Determining the level of upbringing of schoolchildren. Education and personal growth. upbringing criteria. Behavior in the family

Abstract: the problems of criteria and levels of upbringing of a student's personality are considered, various approaches to determining the level of upbringing are analyzed, the difficulties associated with determining the level of upbringing of a person are considered.

Key words: personality, upbringing, criterion, levels of upbringing, quantitative approach, qualitative approach, personality orientation, moral norms. Accounting and evaluation of the level of upbringing is a necessary link in the system of educational work. Success in any field of activity largely depends on the correct accounting and objective assessment of the results achieved, only based on what has been achieved, you can successfully move forward. The foregoing is fully related to educational activities. In order to set real educational tasks, to plan and organize the process of education correctly, the teacher must know the results of educational work. Not knowing the level of upbringing, the teacher works blindly.

He either overestimates the requirements for the pupil and sets impossible tasks for him, or reduces the requirements. To avoid this, along with the general tasks of education, it is necessary to solve individual tasks: for one student to overcome disbelief in his own strength, for another - to get rid of disorganization, etc. This can be done only on the basis of good knowledge of the positive and negative aspects of the pupil. Without this, in educational work it is easy to slip into the path of a pattern and equalization in the approach to students. It should be noted that the identification of the level of upbringing is not an end in itself, but an important means that provides the ability to manage the educational process and increase its effectiveness. Accounting for the results of education enables the teacher to see the fruits of his efforts, to detect omissions, shortcomings and, therefore, to eliminate them. Thanks to such consideration, the focus of the teacher's attention is not on events that are occasionally of a random nature, but on the real state of development of his pupils. This is important for the individualization of the upbringing process, for the scientifically grounded planning of educational work.

Criteria for assessing the level of upbringing. The criterion in a broad sense means what should be equal to, with what to compare certain results of activity. Therefore, any criteria must contain certain parameters. There are various approaches to determining these parameters in the psychological and pedagogical literature. I. Quantitative approach in determining the level of upbringing. P. P. Blonsky notes that human behavior can be measured by such quantitative indicators as “how many times” and “how long”. For example, we say that the observed read for 20 minutes, slept for 7 hours, thought for 10 minutes, etc. Of course, when determining the level of upbringing, one cannot proceed only from quantitative characteristics. But it cannot be denied that quantitative indicators to some extent determine certain personality traits. 2. A qualitative approach in determining the level of upbringing. N. I. Monakhov in his work “Studying the effectiveness of education” proposes to determine the level of upbringing based on a person’s attitude to various aspects of reality: to work, a team, etc. From here he derives such indicators of the level of upbringing as diligence - collectivism, etc. 3.

Determining the level of upbringing based on the orientation of the individual. Some teachers consider it possible to use the only indicator that characterizes the level of upbringing of the individual. They consider the orientation of the personality as such an indicator. At the same time, in their opinion, the collectivist orientation of the personality should correspond to a high level of upbringing, and the individualistic orientation to a low level. Of course, orientation is an important component of a person's psychological characteristics, and its study is essential for revealing the level of upbringing. But can one orientation sufficiently fully and comprehensively characterize such a complex phenomenon as the upbringing of a schoolchild, whose personality is constantly and intensively developing, and not always evenly? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to turn to the definition of personality orientation. Orientation is a system of needs, interests, views, ideals that act as motives for individual behavior and determine the specific attitude of the individual and the performance of their roles.

It can be seen from this characteristic of orientation that its essence is manifested primarily in relations to the collective, to society. But these relationships far from cover all the richness of personal manifestations. In addition, as established by psychologists, the orientation of the personality begins to manifest itself more or less clearly only in adolescence, from about 10-12 years old. Consequently, if we are guided by this indicator, then the upbringing of about a third of schoolchildren cannot be studied at all. But it's not only that. Each personality is a unique combination, the unity of a large number of diverse qualities and features that reflect its attitude to the environment. An attempt to reduce all this to one direction is contrary to modern trends in the development of the science of education.

Any complex phenomenon requires a comprehensive analysis. In the upbringing of a personality, one cannot limit oneself to one indicator. Such a one-sided (narrow) approach can mislead the teacher: the general positive orientation of the personality can obscure its shortcomings, and in the case of a negative orientation, it is much more difficult to apply the principle of education based on the positive. 4. Determining the level of upbringing based on the student's knowledge of moral standards, rules of conduct. The simplest means of revealing this knowledge is the analysis of answers to directly posed questions: “What act can be called heroic and why?”.

