Draw on whatman paper happy birthday. Holiday Surprise: How to Make Happy Birthday Posters do it yourself

The best gift for a birthday person is a festive mood. To create a cheerful and warm atmosphere for a loved one, you need to prepare a special surprise. It could be a DIY birthday poster. Even if you are not an artist, it is possible to cope with such a task, the main thing is to have a great desire and follow simple tips.

On the birthday of a friend or loved one, I want to light a joyful light in his eyes, express my love and gratitude. Material gifts have not surprised anyone for a long time, but if the addition to the present is not an ordinary postcard from the store, but an original author's poster, the theme of which is close and understandable to the birthday man, this holiday will become special for the hero of the occasion and will be remembered for a long time.

Poster for the dearest person on earth

If you decide to please your mother, a hand-made poster happy birthday should not be a list of well-known phrases. To see the happy smile of the dearest person on earth, it is worth working hard. A loving heart and interesting ideas will help you with this.

"Grateful Collage"

It's great if all family members join in preparing the poster. Make a photo collage:

  1. In the center of the paper, place a photo of the birthday girl, and around her - images of children with inscriptions in their hands. They should talk about manifestations of mother's love and end with wishes, for example: “You brought the fulfillment of my desires closer, always supporting me! May your dreams come true at the speed of light!”, “You comforted me when I cried as a child. Let your eyes shine only with happiness, not with tears!”, “You lifted me up when I broke my knees. Let your life consist of some ups, not downs!
  2. The mother's photo can be in the outline of the sun pattern, and the children's photo can be in flower cups.
  3. If you are preparing a poster without "co-authors", you can make similar inscriptions next to your funny childhood photos on whatman paper.

"Road of Happiness"

Do-it-yourself voluminous poster for mom's birthday can be prepared as follows:

  1. Make blanks in the form of a flying butterfly, a shooting star, a swan and other images that symbolize happy events in the life of a mother: a wedding, a favorite job, the birth of a child, etc. You can draw these symbols yourself or cut them out from ready-made pictures.
  2. The basis of the poster is part of the photo wallpaper with beautiful nature.
  3. Write "Garden of Happiness" on top and place blanks on the right side of the poster with glue and pieces of foam rubber that will lift them above the surface of the paper.
  4. Under the pictures, place small scrolls with the name of a dream come true.
  5. On the left half of the "garden" in the same way, glue blanks-symbols of future joys - stork (birth of grandchildren), palm trees (exciting journey), etc., accompanying with wishes-decodings on the scrolls.

How to surprise dad?

Despite the solid masculine character, dad will surely be touched when he receives a poster for his birthday, which the children made for him with their own hands. Such a visual greeting should reflect what is interesting and dear to him.

"Dreams Come True"

  1. Armed with gouache and a brush, draw what dad dreams of. These can be seascapes, a racing car, a fishing yacht, etc. Together, the drawings should form a figure - a silhouette of a bird, fish, etc.
  2. If you don't know how to draw, cut out the pictures you need from color magazines and stick them on paper.
  3. Print out some photos of dad and cut out the silhouettes, then place them on a poster, depicting a dream come true.
  4. You can title the poster "Your Future".

“Our dad is a role model!”

Surely there were bright events in your father's life, for example, sports victories, professional achievements, successes that relate to hobbies. If these moments are captured in pictures, make a photo collage of them in the form of a medal and write “Stay the same (strong, brave, smart, etc.)!” Above the images!

A do-it-yourself poster for your husband's birthday is a great way to once again tell your soulmate about your love for him and the joy of living together. After all, there are never too many warm words!

"Declaration of Love"

  1. In the middle of the paper should be a portrait of a loved one. A regular photo will do, but if you add a little imagination, the surprise can be simply irresistible: lay out elements of clothing from seashells, make a montage with the help of a fashion magazine, draw a face yourself, etc.
  2. Using gel pens with mother-of-pearl paste in warm shades - red, orange, golden - draw a frame of inscriptions around the portrait in the shape of a big heart.
  3. Compose inscriptions from the love lyrics of classical poets, slightly changing the verses - inserting the husband's name, adding your comments.

