What does bad handwriting indicate? Causes and correction of bad handwriting. How to make your child have beautiful handwriting

Natalya Kalichenok, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs in Primary Schools of the State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 4 in Vitebsk”, helped to understand the relationship between handwriting and academic performance in school subjects.

Does poor handwriting affect student performance?

– The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Forcing a child to write beautifully, we forget that calligraphy is a special kind of fine art. Not everyone has perfect handwriting. But first you need to understand what, in fact, worries you - just ugly written words or numerous blots, mistakes, mixed up letters?

On the one hand, if you are worried solely because of beauty, then the trouble is not so great. The most important thing is that the words are read normally and there are no grammatical errors in the text. On the other hand, ugly handwriting can indeed be the reason for the failure of many children. In elementary school, grades are reduced depending on the number of corrections in accordance with the standards of certification. Then the motivation to study disappears, because the handwriting cannot be changed.

In addition, a child who writes ugly and sloppy often does it more slowly than others, because his hand gets tired faster. As a result, he does not have time to write everything on the control and gets bad marks. As a result, even the smartest child can turn into a loser.

Is it possible to correct handwriting, for example, in adolescence? If yes, what should be done for this?

– Bad handwriting needs to be corrected, and this requires regular exercise. The sooner you start improving it, the better the process will go. A younger student can be taught new things faster, and he will be more willing to correct his mistakes. Handwriting correction will help the child to be more diligent, attentive, and these qualities will be useful in later school life. But, first of all, it is important to identify the cause of poor handwriting.

Reason #1. Incorrect position of the body, hands, posture, position of the legs, inappropriate writing pens. The success of writing is largely determined by the creation of optimal hygienic conditions: the selection of furniture, seating, direction of lighting, the optimal shape of the pen, the duration of uninterrupted writing, etc.

Reason number 2. Incorrect position of the notebook on the desk.

Reason #3. Poorly developed fine motor skills.

Reason number 4. Insufficient level of development of spatial perception. Usually this problem is not too serious and passes quickly. Very often, parents, seeing that the child is confusing letters or that they are "hanging in the air", make him redo the same thing a hundred times! But repeated rewriting won't help here.

Reason number 5. Features of the brain organization. Many believe that disgusting handwriting is just a consequence of inattention, lack of concentration and laziness. But it's not. The most important organ responsible for writing is not the hand, but the head. In order to learn to write, not only the relationship between thinking and fine motor skills of the hand is necessary, but also the ability to translate the information contained in the brain into a system of signs.

Therefore, problems associated with mastering written language can signal brain disorders. Most often, these are not serious pathologies, but some individual characteristics of the child. For example, left-handed people (especially overtrained ones) can experience difficulties, as well as people who are equally good at both hands. However, all this is usually easily overcome.

There is a much more serious problem - dysgraphia, which can be accompanied by dyslexia - difficulties in perceiving printed text. The cause of dysgraphia and dyslexia is a violation of neural connections that transmit information between the hemispheres of the brain. Dysgraphic handwriting is not just horror, but horror-horror! Crooked lines and clumsy letters are not so bad.

Words can be written in a mirror image, letters are mixed up or omitted, the distance between words is uneven, a large number of errors, blots and corrections. But at the same time, dyslexics and dysgraphics are often much smarter than other children.

Many experts believe that if people who successfully combine the work of both hemispheres of the brain have two-dimensional vision, then the perception of dyslexics and dysgraphics is three-dimensional. But, having this unique quality, in most cases they do not know how to use it. In general, either geniuses grow out of them (for example, Albert Einstein, Hans Christian Andersen were dysgraphics), or people who are not self-confident.

Dysgraphia is a serious problem that interferes with normal learning and is directly related to the peculiarities of the brain. Therefore, attentive parents and teachers need to timely show the child and his notebook to specialists - a speech therapist, a psychologist.

– Are there any techniques or exercises to improve handwriting?

There are a lot of tools and methods that will help improve a child's handwriting. Various drawing techniques, hatching, drawing a figure by dots, modeling, playing with small details (designer, weaving, knitting), etc.

Writing with a ballpoint pen involves constant muscle tension, so make it a rule to buy it with your child without fail. Make sure the pen does not scratch, snag, or scratch the paper. At home, it is more convenient to train with a pencil, felt-tip pen, gel pen. Students in grades 5-7 can be introduced to such a representative of the retro style as a fountain pen.

If your child incorrectly connects and writes certain elements, you should pay attention to their development. Use calque. Lay the tracing paper on top of the page. The child needs to circle the sample, write two more times, and then remove the tracing paper, and let him rewrite everything in a clean copy. Thus, the hand gets used to display beautiful letters, and your student is not very tired.

You can also use a “zebra” - a lined sheet of paper (with slanted lines spaced at the same intervals from each other), which children put under the page of a notebook and draw letters along the lines: this will help maintain the same size and slope, improve calligraphy.

