Normal pulse in a one-year-old child. What pulse is considered normal in a child

They begin in the womb, and the brain controls unconditioned reflexes and other activities, as soon as the first impulses slip through the nervous system of the fetus. If the child's nervous system is unhealthy, he will continue to exist and develop - wrong, but development will occur. If the cardiovascular system ceases to function, the body will be considered unviable. The heart is an important organ that begins to work even in the prenatal period, and its stoppage leads to death. There is a norm according to which the work of the heart and its health are evaluated. Let's find out what heart rate norms exist for children of different ages and whether to worry if the heart is not working properly.

Heart rate norms in children of different ages - table

The older the child, the closer his heart rate to the norm set for adults. The pulse in children is unstable, under the influence of growth, stress, and loads, it changes and can increase almost twice from the normal frequency.

This table shows the heart rate of a child, the values ​​​​in the table are divided by age. Remember, they are approximate - there may be deviations, for each organism its own.


Heart rate in premature babies

If you underwent auscultation or during the gestation period, you must remember how often the heart of your unborn child beat. Indeed, the fetal heart rate is twice the normal adult heart rate. The child has a labile (changeable) pulse from 100 to 180 beats per minute, because his circulatory system is not fully formed and he has to grow up in inappropriate conditions.

Important! The obstetrician taking delivery should monitor the fetal heart rate. If there are sharp deviations from the norm, he may decide to stimulate labor or caesarean section, which cannot be challenged. Sometimes only the correct reaction of the doctor saves both the mother and the newborn.

Any, even the smallest stress - bright lighting, loud sound, large moving object - can frighten the baby and lead to an increase in the frequency of contractions. Since the walls of the vessels are still very thin, such a pulsation can damage them with blood pressure and provoke a hemorrhage in the brain. Premature babies need to be protected in a special way - more carefully than babies, their rate of heart beats per minute differs from the usual, stable one, which in healthy children is determined by age.

Heart rate in child athletes

If loads are given correctly during the formation of the body, the heart will begin to increase in volume, instead of acquiring muscle tissue. Thus, the better the child is trained, the lower the frequency of contractions per minute after exercise, because the heart will pump more blood at a time. There is a norm that shows how many beats per minute the child's heart should make - it should not beat more often. From the number 220 you need to subtract the age of the baby - you get the maximum boundary value.

If a small athlete complains of tinnitus, dizziness and nausea, you need to measure his pulse after training, when he has not yet had time to catch his breath, and, if necessary, change the training regimen. In addition, the heart should calm down in ten minutes of rest. If the pulse is still fast, show the baby first to the pediatrician, and then to the cardiologist.

What should be the heart rate of the fetus

Fetal heart rate- the main indicator by which its condition in the womb is determined. Any deviation is fixed, monitored, and when it reappears, the reason is found out - bad stress, intrauterine processes. For the first time, the pulsation is fixed on and over the next month a full-fledged four-chamber heart is formed, which contracts at a frequency of 110 to 190 beats per minute. It all depends on the period of gestation.

At (approximately) the rate of heart rate is kept in the fetus at a minimum value of 120 beats. After three weeks, it briefly increases to 180 beats per minute and then until the very birth is 140-160 beats. This difference is explained by the rapid formation of the nervous system and the fact that it controls the circulatory system and the heart as well.

Did you know? The human heart pumps blood every second and generates energy with this simple action. In a day, this energy is generated enough to charge a standard electric car for thirty-two kilometers. In a lifetime, the heart generates so much energy that an electric car powered by it would travel from the Earth to the Moon and back.

How to check your pulse at home

It is best to take measurements within a minute. You can use a stopwatch, in which case you will need to feel for the baby's pulsating artery. You can use special devices like a tonometer, but not every family has one, and the cuffs are designed for the arm of an adult. Therefore, it is much more convenient to measure the pulse with your fingers. There are several areas where the arteries come close to the skin. In infants, the pulse is best felt at the fontanel, carotid artery, or with a whole palm on the chest. In children older than a year, heart rate can be measured at the temple, neck, wrists, or even in the groin.

