Unacceptable behavior of men towards women. Loves, but does not call? Mistakes of women at the beginning of a relationship Ignorance and disrespect

Man's behavior at the beginning of a relationship
depends on the level of feelings and emotions that he experiences for his chosen one. True love cannot go unnoticed, as it has been at its peak since the formation of a couple. This is a "candy-bouquet" period, which is characterized by an excellent mood, increased romanticism, and the absence of quarrels and disputes. A man in love at the beginning of a relationship gives maximum attention to his other half, says compliments, shows tenderness and care.

If a guy is in love with a girl, how does he behave?

First of all, attention should be paid not to behavior, but to the eyes that are able to give it away. A sign of falling in love is a sparkle in the eyes and dilation of the pupils at the sight of an object to which he is not indifferent. More strongly in love with a man betrays his look. He gives a lot of attention to the girl he is in love with, he wants to look at her and he does it. Catch a look at yourself and understand how a young man treats you.

How to behave with a girl so that she is afraid of losing you?

First of all, you need to form a strong attachment to yourself. It is learned through care. The girl should know that there is simply no better than you, so that she does not console herself with the thought that in the event of a breakup she will find another for herself.

Give complements to female representatives, pay attention to them. Make it clear that you also like them visually, but you with her. Don't overdo it, your compliments shouldn't turn into flirting or you'll expose your relationship to the possibility of a breakup. You need to be even more careful when using such tricks when your relationship has already moved to the next level.

Engage in your hobby, be a passionate person, don't take it by the wayside with the advent of a girl. First, girls like purposeful guys. Secondly, she will have time to be bored while you are in class. In addition, she will understand that she is not the only hobby in the life of a young man.

If a guy says he's bored, what does that mean?

There is no need to invent anything, the meaning of these words is direct. The person is really bored. One has only to look for the reason why this is happening. Surely these are not friendly emotions, most likely the young man has feelings for you, or a nascent sympathy.

The guy who says he misses you is flirting with you. It is only necessary to figure out what goals he pursues. To do this, you need to know the person well. Perhaps this is its essence. Perhaps this is one of the signs indicating that he is weak. In this case, he behaves like this with all the girls and such words mean nothing to him. Or maybe you are special to him, he makes you understand this. So, a young man says that he is bored in two cases: he is a womanizer, he has sympathy for you.

If a guy says he wants you, psychology

Psychology explains this by a physiological attraction that really exists. It doesn't have to be backed up by love. Such statements should be ignored, they undermine women's reputation. These words should not be spoken by a person who is interested in a relationship with a girl.

The main advice in such a situation is simple. Time must pass between the beginning of a relationship and the first intimacy. A young man who respects and loves you will not rush into this matter. Another attitude only shows the frivolity of intentions.

A man should not say such words directly. If he voices them, it means that he only wants to use them. Don't go with such a person. You won't get serious relationships.

At the beginning of a relationship, the feeling of falling in love does not allow you to objectively look at the world and everything seems so beautiful, and the man next to you is the best on the whole Earth. In the behavior of men, you can quite often catch moments that a more realistic woman would consider alarming, but you are so happy and besotted with love that you simply don’t notice some nuances without attaching much importance to them. And it would be worth it!

It is precisely because of the unwillingness to notice these situations that are important for your joint future that over time you can find yourself in a position of a hostage of your temporary blindness. Remember how often you heard from friends whose relationships failed that a man had never been like this before, and everything was fine. People rarely change and all the characteristic features can be seen even when a man tries to hide his negative qualities and shortcomings.

Let's draw your attention to some points that you may already be familiar with, but you tried to just forget about them and not get hung up on such minor troubles.

Ignorance and disrespect

Let's take such a simple situation when your new acquaintance is late for a date. Circumstances can really develop in such a way that a man is late for a good reason and feels extremely guilty, scattering in sincere apologies and promising to make amends. If the young man does not see anything terrible in this and absolutely does not consider that his being late is a manifestation of disrespect for you, then his behavior indicates that he is either by nature a frivolous and irresponsible nature, or does not consider that a meeting with you are such an important event for him, which already says a lot.

