Sytin's moods as a way to heal yourself, prolong youth and beauty. Divine hair restoration

The method of the world-famous Russian scientist Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is based on the conclusion about the materialization of thoughts that can help a person, through mental efforts, create a healthy or sick body for himself. Here you can also recall the words from the Bible: “According to your faith it will be rewarded to you.” This is exactly how Sytin’s healing moods work. It should be noted that only those who are able to firmly believe that recovery is truly real will achieve a positive effect. It is not surprising that the restoration of the physical body depends entirely on verbal-figurative emotional-volitional self-persuasion (SOEVS), which is quite natural.

A person who, like Maresyev, proved this with his life example is G. N. Sytin. He went through the Great Patriotic War and at that time he had no choice but to get used to a joyless existence that had no prospects or future. It was this turn of events that served as the impetus, G. Sytin began to come up with the first healing moods, forcing his body to obey. Imagine the amazement of the doctors when it turned out that their “incurable” patient, a decade later, was still living, and his health had improved so much that they recognized him as fully fit for military service in 1957!

The effectiveness of Sytin’s system is clearly confirmed by its author, who is in his ninth decade. After research by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it was found that Georgy Sytin, who at that time was 75 years old, was 35-40 years old. Thus, this is the first (and scientifically proven) rejuvenating technique. Sytin's psychological attitudes are capable of working real miracles for those who can really want it and believe in a positive outcome.

First of all, you need to understand how to use settings, how do they work? Following the correct method of assimilation, you need to ensure that your state merges with the content of the mood, passing it through every cell of the body. And this can be achieved only with the full active connection of your thoughts, feelings, images. It is not enough to listen to audio recordings of moods or pronounce them mechanically. You can repeat the lines you really like as much as you like, repeating them like a prayer to yourself or out loud. Only unshakable faith in success will help you achieve your plans.

Sytin’s sentiments for women helped many representatives of the fair sex to experience the joy of motherhood, to heal, and to be completely transformed in appearance. Over 25 thousand settings are aimed at getting rid of problems associated with physiological, anatomical or psychological factors and have been tested many times in practice. Many patients who sincerely believed and accepted Sytin’s sentiments for women into their subconscious received healing from infertility using a well-developed technique by sending messages to the brain and internal organs for a positive solution to the problem.

The mood can be rewritten by hand, printed, recorded on a voice recorder, listened to or read at a convenient time, focusing as much as possible on the text. You can listen and recite it while doing housework, on the way from home or home. It is important to listen or read and think through, delving into every word, as if absorbing it into yourself. Sytin's moods for women and men are well perceived with calm, slow music, selected in accordance with your taste. The “Aura of the Forest” health relaxation program, accessible to those working on a computer, is considered ideal. You can use the settings without a doctor’s prescription, on your own initiative, and in combination with traditional medical treatment, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the latter, which has been repeatedly confirmed by many doctors who welcome and accept this technique.

Truly amazing results are produced by Sytin’s moods for women and men. Myomas and cysts disappear, mastopathy can be cured extremely quickly, literally within a period of three to five days. Surgeons are bewildered and cancel planned operations when it disappears without a trace in men. Sometimes seemingly incurable diseases recede - such is the power of human thought. An important condition is to take care of the health of your soul - it should contain only bright feelings, pure thoughts, accompanied by the Divine joy of life.


I quit smoking for about 6 years and still to no avail. Then a friend recommended to me some “Sytin’s Moods”, and then I knew nothing about them. At first I was even a little skeptical, but decided to try it. After reading and listening to Sytin’s sentiments for a total of 2 weeks, I was really able to quit smoking. Now I don't even want to smoke cigarettes. I can’t say anything about illnesses, but in terms of getting rid of bad habits, Sytin’s method really helps, as if it gives you additional strength and inspires confidence.


I have a hard job, and I don’t always have time to fully rest. Lately - about a year or more - I feel tired all the time, I have become irritable, I can never relax. Even if my wife and I go on vacation, it still doesn’t work out. And then my wife suggested that I read Sytin’s sentiments. She read about them somewhere on the Internet. I didn’t resist, I just turned on the audio tune for stress relief and relaxation before bed, and fell asleep listening to it. And after a month I felt better. It was as if my strength and desire to live had returned to me. In general, I'm happy, and so is my wife.


I have suffered from psoriasis since childhood. They never did anything special with him - as you know, he cannot be treated. Only during exacerbations was he treated with tablets and ointments; this somehow relieved the peeling. But now in three years there has not been a single remission. The medications didn't help AT ALL. I went to the doctor, they prescribed other ointments, other tablets, but they did not give any results at all. Then I began to look for alternative treatment options for my illness. The first link was “Sytin’s attitude towards healing from psoriasis.” I downloaded the audio file to my phone and started listening to it every time I go somewhere with headphones. I don’t know if it’s a miracle or not, but remission really came!!! And it has been going on for a very long time. I continue to listen to moods even now, as a preventive measure against psoriasis, and I listen to moods that give me strength all the time!


I have been listening to Sytin’s advice on healthy sleep for 3 years now. Not every day, of course, but definitely 3 times a week. And I really feel their effect: my sleep is always calm, I never have nightmares, I wake up with ease and cheerfulness. I really don’t listen to the same mood, but different ones. It's great that there is such a thing as Sytin's mood. Thank you!!

In general, I learned about Sytin’s attitude by accident. For a very long time I walked around the book “Healing Attitudes” by G.N. Sytin in the bookstore. And then I think, let me buy it, the book is inexpensive and promises complete healing. I decided to try it, especially since I was suffering from long-term pain in my knee, and what if it would help. I started reading the texts of the moods from this book: out loud in the morning. The first thing I noticed was a sharp increase in performance. The strength did not leave me even after the most difficult working days. This made me happy. What about the knee, it stopped hurting completely! It seems that I will buy more books with such sentiments.