You will need a stopwatch. Press your index and middle fingers to the skin where the pulsation is best felt, measure a minute and count the number of strokes. If you measure the pulse on the hand, then it should be raised to the level of the heart. The artery can be felt just below the base of the thumb by pressing the soft tissue against the radius. Ask the child to relax the muscles. Do not measure the pulse of children in a cold room, after eating, outdoor games and stress, you will get a heart rate value that differs from the norm in the table - you need the child to be at rest.

When to Monitor a Child's Pulse

Everyone wants their children to be, but there are body conditions in which the heart rate must be constantly monitored. The main disease state that requires observation is. A baby with arrhythmia may complain of weakness, turn pale, eat poorly, suffer from shortness of breath and fainting.

If you are already dealing with an arrhythmia in a child and are being observed by a doctor, then you know that you need to check the pulse at least twice a day in a calm state and report deviations to the pediatrician. Both low and high heart rate in this case leads to poor health and threatens to disrupt the development of the baby with oxygen starvation, lack of nutrients and destruction of the thin walls of blood vessels. To avoid this, check your heart rate on time and do not neglect medical help - the norms of contractions in children of different ages are different and depend not only on age, but also on physical indicators. Usually, arrhythmia is corrected by good nutrition, proper daily routine and dosed stress.

Important! You need to measure the baby’s pulse at the same time and in the same state, because anything can affect the difference in values. The best time to take measurements is early in the morning when your child is still sleepy and very calm.

Another category of diseases that require constant monitoring of cardiac pulsation is endocrine. Violation of the hormonal balance is fraught with problems with development - early puberty, delays in the disruption of the nervous system. Here, in addition to the cardiologist, you will need the supervision of an endocrinologist and competent therapy, which compensates for the lack of your own hormones and the problem with transporting them through the circulatory system. In children with, too, you need to monitor the heart rate.

Causes and symptoms of a slow pulse

The slow rate of contraction is called bradycardia. It is no less dangerous than the accelerated one, and must also be corrected either with medication or by changing the daily regimen and diet. If the child is pale and unnecessarily calm, has various complaints, deeply and for a long time despite his age, and does not eat well, take him to a pediatric cardiologist, after checking his pulse according to the table norms of heart rate in children. The most common cause of bradycardia is congenital heart disease, which is eliminated surgically.

Problems with the nervous system lead to incorrect regulation of heart contractions and, as a result, their slowdown. Even the baby may feel bad when malnourished or hypothermia, so do not panic, but watch the child more closely - this way you will avoid many problems. By the way, in sports kids, bradycardia is normal - it indicates a trained heart with an increased volume.

Causes and symptoms of increased frequency

Rapid pulse- it does not matter if it appears occasionally, for example, after physical exertion. If your child is constantly ill, you need to see a doctor. He will determine the cause of the violation of the pulsation frequency - problems with the endocrine system, inflammatory processes of a different nature. It will be convenient to determine the frequent pulse during sleep - the rate of the pulse in sleeping children differs by age, but any acceleration of more than 20% indicates a problem.

Usually you have to go to the doctors and pass a lot to determine the cause for sure. Again, there are reasons that will be easier to get rid of - colds, emotional distress, or ordinary overwork. It will not be superfluous to check the child with a cardiologist, but before making a diagnosis, do not worry yourself and do not scare the baby.

Did you know? In especially trained people, the heart rate drops to incredible levels. So, for example, it happened to a cyclist named Miguel Indurain. Miguel- Multiple winner of the prestigious Tour de France. His heart has acquired such colossal volumes that now at rest it makes 28-30 beats per minute.

Ways to normalize the condition in children

There are methods that can only be used as prescribed by a doctor - only he can determine how many full beats per minute the child’s heart makes, compare them with the norm, find out the true cause and prescribe the correct treatment. If your child's pulse disturbances are rare and cause noticeable discomfort no more than once a month, change his daily routine.

Baby needs naps- his body still does not know how to charge with a night's sleep for the whole day. Night rest must be at least eight continuous hours. If something prevents your baby from sleeping - the rumble of the road or garages outside the windows, vibrations of household appliances, bright light, eliminate these irritants. Hang blinds, insulate the room, turn off the computer and air conditioner at night.

