The nail became wavy on the thumb. Causes and treatment of bumpy fingernails. Doctors' advice

Often you can encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as uneven. It is important not to forget that nails are not only an adornment of ladies' hands, but also an indicator of the general condition of the body. If longitudinal or transverse waves, cracks, depressions and other appearance disturbances appear on the plates, you should pay attention to your health in order to avoid more serious consequences.

Types of change

It is not difficult to determine the violations of the plate shape: it is enough to carefully examine them in good light at different angles of inclination. Changes can be of various sizes, shapes, locations, but their presence in any case indicates any problems.

Reasons should be investigated immediately if:

  • there is at least one wavy tubercle on the nail plate;
  • irregularities are located along or across the nail;
  • tubercles are small and often adjacent to each other;
  • only one nail on the thumb is affected or all the plates at once;
  • as the nail grows and cuts the length of the nail, the symptoms do not go away.

Where did it come from

If your nails went in waves, the reasons for such a violation may be related to everyday moments that are easy to miss in everyday life:

  • traumatic effect. The nail plate can change appearance as a result of a blow or bruise, strong pressing of a finger. School-age children can squeeze the pen too hard when writing, then the index and middle fingers suffer. can go in waves due to shoes that are too narrow, squeezing the foot. With a moderate force of exposure to a traumatic factor, the plate grows, and the nervousness goes away gradually. If the injury turned out to be too strong, wavy nails can retain their shape for a long time.
  • careless care. The process of manicure and pedicure must be carried out very carefully to avoid violations of the integrity of the nails and the adjacent skin - the cuticle. It is undesirable to use rough methods of removing the skin, polishing the nail plate, treating the hands and feet.
  • love for nail extensions, as well as their coating with dense substances, such as gel and acrylic, which do not pass oxygen well. It is advisable to give the fingers a "breathe", to take breaks between painting nails for several days.
  • doing household chores without gloves. Chemicals used for washing and cleaning during cleaning have a strong effect on both the skin of the hands and the nails. As a result of the toxic action, wavy nails may appear.

Internal violations

If the listed traumatic factors are excluded, the waves on the nails may have more serious causes, and their treatment will take some time and effort.

  • fungal infections, or mycoses. One of the most common reasons why nails are changed. You can get infected with a fungus anywhere, this process cannot be controlled. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • non-fungal infections. In case of accidental injury or during a manicure, it is easy to bring foreign bacteria under the plate, which cause inflammation and the formation of swelling or abscess. This provokes the fact that nails can go in waves.
  • lack of nutrients - vitamins and minerals, and even water in the body makes itself felt with wavy nails. Such deficiencies can be seasonal, then taking vitamin complexes recommended by a doctor will help. It is not uncommon for there to be a shortage of healthy foods when you are carried away by some diets.
  • weakened immunity during diseases such as influenza and SARS, as well as taking many medications during this period, affect the fact that nails grow in waves.
  • nervous tension and stress. During severe psychological stress, a person rarely cares about a healthy lifestyle. In addition, not only a child, but also an adult may develop the habit of biting their nails at a stressful moment. All this thins and injures the nail plate, and it can respond with waviness and brittleness.
  • hormonal disruptions and thyroid diseases provoke violations of all metabolic processes in the body, including those reflected in wavy nails. Also, hormonal instability is often found in pregnant women and adolescents.
  • chronic diseases. Most often, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system affect the condition of the nail plates.
  • heredity. The shape of the nail plate is laid down at the level of genes, and can be, among other things, ribbed or wavy. In this case, it is impossible to change or cure the ribbing on the nails, it remains only to correct them with a professional manicure.

