What do the lines between the eyebrows say. Magic skin - Doctor Eskin! Vertical wrinkle in the middle at the level of the bridge of the nose - stomach problems

The shape of the lips, the size of the nose, the shape of the eyes, the wrinkle between the eyebrows - all this is an external designation of internal characteristics. Physiognomy is engaged in drawing up a psychological portrait of a person according to the outlines of the face. Wrinkles on the face can tell about character and fate. So, the appearance of deep wrinkles at a young (adolescent) age indicates difficult trials of fate or that a person is very emotional.

What do your wrinkles say about you?

Consider what the wrinkles between the eyebrows say.

A deep furrow located between two eyebrows can testify both to the high intelligence of its owner and to betray his shy nature. Two even, parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows are characteristic of a person - a leader (purposeful, self-confident, with a persistent character), capable of building a successful career both in entrepreneurial and political activities.

The folds stretching from the nose to the corners of the mouth are called nasolabial. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, this is a sign of maturity. It is currently believed that the wider the folds diverge, the wider the person's social circle.

  • Wrinkles on the forehead, as a rule, positively characterize their owners. These can be artistic natures or people with leadership qualities and high intelligence.
  • Wrinkles on the forehead of an unusual shape indicate that the person is lucky.
  • The presence of wrinkles on the face can signal the presence of diseases (mental or physical) in a person.
  • A person who has three vertically curved brow furrows can be fraught with danger. Often, people who are prone to committing crimes have this sign pronounced (it is also called the imprint of a maniac).
  • Horizontal wrinkles located above the bridge of the nose indicate the development of osteochondrosis and a disposition to point headaches.
  • Vertical grooves serve as an occasion to check the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a new wrinkle that has appeared can serve as an occasion (in the presence of other symptoms) to check your health.

In addition to diagnosing health problems, wrinkles give the face an external unattractiveness and fatigue. If you do not start to deal with the first signs of their manifestation in time, then in the future fine wrinkles will become even deeper and more noticeable.

Wrinkle Causes

The etiology of the occurrence of skin depressions on the face can be as follows:

  • aging and dryness of the skin (with age, the skin loses its ability to elasticity, and the lack of moisture in the cells accelerates this process);
  • increased emotionality (the habit of frowning, smiling contribute to the appearance of wrinkles even in adolescence);
  • malnutrition (junk food is characterized by the lack of useful substances necessary to maintain the optimal state of the entire human body and skin cells separately);
  • unhealthy habits (when smoking, the face acquires an unhealthy color);
  • exposure to sunlight (on the one hand, radiation gives the skin an attractive tanned look, on the other hand, the body receives a dose of solar radiation, most of which goes to the face);
  • bad ecology (negatively affects the internal processes of the body, which is signaled by an external manifestation through the skin);
  • predisposition at the genetic level of a person (due to heritability).


There are two types of interbrow wrinkles:

  • Vertical lines, the occurrence of which is due to the frequent manifestation of anger or irritation. They consist of one to three vertical recesses located above the bridge of the nose.
  • Horizontal - have the form of one (or more) horizontal lines.

The fight against wrinkles can be carried out both independently (at home) and with the involvement of specialists (cosmetic procedures in beauty salons and private clinics).


In modern cosmetology, there are many methods and tools used in the fight against age-related changes in the skin of the face. A popular way to eliminate the grooves between the eyebrows is Botox (botulinum toxin is injected into the specified area). The substance introduced during the procedure immobilizes the problem area on the face (fixes it), as a result of which the muscles of the face of the treated area relax, the skin straightens and deep wrinkles are smoothed out.


The next method in the fight against wrinkles between the eyebrows is fillers. These are specialized wrinkle correctors developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid, acting on the principle of increasing volume where it is lacking, i.e. getting into the recesses of the skin, it penetrates the cells, increasing their volume, lifts the dermis, creating the effect of even and smooth skin.


There is a non-injection method of exposure using expensive, but effective. Some of them act like Botox. The advantage of using such funds is the painlessness of the procedure.


Those who cannot tolerate injections can perform acupressure on the face, which, although it does not completely get rid of wrinkles, but by toning the skin and muscles of the face, makes them less noticeable.