Hello everybody! Of course, my problem is not as serious as that of previous authors, but still. My hair is falling out, it is dull, thin and lacks a healthy appearance. I have tried a bunch of all kinds of masks and cosmetic procedures. Of course there was an effect, the healthy appearance returned, but the hair loss did not stop. I decided to turn to traditional medicine. Oddly enough, on the Internet I came across Sytin’s so-called ideas for strengthening hair. I read and listened to it for about two months, and I didn’t notice how my hair stopped falling out, of course, it didn’t stop completely, but there really is an effect. I continue to listen now, I advise everyone not to ignore it, but just try it. You will be surprised at the result.


A couple of years ago I was carried away by Sytin’s sentiments and did not regret it. I started with a small collection of sentiments on different topics. At first I didn’t believe it myself, laughing and calling it “the onion for seven ailments.” But as it turned out, it’s in vain, until you try it and you won’t believe it at all. I dealt with stomach problems, a hoarse voice and lung problems. The mood for youthful skin helped get rid of acne scars and scars. I’ll say right away - this is a long process, don’t think that after reading the mood for a month, a miracle will happen. This is the result of long and patient work, but it is worth it. Now I have a small collection of audios that I listen to in transport or before bed. My library has also been replenished with new collections of moods, which I read regularly.


Good afternoon I would like to express my gratitude to the author for inventing miraculous moods. I understand that by telling my story, I would convince readers that the method really works. But I can’t, because there are unpleasant details. I'm sure it will help everyone who tries it. I will give you the only advice that will lead you to success: do not stop without seeing clear results, continue to struggle and study further.


Long years of health to the author of the sentiments. My little son, 6 years old, had problems with bedwetting at night. This is a serious problem, especially for a child, which could develop into a complex. We tried going to the so-called grandmothers, who treated with spells; we tried to treat with hypnosis, decoctions, and pills. There were improvements, but at the slightest stress from my son, the problem returned. Then I began to look for alternative methods of treatment. It was then that I found Sytin’s mood and began reading it to my child periodically before bed. Without expecting any results, I still continued to follow the method and the results were not long in coming. Now my child is absolutely healthy, we can safely stay overnight with relatives and go to visit friends without experiencing such a complex.


I'm terribly afraid of flying on airplanes. Just to the point of trembling and panic. Once again, when I had to go on a business trip, but I was reluctant, I was offered a miracle cure - Sytin’s moods. They said that you just need to take the text with you and read or listen at least before the flight, or better yet, the entire flight. I took both the text and the audio part with me. Surprisingly, the flight was very easy and simple. I was absolutely not afraid the entire flight, even when we encountered turbulence. And in the second hour of the flight I fell asleep completely!! I could never imagine that I could sleep on airplanes, because all the time before this I was overcome by wild fear. Now I know a real effective remedy for combating my fears, and I will clearly choose Sytin’s mood if I encounter one of them.


In my life there were 7 attempts to quit smoking and they all ended in nothing within 2 months. I tried everything - patches, candies, chewing gum, and read books by famous authors about how to quit smoking. But it was all to no avail. In another attempt to quit smoking, I started looking on the Internet and came across a huge number of reviews about a certain “Dr. Sytin’s mood.” Without thinking twice, I downloaded these audio recordings to my phone and just walked around with headphones. Surprisingly, on the second day of trying to quit smoking there was no desire to smoke! Although this was not the case last time. And then I continued to listen to these sentiments. Almost immediately after I started listening to them, many more positive thoughts appeared in my head. I began to speak in the same words as in the audio recording. Of course, it helped me quit smoking. And now I have been a healthy non-smoker for 4 years!!!


This is not the first year I have been engaged in health improvement according to Sytin’s sentiments. In general, there are no serious problems with the body, only excess weight worries me. Actually, it was then that I became acquainted with the works of Sytin. Of course, there were attempts to go on diets, proper nutrition, and try auxiliary medications. Although the weight dropped, it gained back after a while. Then I discovered Sytin’s sentiments.

The first thing I did was record the text of the mood for losing weight on a voice recorder, and then listened to it before going to bed or while jogging. The attitude really gives you some kind of strength of spirit that you didn’t know about before; self-belief and confidence appear. I became interested in his other attitudes, which also brought results. The extra pounds began to go away, without violence against myself, and my moods became my true friends and helpers.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is an amazing person and an outstanding scientist. At the age of 18, he went to the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, received severe combat wounds and became a disabled person of the first group. The doctors could not help him. It seemed that his days were numbered, and all he could do was take painkillers to ease his suffering. Such a fate could not suit Sytin. The desire to live was too great in him. And then he began to convince himself, and most importantly, his body: he needed to recover! He found more and more new words for such self-conviction, he connected all the willpower he had to these words, invested maximum emotions. He addressed the entire body and every organ with a mental order for recovery. And the miracle happened. Georgy Nikolaevich managed not only to completely restore his health, but also to rejuvenate. When Sytin was already well over seventy, his biological age did not exceed forty years, as evidenced by special studies of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

This is how the most unique healing methods are born! A person first experiences them, helps himself, and then can help others. It probably cannot be otherwise - only those who themselves have gone through all sorts of problems, illnesses, and got rid of all this can truly help others...

“Yes, it was from the unique experience of recovery through self-conviction that the famous Sytin sentiments were born, of which there are already more than twenty thousand today,” Sister Stefania confirmed my thought. – Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is the author of a unique scientific method of self-restoration of health and rejuvenation using mental emotional-volitional self-persuasion. He is a four-time Doctor of Science: medical, psychological, philosophical and pedagogical. His scientific achievements are recognized throughout the world. Over more than sixty years of his therapeutic practice, he has helped tens of thousands of people get rid of serious illnesses and significantly improve the quality of their lives.