In children of different ages with deviations in the pulse rate from the data indicated in the table, there is a need, as they recover, to be in the fresh air often, while being subjected to healthy loads. Walking along the road and shopping will not work - take the baby to the park and out of town, take him to the reservoirs and into the forest. The heart is strengthened with moderate exercise, and the blood is enriched with oxygen, even if bradycardia prevents it from being carried throughout the body in full. The best physical activity is. In water, the heart does not have to overcome the force of gravity, and it pumps blood effortlessly.

For babies who are prone to arrhythmia, you need to develop a special one. In principle, this regimen is suitable even for healthy children as a preventive measure. You need to remove all refined fats, animal fats, leave fish oil and cook food with cold-pressed oils. Eat often, but little by little. Add more greens and grains to the diet, exclude wheat and simple carbohydrates - sugar in pastries and wheat pastries in general.

A diet that includes red meat, especially lean beef and turkey, has an excellent effect on the heart muscle. There should be little meat, in no case should it be fried. If a child is naughty and wants the usual food, remember - tastes are brought up.

Important! Children-athletes should be able to control not only the upper, but also the lower value of the heart rate at rest. If contractions after exercise are rare, the load can be increased.

Responsibility for the health of a child under sixteen lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents. It depends on them what he will eat, how he will sleep and from whom he will adopt good and bad habits. You will be a worthy example for your offspring if you believe that healthy food and good sleep can be enjoyable. In this unstable period, when the body develops and becomes young from a small one, it is necessary to ensure its normal functioning.

Only good rest, healthy environmental conditions and normal food can give all body systems, including the cardiovascular system, the necessary energy. Remember the heart rate norms for children by age, the conditions under which the heart will work normally, and start taking care of your child day and night, before it's too late - you will save yourself from possible problems.

Heart rate (HR) is one of the main characteristics of human health. The norm of heart rate in children by age has its own differences. This is due to the internal characteristics of the growing organism and the influence of external factors on it.

The rate of heart rate changes with the age of the child

Heart rate norms in children of different ages

A child's heart grows rapidly in the first year of life. At this time, the pulse is the highest. As you grow older, the heart system is formed, the vessels are strengthened, which leads to the stabilization of the heart rate and a decrease in this indicator.

Table "Age rate of heart rate in children"

Age Boundary indicators Average value
In a newborn (from the first day to 30 days of life) 110–170 138
In an infant (from 1 to 6 months) 107–165 135
6 months to 1 year 104–163 132
For 1-year-olds and up to 2 years 92–155 123
From 2 to 4 years 90–141 116
From 4 to 6 years 88–127 108
From 6 to 8 years old 77–117 97
8 to 10 years old 69–108 88
10 to 12 years old 62–102 82
From 12 to 14 years old 54–97 77

Starting from the age of 15, in adolescents, the number of heartbeats is fixed within 75 beats per minute (limit values ​​\u200b\u200b- 62-81 beats per 60 seconds), which is a normal indicator for an adult.

Deviations from the norm for no apparent reason, especially at rest, may be the result of disturbances in the work of the heart, blood vessels or other vital organs. In order to avoid serious complications, it is better to see a doctor.

Pulse rate in premature babies

Some organs and systems in babies born prematurely are not completely formed. In this case, the baby's body needs more time to adapt to environmental conditions. The child is more sensitive to external stimuli, which greatly increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and blood pressure. That is why in premature babies, a pulse of 180 beats per minute is not considered a pathology, but is their age norm.

High heart rate in premature babies is normal

Normal heart rate in child athletes

The heart rate of a child who is constantly involved in sports in a calm state is lower than that of his peers. This is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the good work of the heart muscle and its health. The maximum heart rate in such children during training should not exceed the indicator, which is calculated by the formula - 220 beats minus age. The obtained values ​​are present only during the first 10 minutes after physical exertion, and then return to normal. If the high pulse has not stabilized, we are talking about cardiac pathologies.

An increase in heart rate in children during exercise is normal.