With this outcome of events, the girl should not smile sweetly and pretend that you don’t care, and you weren’t offended at all. Nevertheless, without hysteria and special emotionality, it is necessary to make it clear to the companion that his delay is extremely unpleasant for you. If he allows the repetition of such behavior, then it is still better to immediately end the relationship, since you are unlikely to want to link your fate with a windbag and ignoramus, who also does not have due respect for you.

Signs of a gigolo

Modern mores and the desire of some women to appear completely independent and self-sufficient has led to such a practice when, when going to a restaurant together, each side pays its own bill. If you are not a supporter of such measures, but at the same time your companion expresses an unwillingness to pay for dinner, then such a date is hardly worth developing to the next stage. Otherwise, you may find yourself next to a loser or a gigolo who will prefer to hide behind your fragile back in a difficult situation. No woman will like this behavior. Real and will never allow a woman to pay for him and her dating expenses.

Obscene expressions

It is extremely common for a man to behave in such a way that he allows himself to speak obscenely in your presence. If you are not ready to abruptly cut off communication, then first try to explain to the young man that such expressions are unacceptable for you. Perhaps he will apologize and no longer allow such behavior, but if the outcome is different, you should still stop communicating with someone who, for your sake, is not even able to refuse swear words.

Male selfishness

A lot of false illusions are fed by women to such a monster as male egoism. Without feeling a timely rebuff on your part, this creature begins to grow at an awesome rate and will require daily replenishment. If your plans do not include spending your life caring for and serving a man who has been told from childhood that he is just a king and a god, then do not delay the breakup, free yourself from the impartial role of a concubine and attendants.

In the event that your relationship with a man has already stepped over the barrier of courtship and moved to a more intimate level, but it suddenly turned out that his behavior is unacceptable and that you are not at all suitable for each other as partners, then why continue what is all the same over time collapse. Do not deprive each other of the opportunity to create a more harmonious relationship with another person who may become your soul mate.

And remember the simple truth that parents often tell their adult children who are starting an independent life. It consists in the fact that the main basis of relations between the sexes should be, above all, mandatory mutual respect. Without it, any, even the most ardent, feelings are doomed to dry up and end in parting. Do not neglect this advice and take it into account when studying the object of your attention!

In the world of male psychology, everything is very complicated. Men live next to us, take care of us, but at the same time they have their own rules of the game. Women need to know these rules in order to understand them and become a winner in this game. The better you understand the psychology of men and the motives that underlie it, the more you will rise in his eyes as a lover, wife and mother of his children.

Not a step back, or rule one

As life experience suggests, all people make mistakes. However, this axiom does not apply to men. They cannot, by definition, be wrong. We conducted a study of this issue, it showed that the probability of a man admitting his mistake tends to ... absolute zero. This is especially true when a woman is right.

Admitting one's mistakes is not in the nature of man at all. For the sake of appearance, he may and will apologize, but deep down he will believe that someone else is to blame: colleagues, ill-wishers, a situation, an unfortunate combination of circumstances. He himself will believe in it.

The main reason for this illogical behavior of a man is the desire to remain a good guy for you and not disappoint your expectations. A man strives to be the best, - this is how the male psychology of my sister-in-law is arranged thousands of years ago. In the depths of his soul, he himself understands that he is to blame and made a mistake. However, if you constantly remind him of past mistakes or misdeeds, you will only make things worse.

Even if you were right, try not to defend your point of view too much and make sure that the man does not feel like a loser. Look at the situation through his eyes, even if it is very difficult to do. But, if you really value your relationship, you will have to learn how to do it.