– But sometimes they are so bizarre - these Sytin sentiments. They are very long, and there are a lot of repetitions, unusual images...

“Of course, working with Georgy Sytin’s attitudes takes time and patience,” Sister Stefania nodded. – Despite the fact that they are quite large in volume, you don’t just need to read them – you need to invest maximum willpower, emotions and self-conviction in them. These moods are designed to put a person into a special emotional-trance state, in which healing occurs. It is precisely this purpose that is served by the numerous repetitions of the same or similar speech patterns, the melodious poetic structure, and the special imagery of Sytin’s mood.

Examples of the sentiments of Georgy Sytin

Healthy Mind

A new healthy newborn life is pouring into me, I am completely filled with a new, new healthy newborn life. With enormous, colossal force, newborn life flows into my head. A young soul of colossal strength is born within me. A healthy spirit of colossal strength is born within me. An indestructibly healthy spirit is born within me. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. An indestructibly healthy spirit is born within me. A healthy spirit gives birth to healthy, healthy thoughts. A healthy spirit gives birth to healthy, healthy thoughts.

The life-giving newborn life flows into my head with colossal power. A young soul of colossal strength is born within me. An indestructibly healthy young soul is born within me. An indestructibly healthy spirit is born within me. A healthy spirit gives life: a healthy spirit gives birth to healthy, healthy, cheerful thoughts. A healthy spirit gives birth to new, healthy, cheerful thoughts. A healthy spirit gives birth to new-updated-healthy-cheerful-happy thoughts.

A life-giving newborn life flows into my head with enormous, colossal power. A newborn, young, innocent soul of colossal strength is born within me. A newborn, young, innocent soul is born within me. A healthy, cheerful, playful soul is born within me. A cheerful, happy young soul is born within me.

A newborn young soul gives birth to a young, healthy, strong head. A young soul gives birth to a healthy, strong head. An indestructibly healthy young soul gives birth to a strong, healthy head, gives birth to new, healthy, happy thoughts, new young, young thoughts, new young, young thoughts.

The whole soul is filled with bright, healthy, cheerful thoughts. The whole soul is filled with bright, healthy, happy thoughts.

For a healthy lifestyle

A steel fortress is pouring into my psyche, into all my nerves, a steel fortress, a steel fortress is pouring into my psyche, into all my nerves. A strong steel force flows into my personality. An indestructible spiritual force flows into me. I am a man of irresistible steel will. An irresistible steel will shines in my eyes, and all people who come into contact with me feel it in me. I am a brave person, firmly confident in myself, I dare everything, I can do everything and I’m not afraid of anything. Among all the hurricanes and storms of life, I stand unshakably, like a rock against which everything is crushed. I know for sure that if all difficulties unexpectedly befall me at once, they still will not crush my powerful will. And therefore I look the world in the face, fearing nothing, and among all the opposing forces I stand unshakably for a healthy lifestyle. I persistently adopt the mindset of a healthy lifestyle every day, I constantly overcome all the opposing forces that try to disrupt my healthy lifestyle, I create powerful support for my healthy lifestyle, I create powerful protection for my healthy lifestyle.

I hate with the strongest, fiercest and most vicious hatred everything that opposes a healthy lifestyle. I constantly maintain full combat readiness to overcome all harmful influences that are trying to push me into the abyss of alcoholism. Alcohol is my most dangerous and insidious enemy, destroying my health, robbing me of my will, robbing me of my human dignity, turning me into a creature despised by people. I firmly know that I remain human and retain my will only as long as not a single drop of alcohol gets into me. And therefore I will not take a single drop of alcohol and no persuasion from drunkards will lead me away from a sober, healthy lifestyle.

I know for sure that a person, inspired by the idea of ​​healing, surpasses with his power all the elements of nature, all opposing forces and, in spite of all counteracting influences, maintains a healthy lifestyle.

I am setting myself up for a vibrant, healthy young life now, and in ten years, and in thirty years, and in fifty years. I tune in to a constant increase in volitional efforts in the fight for a healthy lifestyle and thereby constantly increase the reserve of reliability and strength of a sober lifestyle. I become stronger than all the opposing forces that destroy my mood for a sober lifestyle. I constantly strengthen my mood for a sober lifestyle and no harmful influences will destroy my mood for a sober lifestyle.

I feel healthier and stronger, and this fills my whole being with the joy of life. I have a long, joyful young life ahead of me, and this fills me with the triumphant strength of youth. An unquenchable cheerful light always burns in my eyes, the sunny joy of life shines in my eyes. There is enormous energy in full swing throughout the body, all internal organs work energetically and cheerfully, all internal organs work with brave prowess. My gait is cheerful, cheerful and fast, I walk like a bird on the wings, I clearly feel my brave prowess.

Despite all the difficulties, I unshakably maintain excellent health and a cheerful, cheerful mood. Every day I become more cheerful, more cheerful and cheerful. There is always a cheerful smile on my face, spring is always blooming in me, and the sunny joy of life fills both soul and body. There is always an unquenchable, cheerful light in my eyes. An irresistible steel will shines in my eyes. I am a brave person, firmly confident in myself, I dare everything, I can do everything and I’m not afraid of anything. I can lead a healthy, sober lifestyle in spite of all opposing forces. I feel immeasurably stronger than all harmful influences. My whole life is filled with the joy of constant victories over all obstacles. Every day I become more cheerful and cheerful.

To work

All the muscles on my face relaxed, my whole face smoothed out, I calmed down completely, I was absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. I am absolutely calm through and through. All the blood vessels in the whole body were completely opened, there was free, absolutely free blood circulation throughout the body. And my young, healthy, energetic blood flows in a free, fast flow through all the blood vessels of the body and better and better nourishes all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord, nourishes the heart better and better and fills me with more and more young energy. The brain accumulates young energy.

