New Year's card with a Christmas tree with your own hands. Postcard "Christmas tree in retro style". How to make a New Year's card from round napkins

Pre-New Year's mood is quite simple to create, because everything lies in the little things. Try to make wonderful cards for the New Year with your own hands, it's very fun and easy, such an original gift will be appreciated by friends and relatives. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several master classes on creating postcards, turn the proposed ideas into reality.

Master classes

Mini-album-postcard "Herringbone"

What is necessary:
  • Pastel paper;
  • Corrugated cardboard with an image;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Spray paint;
  • Cutter;
  • Rhinestones;
  • Lace decorative (golden);
  • Pigment pillow;
  • Glue "Moment" and for attaching rhinestones (transparent);
  • Ruler;
  • Rug mock-up;
  • Creasing tools;
  • Pencil.
Manufacturing technique:

Origami Christmas tree for postcard

Today, scrapbooking postcards have become very popular, the finished product looks bright and very beautiful. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the scrapbooking master class for beginners.

Necessary materials: 5 squares of colored paper measuring 10 cm; 9 cm; 7.5 cm; 6.5 cm; 5.5 cm.

How to do:

  1. So, you need to take the largest square and add it in such a way that you get a triangle.
  2. Unfold the square and make exactly the same triangle, bending opposite sides of the cardboard.
  3. Place an unfolded sheet of cardboard in front of you.
  4. Fold the sheet along the folds so that you get a three-dimensional triangle.
  5. Now one of the sides of the figure will need to be bent inward, as shown in the photo.
  6. In the same way, bend the cardboard on the second side - this is the first module of our Christmas tree.
  7. In the same way, we add the remaining modules, respectively, their size should be different - from larger to smaller.
  8. A small piece of tape must be glued to the top of the first module. We place the largest module inside the smaller one and do the same with the rest.
Origami now has such a look, it will be possible to decorate New Year's cards 2019 with original Christmas trees.

Christmas tree from decorative tape for a postcard

Creating wonderful cards for the New Year 2019 with your own hands is very entertaining, so involve the kids in this process. With children, preparation for the holiday will be more fun.

To work, you will need a minimum of material - decorative tape, as well as strips of colored paper.

Manufacturing features:

  1. Glue a piece of adhesive tape vertically onto a cardboard blank (preferably one-color), the top of the strip should be slightly narrower than the bottom - this is the trunk of the future Christmas tree.
  2. After that, you will need to cut the tape into strips of various sizes. The ends of the strips should be cut obliquely, imitating spruce branches.
  3. Stick the strips like a pyramid (from largest to smallest).
We offer another way to make a Christmas tree for bright postcards for the new year with your own hands.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Take green colored paper, cut out a circle, cut into two halves.
  2. Bend the edge of the paper as shown in the photo.
  3. Now make the next fold in the opposite direction, so bend the edge again and decorate the Christmas tree. Paper craft looks original.
  4. Glue the "twigs" to the base with a glue stick and you can start decorating New Year's cards with your own hands.

3D postcard for the New Year

Making voluminous New Year's cards with your own hands is not at all difficult, see this on the example of the proposed master class.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • Double-sided adhesive tape;
  • Multi-colored cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Figured hole punch.

Postcard "Christmas balls"

You can make an unusual New Year's card with your own hands in just a few minutes, prepare an excellent gift for your loved ones for 2019.

You need to prepare:

  • Colored paper in two colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery glue;
  • Pen for writing.
How to do:

  1. Before you start making a postcard for the New Year with your own hands, as in the photo, you will need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.
  2. Fold the blue paper in half for the base, the background made in this way will contrast perfectly with the light blue "balls".
  3. Cut out circles from light-colored paper.
  4. Bend each of them in half.
  5. Now you need to attach these circles to each other, thus forming three-dimensional balls.
  6. Glue them on the outside of our postcard.
  7. Using a pen, draw the threads that "hold" the balls. Now the New Year's card with your own hands is completely ready, you just need to sign it.

Festive quilling card

You can even create beautiful children's cards from quilling, try it, you will like it.

You will need to prepare:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Colored stripes;
  • Glue;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Scissors;
  • Corrugated light paper.