The difference in heart rate between boys and girls

The pulse in preschool children does not depend on gender. As they grow older (puberty), the development of the autonomic regulation of the heart in girls and boys is slightly different, as a result, the pulse of the beautiful half of humanity is 10–15 beats higher.

Girls have a slightly higher heart rate than boys.

Causes of heart rate deviation from the norm

Heartbeat, like pressure, can change during the day under the influence of external factors:

  • heavy physical activity;
  • stressful situations;
  • weather conditions (heat, high humidity).

Stressful situations can increase a child's heart rate

Changes in the environment enhance the work of the heart, and increase its usual rhythm by almost 3 times. This condition is considered normal if, in a short time, the values ​​return to normal, and the baby's well-being does not suffer.

If palpitations are observed in children at rest, the cause may be:

  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • negative deviations in the endocrine system;
  • diseases caused by a bacterial or viral infection;
  • problems in blood formation (anemia).

Exhaustion of the body and severe overwork can also cause increased contraction of the heart muscle, which negatively affects blood pressure and the functioning of vital systems in general.

How to measure heart rate correctly

Measuring heart rate in children does not require special skills.

The main thing is to know the places on the body where the pulsation occurs best:

  • in newborn babies and children under one year old - a large fontanel, chest;
  • in toddlers, older children, adolescents, and adults, the neck (carotid), temple, wrist (above the wrist), elbow, or groin.

To measure the heart rate, you will need a stopwatch (electronic clock). At the site of the pulsation, you need to place the index and middle fingers, note the time (60 seconds), during which to count the number of beats.

When measuring heart rate, put your index and middle fingers on the place of the pulsation

When measuring heart rate, it is important to remember that any external factors can affect its performance. In sleep, the pulse is usually below the limit values, after squats it is 2–2.5 times higher than normal, and at temperature, the heart rate can go off scale.

In order for the measurement to show reliable results, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to measure the heart rate when the baby is at rest (sitting or lying down), preferably in the morning.
  2. The procedure is carried out for 3-4 days at the same time. This will provide more accurate data.
  3. The results obtained after physical exertion or an emotional outburst should be checked by re-measurement when the baby is in a calm state.

Heart rate control allows you to monitor the state of the child's body and helps to identify negative deviations in the work of vital systems in time. The main thing is to measure the pulse correctly and not to panic in case of deviations from fixed indicators, but to consult a doctor.

The rate of heart rate in children of different ages is very different. In babies of the first year of life, this indicator is the highest, but closer to adolescence, the pulse stabilizes, since the cardiovascular system has already been formed. Heart rate is influenced by both external (emotional stress, physical activity, weather conditions) and internal (pathologies of the cardiovascular system) factors. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the child's pulse in order to keep this indicator normal.

How often do you hear from your child that he gets tired at school, cannot perform standard loads in physical education, prefers sleep to mental load (doing homework)? If this is familiar to you, then you need to control the blood pressure (BP) of your baby.

Blood pressure in children between the ages of 10 and 14, during puberty, may increase. This is due to the hormonal background, but often diligent physical activity (sports) can be a provoking factor.

But not always jumps in blood pressure occur due to stress, physiological reasons are possible. For example, improper functioning of the thyroid gland, VVD, weak nervous system, susceptibility to stress, diabetes, thinness, or vice versa, excess weight, problems with the central nervous system, even lack of physical activity.

The effect of blood pressure on general well-being is easy to notice, these can be:

  1. Headache,
  2. fatigue,
  3. rapid breathing,
  4. increased heart rate, etc.

How to measure the pressure of a child yourself? To begin with, the child must be completely calm, do not run or eat for at least 10 minutes, because. this can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure and the measurement algorithm will not be accurate.

Then take a device for measuring blood pressure (tonometer), it is good if the cuff is for children, since the adult covers the entire shoulder of the child, and the results may not be correct.

If you use a mechanical tonometer, then fixing the cuff on your shoulder, use a pear to pump air into it, listen to the pulse on your arm with a phonendoscope until it disappears, then releasing the air, listen to the first knocks looking at the scale of indications, this knock will be upper blood pressure (systolic), and the last knock - lower (diastolic).

How to measure blood pressure in a child?