If you suspect internal disorders, you should contact a medical specialist. Based on the results of studies and some tests, he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Roughness correction

Before rushing to see a doctor with a problem with wavy nails, factors that are not related to diseases should be excluded. To do this, you must strictly observe the following rules for several weeks:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, fill your diet with healthy dishes and normalize work and rest regimes.
  • observe hand and foot hygiene. Many people mean by this regular washing and applying creams. You should also add to this list the wearing of individual slippers, towels and linen in common areas, such as the pool and sauna, as well as the use of only your own personal manicure tools. By the way, they should be regularly disinfected.
  • pay special attention to care. For this period, it is advisable to refuse to cover nails with decorative varnishes, and ask for strengthening and healing procedures in the manicure room. You can organize them at home by looking for useful tips on the Web. Hardware polishing and the use of rough tools when processing nails should be avoided.
  • choose shoes according to size. Toenails should be taken care of by choosing comfortable shoes that do not squeeze the foot and toes.
  • get used to the gloves. It is advisable to do all household chores with rubber or cotton gloves. Everyone knows about this, but some argue that it is inconvenient for them to clean. However, if uneven nails have made you aware of some problems with them, it is better to adopt this useful habit. The same applies to occupations where workers are advised to wear protective gloves. Do not neglect this advice.

If, subject to all these rules, the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

How to treat

Therapeutic measures will be prescribed based on the internal causes of violations of the shape of the nail. For complacency, it does not hurt to ask the doctor about the need to take drugs containing a lot of calcium, iodine and vitamins A, B, C, D and E, as well as iron, sulfur, silicon. all these trace elements are necessary for the body to build healthy tissues, including the nail. In their replenishment, a special vitamin diet can also help, the products for which the doctor will recommend.

A healthy appearance of nails speaks of the complete well-being of the body as a whole. Any changes in the shape and appearance of the nails should not be neglected.

Every woman dreams of beautiful nails. But they don't always look healthy. The appearance of ribbing on the nail plates indicates a malfunction in the body that you should pay attention to. What are the causes of ribbed fingernails?

Types of ribbed nails

The cause of ribbed fingernails (photo presented later in the article) can be determined by their appearance.

When the nail does not have a flat and smooth surface, and vertical or horizontal grooves, cracks go along it, then this is considered ribbing.

Vertical stripes:

  • In this case, the grooves go from the base of the nail to its free edge. They are frequent or in the form of several bands. Furrows may have the form of a bend or a pronounced fault structure.

Horizontal ribbing:

  • In this case, pits and furrows are observed along the surface of the nail, which can be intermittent, thin or clear. They sometimes reach the middle or cross the entire nail plate.

In the event of ribbing on the nails, you need to study its structure and location when seeking help from a specialist.

Causes of ribbed fingernails

There are a sufficient number of reasons due to which irregularities appear on the nail plate:

  • To a greater extent, such changes appear on the nails due to injuries, improper manicure and extensions. All these deformations occur with a strong physical impact on the nail. If the influence was insignificant, then as the nail plate grows, this area will be removed. In the event of a strong physical impact or injury, the bumps on the nails will remain forever. If such an effect is excluded, then you need to contact a specialist for treatment.
  • Sometimes waviness on the nail plate is caused by a person's genetic predisposition. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of the nails: take vitamins and do a sparing manicure.
  • Sometimes the causes of ribbed fingernails are a lack of vitamins in the body and an unbalanced diet. In this case, hair and skin also suffer. Deformation of the nails can be caused by a lack of water in the body or by taking certain medications.
  • A change in the structure of the nail can occur when there are malfunctions in the body and some diseases. This usually occurs with iron deficiency, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To determine the cause, due to which bumps appear on the nails, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Nail fungus

The cause of ribbed fingernails can be a fungus. This disease is considered one of the factors in the occurrence of ribbing and waves on the nails. In many cases, when a fungus occurs on the nail plate, the patient does not always seek help from a doctor, but self-medicates.

With the progression of the disease, the destruction of the nail occurs, which manifests itself on it in the form of waves. It is the doctor who can prescribe the correct and gentle treatment. If all the recommendations of a specialist are followed, the symptoms of a fungus on the nail may decrease and external changes on the nail plate will disappear.

Diseases that cause ribbed nails

We continue to understand why ribbed fingernails: what is the reason? The appearance of ribbing on the nail plate may be the result of malfunctions in the body:

  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
  • beriberi or metabolic disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of vitamin A and E;
  • stressful situations;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The reason for the deformation of the nail is a violation in the work of the endocrine system, most often this manifests itself in the elderly.