Wrestling at home

Not everyone can afford procedures in the salon or the use of special expensive products. Therefore, there are many masks, creams, herbal decoctions that can be made at home. As a way to get high results, you can combine self-made cosmetics with facial exercises. This training of the muscles of the face involves the periodic tension of the interbrow muscles by raising the eyebrows (a certain number of sets of several minutes over a quarter of an hour).

An egg mask has gained wide popularity among folk remedies for wrinkles. It is based on two chilled proteins, whipped to an airy foam. A mask is applied to the pre-prepared skin (cleaned and steamed) with a brush, and it is necessary to be in a horizontal position for 40 minutes to obtain maximum relaxation of the facial muscles. After the specified time, the mask is washed off, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

If you treat your skin with care, you can keep the effect of youth for a long time.

In contact with

Mimic lines or wrinkles often form on the forehead, making it possible to judge the character of a person. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead also indicate the state of the nervous system. From this article, you will learn how to determine the character of a person by wrinkles on the forehead.

  • The forehead is smooth, without wrinkles - on the one hand, a sign of carelessness and a cheerful character, and on the other hand (in the presence of other not very good facial indicators) - it speaks of confusion in the concepts of good and evil.
  • A forehead, randomly furrowed with deep wrinkles, is a sign of a mediocre mind and laziness.
  • Chaotic shallow wrinkles, diverging in all directions, are a sign of eccentricity, originality.
  • Deep zigzag folds on the forehead - traces of failures in business.
  • Deep zigzag wrinkles on a low, bony forehead are a sign of depravity and recklessness.
  • Deep irregularly shaped wrinkles located in different directions are evidence of impulsiveness, harshness, quarrelsomeness, and rudeness.
  • Horizontal wrinkles located in the lower part of the forehead, close to the eyebrows, are evidence of a deep mind. Horizontal wrinkles located in the upper part of the forehead, close to the hair, are evidence of pride, hardness of heart. Inconspicuous horizontal parallel grooves are a sign of a calm mind, honesty.
  • A single horizontal wrinkle dividing the forehead into upper and lower parts is evidence of a person's great independence, moral and spiritual, the ability to balance his own view with the opinions of others. Such people have objective views and judgments. It is also a testament to literary talent, hard work and loneliness.

What do forehead wrinkles say?

A lot of parallel wrinkles covering the entire forehead speaks of the emotionality of a person, his perseverance. He is a materialist. The narrow upper lip indicates his distrust of others. The earlobes, fused with the neck, emphasize his stubbornness. He is an excellent analyst, fanatical in his work. It's hard to convince him of anything. Very collected and resourceful in difficult situations. Has a good sense of humor. Do not throw words to the wind. A dashing driver, but does not like to repair the car. Maybe a diplomat.

Let's define the character by the wrinkles on the forehead in this case. This is a man with great willpower. Very talented, deep in its inner content. When talking, three parallel deep lines are clearly visible, crossing the entire forehead, which indicates his straightforwardness and purity of soul. The line going up from the nose emphasizes his stubbornness. He is very patient, maximally collected in extreme situations, resourceful and decisive. Symmetrical lines above the eyebrows on both sides of the forehead speak of his selfishness. He doesn't know how to adapt. He usually gives birth to girls. Married twice.

Such an arrangement of wrinkles on the forehead speaks of the difficult fate of a person. He is talented and has an analytical mind. The nervous system is unbalanced. The lower lip is large and full, which emphasizes a sharp mind, extraordinary kindness. He loves a joke, is not able to offend his neighbors.

Such lines on the forehead say that the person is stubborn, his character is not easy. He is very inquisitive, has a developed intuition and the gift of a psychologist. Able to understand everyone, to enter into his position. The upper lip is narrow, which indicates his incredulity, caution in communicating with strangers.

Thin lips indicate a complex and unpredictable character. Deep-set eyes emphasize toughness in matters of principle. He is constantly at risk, walks on the edge of a knife. Kind by nature, loves nature. Because of excessive kindness, now and then he gets into unpleasant situations. Has an analytical mind.