One step forward, two steps back, or rule two

The psychology of men is such that they rarely make acquaintances for the sake of a long and serious relationship. Such representatives of the strong half of humanity are found only in not very good melodramas. Thoughts about marriage and serious relationships are much more often visited by women. There is also a statement that the smaller the partner's penis, the more he is prone to constancy. Of course, this does not apply to cases of "first love", which is naturally "the most powerful, sincere and eternal."

In most cases, any attempt to “ring” your man (or even a hint of it) can seriously ruin his mood and your relationship. For he looks at such things as an encroachment on his freedom, and this is a holy thing. Any encroachment on the space that a man considers personal is perceived by him extremely painfully.

Male psychology is akin to the psychology of lions: first they create a territory, and only after some time they begin to let females into it . It is worth moving in this direction very slowly and carefully. Any wrong step, awkward movement - and you have to start all over again. Patience. If you show excessive pressure, then most likely it will close on its territory or disappear from your life altogether. Therefore, think carefully about whether you are ready to spend a lot of time and effort to accomplish your plan.

You will need a lot of patience. Like a lioness, you must gradually and imperceptibly sneak up on your victim. One careless step - and you will be left without dinner.

Do you want to marry a man? This is a very worthy goal, but in order to achieve it, you need three things: patience, patience, and more patience. You will never take this citadel with a dashing cavalry charge.

Dust in the eyes, or the third rule

All men, regardless of age, are terrible braggarts. They all love to brag, the occasion doesn't really matter. It could be a new car, a fashion model wife, or the number of books read. It is natural for a man to prove that he is the best, and this is another distinctive feature of male psychology.

Men especially like to brag about something in front of women. Women's admiration is a real balm for a wounded male soul. Perhaps this is one of the most powerful incentives in male behavior. It is not known how many greatest discoveries have been made in the history of mankind and bloody wars have been started, for the sake of the enthusiastic gleam of women's eyes and words of approval spoken by lovely lips.

A man who receives approval from a woman (especially one who is not indifferent to him) is capable of much. He seems to grow wings behind his back, and he can solve any problem. We all need approval from other people, but this quality is especially manifested in men. That's the way they are.

Take advantage of this weakness. Become a constant source of admiration for your man, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Brevity is the sister of talent, or the fourth rule

Men and women perceive the process of communication somewhat differently. Form is very important for a woman, she can communicate just for the sake of pleasure. A man considers communication as a way of transmitting information.

Hence the different approaches to assessing the psychology of men and women. He often takes what he was told literally (although she often sins with this herself). The strong half of humanity is not strong in hints, hidden requests and ornate proposals. Men are very specific.

Based on this, try to build verbal communication. It is often believed that the "chosen one" should read thoughts like an open book, and only understand hints at a glance. However, the brain of a man is arranged differently, so excesses and disappointments often occur. Remember, the more you veil your request or desire, the higher the likelihood that it will simply not be understood. Speak directly, then your beloved will understand what exactly you want from him.

Often there is such a situation: a woman tries, with the help of hints, to explain to her partner what she wants. The man does not understand hints, and the situation comes to a standstill. It seems to her that she expresses herself as clearly as possible and is annoyed, and he feels that they want something from him and are dissatisfied with him. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that he cannot understand what is the matter and why this cannot be said openly.

A man is a concrete and logical being. He is used to asking specific questions and getting clear information. If you want to be understood, learn to express yourself in a language understandable to the interlocutor. Of course, it's nice when your thoughts and desires are guessed, but communicating with a man in his language is much more effective.

"Iron Mask", or the fifth rule

The world of the powerful of this world is very harsh and despotic. The manifestation of emotions in him is often mistaken for weakness. Therefore, a real man (and even boys dream of being like that) hides his emotions behind an impenetrable mask. The ability to hide one's emotions is a typical feature of modern "muchachos". Keep this in mind.

If he has problems at work, he turns into a gloomy, reticent, and sometimes aggressive creature. His greatest desire is to be left alone. Including household members, children, parents and you, including.