The time you allocate to work on improving handwriting and the amount of training exercises should be dosed. Do not overload your daughter or son. You should not expect positive results from the child if every evening instead of walking and talking you will force him to rewrite various texts over and over again for hours. When checking the work, try to pay attention not to what did not work out, but on the contrary - how the child wrote certain words or even letter combinations correctly and beautifully.

At an older age, frequent rewriting of texts at a slow pace will help to correct the situation, the volume of which must be increased as incorrectly or simply ugly letters are corrected. For rewriting, select the works of your favorite prose writers.

Boring workouts will turn into an exciting activity if you start keeping your diary or constantly write down interesting thoughts, not forgetting about beautiful handwriting.

Alesya Grishman.

Once my first-grader son asked me a rather reasonable question: “Mom, why write beautifully? You often type on the computer, but rarely write by hand. And in general, for such handwriting as yours, it is necessary to put in a corner. I thought about the answer for a couple of minutes and tried to explain to him such an important thing as the need to be able to write important information legibly so that others can understand it. I gave various examples from books and from life - and a note with the coordinates of an uninhabited island, on which you ended up after a shipwreck, and a recipe for a cake you liked. And we also looked on the Internet, how handwriting is used to judge the character of a person. After spending half an hour on the whole discussion, I was able to convince my son of the need to be able to write beautifully. This is how our joint work to improve handwriting began.

In this article, you will learn all the information that helped my son and I work productively in the right direction:
- basic requirements for handwriting;
- the influence of handwriting on the performance of tasks;
- reasons for poor handwriting;
- practical recommendations for improving handwriting.

Basic requirements for handwriting.

Teachers consider the main requirement for handwriting to be legibility. To achieve this, you need to monitor the following indicators:
- letters must be placed on the lines of the line;
- correct spelling of letters;
- difference between uppercase and lowercase letters;
- distance between words and letters in a word. On average, no more than eight words should fit on a line;
- starting from the age of eight, they require continuous handwriting;
- the accuracy of the written text at all times, and not just on a greeting card.

The influence of handwriting on the performance of tasks.

When kids don't get it right, they get upset. The situation is also with bad handwriting - the children are ashamed, so they rush to finish their homework as soon as possible. Sometimes the reluctance to write pushes children to ugly deeds - tantrums, screams, lies. Starting to do homework, they drag out time, become distracted and tired, which immediately affects the results. Sometimes so much time is spent on completing tasks that there is no time left for outdoor games necessary for recuperation.

There is another extreme - the child tries so hard to write beautifully and accurately that there is no room in his memory for understanding the meaning of the text, spelling and punctuation, as a result, errors occur due to inattention.

Often children who have handwriting problems write only the required minimum and do not want to complete additional tasks. Such people are said to study satisfactorily, but without pleasure. Written work in such a child is often performed at a level lower than oral assignments.

Reasons for bad handwriting.

The main reason for poor handwriting is often considered the laziness of the child. “Well, is it really so difficult to stop and think about what you write! It’s better not to rush, but to do it right away with high quality,” parents and some teachers often exclaim. What is perceived as laziness is actually the tip of the iceberg. Let's remember how the text is written by a schoolboy with problematic handwriting. Even when a child tries, he is still often corrected, scolded, reproached, sometimes threatened and humiliated. Excuse me, would you like to end this unpleasant procedure as soon as possible? So the child is in a hurry to finish the thankless work.

The main reasons for poor handwriting, according to scientists, are the problem of spatial perception and poorly developed motor skills of the hands, when the eye-hand connection is poorly established. The ability of the brain to perceive objects in space - their location, size, shape - depends on spatial perception.

Through fine motor skills, the brain receives and sends signals from small muscles in the body, which are located in the hands, feet, neck, face. The signals from the large muscles that are in the arms, legs and torso depend on gross motor skills. It often happens that gross motor skills are developed, and fine motor skills need to be worked on. It is always important to develop hand motor skills, since this skill controls handwriting, drawing, modeling. Often, children are not just too lazy to fasten buttons and lace up shoes - this type of activity is difficult for them.

If handwriting problems are serious, the child may be diagnosed with dysgraphia (dis - "difficulty", graphics - "writing"). Usually these disorders are observed in combination with other disorders of speech and mental functions - for example, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity or autism. If you find it extremely difficult for your child to write, it would be appropriate to make a consultation visit with a specialist to determine the reasons. Some of the parents, seeing that the difficulties with writing assignments are not catastrophic, prefer to wait a couple of years. They hope that the child will outgrow these difficulties and everything will be fine. Of course, with age, fine motor skills improve, but during this time the child will form bad habits. That is why, I believe that fine motor skills should be methodically improved and daily short exercises are the best option.

When my son wrote terribly in a clean copy, I got angry and scolded. To be honest, I repeatedly forced him to rewrite his homework, but this did not bring the desired result closer. The child wrote sloppily, offended by my harsh behavior and lamenting about injustice. And then I began to look for ways to achieve diligence and accuracy, and at the same time not quarrel with the child. The advice of Noel Janis-Norton helped us personally.

