Determine diaper size. Adult diapers: tips for choosing and using. Size range of models

No matter how much you would like it and no matter how sad it may sound, diapers for adults in some life situations are an irreplaceable and extremely convenient thing. This is not only a disposable hygiene product for the daily care of a bedridden patient, but also a great help for a person caring for an adult who, for a number of reasons, is unable to look after himself on his own.

Pampers for adults: in what cases are they used

For an adult, using a diaper is an extremely uncomfortable situation. Someone is ashamed of this, someone cannot come to terms with the disease, refusing a convenient and individual hygiene product. However, in certain situations and conditions, it is necessary to use diapers. It is optimal to use this hygiene product in the following cases:

  • in the first days of the postoperative period after any major surgical intervention requiring a mandatory horizontal position for a certain time;
  • patients with serious illnesses who are forced to stay in bed constantly and for a very long time;
  • with injuries that chain a person to bed for several months;
  • with the inability to retain the natural functions of the body, which often happens in people of senile age;
  • in older people who are unable to take care of themselves due to age and illness, but for whom cleanliness and tidiness are extremely important;
  • in the professional activities of people who are limited in their ability to visit the toilet on time.

What diseases require diapers for an adult

The list of diseases in which every day it will be necessary to wear a diaper for an adult is quite large. In fact, any disease that temporarily or permanently confines a person to bed is the basis for the daily use of diapers. Most often you have to use adult diapers for the following diseases:

  • bleeding in the brain (stroke);
  • violation of blood circulation in the heart (heart attack);
  • any injury to the limbs (fractures);
  • traumatic injuries of the pelvic bones;
  • trauma of the spinal column and head with impaired motor functions of the limbs;
  • surgical operations on the abdominal cavity of a sufficiently large volume;
  • severe gynecological operations, in which violations in the administration of natural needs are possible;
  • any variants of urinary incontinence, both minimal and complete inability to retain fluid in the bladder;
  • diseases of the rectum with fecal incontinence;
  • diseases of the urinary organs, in which the control of urination is difficult.

For any bedridden patient in the hospital, the use of disposable hygiene products in the form of a diaper is a salvation from uncomfortable situations and an excellent solution to all problems with the administration of natural needs. Especially if there is no nurse nearby who will constantly take care of a sick person. However, even in cases where there is a caregiver nearby, the use of diapers will greatly facilitate care.

What are diapers for adults

Special disposable underwear for an adult is divided by size, weight, shape, comfort, gender and manufacturer.

By size, you can select:

  • Extra large (size 4) - for people with a waist circumference of 130 cm and above;
  • Large (size 3) with a waist over 100 cm;
  • Medium (size 2) with a waist circumference of more than 75 cm;
  • Small (size 1) - over 55 cm at the waist;
  • Very small (size 0) - more than 40 cm.

According to weight parameters, diapers for adults are divided into the following options:

  • with patient weight up to 60 kg;
  • 55-75 kg;
  • over 75 kg;
  • the patient's weight is over 110 kg.

According to the shape of the diaper, there are:

  • diaper with Velcro fasteners, which is much more convenient to use;
  • a diaper without Velcro, which is cheaper, but less comfortable to use.

Comfort depends on the level of absorbency, so diapers are divided into:

  • to the usual level of liquid absorption;
  • elevated level;
  • high level;
  • very high absorbency.

Given the features of the anatomy, all adult diapers are divided into:

  • for men, having a special pocket-like tab in front;
  • on women's, flatter ones.

There are a lot of manufacturers of diapers, but most provide babies, but for adults there are several main brands:

  • Seni (Poland);
  • Molicare (Germany);
  • Life (Japan).

All these diverse and numerous options for adult diapers can be found, for example, in this online store Mom's Sunshine (you will find a link to the store below). Convenience of choice and relatively low prices make this method of acquiring goods extremely profitable and fast. This is very important if you have to take care of a loved one every day in a lying position.

How to determine the size of the diaper

Before buying, it is important to correctly and accurately assess the size of a sick person in order to purchase exactly the version of the diaper that will ideally perform its functions. The most important parameter is the waist circumference. It is necessary to measure the volume of the abdomen with a centimeter tape, at the level of the navel or slightly lower. In addition, it is necessary to measure the circumference of each thigh just below the crotch. Be sure to take into account the possibility of a slight increase in waist volume after eating. Therefore, you should add a little to the figure obtained (2-3 cm), so that the patient is comfortable both before and after eating.