A woman, seeing such behavior of a loved one, begins to build the most bad theories. Dark suspicions creep into her soul. Usually, there are two options for female behavior in this case. A girl can immediately be offended and withdraw into herself, or arrange an interrogation with her half with passion and be offended after. In both cases, it will only aggravate the situation and add a headache to the man.

This issue can only be resolved after a man has digested all the problems inside his head. It doesn't matter what exactly happened: resentment, problems at work or a quarrel with a friend - the solution algorithm is always the same.

A woman just needs to endure this period and treat it with understanding. And do not create new problems from scratch. He is not to blame for this: it's just the way the psychology of men works.

Herd instinct, or the sixth rule

It is not true that people united in flocks only in ancient times. They love to do it today. It can be added that the stronger sex, young and old, does it with special pleasure. True, now they are called companies.

There are several principles by which such groups gather:

  • according to the age;
  • by interest;
  • alliance against a common enemy.

The first principle of joining is pretty self-explanatory. Peers always have something to talk about.

Association of interests is also quite natural. Common ground can lie in any area (cars, sports, fishing).

The third type is the most saturated with adrenaline and the most aggressive. He does not tolerate other points of view, is ruthless towards those who are not part of the group, and has a heightened sense of justice.

There is a standard set of topics that are happy to be discussed in groups, regardless of their type. These are politics, sports and sex (for women, respectively: money, children and male psychology).

You may have different attitudes to the fact that your spouse spends a lot of time in the company, and does not spend it on you. In fact, there are two options: either take it for granted, or try to enter the company of your man.

If you choose the second option, you should change some settings in your head. We offer you a set of ready-made:

  • my man has great company;
  • I really like their gathering place;
  • declare your desire to visit the company;
  • in case of refusal, try again in a couple of weeks;
  • my man's friends are my friends.

"The Dying Swan", or the seventh rule

There is no more defenseless creature than a sick man. Even in early childhood, he was taught that in case of illness, he automatically turns into the center of the universe. In this case, you can not do many things, others treat him with attention and care, speak in a whisper and walk on tiptoe. He gets carte blanche for everything he wanted for a very long time.

Don't break this script. Take advantage of this moment to the fullest: sympathize with his difficult condition, cook decoctions and broths for him, feed him with a spoon. Despite the fact that the technique is somewhat manipulative, it fits perfectly into the paradigm of male psychology. And if you add a little sincerity, then very real worldly happiness is provided.

Be loved and happy!

I continue a series of articles about 23 mistakes on the first date and first meetings. The next two errors are related. Usually those women who have too high accessibility for men make the following mistake - insufficient self-respect.

Now in more detail about these errors and what to do with them.

Mistake #5 Too High Availability.

I have repeatedly written about this error in articles and even more in books, I have described this error in particular in detail in my book. "23 First Date Mistakes", but with female availability there is never a lot of repetition, as this mistake is very common. Again, I repeat, a woman for a man is in many ways a prize for a successful hunt. Hunting, in whatever form it is expressed, is the main strategy of a man's life.

An always available woman is a complete hunt, to which in many ways
lost interest. And I still somehow understand when a woman makes this mistake after 10 years of living together in a family where it is not so easy to maintain a certain distance in relations with a man. But after all, this mistake is made by women at the beginning of an acquaintance and on first dates more often than in family life.

How does it usually happen? The man starts courting the woman. At the very beginning of dating, many women maintain even too much distance so that it is even difficult for a man to approach a woman and get to know her.

But as soon as the acquaintance happened, the first or second meeting took place, then everything changes in a strange way. (I'm not saying that this happens all the time and with everyone, but the mistake is common). Now, whenever a guy (man) calls, a woman always picks up the phone. Whenever he makes an appointment, the woman is always free. Whatever a man asks a woman about, a woman is ready to tell about everything with maximum frankness and with details that were not even asked about. I'm not talking about the fact that the woman herself calls first, constantly offers something, etc.