What is the normal pressure in children 10 years old according to the table

As can be seen from the table, the table of the norm of blood pressure in children aged 10 to 12 is the minimum pressure of 110 to 70 and the maximum of 126 to 82. To control the measurement of pressure, it is repeated and the average arterial pressure is taken. In children, the norm at 9-12 years old is 110/70.

Hypertension and its symptoms

Hypertension is high blood pressure in children and adults.

If you notice symptoms in your 9 or 12 year old:

  • dizziness,
  • ear congestion,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • blurred vision,
  • pulsation in the temples.

Then, having measured with a tonometer, blood pressure will be above normal, then this is definitely hypertension.

But it can also be a symptom of increased intracranial pressure in children. Signs of intracranial pressure in a child from 9 to 12 years old are difficult to recognize without doing a tomography, but a newborn and a 1-2 year old baby cannot say that they are in pain.

However, tearfulness, weakness, vomiting, shortness of breath, and a large forehead, and bulging of the fontanel, may indicate ICP in a baby. The cause of increased intracranial pressure in children may be trauma during childbirth. In such cases, a visit to the doctor is required.

Causes of high blood pressure

Increased blood pressure in a 12-year-old child may be a consequence of the onset of puberty. Blood pressure in children 9 years of age and older can fluctuate constantly. The level can rise sharply (symptom of hypertension) even due to bad mood or fatigue, the respiratory rhythm also goes astray. The normalization of such an increase usually occurs by itself. The causes of high blood pressure can also be heredity and predisposition.

Causes of low pressure

Low blood pressure in a child, or hypotension, is often associated, like hypertension, with puberty. Thyroid dysfunction and overweight, anemia, diabetes, possible head injury (concussions) and other physiological features can cause normal blood pressure levels to be low.


The upper pressure can be calculated using the formula. For children younger than a year, the formula is suitable: 76 + 2n, 76 is the average value of upper blood pressure, and “n” is how old your baby is. If you have a 9 or 10 year old offspring, then the average value will be 90, i.e. 90+2n. It turns out that the systolic pressure in a child will be equal to 90 + 2 * 9 = 108.


Measurement of pulse and norms

Just as blood pressure can be calculated and the pulse of a child, the pulse of a child of 10-12 years old is normally 80 beats per minute, and the respiratory rate is 18-20. Before measuring, children need to calm down, because their heart rate and breathing rate may increase during the period of activity.

If the baby is one year old, then he can notice a fairly high heart rate - from 120 to 128 beats per minute and 30-35 breathing movements. For children at two or three years of age, the norm will be considered from 100 to 110 beats per minute.

The measurement technique is very simple, put two fingers on the veins at the wrist and note the time, calculate how many beats per minute you count, so many values ​​\u200b\u200band equal to the heart rate. The average is normal, depending on the age of the children.

accelerated pulse

An increase in heart rate in children is a normal phenomenon, with a load or an emotional outburst. But if the baby lies and is at rest, and the pulse is rapid (2-3 times), then this is already a symptom. It could be tachycardia. It is detected by a cardiologist and requires treatment.

slow pulse

A decrease in heart rate is not always a sign of a disease, and it is not required to normalize the pulse. But if the pulse is below 60 beats per minute and the baby has dizziness and pressure surges, then this may be a sign of bradycardia.

When playing sports

As mentioned above, during exercise, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate may increase. Therefore, if heart problems are observed or it is difficult for children to breathe (dyspnea), warn physical education teachers so that they do not burden them and can provide first aid in time.


If your child has heart problems (possibly a defect or arrhythmia) and respiratory disorders, you should know how to normalize blood pressure and, most importantly, be able to determine blood pressure and heart rate on your own. Only a cardiologist can prescribe the correct treatment. For diagnosis, daily monitoring of blood pressure (ABPM-daily blood pressure monitoring) can be prescribed.

Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is the most important factor in the normal state of the human body at any age, especially in children. The main parameters that allow you to control the functioning of the heart and blood vessels are blood pressure and frequency, filling and pulse tension. You can measure these indicators yourself at home. The heart rate in children varies depending on age: the very high heart rate in newborns, and with age, the heart rate decreases.

