Communication with a person at a distance mentally. The mechanism of the emergence of telepathic communication. Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

Telepathy is the ability to receive and transmit information using only the power of your mind, without resorting to speech, writing and other auxiliary tools. Mind reading will not be considered here, so the task is as follows: to learn how to send a compressed package of information - the so-called "mental image" - to another person so that he can receive it, decipher it and, most importantly, interpret it correctly.

How is mental information transmitted?

Information is transmitted in the form of mental images. Recall some event from your childhood. What will it be? A set of images, some sounds, emotions, perhaps tactile sensations, smells. Actually, this is a ready mental image. If the memory is relatively fresh, then it may not be pictures, but something like a short video.

You are faced with a task: to learn how to transfer the whole thing to the addressee. Of course, no one can do it right away. You need to practice long and hard. We're talking about training here. Of course, chakras, be able to. The approach must be systematic! If you don't know how to do this, you won't succeed.

mental magic

Telepathy is an advanced level in the development of a magician. It is one thing to sculpt energy balls and move light objects with your ethereal field, and quite another to do things that require long and systematic practice. The ball sooner or later blinds anyone. Efirka to develop - also a lot of mind is not needed, there would be energy.

But mental magic is different. Absolutely all mental abilities (clairvoyance, clairvoyance, telepathy) are tied to the forehead chakra. If it is not developed or poorly developed, then at best you will be able to see the ethereal field - it is only a few centimeters above the skin. It is already more difficult to see the aura, but, in principle, after training, you can do it.

Therefore, if you do not know how to do either, then it is better to postpone telepathy and start with some simpler things. In them, you are much more likely to succeed. And it will take much less time. In magic, it is very important not to lose faith, and if you practice for a day, two, three, a week, a month without visible results, then you will lose faith for sure. Telepathy is quite complex, so you should definitely not count on a quick result. In short, it is not recommended for beginners to try this practice, you can familiarize yourself with the exercises presented here only for general development.

Exercises for the transmission of mental images

And now the exercises themselves, there will be several of them. The simplest first. Sit down, take a comfortable position, relax and. Pick up some simple object. In the context of mental magic, this means that it should be monophonic, uniform, smooth, not having a complex texture. In general, so that you can imagine it as easily as possible and keep it in your mind. Turn it in your hands, try to remember its color, size and shape.

Now, keeping the internal dialogue stopped, close your eyes and imagine a completely empty black space. And in it in the center is the object that you turned in your hands a minute earlier. For starters, let it just hang motionless. When you manage to fix your attention on it for at least a couple of minutes, you can begin to rotate it. When you manage to keep the same speed of rotation of the object, while arbitrarily rotating it in different directions without smearing, twitching, changing the appearance and jerking, then you can move on to the next exercise.

It, alas, must be performed in pairs. It is no secret that most magicians are, if not misanthropes, then at least introverts, but some practices cannot be mastered in splendid isolation.

So, if the training takes place at a great distance (out of line of sight), you need to notify your partner about the essence of the exercise (by phone or via the Internet, it doesn’t matter). And the essence is as follows: you represent a certain color in your mind as clearly as possible, then mentally form the image of your partner (at first you can use a photo). After that, stretch the energy channel from the center of your forehead to the back of his head. That is, the beginning of the channel is your forehead chakra, located on the front middle meridian in the place that is just above the center of the eyebrows. And the end of the channel is the frontal chakra of a friend, on the back middle meridian in approximately the same area, but not on the forehead, but on the back of the head.

Then you connect the channel to the transmission of energy, close your eyes, remove the internal dialogue, imagine the inner space of your mind already known to you and fill it with the appropriate color. Then you form something like a packet of information from this color and mentally try to stretch it to the addressee through the previously established channel. At the same time, efforts should be directed to the end point, that is, to his forehead chakra, and not to the channel itself.

Well, after a few minutes, ask a friend to name the color that came to his mind. There is no need to think about it, let him voice the first thought that pops up in his head. The first time, of course, it will turn out badly. It's OK. The main thing is to keep trying. When you get bored, change. Why is it necessary to change? By transmitting information, you are only training the transmission. And your partner, accordingly, trains only the reception.