  1. Take quilling (green stripes), make cuts at the same distance using nail scissors.
  2. Wrap the prepared ribbons on a toothpick, so you get several hanks, as in the photo.
  3. Now you need to fix the bottom of the skein with glue and straighten the fringe, you will get voluminous balls.
  4. Next, we proceed to the final stage of making a postcard for the New Year with our own hands. You should glue the balls on a sheet of cardboard in the form of a pyramid, you get a Christmas tree. Now you can "decorate" it as you wish.
As you can see, quilling may be needed not only for crafts.

Bright "Christmas tree"

  • Paper of various colors and textures;
  • Double-sided adhesive tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • Hole puncher decorative;
  • Rope.
Step by step:

  1. A sheet of colored paper will need to be folded in half, stick a triangle of green paper and a small brown rectangle, you get a Christmas tree.
  2. Cut out circles of various sizes, then use a hole puncher to make snowflakes.
  3. Glue all the figures on the Christmas tree, decorate it with beads, then decorate the lower part with an openwork paper ribbon. You can also come up with your own postcard design.
  4. Wrap the string around the card, then tie a bow. At the bottom you can stick white paper for text.

Volumetric Christmas tree with beads

Necessary tools and materials:
  • Paper colored with ornaments for scrapbooking;
  • Postcard white without drawing;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stationery;
  • Double-sided adhesive tape;
  • Ruler;
  • Decorative pins with carnations.
Step by step creation instructions:

  1. It is necessary to cut out 12 rectangles from paper, their length should be 10 cm. The width of the smallest is 9 cm, all the rest are 6 mm wider.
  2. Wrap each of the rectangles on a pencil, so you get tubes.
  3. Now you need to glue them, the longest one will be at the base, and the short one should be located at the top.
  4. Glue the Christmas tree to the postcard, decorate with carnations and pins. That's all and ready.

Children's card with fingers

Children get acquainted with this way of creating postcards in kindergarten, try to do this at home.

These photos show how you can keep the kids busy and prepare for the New Year, for this you need to prepare paints and paper or cardboard.

Postcards with "potato print"

If you don't know how fun it is to celebrate 2019 year of the pig, then get creative with the kids. This master class demonstrates the original creation of a holiday card.

You will need:

  • Raw potatoes;
  • Paints.

How to do:
  1. Cut the potato in half, dip it in the paint, make an imprint on the cardboard.
  2. Now it remains to finish the details of the picture, you get a cute penguin or a snowman.
Thanks to our New Year ideas, you can prepare for the New Year, create with the kids, it's a lot of fun.

From felt, you can make the following design:

Ideas for inspiration


Video about creating a scrapbooking postcard:

Origami crafts for postcards:

On the eve of the New Year, we are increasingly thinking about gifts that we can make for our relatives and loved ones with our own hands. Now just those times when manual work is a luxury. This is individuality. It's not like others. This is an opportunity for self-expression in creativity. Handmade gifts are valued more than those bought in a store. It is a pity that there are fewer and fewer golden pens in the world, and not everyone can and wants to create a miracle with their own hands. If you want and can, we will be happy to show you a master class of a very beautiful card with a Christmas tree, which can be a great New Year's gift from you to someone.

For making a postcard, any paper from the scrub set or colored paper or even plain white paper for printing and cardboard will work. Still need scissors and glue. Using white paper as an example, we will show how easy and simple it is to make a beautiful postcard with a Christmas tree.

We cut out 5 squares of different sizes from paper: 12x12 10x10 8x8 6x6 4x4cm. Fold each one in half. We bend the upper corners to the middle. You will get 5 three-dimensional triangles.

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half - this is the basis of the postcard. We glue the triangles from top to bottom on top of each other, starting with the smallest one. Glue a star to the top of the Christmas tree.

Improvise and your handmade postcard will become one and only!

Ideas for postcards with a three-dimensional Christmas tree

The simplest - we make 4 slots of different lengths, bend and voila - the Christmas tree is ready!

If we complicate the drawing a little, the Christmas tree will also turn out to be lacy.