Such an arrangement of wrinkles on the forehead speaks of the cunning of a person. He is diplomatic, achieves success in professional activities in the second half of his life. A thin upper lip speaks of his caution and distrust of people. He is grouchy, often dissatisfied with life, it is difficult to please him.

This person is persistent, this is indicated by the lines on the forehead, arranged in the form of steps. The nose speaks of his extraordinary ability to work. This person is talented, diligent, not prone to boasting, does not like to be in the spotlight. Maybe a musician or an artist.

Such lines indicate a balanced character of a person. The second straight line says that he has children of different sexes. The top line indicates that he may be in two marriages. He loves his family and enjoys helping his wife with housework. A nose with a small hump indicates increased sexuality. This person knows how to control emotions, is inquisitive, spends a lot of time watching TV.

What do forehead wrinkles mean?

How to determine the character of a person by wrinkles on the forehead, if a single line on the forehead runs from the nose up and slightly to the right? It says that a person has deep analytical thinking, a good memory. He may be a great politician, but he will never become an actor or an artist. Selfish, distrustful, carefully selects friends. He is very cheerful in the company, likes to drink. Extremely hardworking.

Symmetrical lines converging in the center of the forehead are rare. The nature of such a person is calm. He is somewhat closed, has an analytical mindset. The ability to manage emotions allows him to become a manager, a politician. Curious, likes to travel, make new useful acquaintances. A good family man, as a rule, he has children of different sexes, whom he loves very much.

A short perpendicular line on the bridge of the nose indicates that the person is very stubborn. This is also confirmed by the earlobes fused with the neck. Meticulous, in some cases boring. The wavy lines, combined with a few broken ones, suggest that this person had to retrain, and this was fraught with many difficulties. Excellent interlocutor, loves debates. Possesses the ability to languages, but does not always develop them. Easily gains prestige.

We determine the character by the wrinkles on the forehead. Many wavy lines on the forehead indicate punctuality, that this person is too straightforward and stubborn. Talented, very sensitive. He can express himself most fully in the field of art, become an artist or sculptor. Clean, overly squeamish. He prefers to do everything in the house with his own hands. Devoted to the family, such people get divorced extremely rarely.

A line passing through the entire forehead means that this person is unusually bold in decisions and actions, loves risk. Very talented. Knows how to make the right decision. Sexy. In the morning you can not wake him up - the reaction can be unpredictable. The earlobes, fused with the neck, emphasize his stubbornness. Excellent mechanic, skillfully drives a car. Witty. If he does not like a person, he constantly teases him. The stupidity of those around him irritates him.

What does a wrinkled forehead mean?

Intelligent, able and normal people usually have 5 or 6 continuous wrinkles on the forehead. In people, although smart, but who have undergone severe trials and been led astray by fate from the path they originally chose, the wrinkles on the forehead are interrupted and uneven in many places, which indicates dullness of mental abilities and fragility of convictions. Elevated people, gifted speakers and great artists have only 3-4 longitudinal lines intersected by one line from top to bottom. The absence of wrinkles or barely noticeable wrinkles on the forehead is a sign of an undeveloped mind and inability to think seriously.

Seven parallel lines on the forehead indicate kindness, prudence, distrust. This is a person with a subtle psychology, caring, before doing something, he will think everything through.

A long forehead wrinkle framing the left eyebrow indicates slyness, a great sense of humor. The topmost hairline speaks of talent. Such a person can be a director, a playwright, he has a well-developed imagination. But he is very vulnerable. The middle line, crossing the entire forehead, indicates his sociability and extraordinary sociability. He likes to be in the thick of things, willingly makes new acquaintances. Not very balanced, especially "December". He always achieves what he wants, success accompanies him.

The broken line above the left eyebrow speaks of an analytical mindset. This person is not in a hurry with conclusions, he is bold and decisive in difficult matters. Can be the head of a large enterprise. In work, a fan does not back down from difficulties, stubbornly goes to the goal. The second line, curved in the middle, speaks of his physical strength and endurance. A "winter" person can be a high-class athlete. He is usually tall and loves to travel. Spends most of his time at work.