When you start to succeed, you can complicate the transmitted images. For the sake of interest, you can try on Zener maps. They are designed specifically for testing similar . However, for a beginner, conveying such abstract images that are not tied to either color or emotion is perhaps the most difficult thing in mental magic.

11.03.2018 1798 +4


If a person is located towards you, you can reach him with the power of thought. Mentally send your loved ones, and they will know that you are worried about them. Imagine that you are literally broadcasting a thought to the addressee. Your thought, the energy directed by you will certainly be caught by the person to whom it is intended. It is especially easy to interact in a similar way with people who have long been, who have common interests with you. After all, everything that a person perceives leaves a trace, influences the way of thinking. It is also possible to move the material into the realm of thoughts. If you want to make him think about himself - lend him, for example, a book, or give him something functional, which is used in plain sight. The main thing is to guess. Every day, taking out of his pocket or pouring tea into his beloved, a person will think about who presented such a successful one - about you.

The more you cultivate anxiety and feeling in yourself, the more disturbing thoughts visit you. No wonder there is blackmail and provocateurism. You can psychologically scare a person. In a certain sense, the insurance business can also be described as a combination of scare and reassure. What you think about, what you dream about, then it comes true, it happens to you. Therefore, think about the good. Try to think about what you want not as unattainable, but as a result that you will definitely come to. Of course, actions in this case are no less important, but we are talking about the need not to become discouraged. Set yourself up in a positive way.


  • Natalia Grace "Laws of Grace" St. Petersburg, 2008 - 192 p.

Often we are faced with the need to change the mind of a person who is far away from us. We can do this with equal success both by phone and through communication on the Internet. When choosing one of these methods, it is worth noting that the impact on the phone has a much better effect with the same preparation.


Establish contact and trust with this . You must be authoritative for this - this will save you time and effort in the suggestion phase. The minimum requirement is that you make a good first impression. Communicate simply and openly, joke as much as possible - you should be perceived, but should be easy.

Use workarounds. The easiest way to inspire a person with this or that thought will be to help her to be born in him. Use rhetorical questions and logic that indirectly leads him to this opinion. Refuse direct argumentation, evade the dispute in case of opposition - what you want to inspire him should not cause reactions.

Helpful advice

Try to be as simple as possible in dealing with the object - this way you will more easily enter into trust.


  • suggestion of thought at a distance

Communication with other people is an important component of human social activity. Communicating, you can share emotions, information. Interpersonal interactions are the basis for the normal existence of society.


The most obvious way to convey your thoughts another man- oral speech. The language in which you communicate must be understandable to all interlocutors. Colloquial speech is characterized by incomplete sentences, emotionality, lively dialogue. If you build a conversation according to all the rules of written speech, you will most likely not be understood and, worse, considered.

Facial expressions and gestures can organically complement your speech, but this should not be overdone. Focus on your style. To feel more confident, you can rehearse your story in front of a mirror, record it on a video camera or tape recorder.

Written language can also be used for communication. In order for a person to accurately understand your idea, you need to write competently, coherently, logically, correctly punctuating. The Internet allows you to conduct instant correspondence in real time, but even here you should not forget about the elementary rules of grammar.

Feelings can be expressed through poetry. If you're into music, try musicalizing your message. Or just, for example, play the violin - instead of any words. If you like to draw, depict your feelings in the form of a picture. Those who are fond of photography can be advised to capture their emotions in “caught” frames from the surrounding reality or in independently created expositions.

If you are left alone with a person, put deep content into your every gesture and deed, whether it be a gentle touch or a comic flick. Remember that the other person is looking at you and judging you. A thought, dressed in a rough and unpleasant form for the interlocutor, can easily be distorted in his perception.

Sometimes the best way to convey your thoughts is simple silence. Indeed, not all situations need words. In human thinking there is a huge layer of irrational, intuitive, which sometimes turns out to be wiser and deeper than the laws of formal logic.