Tip 1. To achieve a specific result, we must first explain how to do it, and then teach and control memorability - this is the only way to form the habit of doing it right. For example:
- the child confuses the letters, it will be logical to ask: “But how to understand that this is the letter “b”, and not the letter “c”.
- there are problems with writing capital letters, you can ask: “What do you think of what you read is a name?”

Tip 2. Before you start any workout, discuss the task and the time frame for completing it.

Tip 3. It is better to write the very first letters in large ones, children really like to write with crayons on the board - this can help instill interest in writing. Let the children choose the words they want to learn how to write. Usually they choose names - their own, relatives or friends; sometimes - the names of domestic animals (cat, dog). Try writing the words yourself, and let your child circle your letters in a different color.

Tip 4. Invite your child to play detective. Give him any newspaper, magazine, and ask him to find some specific letter on the whole page. My son enjoyed circling and then counting how many times he was attentive.

Tip 5. Exercises to improve handwriting are best done with a pencil - this will erase the bad moment, and not rewrite the word again.

Tip 6 Start working on the accuracy of writing, because it is easier for children to write letters without going beyond the lines than to accurately convey proportion and curves. If you notice a misspelling, you should intervene immediately. This should be done in a friendly way, specifically talking about the error. In no case should you humiliate a child, even if he methodically makes the same mistake. For example: “You spelled the capital letter correctly, but it is the same size as the lowercase letter. Think about how to write it correctly.

Tip 7. Keep an eye on the child's legs, as the posture of the child depends on it. Feet should stand confidently on the floor, because only in this position the child will sit evenly, comfortably and be able to write beautiful letters.

Tip 8 Work on spatial awareness. A very useful and convenient way are cards with letters that you can buy or make yourself. By laying out the cards in a row, you can analyze with your child what the letters have in common and how they differ. Here are some examples:
- group all the high letters;
- group all tailed letters;
- find all the letters that have an oval;
- think about what letters can be confused if you write carelessly ("p" and "g"; "o" and "s"; "n" and "p").

Tip 9. Don't skimp on the praise! The more often you praise the letters, describing in detail their positive qualities, the sooner the child will begin to distinguish those letters that require correction. Praise examples:
- all letters fit on the line, like birds on a branch;
- now the letter "a" is clearly different from "o", because you wrote her a confident tail;
- a large letter "B" notified everyone that Boris is a name.

Children really like it when they are praised, so we can safely use it for a good cause.

Tip 10. Try to train all skills in a playful way. Examples of our games

"Magic wand". Write letters and words in the air to improve eye-hand coordination. Sweeping movements are easier to do than small movements with the hand, and skill training is in full swing.

"Race driver". You draw two parallel stripes - the road, the task of the child is to lead the pencil in the middle, without going beyond the borders and without flying into the ditch. The narrower the road and the more turns, the harder it is to be an ace.

Do not be afraid to fantasize and play - it's always more fun than methodically achieving the heights of skill. If you want your child to love writing, you can invite him to correspond with you on the board with crayons or leaves on the refrigerator. My friend, an eight-year-old girl, liked the idea of ​​keeping a bright diary, and my son liked the idea of ​​making an album with questionnaires for friends. You can introduce a new tradition into everyday life - to design and sign greeting cards for all classmates and acquaintances. And let these creations not be framed as an example of elegant calligraphy, but with each postcard, the child will gain experience and grow confidence. Believe in success - and it will appear!

How to fix a child's handwriting?

There were times when the subject of "handwriting" was part of the school curriculum. Today, beautiful, clear handwriting and now it matters. This is especially important for schoolchildren, who are often even reduced grades for poor handwriting. What to do in this case? Fix bad handwriting! This is a very real task, the main thing is to practice regularly, and the result will not keep you waiting.

The formation of handwriting in children is very difficult, since most of them by the beginning of training have practically no fine motor skills. Children come to school without being able to accurately, without going beyond the contour, to color the picture; they cannot cut a figure out of paper, etc. These problems occur for several reasons:

- Excessive guardianship of the child by adults (he will be dressed and shod, and things will be cleaned for him, and everything will be allowed to him).

- Not dosed passion for different gadgets (the child is busy - parents are happy). - The reluctance of many parents to deal with the child, to develop it (they will teach at school), and much more ...

If, nevertheless, calligraphy causes difficulties and creates many problems in studies, then you can try to correct the accuracy of the letter. Notebooks can help you with this. They draw oblique lines and show examples of writing letters, it is also possible to circle letters along dotted contours.

Drawing, modeling, playing string and keyboard instruments will help in correcting handwriting in children.

Develop a step by step handwriting improvement plan and follow it regularly. For example, allocate fifteen minutes each day for writing, fifteen minutes for drawing (try to trace some drawings along the contour), and ten minutes for exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Handwriting Correction Exercises

Do exercises before and after writing.

Exercise 1

The child puts his palms on the table, in turn raises and lowers each finger above the table, moving from one hand to another. Then on both hands alternately raises the same fingers.