Or we will make it from rectangles folded like an accordion.

The more branches we make, the taller and fluffier the Christmas tree!

Such a simple and beautiful postcard can be made from a triangle of green colored paper and a few buttons.

The best gift for the New Year is, of course, a handmade gift. And if socks or a sweater are currently an unbearable option for you, then even a child will cope with a postcard. A do-it-yourself New Year's card is suitable as a gift for absolutely everyone: friends, relatives, the dearest and closest people.

Postcards for the New Year can be difficult to make, or they can be very simple, but at the same time not devoid of taste. In creating a New Year's card, the most important thing is a flight of fancy. In this article, we have collected for you more than 30 original ideas for New Year's cards that you can make yourself.

Pretty simple to make, but very original New Year's card. For manufacturing you will need: thick paper for the base, corrugated paper, scissors, decorations.

#2 DIY New Year card using scrapbooking technique

Recently, scrapbooking has become very popular, so why not use this technique to create a postcard for the new year. You will need: thick paper for the base, scrap paper (you can limit yourself to ordinary wrapping paper), PVA glue, a pen or felt-tip pen, decorations.

#3 New Year's card from threads

The postcard made with the help of threads looks original. Drawings can be completely different: a Christmas tree, a deer, Santa Claus, just the inscription "Happy New Year". To make such a postcard, you will need: thick paper for the base, thread, needle, pencil, ruler, sequins for decoration.

#4 New Year's card handmade in origami technique

An excellent option for a New Year's card will be a three-dimensional postcard made using the origami technique. For manufacturing, you will need: thick paper for the base, colored paper, glue, buttons, sequins, ribbons, etc. for decoration.

#5 Postcard for the new year in quilling technique

You can surprise your loved ones with a postcard made using the quilling technique. It will take a lot of time, but it's worth it. You will need: thick base paper, quilling paper strips, scissors, glue, crepe paper or napkin, toothpicks.

New Year is the most fabulous holiday of the year, on this day everything becomes magical, so it will be very symbolic to give a voluminous postcard that seems to come to life. To make a New Year's 3D postcard with your own hands, you will need: thick paper for the base, scissors, a pencil and a ruler, decorations.

For those who love order and control, a handmade Christmas card with a geometric Christmas tree will be an excellent gift option. To make such a masterpiece, you will need: thick paper for the base, a clerical knife, a pencil and a ruler, PVA glue or double-sided tape.

For romantic natures, strict geometric shapes are not suitable. It rather needs smooth lines, curves, additional decoration. In this case, you can give a handmade postcard made with a ribbon and buttons. You will need: thick paper for the base, ribbon, buttons, scissors, glue.

#9 Postcard for New Year from a napkin

To make such a postcard, you will need: thick paper for the base, a napkin or double-sided paper, glue or double-sided tape, scissors, decoration elements (beads, rhinestones, buttons, etc.).

#10 Christmas tree card from colored tape. Preparing postcards for the new year with the children

If there are small residents in the house, they should definitely be involved in creating New Year's cards with their own hands. Doing something difficult is not at all necessary, the kids will be delighted with simple crafts, for example, a New Year's card with a Christmas tree made of colored tape. You will need: thick paper for the base, scissors, glue, multi-colored tape (decorative tapes, strips from old magazines and postcards are also suitable), stickers or other decorative items.

Another option for a New Year's card that you can make with your own hands with your children will be a card with a Christmas tree fan. You will need: thick base paper, glitter or rhinestones, wrapping paper, scissors, glue, stapler.

Another simple, but very original idea for creating a postcard for the new year. You will need: thick base paper, buttons, glue, ribbon, pencil or compass.

A great idea would be a postcard with a hand-drawn drawing. For example, you can draw New Year's lanterns: it is not necessary to have the skill of an artist.

With kids, you can draw a New Year's card. You will need: thick base paper, marker, ruler, paint.

To create such a postcard, you will need: thick paper for the base, colored paper, scissors, glue, sparkles, rhinestones and sequins.

What you need: thick paper for the base, colored paper for the Christmas tree, pencil, scissors, glue, decor elements (beads, sequins, stickers, etc.).