In pregnant women, this condition causes a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins (A, E, B), which is caused by a change in hormonal levels. These violations can be corrected if you take a vitamin complex.

infectious diseases:

  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • helminth infection;
  • poisoning.

So that the situation does not worsen, it is necessary to accurately determine the disease that caused the ribbing on the nails.

Diagnosis of the disease on the nails

For what reason are the fingernails ribbed and uneven? Before finding out why this happens, it is necessary to understand how healthy nails should look like in a person.

If there are no disorders in the body, then the nail plate has a pink color and a smooth surface. Any changes in the nail should alert the person. Therefore, when symptoms such as ribbing appear, you need to seek help and check your health status.

Ribbed fingernails: causes and treatment

The correct treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, having carried out the appropriate treatment. After receiving the tests, he can find out the cause of the ribbing of the nail plate.

Before contacting a specialist at home, you can improve your nails if you start taking a vitamin complex.

The unevenness of the nail plate can cause a lack of calcium in the body. Along with this symptom, brittle nails may also occur. The necessary intake of calcium and silicon in the body will heal them and make them more durable. To do this, you need to include foods rich in these trace elements in your food. The drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed" can help in this case.

Normalize the structure of the nail apples and other products containing iron. You can take it as a supplement, but always with vitamin C for better absorption.

Causes of wavy and ribbed fingernails - what are they? A deficiency in the body of sulfur can cause waviness of the nail plate. It is because of this that deformation of the nail can occur. Sulfur is found in garlic, buckwheat, eggplant. To fix the problem on the nails, you need to take vitamin B and iodine-containing drugs.

How to fix nail defects at home?

In addition to the therapy prescribed by a specialist, the following procedures can be done to correct internal problems:

  • Apply a color agent as a base coat that will visually hide nail defects. If external changes in the nail plate do not cause discomfort, then you can completely abandon the varnish. This will help the nails to rest, will make it possible to successfully apply special treatments.
  • An experienced manicurist can also reduce uneven nails. For this, a Japanese manicure is used. Such procedures can be done independently, but it is better not to undertake if there is not enough sufficient knowledge.
  • At home, make baths with sea salt and essential oils.
  • You can use nail oils and cuticle creams to hydrate and improve the condition of your nails.
  • Cleaning, washing dishes and gardening are best done with gloves so that the nails are not affected by chemicals and excessive moisture.

Using drugs and nail health products in combination, you can achieve a positive effect in a fairly short time.

How to visually improve the condition of nails?

If the cause of the deformation of the nails is an internal disease of the body, then it will not be possible to quickly solve this problem. You have to wait until they grow back.

To accelerate the growth of the nail plate, it is necessary to ensure the production of keratin in the body. You can take a special complex and include jelly and jelly in your food. An effective help will be provided by a nourishing cream mask along with red pepper.

You can massage the nail plate and the skin around it with essential oil: eucalyptus, menthol or mint.

Do not resort to the following procedures:

  • nail extension will not improve the situation, but only disguise it;
  • polishing the nail plate can remove the top layer, but will not even out deep waves;
  • it is impossible to get rid of ribbing in a short time, it happens gradually.

It should be understood that uneven and ribbed nails are not only an external problem, but also a signal of the occurrence of internal diseases that should be eliminated.

Prevention of ribbed nails

To prevent the occurrence of defects in the nail plate, the following should be applied:

  • balance your diet, ensure that it includes the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • protect the skin of the hands with gloves from chemicals, excessive moisture and other harmful substances;
  • replace softening baths with an oil composition before manicure;
  • under a layer of colored varnish, special protective base varnishes should be applied;
  • it is necessary to switch to more gentle types of manicure: Japanese, European, hardware.

If the fingernails have become ribbed, it will be difficult to establish the reasons for yourself. No need to self-medicate. It is better to consult a specialist to determine the cause, which may be caused by a serious illness.