Heart rate in children of different ages

What pulse should the child have? Heart rate in children and adolescents is often unstable, as it depends on many factors. The fullness and rhythm of the pulse is affected by physical activity, the state of health at the moment, and the emotional background. Heart rate should be measured regularly, this will allow you to track how stable the baby's cardiovascular system is.

The pulse of a child changes markedly with age. In adolescents 12-14 years old, the heart beats almost twice as slowly as in newborns. And by the age of 15-16, the heart rate corresponds to that of an adult.

Simultaneously with the heart rate in infants, it is also necessary to control the respiratory rate, that is, the frequency of respiratory movements, since the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are closely interconnected. Young children take about 60 breaths per minute, which is about 3 times more than an adult takes in the same period of time. Pathologically high or low rates of heart rate and respiratory rate are the primary signs of disorders in the baby's body.

Heart rate in premature newborns

In children born prematurely, most organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system, do not have time to fully form. Therefore, the process of adaptation to the postembryonic period, that is, life outside the womb, is more difficult for a premature baby. Its physiological parameters differ in many respects from a newborn born after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Due to insufficient vascular tone, the pulse in premature babies can reach 170 beats per minute.

A prematurely born baby is more sensitive to external factors; for the normal formation and functioning of the heart and blood vessels, it needs to provide favorable conditions and protect it from additional irritants: bright light, unexpected loud sounds or noise.

Average scores in children

Heart rate is determined by pulse waves, which are caused by the jerky movement of blood in the vessels. An excessive heart rate is called tachycardia, and an insufficient heart rate is called bradycardia. The normal pulse in an infant is about 140-150 beats per minute, which is about 1.5-2 times more than in an adult. But every year the heart rate decreases, gradually approaching adult rates.

Heart rate in children and adolescents
Age Normal performance Tachycardia Bradycardia
1-9 days 140-150 170-180 115
10 days - 1 month 140 160-170 110
1-12 months 130-135 165 105
1-2 years 120-125 155 95
2-4 years 112-117 140 90
4-6 years old 105-110 125 85
6-8 years old 95-100 115 78
8-10 years old 85-90 105 68
10-12 years old 78-85 100 60
12-14 years old 70-75 90 50

How to do a heart rate monitor?

To measure the pulse of a baby, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Sit or lay down the child. Children over 2-3 years old should be asked to calm down and rest for 2-5 minutes before manipulation;
  2. Place your thumb on the child's wrist so that it presses against the pulsating radial artery. You can not put too much pressure on the vessel and pinch it;
  3. Time your stopwatch for 1 minute. During the procedure, try not only to count the number of pulse waves, but also note the rhythm of the pulse and its fullness. Cause for concern are weak, irregular beats;
  4. After the end of the set time, record the indicators and check the voltage of the pulse. To do this, you need to press a little harder on the vessel for 1-2 seconds, and then reduce the pressure. Normally, after such a manipulation, the blood should move through the vessel with intense, pronounced shocks.

Normal heart rates in children are very important. Regularly noted tachycardia or bradycardia may indicate a malfunction in the cardiovascular system and requires mandatory medical attention.

There are certain symptoms and indicators by which we, parents, even at home, can determine that the child is sick or there are some disturbances in his health. These are shine in the eyes, heat on the face, pallor of the skin, excessive sweating, copious discharge of mucus from the nose, frequent urination, and the like. Usually the first thing we do in such cases is to take a thermometer and measure the temperature of our child. But there is another simple and very informative way to keep children's health under control. This is a measurement of the pulse of a child.

If you are not in the habit of checking the heartbeat of your children, then there is nothing to worry about: as a rule, any pediatrician or other medical specialist does this at every medical examination of the child (along with measuring the respiratory rate). But learning how to correctly measure the pulse in children and how to interpret the results will certainly be very useful.

Heartbeat and Pulse: What's the Difference?

Let me first understand the concepts that ordinary people often confuse or do not distinguish between themselves. In particular, many are interested in: are heartbeat, pulse and heart rate the same thing?

In short, yes. The norms of these indicators coincide, therefore, in everyday life they are not distinguished. But in fact there is some difference.