Exercise 2

Lay out a few pencils or pens on the table. Let the child try to collect all the pencils into a fist, using one hand, and then the second. When all the pencils are collected, they must be returned to the table, again with only one hand.

Exercise 3

The kid should hold the pencil between the index and middle fingers. Let him try to draw some figures without bending his palm, and fixing the position of the pencil.

Exercise 4

Take a tennis ball (or other similar size), have the child put it in his hands and straighten them. The ball must be rolled back and forth, in a circle, without bending the palm.

Exercise 5

Squeezing and unclenching the cams and rotating the brush.

Please note: the total class time is 30-40 minutes, and continuous writing should not exceed 10-15 minutes. With longer classes, the child will get tired, and there will be no use from such a lesson.

Helpful advice:

- For the successful mastery of writing skills, classes that develop fine motor skills of the hands are very useful. Collect puzzles and mosaics with your child. Fold origami. String beads. Embroider.

- Make things harder gradually. Only if the previous one is completed successfully, you can move on to more complex tasks.

- If something did not work out, do not rewrite the same thing several times - do a similar task. If the text was rewritten, just keep writing, trying not to make mistakes.

Bad handwriting in a child is quite common. Learning to write is a rather difficult task for a child. And it will be too late to correct the handwriting in grades 3-4, because due to the high pace of writing, one does not have to talk about the beauty of the notes and the training of the elements. In order to correct some of the flaws associated with unsightly handwriting, you need to follow the following rules.

1. Set aside 30-40 minutes for handwriting correction every day. These classes should take place at a time separate from the preparation of lessons (once or twice a week, classes will not give any result).

2. Pick up special exercises for classes or purchase a ready-made exercise book in the store, but do not force your child to write on the principle “the more the better, no matter what.”

3. Tasks should be fun and interesting for the child, developing motor and visual coordination. When the work in copybooks and notebooks with oblique rulers is completed, it is best to buy the most beautiful notebook and start working in it: write poetry, sayings of famous people, excerpts of prose. It is also recommended to simply write more with a pen, for example, keep a diary, paint, sculpt, draw, do gymnastics for the fingers. After systematic studies, it will be possible to achieve a change in handwriting for the better.

Basic rules for beautiful writing

First of all, you should deal with the causes of poor handwriting. But do not forget about simple but significant points that are often not observed by the guys. If everything is done correctly, then the handwriting will noticeably improve.

  1. The position of the notebook affects the slope of the letter. You need to lay it so that the lower part forms an angle of approximately 30-40 degrees with the edge of the table. You can check the correct position of the notebook when working with copybooks that have oblique lines, which should be perpendicular to the edge of the table.
  2. Proper grip and comfortable handle. The correct grip must be taught already at the time when the baby takes pencils and felt-tip pens for drawing for the first time. To properly hold the writing object, you need to put it on the lower side of the middle finger, and fix this position with the index and thumb, simply lowering them onto the handle. The grip should not be strong, otherwise the hand will constantly get tired, the letter will be slow, and the letter and words will be uneven. The writing object should be comfortable, the optimal width is 7-10 mm.
  3. Correct landing. It is necessary to sit deeply on a chair, move closer to the table so that there is a place as wide as a palm in front. The legs are bent at an angle of 90%, the back is straight, the shoulders are at the same height. The body can be slightly tilted forward, while the elbows lie on the edge of the table, the head is not lowered. If the child is completely leaning against the back of the chair, then his elbows should slightly go beyond the edge of the table and be at a distance of 10-15 cm from the body. This position is considered ideal.
  4. Regular workouts. Observing the three previous conditions, you can start writing. The more practice you have, the more confident and beautiful your handwriting will become.

To help correct handwriting, you can buy simulators.

Handle attachment for proper grip.

Writing trainer. On such a ruler, students circle the letters so that the muscles of the hand remember the correct spelling of the letters.

Using this video, you can organize home teaching of calligraphy according to the method of Ilyukhina V.A. "Letter with a Secret"


Take a look at how he sits. Correct posture is not only a guarantee that there will be no problems with the spine, but also that he will not have to make extra efforts when deducing letters. If the pressure on the handle is too strong, then you need a light massage of the arms and shoulders of your little student. At home, you need only a pencil on a draft.

If the pressure on the pen when writing is very weak, then you need to do special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the fingers. You also need to write and draw with pencils.

If the problem is that the letters now and then crawl out of the line, themselves in the line do not want to be within the boundaries of the printed lines, then you need, firstly, notebooks with brighter rulers, or draw them yourself. Secondly, it is best to switch back to writing in notebooks in an oblique line.

If the child displays lines or elements of letters uncertainly, then the notebook that is used in the preparatory or at the very beginning in the first. In such notebooks, much attention is paid to writing various lines: oblique, dotted, curves. Drawing the various figures proposed in the notebook will help you once again practice writing the elements of letters and numbers. To consolidate the result and develop the muscles responsible for the accuracy of small hand movements, you need to pay attention to modeling from plasticine or salt dough, finger games, including shadow theater, applications.