I try to present as clearly as possible the process I am talking about. All nerve cells of the brain accumulate young energy faster and faster. The brain accumulates young strength, the young brain accumulates strength. And the blood flows in a free, fast flow through all the blood vessels of my body and carries an abundance of complete nutrition to all organs and tissues. The whole body comes to life and accumulates youthful energy. The brain accumulates youthful energy faster and faster and orders the whole body, all internal organs, to accumulate young energy, to accumulate young strength, more and more powerfully and energetically.

I am filled with more and more young energy. I am completely filled with the joyful energy of the spring sun, I am completely filled with the joyful energy of the spring sun. Spring is blooming in my soul, and a sunny, joyful smile fills my entire being without a trace. In the whole body, all the nerves and muscles are firmly calm; in the whole body, all the nerves and muscles are firmly healthy, firmly calm.

I try to vividly and clearly imagine what is being said. During work, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are stably healthy and firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area, the healthiest, strongest young nerves in the head area. Eyes are healthy, calm, eyes are healthy, calm. At the end of the working day, the eye area feels pleasantly light and calm; at the end of the working day, the eye area feels pleasantly light and calm. My whole body continues to accumulate youthful energy faster and faster. During work, the entire body continues to restore its strength, just like during a night’s sleep. I try to understand and comprehend as deeply as possible what is being said. During work, my body restores its strength as during a night's sleep. I have almost limitless productivity. And therefore, at the end of the working day, I feel as fresh, full of strength and energy as when I woke up in the morning, as if I had been resting and gaining strength all day.

I try to clearly feel how my body continues to accumulate strength during work, as during a night’s sleep. I have almost limitless productivity. I can work for days on end without signs of fatigue. Until the last minutes of the working day, I continue to work at the level of my best capabilities and maintain excellent health. At the end of the working day I feel as fresh, full of strength and energy as when I woke up in the morning, and until the last minute of the working day I work at the level of my best capabilities, work with enthusiasm, with inspiration and continue to get healthier and stronger. Throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm.

I am full of strength and energy. My whole body continues to accumulate youthful energy. During the work itself, all the nerves and muscles become healthier and stronger. Throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm. I am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. I am full of strength and energy. I feel great and am in a cheerful mood. I am completely filled with the joyful energy of the young spring sun. I am full of strength and energy. I am completely filled with the joyful energy of the spring sun. Spring is blooming in my soul and the sunny, joyful smile of life fills my entire being without a trace.

Divine protection of the heart

Divine colossal, indestructibly healthy, powerful force flows into my head - into my hands. An indestructibly healthy powerful force flows into my head - into my hands. An indestructibly healthy, a million times slowed down, colossal force flows into my head - into my hands. A million times slower Divine colossal power pours into my head - into my hands. Mighty, indestructible Divine power flows into my head - into my hands.

Indestructibly healthy - indestructibly healthy - Divinely indestructible strength pours into my head - into my hands. A colossal powerful force slowed down a million times is pouring into my entire nervous system. Divine, indestructibly healthy force flows into my head - into all my nerves. In my head - in all my nerves from the crown of my head to the tips of the fingers of both hands - both legs, the Divine - a million times slowed down colossal force - is pouring in.

An indestructible Divine fortress flows into my entire nervous system. The indestructible Divine fortress flows into all my nerves. A mighty, indestructible colossal force flows into the brain mechanisms.

Divine, indestructibly healthy, powerful force flows into all brain mechanisms. A million times slower, colossal, indestructible force flows into all brain mechanisms.

All brain mechanisms work with colossal Divine stability. All brain mechanisms work perfectly correctly with colossal internal stability. All brain mechanisms work with colossal internal stability.

All brain mechanisms are infused with a colossal Divine force, slowed down a million times, by an indestructible force. All brain mechanisms work with colossal internal stability.

Indestructible Divine stability in life is born. Indestructible Divine stability in life is born.

A huge, colossal - a million times slowed down - powerful force pours into my head - into my hands - into my whole body. I am completely filled with a colossal – a million times slowed down, powerful force.

Brain mechanisms with colossal internal stability are ideally correct - Divinely correct. The head, more and more energetically, more and more energetically does not let through, does not allow any harmful influences of the external environment into the heart: I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible.

The head with colossal stability does not allow any harmful influences of the external environment into the heart. The head with colossal stability does not allow any harmful influences of the external environment to enter the heart.

The heart lives under indestructible protection - under the impenetrable protection of the brain. The heart lives a free, free, joyful, healthy life, under the impenetrable, indestructible protection of the brain.

The head with colossal strength does not allow or allow any harmful influences into the heart. Under the indestructible protection of the head, the heart lives a free, healthy life. Under the reliable, indestructible protection of the head, the heart lives a free, free, joyful, healthy life.

A colossal, a million times slowed down, powerful force flows into my head - into my hands - into my whole body.

The Lord God Himself fills me with a constant flow of everything – a constant flow of mighty, indestructible, healthy, colossal strength.

I am filled through and through with a million times slowed down powerful indestructible force.

Divine indestructible stability in life is born. With the brightness of lightning, I feel my indestructible Divine stability in life. I treat myself with the greatest respect, as a person of colossal caliber, as a person of the highest spiritual culture, as a person of Divine stability in life. I treat myself with the greatest respect as a person of Divine stability in life. I treat myself with the greatest respect, as a person of enormous colossal caliber, as a person of the highest spiritual culture. I treat myself with the greatest respect, as a Divinely stable person, indestructibly stable in life.

Under the reliable, indestructible protection of my head, my heart lives a cheerful, joyful, cheerful, joyful free life. Inside the heart itself, the blood flows like a river in the spring in the flood, an ever wider - ever wider - ever wider joyful stream.