The next important indicator is the weight of a sick person. It would be nice to know the exact number. If there are no possibilities for weighing, then it is quite possible to use the last measurement to have an estimated weight. In order not to forget the numbers, it is better to write down the results on a piece of paper.

It is extremely important to know what level of fluid absorption will be required. Often for night time, when there is no way to constantly replace, you need the type of diaper that absorbs as much as possible (up to 4000 ml). And for the daytime, you can use less - about 1000 ml.

How to choose a diaper for an adult

Having decided on the size, weight and desired degree of absorption, you can start looking for specific disposable hygiene products. In particular, it is possible and necessary to use the possibilities of Internet search. Having set the parameters and found possible suitable options, you should think about convenience. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

1. Material

Adult diapers should be made of soft material that will not irritate and injure the skin of a lying person. The effect of good air conduction of this fabric is very important. Breathable material on a soft basis will not create conditions for the occurrence of irritation, diaper rash and bedsores in the patient. The outer layer must have excellent protection against moisture accumulating inside.

2. The presence of Velcro

Fixation on sticks is extremely important for those people who, even in a supine position, are quite active and mobile. This version of diapers provides reliable protection and does not interfere with human movements. In addition, Velcro diapers are easier to take off and put on, which greatly facilitates the care of a bedridden patient.

3. Fill indicator

The presence of a special device on the diaper, which informs about the severity of filling with liquid, will help the caregiver to notice problems in a timely manner and change the diaper.

4. Stealth

For people using a diaper for incontinence, being discreet is very important. And here it is not even the size that matters, but the quality of the diaper. The hygiene product should not rustle or make any noise when walking.

5. Reliability

A person using diapers must be 100% sure that embarrassment will not occur at the most inopportune moment. In some cases, for this, diapers have a special liner that is attached to the linen and provides excellent security.

How to put on an adult diaper

It is very important to learn how to properly put on a diaper on a recumbent person. The health of the patient and the safety of bed linen depend on this. The diaper dressing algorithm consists of the following steps:

  • it is mandatory to prepare the product (the diaper must be pulled out of the package and fully unfolded, releasing all parts folded and glued with Velcro, pull the edges to straighten each wrinkle);
  • preparation of the patient consists in turning on its side in order to partially tuck the edge of the folded diaper under the patient's body;
  • turning a sick person on his back and straightening the folded part of the diaper;
  • the front of the diaper is held between the legs and closes the crotch;
  • careful fixation of each Velcro with the obligatory accurate straightening of all folds.

If you constantly wear a diaper incorrectly, then there is a high risk of abrasions on the skin, irritation and microtraumatization. All this dramatically increases the risk of infection. Any inflammatory process in the perineum and buttocks can cause purulent wounds and bedsores.

How to put on a closed diaper

How to change a diaper for an adult

A diaper change should be done in the following situations:

  • after carrying out any hygiene measures (washing, washing, wiping), which are carried out in the abdomen, pelvis and thighs;
  • immediately after each bowel movement (long-term presence of stool in the diaper is unacceptable);
  • with uncontrolled and frequent outflow of urine from the bladder, the diaper should be changed after about 4 hours, following the indicator;
  • with infrequent urination, at least twice a day, you need to change disposable hygiene products;
  • in the presence of complications (blood from the rectum or from the vagina, the formation of scuffs and the formation of bedsores), the diaper should be changed as often as possible.

To properly change a diaper for an adult, you need to do a certain set of manipulations:

  • gradually and carefully remove the used diaper, trying not to stain the underwear and skin of a sick person (for this, all actions must be performed in the reverse order - peel off the Velcro, unscrew the front part, holding the natural secretions, carefully turn the person on his side and pull the diaper out from under him);
  • carefully and carefully clean the skin of the perineum and buttocks from urine or feces;
  • treat clean skin with a moisturizing ointment, along the way making a small massage of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that is located below (this will be an excellent prevention of the formation of bedsores);
  • if irritation or diaper rash is suspected, use powders that dry out skin folds;
  • in the presence of bedsores, be sure to treat the wounds with antiseptics and apply a special bandage.

Having done everything necessary, you need to put on the diaper again, using the usual technique.

What are the best diapers for adults

To understand which diapers are the best, you should always evaluate the following factors:

1. Maximum reliability

Only three-layer diapers can provide the highest protection. It is on them that one should first of all pay attention when choosing hygiene products for a bedridden patient. Each of the layers does its job:

  • the first, adjacent to the body, preserves the health of the skin;
  • the second deposits all the moisture and liquid that enters from the natural openings of a sick person, which will be an excellent protection against unpleasant odors and discharge on the bed;
  • the third waterproof layer isolates these liquids from the outside world as reliably as possible.