The transverse line in the middle of the forehead, bent down, testifies to the extraordinary perseverance and stubbornness of a person. Two wrinkles on the forehead above the eyebrows indicate his proud and implacable character. He loves to argue, in a dispute he must definitely win. Impatient, quick-tempered, unbalanced. Can't accept defeat. He has a sharp mind and a philosophical mindset. Selfish. Capable of exact sciences. Tends to change places. Perfectly oriented in unfamiliar terrain. Reliable, never betray, knows how to keep a secret. Good, loves dogs.

Two lines above the bridge of the nose indicate the courage of a person, a strong will. His whole life is spent in work. Knows how to stand up for himself, his interests. Materialist. Steadfastly endures failures, of which there are many in his life. Very hardy physically, can work at high temperature. He has children of different sexes.

What do curved forehead wrinkles mean?

Curved lines above the eyebrows speak of the extraordinary cunning of a person. He is stubborn and selfish. He does not tolerate injustice, which brings him a lot of trouble. Monogamous and jealous. Very clean, squeamish. Balding at a young age. Very inquisitive. Materialist. Likes to play pranks on people who don't like him.

How to determine the character of a person by wrinkles on the forehead? Many curved lines on the forehead indicate a complex character. Such a person finds it difficult to get along with people, not in every society he finds like-minded people. Eternal fighter for justice. He does not know how to adapt, to curry favor with his superiors. Several lines above the eyebrows indicate that in extreme situations it is difficult for him to navigate, he is not collected, he can make mistakes. Balding early. Not a careerist. Possesses literary abilities.

A perpendicular line coming from the nose indicates that this person is persistent in achieving the goal. Short connecting lines indicate talent in the field of arts, especially in the musical field. Maybe a stage actor. Likes to travel, easy-going. In his personal life, he is not very lucky, he enters into marriage several times.

Two deep, curved transverse wrinkles, complemented by two short ones in the upper part of the forehead, speak of a person's outstanding musical talent. He is proud and very vulnerable. He devotes his whole life to his beloved work. Mostly boys are born to him, girls - rarely.

The curved line above the eyebrows indicates an unstable human nervous system. He is a bad diplomat, uncompromising, stubborn. Rectilinear, which brings him a lot of trouble. Hardworking, prudent. Excellent progress through the ranks.

A curved wrinkle above the bridge of the nose speaks of the extraordinary pride of a person, his selfishness, selfishness. He is stubborn, assertive in achieving the goal. Selective in friendship. Very punctual, never let you down. Strongly experiencing the dishonesty of loved ones. Very honest, excellent leader, possesses organizational skills. He reaches great heights in the professional field.

Such an asymmetrical arrangement of lines indicates the complaisant nature of a person, but not in achieving the goal. In this he is irreconcilable, stubborn and persistent. Two short wrinkles at the top speak of his pride. He does not know how to adapt, often fails due to the fact that he cannot put up with injustice. Has many friends, a wonderful storyteller. Possesses the gift of a speaker. Ears pressed to the head indicate his perseverance in achieving the goal.

Lines that cross the entire forehead and go down to the nose indicate a person's isolation. He is stubborn, very patient, not prone to nervous breakdowns. Bold and decisive in action. In extreme situations, he is as collected and calm as possible. Mandatory, any business brings to an end. Witty.

This person has one central wrinkle running across the entire forehead. The rest diverge from her. The character of such a person is not simple. He is jealous, cunning, persistent in achieving the goal, stubborn over trifles. Disdain. He is very talented, but it is difficult to realize his talent.

This person has deep analytical thinking, is fair, persistent. Lines concentrated on one side of the forehead emphasize his purposefulness. Not inclined to believe prejudice, not subject to influence. He chooses friends himself, honors moral principles. Achieves great success through hard work. Mandatory, never breaks a given word.

How to recognize the character of the wrinkles on the forehead

So, we determine the character by the wrinkles on the forehead. The line that goes from the nose to the eyebrow indicates that this person is very kind not only to loved ones, but to everyone he encounters. His nose suggests that he does not strive for material prosperity and can be content with what he has. He has children of different sexes. Talented, can engage in artistic photography. In family life, he experiences great difficulties.