There were times when the subject of "handwriting" was part of the school curriculum. Today they write less and less by hand, but beautiful, clear handwriting and now it matters. This is especially important for schoolchildren, who are often handwriting even lower ratings. What to do in this case? fix bad handwriting! This is a very real task, the main thing is to practice regularly, and the result will not keep you waiting.

You will need

  • - soft simple pencil;
  • - soft writing ballpoint or gel pen;
  • - copybook for writing;
  • - a notebook in a narrow oblique ruler


Take the usual copybooks and start with the simplest exercises - repeating the pattern along, straight and oblique letter elements. Strive to ensure that the lines are even, do not crawl out of the lines and match the printed samples.

Practice writing individual letters. For this, those prescriptions are better suited, where after each printed there is a space for writing by hand. At the same time, you will always have the correct reference version in front, and not just a letter that you have not written very skillfully.

Move on to rewriting phrases and texts using special writing. Print the so-called "gray" copybooks - these are those in which it is printed in pale gray, and not. Stroke this gray text, making sure that your lines do not go beyond the printed . This is a transitional exercise that helps you approach rewriting on your own. And only when rewriting in "gray" copybook becomes easy for you, you can move on to the usual black copybook. The task is the same - to strive to ensure that the letters you write do not go beyond the boundaries of the lines, and the elements of the letters and connections correspond to the printed sample.


The total class time is 45-50 minutes, and continuous writing should not exceed 10-15 minutes. With longer classes, the child will get tired, and there will be no use from such a lesson.

Helpful advice

For the successful mastery of writing skills, classes that develop fine motor skills of the hands are very useful. Collect puzzles and mosaics with your child. Fold origami. String beads. Embroider.

Make the tasks more difficult gradually. Only if the previous one is completed successfully, you can move on to more complex tasks.

If something did not work out, do not rewrite the same thing several times - do a similar task. If the text was rewritten, just keep writing, trying not to make mistakes.


  • Download copybook
  • Font for copy-texts + "gray" copy-books

Progress, as you know, does not stand still and every year there are more and more devices designed to simplify people's lives as much as possible. Computers are one such device. With their help, people print a huge amount of texts, gradually weaning from writing them manually. As a result handwriting badly deteriorated and you need to work hard to improve it or restore it to its former beauty.

You will need

  • - handwritten texts of famous writers;
  • - computer editor Word;
  • - a clean notebook;
  • - felt-tip pen / pen / simple pencil.


First, think about how you would like your handwriting to be. Study various and handwritten texts of famous writers. Pay attention to the features of writing, to the elegance of people who lived in a time when there were no typewriters, no computers, and every letter was handwritten.

Get a special notebook for training and choose the most convenient writing tools for you. It can be a felt-tip pen, with a thin or thick rod, a simple pencil. Even if you don't plan to use them daily, you can just practice for a while. They will help you come up with and add new artistic features to your handwriting.

Ask a person whose handwriting you like to write some big text on a piece of paper. Try to slowly rewrite it on a clean sheet, trying to display each letter at the same time. Optionally, you can add some of your distinctive signs, change the slope of the text, etc.


There are special schools that teach beautiful writing, so if you cannot improve your handwriting on your own and have the necessary amount of money, you can turn to professionals for help.

Helpful advice

Try not to put too much pressure on the pen while writing.

Try writing with a fountain pen. This, of course, is not very convenient, but it forces you to display each letter.

Do not be lazy and train at any free time for you, the more practice - the better the result.

Having beautiful handwriting is also a skill in its own way. For some, it is given just like that, they create calligraphic records without any effort, for others, correct handwriting is the result of hard work.

The formation of handwriting, the ability to write letters takes place in the primary grades of the school - it was then that the first teacher in her life draws sticks and squiggles on the blackboard with chalk, the technique of drawing which yesterday's kindergarteners try to master. It doesn't work out for everyone. The reasons for this are many. For example, restlessness, impatience, lack of effort, etc. As a result, an unformed handwriting, for which teachers will be scolded in subsequent years. However, do not despair: even an adult, with great desire and patience, will be able to correct the handwriting, if not bring it to the ideal, then at least noticeably improve it.

It is enough to follow a few rules. First, success in improving handwriting starts with a well-organized workplace. Before class, prepare your child's desk or your own. Its surface should be even and smooth, wide enough so that the elbows do not hang.

Secondly, there are special recipes that contain samples of calligraphic lettering. And even if you have long gone out of childhood, use them.

Thirdly, a common cause of incorrect, ugly handwriting is the incorrect placement of fingers on. It is important to know that the ballpoint pen must be held with three fingers: thumb, index and middle. The only way. By the way, the tool itself - the pen - also plays an important role. Your hand should be comfortable and comfortable to hold. Be prepared to try a few pens. Believe me, the handwriting will be different with the new version.