This is just a huge mistake. If you try to translate into a “female” language, then this is no less a mistake than the mistake of men who do not comply with increased hygiene requirements when caring for women, do not give flowers to women and do not know what romance is. With such mistakes, men also sometimes conquer women. But this happens much less often, with great effort and painful blows to their self-esteem.

Therefore, if a woman stops making this mistake, that is, excessive accessibility in relationships with men, then she will get to know and build relationships with men with much less effort, without excessive disappointment in men and without blows to self-esteem (again, excessive).

This means that if a man invites you on a date, then one of 3-5 times be busy. The exception is the first two dates. It is desirable, of course, that you be really busy, and not invent it, although in the absence of real employment, inventing is also suitable for the first time. That is, it is ideal if you have some kind of life that your man is not fully aware of. A man must understand that there is something else in your life that does not belong to him, and try to win this something in the same way. This process can actually take a lifetime.

The second is sometimes turn off your cell phone, do not be in contact all the time and or somewhere else where you communicate periodically.

For some reason, this recommendation is very difficult for some girls and women to fulfill: “After all, HE can call at any moment,” girls and women in love think. “And if I turn off the cell phone, then at that very moment it will ring, and if the phone is not available, then something bad will happen.”

That's right, if your phone is available all the time, then this is already a minus. If you are also always available for meetings with a man and his requests, then even worse. Do you really have no business when you do not want to see and hear anyone, especially men? Don't you ever want to be alone, so that no one and nothing distracts you? I hardly believe in it. There was little left then. Gain courage, choose a time when you want to be alone (and not once a year, of course, but let's say 3 times a week for 2-3 hours or even more) and for this time do not agree to any meetings and turn off your phone, computer and anything that can distract you.

What to do during this time? It's hard for me to say for you. Someone just wants to sit silently, someone to meet a friend, someone to go to a store or an exhibition, meditate, someone to fill out their diary, and someone to go to a beauty salon, someone to watch the next series series or read an interesting book, for example, about the psychology of men How to make a man fall in love with you for life? or don't run after a man, let him run after you". But this time should be so important to you that you do not let a man into it.

The implementation of this advice in life, as practice has shown, requires not so much an understanding of its importance and necessity, with this usually there are no problems, but a little courage. Take this courage and organize a part of life inaccessible to men. Understand that you are doing this not only for yourself, but also for a man, because a man is happy when he "hunts" and achieves a woman.

Naturally, this advice can and should be applied not only on first dates with a man, but also in family life.

Mistake #6 Lack of self-respect as a woman.

It would seem, what does self-esteem have to do with the fact that a man will continue to meet with a woman or will not do this?

“Well, a woman does not respect herself, so a man will still meet with me,” some women think. “It just might be a little different. Yes, okay.

Nothing like this. A woman's disrespectful attitude towards herself ALWAYS has a very negative effect on the fact that a man will stop dating a woman in principle (maybe after one or several sexual contacts) and always has a very negative effect on a woman's chances of getting married. Yes, and living with a person who does not respect you very much, I think is not as easy as it seems.

An example from life.

My wife and I are waiting for a visit from a friend of my wife, who does not have everything going well in relations with men. This friend should not just come to us, but she should be given a lift by a man whom she met about two weeks ago.

The entrance, near which we sat and waited, is located a little in the yards. Accordingly, in order to drive up to it and drive back, you need about 5 minutes, because now there are more cars in the yards.

I pronounce something like the following phrase: “If a man leaves her near the road and does not enter the yard, then he does not respect and appreciate her very much. If he calls into the yard, spends his time and attention on this, then there are chances.” (We are talking about the third or fourth meeting between them).

After some time, I see a friend of my wife, who walks to the entrance. It turns out that the man really drove the girl to the road and then she walked (about a hundred meters).

Of course, I'm not a psychic at all. I did not know for sure that the guy would not give a ride to the entrance of my wife's friend. I just understood that this girl did not have enough self-respect for herself and such behavior of a man, even in the first meetings, is quite likely.