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There is a lot of evidence of the ability of people to transmit thoughts over a distance. If you want to see this for yourself, you can conduct a simple experiment that can clearly demonstrate the reality of this phenomenon.

First you need to decide what is meant by the transmission of thoughts over a distance. If, for example, you want to convey a specific phrase or other complex information to someone, then you most likely will not succeed. At the same time, you can convey emotions, some simple visual images, simple information - for example, answers to questions on the basis of "yes" or "no".

The effectiveness of the transmission of thoughts is many times higher if the one to whom they are addressed (the recipient) knows about the experiment being carried out and is ready for it. At the same time, the distance between him and the one who transmits thoughts (inductor) has no effect on the quality of their transmission - it can even be thousands of kilometers.

How to conduct an experiment on the transmission of thoughts over a distance

To conduct an experiment, find in advance someone with whom you will carry it out. Both of you will take turns transmitting and receiving thoughts. Agree in advance on the exact start time of the session, check the clock - they must be absolutely synchronous. You must definitely know each other by sight, at least from a photograph.

The easiest way is to convey some kind of image over a distance. It can be something simple - for example, a monitor, a mug, a camera, a figurine, etc. Of course, the recipient should not know what image is transmitted. First, you act as an inductor, transmitting the image you have chosen, then vice versa, you act as a recipient. After the experiment is over, you and your partner will evaluate its results.

Let's say you are the inductor first. Choose a quiet place for the session, nothing should distract you. At exactly the right time, second by second, begin to focus on the image of your partner in the experiment. Exactly one minute is allotted for this. At the same time, the partner is concentrating on you. At some point, you can very clearly feel that the connection is established.

For the next 2 minutes, concentrate on the image of the selected object. Look at him for a while, then close your eyes and mentally reproduce his image. Try to make this image bright and convey the main characteristics of the object. After the two minutes have elapsed, there is a minute of rest for you and your partner. Then everything repeats, but this time you are already the recipient. Your task is to keep track of what images appear in your mind.


Immediately after the end of the session, describe in a text file the image that you have taken. Do not give a one-word answer - describe in detail the signs of what you saw, and add your guess at the end. For example, you can write down that it was something big, square, made of glass. Your guess is the monitor. In response, your partner may report that he was broadcasting an image of the aquarium to you. Agree, there is a resemblance.

Most of the time it's just these kind of coincidences. For example, the inductor transmits the image of a ruler-triangle - the recipient speaks of a capital letter "V". The inductor broadcasts the image of a mug - the recipient is talking about a teapot. Accurate guessing is quite rare, but the main features of objects are determined very clearly. And this happens in the most ordinary people who do not have any special abilities. It is enough to conduct several such experiments, and all doubts about the reality of the transmission of thoughts over a distance completely disappear.

All people show their love in different ways: someone gives gifts, someone helps, and someone speaks beautifully. Not only women love with their ears - men are also not averse to hearing confirmation of feelings from their partner. It is quite simple to convey them in words, but not everyone knows how to do it. Simple instructions will help insecure people.


You need to talk about love at the right time. Shy natures love to say the cherished three words in traffic jams, while climbing mountains, or when a partner is busy with something important. It seems to them that catching a loved one by surprise, you can focus his attention precisely on words, and not on his own person, for which you don’t even need to look into his eyes. This opinion is wrong. It is a romantic moment that will give your words the necessary emphasis. It is better to talk about love during joint gatherings on a park bench, watching a romantic movie, or sitting comfortably on the couch.

A lot depends on intonation. Experienced seducers know that you need to speak about love with a breath, looking into the eyes and holding the partner's hand. Only in the case of ladies' man it looks too feigned, so sincerity is the key to successful recognition of one's feelings. Your words should not be too emotional, as well as cold. If you throw a mean phrase to your beloved, he is unlikely to believe in it, however, a passionate attack that is unusual for you may even be considered for.

Men usually do not like to rant about feelings and relationships - they show their love with deeds. However, the representatives of the weaker sex often lack passionate conversations. If you cannot tell your partner about your love because of your own tongue-tied tongue, write him a letter. In this case, you can resort to the help of a copywriter. Use this technique only when you are absolutely sure of your own feelings. You can send the letter in person, or by sending it by e-mail. Do not break the romance and give preference to the paper version.