Every woman dreams of beautiful and well-groomed nails. Professional care, polishing, extensions - ladies do everything to become attractive to the fingertips. However, all efforts and costs will be reduced to zero if the nails become ribbed: uneven waves or tubercles form on them.

uneven nails

Such a frivolous defect as grooves attracts a lot of attention. When they appear, find out why this happened and what the wavy nails mean in your case: perhaps this is a sign of a disease. Examine your fingers from above and from the side, run along the entire length (from the nail hole to the tip) with the pad of your finger: it should be smooth, without lines. Do the same inspection for transverse grooves. If you find them, you need to find out and eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

Ribbed nails

Longitudinal grooves on the nails not only look bad - they are really dangerous for health. The only case when nails with stripes should not disturb you is old age and the corresponding changes in the body. In case you are still young, and the lines have appeared, it is worth sounding the alarm. Corrugated nails, as in the photo below, may be the result of an inaccurate trimmed manicure and, as a result, a gross violation of blood circulation.

Otherwise, pay attention to your overall health. If you experience pressure drops, heart pain, skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis or gout, then ugly grooves will definitely disappear after recovery. Do you feel well and do not complain about your health? Examine the digestive and cardiovascular systems: perhaps the reasons lie there.

Waves on nails

Even with a manicure, the transverse stripes on the nails immediately catch your eye: see photo. If you paint them with varnish, it will lie crooked and ugly. Such stripes are not only a hindrance to manicure, but can indicate malfunctions in the functioning of your body systems. Often the reason why the nails become wavy is the exclusion from the diet of meat. If a person becomes a vegetarian, it is his own business, but then you need to consult a doctor about taking the missing foods (legumes, herbs, seaweed).

If foliation is added to the waves, then this most likely indicates a fungus. But there is no need to worry, to torment yourself with depressing thoughts like “Why did this happen to me ...?” - focus on problem solving. The fungus is perfectly treated, the main thing is that the dermatologist prescribes a complex of drugs that are effective for such a diagnosis (tablets, sprays, ointments), and you follow it regularly.

bumpy nails

Along with other irregularities, bumps on the nails, as in the photo below, also do not just appear. The nail plate, as in previous cases, is an indicator of the state of the body. If bumps appear, contact a good therapist. Perhaps you are experiencing a serious lack of minerals (iron, selenium, vitamin B and others). For some, nails become bumpy during periods of hormonal imbalance.

Deformation of the nails on the hands - causes

So, the change in relief is caused by several serious reasons:

    Local disease, such as a fungal infection.

    Bacteria or infection introduced during a manicure.

    General health - here, in order to understand why the nails are wavy on the hands, it is necessary to take a blood test for trace elements.

    Hormonal disbalance.

Another reason why the nails are wavy on the hands is often contact with household chemicals (if you do not protect your hands with rubber gloves), abuse of a decorative coating. If you're using acetone based nail polish remover, switch to a professional or natural based nail polish remover.

Diseases of the nails on the hands

The fungus not only causes itching, but also always negatively affects the appearance of your hands. No coating can hide fungal nail diseases: not a single varnish rests on a ribbed and brittle surface, and you have one more problem. What kind of beauty are we talking about here? If this happened to you, immediately go to a dermatologist: he will prescribe a complex treatment (pills, ointments, creams), the fungus will disappear, and your hands and cuticles will become soft.

Infection with the fungus occurs in public places: gyms, transport, hotels, hostels. The disease can affect the nail plates both on the hands and on the legs, and it becomes especially unbearable due to itching. To prevent this from happening, use special antifungal agents that are sold in nail salons and pharmacies - it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later.

Mechanical damage to the nail

You can damage the nail in several ways: violate its integrity (hit, pinched by the door), too deep, to the point of blood, cut off the cuticle or burr, followed by bacterial infection. A chemical burn cannot be attributed to mechanical damage to the nail, but it leads to a change in its structure and color. Stripes, yellowing, and flaking sometimes indicate the choice of low-quality varnish or nail extensions.

vitamin deficiency

Sometimes the situation can be improved by simply taking vitamin and mineral complexes. Nails become bumpy and as a result of a lack of calcium: it makes them stronger. But here you need not only strength, but also hydration: a lack of vitamin E for nails manifests itself in dryness, brittleness, lamination, and the formation of stripes. Vitamin, which is available in capsules with oil inside, can be taken not only inside, but also rubbed into the cuticle.