Such questions, asked both orally and in writing, make it possible, to a certain extent, to reveal the range of students' ideas about a particular area of ​​human behavior. 5. Determining the level of upbringing by value judgments. The methods of value judgments include thematically oriented essays, disputes, discussions, direct and indirect oral questions, etc. The question may require a freely reasoned answer (open questions) or a choice of answers from among the proposed ones (closed questions). Compositions such as "The Honor and Dignity of Man: As I Understand Them" May reflect the inner position of young men and women, their doubts, hesitation, reflections. Disputes, discussions or any form of collective discussions, where the pupil must openly take a certain position, make it possible to judge his views and beliefs.

The “position of silence”, the desire of individual pupils to remain aloof from disputes, to evade answering a directly posed question, to take a neutral position, also has diagnostic significance. A personal conversation between the educator and the pupil, aimed at identifying his positions and relationships, can give a lot to the educator, provided that it is well prepared, if it takes place without haste in an informal setting. 6. Determining the level of upbringing by the actions and deeds of the individual. The main method of studying a person in action is to observe him in various situations and manifestations. These situations can be natural and artificial, created by the educator for diagnostic purposes. Of course, not all types of activities and communication of pupils can be in the field of view of the educator.

The educator learns about some actions, deeds, norms or lines of behavior indirectly, receiving oral and written information from other persons. In natural situations, students' attitude to learning, discipline and culture of behavior, as well as their attitude to work, how responsible it is, are manifested. Observation of a sports game makes it possible to see manifestations of a sense of camaraderie and collectivism, the ability to restrain one's emotions, to adequately respond to defeat. When visiting the theater, exhibitions and other cultural centers, students' susceptibility to beauty, their tastes and orientation of interests are studied.

In artificial situations, the student is placed in a position where personal qualities can most clearly manifest themselves. Such situations, in particular, include public assignments, where the personal and the public collide. Refusal of instructions or their unfair execution is a certain indicator of the level of upbringing, a sense of responsibility of the student.

It is of great diagnostic value in acute conflict situations, where it is difficult to hide one's feelings and thoughts. 7. Other approaches to determining the level of upbringing. Among other approaches, one should single out scaling, compiling standardized characteristics, etc. Thus, the essence of using the method of independent characteristics is to generalize information about students obtained through comrades, teachers, parents and other persons. Such information will help to overcome subjectivity in assessing the personal qualities of students, to form an objective view of them. At the same time, in the collected material there may be different, even contradictory assessments of the personality. It is important to understand this well, to identify the reasons for these discrepancies. The compilation of independent characteristics by students on their classmate is organized by the class teacher in a friendly environment. Let us give a definition of the level of upbringing as a pedagogical concept.

Education in the pedagogical sense means a complex of personality traits, which is characterized by the presence and degree of formation of socially significant qualities in her, reflecting her versatile development. Socially significant qualities, in particular, include: patriotism, internationalism, collectivism, humanity, honesty, truthfulness, unity of word and deed, directness, conscientious attitude to work, discipline, responsibility, adherence to principles, purposefulness, activity, curiosity, aesthetic development. The level of upbringing should be understood as a person's knowledge, moral standards and skills to apply this knowledge in the practice of his daily behavior. Difficulties in determining the level of upbringing are associated with many factors. In the educational process, the results of education do not appear immediately after a particular educational event. This expresses one of the difficulties in determining their levels.

The next difficulty is related to the fact that upbringing is not always manifested in an explicit form. In general, the results of education are manifested both in external and internal form, which are hidden from the eyes of the educator. At the same time, the internal position of the individual does not always coincide with its external manifestations, words, deeds, and actions. Sometimes the external manifestations of the personality contradict the truly internal experiences. Depending on the dominant motives, certain indicators of the level of upbringing can turn into their opposite. Difficulties in identifying the level of upbringing are also expressed in the fact that, in addition to individual originality, it is necessary to take into account age

peculiarities. What is most relevant and important for one age can be replaced and supplemented by other values ​​at another age. To characterize upbringing, such universal human qualities as humanity, goodwill, responsiveness are of great importance; truthfulness, honesty, modesty, diligence, thrift, diligence, the presence of stable skills and habits of correct behavior, etc.

Correctly assessing the level of upbringing of a student means giving an objective assessment of his behavior in various life situations, in class, outside school hours, in the process of socially useful activities. Revealing the level of upbringing, of course, cannot be a one-time phenomenon. It requires a long time and the use of various methods and techniques: observation, comparative analysis, etc. When using various methods, care must be taken, tact, in no case should the information received be used to the detriment of students, and some information must be kept secret.

It is important to find such criteria for the level of upbringing that would make it possible to correctly assess not only actions, but also the motives for these actions. These or those motives often act in two aspects: as a stimulating factor in the active actions of the student and as a factor guiding the behavior and actions of the individual. Of course, it is very difficult to penetrate into the inner world of students, to know what is happening in the minds and hearts. But we must strive for it. This is important in the days of overcoming subjectivity in assessing the upbringing of a person.


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2. Kirillova T. V. The goal of education is to inculcate universal spiritual values ​​// Folk School. 1996. No. 4. S. 1-5.

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Question number 12. Upbringing. Criteria and levels of upbringing. Classification of educational influences. Psychological mechanisms of educational influences.

Education in a social sense

In a broad social sense, education is the transfer of accumulated experience (knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, moral, ethical and legal norms) from older generations to younger ones.

In a narrow social sense, under education refers to the directed impact on a person by public institutions in order to form certain knowledge, views and beliefs, moral values, political orientation, and preparation for life.

In wide pedagogical sense of upbringing- this is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled impact of the team, educators on the educatee in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process.

In a narrow pedagogical sense, education is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

The role of education is evaluated in different ways - from the assertion of its complete meaninglessness (with unfavorable heredity and poor environmental influence) to the recognition of its the only way to change human nature. Much can be achieved by education, but it is impossible to completely change a person.

The most important task of education is identification of inclinations and talents, development in accordance with the individual characteristics of a person, his abilities and capabilities.

· Mental;


· physical education

Upbringing- purposeful formation of the personality in order to prepare it for participation in public and cultural life in accordance with socio-cultural normative models. According to the definition of Academician I. P. Pavlov, education is a mechanism for ensuring the preservation of the historical memory of a population.

Human education is, among other things, the subject pedagogy like science .

upbringing criteria. First of all, it should be noted that there are no unambiguous solutions to the problem of determining the criteria and indicators of the levels of upbringing. The approaches of researchers are different not only in the definition of certain criteria, indicators, but also in the definition of the essential features of these concepts.
IN AND. Zhuravlev, For example, defines the criteria as scientifically based standards by which the degree of achievement in the development, formation, training, education of students is established. A indicators - as phenomena that characterize the level of development of the individual, his training, good breeding, observed visually and establishing the measure of implementation in practice of the skills and abilities of behavior and knowledge developed by schoolchildren.
In the "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary" criterion is defined as “a sign on the basis of which something is evaluated, defined or classified; measure of evaluation"
The criterion expresses the essential changes of the object and represents the knowledge of the limit, the completeness of the manifestation of its essence in a specific expression. This tool is a necessary evaluation tool, but it is not an evaluation itself. But, as noted A.K. Markova, "the choice of a criterion is largely determined by practical interests, which consist in achieving competent, maximally effective and at the same time, the most important activity for a psychologist. In this case, it can be presented as a scientifically substantiated "model" that characterizes the essence of the professional activity of a practical psychologist, the totality of knowledge about it, through which it is maximally expressed, or as the sum of knowledge about real achievements and possibilities for optimizing this activity.

NOT. Shchurkova so defines what an indicator is: "what is available to perception, what" shows "the presence of something"

Among the main indicators of upbringing it highlights the following:

    • the appearance of the child;
    • mimic and plastic image;
    • speech;
    • behavior consisting of individual actions;
    • electoral activity;
    • reactions to social phenomena;
    • the system of his relationships with others;
    • the quality of its subject activity;
    • ideals

Based on the criteria of education and upbringing A.K. Markova identifies the following levels of upbringing and upbringing.

Levels of upbringing.
Education (high level): wide stock of moral knowledge(about the attitude to work, society, to another person, to oneself). Synthesis of moral ideas into a holistic individual worldview. Consistency of moral knowledge with personal beliefs, motives. The harmony of knowledge and beliefs with moral behavior, the unity of word and deed in teaching. Expanded cognitive and social motives in learning, interest in ways of working. "Strong" goal setting - keeping goals in situations of difficulties, mistakes, interference, bringing the work to the end. The predominance of positive constructive emotions in teaching.
Education (low level): weak, fragmented moral ideas about what is good and what is bad. Assimilated moral knowledge is not always accepted as the basis of personal beliefs, personal motives are at odds with generally accepted rules and norms. Discord, disagreement in the person himself of moral knowledge, beliefs, actions. Motives for learning at the level of interest in facts, a narrow focus on the result of work in the absence of interest in ways of working. Goals are inflexible, unrealistic, situational and unpromising; they are destroyed in the face of difficulties and interference. Negative destructive emotions in learning, anxiety, self-doubt prevail.

Under means of education understood methods of organized and unorganized influence, with the help of which some people - educators - influence other people - pupils - in order to develop certain psychological qualities and forms of behavior in them.

Specifically under means of psychological influence on the individual we will understand actions taken by the educator aimed at changing the personality of the educatee.

A special place among means of educational influence is assigned to complex, designed to have a global effect on a person, affecting all or most of its sides. These may include, for example, psychotherapy, socio-psychological training, various other types of psycho-correction.

R. S. Nemov offers several classifications upbringing methods: they are divided into direct and indirect, conscious and unconscious, cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Direct Methods education includes directly personal influence of one person on another, carried out in direct communication with each other.

Indirect Methods contain impacts implemented by any means, without personal contact educator and educator (through reading books, references to the opinion of an authoritative person, etc.).
By the inclusion of the consciousness of the educator and the educated in the process of education, methods are divided into conscious and unconscious.

Conscious Methods are characterized by the fact that the educator consciously sets a certain goal for himself, and the educated person knows about it and accepts it.

Using unconscious methods of influence the educator accepts educational influences without conscious control for its part, and without intentional influence by the educator.
Cognitive educational influences are aimed at the human knowledge system, its transformation. The very knowledge of a person about the world not only forms him as a person (the educational function of learning), but also has a decisive influence on his behavior. In modern conditions, the importance of this area of ​​educational influences is increasing significantly.

Emotional educational influences called evoke and maintain certain emotional states in the student that make it easier or more difficult for him to accept other psychological influences. Positive emotions make the educator open in relation to the subject carrying out the educational impact. Negative emotions, on the contrary, fence off the educator from the educator, block the educational impact. Behavioral educational influences are directly directed to the actions of a person, force him to act in a certain way and provide appropriate positive or negative reinforcements for the actions taken. In this case, the educated person first performs a certain act and only then realizes its usefulness or harmfulness, while when using other methods, changes first occur in the inner world of the personality, and only then are projected onto behavior. Since knowledge, emotions and actions of a person are interconnected, through any of them it is possible to influence the personality as a whole. This allows the educator, with a lack of opportunities, to focus on any selected educational influences, achieving the desired result.
Each of the considered means of education has its own strengths and weaknesses.. For example, the advantage of the direct educational impact of one person on another is that it uses the psychological mechanisms of infection, imitation and suggestion. In this case, the educator can do without words, it is enough for him to demonstrate a pattern of behavior and ensure its full and correct acceptance by the educatee. This means is also the only one possible at the early stages of child development, when the child does not yet understand the speech addressed to him, but it is of great importance at subsequent age stages. In pedagogy it is called upbringing by example. The disadvantage of this means of education is the personal and temporal limitations of its use.: the educator can convey to the educated person only what he himself has, and only in those moments when he is in direct personal contact with him.
Indirect educational impact through books, media and other information transmission systems can be versatile and arbitrarily long, it can be saved and repeatedly reproduced, prompting a person to turn again and again to material sources of educational influences (reread the book, watch the film again). But such education, compared with direct influence has fewer resources of living emotional force. Besides, the limitation of its application is that it is applicable only to children who already speak speech, who can read and understand the moral meaning of what is said and read..
The advantage of a conscious educational impact is that it is manageable, with pre-foreseen and, therefore, controllable results.. However, it also limited in application to children of early preschool age who have not yet formed reflection. Unconscious educational influence takes place earlier than the conscious, but it advantages and disadvantages are difficult to assess in practice due to insufficient controllability by consciousness.
None of the considered classifications gives an unambiguous answer to the question of what is common to all methods of education. All methods are aimed at the life experience and attitudes of children, which are manifested not only in the actions they take, but also in their comprehension, determination of their position, awareness of their successes and mistakes.

Systematic work on the psychodiagnostics of the process of personal development of students, as the experience of many schools where such psychodiagnostics is carried out, bears fruit in the education of students. However, this is not enough. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I have been thinking for more than one year: what is the most vivid expression of the result of education? When do I have the moral right to say: my efforts have borne fruit? Life convinced us that the first and most tangible result of education is expressed in the fact that a person began to think about himself. I thought about the question: what is good in me and what is bad? The most sophisticated methods and techniques of education will remain empty if they do not lead a person to look at himself, to think about his own destiny. In order for students to engage in more thorough self-knowledge and self-education, psychodiagnostics alone is not enough. The analysis showed that one of the reasons hindering the process of personal development is the system of indicators adopted in our schools, according to which this work is evaluated. Currently, student achievement remains the only such indicator. Therefore, it is not surprising that all the forces of students and teachers are spent on achieving high academic performance by any means, sometimes immoral, crippling the mind and destinies of children.

The absence of evaluation criteria, other qualities of a student and the level of his upbringing clearly does not contribute to his personal development. A.N. Leontiev wrote: “... a life-like, truthful approach to education is such an approach to individual educational and even educational tasks that proceeds from the requirements for a person: what a person should be like in life and what he should be armed with for this what should be his knowledge, his thinking, feelings, etc.”

I.-W. Goethe once said: “Accepting a person as he is, we make him worse; by accepting him as he should be, we force him to be as he can be.”

A few years ago, I started an experiment to assess the upbringing of students at the school of the NPC "Lomonosov" (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region), the first results of which were published. To assess the upbringing of students, the following indicators have been developed:

1. Family behavior. Active participation in the affairs and problems of the family; experiencing, together with its other members, hardships and joys; complete self-service; diligent performance of their regular duties at home; caring for younger and older family members; correct response to comments; courtesy in dealing with all family members; taking the initiative in congratulating and making gifts on the occasion of birthdays, anniversaries and other holidays; Active participation in holding family holidays and their preparation.

2. behavior at school. Discipline and attentiveness in the classroom, active participation in the conduct of lessons, in the discussion of the completed educational material, diligence in fulfilling the tasks of teachers, diligence and accuracy in educational work; a reasonable attitude to successes and failures in teaching; manifestation of a sense of responsibility for entrusted public affairs; disciplined behavior during breaks; daily implementation of the "Rules for students"; respect for school and classroom property; active participation in the public affairs of the class and school; diligent execution of assignments of the class team; the ability to lead and obey.

3. Attitude towards elders. Politeness in communication; reasonable execution of orders of elders; providing all possible assistance to those in need; polite address to elders when meeting and parting.

5. Behavior on the street and in public places. Compliance with traffic rules; love and respect for nature, animals; maintaining cleanliness and order in public places, in transport; the student must give way to elders and women in transport.

6. Attitude towards oneself. Permanent employment with useful work; unwillingness to waste time on idleness; accuracy and thrift in clothes and shoes; the desire to fulfill the daily routine and morning exercises, to be always honest and truthful, not to take other people's things without permission, to be kind to people, to forgive their mistakes if they recognized them, not to be envious of other people's successes, to seek and find those types of activities in who are successful themselves, constantly analyze their activities and behavior, honestly admit their mistakes and misdeeds and try to correct what they have done, be intolerant of lies, deceit, theft; do not have bad habits (smoking, foul language, etc.), determine your main interests and inclinations, develop the ability to engage in activities that are of your main personal interest, learn to overcome fear, learn to force yourself to do what is necessary, and not what what you want; develop a habit, bring the work started to the end, show perseverance in overcoming difficulties, engage in systematic and persistent self-education, physical self-improvement, always have a neat appearance, show a constant interest in literature, art, watch TV only for a limited time and only the most interesting programs, be up to date with all the most important political news in the country and in the world; readiness to come to the rescue at a risk to oneself, openly criticize one's comrades and oneself, always defend one's opinion with the help of logical reasoning, and not by force, thank for fair criticism and do everything to correct one's shortcomings.

These indicators are refined and specified for each age group of students.

In the first half of the school year, these indicators in each class are discussed in detail at class meetings, and after discussion, they are written down by students for better memorization in their notebooks.

To prepare middle and high school students to assess their upbringing, already in the lower grades, children write essays on such topics: “What kind of student am I”, “My good and bad qualities”, “How do I behave at home and on the street”, “Good and the bad qualities of my classmate”, etc. And in the second half of the school year, the procedure for assessing the upbringing of students begins, starting from the 4th or 5th grade. It consists of the following steps:

1. Class teachers ask the parents of each student to complete and send or bring to the school the following questionnaire:

a) what positive qualities are typical for your son (daughter)?

b) what negative qualities did you notice in him (her)?

c) what qualities do you try to bring up in your child and to what extent do you succeed?

d) Does your child have a regular household chore and how does he fulfill it?

e) How capable is your child of self-care?

f) Does your child have a daily routine and how does he fulfill it?

g) how does he treat other family members, does he provide them with the help they need?

h) does he take an active part in family affairs, in family holidays, what kind of initiative does he show at the same time?

2. Each student writes a description in which, in accordance with his age capabilities, he must characterize himself in all indicators of upbringing.

3. At a class meeting in the presence of a class teacher and a psychologist, a discussion is held on the level of upbringing of each student in the class. At the same time, the class teacher asks the students in their speeches to first indicate the good, good qualities of the student under discussion, and only then - his shortcomings and bad qualities. The meeting is led by the class leader, and the psychologist or class teacher takes minutes of the meeting. If the class is large, then the discussion is held in several class meetings.

4. At the educational council (pedagogical council) of all teachers working with this class, in the presence of a school psychologist, all available documents for each student (the results of psychodiagnostics), parental questionnaires, self-characteristics, protocol of the class meeting are discussed; on the basis of these materials, an assessment of the level of upbringing of each student is determined: high, medium, low.

5. These grades are communicated to students and their parents. With individual students who received a low or average mark, a private conversation is held. The student is told what shortcomings in his upbringing require correction and what he must do to get rid of these shortcomings.

The experience of assessing the level of upbringing of students has shown that the procedure and assessment of upbringing has a beneficial effect on the process of personal development of students, on the activation of their self-knowledge and self-education. In addition, this process somewhat obscures the assessment of academic performance, which is also useful for eliminating the external motivation of some students and the formation of internal motivation for learning.

No. 21. Diagnosis of the level of upbringing of a schoolchild. Characteristics of methods for studying the levels of education.

upbringing- this is a property of a person, which is characterized by a set of sufficiently formed socially significant qualities that reflect the system of a person's relationship to society, people, himself, activity, nature, art, etc.

upbringing- a generalizing result of socialization, education and self-education

upbringing- a certain level of development of human capabilities

upbringing is a set of sufficiently formed socially significant qualities (knowledge, attitudes, attitudes, qualities, actions of a person)

Education implies the harmony of the amount of knowledge, creative actions, manifestations of feelings and communication.

Level of upbringing- the degree of conformity of properties, qualities, attitudes of individuals to the requirements of culture and universal values.

The level of upbringing is determined by the knowledge of the rules and duties of the child and the desire to fulfill them. Good upbringing is associated with a person's search for ways of introspection, self-organization. The upbringing of a student is determined by age characteristics and capabilities, real life conditions, and individual abilities.

Criteria of upbringing :

    behavior, personality action

    motives of actions (identification of internal motives, motivation may be based on: direct needs– physical and spiritual; subtle personal- imitation of someone

    striving for introspection, self-assessment, self-organization, self-improvement

Criteria of upbringing (with manifestation in external form):

1. students' knowledge of the rules- an important condition for the formation of qualities

method: analysis of answers to the questions posed

2. identifying students' attitudes towards actions, events and their value judgments


    special questions;

    thematically oriented essays;

    organization of disputes and discussions - allow you to judge the view;

    personal conversation;

    sociometric methods)

3. action


    observation - you can evaluate the attitude to study, work, the quality of behavior

    observation of the game - a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, the ability to restrain emotions

    visiting theaters and exhibitions - orientation of interests

    creating a special situation

    distribution of incentives and awards

    acute conflict situations - the ability to mask feelings and thoughts is reduced (intentional creation of a conflict is unacceptable)

    actions for oneself (without prying eyes)

Can be distinguished 4 groups of upbringing:

1. Bad manners - a negative experience of behavior, because there is no desire for either introspection or self-regulation.

2. Low level of upbringing - unstable, positive experience of behavior, behavior is regulated only by external aspiration, should be stimulated.

3. The average level of upbringing - characterized by a positive experience of behavior, the desire for introspection, self-regulation, self-organization, but all this is done in order to see, think about the people around.

4. High level of upbringing - a positive experience of behavior is associated with a high level of desire for introspection, self-organization, improvement and helping other people.

Levels of upbringing according to Shchurkova:

    the lower one is a simple assimilation of the elementary norms of human society.

    medium - the emotional level of involvement in society, activities in it, people, nature, the world, etc.

    high - awareness of the personal meaning and social significance of social values ​​and their implementation in the student's life experience.

Indicators of the level of upbringing:

1. unclear idea of ​​moral standards

2. knows moral standards, but they are not the motive of his behavior

3. has a clear idea of ​​moral behavior, but his behavior is not stable

4. sustainable manifestation of conscious moral norms and qualities

Diagnostics :

    Comparison, comparison of the data obtained during the study with a description of a typical, standard behavior for a given age.

    Analysis. Identification of the reasons for the deviation of behavior from the individual norm and from the expected behavior.

    Interpretation. Generalization and systematization of the data obtained in the course of comparison and analysis from the standpoint of modern pedagogical theories and views.

    Forecasting. An assumption about the possible behavior of the student in the future in similar situations.

    Communication of diagnostic results to parents, teachers, people who work with this student.

Diagnostic criteria:

    holistic study of the student's personality (in the family and in the team)

    comparing successes and failures with his personal experience

    taking into account age characteristics

    focus on positive rather than negative personality traits

    systematic study (constantly)

Diagnosis is not a goal in itself, but a study for further use.

Research methods:




    statistical methods

  • ranging





Stages of studying the level of upbringing:

1. setting goals, objectives of education, analysis of the proposed program and process of action

2. drawing up a preliminary description of the upbringing of schoolchildren

3. involvement in the analysis of education of teachers, students and parents

No. 22. KTD, its specificity and technology

Collective Creative Activity- joint activity of children and adults, characterized by common goals, cooperation, a positive emotional and moral micro team, analysis of all actions at all stages of activity and a collective assessment of the result of activity.

Activity- human activity aimed at satisfying needs and interests. Activity- a specific way of a person's attitude to the world, a way of carrying out behavior, consisting of operations, actions, skills and abilities that accumulate personal experience.

Activities :









Any activity has a goal, a motive for action, an operation, a result. Any QTD is an interaction. KTD forms a person who knows how to live and work in harmony with other people.

Features of KTD :

1. the main goal is to do good to people, bring them joy

2. the purpose of the activity is one and requires the efforts of the whole team

3. voluntary division of functions and responsibilities between all participants in the activity. The school uses different ways of separating functions:


    collective choice of responsible

    order of execution of functions

    competition for the right to execute an order


4. cooperation between all team members

If there is a relationship of responsibility and dependence, when everyone is aware of their obligations. Everyone cooperates without diminishing the merits of each, without arrogance. Everyone respects the right of everyone to an independent opinion, statement, error, help. Everyone's opinions are discussed. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance. The idea of ​​KTD : work on a micro team (link, group, brigade). In such a small team, conditions are created for the emergence of independence, creativity, and initiative for everyone.

5. sincere moral relations of all team members: kindness, care, trust

6. activity must be colored (jokes, humor, music. decoration)

7. variability (there can be many options for behavior  search for the best option and choice), learn to express your opinion, defend it

8. KTD is carried out in several stages

9. CTD is accompanied by an analysis of collective actions and actions of each individual

KTD forms :

    creative holidays

    role-playing, business and other creative games

  • collective organization of affairs

Conditions under which activity becomes collective and creative:

    creating situations of choice

    everyone's participation

    the presence of a real situation in which something needs to be solved (even if it is a game one) for oneself, others, to help comrades.

    cooperation between all participants of the activity

Methods of excitation of QTD :

    Methods of comradely motivation: influencing the feeling (causing joy and faith, enthusiasm for the joyful prospect, good deed, creative search); approval, praise, reward

    Reprimand, criticism (expanded and justified), irony, ridicule and punishment

KTD technology a set of ways to implement the CTD and the actions of those who participate in it in order to form skills and abilities.

Stages of KTD :

    preliminary. The teacher sets a goal, determines the role of this KTD in the life of the team, the main tasks, various options for cases are outlined, and reconnaissance of cases is underway. For example, neighborhood, native nature, kids, library, leisure

    collective creative planning. There is a division into microgroups, planning activities for a certain period and planning the process of conducting the KTD. Questions: for whom to conduct? how best to do it? who to participate? who will lead? where is the best place to spend? When?

    collective preparation. One person per council is selected, tasks are divided for each student in the group

    holding. A specific plan is being carried out, the council of the case should have surprises in store, in case someone is not ready, there are some problems. It is necessary to avoid reproaches in case of failures, the desire to overcome any difficulties.

    summarizing. Analysis of the case

    consequences. The teacher evaluates whether educational tasks have been solved.

The idea of ​​collective search at all stages of activity: Abstract >> Psychology

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  • Good breeding is a property of a person, which is characterized by a set of formed and socially significant qualities, in general, reflecting the attitude of the individual to the world, to people and to himself.

    Evaluation of the upbringing of the student

    The degree of upbringing of the student determines the level of formation of the child's personal qualities in accordance with the characteristics of age. The overall assessment of the upbringing of a student is determined on the basis of certain evaluation indicators:

    1. Behavior of the child in the family:
    • the degree of interest in the affairs and problems of the family;
    • courteous treatment of family members;
    • reaction to remarks in the family;
    • showing respect for elders;
    • showing concern for younger family members;
    • fulfillment of these assignments and responsibilities in the family.
  • Child's behavior at school:
    • attentiveness in the process of learning activities;
    • diligence in doing homework;
    • diligence, diligence, accuracy in educational activities;
    • manifestation of responsibility in the performance of public affairs;
    • careful attitude to the material means of education;
    • adequate attitude to successes and failures in educational activities;
    • maintaining discipline during change.
  • Relationship with older people:
    • polite and respectful communication with elders;
    • fulfillment of orders and requests of elders;
    • providing assistance to those who need it.
  • Attitude towards peers:
    • active participation in collective activities;
    • willingness to selfless help;
    • the desire not to let the members of the team down;
    • the desire to share their emotions with members of the peer group.
  • Behavior in public places:
    • maintaining order and cleanliness in public places;
    • respect for nature.
  • Self attitude:
    • personal hygiene;
    • accuracy and frugality to personal things;
    • self-criticism;
    • implementation of the daily routine;
    • truthfulness, honesty, integrity.

    Diagnosis according to these criteria is carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year. In the second half of October and the first half of April, respectively. Evaluation is carried out on a five-point scale. A high level of upbringing is estimated at five points and implies a vivid manifestation of upbringing. A level above the average is estimated at four points and indicates that good breeding is manifested in general, but has a deviation from the norm in particular cases. The average level of upbringing corresponds to a score of three points and indicates that upbringing is manifested insufficiently or from time to time. A weak manifestation of good breeding is estimated at two points and corresponds to a low level. Let's take a closer look at each of these levels.

    The high level of upbringing of the student is manifested in the active support of the teacher, cooperation with him in various areas of school life. Such a child responds positively to the demands of older people, shows a desire for learning and social activities. A student with a high level of upbringing is independent.

    A level above the average indicates that moral attitudes correspond to the moral requirements of society. The student selectively responds to the requirements, cooperates with the teacher only when common and personal interests coincide. Such schoolchildren are quite sensitive to comments and often do not complete the work they have begun. Their self-education is not systematic.

    With an average level of upbringing, the student responds positively only to stable demands, seeks to avoid control and does not seek to help the teacher. A student with this level of upbringing does not understand the value of education for the development of his abilities, thereby narrowing his circle of interests. Personal interests in such a situation are placed above the public. Students' knowledge is often superficial.

    The low level of upbringing requires increased attention from teachers and parents. Schoolchildren with this level of upbringing are indifferent to social life, do not see the social meaning in study and work. There is systematic disobedience. Educational, labor and life skills in such children are not formed and are superficial.

    In the process of assessing the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, at the first stage, a questionnaire study of parents is carried out, and at the second stage, a diagnostic map of the student's personal development is formed. It fixes major achievements and shortcomings of the individual, hobbies, specific skills, behavior, position in the school team, the ability to complete assignments, work activity, and the level of self-esteem.

    In the process of diagnosis, special attention should be paid to the manifestation of education in the assessments, judgments, actions and actions of students.

    Educators use different forms of research for collective and individual assessment of the level of upbringing.

    Tasks of monitoring the level of upbringing

    The main tasks of monitoring the level of upbringing are as follows:

    • socialization of the student, adaptation to self-determination, self-education, improvement of the spiritual and moral climate, preservation of traditions;
    • creation of conditions for the realization of the individual characteristics of children;
    • upbringing of a free, talented and active personality, an enterprising, independent, enlightened and cultured person who shows kindness, honesty, mercy in life, capable of compassion.

    In any activity, the result is important, including in assessing the upbringing of schoolchildren. The result is considered achieved if:

    • a personality is formed, capable of creative self-expression, with an active life position;
    • instilled a sense of responsibility, citizenship, morality and humanism among schoolchildren;
    • schoolchildren are aware of educational, social and labor responsibilities.

    It is possible and necessary to use various tests and environmental techniques to determine the level of upbringing, but nothing will confirm the level of upbringing of a person better than his actions. The basis for monitoring upbringing is the observation of the actions, actions, attitudes of schoolchildren, the identification and analysis of their motivation.

    It is inexpedient to establish uniform criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process for all schools and collectives. They can be developed by the participants in the process, taking into account the goals and objectives of the work being done. These criteria serve primarily as a tool for introspection and self-assessment of schoolchildren, teachers, and parents. They should be specific, measurable and understandable to children and adults.