Speaking of heartbeat, we usually mean exactly the heart rate (HR), that is, the frequency with which the heart contracts, or the number of such contractions per minute.

In medicine, a heartbeat is understood not as the fact of a heartbeat, but as a person’s physical sensation of it, that is, heart beats are so strong that a person feels them.

Since it is not very convenient to calculate the heart rate, we usually count the pulse to determine it, because both of these indicators normally have the same values. When the heart contracts, it pushes a portion of blood into the bloodstream. This blood flow causes the walls of blood vessels to expand at the time of the heart beat. If we put our fingers on the arteries that are close to the surface of the skin, we can feel these expansion shocks, which are the pulse.

Thus, whether we talk about the pulse or the heartbeat, usually the same thing is meant. It should be noted that the pulse is a variable value. It is a compensatory mechanism, that is, with the help of increased and slowed heart rate, the body is able to adapt to changing changes inside or outside. So, let's say, in a hot room, with a fright, during physical activity, the heart rate increases. In children, indicators can exceed the norm by two or even three times, but such conditions are not pathological.

How to measure a child's pulse correctly

There are many “points” on the human body where the pulse is clearly felt. Among them are the femoral, posterior tibial, brachial artery, abdominal, dorsal arteries and others. You can simply put your hand on the area of ​​​​the heart and count the number of tangible beats.

Adults often measure their pulse in the region of the basilar artery (behind the ear), the superficial temporal artery (in the temple area), and the facial artery (under the lower jaw on the side).

For heart rate measurements in children, two places are most often chosen:

  • Carotid artery (located on the neck) - in this way it is recommended to measure the heartbeat, in particular in a one-year-old child, since this method is considered more accurate. With the index and middle fingers of your hand, feel for the pulsating artery in the child's neck and count the number of pulsating shocks within 15 or 30 seconds.
  • On the wrist: measurements are taken in exactly the same way, only the artery must be felt on the wrist at the base of the thumb (the child’s hand is placed with the palm up). In this case, it is more convenient to press it with the thumb of the opposite hand (but you can also use the index and middle fingers, as in the previous case).

Often, to determine the heartbeat in newborns, mothers simply put their hand on the chest in the region of the heart and count the number of beats per minute.

When determining heart rate or pulse, the number of beats per minute is counted. But usually a count is made for 15 or 30 seconds, and then the result is multiplied by 4 or 2 (respectively). The second option (30 seconds) is more preferable and accurate, especially when the heartbeat is measured in a child up to a year old. If the heart rhythm is uneven, uneven, the heart beats arrhythmically, then the calculation must be done within the prescribed 60 seconds.

It is clear that you should prepare a timer (stopwatch or clock with a second hand) in advance, according to which you will mark the time.

What affects the heartbeat in a child?

But besides this, where, how, when and under what conditions the measurement is made is of great importance. Because a huge number of factors can affect the heart rate in children:

  • age,
  • body mass,
  • body position at the time of measurement,
  • Times of Day,
  • temperature regime of the internal (that is, the body) and the environment (cold or heat),
  • meal,
  • balance of vitamins and minerals in the body,
  • level of physical fitness,
  • physical condition (presence / absence of physical activity, the child is sick or healthy),
  • emotional state (presence of stress, strong positive or negative emotions),
  • the state of the endocrine system and other organs,
  • taking certain medications
  • exposure to toxins, etc., etc.

In order for the indicators to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to make several measurements, which in the future can be guided. And each time it is desirable to measure the pulse of the child at the same time of day, in the same position of the body.

It is considered optimal to take measurements after waking up the child (in the morning or after a daytime sleep), while he has not yet got out of bed. The lying position is more preferable than the rest.

Please note that if the child is sick (for example, he has a fever) or "not in the mood", then the pulse is likely to be too high. The heart rate largely depends on the requirements that are provided to our body (the range of these possibilities in the human heart is quite wide). Therefore, after stress, active games and sports, eating, in a state of stress, and so on, the heart begins to beat faster. That is, the child, before measuring the pulse, should be calm, in a good mood.

And even if you did everything according to the rules, do not rush to draw premature conclusions about the results.