If you are working with a child, then for a start it is better to show him how to write this or that letter. Let him repeat after you.

Of course, this algorithm requires a lot of time and perseverance. But the result will definitely be, and you will be able to beautifully sign documents, fill out forms, write a congratulation on a postcard.

Helping a child with homework does not mean that you need to do them for him. To avoid problems with homework, it is necessary to teach the child to do it on their own. And here are some methods to help you do that.

The workplace of the child should be as convenient as possible. Nothing superfluous, good lighting (light directly or from the left), comfortable and motionless chair. Proper organization of the workplace will help the student to focus and tune in to the working mood.

It is desirable to perform lessons at the same time, well, or with an insignificant difference. A student should not be forced to start work immediately after school. The child needs rest. The optimal time is 1-2 hours after class. During this time, you can relax, but the student will not have time to reorganize for household chores. If after school the child attends a section or additional classes, the time for completing the lessons can be shifted, but, of course, not too late. It is very difficult to tune in to work late at night.

Homework should be intermittent. You can break away for a short time (5 minutes) between lessons. The younger student needs a rest every 20 minutes. Just don't fill those minutes with TV. It is better if it is a game, short-lived, but mobile.

You can not load the child with additional exercises in school subjects. This will not pull up the child in studies, but will discourage the desire to study in general. The load must be strong. The work given by the teacher at home is exactly the volume that should be. You don't need to make any adjustments.

Drafts and rewrites are fundamentally wrong. It would seem that once he rewrites it, the next time it will not be customary to deliver dirt in notebooks. Of course, it is necessary to demand accuracy, but let everything be justified. If errors were made during the execution of the work, they need to be corrected and paid attention to. It would be enough.

As for drafts, it is better to refuse them too. It is necessary to show the child how important it is to do the job as well as possible right away. A draft is an opportunity to rewrite. By the way, rewriting from a draft takes a lot of time, but does not guarantee the absence of errors in a clean copy.

You can be next to the child when he does homework, you can explain the material if you have any questions. But in no case should you do the lessons for him. Even reading assignments for exercises for a child is a gross mistake. This teaches children to think and work independently.

It is impossible to scold a child for blots and sloppy handwriting. It just seems to be easy to write. In fact, everyone is given this sacrament in different ways. As for handwriting, not every adult can boast of calligraphy. By the way, it also depends on the characteristics of the hand.

If the child does not learn the school curriculum very well, then you need to additionally analyze the material with him. Calmly and patiently, so that the student feels supported and delved into the explanations, and not nervous because he did not understand something.

If the child does everything himself, then it will still not be superfluous to control this. Ask, remind. Suddenly the child forgot something. This is the real help to the child with his lessons.

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Despite the fact that at school we are always scolded for sloppiness, forced to rewrite several times, asked to write more legibly, thereby developing a good handwriting, many at a conscious age do not enjoy their own writing style. First you need to understand what calligraphy is. First of all, it is a special kind of fine art. And it is not given from birth. This is a technique that requires regular practice. It remains to analyze the question of how to correct the handwriting of an adult, as well as get acquainted with the exercises with which this can be done.

A bit of history

To date, teaching writing begins in schools from 6-7 years. But in the 17th century, calligraphy was taught even before children began to learn to read. The students mechanically rewrote first letters, then syllables, words, and then even sentences. However, despite the fact that the exercises took more than one month, their effectiveness was minimal. Over time, new methods of improving handwriting appeared. The result was noticeable when the letter became special. That is, soon learning to write was combined with learning to read. How to fix adult handwriting? Exercise, exercise and more exercise.

What mistakes do children and adults make?

The most common problem with calligraphy is a large energy loss, as a result of which pain is felt in the hand, dents and even calluses remain on the fingers. There is certainly no time for a beautiful letter. Therefore, the first thing to do before you start painstaking work is to learn how to relax without straining excessively. To do this, you need to learn not only how to hold a pen correctly, but also how to sit at a table and even hold a notebook in which you write. Are you thinking about how to correct the handwriting of an adult? Exercises, of course, are aimed at achieving the desired result. But first you need to determine what your mistakes are.

Where to begin?

The first thing you should do before you start improving your handwriting is to buy a quality pen. It can be ball or feather. In shape, it is desirable that it be smooth, without ribs. The second is a good notebook. This factor also greatly affects the ease of writing and the pleasure of the process. Someone does not pay attention to these accessories and does not even allow the thought that the problem with handwriting can lie precisely in uncomfortable notebooks and pens. Some modern manufacturers sin by producing very low-quality products. Stocked up with the right writing supplies? Let's start with the basics - learn how to hold a pen correctly. Analyze your own writing style. Pay attention to whether you move with your fingertips or move your whole arm up to your shoulder. If the first option, then the result is a tired hand and "jumping" letters. If you try to write a letter in the air, you will notice that you are moving your whole hand, not just your fingers. This is how it should be written on paper. Easy to correct handwriting for an adult. The exercises with which you can do this are not as difficult as they seem at first glance.