You can tell your partner about your love with the help of verbal hints. Compliments will be the main assistants in this case. You can say them at any opportunity just the way you know how: if the praise is sincere, the partner will definitely appreciate it. In relation to a girl, this may be an approval of her appearance, and in relation to a young man, admiration for his masculinity.

Today, science is interested in such a question as the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance. We all know that thought is expressed in words and transmitted over a distance with the help of radio, television, newspapers, books, movies. In half-erased cuneiform, the thoughts of ancient ancestors reach us; the treasures of the libraries keep the thoughts accumulated over the centuries. Without the transmission of thought, communication between people and the development of society would be impossible.

And someone else's thought may come to mind.
Valentin Domil

Myth or reality?

Feeling someone else's gaze

While reading a book, we suddenly feel that someone is looking at us. We turn around and really see someone else's eyes fixed on us. How could we feel it? If someone begins to look at us carefully, focuses his attention, he changes his behavior to some extent: he begins to breathe differently, stops moving, his heart beats differently, etc. And, although these are very weak signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause a reaction.

We do not even suspect how complex perturbations occur in the body with changes in the external environment. And many of them are not reflected in consciousness at all. This does not at all indicate the limitations of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all signals, then thousands and millions of irritations would continuously interfere in our lives and violate the integrity of the perception of the external world.

Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature created mechanisms that turn off the flow of currently insignificant signals from the internal and external environment and retained only the most important, most significant signals and impressions. This enables a person to concentrate on the most important objects, that is, to concentrate.

Thus, what we feel, but do not catch with consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare it supernatural testify to a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or a deliberate distortion of facts.

Thought transfer experiments

As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing the laws of electromagnetic induction, some scientists have suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations that propagate, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by some other brain, tuned, so to speak, into "resonance".

In order to prove this, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in an ordinary room and in shielded chambers, the walls of which absorbed radio waves. Moreover, they made sliding screens and closed or opened them imperceptibly for the persons in the chamber and transmitting thoughts. Such experiments showed that metal screens impaired or completely excluded the possibility of thought transmission.

It would seem that this spoke of the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. However, the negative side of such experiments was that they, however, like all experiments on the transfer of thoughts in general, could not be repeated by other researchers.

Meanwhile, the most important condition for any scientifically reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce an experiment under similar conditions. Thought transmission experiments did not satisfy this main condition. It's hard to say what's going on here. Whether the experimenters were mistaken and, as a result of any circumstances of the experiment, received erroneous conclusions, passing off wishful thinking.

Or was the phenomenon itself so complex that repeated experiments did not take into account any unknown circumstances, which made it impossible to reproduce it?

It is possible that both took place. But be that as it may, the facts themselves were in doubt and continued to remain a mystery.

The appearance of thoughts

Let's try to understand some aspects of this phenomenon. First of all, let's answer the question: is it possible at all for the emergence of thoughts that are not connected with any direct external impression? Can thoughts arise due to some non-sensory impulses?

This question has been the subject of philosophical debate for thousands of years. Idealists, churchmen believe that thoughts arise without any visible connection with the phenomena of the external world, acting on the central nervous system of a person, that the cause and source of thinking is the “divine soul”.

Materialists argue that whatever thought arises in our brain, it is the result of certain influences of the human environment or nerve impulses that enter the brain from internal organs during various violations of their activity.

The entire history of the development of science exposes the fanatical inventions of the churchmen and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov for the first time showed that the basis of thinking is the mechanism of a reflex - a reaction to external irritation, and the genius of I.P. Pavlov was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms of reflex activity and give the world the main laws of the brain. Thus, idealism was dealt a crushing blow in its main refuge; only obscurantists who neglect scientific facts could cling to the old views.