Thumb nail deformity

The uneven, wavy nails on the thumbs, especially in the hollow, are most striking. They are almost always in sight and any deformations are most clearly manifested on them. If the relief is not the same (for example, there are waves on the thumb, but not on the others), then the point is in the mechanical effect on the nail plate. Otherwise, the cause must be sought inside the body and not delayed with treatment in order to avoid serious consequences.

How to make nails smooth

Let's summarize. Here are some simple tips on how to get rid of stripes on your nails and prepare them for a manicure:

    Take vitamin complexes. Drink calcium, massage with vitamin E, and if you do not eat meat, take vitamin B regularly. An ideal fruit for you is an apple.

    Avoid skin injuries when cutting cuticles, use only high-quality base coat polish, keep manicure supplies clean, let your nails rest from decorative polish and extensions.

    To prevent brittleness, do not tap your nails on the table and keyboard, do not clean seeds and nuts with them, and do cleaning with gloves.

    Start the treatment of fungal diseases in time.

Why not use a special file for grinding? The fact is that such a procedure is effective only for small irregularities and imperfections, to give shine and radiance. If the nail plate is wavy across or has tubercles, polishing will not help. But baths with sea salt or potato decoction, even at home, will only speed up recovery.

Video: why nails grow in waves

It is unpleasant to find in yourself an external modification of the texture of the nail. Why does corrugation or irregularities appear on it? Few people ask this question, but in vain. After all a change in the texture of the nail plate appears not without reason. What to do, how to reverse this and restore smoothness and health? Let's talk about the main causes and ways to treat shear waves on the nails.

Older people who have vertical grooves on the nail plate (raised lines run from the cuticle to the base) have no reason to worry. This age anomaly, it becomes noticeable over the years. But the plate in the horizontal corrugation is worth attention. The side view of the nail noticeably gives out waves, take a closer look, the profile will show you depressions and hollows.

Often, the corrugated plate on the nails is cosmetic in nature, which is the result of improper, rough trimming of the cuticle by negligent manicurists. But this is not always the case. Consider the most important reasons for this phenomenon:

Mycosis fungus

Development of nail fungus

Half of the cases of wavy dystrophy - bacterial fungus. When you experience some discomfort: swollen hands, insensitive fingers and painful itching, you need to visit a specialist.

Symptoms indicate a dangerous infection that is risky for health and does not require monitoring processes. Diagnosis may be obvious on examination by a dermatologist and after a scraping test. There is no universal approach to killing bacteria, they are responsive to one drug and completely resistant to another.

- functional disorder of the body (hormonal, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive failure).

- mechanical injury;

- congenital anomaly;

- psoriasis, lichen planus;

- cancer.


Eliminating the cause of wavy nails with the help of laboratory tests, the patient's history, information about his activities And lifestyle, dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Functional failure, require doctors of a narrow profile. In the case of psoriasis, depriving and other bacteria with infections, therapy is delayed for a long time, you need to be prepared for this.

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Medicines and ointments for fungal infections

Lacquer against toenail fungus Oflomil - one of the most effective drugs

The main medicines that help normalize the growth of the nail plate and rid it of the fungus include:

- glucocorticosteroids (hormonal drugs);

- vitamins and microelements that regenerate the tissue of the nail plate (A, B, C, D, P, E; calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc in tablets, injections and diet);

- antihistamine drugs (tablets Suprastin, Tavegil and Dimedrol);

- from traditional ointments (tar, salicylic);

- prednisolone ointments, hydrocortisone are used at the beginning of treatment;

- non-halogenated ointments: Flucinar, Advantan, Dermazolone, Oxycort;

- Psorkutan or Calcipotriol cream (not a hormonal drug, it is used for a long time).


To speed up the process of nail regrowth, you must follow some measures:

- regularly strengthen nails using salt baths;

- use cuticle oil, this nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate (continuous use of it eliminates wave-like grooves, eventually they disappear forever).

In order for nails to grow healthy and not bother you, it is important to know how not to get infected.