The process of change

It is possible to correct an adult's handwriting with exercises even when certain skills have not only been developed, but also consolidated over the years. Experts advise those who wish to change the style of writing to start working with the most common school copybooks. Also a great exercise for correcting handwriting in adults is to print out a beautiful handwriting that you want to master. It is worth starting training with the most common and familiar outline of letters and other elements. The next step is to repeat everything without the outline hint. Now you can start writing syllables, words, sentences, texts, thereby training your hand and memory. If you do not want to buy special recipes, you can easily make them yourself. Just print out any text written in the handwriting you need, and put a translucent sheet of paper on top of the sheet with the text and start tracing the letters. For training, it is also advisable to stock up on notebooks, where there are auxiliary lines.

What to do before training?

Before you start training, you need to do an analysis of your handwriting so that you know what to work on. To do this, write a few sentences and evaluate the following parameters: the distance between words, the distance between the letters, their size, slope, pressure, evenness of the lines, the clarity of the output lines, the style of writing. Only after you have sensibly assessed the features of the already existing handwriting, when you determine what exactly you do not like, you can proceed to the above exercises.

If you have not yet determined which style you want to practice, you can analyze other people's handwriting, study ready-made fonts. Try to write letters by imitating these fonts. You can also experiment and combine some elements with your handwriting. Find that perfect fit and train it using a variety of exercises. Correcting an adult's handwriting is much easier than it seems.

How much time will it take?

If you decide to take such a brave step as the independent formation of handwriting, then you can’t do without regular work and a certain system. To write beautifully, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to this activity. Studying once a week, even for an hour, it will not work to form a skill. And keep in mind that these should be special classes, according to the recipes. Recording a lecture at a university or taking notes from a meeting at work do not count. You will have to painstakingly improve your handwriting, devoting a sufficient amount of time to this. If self-study is not your story, you can go to calligraphy courses.

If teachers complain about the child's handwriting, and you cannot make out the text written by his hand, you need to understand the reasons that affect this. Sloppy handwriting can manifest itself in different ways - frequent blots, jumping letters, illegible words, etc.

Possible causes of sloppy handwriting:

Violation of fine motor skills of the fingers. Poor hand development. Excessive activity. Violation of concentration. Neuroses and other diseases.

Interpretation of handwriting in terms of graphology

The manner of writing letters and words can tell about some of the character traits of a person and his hidden potential. Think about it, perhaps you should not break the child's temperament and his predisposition to any personality traits. Let's look at the reasoning of scientists:

    large handwriting indicates sociability and openness in communication. Small letters speak of secrecy and isolation; lines running up are inherent in optimists. Down - pessimists. Direct lines - to realists; rounded letters are a sign of kindness of responsiveness, angular ones, on the contrary, are more common among egoists; strong pressure when writing is a sign of determination, self-confidence, self-control. Very weak pressure speaks of the pliability of character, self-doubt. fused style of writing in people with developed logic, separate - with bright intuitive thinking; fluent handwriting indicates physical activity and creativity.

Handwriting correction in children and methods for its correction in children

If, nevertheless, calligraphy causes difficulties for the baby and creates a lot of problems in school, then you can try to correct the accuracy of the letter. Notebooks can help you with this. They draw oblique lines and show examples of writing letters, it is also possible to circle letters along dotted contours.

Drawing, modeling, playing string and keyboard instruments will help in correcting handwriting in children.

Develop a step by step handwriting improvement plan and follow it regularly. For example, allocate fifteen minutes each day for writing, fifteen minutes for drawing (try to trace some drawings along the contour), and ten minutes for exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Handwriting Correction Exercises

Do exercises before and after writing.

Exercise 1.

The child puts his palms on the table, in turn raises and lowers each finger above the table, moving from one hand to another. Then on both hands alternately raises the same fingers.

Exercise 2

Lay out a few pencils or pens on the table. Let the child try to collect all the pencils into a fist, using one hand, and then the second. When all the pencils are collected, they must be returned to the table, again with only one hand.

Exercise 3

The kid should hold the pencil between the index and middle fingers. Let him try to draw some figures without bending his palm, and fixing the position of the pencil.

Exercise 4

Take a tennis ball (or other similar size), have the child put it in his hands and straighten them. The ball must be rolled back and forth, in a circle, without bending the palm.

Exercise 5

Remember the popular children's rhyme "We read, we wrote." It should be done if the child begins to complain of tired hands and fingers.

We read, we wrote

Our fingers are tired.

We'll get some rest

And let's start writing again!

Movements can be arbitrary, the main thing is to include squeezing and unclenching the cams and rotating with a brush.

How to fix a teenager's handwriting?

With teenagers it is somewhat more difficult, because they need to be retrained, and not taught to write. The most important thing in working with a teenager is motivation. It is necessary to convey to the emerging personality that the legibility of the text will be necessary for him in later life. For example, when he will study at the university. It is necessary to write there under dictation not only quickly, but also legibly. After all, then you will need to be able to read and understand what is written in order to learn the material.