"King of my heart"

  1. Review your home photo album and find photos there that you can come up with funny names for: “The Tsar on the Hunt”, “Superman's Feat”, etc. If there is not enough material, arrange an unobtrusive “photo shoot” for your husband before the name day.
  2. Stick the photos on whatman paper, inscribing their names in a stylized (preferably antique) font, and placing brief wishes at the bottom.
  3. Use the following phrases as the title of your work: “King of my heart” or “You are the master of my destiny, you are the captain of my family, my Beloved!” (paraphrased poetry by W. Henley).

How to draw friendship?

Making a poster for your friend's birthday with your own hands is a great idea, because it will be a confirmation that she is really a close person to you and that you want to cheer her up on this holiday.

Most likely, your girlfriend loves sweets and suffers without them during diets. But on the day of the name day, you can make an exception and enjoy plenty! Attach sweet surprises to the poster using scotch tape and accompany them with bright comic inscriptions: “With such a girlfriend, even to Mars”, “Snickers, so you never slow down”, “I wish you a life with the taste of Bounty!”, “Endless love!” (lay out of chewing gums "Love Is ..." hearts).

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it's your holiday or someone close to you. The main thing is that it should be held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for a birthday party is not only a good way to decorate a party space. He also can be a great birthday gift or at least an addition to the main present.

Its production should begin with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the drawing paper and not waste your time on reworking.

Here are some simple tips on how to create the perfect greeting poster:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. A poster prepared by you for this occasion, must be bright. Do not spare rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the participants of the event will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it with newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Engage fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Don't forget that a congratulatory poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative. In it, you can write the name of the birthday man, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Main types

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure in the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants of the event. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood. The humor involved here should be soft, laid-back and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday man or any of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate..

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of drawing paper and hand it to the birthday man. Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday man.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the holiday.

Photo collages

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have photos with him, arrange the poster can be in the form of a photo collage. Sign each picture pasted to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations. If you have no ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, whatman paper and your joint photo. This option will be in the old Russian style. The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend. It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts. Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Above the scroll with the photo, write in pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

poster for loved one or beloved

You can also congratulate your soulmate on your birthday in an original way with the help of a beautiful and original poster. Make it for example in the shape of two hearts. Take pink or red paper for this. If only white drawing paper is available, evenly paint over it with gouache. Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster with a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart, write "Beloved / Beloved", and on the second "Happy Birthday!". You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments. Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, unique, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, best, beloved, dear and etc. Add a few lines to the compliments with a confession: “After our hearts have merged into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! yours (name or affectionate nickname)» . Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student hostel, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a congratulatory essentials poster. On a large sheet of drawing paper in a chaotic manner, stick the following objects with adhesive tape and put inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - the morning is never good.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is on duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - A fresh pair of SAME socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go on a date.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

Write "Happy Jam Day" on the poster at the top. Do not forget to sign on it with your whole company and make the additions “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Who was not a student will not understand”.

sweets poster

On a large sheet of drawing paper, write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” with small sweets. You can stick these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape. On the rest of the poster space, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

hand print poster

It's quick and easy to make the next poster. To make it you will need:

  • a large sheet of drawing paper;
  • bath for rolling paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask the friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand into the paint and attach it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph. Under each palm of paint, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday man. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can invite him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of the child’s birthday using a large number of his photos. If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month old, six months old, a year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by months will do. Don't forget to write your wishes. You can design a poster with images of animals, funny people, and your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut out from magazines. The main inscription can be made like this “Our (daughter's name) already a year old "or" Our (child's name) six whole years."

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of the sheet of paper with the inscription “To our baby today (number of years)» . Place a picture of the poster in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?".

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad". Each guest who came to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the calculations and find out who, according to the guests, your child looks like. To make the next poster, you only need a piece of drawing paper, a few multi-colored felt-tip pens and a little creativity. Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tisnw1g84jQ

A birthday poster is a great way to give the celebration a special, personal atmosphere, to congratulate the birthday man in a beautiful and varied way, to concentrate attention around the hero of the occasion. Birthday is a personal holiday and a poster is one of the best ways to emphasize this, create a beautiful and unusual personal greeting, do something that you cannot buy in a store or order via the Internet.

What materials will be required?