Such lines on the forehead are inherent in a good-natured woman, but moderately stubborn. She likes to sleep in the morning. Has a good memory. Four lines crossing the forehead mean that she acquires one specialty, but works in a completely different way. The nose emphasizes her kindness. The upper lines on her forehead are an unfinished triangle, which speaks of her loneliness. Despite the fact that in life she has a hard time, she stubbornly goes to the goal. Free from prejudice.

The line running from the nose and continuing above the eyebrow speaks of the spirituality of a person, of his predisposition to stress. He can devote his life to worship. Very friendly, loves animals. Selfless, will not harm anyone. A philosopher by nature, he respects women, which emphasizes the shape of his nose. A cleft chin indicates heightened sexuality. He is emotional. Earlobes fused to the neck indicate stubbornness.

A line crossing the entire forehead, a longitudinal wrinkle on the forehead, speaks of an analytical mindset. Many broken lines indicate extreme kindness. Such a person can be a doctor, a psychologist. He cares a lot about his loved ones. A must, will never let you down. Short lines above the eyebrows, one of which is curved, emphasize his talent in the field of mathematics. Can be a teacher of mathematics at school, as she loves children very much. Not a careerist, he sincerely rejoices at the professional success of his colleagues.

Longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, which are located close to the eyebrows, speak of a person's talent in the field of art. He is a great conversationalist, an interesting person. He has a sharp mind, does not tolerate lies, it is impossible to deceive him. In moments of temper it is harsh in statements. Doesn't like bores. In the company of oars, a good storyteller of jokes.

The lines on the forehead in the form of a fountain indicate that this is a very cautious person, a reinsurer. He is very squeamish. Dislikes long trips. Has a keen sense of smell, does not tolerate unpleasant odors. Capricious, hard to please. His wife has a hard time with him. He does not marry for a long time, he is demanding in choosing a girlfriend. Grouchy, selfish.

A straight line passing through the entire forehead indicates a person's ability to navigate in extreme conditions. He is not afraid of difficulties, ready for anything. He is talented, most often fully realizes himself in the field of science, design and modeling. He is fond of historical literature, plays chess well. The character is complex, stubborn (especially in the "December"). Leader in the team. Friends are chosen carefully.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person by wrinkles on the forehead.

Surely you have observed how an experienced doctor, having barely looked at the patient, already begins to talk with him about the problems that brought the person to the hospital. Yes, indeed, it is enough for an experienced diagnostician to look at the patient's face in order to make a preliminary diagnosis. And this is because the wrinkles on your face are a kind of health card. They can tell a lot about hidden diseases of the internal organs.

Nasolabial fold associated with the small intestine. Therefore, if you take a close look bowel problems, most likely, expensive cosmetic procedures (wrinkle polishing, mesotherapy or Restylane pricking) will become more effective or not needed at all.

Wrinkle "frown"- brow fold - usually bypasses those who do not overload the liver and do not have diseases of this organ. Pronounced transverse wrinkles on the forehead indicate that the person is suffering headaches. In patients prone to acute migraine attacks, these lines are especially deep. If the lines are broken, this indicates disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Vertical wrinkles above the base of the nose serve as a signal arrhythmias hearts. In patients who have had a heart attack, these wrinkles are especially pronounced. If the wrinkles near the eyes, which form when smiling, remain visible even with a serious facial expression, this is a sign of bladder weakness.

Vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead at the level of the bridge of the nose indicates stomach problems. vertical wrinkles between nose and upper lip formed when metabolic dysfunction. Possible consequences: violation of the digestive process, up to the acute form of diabetes mellitus.

Availability deep wrinkles between the lip and nose signals about heart valve defect which is usually of rheumatic origin. Deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides - the most important sign increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs.

Flabby and sagging skin on the cheekbones testifies to bladder problems.

Slightly swollen chin- means there is kidney problems.

Multiple wrinkles on the cheekbones indicate decreased function of the stomach and pancreas.

Transverse wrinkle on the chin may be a sign congestion at the level of the liver or pelvis.