The lack of self-respect is manifested in many hundreds of little things. Including this little story.

I will not tell this story further, although it had a continuation. But these and similar trifles, when the girl did not respect herself, gradually repeated, accumulated and spoiled the relationship. And it is very possible that these relationships will also end in a break in a short time, as it happened many times before.

Again, I'm not suggesting that you go to extremes and kick off any man who dropped you out of the car more than 100 meters from your destination. This is just an example. But if such examples are constant for you (today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) and the situations are the same (with one man, with another), then you should think about it seriously.

Again, completely different things should not be confused, such as insufficient upbringing of a man, when he is very respectful of a woman and is ready to do a lot for her, but does not know and does not know how (does not know that you need to give flowers, small gifts, romance etc.) from those men who simply do not respect you.

And most importantly, do not tell me that these men are so boorish and do not want to show respect for a woman. This is not true in 90% of cases. Hundreds of times I have observed a situation where a man treats one woman with respect, and not so much with another - it all depends on the woman herself. The main thing here is not in men, but in the behavior of women.

And just a little more on this topic to eliminate misunderstanding. It is not necessary for a woman to act like a man. It is not necessary to loudly and brazenly prove something, show “businesslike” qualities of character, rigidity (in the male sense), take the initiative when meeting men, etc.

Just the opposite. Show tenderness, femininity, to some extent succumb to the initiative of a man, but seek respect from a man.

How to do it? How can a woman start to respect and appreciate herself more? A detailed answer to this question is too voluminous and I write about it in detail in a new book. How to fall in love with a man for life and successfully marry. Part 3″. In short, the easiest and most effective way is to write down on paper a dozen rules that you associate with women who respect themselves. These rules should be specific, not vague. For example, the entry: “I respect myself” is not very specific, but the entry “I reschedule the meeting with Petya if I have my own business.” There may be, as I said, a dozen such records. The main thing is not even compiling a list and not acting in accordance with it, but its constant, at least once a day, re-reading.

Despite its simplicity, the method gives a good effect. The main thing is to correctly determine what you want to change in your behavior and re-read the list. It is not necessary to try hard to act as it is written, the main thing is rereading.

This is where I will end today. Ahead of you is still waiting for a description of typical 17 mistakes in the first meetings with a man. Of course, it does not happen that a woman makes all 23 mistakes at the same time. Every woman who does not succeed with men usually has 2-3 erroneous strategies of behavior. They need to be found and gradually disposed of. Read the sequel "23 mistakes when meeting and on a first date with a man"(Part 4).

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

The behavior of a man who is in love is somewhat different from the behavior of a woman in love. In particular, women tend to openly express their feelings for the stronger sex. But a man, on the contrary, can behave absolutely normally when meeting with his object of sighing.

Many women are concerned about the question of how to recognize that a man is in love with you and plans to build a serious relationship with you. Knowing the attitude of a man towards his person, women make contact more easily, openly flirt with a man whom they are deeply sympathetic to. Therefore, for the further development of relations, it is very important for women to understand whether a man is in love or if this is an easy, insignificant flirting on his part.

Despite the skillful concealment by men of their feelings, it is the behavior that betrays their true feelings.
The first feeling that arises is confusion. A confident, narcissistic and strong man who is used to always winning, to some extent arrogant, suddenly falls into the power of emotions and feelings and loses all his ability to think in the presence of the culprit of this state. He becomes a shy and insecure person, while he can do nothing. After each such meeting, he begins to reproach himself for such behavior, feeling like a complete idiot that he cannot open his feelings.

A man in love shows persistent attention to the object of interest to him. At the same time, persistence can manifest itself in a variety of forms, for example, in the form of an invitation to the theater or cinema. But at the same time, each such surprise is carefully planned by him, pondered with the fear that he may be rejected. Attention can also be manifested not in a friendly way, but even aggressively, in the form of ridicule and caustic remarks about a woman, which also indicates his indifference to her.