Inside the heart itself, the blood flows like a cheerful river in flood, a divinely free, cheerful, joyful, cheerful, joyful stream.

Inside the heart itself Divinely free - Divinely free blood circulation within the heart itself. My cheerful young heart lives a full-blooded, healthy life.

My young, healthy, untouched heart lives a full-blooded, cheerful life.

Inside the heart itself is Divinely free - Divinely free blood circulation. The entire area of ​​the heart is light-light, light-weightless.

My heart is so calm and easy, so calm and easy.

Divine indestructible calm fills the heart. Divine indestructible calm fills the heart. Indestructibly stable - firmly calm - Divinely calm - Divinely stable heart. Indestructibly stable - Divinely stable heart.

The entire area of ​​the heart is light-light, light-weightless. The entire area of ​​the heart is light-light, light-weightless. It’s so easy and good on the heart, it’s so light on the heart, it’s so easy and good as never before.

Serenely cheerful - newborn-happy - newborn-happy blissful heart. Newborn-happy – newborn-happy untouched heart.

A happy newborn is born - a happy newborn untouched heart. The heart is so light, so light-good, serene - calm - absolutely calm - completely calm - blissfully calm - blissfully calm young heart.

Louise Hay: affirmations that bring healing

I didn't know too much about Louise Hay. I heard that she is an outstanding psychologist, psychotherapist, author of many bestsellers on how to restore health and change your life for the better.

“As often happens, she came to her stellar biography, and most importantly, to health and happiness, through a thorny path,” Sister Stefania told me. “And in her books she honestly describes the bitter truth about her unhappy childhood. She was born in an environment where rude morals reigned, lived in a poor family, with a heavy-drinking stepfather, suffered beatings and humiliation, and the worst thing was that she was sexually abused at a very early age. As you understand, this is a very serious trauma for a child - not everyone can recover and become full-fledged people after something like this. More often than not, this completely ruins one’s fate.

- Yes, I can’t imagine how to survive this. This can break even an adult woman...

– And Louise, even as an adult, took a dashing drink. Life continued to throw challenges at her: she experienced the loss of a child, an unsuccessful marriage, and finally a real disaster struck: doctors discovered she had cancer.

- This is fate... And we complain about some minor adversities. How did she cope?

“It was this series of troubles and misfortunes that forced Louise Hay to completely reconsider all her life attitudes and literally start life anew. She discovered a source of powerful healing power within herself. And she didn’t complain about life and wait for help from someone - but saved herself! Yes, life is structured in such a way that very often it throws challenges at us precisely so that we discover the strength within ourselves and cope with all troubles. Having started studying psychology, Louise realized that our own internal attitudes, most often subconscious, create our illnesses and problems, but can lead to recovery and the fulfillment of all desires if we consciously approach our own thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

– That is, our troubles, problems, illnesses are created by our own consciousness and subconscious? In the end, there is no one to blame?

- Exactly! But if our own consciousness can create a disease, then it can also heal it! Having come to this conclusion, Louise Hay overcame the fatal illness in a few months. Thoughts that heal the body and soul, thoughts that change our own lives and even the world around us, formed the basis of the unique affirmations created by Louise Hay. Today, her method saves many people all over the world, which has made Louise Hay a world-famous and legendary figure.

Having become acquainted with Louise Hay’s affirmations, I realized what their special power is: these seemingly ordinary words contain the most powerful energy of love. I shared this thought with Sister Stephanie.

“Of course,” she smiled. – Love is exactly what cures any disease. The difficulty is that you need to learn to direct this energy to yourself. Turn to yourself with love, forgive and understand yourself, and realize that you are worthy of health and happiness - this is not the easiest task, but it is doable. If we manage to change our attitude towards ourselves for the better, then Louise Hay's affirmations can help us. These affirmations are positive attitudes that need to be introduced into our consciousness to replace previous thinking stereotypes, so that by changing our thinking, we can change our lives.

Examples of Louise Hay affirmations

I like my mind

My mind allows me to understand that my Body is a beautiful miracle. I'm glad I'm alive. I affirm through my mind my ability to heal myself. My mind chooses thoughts on which my future depends - every second of it. I use my mind and get my strength and ability to heal from it. I choose thoughts that make me feel better. I love and appreciate my wonderful mind!

I like my heart

My heart spreads joy throughout my body, nourishes its cells. Now new joyful thoughts are circulating freely in me. I feel and express the joy of life. I choose thoughts that create an eternally joyful present. Life is not scary at any age. Love emanates from me in all directions, and my whole life is joy. I love with my heart. I love and appreciate my heart!

Everything I touch is a success

Now I am establishing a new definition of success for myself. I know that I can achieve success, and my success will be what I imagine it to be. I am entering the Winners' Circle, Brilliant opportunities are opening up for me everywhere. I attract prosperity to me in all areas of life.

Affirmations for women

I am a strong woman and I declare my strength.

I find a lot of beauty in myself.

I have a wonderful soul.

I am a smart and beautiful woman.

I love me.

I want to be myself, love myself for who I am.

I'm independent.

I take care of myself.

I am expanding my capabilities.

I can live the way I want, I can become the person I want.

I have a great life.

My life is full of love.

Love in my life begins with myself.

I am in charge of myself and my life.

I am an energetic woman.

I am worthy of love and respect.

I don't depend on anyone, I'm free.

I want to learn to live in a new way.

I can take care of myself.

I accept and use my strengths.

I'm not afraid of loneliness.

I'm happy with my place in life.

I enjoy life.

I love, respect and support other women.

I live a full life.

I'm walking the path of love.

I like being a woman.

I am glad that I live in this place and at this time.

I fill my life with love.

I accept the gifts of my time.

I am completely satisfied with myself.

I have everything I need.

I'm not afraid of my development.

Everything is fine in my world, and nothing threatens me.