If the skin on the cheekbones resembles a transparent film, then it is necessary to check the condition of the liver.

Often chin goes numb- visit a cardiologist and do an electrocardiogram, as there may be problems with the heart.

Cross wrinkle on the bridge of the nose points to hypothyroidism.

Deep, symmetrical wrinkles on both sides of the nose they talk about gastrointestinal dysfunction.

If nasolabial fold continues to the chin, this means digestive problems - gastritis with high acidity, beginning ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, colitis.

ABOUT gynecological diseases say vertical shallow wrinkles above the upper lip.

Vertical wrinkles from the corners of the mouth down warn of a possible gastritis with reduced secretory function and predisposition to diseases of the pancreas.

If the area around the mouth and the mouth itself are covered with grooves, so there is spasms in the large intestine.

ABOUT heart disease speaks white edging around the mouth.

Hydronephritis(impaired excretion of fluid by the kidneys) and violation of water-salt metabolism predict cracks in the corners of the mouth.

When over the bridge of the nose is formed many cruciform wrinkles, it is possible spinal disease. A transverse wrinkle speaks of a problem in the cervical-occipital zone - often this osteochondrosis.

Horizontal wrinkles cut through the forehead above the bridge of the nose - this is a common sign of a tendency to migraine.

If between eyebrows formed a deep vertical groove, then the body is clearly not x running out of oxygen and outdoor walks.

vertical fold between the eyebrows on the right speaks of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. If the wrinkle is shifted to the left - the first sign spleen problems.

Wrinkles under the eyes in the shape of a crescent- possible bladder problems. Swelling of the upper eyelids says that kidney problems.

Almost all people have wrinkles. Usually they appear with age, and it happens due to the characteristics of the skin. These folds formed on the forehead can indicate not only the years lived. They carry information about the health, character and fate of a person.


"Reading the face" is engaged in physiognomy. , which fell into the field of its application, are an important source of information. Today it is considered a pseudoscience, but many experts consider the conclusions of physiognomy to be quite reasonable.

This doctrine arose in the III century BC in ancient China. His followers believed that with the help of wrinkles it is possible to determine the state of human health. Currently, this teaching has found many followers, both among esotericists and professionals.

Why wrinkles form

Leather is a fairly elastic material. Healthy and young, she is able to quickly restore her tissues. Over time, this feature begins to lose its features. The folds that appear remain forever. Wrinkles on the face, the meaning of which is understood by physiognomists, can tell a lot of interesting things.

Stories from our readers

Looked 10 years younger in one week! Without Botox, without operations and expensive drugs. With each birthday, it was more and more terrible to realize how old I was, and even more terrible to look at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper, and the circles under the eyes became more noticeable. I already thought about resorting to injections, but, thank God, they dissuaded me. Believe it or not, in just a week I got rid of almost all wrinkles and look 10 years younger, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles naturally at home - a must read!

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Wrinkles form for various reasons:

  • age-related changes;
  • skin features;
  • heredity;
  • facial habits;
  • improper skin care;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • environmental factors (poor water quality, polluted atmosphere);
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • diseases, stress, increased physical activity.

Each groove that appears carries information about the most important events and periods in the life of each individual.

What is hidden under inconspicuous folds?

The area from the hair to the eyebrows shows the condition of a person in childhood, as well as his intellectual abilities. From the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - the will of a person, analysis and the ability to control oneself. The lower part of the face speaks of the success of a person, his affections. The latter area is studied exclusively in people in old age.

The forehead is a mirror of character

Among other things, it takes into account how the wrinkles on the forehead are located. The value in this case can be completely different. Cross wrinkles are a sign of migraine. The deeper they are, the more often attacks occur. Intermittent folds indicate a weakness of the nervous system, frequent depressive states and nervous breakdowns. However, such folds testify to the great mental potential of the owner and great energy.

Vertical folds between the eyebrows - problems with the gastrointestinal tract, arrhythmia of the heart muscle, a previous heart attack. Such folds may occur due to facial features of a person. Longitudinal lines between the eyebrows - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Also, their owner is an intelligent and serious person.