In order not to digress, we will not dwell on the very complex issue of the physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. We only note that, although thought is a product of the work of the brain, thinking itself is also due to the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

Human thinking cannot develop by itself. Even the most complex creation of nature - the human brain cannot give birth to a single thought, being left to itself. The brain is only an instrument of thinking, while the content of thought is given by the environment around us.

Instincts, some desires are not always realized, but they reflect certain biological needs of the body. Sometimes you can watch how children eat chalk; they gnaw it greedily like sugar. This is an expression of the need of a growing organism for calcium salts, necessary for the construction of the skeleton. The reasons for such reactions are not always reflected in consciousness.

Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

Reports appeared in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, they talked about such an experience. The submarine plunged into the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. Left alone, at certain hours he sat down on a table on which a lot of paper cards were scattered. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose any one. Then he put the card in an envelope and sealed it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. After many days of sailing, a pack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards showing the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and threw out one of them at a certain time. The person took the card and looked at it attentively, as if trying to convey the thought of it to another person on board the submerged submarine. Then he sealed the card in an envelope, wrote the date and time on it and gave it to other people who locked the envelope in a safe.

When the boat returned from sailing, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that there were those marked with the same date and hour next to them, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw a startling, though unlikely conclusion: through a great distance and through the water column, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

Upon learning of this, the military was alarmed. Indeed, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability, with five different signs, a random coincidence is possible only by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have come about by chance. Such a comparative accuracy of coincidences is sufficient to convey any information using such conventional signs. How important! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted.

But is such a simple and amazing transmission of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did mankind need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, invent the telegraph, telephone, radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some believed that such a way of transmitting thoughts is a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and actions in people who are at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in the literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

There are no words, such facts are described. However, the environment in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually distributed and are being distributed by all kinds of obscurantists to prove "communion of souls", "divine revelation", etc.

Telepathy is the hypothetical ability of the brain, which does not have reliable experimental evidence, to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation.

It is natural that real scientists and generally serious people dismiss such messages in the same way as fairy tales about goblin and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then there are not so many studies that fully meet the conditions of a scientific experiment.

Our consciousness

The works of academicians K. M. Bykov, V. N. Chernigovsky and their collaborators proved that our internal organs send a lot of nerve impulses to the brain. These signals reach the higher parts of the brain, but usually are not reflected in our consciousness. However, this only happens as long as the internal organs are healthy.

As soon as the disease sets in, that is, as soon as the signals from the internal organs become stronger, the person begins to feel them. He feels sick liver, heart or kidneys.

These facts show that there is no impassable gulf between what we are aware of and what we are not aware of. Some processes may, as it were, disappear from consciousness. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle for the first time knows what effort, attention and will are needed at first to keep their balance.

And then, when the skills have already been acquired, these actions are performed automatically, and the person no longer thinks about what movements need to be taken in order to maintain balance. This activity takes place outside of consciousness. A person who knows how to ride a bicycle does not think about the signals that carry information about a change in the position of the center of gravity and an imbalance. The developed conditioned reflexes continue to be carried out without control of creation.

The reason for the emergence of such automatic skills is clear to the person himself - the cyclist remembers how he learned to ride. But it happens that some conditioned reflexes can arise under the influence of signals that from the very beginning remained beyond the threshold of consciousness. Let's take an interesting example as an example.

The man was in the Pavlovsk "tower of silence", isolated from the outside world. No accidental sound, light, smell could penetrate there. The man kept his hand on the electrodes. As soon as a current was passed through them, he pulled his hand away, as he felt pain. Each time, before switching on the current in the chamber, a special apparatus gave a very weak sound - so weak that the person was not aware of it, and it seemed to him that there was silence in the chamber. After a number of combinations of "inaudible" sound and current, they began to turn on only the sound, without reinforcing it with current. And the person had the same reaction as with the action of the current!

This experience can serve as a prime example of the so-called premonition. A number of weak signals, unnoticed by us, can cause certain reactions to appear; however, their causes for the man himself remain incomprehensible.

Transmission of thought by sight, touch

The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of some group of nerve cells that are most intensively active at the moment. This group is not permanent: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But even these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences, which themselves remain unnoticed. But the question may be asked: are not the experiments with "thought transfer" something unusual, which cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists with amazing experiences perform on the stage. In a crowded hall, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and pass them on to the jury.