For such a postcard you will need: sequins of different shapes and sizes, a needle, thread, glue, ribbon for decoration.

New Year's cards decorated with felt look very original. We will make postcards with Christmas trees from pieces of fabric, but you can turn on your imagination and make something more complex. You will need: thick paper for the base, felt, scissors, glue.

#19 Very simple do-it-yourself New Year card

You will need: thick paper for the base, cardboard for round blanks, colored decorative ribbons, glue, glitter, felt-tip pen.

You will need: 3 sheets of colored paper in different sizes, glue, thick paper for the base.

If there is not much time left for postcards, you can try this option. You will need: thick paper for the base, Christmas tree template, pencil, glitter, glue, stationery knife, sequins or beads for decoration.

#22 Postcard for the New Year with a voluminous Christmas tree made of paper for scrapbooking

Very cute and easy to make Christmas card. To create it, you will need: thick paper for the base, thick paper for scrapbooking or cardboard, glue, ribbon for decoration.

#23 Postcard for the New Year with a three-dimensional Christmas ball

And here is a New Year's card with a three-dimensional Christmas ball. The manufacturing principle is the same as in the previous postcard, the only difference is that instead of triangles from colored cardboard, you will need circles. By the way, you can use old postcards as consumables, but only those that are not valuable to you as memories!

#24 New Year's card to the garden

Such a New Year's open made literally with your own hands is perfect as a gift for grandparents, as well as in kindergarten. Kids will love to create! You will need: thick paper for the base, paints, felt-tip pens.

#25 Beautiful vintage New Year card

A vintage postcard for the New Year can be made from the most common materials: old sheet music, thick paper, a beautiful old postcard (you can cut out any picture from a magazine), glue and some sparkles. Step by step instructions in the picture below.

#26 New Year card with 3D garland

New Year is, of course, a Christmas tree and Christmas tree decorations. In fact, Christmas decorations come in a variety of shapes, but the most common are balls. That is why we associate Christmas decorations and the New Year with balls. So let's make a postcard with a voluminous garland of Christmas balls.

If postcards with Christmas trees are unacceptable for you, then you should pay attention to other attributes of the New Year holiday, for example, garlands. We will make a garland from pieces of felt and literally “hang” it on a postcard.

#28 Postcard from felt

To make postcards with your own hands, you can and should use various materials, in particular, pay special attention to felt. No, no, not the whole card will be made of felt, but only some decorative elements. In this case, a Christmas tree. How to make a postcard from felt - see step-by-step MK with a photo.

#29 Original postcard in the shape of a Christmas tree

A New Year's card does not have to be square or rectangular at all. Dream up and make a card, for example, in the shape of a Christmas tree. The idea is not new, but you must admit, it is very, very original! By the way, with such a postcard you can safely go to the competition in the kindergarten.

#30 Herringbone-accordion: making a card with children

A Christmas tree accordion card will be a great gift for grandma and grandpa. The child can make all the elements of the craft on their own. Mom's help may be needed, except for gluing. Take note of the idea and have fun with your child.

#31 New Year card from different materials

And here is an idea for those who want to make a beautiful, simple and unusual craft - a postcard from different materials. You will need colored paper, fabric, you can also use fringe, braid and other unnecessary little things that are lying around idle, but your hands don’t reach. Step by step instructions in the photo below.

#32 Sequins and nothing more

A stylish New Year's card can be made using sparkles. For a greater effect, take dark paper for the base, although you can do it on light paper, only in this case, take dark sparkles, gold will be lost on a white background. For making you will need glue, brushes and sparkles. See the step by step tutorial below.

#33 Postcard for the New Year from improvised materials

But a great idea for those who do needlework once a year. Of the materials for postcards in the house, is there only paper? No problem! You can make a great postcard from a coffee package. How to do - look at the photo.

#34 Simple card for kids

Making crafts with children is a real pleasure. Here you are, mom, when was the last time you made something with your own hands? Kindergarten, elementary school, art school final exam? There you go, this is so much fun! Children are not only our joy, but also our teachers, who give us the opportunity to remember what we sometimes forget about!

