made of metal, glass and even ceramics. Then there was a tradition to give the spouse an iron or bronze ring as a sign of the inviolability of marriage. And only a few centuries later, gold rings began to appear on the fingers.

Symbolically, the decoration on the ring finger of a man means his passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury.

According to Wikipedia, a signet ring is a ring on which a noble coat of arms or initials is applied, and is worn on the little finger of the left hand in most countries. Initially, such rings served as a modern wet seal. On melted wax or sealing wax, the nobleman left an imprint with strong pressure so that the recipient was sure of the safety of the contents of the item.

The signet ring has a mirror pattern, which after the imprint left a “correct pattern”. If the details are voluminous, the signet was carried out over the smoke of a candle, so the details will be better visible.

Previously, the signet ring served two roles: a seal and a symbol of belonging to a noble family, but today the situation has changed. Since the 90s of the last century, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, men have been able to wear a signet. Of course, there was no official ban before, but no one thought to wear them in those days.

Basic rules for wearing a seal:

  • according to the French version (as the creators of the seal itself), it is correct to wear men's seals on the little finger of the left hand. At the same time, the drawing should “look” at the nail.
  • the titled head of the family (prince, baron) wears such an ornament on the ring finger of his left hand.
  • today you can wear a signet on the ring finger of any man, just following the fashion.

The head of the clan has the right to transfer his title simply by giving the ring to the heir. Not so long ago, this was enough to officially change the head of the house. Today, a new signet ring is cast specially for the new Pope, it depicts St. Peter and the name of the Pope. Such a ring is destroyed after the death of the Pope, it cannot be transferred. Masonic rings are also popular, by which members of a secret society recognize each other.

In the 21st century, the signet should be treated simply as an ornament. Women can also wear it, but in general it remains the prerogative of the strong half of humanity. Since this is a simple piece of jewelry that emphasizes the strength and brutality of a man.

Mandatory seals no longer exist. But in general they are worn on any of the little fingers or on the right ring finger.

Men's signet rings: choice of material

The jewelry industry is ready to satisfy rather modest male wishes regarding the material of the signet ring. You can choose the classics - red gold. If you want to look more masculine, pay attention to the platinum ring.

But the leadership remains with the primordially male metal - stainless steel. Steel rings for men will always fit any look and mood. In its style, steel echoes melee weapons.

Not so long ago, a new fashion trend is tungsten rings for men, they are 4 times harder than titanium rings. It cannot be broken or scratched, only the press can bend. That's why men choose a tungsten ring.

A simple rule - choose a ring that suits your style, which will reveal your personality. If one ring is not enough, feel free to choose the second. But stop there, wearing more than 2 rings is completely bad manners.

How to make a ring with your own hands.

I'll tell you a secret - the rings give us more information than we used to think. For thousands of years, men have worn them to talk about wealth, wealth, belonging to any society. A male ring can inform us that you are married or single, that you attended a military academy, that you are in some kind of brotherhood or culture.

The goal of this article is to learn how to wear a ring (or multiple rings) with confidence and style. First, we will look at the hidden meaning of a ring worn on a particular finger, and then we will get acquainted with the five rules that every man who puts jewelry on his hands must follow.

Which hand to wear the ring on

For the most part, there are no hard and fast rules for wearing rings. Engagement and wedding rings are an exception, as there are many specific cultural traditions, each requiring them to be worn in their own way. Therefore, when putting on a ring, you should not worry about the left and right hand rule, since in most cases there is none. If there is a difference on which hand to wear it, then you will be warned about this in advance.

In some cultures, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the right hand, in others - on the left.

However, you can decide which hand to wear the ring on based on how comfortable you feel. The right hand is usually seen as the "physical" hand - the active, dominant hand that performs most of the gestures and actions. The left is considered the "mental" hand, representing your character and beliefs. Of course, this applies to right-handed people, the opposite is true for left-handed people.

After all, we are now talking about some very abstract concepts - do not be afraid to go your own way and do what you like.

On which finger to wear a man's ring

Let's look at what the male ring on each of the fingers symbolizes and, for interest, consider its cultural significance.

pinky ring


The little finger ring doesn't have many cultural connotations. For this reason, rings worn for self-expression are often worn on this finger. But there is one peculiarity of the ring on the little finger, as it is most often associated with belonging to organized crime. Mafia members wear pinky rings and cinema has made it common knowledge (long live the godfather!)

In some parts of Europe, a printed ring was worn on the little finger, which symbolized the family and its status.


The pinky ring is smaller and therefore cheaper. So if you do not have a lot of savings, then for sure your choice will fall on such an ornament. In addition, despite its size, the ring on the little finger will attract attention no less than on any other finger.