The artist at this time is behind the stage, then he is taken to the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of connection between the spectator and the artist at this time is the spectator's hand, tightly squeezing the artist's hand.

Sometimes they don't even do that - the viewer is simply next to the artist. How does the artist find out what he has planned? It must be emphasized right away that these experiments have nothing in common with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of "quiet music". One of the players leaves the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone plays a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the subject, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the subject, the music becomes quiet or completely silent. Focusing on the strength of the sound, the seeker, in the end, finds the object and fulfills the intended order.

Approximately the same way the artist guesses the task, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the desire. Without noticing it, a person squeezes the artist's hand with different strengths and the stronger, the more the artist's action resembles the condition of the problem. You can use other reactions of the audience.

An artist who has been training for a long time easily picks up any reaction and is guided by it. You do not need to have any supernatural instinct for this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is well known how subtly the blind feel sounds, how subtly their sense of touch and smell are developed.

So is it possible to transfer thoughts?

Thus, science cannot yet answer the question of the possibility of thought transmission. Scientists are working on this now. It is possible that some new, hitherto unknown phenomena will be revealed to us. After all, amazing things have been discovered recently. The ability of ultrasonic location in bats, the secrets of the mysterious “dance of bees”, with the help of which the insect transmits to its fellow hives the exact information about the location of the flower field.

It is possible that in the described facts of thought transmission, some ability of the human body to use natural phenomena that we have not yet studied is manifested. Perhaps this form of communication is a "relic" - a legacy of past times, lost by most people as an unnecessary form of communication, as more advanced ways of communicating people appeared and developed - word and speech.

All these questions can only be answered by future research. If these phenomena and facts exist at all, then they cannot have anything in common with mysticism, idealism, and priesthood. The Church has always tried to capitalize on ignorance and exploit the difficulties that arose in the study of nature.


Only a materialistic worldview is a tool for understanding the world, and there is no doubt that on this only correct path, a person will decipher many more "wonderful" things in nature. And no matter how complex these phenomena are, a person will make them serve him.

100 thousand views received a recent online conference of Mark Zuckerberg and Jerry Seinfeld on Facebook. First of all, Zuckerberg confirmed that the future of the Internet, and therefore humanity, is in technology, which allows us to hope for the technical implementation and use of telepathic abilities. In his opinion, we could record our own experiences in real time and share our thoughts and feelings with friends and loved ones. He called it "the future of communication". So how close are we to interaction on a telepathic level?

The tales of previous brain wave research sound like quotations from a science fiction novel. For example, the story of monkeys who were able to control a computer with their thoughts, or a person who managed to telepathically control the behavior of another. As part of the following experiments, so-called "organic computers" were used. They became nothing more than the interconnected brains of several monkeys and rats.

Neuroscientists from the University of Washington announced the use of the principle of telepathy in the work of an electronic assistant. In this experiment, two university employees were a mile apart, using only the Internet transmission of their own brain impulses. They played the game "Ask 20 questions". This communication became possible thanks to the work Miguel Nicolelis , a Brazilian researcher at Duke University.

In the late 90s, he began experimenting with electrical impulses coming out of the brain, carefully testing each individual neuron. He and his colleagues soon discovered which neurons were responsible for what. For example, 48 special neurons, firing simultaneously, stimulate the rat to move. Returning to the study of monkeys, Nicolelis and his team were able to identify 100 types of neurons that sound in unison. What they did next was amazing.

Nicolelis' team connected a sensor to the monkey's brain and tried to move it with a joystick while watching it move on a screen. During the experiment, neurophysiologists managed to clarify some questions regarding the structure of the brain. After removing the joystick, the monkey was connected to another device. From now on, only the monkey itself could move the point on the screen through the power of its thought. It was the first experiment of its kind where it was possible to observe the thought with one's own eyes.