#35 For the little ones

And here is another version of the postcard for the smallest, for those who still don’t really know how to hold a brush in their hands. Well, let the child begin to learn art from the art house!) A simple postcard with a Christmas tree made from a handprint.

#36 Unusual postcard snowman with your own hands

And here is another idea for an original postcard in the shape of a snowman. Simple ideas are good because they are simple in execution, but at the same time they are not devoid of grace.

#37 Unusual card for New Year with children

And another version of a simple postcard for making with children. This craft looks very, very original and is quite suitable for competitive work. Prepare a thick sheet of paper and many colored scraps (colored paper, foil, pieces of fabric, etc.). Glue all this stuff onto the base, and then cut out elements for postcard decor from the resulting panel: Christmas trees, gifts, balls and more.

Photo. 40+ DIY Christmas Card Ideas for Inspiration

We all remember the magic children's books, which have three-dimensional images. Why not use this technique when making a New Year's card?

With a little time, simple tools and simple tricks, you can get an amazing New Year's panorama card with a three-dimensional internal image of a Christmas tree.
To bring this idea to life, you need to have the following materials at hand: thick double-sided colored cardboard, glossy corrugated cardboard, strips of quilling paper, colored paper, double-sided tape, glue, pencil, ruler, scissors and beautiful decorative trifles (half-beads, sparkles, buttons and etc.).

The creation of a New Year's postcard-panorama with a three-dimensional internal image of a Christmas tree takes place in three main stages: making the base, decorating the inside, decorating the outer part.

Making the base

The basis of a voluminous New Year's card will consist of two parts of A-4 format - double-sided colored cardboard in a bright (preferably red) shade and a sheet of light gray colored paper. Both parts must be carefully folded in half.

Decoration of the interior

The highlight of this New Year's card is a voluminous inner Christmas tree, very easy to manufacture. On the “wrong side” of a sheet of colored paper, we apply the image of a star and transverse stripes of different widths, forming an isosceles triangle. Then fold the part in half and make cuts along the lines.

Now the two parts of the base can be carefully glued together, applying glue around the perimeter of the parts. As for the Christmas tree, glue should be applied to every second strip.

At the top and bottom inside the card, in parallel, glue two strips of quilling paper of the same shade as the outer part of the product. We decorate the upper strip with decorative elements of our own choice.

Now it remains only to carefully bend the unglued elements of the Christmas tree, which will stand out very favorably, contrasting with the bright outer layer of the card.

Decoration of the outer part

To decorate the outer part of the postcard, you will need a rectangle of white cardboard, 1.5 centimeters shorter and narrower than the outer part. We glue it first, and then glue two strips of red quilling paper to its upper part.

In the middle of the white rectangle, using a compass or an object of the appropriate shape at hand, draw a circle and glue it around the perimeter with double-sided tape. We cut the glossy green corrugated cardboard into small rectangles (approximately 1 × 1.5 cm), which we glue in the shape of a circle. The result is a wonderful New Year's wreath.
The final touch is a flirty bow between strips of quilling paper, topped with a decorative bead or button. That's all - the card is ready.

Do you want to make a nice gift for your relatives, friends, acquaintances for the New Year? A beautiful postcard is always needed.

To pleasantly surprise the person you are preparing a card for, you can make a card with your own hands, decorate it as you like and give it as a gift.

There are many ways to make a beautiful postcard with your own hands, and there are some simple, but very beautiful and original ones here.

Choose what you like best. You can try to make one of the suggested options or borrow an idea to make something of your own.

In any case, any person will be pleased to receive such a gift.

New Year's cards handmade. Corrugated paper tree.

You will need:

- corrugated paper

- scissors

- decorations, optional

1. Fold a sheet of thick paper in half.

2. Mark the place where you will glue the corrugated paper, or simply draw the outline of the Christmas tree with a simple pencil.

3. From corrugated paper, cut out several rectangles of different sizes.

4. Glue each rectangle as shown in the image.

* If you wish, you can decorate the postcard with an asterisk (ready-made or cut out of paper), stickers, sparkles, etc.