Wrinkles moving away from one point mean a complex character, calmness, prudence, relying only on one's own strengths. In difficult situations, the ability to make responsible decisions in a short period of time. The same lines on the forehead. Their owner has perseverance, perseverance and determination. Counts solely on himself.

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There is a science, the main idea of ​​which is the influence of the characteristics of a person's character on individual features of appearance. Or maybe the appearance itself has an impact on behavior, worldview and relationships with other people. The name of this science is physiognomy. It has been around for a long time and allows you to successfully make assumptions about people based on the shape and length of the eyebrows, the size of the nose, the roundness of the ears, etc. Even wrinkles can tell a lot about their owner. They will be discussed in the article.

Age-related changes in the skin are associated with the appearance of grooves - wrinkles. But they can also appear in youth as a result of mimic activity. They serve as an occasion for speculation about the character of a person.

Here's what the skin grooves on the bridge of the nose can tell us:

  1. Horizontal lines often betray people who have a lot of complexes, unsure of themselves. They have their own opinion, but are often afraid to demonstrate it, yielding to a more determined opponent. Also, such wrinkles can indicate shyness, which creates problems in building personal relationships.
  2. Vertically located grooves, complemented by a high forehead, are most often companions of individuals with outstanding mental abilities, a mathematical mindset. Such a characteristic pattern on the bridge of the nose can be found in most scientists and researchers.
  3. But if vertical wrinkles are noticeable in addition to a low forehead, then, most likely, a load of problems has fallen on a person that he is not yet able to solve. In this case, we are talking about facial expressions of tension or stress.
  4. Zigzag grooves on the bridge of the nose are a frequent attribute of people with a choleric temperament, unable to control themselves, as well as pathological jealous people.
  5. If the lines form a triangle or an angle, then try to keep your eyes open with such a character, he can be unreliable or a deceiver.
  6. Striations that look like jerky, short lines (dotted lines) often appear on the face of faithful life partners, reliable business partners and devoted friends.

It also happens that wrinkles in the bridge of the nose signal the presence of health problems, for example, a violation of the bladder. Therefore, if there are additional symptoms, do not attribute everything to facial expressions, be sure to consult a doctor.

Philosophical stories...

Philosophers say that wrinkles are the lines of a person's life. It is wrinkles that make it possible to judge a person, to form a certain idea about him. Also, others evaluate facial expressions and facial expressions. When facial expressions change, there is tension in the muscles of the face. Naturally, wrinkles are formed as a result of this. Connoisseurs of psychology easily talk about the character and personality traits of people, looking at wrinkles.

Science or lies?

For as long as humanity has existed, they have tried to determine the character of people in many ways. Palmistry and numerology, astrology and the name, all this sometimes makes one doubt the correctness of the conclusions. However, it is physiognomy that is truly real.

Why do wrinkles form?

First, let's talk about genetics. If parents began to develop wrinkles only in adulthood, then children are likely to experience the same. Wrinkles may well appear from malnutrition or a certain lifestyle. During the diet, the body is severely lacking in collagen, as a result of which wrinkles form. Bad habits will also quickly fill a young face with a net.

In general, there can be a great many reasons for wrinkles, so they can appear at a fairly young age and accompany a person for the rest of his life.


Psychologists have long proven that reasoning about what kind of character a person has is mostly superficial. They are directly dependent on how one person is tuned in to another, how he treats him. Specialists conducted one interesting experiment in which students were shown only one part of a portrait of a person. They had previously been told that he was a dangerous criminal.

Young people instantly discovered certain features in this portrait, which could show his bloodthirstiness and cruelty, mental instability and low level of development. Another group of students were shown a portrait and were told that the man was a scientist. The guys immediately noticed a high forehead and a look that showed the high intelligence of the professor. However, experts forgot to mention that this portrait belonged to the same person.

Due to the pre-determined setting of young people, students unconsciously searched for only those features in the portrait that testified to bloodthirstiness and intelligence. They quickly found them.

Health and wrinkles

By wrinkles, you can easily find out about certain human diseases. Diagnostics and professionals can determine diseases of the heart and stomach, liver and kidneys at a single glance, prescribe treatment and understand the cause of the disease. And all this is backed by science.

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