It’s not at all difficult to create birthday posters with your own hands - the maximum that is needed for this:

  • paper - you can also use ordinary A4 sheets with templates printed on the printer, you can take whatman paper or a sheet of A3-A1 format, on which it is easy to depict everything that is enough for imagination;
  • drawing supplies: paints and brushes, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, cans of colored paint. Even options that already have the original color template can be tinted, made more fun and interesting. If you use photographs of the birthday boy (specially printed for this purpose), you can paint on him a crown or wings or something else. Not a single poster of the wall newspaper format can do without drawing tools;
  • stationery - adhesive tape for attaching paper to surfaces, glue for joining parts together or for gluing decorative ornaments, scissors for cutting out ornaments and various additional decorative elements;
  • colored paper - plain colored paper, tissue paper, corrugated paper for making additional decorations. Flowers, hearts, ribbons, “bubbles” for writing down congratulations, fringe for decorating photo frames - all this can be done from colored paper and be able to greatly diversify the congratulatory poster;
  • additional decorations - confetti, sparkles, garlands, streamers, decorative stickers and figurines.

With the help of such a simple set of materials, you can create your own bright poster for the birthday of a loved one and contribute to the formation of a festive atmosphere. If you are still thinking, a poster from children will be an unforgettable surprise.

Photo posters - lively and original

One of the most popular birthday decoration ideas is photo posters. It is necessary to place on the poster, in beautiful frames with additional wishes and congratulations, photographs of the birthday man, his friends, relatives, various periods of his life, etc. A photo is a good way to acquaint guests with the bright moments of the hero of the occasion and remind him of a pleasant event.

Usually, for a photo poster, a ready-made template from the Internet is used with frames for pasting photos and a ready-made background; you can also draw the background and frames yourself. In addition, congratulation verses written independently or found on the Internet, in collections, etc., may come in handy for this option. You can also put toasts, unusual wishes there, make funny or thematic additions to the photo.

Adult Options

When creating, for example, do-it-yourself birthday posters with photos of a friend, you can make an application from photos of the brightest moments that unite you, long interesting trips, images from work or school, especially funny moments, etc. Posters can be made in different forms, for example:

With wishes

Place photographs of the birthday person on the poster in various situations: at work, at school, on vacation, at home, on a camping trip. Under each photo, leave a free space in a beautiful frame, where guests who wish will enter their wishes in accordance with the topic of the photo (higher salaries at work, prosperity and comfort in the family, the opportunity to catch the largest catfish, etc.). Of all the variety, the poster will be a great addition to the main surprise and will be the highlight of the evening;

With humor

On a bright basis, arrange funny photos with the birthday boy and his friends. Any option that can make the birthday boy and guests laugh will do, but it’s better to do without offensive and black humor;


Attach to the poster (you can choose for it the entourage of an old TV show or clippings from an encyclopedia) photos of the birthday man, his friends and family. Images can be built according to the principle “from childhood to the present day”, and under the photo in frames, indicate the dates and under what circumstances it was taken. Guests will be able to learn something new about the hero of the occasion, and he himself may want to talk about what is shown on the poster.

Ideas for a children's photo poster

Making do-it-yourself birthday posters for a 1-year-old child is a great way to highlight an important event and acquaint guests with how an important period in the life of a baby went. When designing a children's poster, it is worth considering a few rules:

  • for young children (from 1 to 3 years old) it should not contain excessively bright, acidic or sharply contrasting colors, you should stick to soft, pastel colors. The first step, the first tooth, the first walks are the most gentle photos that will make any photo poster special
  • for children aged 4 to 9 years, attention should be paid to additional decorations - flowers, ribbons, stickers, sparkles, streamers. The poster must be eye-catching. You can take as a basis the plot from the child's favorite cartoon;
  • for older children - 10-12 years old, it is worth making a thematic poster design with their favorite characters.

Manufacturing methods may vary. A train is a popular and fun design option in the form of placing a photo of a child in a train and the cars that he pulls. Or a family tree - place on the poster a photo of the child, his parents and the closest people.

Wall newspaper

Another popular birthday poster design option is to make it in the style of a good old school wall newspaper. Such a poster should not contain templates or purchased decorations. Here you can place drawings, write down poems, congratulations, birthday wishes, it can be beautifully decorated around the edges - the main thing is to do everything with your own hands.