How to make a voluminous postcard

A very beautiful DIY Christmas craft, accessible in terms of complexity to a preschooler, is a voluminous New Year's card "Herringbone". The Christmas tree is made of strips of rectangular paper folded like an accordion. But there is one nuance here. If you carefully examine the photo, you will see that the tiers near the Christmas tree are made of strips of paper of different widths: the widest at the bottom, the closer to the top, the narrower. In addition, the depth of the fold of the accordion is also different. The lower strips of paper are folded into an accordion with a large "step". The higher to the top, the smaller the bend depth.

Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in ease of manufacture.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print templates (template-1 and template-2) on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photos below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

At the end, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. Volumetric New Year's card is ready!

How to make DIY Christmas cards

New Year's card "Snowman"

From white paper, cut a wide strip with a curly edge. It will be a snow hill. Glue it to the bottom of the card. Attach white acrylic letters to the center of the pre-made snowmen.

Postcard "Congratulations to Santa Claus"

The basis for this postcard will be paper with a pattern. Cut out the elements of the face of Santa Claus from paper in different colors. Glue them. Tint Santa's cheeks with pink chalk. Glue the face to the heavy paper card. Glue the card onto the larger folded paper so that the pattern looks like a border on the right and bottom of the card. Write a congratulation.

Postcard "Christmas tree in retro style"

Sew the edges of the heavy paper Christmas tree on a sewing machine. Decorate the tree with snowflakes. For a simpler version of the card, glue the Christmas tree with an additional layer of thick paper to get a three-dimensional image.

Scrapbooking. New Year cards.

You will need:

- thick colored paper or colored cardboard

- scrap paper

- PVA glue

- pen, felt-tip pen (or other similar object)

- decorations

1. First you need to know exactly what size the tree will be, and, starting from this, cut several rectangles of different widths from scrap paper.

2. Using a pen or other cylindrical object, roll each rectangle into a tube (widthwise). Secure each tube with glue so that it does not unwind.

3. Glue the tubes together.

4. Prepare the base for the card and glue your pre-prepared Christmas tree to it.

5. Decorate to taste.

Children's New Year cards

You will need:

- colored cardboard (green and red)

- sequins or rhinestones

- wrapping

- black pen or marker

- scissors

- stapler

- decorations

1. We make a Christmas tree. Prepare green paper and cut it in half (crosswise).

2. Make a blank by folding a thick sheet of paper (of any color) in half - this will be the basis of the postcard.
3. From one half of green paper, make an accordion that will play the role of a Christmas tree. Fasten one end of the accordion and glue the Christmas tree to the base of the card.

4. Prepare wrapping paper and cut out a small rectangle from it, it will act as a stump.

5. Decorate to taste.

Beautiful New Year cards

You will need:

- thick colored paper or colored cardboard

- a clerical knife or a shaped hole punch (for cutting out an asterisk)

- needle

- a pencil and a ruler (to mark the places where the thread is threaded)

- sequins

Making New Year's cards. Origami Christmas trees.

You will need:

- colored paper (can be thick paper)

- colored cardboard (for the base of the postcard)

- button, ribbon and other decorations to taste.

Creative New Year cards. Christmas tree from ribbons.

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- scissors

- stickers (in this case in the form of stars)

- decorative ribbons, scrap paper or clippings from colorful magazines

1. Fold a piece of colored cardstock in half to make the card base.

2. Cut out a tree trunk from brown paper.

3. Glue the stem to the base (in the middle).

4. Start cutting your colorful paper strips into several pieces of varying lengths.

5. Glue all the pieces onto the trunk (top), starting from the bottom, with the longest piece.

6. Decorate the Christmas tree as you wish.

New Year's cards in quilling technique

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- paper strips for quilling (preferably several shades of green)

- scissors

- white crepe paper or napkin

- toothpicks (for winding paper strips)

So, let's start making a postcard:

How to make a New Year's card from round napkins

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- scissors

- round napkins (or double-sided colored paper)

- Double-sided tape

- decorations to taste

1. To make a Christmas tree, you need half a circle. To do this, fold the round napkin in half and cut it.

2. Fold a semicircle as shown in the image.

3. Using double-sided tape, glue the layers of the Christmas tree.

4. Glue the Christmas tree to the base of the card

5. Decorate the tree to your liking.

New Year's voluminous cards

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- scissors

- pencil and ruler

- decorations

1. Cut out triangles from colored cardboard - these will be your Christmas trees.

2. Prepare two sheets of thick paper. Fold both in half - one will serve as the base of the card, and the other as its inner part.