2. Ease of use

Sometimes this is extremely important - are there Velcro, what is the fixation on the body, how convenient it is to take off and put on. These nuances are important primarily for the person who constantly looks after and cares for a sick person.

3. Minimal risk to the skin

It is better to prevent the occurrence of bedsores than after a long and hard treatment. Therefore, not only health depends on the quality of diapers, but also the absence of complications in those parts of the body that are constantly pressed down by the own weight of a recumbent person.

4. Quantity per package

Given the frequency of changing diapers, you should immediately calculate the benefit. If multiple replacement is required, then you must immediately purchase a package containing a lot of disposable hygiene products.

5. Price

The cost does not always depend on the quality. Sometimes relatively inexpensive diapers in a large package are even better than expensive ones. And here a lot depends on the manufacturer. In particular, the Polish supplier of hygiene products is distinguished by the high quality of adult diapers and a very good price.

Adult diapers will greatly facilitate the daily life of a bedridden patient or a person unable to hold urine. There is nothing shameful or reprehensible in the use of these personal hygiene products. And the ability to purchase them online will make it easier to constantly replenish diaper supplies when you need constant care for a sick relative.

The use of urological products for adults does not lose its relevance over the years. Bedridden patients who suffer from incontinence (incontinence) of varying severity should be protected by special absorbent agents.

Pampers or adult diapers are the best solution for those who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. They provide complete hygienic protection against leakage and unpleasant odors thanks to the absorbent layer.

In the Home Care online store you can pick up all the necessary products for adult patients according to previously taken measurements.

Before using the services of our company and purchasing diapers from European brands, you need to choose the right size. Pampers will not strongly squeeze the skin and cause inconvenience. But at the same time, they should fit the hips and waist as tightly as possible to avoid leaks and discomfort. Special fasteners in the form of Velcro make it possible to adjust the size of the urological product, providing bedridden patients with comfort and reliable protection against fluid leakage.

Choose an adult diaper size a person needs to be on their own. These products from different manufacturers have the same size range from 0 to 4 for patients with a waist circumference of 40 to 130 cm and above. This means you can order the right product when you use the tape measure.

Before buying, you need to accurately determine the size of a sick person and take into account all the nuances of this issue, so as not to be mistaken. The first and main parameter is the waist circumference. The volume is measured with a centimeter tape at the navel or slightly below for an accurate result. Then arm yourself with a similar tool and measure the volume of each thigh in the area slightly below the crotch. Do these manipulations carefully and clearly - you can not squeeze the skin of a lying person too much. For final results, add a couple of centimeters to the waist. This is done to ensure that the patient is comfortable in the diaper before and after meals.

Determining the patient's weight is problematic, so just write down the latest indicators to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit. Form the received data and enter them in a notebook. Now you are ready to choose diapers for adult patients. Each package of these urological products has a table with the measurements of the circumference and waist and hips. According to them, choose the appropriate size - XS, S, M, L, XL.

Determine the size of the diaper for a bedridden patient It is not difficult if you correctly perform all measurements and make allowances. Do this in advance, because the store already indicates these parameters. If you do not plan to look for suitable sizes in retail stores for a long time, be sure to check out the Home Care online store, select "filters" and in 10 minutes select the right diapers for adult patients.

The most important thing in the life of any person is his health, as well as the health of people dear to him. When a bedridden patient appears in the environment, it is important to surround him with care and attention, to create all the conditions conducive to a speedy recovery. A person who cannot move independently (for example, after serious operations, an accident) needs - he must cope with his natural needs and at the same time be clean and dry.

Today, to solve this delicate problem, they are used in medical institutions and at home.

Important! Few people know, but with the official diapers they should be given out free of charge (at the rate of 3 pieces per day). To receive them, you should take a certificate from your doctor and contact the social security authorities at your place of residence.

What are adult diapers?

Diapers are disposable diapers that have an extra layer to absorb urine and other secretions. For the first time they began to be used for the treatment and rehabilitation of adult patients at the end of the last century, they immediately became widespread in America and European countries.

What diseases are used

Before buying any medical device/care equipment/underwear, the caregiver must obtain the advice of the attending physician. Only a specialist will be able to assess the severity of the patient's condition, prevent complications and designate a primary list of care products.