Ring on the ring finger


This finger is traditionally reserved for an engagement or wedding ring. Depending on the culture and religion of the owner, the wedding ring is worn either on the right or on the left hand. For example, men who marry in the Orthodox Church will wear their wedding ring on their right hand, as will men from Denmark, Norway, Russia, Poland, and Bulgaria.


Since most men prefer to choose simpler wedding rings, if you wear something more conspicuous and bright, it is unlikely to be mistaken for an engagement ring. For example, an engagement ring with small diamonds in a circle can be both an adornment and an engagement ring.

Middle finger ring


The person who wears the ring on this finger prefers convenience and style. Surprisingly, very few people wear rings on their middle finger. This is probably due to the fact that you will need a much larger ring for this finger, which will incur additional costs. This is probably the most "masculine" ring finger, as no one will mistake it for a wedding (not to mention how stylish you can "send" people thanks to it).


For this finger, it is best to choose a simple ring made of dark or gray material. If you are going to buy jewelry with a stone, then do not let the stone protrude far from the ring. This rule applies to all men's rings, but especially those worn on the middle finger.

Ring on index finger


It is traditional to wear rings with a signet or family crest on the index finger, over time this tradition has been adopted by various clubs, communities and fraternities; most of Europe and America.


Since we use this finger the most, the ring on it attracts a lot of looks and attention to itself. Also, do not wear very bulky rings, as with them you can scratch the car door when you open it, and indeed much of what will fall into your hands.

Thumb ring


Thumb rings are very rare in our culture. If you are one of those people who wants to do things differently than others, then this choice is for you. In other parts of the world, thumb rings are very common and symbolize wealth (which is not surprising given their cost).


Although men's rings tend to be simple, the thumb ring is an exception. It is customary to make it bulky and sometimes with large gems. In addition, if you already wear other rings, then putting another one on your thumb will not create the effect of congestion and clutter.

How to wear rings, 5 rules

Rule #1: Each Ring Sends a Signal

Served in the Naval Academy, Airborne Forces or Flight School? A ring with the symbols of these establishments will show your connection to some of history's greatest soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

Do you want to show your greatness? In some parts of the world, large gold rings set with precious stones indicate a person of significant wealth.

Looking for a life partner or just want to have fun? Engagement rings play an important role and say how far things can go with this attractive stranger you just met.

And do not doubt that people pay attention to the rings. They may not say anything, but they have already scanned your hands within seconds of the meeting and formed an opinion about you. So be careful what messages you send to those around you.

Rule #2: Be confident

How confident are you in the extra rings on your hands? Don't wear a ring in public until you're confident and comfortable with it. It is best to wear a new ring at home first until you get used to its weight and feel. Then start wearing it around people you trust and see how they react. Get used to their comments before you start wearing your jewelry in public.

In addition, find out the history of the ring, if there is one, then be prepared to answer questions about it. Is it a family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation? Is this the ring you bought during your summer vacation in Europe and does it remind you of that trip? Regardless of the story, your ring has the potential to be a great conversation starter.

Rule #3: Keep rings in proportion with your hands

If you have large hands, you can wear large rings. Men with smaller hands should balance the proportions by wearing smaller rings.

Similarly, if you have thin fingers, stick to compact and thin rings, and wider rings are preferred for men with full fingers.

Rule #4: Balance the ring(s) with other jewelry

Do not collect rings together on one hand and always match them with others on your hands. If you are wearing your ring and watch on your left hand, create balance with your right wrist.

Rule #5: Unity of Metals

There are no hard and fast rules for combining metals, however, to make life easier, it is better to pay attention to the choice of one material.

Most men prefer silver or gold. If you do not have such preferences, then make a choice based on the tone of your skin. Wear silver if you have a cool tone. For reference: your skin tone is cool if blue veins are clearly visible on your arm. Wear gold if you have a warmer skin tone. In this case, your veins will not be very visible.

I personally really like it when the rings match the accessories: the metal on the belt buckle, on the watch strap and the metal of the ring are of the same tone.

How many rings can you wear at a time?

As a general rule, one, two, or three rings worn is the safe maximum. Exceeding this amount, you risk attracting too much attention. It is best to wear only one or two rings. Here quality matters more than quantity.


For millennia, rings have symbolized power, wealth, belonging to a noble family or an elite club. Rings were worn by kings, emperors, kings, dictators, as well as ordinary commoners. The ring is an accessory with a long history and individual symbolism.

This guide touches on the basics of ring culture, but today we've learned the essentials. Men's ring should reflect your style, your social status and sense of taste. If it seems to you that wearing 2-3 rings your individual style will be on top - go for it!