The great power of self-hypnosis

It’s probably no secret that the human body has enormous healing potential, which, however, is limited by various factors. These factors are our own fears and beliefs, the holy belief in the only possibility of healing only with the help of medications and methods of traditional medicine. However, everyone has heard about the placebo effect, when in essence a person heals himself through self-hypnosis. It is self-hypnosis that is taken as the basis for such an amazing unconventional method of treatment as the healing moods of G.N. Sytin.

What are healing attitudes?

The method of such healing attitudes is to repeatedly listen/read/speak self-conviction formulas. Even people who are skeptical of this method note the beneficial effects of attitudes on their condition. The author of the moods first of all tested them on himself, healing himself 9 times from wounds during the war. Now you can easily find and use a variety of Sytin’s moods - for women, for men and children, for each body system or organ separately, for healing from a specific disease or unpleasant condition. Important: you need to study systematically, and do not fall asleep during classes. It is enough just to regularly read or listen to the moods, pronouncing them to yourself, and the healing effect will not take long to arrive.

Magic moods for women's health

The most notable are Sytin’s psychological attitudes aimed at women’s health. Firstly, there is a special health course developed by the author in accordance with the needs of the fair sex. It is aimed not only at improving the health of all systems of a woman’s body, but also at her internal sensations, allowing her to feel her femininity, attractiveness, self-confidence and ability to please others. Secondly, representatives of the fair sex can choose others for themselves, not only specially designed by Sytin for women, but also a general plan, for example, for rejuvenation, weight loss, getting rid of varicose veins, etc.

“Against obesity,” or how to lose weight using self-hypnosis

A mood with such an unpleasant and at the same time attention-grabbing name was designed specifically for people who cannot independently resist the urges of the stomach. Peculiar formulas may seem unusual to our ears, which makes Sytin’s mood unique. For women, the mindset of losing weight turns out to be the most attractive among many others. It is one of the longest and contains many affirmations that set a person up to the fact that in addition to food, there are many other pleasant things in his life. As a result, the practitioner feels like a self-sufficient person, and not a slave to his stomach. A person is transformed, looks younger, loses weight, gets healthier. In fact, all of Sytin’s existing moods - for women, men, children - have a similar effect, because their main purpose is to make our lives a little brighter.

The Lord God pours into my head a holy, brighter than the sun, Divine healing light. The entire head is filled with bright, bright Divine light. My head becomes lighter, even lighter, even lighter. The eyes become brighter. The eyes become even brighter. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The entire head is brightly bright light.

The Lord God pours into my head a continuous, continuous stream of holy, silvery Divine light brighter than the sun. From waking up in the morning until going to bed in the evening, the whole head is brightly bright and light. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The head is light-light, light-light. The head is always bright-bright-light through and through, light-light. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The head is spacious and free, spacious and free. Throughout the whole head there is Divinely free, Divinely free blood circulation. There is divinely free, divinely free blood circulation throughout the entire head. Blood provides all the nerve cells of the brain with excellent nutrition. The blood provides the scalp and all the hair on the head with an abundance of excellent nutrition.

The divine indestructible steel fortress flows into the nerves of the head. All the nerves of the head become healthier and stronger. A steel strength, a steel strength is pouring into the nerves of the skin, into the nerves of the scalp. The skin comes to life, the skin comes to life, the hair comes to life. Skin comes to life, comes to life, comes to life, hair comes to life, skin comes to life, hair comes to life.

The Lord God pours colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation into the skin of the scalp. In a continuous, continuous stream, the Lord God pours colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation into the skin of the scalp. Life-giving Divine newborn life flows into the skin of the scalp. Colossal newborn strength flows into the skin of the scalp, into the hair. Continuously, day and night, over the entire large pristine area of ​​the scalp, more and more new, more and more hair comes to life.

The Lord God pours colossal, gigantic Divine power of life into the scalp and hair. The skin comes alive, the skin becomes healthy. My hair is getting healthier, getting healthier, getting stronger. The Lord God, in a continuous, round-the-clock continuous stream, pours colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation into the skin of the scalp. Continuously, day and night, the head comes to life, new, ever new, ever new hair grows quickly and cheerfully. The Lord God, in a continuous, round-the-clock continuous stream, pours colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation into the skin of the scalp. On the head continuously, day and night, new, ever new groups of hair, ever new, ever new tens, hundreds of hairs come to life, quickly and cheerfully grow.

The whole body works with enormous, colossal power to generate more and more new hair on the head. The entire body, all body systems work with colossal energy to restore a huge number of newborn hairs on the head. The entire body, all body systems work with colossal power to restore a huge number of newborn hairs on the head. The whole body, all systems of the body work with enormous, colossal energy to restore divinely thick, newborn-thick, extremely thick, wall-standing, curly, beautiful hair to the head.

On the head continuously, day and night, new, ever new, ever new hair comes to life. In the area of ​​the primordial border of the scalp, more and more new, more and more new hairs are constantly coming to life, growing quickly and cheerfully. The newborn border of the scalp is born again. The newborn border of the scalp is born again. Here, in front of the forehead, more and more new hairs are continuously born. More and more new hair is constantly coming to life. Here, on the sides and in front of the forehead, more and more new hair continuously comes to life. More and more new hair is constantly being born. Here, in front of the forehead and on the sides, in front of the forehead, the hair becomes more and more, more and more. The hair is getting thicker and thicker. Newborn-thick, extremely thick, wall-to-wall beautiful hair is born again. Here, in the area of ​​the crown, more and more new hair is born continuously, day and night. They continually come to life and grow quickly and joyfully with more and more new hair. Here, in the area of ​​the crown, there is more and more hair. Here, in the crown area, the hair becomes thicker and thicker, thicker and thicker. Here, in the area of ​​the crown, newborn-thick, extremely thick, beautiful, strong hair is born.

Over the entire large, pristine area of ​​the scalp, the scalp continuously comes to life, and more and more new hair grows quickly and cheerfully. More and more healthy hair is constantly being born. And blood provides all the hair on the head with excellent nutrition. Skin comes to life, skin comes to life, hair comes to life, skin comes to life, hair comes to life.

The bone marrow in all bones produces more and more beautiful natural hair dye. The liver takes an increasingly active and energetic part in the production of hair dye. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. The bone marrow in all bones, the liver, the entire endocrine system are sharply activated, dramatically enhanced to produce beautiful natural hair dye. Beautiful natural dye is poured into all the hair on your head simultaneously in a quick stream. Beautiful natural dye flows in a continuous stream into every hair on the head, into every hair on the head. Beautiful natural dye is poured into every hair, into every hair on the head, into all the hairs on the head at the same time in a quick stream. Beautiful natural dye fills the hair along the entire length - from roots to ends. Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, a beautiful natural dye fills all the hair on your head along the entire length from roots to ends. Beautiful natural dye fills all the hair on the head along the entire length - from roots to ends. All the hair on the head, all as one, from roots to ends, is born in a beautiful, beautiful natural color. The head is born newborn-beautiful, newborn-young, Divinely beautiful.

With gigantic speed, the freshness of youth is born in my face. The joyful freshness of youth is born in my face. Large young bright, bright eyes are born. More and more bright, ever brighter big young eyes are born.

The Lord God moves time through a young head from the past - from the date of my birth - to the future with tremendous speed - 50 times faster than the actual current time. With tremendous speed, the head returns to the previous stages of development. An ever younger, ever younger, ever more beautiful head is born. Divinely bypassing all the intermediate stages of development, the head is immediately born newborn-young, newborn-young, Divinely beautiful. Newborn-young wall-like, curly, beautiful, beautiful, strong hair is born again on the head.

With great speed, the freshness of youth is born in my face. The entire face is filled with an even pink color. A healthy young cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks flares up more and more brightly. A rich, vibrant red color flows into my lips. My lips are born more and more brightly, more and more bright red. My lips are born like a baby's, bright red like poppies.

The head returns to the previous stages of development with great speed. An ever younger, ever younger, ever more beautiful, ever more beautiful newborn-young beautiful head is born. A newborn young divinely beautiful head is born. An ever younger, ever younger, ever more cheerful, ever more cheerful, ever more playful, ever more playful soul is born within me. A Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy cheerful-playful, cheerful playful-joking soul is born in me. The head is born newborn-young, divinely beautiful. With gigantic speed, more and more new groups of hair are born on the head, more and more dozens, hundreds of hairs. The Lord God pours colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation into a young head in a continuous, continuous, round-the-clock, year-round flow.

The Lord God pours into me a colossal, gigantic power of life. The Lord God pours in a continuous stream into all the systems of my body, into all the internal organs, the colossal, gigantic Divine power of life. The colossal, gigantic force of life is in full swing within me. Colossal, gigantic Divine energy of life is in full swing. All body systems, all internal organs work with enormous, colossal energy to restore newborn-thick, extremely thick, divinely thick hair to the head. The whole body revitalizes the hair on the head more and more energetically. The whole body more and more energetically, more and more energetically contributes to the birth of more and more new, more and more new hair on the head. The entire endocrine system works more and more vigorously, more and more energetically. The bone marrow in all bones works more and more vigorously, more and more vigorously.

Life-giving Divine newborn life flows into the young head. The life-giving Divine newborn life fills me all through. A colossal, gigantic newborn force of life flows into me. The newborn power of life fills me completely. The Lord God, in a continuous, continuous, round-the-clock continuous stream, pours into me colossal, gigantic energy for the generation of hair, and therefore all the systems of the body, all the internal organs, more and more energetically, more and more energetically contribute to the generation of more and more new units of hair on the head, more and more new, more and more dozens, hundreds of hairs. The hair on my head is getting bigger and bigger. I feel with the brightness of lightning: every day the hair on my head is becoming thicker, thicker. I feel more and more clearly, with the brightness of lightning: newborn-thick, newborn-thick, extremely thick beautiful hair is born again on my head.

With enormous, colossal energy, the entire body restores newborn-thick, extremely thick, divinely thick hair. A colossal, gigantic force of life flows into the skin of the scalp, into the hair in a continuous stream, a colossal, gigantic energy of life flows in, a colossal, gigantic energy of hair generation flows in. On the head continuously, day and night, around the clock, more and more new hairs are born. Over the entire large, pristine area of ​​the scalp, new, ever new hairs, all new, ever new orders of hair, all new, ever new dozens, hundreds of hairs come to life, grow quickly and cheerfully, and come to life, grow quickly and cheerfully. Day and night, continuously, there is more and more hair on the head. The hair on your head gets thicker and thicker, thicker and thicker.

The whole body takes an increasingly active, increasingly energetic part in restoring beautiful natural hair color. Natural dye pours into my hair in a continuous, continuous stream. Beautiful natural dye is poured into all hair at the same time in quick streams. With tremendous speed, all the hair along its entire length, from roots to ends, is filled with beautiful natural dye. All the hair on the head with enormous, gigantic speed is filled from roots to ends with beautiful, beautiful natural dye. I feel with the brightness of lightning: a beautiful natural color of newborn-thick, extremely thick, strong, beautiful hair is born on my head. I feel with the brightness of lightning: the hair on my head is becoming more and more, more and more. Continuously, day and night, the scalp comes to life and quickly and cheerfully grows new, ever new hair. More and more new hair is constantly being born.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: a newborn-young, newborn-young, Divinely beautiful whole head is being born. And the Lord God moves time with great speed through the young head from the past to the future. My head returns to the past stages of development with great speed, and my past life is shortened with great speed. I am born more and more young, more and more young, more and more young. I am reborn again - a 17-20 year old Divinely beautiful young beauty, Divinely beautiful young beauty.