Experiment Model

This breakthrough inspired neuroscientists to start what is known today as brain-to-brain interaction (BBI). So far, the results of such experiments in humans are limited. This is mainly due to ethical rules that prohibit the connection of sensors to the brains of living people. So far, the most successful results in such experiments have been achieved Chantel Prat And Andrea Stocco from the University of Washington.

First of all, their purpose was to send a signal from the brain of one person to the brain of another in order to cause a physical reaction in that person. The scientists hired two researchers who were located in different rooms on campus. Each was equipped with an electroencephalographic (EEG) helmet that measures brain waves. A participant sitting in one room began to imagine footage from a video game - as if he was shooting by pressing the fire button. The second was given noise-canceling headphones. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coils were placed on his head. This device emits focused electrical signals. It was connected to the part of the brain that controls one of the fingers. When the first participant mentally opened fire on an imaginary target, the finger of the second invariably pulled the trigger. So one person controls the other.

But there is one problem with this model of telepathy: According to Prat, a person receiving telepathic signals cannot tell whether they are coming from their own brain or from someone else's. The future development of telepathic communication, according to the scientist, promises us an understanding of this difference: "do I think myself or listen to other people's thoughts in my head." Yet this research is already bearing fruit.

Brain-to-Brain Interface (BBI)

Nicolelis's work led to the creation of "brain-to-computer" interfaces. Today, paralyzed people can walk using brain signals sent by robotic prostheses. These same technologies allow people to restore their sense of touch. Meanwhile, Prat believes that they can also be used in the creation of educational applications. With the help of the EEG model, you could determine which of the students is focused on the lesson, and who is in the clouds and dreams. The scientists also hope that such ADHD educational applications can be connected to the human brain in order to alleviate the symptoms of various diseases. Another possibility lies in connecting the human brain to the brains of those animals whose experience of sensory cognition goes far beyond our capabilities. So, it is possible that someday, for example, dog scent or dolphin signals will become available to us. Of course, this is still theoretical speculation right now.

Although Prat does not believe in thought broadcasting, other scientists do not deny that it is possible. In a study conducted by Harvard University, one person in India wore an EEG and TMS unit connected via the Internet to another person in France. A participant from India read the words "chao" and "hola" that were emailed to another. These signals were read as flashes of light that could be deciphered in words. Building on their findings, researchers at the University of Washington decided to play "Ask 20 Questions."

Two people were connected to each other through a computer. One was given an EEG helmet—let's call him First. Another was equipped with a TMS coil - let's call him the Second. The second was shown a photograph of an animal on a computer screen, say a shark. Then he was asked a question like: "can she fly?" The first was asked to mentally name the word “yes” or “no” (as if confirming or refuting the correctness of the answer of the Second). These thoughts were sent to the Second through the Internet. The received information entered the eyes of the Second through phosphene or a flash of light, if the answer was "yes", thereby making it clear that he was on the right track. The results obtained during the game "Ask 20 questions" were more accurate than the results of the control group (72% vs. 18%).

So what's the bottom line? Brain-to-brain communication may be possible, but scientists are still a long way from sending a flash of light over long distances to broadcasting a word or image into someone else's head.

What does the human-computer interface look like today? It is a brain-to-brain interaction with the interlocutor at the other end.

What if we manage to get the desired results? What then? Will advertisers be able to penetrate the last corners of the sacred space between our ears? And what will be the result of this? Will we become more empathetic and empathetic? Or perhaps more tolerant? Or perhaps our strongest emotions will be fueled from the outside so often that we stop obsessing over them?

Most likely, such intensity will even lead to a new form of addiction. If Internet porn kills productivity and affects human relationships, imagine that for a person experiencing an orgasm, or a whole lot of them, all the action will take place in his head, without his physical participation.

The daily experience of using the technology of brain-to-brain communication, or electronic telepathy, can give us a generation of people who have no difficulty in getting an education or employment, but who have problems with real human communication. They will simply exchange it for something that is easier and brings satisfaction without unnecessary energy costs. Everyone who has been in a relationship knows that sometimes we wish our partner could read our minds. But the commercialization of such technologies is a completely different matter.