Thematic posters

Another great idea is a themed poster for the holiday. A poster in the style of a pirate card, with a photo of the birthday boy in a pirate costume and a cocked hat. A poster with congratulations from forest animals or fairy-tale characters with poetic congratulations from Andersen or the Brothers Grimm. Poster in the style of your favorite movies, cartoons or comics for a child.

A birthday poster should demonstrate that this is a holiday for a particular person, his best day of the year. In such conditions, creating a poster with your own hands is one of the best ways to emphasize the uniqueness of the event.

Birthday is a special date. As a child, this holiday is eagerly awaited. And adults also celebrate it with pleasure in a close circle of family and close friends, however, trying not to remember too much about the years. In any case, to emphasize the solemn, joyful atmosphere, the house is decorated with balls, flowers, and special illumination. And they are preparing many other pleasant surprises.

Poster Ideas

One of the unexpected and very touching gifts - posters "Happy Birthday!". It is quite easy to make them with your own hands. And the hero of the occasion and those invited will have much more positive emotions than about some gift bought in a store. Children's faces will be especially joyful. And adults will be very, very pleased. So, ideas on how to make Happy Birthday posters! with your own hands. Of course, they should be colorful, cheerful, positive. It can be humorous. women will suit bouquets in the corners as a frame. For boys or men, balls, toys, money, salute elements are better. Then, on the posters “Happy Birthday!”, With your own hands, again, apply congratulatory inscriptions. It's great if you write small quatrains-wishes yourself. Well, at the bottom, as usual, the signature "from the author."

We implement creativity

Suppose you are celebrating the holiday of a child 4-15 years old. In this case, you can make a kind of calendar-posters "Happy Birthday!". With your own hands, the idea is embodied as follows: in the center of a large drawing paper, write a large title. For example, “Happy anniversary!”, “And we are 8 years old today!” etc. And paste a photograph of the child, preferably somewhat enlarged. Paste other pictures around, starting with the earliest, infant ones. And supply them with appropriate original, comic, poetic or prose signatures, interspersed with congratulations and wishes. Hang the drawing paper in a conspicuous place - there will be no limit to the enthusiasm and joy of the child. Similar birthday poster ideas are good for adults too. Here you can use the principle of "chronicle" on significant dates, special achievements: birth, admission and graduation from school, university, wedding, the appearance of children, etc. Such a "calendar" will also be a resounding success. The birthday boy will like it very much, it will cause the most joyful feelings.

Poster from a homegrown artist

And if the children want to make a handmade gift for dad or mom? There is nothing easier: we do not glue photos, but draw a birthday poster. Of course, one of the parents will have to help their children. Whatman paper needs to be delimited with a simple pencil into sectors. In each sector, with the help of colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, pictures of festive content are depicted. Adults can only slightly correct or suggest.

And the children try to draw themselves. And signature-wishes, if they already know how to write at least a little, let them do it themselves. Tie a few inflated balloons to the poster - they can hang even when the picture is attached to the wall. And under it, fold the prepared gifts. Sincere, from the heart, such a wonderful, warm surprise will remain in memory for many years.

Be joyful and happy!

A hand-made poster with chocolates and inscriptions will be an original gift and a sign of attention. A sweet surprise will be to the taste of children and adults, will provide a good mood. Having shown imagination, it is easy to create a congratulatory collage with goodies for a birthday, wedding, anniversary, anniversary and any other significant event.


Use various options for how to design a poster with sweets:

How to do

The technology for making a poster is not difficult and is based on the imagination and ingenuity of the congratulator.

However, for the best result, it is important to consider some points:

For a birthday

The birthday poster includes wishes and parting words.

When making congratulations to a child from 1 to 3-4 years old, it is important to pay attention to the freshness and appropriateness of food, whether it is possible to use products for a particular baby.

For older children and teenagers, posters featuring favorite characters, cars, motorcycles, animals and other interests are suitable. Posters for adults on others contain original parting words, jokes, confessions of feelings.


It is customary to celebrate a “round” date on a grand scale, whether it be 5, 20, 35 or more years. "Delicious" poster will be an original addition to the holiday.

The photo shows an example of how you can make a congratulatory craft with sweets for a boy of 10 years old.

Congratulatory banners decorate the room where the holiday takes place.

For a wedding

A poster for the newlyweds decorates the place of the redemption of the bride or the festive hall where the celebration takes place.

A pre-carried out photo shoot will allow you to insert the image of the couple into the wall newspaper.