The child's handwriting begins to form in elementary school when learning to write, with years of training, the child writes faster: the child writes individual elements of letters faster, connects letters faster, chooses the most rational elements of letters and their combinations, and the letters themselves become smaller. In elementary school, it is important to teach a child to write beautifully and legibly - this is better than correcting clumsy handwriting later, “like a chicken paw.”

The main problems of writing a child

Generally speaking, the concept of "bad handwriting" from the point of view of science does not exist, but at school teachers put a very definite meaning into these words. To improve a child’s handwriting, you need to determine what exactly you don’t like in what is written:

    words and sentences "leave" up or down, that is, they are not on the same line; the child writes in an arbitrary place on the sheet (disorientation on the sheet); the spelling of the letters is too similar, which makes it impossible to read what is written. For example, the letters H, I, P, K and others; confusion between the letters A and O, when the child incorrectly connects them with other beeches; different slope and size of letters and words; too weak or too strong pressing of letters; too small or too large letters.

When teaching a younger student to write, to eliminate these problems, you need to:

    develop visual-figurative and abstract thinking of the child so that he can understand the configuration of letters, the relationship of a letter with a certain sound, memorize the plan for writing a letter; develop the ability of visual perception of various forms; develop the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet, lines, the ability to determine the relationship between the elements of letters, the distance between individual elements; strengthen hands and improve coordination of movements, improve the fine motor skills of the child; teach how to use a pen; teach you to automatically take the correct posture of writing: a straight back, tilt of the arm, the correct grip of the pen, the position of the notebook, etc .; make sure that the child correctly understands the concepts of "up", "bottom", "right", "left". Otherwise, the child may confuse the arrangement of letter elements, for example, B and D; to form the child's motivation to have a beautiful, correct, legible handwriting.

Writing errors of children and adults

Many handwriting problems are related to the fact that when writing, too much energy is expended, the hand gets tired, starts to hurt, dents appear on the fingers, calluses - all this does not allow writing easily and beautifully.

Therefore, before you start working on improving handwriting, you need to find out if there are problems of this kind and eliminate them: learn to relax, treat writing as an activity evenly, calmly, learn how to hold a pen correctly, sit correctly at the table and hold a notebook. You also need to buy a good pen, good notebooks, so that writing is easy and pleasant.

To learn how to write beautiful handwriting, you need to start with the basics: learn how to hold a pen correctly

Pay attention to how you or your child writes: does he move his fingertips ("draws") or moves his whole arm to the shoulder? If he draws, then this leads to rapid fatigue, and the letters turn out to be of different sizes and inclinations. Try to write a letter in the air - you move your whole hand - this is how a letter on paper should be.

Adult Handwriting Change

At an older age, when the above skills and abilities have been developed, you can learn to write in beautiful handwriting by repeating someone else's handwriting, copying it. As a rule, the desire to improve or simply change their handwriting arises in children from the age of 11 and later, when the child begins to care about the opinions of others about himself, develops his own style. Girls are more susceptible to the desire to change handwriting than boys. Boys, basically, are limited to the selection of a beautiful painting.

To learn how to write in a beautiful handwriting, it is better to start working in copybook. You can use the school ones (they recommend Vera Ilyukhina's Miracle Recipes, which give an algorithm for writing letters and give a lot of productive exercises) or print a beautiful handwritten font that you want to imitate: start with the first exercises on tracing letters and elements, then copy the elements without a contour hint, and then write syllables, words, sentences and texts entirely. If there are no prescriptions, you can make them yourself by printing the desired text on a printer and placing a translucent sheet of paper on top. Also, notebooks with auxiliary lines are suitable for training - oblique rulers arranged in such a way that the size of the letters and their slope are standard.

Before starting classes, you need to analyze your handwriting: write a few sentences on a piece of paper, look at the letters, evaluate:

    spacing between words; spacing between letters; letter size; incline; pressure on paper evenness of lines; clarity of lines (smooth and clear or clumsy, uneven); letter style (angular, rounded, square, etc.).

By evaluating these features of your handwriting, you can understand what exactly you don’t like and how you need to change your handwriting. You can immediately perform exercises to eliminate the detected deficiency.

How much do you need to practice?

Independent formation of handwriting requires systematic work: in order to write beautifully, this must be done every day for at least 15-30 minutes; classes once a week for an hour will not give anything, the skill will not be formed. But you need to understand that these should be special classes in the formation of handwriting, and not writing at lectures or lessons at school, where, due to the high pace of writing, one does not have to talk about the beauty of the notes and the training of the elements. Handwriting will have to be dealt with separately.

When the work in copybooks and notebooks with oblique rulers is completed, it is best to buy the most beautiful notebook and start working in it: write poetry, sayings of famous people, excerpts of prose. It is also recommended to simply write more with a pen, for example, keep a diary, paint, sculpt, draw, do gymnastics for the fingers. After systematic studies, it will be possible to achieve a change in handwriting for the better.