Heartbeat in children: normal

The very first thing we need to understand for ourselves is that in children, the pulse rates differ significantly from those in adults. Only by adolescence (by the age of 13-15) does this indicator begin to level off and approach the “adult” norm. And the younger the child, the higher the rate of heart rate for him. So, the pulse of an infant at rest is much higher than that of a teenager.

Pulse rate in children: table

Child's age

Lower limit of normal, beats / min.

Upper limit of normal, beats / min.

1-12 months

2, 3, 4 years

10, 11, 12 years old

The table shows the boundary values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are considered normal for children of different age categories. But we can talk about violations and deviations from the norms only if the heart rate indicators in the child differ from the limiting norms by more than 20%, and only a doctor has the right to judge this. Moreover, according to the data of various health authorities, the boundary norms of the heartbeat in children may differ.

If the heartbeat of your baby in a state of complete health and calmness greatly exceeds the generally accepted norms or is significantly lower than these norms, then you definitely need to show the child to the doctor in order to exclude the presence of any disturbances in his health.

Rapid heartbeat in children

A fast heart rate is called tachycardia. Like the opposite phenomenon (slowing the rhythm), it is not a separate disease, but rather a consequence of some disturbances in the body. There can be many such reasons, and additional examination of the child will be required to identify them. In particular, tachycardia in children can accompany the following pathological conditions: endocrine, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, potassium or calcium deficiency, infectious and inflammatory processes (more precisely, fever accompanying them), respiratory difficulties, chronic fatigue, increased, etc. But you should also know that tachycardia in preschool children is a physiological norm.

Meanwhile, acute attacks of tachycardia occur when the child's health deteriorates sharply (often this is preceded by physical exertion or emotional upheaval). They can last from several minutes to several hours, repeating again after a short break. Against the background of such a condition (called paroxysmal tachycardia or paroxysm), there may be pain in the heart, shortness of breath, cough, vomiting, fever and chills, increased urination, convulsions. In this case, you should definitely call a doctor, and as a first aid (if it is not possible to go to a medical facility), you can give the child Corvalol, valerian or peony tincture:

  1. Lay the child on the bed.
  2. Provide access to a fresh stream of air (free your neck from clothing, open a window).
  3. Apply a cold compress to the forehead (but this action does not apply to a newborn).
  4. Give him water or medicine.
  5. Calm down (hug, switch his attention to something, and at the same time be sure to be calm yourself).

This condition is not so much dangerous as frightening. However, in no case should it be left unattended: it requires emergency care and is the reason for the mandatory examination of the child.

Slow heartbeat in a child

Slow heartbeat is called bradycardia. This phenomenon is considered an indicator of good health and physical fitness of the body in people who are actively involved in sports. But in other cases, bradycardia in children can also indicate a health problem. In particular, it is observed in children who do not tolerate physical activity, that is, "not trained." At the same time, they may complain of weakness, dizziness, and poor health. Other causes may include experiencing chronic stress or physical exhaustion, low blood pressure, etc. Like tachycardia, bradycardia can indicate heart disease.

At the end of our conversation, let me once again focus on the most important thing: so many factors influence the heart rate in children. Therefore, only a qualified doctor has the right to competently judge the presence or absence of violations. But you can and should keep this indicator of children's health under control so as not to miss the beginning of the development of pathology.

Doctors emphasize that any disturbances in the work of the heart (or only the prerequisites for this) are easier to prevent and eliminate, the earlier they are detected. Therefore, pay attention to how your baby's heart beats. And if you notice something wrong in his behavior or appearance (pallor of the skin, blue nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, weakness, complaints of fatigue or darkening in the eyes, especially fainting), or heart problems are hereditary among the closest relatives, then it is better play it safe and examine the child at the grabber. You should know that children with heart problems should be vaccinated according to an individualized schedule.

And to protect and strengthen a child's heart, instill in your child the right habits from an early age: an active lifestyle, healthy eating, positive thinking. Take walks with him daily, in no case expose children to passive smoking, eliminate any ailments in a timely manner: even banal caries, if you start it, can cause heart rhythm disturbances in the future.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko