Rejuvenation of the body by the power of thought. Rejuvenation and consciousness Concentration on one's virtues

You probably know that the right lifestyle and the help of cosmetology allow you to save and extend. But it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the psychological attitude also plays a role. Perhaps, in most cases, this role is the most important, because everything else depends on your attitude to life.

Below you will learn about the most effective ways to preserve and prolong youth without the use of traditional methods. Note that the methods are completely free, easy to perform and lead to results as quickly as possible.

1. Positive affirmations

Make it a rule, every time you go to the mirror, start with the phrase "I'm young, beautiful and energetic." Firstly, it will create the right mood to see your strengths and shift the “assembly point” from your shortcomings, and secondly, you will teach yourself to feel young and beautiful.

When you say this phrase, your posture will automatically align and. This will form a kind of muscular corset and your body will remember that it is young, energetic and beautiful. Rest assured, it will work 100% if you allow yourself to believe in it.

2. Sleepy suggestion

Before going to bed, lying in bed, say: “my beloved body, I give you the installation to rejuvenate and renew all your cells during sleep.” This is similar to affirmations, but it does not affect your consciousness so much as the body itself. You can give yourself the command to raise your hand, and immediately the hand rises, so that you are the master of your body and you can give it the command to rejuvenate all the cells. It's real and especially effective when played as a background.

3. Focus on your strengths

Set a goal from this day to no longer discuss your sores, age, problems with weight, health, appearance. One can speak about all this only in a neutral way, but not to complain, not to savor it. If you are now asked a question about your health, say that your health is excellent, you feel great and list several advantages of your appearance, for example, beautiful dimples, clear skin, thick hair.

If you follow these three simple rules, you will soon notice positive changes not only in your body, but also in your life. Of course, you can use the services of professionals, for example, in the Happy Family clinic at you can learn more about plasma lifting and youth injections, but without the proper attitude, even such effective procedures may not give the expected result. So, inspire yourself with youth, and you will definitely stay as young as possible.

Is it possible to achieve rejuvenation of our organism by suggestion? Can the power of thought create conditions in our body that will allow us to start the processes of rejuvenation of internal organs? The answers to these questions remain open, although according to the author, thoughts change our genome, and therefore, if this is so, then we need to experiment ...

If our body has a mechanism, and there is one which causes a spontaneous rejuvenation of our body, then by constant suggestion we are able to achieve the start of the flow of our personal life time in the opposite direction. We just need to bring such a thought to the level of our subconscious. For the subconscious regulates the life of our internal organs and our genome, including.

One-time suggestion is not enough, we must constantly introduce thoughts of rejuvenation to the level of our subconscious, and this can be achieved if we will force ourselves to inspire ourselves that we are getting younger or even set a certain age that we had in our past - our youth.

Here is a technique that is able to start the processes of returning your bioform to your personal past or returning to the level of your youth.

So, it is better to implement such a technique in rhythmic mode when, for example, you are walking in the park or just walking down the street. It is necessary to constantly repeat mentally short, clear and simple phrases. Phrases should be repeated to the beat of your walking.

The rhythm of walking and the constant repetition to yourself or even aloud thoughts about rejuvenating your body that you are healthy, young and you, for example, 27 years old, will force your subconscious to accept programs that are contained in such simple phrases or words.

Our subconscious does not distinguish fiction from reality, for it everything is absolute and real.. However, there is a problem. Our subconscious lives according to its own laws, which are not subject to our waking or critical consciousness. We do not know who is in charge of this subconscious, in any case, an ordinary ordinary person. Many people think that the subconscious is our soul. However, the Soul is much higher than our subconsciousness, because the Soul is divine, and the subconsciousness is just a part of our total Superconsciousness.

However, its regulatory role, in relation to the body, can be subjugated. It, the subconscious, must get used to our thoughts about rejuvenation, that we are healthy, that we are 27 years old. When we introduce the content of the thought form to the level of the subconscious, then mechanisms will be turned on that the ordinary person does not know about. Perhaps brain scientists know about them. These mechanisms - regulate the flow of personal time in our body at two levels - at the level of the brain and at the level of the cell. The cellular clock of life is already known to our science. But the clock is at the level - Epiphysis - hypothalamus - not yet. It is from the brain that commands are sent to the cellular clock that regulates the course of the reproduction of our body.

The cell clock is connected to our genome, or rather to our chromosomes and DNA. Around our body there are certain no-temporal contours. One - is present above all material and biological objects, the other - internal - in a person is located at the level of the bases of his DNA - where our genome is formatted. The chemical component - the informational hours of life - is encoded in codons, of which the science of microbiology and DNA has 64.

If we inspire ourselves with thoughts about rejuvenation, then the order will concern the "pineal gland - hypothalamus", namely the circuit, at the level of our DNA bases and information about our life span, encoded in our codons.

This information will be converted into some - photon - soliton aggregations or electromagnetic waves, which on the subtle planes carry corpuscular or quantum light, which is a kind of “higher technology” that recreates our DNA, genome and the whole person as a whole.

These are psi - nanotechnologies - KOI - corpuscular magnetized radiation emanating from the highest levels of the Universe, containing some “creating subtle substances - superintelligent in nature and capable of transforming the subtle levels of our matter into biological components - molecules, then cells, then organs and etc.

Order at the level of consciousness- for the rejuvenation of our body - this is the formatting of these subtle technologies with a specific program that should bring to life or recreate in our body those psi - nanotechnologies that were in our body earlier when we were young and we were, for example, 27 years old . In fact, for ourselves, we act as the Creator of ourselves, anew. We make these subtle technologies reproduce in our body, not in the direction of starting aging, but in the direction of starting rejuvenation - the technologies will form in our body a young model of the bioform that was earlier, in our past.

The formation of rejuvenation, at the level of the genome and our DNA, will follow the path of connecting to this process of starting resuscitation or resuming the frequency characteristics of our organs and synchronizing them at the level of the entire body system. The systemic biological organ responsible for this synchronization process is the thymus - our thymus. We must restore it to the level of 27 years. In our old age, this organ practically dissolves and turns into a pea in size, instead of the form that we had earlier, resembling a mushroom - “morel”. Therefore, in suggestions, we must constantly repeat that our thymus is restored to the level that it was at 27 years old.

Thoughts about rejuvenation trigger the mechanisms of psi - nanotechnologies, which are associated with a defragmented nootemporal circuit, which has an electromagnetic rotation in our body "counterclockwise" or left-handed rotation. The general rotation of our bioform is right-hand clockwise, and our DNA is also twisted.

In our suggestions, we must bring the idea to our subconscious that the rotation of the defragmented no-temporal contour of the body should go in the left direction - counter clockwise.

We must speculatively imagine this circuit as it rotates. There are two components in this circuit - the first circle of rotation - “the objective time of the existence of our bioform - leading us to aging or to the Future of the bioform of the human body. and subjective, which we are able to regulate at our discretion. Figuratively - these are two donuts - one in the other.

The subjective is subject to our thoughts. If we inspire ourselves that subjective time leads us to rejuvenation or to our bioform's past, then soon its course will subdue the objective nomodern circuit on the reverse course - to the past of our bioform.

In other words, if in this way we make these circuits rotate in the left-hand moment - counterclockwise, then our body will cease to obey the so-called. Fragmented time circuit - which exists above our planet. Then, a person practicing such technology will be "turned off" or "nullified" from the objective fragmented contour of the flow of time moving clockwise.

And a person will move back into the past of his bioform - your psi - nanotechnologies will not be programmed from the outside - by the Creators of the bioform, but will obey your critical consciousness, which in relation to the subconscious will be the supreme commander in chief or the Creator.

As a result, processes will be launched at the level of DNA and genome, at the level of codons - activation of the work of stem cells, activation of short and long peptides responsible for the production of proteins at the cell level. Your telomeres at the ends of your chromosomes will stop shortening because the telomerase where these telomeres float will contain elevated levels of melatonin, which rebuilds the ends of the telomeres. The ends of telomeres are responsible for the quantitative division of the cell at the micro level ...

In general, we get a reverse biological chain in the body, which took place in our progressive movement of the body, when we moved from youth to old age, only now, everything will be the other way around.

When such a process is launched at the level of biology, then another process will begin - you will acquire models of the body matrix that you had in your past at the level of the electromagnetic matrix of your bioform - this will be a whole cascade of moderations of electromagnetic subtle bodies that will you to return from the parallel realities of our universe, since your will will return them back. In essence, this will be the return of you, your superconsciousness, your Soul to those electro-magnetic bodies that it acquired every time, together with your body or you, in each conventional unit of time - PARRAG.

Parrag is a conventional unit or quantum - the moment of existence or actualization of the bioform in time - the space of our planet, which is the "Dimension". Your body will acquire a lot of such “pararagas, since the body is tied to the dimension of our planet and parallel realities. There are about 381 such parallel realities on our planet, so there will be approximately the same number of electromagnetic returns. Since the maximum age of 133 years is possible in our DNA, there will be only 300 - 133 = 257 such returns. These figures are very conditional, they are only given by me for understanding, also very conditional, what parrag represents.

257 is the coordination of pararags - states of the electromagnetic matrix, which your rejuvenating body will acquire, at the level of subtle realities - ethereal, astro - mental states.

Since our body is tied to the Earth by a conventional unit of state measurement - a calendar year, then 257 - this will be a modification of your electromagnetic body matrix during the year. Well, it seems that I was able to explain the impossible ...

Each year of your rejuvenation or movement of your bioform to the desired age - 27 years, will be accompanied by 257 modifications of your electromagnetic matrix. Practically, every day, when you inspire yourself to rejuvenate your body and move you at the age of 27, your electromagnetic matrix will change, and your notorious “psi-nanotechnologies” will also be recreated by you, to match the new electromagnetic matrix body, and the latter will produce the state of the body, organs, cells, micromolecular biology of your body, which took place in every quantum - moment of your past biological life of the body.

According to my information, suggestion should be practiced for three calendar months in order to finally start the process of moving your personal time in the opposite direction or in the "left-sided" direction.

A video course is under construction that will allow you to reprogram your subconscious mind to rejuvenate and reach the age of 27 using simple suggestion codes.

If you can do it - defeat old age. You will find an age, for example, at 27 years old. You can set any age as the goal of reaching your subconscious. In any case, I go in this direction, YOU CAN ... or if you reject it, will you grow old and die?

Do you want to look younger and healthier? Well, this is quite within your power, says psychic L. V. Chora. To do this, you just need to regularly perform a not so difficult exercise.

Take a photo of yourself at the age of 18, 20, 30, that is, the age you want to go.

Stick it on cardboard so that there is a field about 10 cm wide around it. Write the word “health” below it. On the left, vertically, letter by letter, - "youth", on the right - "spirituality".

Hang the cardboard on the wall. Sit opposite in a comfortable chair at a distance of 2-2.5 meters, turning on calm music. It is desirable that on three sides near the photo - below, on the left and on the right - candles or at least one candle from below burn.

Within 3-5 minutes you look at the photo, focusing only on it. Gradually begin to mentally unwind the tape of the events of your life to the desired age. Try to erase unpleasant events from your memory with the help of self-hypnosis: “It, like fog, has gone from my memory and life.” Repeat three times. Having reached the age recorded in the photograph, you must stop your thoughts and, referring to the photograph, mentally say the phrase: “I want to live at this age all my life.”

For a minute, you peer into the photo, remembering yourself vividly, with all the details as you were at that time. Then you need to raise both hands up and mentally send your energy to the picture.

Then close your eyes and with both hands, as it were, take an energy "cast" of your photo. Bring them to your forehead, placing your fingers on the frontal lobes. Try to see your image and send it along with energy to the hypothalamus through the brain to the back of the head. The visual image must be held for one and a half to two minutes.

Lower your hands, connect them together. Say the self-hypnosis formula three times: “I reset the years. All my systems are strong and healthy.”

At first glance, the recipe for rejuvenation offered by L. V. Chora seems too fantastic, because it does not fit into the framework of common sense. But don't jump to conclusions. Many psychics are convinced that there is a certain connection between a photograph or a portrait and the person depicted on them. Some of them accurately determine from the image whether a person is alive or not, and even successfully diagnose patients.

Moreover, as the writer A. Gorbovsky notes, “the idea of ​​the inseparable connection between the image and the original is deeply ingrained in the public mind. Even in the last century, artists who tried to paint portraits of ordinary people faced their fears, alertness and direct unwillingness. will also suffer: it will be very sick or die. The same fears led to the ban on the image of a person in Islam. And long, many centuries before Islam, the image was banned in the same way in ancient Judea.

Everyday life provides numerous examples that show how deep this feeling of incomprehensible, inexplicable connection is embedded in the mind. The same custom during demonstrations to publicly burn a portrait or an effigy of an objectionable political figure also goes back to her. This is an echo of a magical, witchcraft act, the purpose of which was to cause evil, to harm the original. When lovers, in the heat of a quarrel, tear to shreds photographs of their loved ones, they are unaware of the unconscious, latent impulse that pushes them to this: to damage a portrait means to harm the one depicted on it.

But if such a relationship exists, it is logical to assume that it can also have a positive effect. Moreover, there is nothing mystical or supernatural in the mechanism of this influence. A person is a complex system in which the ability to self-regulate is inherently inherent. As the Indian "Lurveda" - the science of life - says, the key to controlling the body lies in our minds. D. Chopra, President of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, says that "our scientific knowledge regarding the relationship between body and mind is at an extremely primitive level," while the human body has "a truly wonderful internal pharmacy containing a complete set of medicines for prevention and treatment all kinds of diseases. These medicines are carried out by the entire healing system of the body, which includes the immune, nervous system and endocrine glands.

But to cure this or that disease means to normalize the work of the corresponding subsystem in the body, that is, to bring it to its original, “new” state.

And here a problem arises: in order to force some subsystem to return to the parameters necessary for proper functioning, it is necessary to know them. After all, you can’t just order the liver or thyroid gland: “Come back to normal!” They can not do without a "hint" to "remember" what they were before the disease. And these data are not in any medical records, because a healthy person does not think about them. The only way out is to request the necessary information from our memory. Psychologists believe that a person uses only 15 percent of the functional abilities of his brain. And what, then, are the other 85 intended by nature for? It can be assumed that they are reserved for the accumulation and lifelong storage of information. Moreover, it comes not only from the outside, but also from the organism itself, in particular, about the state of its subsystems.

The research of Wilder Penfield, one of the founders of the world famous Montreal Institute of Neurology, neurosurgery, directly indicates that we keep a complete “record” of our experience accumulated throughout our lives. Consequently, the task “is to choose a moment when our entire life system, that is, the body and its subsystems — organs — were normal, and then give the command to bring them into this state. Such a sign-command is a photograph, which forces the subconscious to find the necessary information in the “storerooms” of memory and transfer it for execution to the appropriate centers responsible for the operation of the subsystems.

6 as a specific technique illustrating the possibility of such a "command connection" can serve as the experiments of scientists investigating extrasensory phenomena. So, one of the techniques used for this is that the subject under hypnosis, due to the “countdown” of age, reproduced the state when high results were recorded on the tests. Then this state was fixed with the help of coding and subsequently easily evoked during the experiment.

But let us return to the method of L. V. Chora. It has been established that "dating with yourself" in youth, and even the way you like yourself, without any external hypnosis, leads to amazing results. Try it!

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Of course, I am still young (I am 24) and have not yet encountered the problem of age. Although this topic is not particularly familiar to me, I largely agree with the author. There are people who look stunning even at a very mature age. I don’t know what it is connected with, maybe they are by nature like that?

I once met a woman. Seeing her, my jaw dropped involuntarily, and the salivary reflex worked. I quickly picked up the snot and began to stealthily look at her. To be honest, not every young girl can look like this: long legs, slender hips, a narrow waist, beautiful breasts, a pleasant, somewhat angular face.

At the same time, I realized that she was at least twice as old as me. And this delighted me so much and at the same time puzzled me that I had the audacity to approach her and ask her about her age.

Women, of course, cannot be asked about this, but in my mouth this question sounded like a compliment and she, a little embarrassed, said that she was 45 years old. The false jaw dropped for the second time. I did not grumble further, but simply praised her for her appearance and quickly left there.

On the way, I thought about where to find such a girl, so that at 50 she would please the eye just like at 25. I regretted that I didn’t ask her daughter’s phone number 🙂

Running is very good - it trains all muscle groups and very well contributes to the cleansing of capillary vessels.

I completely agree. Now I quit running because of laziness, but I used to run three times a week for 45 minutes. At first it was hard, I could not even run for 10 minutes, but then I began to run longer and faster. Ceased to become cloudy in the eyes with a sharp rise. When walking, there was a constant desire to go for a run. Running is perhaps the most effective way to lose weight.

Hmmm, rejuvenation… why? Aging is a natural process, why do you intervene in it?

Let's see how your opinion about the naturalness of aging and the reasonableness of rejuvenation will change in just a dozen years. This question somehow suddenly becomes reasonable and relevant by itself.

I would probably understand if this was said by an elderly retired blogger who meditates a lot on the topic of the meaning of life and awareness ... 🙂

Well, now, of course ... I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram ... 🙂

P.S. updated. Astrology and digging into your own dreams are also considered by many to be complete nonsense, this is about the post “Esoterica, yoga and self-development” in your blog. 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog :) And of course, time will tell, I myself am interested in it, I change every moment. But nevertheless, you did not answer my question, but instead commented on what was actually not written about you, although ... this is my opinion and I express it freely;)

Actually, I thought it was obvious to everyone, but if everything is so difficult for you ... 🙂

I don't consider aging a natural process. You can laugh, but, IMHO, aging is a deviation, a disease. And not so much the body, but rather the underdeveloped consciousness.

I believe that aging is a limitation of nature, something like a tax on underdevelopment, which limits the development of a particular person who is unpromising from the point of view of evolution.

If a person does not realize his enormous potential and goes down a dead-end path, but there is no development, then the system degrades over time, i.e. aging, accumulating bugs and malfunctions.

Therefore, I believe that the lack of development and subsequent aging is abnormal, which means that I am automatically interested in rejuvenation. First of all, I am interested in rejuvenation by the power of thought, because, as we have already found out above, the state of the body very much depends on consciousness and our thoughts.

The body is the best and basic instrument of consciousness. I need a good tool, not a cheap Chinese knockoff, so it needs to be upgraded. 🙂 And rejuvenation with the power of thought seems to be a very good option ...

Esoteric, you surprisingly accurately and concisely answered - what is the purpose of rejuvenation.

I’ll add on my own: personally, as a human being, it would be more pleasant for me at the age of 70 NOT TO BE a burden for my children and grandchildren, such a decrepit grandfather with a wand wandering around pharmacies and clinics ... I don’t want to spend my pension on heaps of pills, five each take blood pressure once a day, be surrounded by a sympathetic whisper: “Quiet! Grandpa is bad…” :-(

I want to be a conductor of wisdom and knowledge for my children and grandson, able to move independently for as long as it will be allotted 🙂
Maybe my mission in this life is to learn to "fly" and tell my loved ones about it?

I completely agree with your words "aging is a limitation of nature, something like a tax on underdevelopment." Exactly! This is true!
"Old age" begins in the head.

There are people who consider themselves to be so ... "smart, experienced, who have seen life." They indifferently lazy voice teach others. Nothing will surprise them - they have already seen everything, they know everything ... Such people grow old early.

We must never cease to be surprised at the diversity and variability of this world, in every possible way develop awareness in ourselves and look for patterns - no matter how old we are!

Life is a perpetual motion, and there can be no stop in it. For the human mind - MOVEMENT means the ability to continuously perceive, process and exchange information.

It has long been noticed that people with intensive mental, and especially creative, work live longer and are more active than people who have been engaged in intensive physical labor all their lives, but do not train their brains.

By the way, the mobility of the hands and fingers is somehow connected with the “mobility” of the brain and the intellectual abilities of a person. Therefore, at any age, it makes sense to develop finger mobility by playing musical instruments or active needlework - this has a very good effect on mental abilities!

I thought just now… The process of cognition has no time limits, and the possibilities of our brain rest only in the absence of our free energy. A person, while living, is in a continuous energy-informational flow, and the loss of the ability to perceive and process information (energy) will mean the beginning of death.

The brain - perceives, processes and exchanges information. The body - perceives, processes and exchanges energy. The environment is the environment in which this exchange takes place. Is the unity and coherence of this system the basis of human life, and now of our entire planet?
Maybe that's why God put in a person ... consciousness, in order to ... increase energy exchange in the system, and thus reach a new level?

FORGET your age! But DO NOT FORGET to take care of your BODY: teach it to perceive, process and exchange energy with the world.
And don't forget to take care of your MIND: perceive and wonder, think and doubt, seek and...

For this, the soul chose this body and this world 🙂

And further…
The SKEPTICISM that some people have is not a good sign... of the onset of aging.

No need to rush to everything incomprehensible is skeptical. We may not really be aware of what is obvious to others. After all, everything is perceived from the degree of awareness 🙂

2 Estonian

By the way, the mobility of the hands and fingers is somehow connected with the "mobility" of the brain and the intellectual abilities of a person.

I have heard such things more than once ... By the way, in one of the books on palmistry, which I once read, I found a similar thing ...

It said that people whose thumb is next to the rest, i.e. not so clearly opposed to the rest, as is usually the case with people who work a lot with their hands, they will not live long ...

And there it was unequivocally said that this is a sign of decrepitude not so much of the body as of consciousness.

By the way, I doubt the effectiveness of needlework, it does not require special mobility of the fingers. 🙂

I can recommend it as an alternative, and at the same time promote 🙂 oriental martial arts. So many martial arts of the Vietnamese schools and the kung fu schools of southern China actively use the work of the fingers and hands, and, accordingly, develop the mobility of the hands. First of all, these are some animal styles - the style of a snake, tiger, phoenix.

By the way, in the kung fu school, to which I gave a link, the approach to development is very, very complex and includes, in addition to combat skills, the development of all types of memory, intelligence, creativity and a bunch of different development methods, but this is a topic for a separate and serious post. 🙂

Yes, I know about oriental martial arts and animal styles ... My friend did a lot of this. The positive influence of this art on the entire personality of a person, including reason and intuition, is colossal and undeniable!

At one time, like you, I was interested in palmistry. Indeed, there are reliable patterns between the structure of the fingers on the hands and the properties of the human mind.

For example, thin long fingers are a sign of a “subtle mental device,” as they say in old books. These are poets, artists, musicians…

The large hands of a man with thick knobby fingers are "robots". Short fingers, especially for women, are “leaders”. Experts on the length and location of the fingers have long determined the presence of certain gene and mental diseases.

I’ll add on my own that I always look at a person’s hands and his gestures when I meet ... This says a lot! I can say that "harmonious" (and for women - beautiful) hands always speak of a good, harmonious and benevolent character.

In general, the connection between appearance and character traits is well described by the science of physiognomy. There is a figure, and facial features, and limbs ... There are also signs of people who have great influence on others. There are also signs of magicians. I have seen such... All these are SIGNS.

I would very much like to open a separate topic about the Signs that we meet in the world.

There is a similar meditation in many systems ... For example, from the Show Dao

Using the same method, you can return to a state, for example, when you were in the best shape (in sports, for example). And you can get used to the image of something eternal (somewhere there was an article about working with the energy of Kali).

By the way, it also seems to me that a good rejuvenation will be if it is often cleansed with the energy of fire ... It seems to burn out what leads to aging and death ..

You wrote that rejuvenation occurs under hypnosis. What about breast augmentation? In the book “Oddities of Our Brain”, the author wrote that in Beverly Hills they do this in some clinic, maybe you can learn it yourself? 🙂

Well... in general... specifically, the issue of breast augmentation somehow never interested me, for a man it's usually somehow unnecessarily... 🙂

But seriously, in professional sports (especially weightlifting and bodybuilding) at serious levels of training, such methods are rarely dispensed with.

I don't see much fundamental difference between an accelerated increase in muscle mass and an increase in the volume of tissues of the part of the body that interests you. 🙂

Doctors and "specialists from science" will, of course, twist their fingers at their temples and say that I'm completely off topic and just chasing ... 🙂 Do not rush to draw conclusions.

A person can very significantly influence the course of physiological processes in the body and the functioning of the glands through self-hypnosis, visualization and concentration on the chakras (I have experience), so I think breast augmentation is also possible in principle.

Read everything you can find on the topics of visualization, hypnosis, self-hypnosis (autohypnosis), concentration, work with images.

Please note that for a serious impact on the functioning of the body, it is necessary to have a developed ability to concentrate and be able to work with trance states. Some people already have it, others can quickly develop it. Both are quickly acquired with regular practice.

Another question, is it worth it? Do you need a third or fourth size, getting rid of complexes or sex appeal? If so, then for this it is not at all necessary to increase the breast. There are other methods that are more suitable and effective.

As soon as I get a little free, I will write a post about my experience of pumping sexuality. 🙂

Thank you very much for the answer! I'll look for technology! Write about sexuality too! 🙂

The chest, muscle mass really increase, the figure changes, the bones lengthen (if necessary), all this is a reality.

If you do it yourself, you need to master the techniques of concentration, visualization, techniques for gaining energy and mastering your consciousness.
Sexual energy is very important in the process of rejuvenation, filling all your actions with it, you can achieve a lot.

A very powerful technique: Conscious Energetic Imaginative Breathing and
techniques for working with your subconscious (book by master Shodi Karimov)

I am a man. Until the age of 22, he went in for sports. After 22 he honestly worked (supervised). In parallel with work, from 22 to 45 years old, he smoked, drank decently and took walks. Now I am 61. From 45 to this day I have finished smoking and drinking wine (I don’t drink and don’t smoke at all).

All this time, regularly (12-15 times a month for 50-70 minutes) I do athletic gymnastics (for example, a 42 kg dumbbell. Lying on a bench, I press with one hand 12 times, while sitting 37 kg. 8 times); not regularly, but periodically I do various breathing exercises (for your information, I can hold my breath up to 205 seconds).

To all this I drink only melt water, I eat everything I want without restrictions. For 18 months I have been practicing Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Rebirth” (in the morning and in the evening). Those. I do everything that the author of this article advises. And know that all this does not take much time, but the result is excellent.

Hello Esoteric!

Very interesting and equally useful articles you get! I’ll take another look at your blog - I’ll gain knowledge ... .. 🙂

A couple of sketches from life to the topic.

I recently spoke with a colleague. Woman 31 years old. She reasoned something like this:

“I would like to change my life, find another job, but I am SCARY, because AT MY AGE, when there is already a certain LOAD OF EXPERIENCE, changing anything is a big RISK.”

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the phrase, but I conveyed all of its keywords. When a person allows such words into his consciousness, and with them the corresponding sensation, he accelerates the process of natural aging. The body adapts to the feeling of its age, which is present in the human mind.

By the way, when I told a colleague that at MY AGE, I’m not only not afraid to change anything, but I’m changing, and in general, I still don’t understand how much I have matured 🙂 although she is older than her (according to her passport), she was very surprised and , in comparison, I thought ...

Several years ago, my mother’s vocabulary contained approximately the following phrases: “What do you want from me, I’m ALREADY OLD” “OLD AGE is not a joy” “I ALREADY can’t ...” I ALREADY don’t want to, because ALREADY OLD.

From a rather vigorous elderly woman during this time, she turned into an old one. Health is rapidly deteriorating, and all attempts at treatment do not help. Unfortunately, I am unable to convince her of the psychological origin of her ailments.

There is no doubt that the body simply needs to be helped by physical activity, nutrition, cosmetics, etc. But if words, sensations, thoughts in one way or another connected with old age creep into the head, no means will help, but on the contrary, the absence of a clear and quick effect from their use will only increase the negative and accelerate the process of withering.

Anyway, I think so.

I completely agree with the wise Esoteric: early aging begins in our heads!

About sexual abstinence... This is a very difficult question. If the Lord, when creating a Human, created an energy sexual center - the 2nd chakra svadhisthana and constantly saturates it with energy - then it is necessary! And in general, is it necessary to restrain, delay sexual energy in general and why? ...

Scientific esotericism claims that sexual abstinence is possible only by one "healthy" method - to redirect the sexual energy flow to the throat chakra-vishuddha. Such a person becomes a Creator, a creative person, a talent in any kind of art...

All other artificial sexual continences are anomalies and harmful to the health of the physical body! True, sometimes (the Teachers of the Hierarchy affirm) in one of the incarnations the Spiritual Soul orders the personality to be a virgin during the entire given incarnation.

In my 40 years of work as a psychologist, I often had to solve sexual problems of abstinence in different people. If a man or woman has prolonged forced sexual abstinence, this leads to a malfunction of the entire human energy body, "chakras begin to walk" ...

This is especially true of closed male or female institutions - prisons, the army, monasteries, sports camps, etc. And inguinal muscle loads will not save here ... This is all physical muscular energy.

2 Vadim Boring

Thank you, they made me laugh, no one has called me that yet, I went to build an altar for myself ... 🙂

If serious…

I don’t think that it’s necessary to draw the creator into this… If in the context of the topic, then I look at rejuvenation as a life hack and the right way to use consciousness…

I consider the body as a technical system, a machine, the laws of functioning of which can be used to obtain the desired result. This approach is more rational and practical ...

Consciousness is able to program the functioning of our "hardware" part, including the service life ... I turned on the "life hack-rejuvenation" mode, the system was updated and plows again at full capacity ... 🙂 A little clumsy, but I don’t know how to say otherwise.

Regarding the redirection of sexual energy to the upper chakras… It works…

I redirected the sexual energy to the head (practice qigong, like a small circle of heaven). As a result, "flooded" on creativity, and very strongly. A lot of ideas appeared, just some kind of unreal fountain ...

Sexual attraction almost disappeared for the entire duration of the practice ... So this will not be acceptable for everyone for obvious reasons ... 🙂

And the intuition has increased very noticeably ...

Another disadvantage is that you need constant practice ... for which there is always no time ...

It is not recommended to redirect sexual energy to the head energy centers - only to the throat! Otherwise, trouble! Yes, and in principle it will not work.

The throat chakra can only unite with the heart chakra. The energy triangle: throat-heart-coccyx or vishuddha-anahata-muladhara is the "natural" path for aspirants.

Only after the 3rd Initiation can a student unite the sexual center with one of the 4 head centers - but this is already a very high Initiation...

2 Vadim Boring

It is not recommended to redirect sexual energy to the head energy centers - only to the throat! Otherwise, trouble! Yes, and in principle it will not work.

Explain pliz why trouble? I didn’t notice any harmful side effects other than a feeling of warmth in my head, on the contrary, only positive ones ...

I read for a triangle ... But this is theoretical knowledge, and felt in my own skin, this is somewhat different.

But it won’t work… It’s a very strange idea… 🙂 I succeed, and quite easily… And along the small celestial circle (it’s easier and safer) and along the central vertical channel (I won’t go into terminology, it is different everywhere).

I forgot to describe two more effects - clarity of thought appears after some time, some kind of peace or something and purity of thinking, and others are drawn ... They try to talk more, even without a visible reason ... And they don’t want to leave, even if there are urgent matters ... 🙂 It's a bit strange to watch... 🙂

Thank you for a useful article that is written in such an accessible and understandable way. I work at a school. Communication with children really does not allow you to grow old in soul and to some extent physically.

I am already 62, but I still want to have enough strength for life. So I take all your advice into service. I enjoy reading other articles.

Good luck Esoteric!

But these torments are hidden and “noble”, like everything is fine - everyone “will be there”. Sometimes you regret that you have power only over your body.

How many others do not tell - everyone just wants to die! Why are they so eager to run away? Well, at least you live for 200-300 years, and then go wherever you want. All according to your will.

When they say “nothing is impossible”, what do they mean by these words? Or is it just empty chatter?

But I know one thing for sure - only the one who surrendered can lose.

Thank you, the discussion gave a lot. I am 45, I am one of those who grew old early. The first time, at 23, I was reminded that I was no longer a girl. And to this day, I hear about it so often that I have long considered myself a grandmother.

Looking young is half the battle, the main thing is well-being. The horror of old age is that a person gets sick and no longer recovers, not in a week, not in a month, he ALWAYS FEEL BAD, it's like a cold that can never end.

Therefore, the idea of ​​the naturalness of aging is certainly true, but for some reason you don’t want to suffer even in old age ...

To everything said above in the comments, I wanted to describe one example of how a person “manages” his age.

The fact is that one friend of her elderly mother was struck by a stroke. As a result, having recovered a little, the old woman began to “be weird”. More precisely, her memory began to throw out tricks: either she did not recognize anyone from her relatives, or she herself fell into childhood, demanding her mother, or else she “turned up” at work, etc.

So, in those moments when she "turned up at work", and this corresponded to her age of about 30-35 years, the wrinkles on her old woman's face immediately smoothed out, so that she looked younger than today's daughter, who, of course, remembers that this is exactly what her mother was like in her youth.

The woman fully believed that she was currently about 30 years old, because she did not realize that these were just “frills” of her “spontaneous memory” - and the result was obvious, that is, literally - on her face.

Moreover, she got up and moved, as if she were not a “bed patient”, her voice also became deeper and more sonorous from senile, she harshly reprimanded someone for the work not done properly, in general, she completely “entered the role”.

Coming to her senses, she immediately "shrank" - her face again became an old woman, her voice hoarse - all signs of old age appeared again.

The technique described by the Esoteric is known to me. I practiced it. Only I imagined myself the way I was at 16 in my most successful photo. In parallel, I was engaged in aerobics, went on a diet.

As a result, at work, they began to look at me with surprised eyes, because. there was a sharp rejuvenation.

At the age of 47, I took a 2-year-old girl from an orphanage, quit my prestigious job as a manager at a state-owned enterprise, and went into “free” swimming.

Today I am 52. My son (native) graduated from high school a long time ago, my daughter is a first-grader. I look younger. Life goes on!

I am 29 years old and not a day more, as the great actress L. Orlova said about how old a woman should always be. And you know what I look like...

A person is always as old as he imagines himself to be, the main thing is mobility, the desire for knowledge, not to get hung up on various “diseases”, to believe that you are young and perfect, and then it will be so!

In general, even if there are wrinkles on the face, this does not mean that a person is old, the main thing is how he feels in this world.

I was once offered to look at photographs of ladies and men from 71 to 98 years old. And it was a celebration of the soul. I saw people who live and enjoy life!

“In general, even if there are wrinkles on the face, this does not mean that a person is old, the main thing is how he feels in this world.

I was once offered to look at photographs of ladies and men from 71 to 98 years old. And it was a celebration of the soul. I saw people who live and enjoy life!”

The main thing is the absence of self-deception, for me the state of youth is important in the sense that I can act as in my youth and feel the same way, and not reassure myself that the lack of dental health and gray hair, wrinkles and other things are normal, the main thing is that I young at heart)

reply to Alexey:

If anyone is interested in how I look now, I can send a photo. By the way, at the age of 40. I weighed 65kg. with a height of 174, now 90kg., but without fat.

I'm interested! I read about the Eye of the Renaissance, at 50 I started doing this set of exercises. The effect is amazing. Then she dropped it. Now I am 52, I began to gain weight, I am a little lazy about gymnastics. I still have a love for cycling, I don’t miss them (up to 15-18 km a day).

Sincerely, Svetlana Ghukasyan

In general, I understand you, Igor, you are engaged in the method of restoration and rejuvenation of body cells. I think this is quite possible by attuning your consciousness to a young self from a photograph ... There is a projection into the past ... the cells are renewed ...

Petra with me is better for you)

Well, I don't use photography, but in general the idea of ​​feeling the image is correct. And to be even more precise here is the team: will, faith, imagination, concentration, self-hypnosis or self-programming and so on.

In general, I share the ideas about rejuvenation described in the blog.

Presenting oneself as young, conscious conviction in this is the only thing a person needs for rejuvenation. Everything else is superfluous, it is the recognition of the influence of external factors, which simply do not exist. Everything is created inside by intention, desire, thought.

Why didn't I notice this before?

And although they are far from young in years, and gray-haired, and there are wrinkles on their face, they look great and enjoy life! Now I always look at these photos and fill with energy.

Very bad idea! You will definitely not like rejuvenation at such a price. I highly recommend re-reading all my posts with the “concentration” tag here and on the forum, I have already written about this several times somewhere.

When you concentrate on something or someone, it’s like a phone call… I got through, immediately there is a connection and an automatic partial exchange of energy according to the principle of the law of communicating vessels… Both sides “dilute” each other’s energy to some extent.

Concentration makes "dialing" and "connection" possible. It also includes "exchange".

Now think about this: what kind of energy will you receive as a result of such an exchange? 🙂 You will get not rejuvenation, but “aging” ...

For those who have decided that since he needs rejuvenation at someone else's expense, then you just need to choose a “good” object and everything is ok ... Here, too, everything is not simple. There are sides...

There is an automatic karmic response for any crimes in this area. He will always catch up, but not always his manifestations will be obvious at first glance.

And there is also this: the visible picture does not always reflect the real state of affairs.

A “good” object may contain obvious or dormant destructive programs, physical and mental illnesses, a program for the self-destruction of the physical body under some condition, and others that are not so easy to diagnose even for pros.

Connecting to such an object is like being infected by a virus. Do you need it? It's Russian roulette!

Concentration is the key to magic, or rather one of them, playing with it without understanding the basic laws is very, very dumb.

It is better to use self-programming and self-development, then not only will rejuvenation be “free”, but you will also receive a bunch of bonuses along the way.

You can program yourself not only for rejuvenation, but also for improving immunity, accelerating regeneration, and simply healing ...

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Many people look forward to old age as the time when, in the words of one writer, you get "the feeling that no one needs you, that those whom you gave life and whom you raised, long ago left you along the road on which you you cannot follow them, and even the world's streams of thought rush forward so fast that you have long since fallen behind and are left lying in a quiet pool, feebly, blindly trying to find the current that is constantly pushing you, helpless, back.

There is such an old age, but not for those who look at life correctly. Such a pathetic, such a tragic end is not for those who love and are loved, because their hearts are open to the joys and sorrows of life, they always have a keen interest in humanity, in its progress and advancement, their abilities are only honed, because they are always in demand, and their minds are improving.

We shudder at the thought of giving up so much of a life filled with potential for work, action, and happiness. For what wait such old age? It is this expectation, the fear of old age, that ages us.

The creative forces within us build our guidelines and mental patterns. If we constantly think about sad old age, decrepitude, weakness and impotence, about fading abilities, it is these thoughts and images that our body will reproduce.

A few years ago, a young man died "of old age" in a New York hospital. After the autopsy, the doctors declared that, despite his actual age - twenty-three years old - internally he was eighty!

Let's say birthdays. We celebrate birthdays, celebrate every anniversary in red, and put aside the thought that we have become another year older. And throughout our mature life we ​​do not forget about death, believing that we must wait for it and prepare for it. And the truth is that the thought of death has caused more chaos and ruined more lives than anything else in the history of mankind. It is they who are responsible for fear - the greatest curse of mankind.

One famous doctor said that, starting from childhood, instead of talking about death, we should learn the principles of longevity, and then we will keep our youth much longer and prolong life for a very long time.

There must come a time when birthday celebrations - highlighting the fact that we are a year older, that we are getting closer to the end - will be cancelled. No need to so insistently remind us once every three hundred and sixty-five days that we have reached the next age milestone. You need to understand that years do not affect the soul. Deep down, we must understand that there are life principles within us that determine that old age is largely a matter of mental attitude, and we will become what we think we should become.

Once you reach the age at which you believe physical decline begins, your body will agree with your decision. Your gait, facial expression, your whole appearance and even actions will coincide with your mental position.

Just recently I was talking about old age with a wonderful man in his sixties. He was horrified by the thought of the inevitability of aging. No matter, he declared, what efforts I make to avoid or even delay senile infirmity, there will come a period when everything will decline, and let me fight against it, life is still coming to an end, irrevocably declining, everything closer and closer to the time when I will be useless. “The conviction that every moment, every hour, every day brings me closer to that hole in the earth, from which no power in Heaven or on earth can save, lives in my brain all the time,” he said. “This whole accelerating backward movement is monstrous. The inevitable feeble old age that awaits me deprives me of happiness, paralyzing all efforts and dampening aspirations.

But why do you think about things that terrify you? I asked. - Why nurture thoughts of old age? Why imagine weakness and weakening of the mental faculties? If you are so afraid of decrepitude, loss of memory, loss of vision, unsteady gait and everything else that, in your opinion, should accompany old age, why don’t you avoid frightening thoughts, don’t throw them out of your head? Don't you know that it is your focus on what you fear, the very pictures that so terrify you, that create the conditions you are so eager to avoid? If you really want to stop the aging process, you need to change your mind. Get out of your head everything that has to do with age. Imagine being young. Say to yourself: “I will not grow old in spirit, and this is the only old age that you should be afraid of. As long as my spirit is young, as long as youth lives in me, I cannot grow old.”

The biggest problem for those who are approaching old age is that they give up everything that helps them stay young. Many people after fifty begin to avoid children and young people. It seems to them that "their age is not appropriate" to behave as in younger years, and day by day they acquire more and more old man's habits and habits.

We build into our lives those patterns that we imagine mentally. This is a mental law. Accordingly, having reached the age at which most people begin to show signs of aging, we decide that we ourselves should behave this way. We begin to think that perhaps we have already completed the main work of our life, and our strength must decrease. We imagine that our abilities are weakening, that we are no longer so quick-witted and insightful, that we can no longer withstand heavy loads, that it is time to calm down slowly, reduce physical exertion, work less, it is time to take life easier.

The minute you allow yourself to think that your powers are fading, they will begin to fade, and your appearance and physicality will follow. If you decide that your ambition has diminished, that your abilities are fading, you will come to the conclusion that the younger ones have an advantage over you, and already - at first voluntarily - you will be relegated to the background, figuratively speaking, hiding behind the backs of the young. Once you do this at least once, and you are doomed to be pushed further and further away. Your assessment of yourself will be accepted. As soon as you admit in thoughts, actions and work that you have grown old and your productivity has fallen, that you are no longer equal to the young, it is natural that others will be preferred to you.

If people who have aged prematurely would analyze what exactly affected them and deprived them of their birthright to youth, they would understand that in most cases, premature aging has come about because of their false belief that they must grow old at that age. It is the thoughts of aging and the corresponding mood that turn middle-aged men and women into old men and old women.

The laws of renewal and rejuvenation are always active in us and will be effective if we do not neutralize them with wrong thoughts. The cause of chemical changes in the blood and the rest of the body is restlessness, fears, intemperance, any depressing mental disturbances; they trigger the mechanisms of aging.

Mankind is sure that sixty-seventy years is the limit of human life. This thought has crystallized into a conviction, and we begin to prepare for the end long before the period we have set. As long as we hold to this point of view, we suggest to ourselves that after the threshold of half a century our strength is fading away. The very idea that we have reached the limit of development, that any hope of further progress should be discarded, more and more deeply cuts into our consciousness the picture of aging, and, of course, creative processes can only reproduce the model he proposed.

Many people have what they call a premonition, the belief that they will only live to a certain age, and this becomes the focus of their whole life. They are preparing for the end. It is their conviction that they will die at a certain age that largely determines the limit of their life.

Just recently, at a banquet, I met a very intelligent, well-read man who told me that he was quite sure that he would not live to old age. He drew an analogy with all of nature, arguing that plants, animals and other forms of life mature early and die early; since he was practically grown up at fifteen, he argued, this convinced him that he must also die comparatively young. He said he felt like a poplar next to an oak: one matures early and dies early, the other ripens late. And lives long.

This man was so obedient to this confidence that he did not even try to fight for a long life. He simply did not care about his health and did not take any precautions at the moment of danger. “What is the point,” he said, “to resist Nature? I'll just live as long as I live And enjoy all I can and try to prepare for an early death.”

Many people from early youth are similarly crippled by the belief that they have some hereditary defect, a predisposition to some disease that will most likely shorten their life. They go through life bound by this limiting thought and do not even try to develop their higher abilities.

Just think of the devastating effect on a child's mind of the constant suggestion that he might die young because that happened to his parents or another relative; that even if he is lucky and he manages to survive this illness, as well as the tragic accidents of youth and early maturity, he will still not be able to push the limits of life and survive a certain age point! And we hammer this and other similar suggestions into the heads of our own children until they become part of their lives.

Our achievements depend primarily on the plans of expectation, on the pattern of life that we create for ourselves. If we plan to live only half or a third of the time allotted to us, it is natural that we will have to accomplish only a fraction of what we are really capable of. I have a friend who was convinced from childhood that he would not live long, it would be nice, at least until he was forty, because his parents died before reaching this age. Naturally, he is going to die by the age of forty.

It is much better to believe that we are going to live as long as possible. We should not give up precious years by setting ourselves a certain date of death simply because one of our parents tragically died at that age, or because we are afraid that we have inherited some kind of disease, say, cancer, and he will certainly will develop in a fatal way for us at this age.

In fact, the average life expectancy is constantly increasing. In former times, people grew old much earlier than they do now, and died younger. Our Puritan ancestors believed that the most important thing in their lives was to prepare for the afterlife. They were not interested in this world and did not enjoy life. They only spoke, sang and prayed for "life there", making earthly life gloomy and full of prohibitions. They forgot that Christian teaching tells us to rejoice.

There is no more terrible enemy for the aging process than joy, hope, good mood and fun. They are the personification of the spirit of youth. If you want to preserve youth, develop this spirit, think about youth, communicate more with young people, participate in their life, in sports, in their games and aspirations. Play the role of youth, not formally, but with all possible enthusiasm and fervor.

You will not be able to use your abilities until you are sure that this is impossible. Until your self-confidence calls you to action, your body's reserve forces will remain in the background. If you want to stay young, act young.

If you don't want to grow old, stop thinking and acting like an aging person. Do not slouch your shoulders, do not shuffle your legs - straighten up, throw your head up and step elastically. Do not walk like the old men and women whose strength has faded and the fire of youth has gone out. Walk with a springy young gait, like a young man full of life, spirit and enthusiasm. The body will not grow old until the mind allows it. Stop thinking of yourself as an old man or an old woman. Stop showing signs of decrepitude and senility. Remember, the impression you make on others reflects on you. If other people think that you have physically and mentally started going downhill, you will have to put all your energy into overcoming such an opinion.

We need to resist the habit of aging, as we resist any vicious habit. Do not give in to the belief that old age is inevitable, do not be afraid of it, strongly deny it and affirm the opposite. If it occurs to you that your strength is running out, that you can no longer do what you did before, prove to yourself the falsity of such thoughts, exercise the abilities and skills that, as it seemed to you, began to weaken. Dropping your hands means only one thing - you surrender to old age.

We find in this world what we seek. So, if with age we look for signs of aging and decrepitude in ourselves, we will definitely find them. If you are constantly on the lookout for signs of fading abilities and skills in yourself, you will find many such signs. Let's say sometimes you can't think with your usual clarity of thought, or you can't concentrate on something, remember something. This happens - just do not immediately come to the conclusion that a person at your age should fade, that you cannot expect from yourself the same skills that you possessed in your youth. This is a fatal mistake.

In other words, if we are striving to get something, and our hearts are burning with this desire, we fight for it, we create mental contact with what we want, and with the help of thoughts we create a connection with this object. We do everything in our power to achieve what we want, and mental effort is the real power that Helps us materialize a dream.

However, instead of fighting old age with thoughts of eternal youth, energetic thoughts, many think of weakness and fading away. If they forget something, they immediately declare that their memory fails them, and soon their eyesight will fail. They anticipate signs of infirmity and decrepitude, and eventually the idea of ​​old age takes root in their bodies and materializes there.

Do not get used to looking for signs of old age in yourself, create the habit of looking for youth in yourself. Think that your body is still strong and supple, that your mind is strong and active. Do not allow yourself to think that you are fading, that your abilities are fading, that they are no longer as reliable as before, that you have forgotten how to think because the brain cells have grown old and hardened.

The one who thinks about old age grows old. The one who believes in his youth remains young. Many of us are still unaware of the biological fact that Nature herself has endowed us with the power for constant renewal. There are no cells in our bodies that can grow old because they are frequently renewed. Physiologists say that the cells of some muscles are renewed every few months. Some authorities say that eighty to ninety percent of all body cells are completely renewed within two years.

So, the most important thing is our mental position. There is no way to stay young if you are convinced that you must definitely see the signs of aging. Thoughts of old age are imprinted on the renewed cells of the body, and very soon a person looks forty, fifty, sixty or seventy years old. One must firmly hold to the conviction that none of the cells of the body can be old, because they are constantly being renewed, and most of them every few months.

Old age is not so much a matter of the years lived, but rather the transparency and elasticity of the protoplasm of the cells of the body, and nothing ages the protoplasm so much as anxiety, excitement, fear, anger, hatred, a thirst for revenge and any other inharmonious feelings.

Some people try to heal the physical devastation caused by a wrong way of life and a wrong way of thinking by patching up the bodies from the outside. The "beauty salons" in our cities are being besieged by people who are desperately trying to keep a youthful appearance, not realizing that the elixir of youth lies in their own minds.


Many years ago, a former Attorney General of the New York City Supreme Court committed suicide on his seventieth birthday. A book was found next to his body. "Deadline: A Summary of Osler's Theory of Life". In it, as in the suicide note, there were such lines:

“Three times twenty and ten years is the limit of life indicated in the Holy Scriptures. After this period, human activity decreases, his time on earth has expired ... "

"I'm seventy - three times twenty and ten - I'm only fit to sit in front of the fireplace, not moving anywhere ..."

This man was under the influence of the so-called "Osler theory" and the biblical restriction of three times twenty and ten years and convinced himself that he would end his life on his seventieth birthday.

We are all heavily influenced by the various limitations we impose on ourselves; there are many well-known cases of people dying at the times they set for themselves - or at times they were led to believe by others - even though they were perfectly healthy up to the point at which the suggestion occurred.

It is absolutely impossible that the people who once compiled the psalms known to this day in antiquity had intentions to set a limit on the life span, and even more so they did not have any reason and power for this.

There are many sayings in the Bible that people take too literally and blindly accept as a standard for life, not figures of speech used to illustrate an idea. If we refer to Bilia, then it would be much more correct to set the life limit at 112, or even at 969 years - the age of Methuselah. There is no mention in Scripture of a supposed time limit after which people have no right to live on!

In fact, the Bible encourages man to lead a long, healthy, and godly life. She points out that it is the duty of everyone to live a useful and noble life, doing everything possible to prolong their years on this earth.

The average life of any animal is usually five times longer than what it takes to fully mature. In humans, this period lasts about thirty years. It would be absurd to assume that the Creator did not give people - his greatest creation - a period at least the same as for animals. The higher mind cannot be so stupid as to pick fruits before they are ripe.

We are not even half aware of the power of mental attitudes that can influence our lives. Countless people, without thinking, shorten their existence for many years by ingrained ideas about the deadline that they can live - for example, until the age when their parents died. How often do we hear from such people: "I do not think I will live long: my father and mother died young."

I know a New Yorker who, in perfect health, told his family that he would definitely die on his next birthday.

When the morning of that day came, the family was alarmed by his refusal to go to work, on the grounds that he would surely die before midnight. Family members insisted on calling a doctor, but the examination showed that the man had no health problems. However, he refused to eat, became weaker and weaker during the day, and indeed died before evening.

The belief that he was dying became so firmly established in his mind that his own psychic power, aimed at stopping life processes, killed him.

We often grow such beliefs in ourselves, or they enter our consciousness from outside, invading the structure of our being by constantly returning to these thoughts. And it doesn’t matter whether the examples of others, the conversations of friends or quotes from books are pushing you to this, but if you convince yourself that you will grow old early, then you will notice the clear results of your efforts at 50 years old, and at 60 you will lose strength and interest in life. ; soon you will become practically useless and you will have to retire; and then you will bring yourself to a complete exhaustion of vital forces, because there is not a single force in the world that can stop the process of aging and dying, which you yourself have engendered.

Thoughts guide the actions of your body.

If you are full of thoughts of old age, old age will immediately follow. If thoughts of eternal youth, fullness of life and indomitable energy fill the mind, the body will answer you in the same way. Old age begins in the mind. The marks of withering on our body are the fruits of those thoughts about old age that have settled in your mind. We see other people of our age, we notice traces of beginning decrepitude in them, and we imagine that the same thing should happen to us. And it does, because we think it's inevitable. But these changes are inevitable only until our consciousness is cleared of thoughts about our own old age and withering.

If we refuse to grow old, if we insist on exclusively thinking about youth, health, hopes for the future, no signs of old age will be reflected in us.

Be sure: whatever you think about your age, it will immediately affect your body. Once you can establish yourself in the thought of eternal youth, you will be halfway there.

The elixir of youth is in your mind and nowhere else. You cannot become young just by trying to appear young and dressing like a youth. To begin with, you must get rid of the slightest trace of the thought that you are getting old. While this psychic poison is still in consciousness, no cosmetic or other rejuvenating agents will help you.

First you need to change your own beliefs; the thought that causes aging must be removed from your mind like a malignant tumor.

The really big problem is that our minds age prematurely. The harsh, harsh conditions of modern life make the cells of the brain and nerve fibers literally petrify, and this seriously affects the consciousness, which in a normal state should be fresh, flexible, full of life. The routine work of modern business life destroys the mobility, sensitivity and sharpness of our sensations.

People who take life too seriously, who tend to take on too much, people whose life turns into simply making money, have a hard expression on their faces - their thoughts are reflected in their appearance. These people quickly exhaust their vital resources, become covered with wrinkles - the tissues of their body become as dry as their thoughts. Authority, despotism, arrogance also cause premature aging, because these thoughts are hard, tense, unnatural.

People who live on the sunny and beautiful side of life, who strive for serenity, do not age as quickly as those who see the world only in gloomy colors.

Another reason many people age too soon is because they stop growing. It is unfortunate but true that most people lose the ability to absorb and assimilate new ideas after they reach middle age. Most of them at the age of 40-50 years are immersed in a state of mental stagnation.

Never allow yourself to give up the habit of being young. Don't think that you have to temper your ardor. Don't say that you can't do things the way you used to. Don't be afraid to be a child at heart again, no matter how many years you have lived. Keep growing, keep being interested in everything around you.

If you want to keep your youth, forget all the past unpleasant experiences, upsetting cases. An eighty-eight-year-old woman was asked how she remained so young. She replied: "I just know how to forget any trouble."

No one can stay young without continuing to grow, and no one can continue to grow without maintaining a keen interest in the world around them. We are so arranged that in many ways we depend on the support of others. We cannot completely isolate, cut ourselves off from other people without violating the stability of our psyche. The mind, which does not constantly turn to everything new, remaining attached only to the past, soon exhausts the limit of growth and development.

There is nothing easier for a person than to grow old. Everyone can do this only by thinking that he is getting old, anticipating old age, fearing it and preparing for it, comparing himself with peers who have aged early, and resigning himself to the idea that he is the same as they are.

Just the certainty that our strength is diminishing, the knowledge that we are losing our vitality and enthusiasm, resignation to the fact that old age has taken us by the throat and gradually takes possession of us - all this has a terribly destructive effect on our abilities. The character itself is distorted under the influence of such thoughts.

The British journal The Lancet, one of the most respected medical publications in the world, once published an article that is a brilliant illustration of the power of the mind in preventing old age. One young woman went crazy after her lover left her. She completely lost track of time. She believed that her lover would return, and for many years she stood in front of the window for hours, waiting for him.

Although she was already over seventy years old, those who saw her (including several doctors) thought that she was no more than twenty. She had not a single gray hair, no wrinkles or other signs of aging. Her skin remained clean and tender, like a girl's. And she did not grow old because she believed that she was still young. She did not count her birthdays and did not worry about the years she lived. She was absolutely sure that she was living in the very time when her lover had left her. And this belief controlled her physical condition. She was as old as she thought. Thoughts reflected on her appearance and kept her young.

As long as you think you are sixty, you will look like this. If you hold on to old-fashioned ideals, old-fashioned beliefs, your thoughts will be imprinted on your face, on your whole appearance. The body is like the bulletin board of your mind.

On the other hand, if you are full of thoughts about eternal youth, fullness of life and health, then every cell of your body is constantly renewed and decrepitude will never touch you.

If you are going to keep youth, you must avoid all its enemies, and there are no greater enemies of youth than the thought of old age and the gradual loss of interest in life. When you draw a mental line between your age and youth, when you are no longer interested in the hopes and desires of young people, when you refuse to participate in their sports games, when you refuse to fool around with children, you convince yourself that you are getting old, that you are starting to lose youthful enthusiasm. and the days of your youth are numbered.

Nothing helps prolong youthfulness more than feeling that you are as young as any child.

One man was asked how he maintains his youthfulness, despite his fairly advanced age. He replied that he had been headmaster for thirty years. He liked to participate in the life and activities of the children, to share their interests and desires with them. This, according to him, made him think only about youth, about the prospects for the future and the vast sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, and he simply had no time to think about old age.

Constant activity frees the mind from stagnation and decay. "Keep evolving or die" - this is the main motto of Nature, which is inscribed on everything in the Universe.

Courageously defend your right to be young, which is given to you by Nature. He constantly tells himself that you absolutely do not need to grow old, that this is wrong; that weakness and decline of strength were not part of the Creator's plan when he created man in his own image and likeness.

Constantly repeat to yourself: “I always feel good, I am always young, I cannot grow old unless I think about old age. The Creator gave me life for long-term growth, endless improvement and development, and I will not allow myself to lose the right to eternal youth.

Do not pay attention if people tell you: "You have changed over the years", "You are starting to get old." Just deny these claims. Say to yourself: “Principle and Truth do not grow old. I am the Principle. I am Truth."

When you fall asleep, keep in mind those desires and ideals that are dear to you, that you most want to realize. As the brain works in sleep, these desires and ideals will develop into new qualities and reinforce the old ones. Bright thoughts, lofty motives, the highest goals - all this should dominate your mind when you fall asleep.

We can force our minds to model youth instead of old age. Following this prototype, as a sculptor follows a sketch, our body will continue to reproduce itself young and healthy, full of strength and energy.

We must finally get rid of the idea, deeply embedded in consciousness, that the longer we live, the more experience we get, the more work we do, the more we wear out and become old, decrepit and useless. We must understand that activity, achievements, experience do not devour life, but only improve it.

This is the law: action increases strength. Where, then, do we get the conviction that we wear out from action?

In fact, Nature has laid in us the possibility of eternal youth, the power of eternal renewal. There is not a single cell in our body that can grow old; our body is constantly renewed by the constant renewal of all cells, and the cells of those parts of the body that are used more actively are replaced more often.

Scientists say without hesitation that the chemistry of the body creates all the conditions for the endless maintenance of youthfulness. However, every destructive thought disrupts the chemical processes in the cell, allowing foreign substances to enter and causing reactions that damage the integrity of the cells.

Any thought that dominates consciousness at any time changes the image that the body receives as an instruction for further work. Thus, every statement that appears in consciousness from any source is registered by cellular life, becomes a trait of character and manifests itself in facial expression and appearance. Consequently, any idea of ​​one's own age is marked by cells, moreover, by new cells. If you think of yourself as a helpless old man, the cells begin to think of themselves in exactly the same way. If you are full of vital energy and aspire to the future, then the cells are filled with strength.

Bringing thoughts of old age into new cells is like pouring new wine into old bottles. The result is that two-year-old cells look fifty, sixty, or more, depending on your thinking.

Pessimism is the main enemy of youth. The pessimist ages prematurely because his mind gravitates toward the negative, ugly, and destructive aspects of things. The pessimist does not develop, does not try to be young in spirit, but retreats - and this retreat turns out to be fatal for his youth. Brightness, fun, serenity - these are the characteristics of youth.

Selfishness is the enemy of health, because it destroys the fundamental principle of existence - honesty and justice.

Even material wealth can destroy health. Many rich people are not at all happy with the accumulated wealth, because they are full of bad forebodings that they can lose everything at any moment.

Unpleasant thoughts of any kind shorten life.

In every cell of our body there is a hidden power of health, which would always keep our cells in harmony and preserve their integrity, if all thoughts were correct. This latent power can be specially developed with the right thoughts to avoid any physical manifestations of old age.

Always keep before you the ideal of youth - strength, cheerfulness, striving for the future. Constantly say to yourself, "If Nature creates a new body for me every few months or so, if billions of cells are constantly renewing, if the oldest cell in my body reaches a maximum of two years old, then why should they look sixty or seventy-five?" A two-year-old cell cannot look like a seventy-year-old one at will, but only through the influence of thoughts of old age.

Our body will always look young if we don't make it look old by imprinting thoughts of old age into it. Many people, without realizing it, use such thoughts as a chisel to deepen the wrinkles in their face. Their sad thoughts leave an imprint on cells that are only a few months old, soon making them look forty, fifty, sixty or more years old.

Never allow yourself to think that you are getting old. Remember that only what you feel is what you believe. This will show up on your body.

Thinking about youth should become your habit. Whenever you think of yourself, draw in your mind a vivid picture of the ideal person as a reflection of your youth, health and energy. Think healthy. Feel the spirit of youth and hope flowing through your body. The elixir of youth, which the alchemists have been searching for so long, we find in ourselves. Its secret is our own psyche. We look as old as we feel, because our feelings and our thoughts change us.

Live in a state of mental harmony and happiness. Live in harmony with the ideal, and age-related processes will not affect you. Your ideal will keep you young. When we think about age, we, unfortunately, only think of weakness, decrepitude, and loss, instead of thinking of the fullness of life and energy.

I don't know of another remedy that is as effective in the fight against aging as love - love for work, love for a life partner, love for the whole world.

This is the most powerful healing elixir, renewing, refreshing, recreating life itself. Love awakens the most noble feelings, the sharpest sensations, the best qualities of a person.

If we firmly believe that the life process can go on forever, keeping us in a state of eternal youth, then our body obeys. In the future, men and women will not age the way we do. The life of an ordinary person will begin to approach the state of eternal youth more and more.

Look at old age as an unreal, disgusting ghost, and forget about it forever.

A rose that withers is not a true rose. A real rose is perfect, it releases a new bud every time we cut off the flower that has withered.