The answer is simple - to adhere to the rules of hygiene, from time to time to carry out preventive measures to cleanse the nails and develop proper resistance to disease in the form of the use of a full complex of vitamins for the growth of nails and hair.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, people almost never face problems of an infectious nature. To be absolutely healthy, it is important not only to have the purity of internal organs (to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins), but also to carry out prevention from diseases that infect a person from the outside. A healthy body is resistant to the attacks of viruses and bacteria. A robust life support system provides daily protection against environmental aggression.

An important priority for a healthy lifestyle is nutrition, sleep, exercise, outdoor activities. These factors are beneficial to metabolism and longevity. A smooth plate will grow, replace the nails with waves, and the causes and treatment and their tedious search will cease to bother. Following the recommendations after a while gives a positive result.

What does abnormal nail growth indicate?

When the nail plates grow incorrectly (exfoliate, grow in waves), it is necessary to determine the causes and begin treatment. As a rule, nails and hair are the first to make it clear that a person has serious health problems.

If we take into account delamination pattern , as vertical and horizontal stripes and grooves appear on the nails, as well as a shade of blue or poor (slow) growth, then according to these manifestations, an experienced doctor will definitely find the cause and indicate that the patient has a particular disease.

It is the incorrect growth of nails that may indicate any deviations from the norm.

Of course, traditional medicine is quite strong, but it's up to you to take risks or not.

The poor condition of the nails (for example, when the nails grow in waves) is not a reason for self-treatment, not a reason for self-selection of folk remedies, without any experience.

It would be best to contact a more competent specialist with suspicions of a problem.

However, it is still possible to consider the possible causes of improper nail growth.

What do changes in the nail plates tell us?

Structure of the nail

Consider the main causes and symptoms of abnormal nail growth.

Vertical stripes indicate that you most likely have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If a bluish tint appears on the nails, the nails themselves begin to exfoliate, this is nothing but heart problems.

Nail plates with white stripes, grooves and a bumpy structure may indicate the presence of diabetes. They may also indicate metabolic disorders.

Horizontal stripes indicate probable infectious diseases.

If the nails grow reluctantly and at the same time are concave down, this may be the cause of iron deficiency anemia.

It's important to understand!

Before you self-medicate, you need to contact the clinic for advice. Only a timely examination will help to exclude possible diseases and the specialist will competently advise you, focusing on the examination.

The irregularities that appear on the nails signal the presence of malfunctions in the body's performance. Often, it is the nail plate that first gives signals about the problems that have arisen in the functioning of internal organs.

The longitudinal grooves that appear, which stretch from the cuticle to the very tip of the nail, are usually not signs of internal problems. But wavy fingernails or toenails with stripes across them are a clear indicator of health problems.

Why nails become bumpy, not even

In each case, the uneven nail plate is expressed differently.

Wavy fingernails. (photo)

Possible manifestations of undulations are as follows:

  • waves can be located both along and across;
  • fairly close to each other;
  • be present in a single quantity;
  • only one or two nails may be affected, or all at once.

The severity of the manifestation is also observed in a significant difference in the length and depth of the tubercles.

The following probable causes can lead to such a pathological change:

  1. Infliction of injury. It is possible to injure the nail plate mechanically both when performing official duties at work, and performing some actions at home. However, in women, the most common causes of injury are improperly performed manicures, pedicures, or extensions.
    The uneven surface of the toenail may appear due to wearing uncomfortable or too tight shoes.
    If the force of mechanical action was not strong, then in six months a new nail will grow and the unevenness will disappear along with the old one. However, with a deep injury, that is, a strong impact, the waviness of the plate or a crooked nail can remain for life. In the event of an unexpected appearance of unevenness, in the absence of mechanical impact or manicure, consultation with a specialist is required.
  2. Heredity. Such a manifestation can be programmed at the gene level and transmitted from parents. In this case, it is not possible to get rid of the reason why the nails became wavy. It remains only the opportunity with the help of a manicure or pedicure to give the nail plates a beautiful look.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Often unbalanced and ill-conceived diets lead to the appearance of wavy nails. However, a lack of vitamins and minerals can occur during the cold season due to malnutrition. A consultation with a specialist will help you choose the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.
  4. Lack of moisture can make nails crooked or wavy. Dehydration of the body can lead not only to waviness of the nails, but also to any other pathologies of the body.
  5. Long-term use of medicines, such as antibiotics.