A man in love tries to communicate as much as possible with the object of his adoration, tells a lot about himself, about his childhood, family, habits and hobbies. Constantly looking for meetings with this particular woman, while coming up with the most ridiculous reasons for this. In one company, as an interlocutor, he also prefers it. This behavior of a man in love is explained by the fact that he subconsciously wants this woman to become part of his life. But since the relationship between them is not yet so close, the only option for him is to tell her as much as possible about himself, for him the positive opinion of his beloved woman about him is of great importance. In addition, a man who has fallen into the power of love feelings will listen carefully to his interlocutor, be interested in her aspirations, goals and desires. He will be happy to find any matches in his life priorities and his woman.

Very often, a man who is seriously interested in a woman tries to bring some benefit to a woman, takes care of her, is ready to help in all the difficulties that she faces, spending her money and time, sometimes connecting existing connections. In general, he tries to become a positive character in the eyes of a woman.

A man in love is always close to the object of his love. At the same time, the woman herself feels his piercing gaze on herself. Such a man is always ready to accompany this woman. He is always aware of where the woman is and what she is doing, although she does not tell him about it.

If suddenly a man began to carefully monitor his appearance, hairstyle, often appear in new clothes or began to work out in the gym, then all this suggests that he is in love.

A man in love is very jealous, especially if men curl around his woman, in whom he sees real rivals. Assertiveness and aggression towards them betrays his feelings. The feeling of jealousy will eat him up from the inside, so in order not to worry even more, he may even begin to avoid meeting with his beloved woman.

A man in love begins to think about his financial situation and ways to improve it, which suggests that thoughts about a joint future with his beloved woman are hovering in his head. Therefore, recognition of feelings should be expected soon.

However, not all men can show their feelings because of their pride and strong character, or because of their lack of faith in love. Such men may deliberately avoid communicating with the woman of interest, show coldness when communicating, and not look in her direction. Men are most afraid of showing their weakness, and a woman confuses them. But such behavior also speaks of a man's love. For example, if at a party with all his friends he is equally friendly and sweet, namely, he noticeably avoids you, while you did not give any reasons for such behavior, most likely he is trying to hide his attitude towards you. In this case, you need to approach him yourself and start a conversation on a neutral topic, while carefully studying his behavior, breathing, facial expressions ... Being in potential proximity to you, he will no longer be able to behave like a statue.

Gestures and facial expressions also betray a man in love.

  • For example, when meeting in the same group of friends, look in which direction the toe of his shoes is turned. If in your direction, all the facts on the face.
  • If, when communicating with you, a man puts his hands on his hips, clings to a belt with his fingers, this indicates a clear sexual attraction, which, in turn, is the main sign of falling in love.
  • The behavior of a man in love is subconsciously aimed at reducing the distance between you, therefore, when talking with you, a man in love will most likely enter your personal space, that is, reduce the distance (up to half a meter).
  • The look betrays the love of a man. If you are not only a friendly or business interest for a man, then his gaze will wander around your entire silhouette, and not focus on any particular point.
However, often women naively take what they wish for reality, they see sympathy where there is none. For example, if a man twitches or pulls his earlobe while talking to you, this indicates that the conversation is not of interest to him. Or, for example, if a man with all his appearance and behavior hints at sexual intercourse, then do not expect a serious relationship from such a person. It is unlikely that your communication will grow into something more and long. As soon as he gets what interested him in you, all interest will disappear, and he will switch to another object.

By the behavior of a man, you saw all the signs of his love and want him to be the first to take the initiative, then support him in this. A radiant look and a friendly and flirtatious smile will do their job. Know how to listen to a man, show with your appearance that you are not indifferent to him, that only with him you feel like a happy person. He will definitely notice this and take steps towards.

Despite the fact that men's love is significantly different from women's, it is still sincere. It is quite easy to see and recognize it. The main thing is not to miss out.