Newborn thick, extremely thick, beautiful hair that stands like a wall is born on the head. I feel with the brightness of lightning: the hair on my head is becoming more and more.

The Lord God pours colossal, gigantic holy Divine energy into the brain mechanisms of my thinking. The brain mechanisms of my thinking are sharply activated, sharply intensified. The power of my thoughts increases sharply. Every thought I have about myself gives birth to an image as bright as lightning. With the brightness of lightning, I see on my head with my inner vision newborn-thick, extremely thick beautiful hair. The whole body obeys me unconditionally and unquestioningly. Complete dominion of the spirit over the body. The whole organism mobilizes all its limitless capabilities to accurately fulfill everything that I say about myself, and therefore everything will necessarily, inevitably be exactly as I say. There really is more and more hair on my head. More and more new hair is constantly coming to life. More and more new hair is constantly being born. Every thought I have about myself gives rise to a corresponding image, bright as lightning.

The Lord God pours colossal holy Divine power into my brain mechanisms of will. The brain mechanisms of will are sharply strengthened, the will is sharply strengthened. My spiritual strength increases sharply. My spiritual strength increases sharply. An all-conquering, powerful spiritual force is born within me. The whole body obeys me unconditionally and unquestioningly. Complete dominance of the spirit over the body, and therefore everything will necessarily, inevitably be exactly as I say. Every thought I have about myself immediately materializes. The power of my thoughts increases sharply. A colossal, gigantic power to materialize my thoughts is born. Every thought I have about myself immediately materializes, and therefore everything will necessarily, inevitably be exactly as I am saying now. More and more new hairs really begin to appear on the head and grow quickly and cheerfully. More and more new hair is constantly coming to life. Continuously, day and night, there is more and more hair on the head. The hair on your head is getting thicker and thicker.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: newborn thick, Divinely thick, Divinely thick beautiful hair is being born again on my head. Newborn-thick, extremely thick, divinely thick, beautiful, beautiful young hair is born again and again on the head. At enormous speed, the whole head becomes younger. The whole head is born newborn-young, Divinely beautiful. An all-conquering spiritual power is born within me. I dare everything, I can do everything. I believe in myself as in God. A huge all-conquering Divine power of spirit is born in me. I dare everything, I can do everything, and therefore I believe in myself as in God. I firmly believe with colossal strength that everything will be exactly as I say.

I suppress all doubts with colossal, gigantic energy. With colossal, gigantic energy, I suppress all doubts that newborn thick, extremely thick beautiful hair is again born on my head. With colossal Divine power, I firmly believe that newborn-thick hair, newborn-thick hair will be restored on the head again and again. I suppress all doubts, with enormous energy, completely, completely suppress all doubts that more and more new hairs, more and more new orders of hair, more and more dozens, hundreds of hairs are actually continually being born on the head. Continuously, day and night, the skin comes to life, the hair comes to life. More and more new hair comes to life. More and more new hair is born day and night, continuously. The body with colossal, gigantic energy contributes to the revival of newborn-thick, extremely thick, beautiful, strong hair.

I believe in myself as in God. I firmly know as a real fact that everything will necessarily, inevitably, with iron necessity, exactly as I am saying now. In the future, with my inner vision, I see myself as a newborn-young Divinely beautiful beauty. I see in my future newborn-thick, extremely thick, wall-to-wall curly, beautiful hair. With the brightness of lightning, I see with my inner vision on my head after 10 years and beyond, newborn-thick, extremely thick, wall-standing, curly, beautiful hair. With my inner vision, with the brightness of lightning, I see in 30 years and beyond, and in 50 years and beyond, newborn-thick, extremely thick, beautiful wall-standing curly-curly hair.

I believe in myself as in God. The power of my thoughts is constantly increasing. My spiritual power is constantly increasing. I have an increasingly stronger, more powerful rejuvenating effect on my body. I'm getting healthier, stronger, and younger.

The Lord God pours into me a colossal, gigantic power of life in a continuous, continuous stream. The Lord God pours colossal, gigantic energy, pure Divine energy into me in a continuous, continuous stream. In the whole body, in all internal organs, colossal, gigantic energy is in full swing. I am completely filled with the colossal Divine gigantic power of life. The entire body restores its newborn integrity.

I constantly maintain full combat readiness to overcome all doubts. I constantly maintain full combat readiness to completely suppress all doubts. I continuously strengthen and strengthen my faith.

I feel more and more vividly the Divine connection with the Lord God. I feel more and more vividly the constant, continuous Divine help. The Lord God Himself helps me in recovery and rejuvenation. A newborn, young, divinely beautiful figure is born. A newborn, young, divinely beautiful figure is born. A newborn, young, divinely beautiful body is born. The freshness of youth is born in my face. The charm of youth is born in my face. A girlish joyful freshness is born in my face.

The triumphant power of life shines in my eyes. Throughout the body there is a colossal, gigantic energy of life in full swing. I am born every day as a person more and more energetic, more and more energetic, more and more fast. A cheerful, cheerful, light, fast gait is born. I'm walking, flying like a bird on wings. I clearly feel my young girlish strength. A light, easy, cheerful, fast gait is born. I'm walking, flying like a bird on wings. My entire young, strong body is as light as feathers. The legs are fast and tireless.

I am completely filled with colossal, gigantic Divine power. The Lord God in a continuous, continuous stream pours into me, brighter than the sun, holy silvery Divine light. My whole soul is filled with Divine light, my whole body is filled with Divine light. The entire head is always filled with bright, bright Divine light. Always, always the whole head is brightly, brightly light. The head is light-light, light-light, bright-bright-light. There is always a bright, bright light in the eyes.