Women are pleased to hear warm words, compliments and wishes addressed to them. Especially if they are spoken by beloved children.

The sincere text and confession of feelings written on the poster can be supplemented with photos of mom or family.

In a similar way, congratulations are drawn up for grandmother, grandfather and other close relatives.


Comic and sincere wishes to the father are supplemented not only with sweets, but also with other souvenirs.

Coffee, a box of cigars, a lighter, and so on are glued to the paper.


The poster for the spouse contains confessions of feelings, wishes.

For decoration, you can draw hearts, characters, leave lip prints.

It is interesting to arrange a surprise for her husband by congratulating him on his arrival from a business trip with the help of a poster. A pleasant surprise will show the man what they thought and expected about him.


You can give a poster to your beloved wife both for a holiday and for no reason.

It contains declarations of love, warm memories. The sign indicating memorable dates looks touching.


An appeal in congratulations is made out by name or good nickname.

It is interesting to complement the poster made for the best friend with warm memories in the form of photographs. Chocolate treats and other elements, as well as wishes and jokes, are selected taking into account the preferences, aspirations, and character traits of the girl.


When making a congratulatory poster, a guy is recommended to take into account his hobbies. Therefore, images of cars, motorcycles, banknotes, girls and other interests are inserted into the craft.

The photo shows an example of an original poster for a guy who can be presented for a 14-18th birthday.


A wall newspaper is given for a birthday, Valentine's Day or for no reason. The inscriptions include original compliments, confessions of feelings and wishes.

A heart-shaped joint photo looks beautiful.


Crafts are performed in delicate colors, good and appropriate jokes are chosen.

If the girl is on a diet, it is advisable to place low-calorie sweets on the poster: fitness bars, juice, coffee, and so on.


Favorite treats for the sister are accompanied by good jokes, wishes and parting words, memorable family photos.


With the help of a poster, a sister can confess tender feelings, leave parting words to her brother.

Small souvenirs will help to add originality: cars, coins (wishes to buy a car, get rich).


In this case, a variety of jokes, playful compliments, funny wishes are appropriate, taking into account the character of a friend and his interests.


On the poster for the young creature, in addition to sweets, images of beautiful princes, funny animals, balloons, hearts and more look beautiful.


Sweet poster will be an original addition to the gift. The name of the birthday boy and his favorite treats are placed on it.


The wishes and parting words of the parents in a playful and "sweet" form will be an original surprise for the daughter. You can supplement the craft with her or family photos. In the figure, the poster is designed in the form of a picture.


In the photo, the congratulatory poster is presented in the form of a postcard.

Wishes and parting words of parents are decorated in a humorous style.

Complement the craft with medals, coins, banknotes.

Boss and colleague

Depending on the type of relationship in the team, the poster is designed in an informal or formal style.


Gratitude and wishes from students in the form of a congratulatory wall newspaper will be the best surprise and sign of attention for the teacher.

Decorate crafts with stationery: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, and so on.


A poster with funny and unusual wishes and jokes will cheer you up and provide positive on any occasion.


A humorous poster will make a loved one smile. However, it is important to use kind and appropriate jokes, taking into account the characteristics of a person’s character.


Standard greetings and stereotyped jokes should be avoided on posters. Unique text, bright and unusual design will make the surprise original.

Poster Ideas

Sweets and other items on the poster are accompanied by funny and interesting inscriptions.

When creating crafts, you can use ready-made text options:

  • friendly and funny as M
  • Skittles - live on the rainbow;
  • Mentos - be different;
  • Twix - sweeter together;
  • Nuts - recharge;
  • Mars - it's wonderful with you on Mars;
  • Bounty - heavenly delight;
  • Lion - be the head of the pride;
  • Coffee - good health;
  • Kinder Surprise symbolizes children;
  • a bag of red or black pepper - a wish to remain a "cool pepper";
  • Chupa Chups - caramel life;
  • a pack of nuts - to be a tough nut to crack;
  • condoms - so that surprises are planned;
  • a small bottle of alcohol - a wish to use only such antidepressants;
  • glue "Moment" - strong feelings;
  • soap and activated charcoal - for internal and external cleansing.

Also placed on the poster are chocolate coins, medals, chewing gum, small cars, banknotes, and so on.