3. The diagram shows how to cut out “steps” from the sheet for the inside of the postcard, on which you will then need to stick Christmas trees.

4. After you have glued the Christmas trees, decorate them and the rest of the card to your liking.

New Year's greetings. Postcard from circles.

You will need:

- colored paper

- stationery knife

- colored cardboard

1. Take a sheet of A4 paper (plain or color). Draw a large circle on it with a compass.

2. Cut out the circle.

3. Fold the circle in half and make cuts in a checkerboard pattern (see picture). Cuts should be made in a circle - start at the fold line and move to a point a little further than the middle.

4. Expand the circle and glue the thread to the crown.

5. Glue the circle to colored cardboard folded in half (postcard base).

* You can glue small red circles to the thread so that they hang down from the top of the tree.

6. Decorate your postcard as you like.

Now you can not only give this postcard, but also decorate the New Year tree with it.

New Year's cards (master class)

You will need:

- colored cardboard

- buttons

- Red ribbon

- pencil or pen

1. Prepare the base for the postcard by folding colored cardboard in half.

2. Draw a circle on the base using a compass or pencil and any small round object.

3. Prepare the buttons and start gluing them carefully along the drawn circle.

4. Cut off a piece of red tape and stick it where you like.

Ready! Everything is very simple, but at the same time beautiful and neat.

Design of New Year's cards. Bright lanterns.

You will need:

- scrap paper (or plain thick paper)

- scissors

- paints (you can use watercolors)

- brush

- a set of markers

- simple pencil

1. Prepare the base for the postcard. Fold a thick piece of paper in half.

2. With a simple pencil, draw a wavy line on one side of the card. Curls can be added.

3. Now draw the lanterns on the line.

4. Color the lanterns with paints or multi-colored markers.

5. Add an inscription, for example, "Happy New Year!".

Christmas cards with snowflakes

Another idea for a DIY New Year's card is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper.

If you have paper lace napkins at home, then you can cut snowflakes out of them.

Postcard with New Year's embroidery.

Such a postcard will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious recipients. After all, here you invest your strength and soul not only to assemble the finished parts and give them a festive look, but also create these very details with your own hands. For embroidery, you can choose any pattern that matches the theme of the new year. It can be Santa Claus, a cheerful snowman, a festive tree, Christmas balls, a symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster and more.

To create such a New Year's craft, you will need: glue, scissors, embroidery, satin ribbons, and other decorative elements, if desired.

As in the first option, we first prepare the base of the postcard and give it the desired shape. Then we paste the embroidery and decorate the edges of the picture. This can be done in the following ways: use satin ribbon, half beads, rhinestones and sparkles. Such a postcard in itself is already a finished product and does not require special additions in the form of sparkles and sequins, but if it seems to you that they will only complement the overall look, then add. If the card is intended for a friend, sister or mother, you can use a satin ribbon bow, such a decor will give the product a great prettiness.

Postcard from colored threads

Handmade card with a Christmas tree made of colored threads

The forest beauty is the main symbol of the New Year. And in such an unusual incarnation, both adults and children will like it! To create a craft you will need:

  • three sheets of cardboard or thick paper
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Double-sided tape
  • dense threads of different colors
  • colored pens
  • ruler
  • decorative beads
  • paper snowflakes
  • ribbon

Fold a sheet of colored cardboard or thick paper in half. It will serve as the basis for the postcard. Cut a rectangle out of paper of a different color, stick it closer to the top of the card. Cut out a triangle from the third sheet of cardboard. Wrap it with multi-colored threads, fixing them on the back of the tenderloin. Decorate the Christmas tree with shiny balls of multi-colored beads and glue the tree to the postcard. Decorate the craft with an elegant ribbon and do not forget to print and stick a congratulatory inscription.