Each of us, when talking, tries to penetrate into the inner world of another person in order toYou better understand him and, accordingly, answer him correctly in order to derive any benefit from the conversation - to come to a general agreement, or vice versa, to quarrel ... Correct attunement to a person gives a lot. If you describe it in a nutshell, then "you feel in his shoes" and returning to your own - docokay, that they say you feel something. Why do we need tuning in experiments on telepathy? It is necessary in order for you to correctly formulate the image of the person to whom you want to mentally inspire something.

AND So, I offer several types of settings.

1. Scheduled Tuning (Meditation)

You need to get comfortable, that is, sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax, close your eyes, stop the internal dialogue if you can. In general, use any method of preparation for meditation.

Represent a direct energy channel to the Cosmos. You have to wait a few minutes, and most importantly. keep the channel in mind and not be distracted. Next, you visualize an image of the person to whom you want to send a telepathic letter. Many advise to remember as many parameters of this person as possible, but I realized that this is not the main thing. Just feel the presence of the recipient, think about him. You need to stay in this state for several minutes. When you realize that the person seems to be with you, you need to proceed directly to the transfer of information.

2. Operational setup (in transport, on the go)

Sometimes it is required to give news about yourself in operational conditions, such as travel in public transport, traffic, etc. Here, as in the previous case, you need to be able to "go into yourself", that is, create a state of maximum concentration. Many have already experienced such a state - this is when no one exists around you, except for you and your thoughts. I'm sure you have had cases when they say something to you, but you do not perceive what was said and forgive me to repeat the remark later. Surely the type of such self-deepening is individual. But usually it happens like this: looking nowhere (unfocused look, "staring at one point"), thoughts rush in the center of the brain. Notice that the brain always thinks differently. Just try to formulate where the thoughts are rushing through. With the right concentration, thoughts do not exist in the frontal lobe of the brain, but closer to the center or back of the head.

The main thing in operational tuning is not to let extraneous thoughts take you out of a state of concentration. It is the same in the previous case, when you need to visualize a person, his parameters (first name, last name, place of residence, etc.). Similarly, you release a direct channel into the Cosmos, and then proceed to the transfer of thoughts.

3. Momentary setting

This type of setting involves situations where you do not have time to concentrate. but I want to let you know. This method is the least efficient, but sometimes works. It is said that the Tibetans send telepathic letters quite simply. Deep breath, sharp exhalation - everything is gone! It's tempting, however, to develop this degree of telepathy requires hard work - no one said it was that easy. Yes, and keep in mind that the ability to receive messages is the same hard work. Here even the question arises of what is more important: to learn to receive messages, or to transmit.

In the short term attunement, you need iron faith, no doubt about it. Oh, and don't forget love! By the way, this feeling should be present in all methods!


So, you have learned to tune in. Now let's move on to the most important thing - the correct transmission of information. Many yoga schools, esotericists advise various methods of transmission: with the help of chakras, energy. Various schemes are offered - this is all great, but it does not always work. In our world, everything is so complicated, so simple. The point is not in the method, but in the person himself and his compatibility with one way or another. You see that I am not using any particular esoteric terminology in the text. I want to convey the concept of telepathy the way it fit in my head and was based on my personal experience.

Suppose you have correctly tuned in to a person, presented his image. Now you need to stop the internal dialogue and clearly articulate what you want to send. Pay attention to the letter, feel it. When the letter is ripe, take a deep breath and, with a sharp but gentle exhalation, push the letter up the channel you established during tuning. Follow the progress of the letter and present as accurately as possible. how it descends through the channel of another person and enters his consciousness. I usually imagine the formed letter in the center of the head slowly flowing to the top of the head and rushing up as I exhale. Maybe you'll come up with something different.

To the question: “How do I know that the letter has reached, or was it my letter?”, A sly smile arises: telepathy is a thankless task. Do you know why? Because it's not fantasy. Here you will not see how your message will sound in a person, or a hologram of your thoughts will appear to him - forget it. Everything will depend not only on you, but to a greater extent on the recipient, who, at best, will remember you. but it doesn't matter)