    Bumpy nails can appear during the treatment of diseases such as SARS, influenza or pneumonia, because during this period of time the body becomes weakened.

  6. Fungal diseases. This is the most common cause of wavy, bumpy, and ridged nails. One of the signs of the disease is yellowing of the plate.
  7. Non-fungal infections. Non-fungal infection often occurs when an injury occurs, when a seemingly trifling scratch leads to the appearance of abscesses and abscesses. This can serve as a source for plate deformation.
  8. Malfunctions in the body of a hormonal nature can cause waves on the nails due to the fact that there are malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  9. Chronic diseases of the internal organs, for example, manifested in the digestive tract or circulatory system.

It is not possible to independently make an unambiguous determination of the reason due to which longitudinal or transverse waves arise. This can only be done after visiting a specialist and passing a series of tests. An appointment with a doctor is all the more urgent if an uneven nail grows in a child, for example, on the thumb, but for sure, it is known that there was no injury.

The appearance of irregularities on the thumbs

The nail plates of the thumbs of the human limbs are the primary places where signs of malfunctions in the body appear.

Wavy or ribbed thumbnails are immediately visible due to their rather large size.

Since they are larger than the rest, all the flaws on them are more noticeable. Uneven thumbnails are especially visible when viewed from the side. This view allows you to clearly see the depth of the hollows and depressions. At the same time, when they are coated with non-pearl varnish in one layer, all irregularities will become very pronounced.

How to get rid of bumps

A huge number of possible causes of irregularities makes it impossible to describe the treatment procedure in any detail.

Transverse bumpy formations and dents.

Treatment of such a problem is possible only after the reasons for which the nails grow in waves are identified. When infected with fungal infections, the healing process can be long.

If such an unpleasant manifestation is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then a thorough examination by a narrow specialist is necessary. To carry out the healing process, the necessary drugs will be prescribed - restoring impaired metabolism, iron deficiency or, if necessary, hormone levels.

If the defects are caused by cosmetic reasons, measures are required to transition to a healthy lifestyle, to begin to take better care of your fingers. You should also exclude exposure to deformed nails of chemically active substances and dirt.

An experienced cosmetologist can polish the nails if their ribbing is not strong.

How to prevent a recurrence

And again, much depends on the specific cause of the appearance of waves, tubercles and other deformations of the nails.

To prevent the recurrence of such a phenomenon as a wavy nail, it is necessary first of all to follow the rules of a healthy diet. After all, nail plates can directly indicate a lack of certain vitamins or trace elements. This event requires the inclusion of vegetables, herbs and fruits familiar to your region in the daily diet. It must be remembered that they should be on your table daily.

Photo: bumpy nails, complex waves.

In order to henceforth the surface of the nail is not "furrowed" by transverse waves, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Compliance with the requirements of personal hygiene of nails. This is their timely circumcision and the availability of a personal manicure set.
  2. Avoid, if possible, situations in which it is possible to injure the nail. Indeed, even with prolonged writing of texts, it is possible to cause injury to the plate by pressing the ballpoint pen quite strongly. Often typing on the keyboard, it is possible to bring the nail to deformation.
  3. Be careful when trimming cuticles. Excessive zeal can lead to sores through which disease-causing organisms enter the body and cause “waves” to appear.
  4. To remove the burrs that have appeared, use sharp manicure accessories. Under no circumstances should they be cut or cut off. For many people who have had the unpleasant consequences of this action, crooked nail plates speak of the dangers of biting both the hangnails and the nails themselves.
  5. When in contact with aggressive chemicals and household chemicals, use gloves.
  6. Periodically disinfect the individual manicure set.
  7. Regularly massage the nail plate and phalanges of both hands and feet. Make special baths using essential and vegetable oils or with sea salt. However, it must be remembered that excessive moistening of the hands leads to softening of the nail, and too tender cuticle will not be able to protect the base of the plates from infection.
  8. When performing a manicure, use a base coat that has a healing effect.

It must be remembered that the beauty of nails can only manifest itself in owners of healthy nail plates. In addition, constant care and maintenance is required.

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