Adult diapers are used in the following cases:

  • patients with enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • to maintain hygiene permanently and temporarily immobilized patients;
  • to appear ;
  • in the postoperative period, when a person cannot go to the toilet or use it himself.

How to choose the size?

Today there is a wide range of disposable underwear combinations for adults. Each manufacturer sets its own dimensional grids, and in order to purchase the right product, you must first measure the patient. Using a measuring tape, you should take measurements of the circumference of the hips and waist in different positions (lying, sitting, standing), and select the desired size by the largest value. If the size is not correct, then .

Overview of the main manufacturers

To select the optimal diaper, you need to try several different models. Each manufacturer has its own secrets of production, constantly changing and improving the characteristics of the product. Diapers for bedridden patients differ not only in their properties, but also in price. And most often it turns out that expensive models are not always the most suitable.


"Seni" (Poland) - the most common diapers for adults. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and large supermarket. Due to the wide size range and several absorption categories, diapers are suitable for use in extremely severe cases (with a high degree of incontinence, at night, for those who take diuretic medications). All series of diapers produced by the manufacturer are made of "breathable" materials, have sides, elastic bands on the hips and a reliable anatomical belt.

Products for multiple use are equipped with additional fixators - sticky fasteners, with a dot code printed along the entire length. This addition facilitates the care of bedridden people.


"Tena" (Switzerland) - medical products for the care of bedridden patients with moderate or severe enuresis. The company produces products in two sizes:


  • outer material - polyethylene film;
  • Leak protection is provided by strong sides and cuffs around the hips;
  • elastic belt provides dryness for bedridden patients (prevents wet clothes on the back);
  • multilayer absorbent;
  • defence from ;
  • sticky fasteners allow you to repeatedly unfasten and fasten diapers;
  • the presence of a dot code that can be seen when wet.


"HARTMANN" (Germany) - these are exclusive models of diapers, which are of high quality and safety level. Suitable for people with moderate to severe enuresis, as well as for night use.


  • made from environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • maintain a skin-neutral pH value;
  • passed the control of the international association of dermatologists;
  • prevent the appearance of bedsores and other various irritations of the skin.

The outer layer is made of waterproof non-woven fabrics. The side elements are anatomical soft liners that can pass air. When properly fixed, adhesive fasteners reliably protect against leakage.

One of the main advantages of HARTMANN products is the availability of color indicators. Indicators are blue stripes on the outer layer that gradually disappear as the diaper fills up.

With the right choice, fixation and timely change of a disposable, the patient will be reliably protected from leakage and feel comfortable during sleep and wakefulness.


Eco-diapers anatomically shaped "ABENA" (Denmark) are modern, comfortable and high-quality care products for seriously ill patients. The inner layer is made of a soft non-woven material that is able to absorb and isolate moisture, thereby keeping the skin dry. The outer layer is "breathable" and non-slip, which ensures the safety of the seriously ill patient. Rapid absorption is provided by cellulose impregnated with an absorbent polymer compound that converts liquid to a viscous substance. The shape of the diaper is universal, suitable for both men and women.


  • absence of latex parts, chemical fragrances and other allergic pathogens;
  • the presence of hip bumpers to prevent leakage on the sides;
  • a snug fit to the body is provided by an elastic belt at the waist;
  • repeated use and reliable fixation is provided by double sticky fasteners;
  • the presence of a color indicator on the entire outer surface.

The cost of adult diapers is quite high, so you need to choose them carefully. After you have found out the required size, you need to ask the price, compare the cost of similar models from different manufacturers, including studying the range of online stores. You should also find out where in your locality there is a specialized point of sale, whether they sell by the piece, so that there is always an opportunity to purchase diapers (in case of unforeseen circumstances). If diapers will be used for several months (years), you can order them in bulk.

How to change a diaper for an adult?

To put a diaper on a bedridden patient, you should:

  1. prepare the patient;
  2. remove the used diaper, clean and moisturize the lower abdomen, groin, thighs and lower back with cream.
  3. Put a clean diaper on the patient.
  4. Bedridden patients (those who cannot move independently) need a faster change, and vice versa, until the diaper is finally put on.
  5. Fixation is provided with Velcro fasteners. They should not pinch the legs and stomach, otherwise the blood circulation in the soft tissues will be disturbed, serious complications may appear.
  6. At the end, it is necessary to straighten the protective sides (cuffs).

Important! Even the most expensive, high-quality and roomy diapers must be changed at least 4 times a day, otherwise, the person will be in an uncomfortable position and dampness. A full diaper increases several times in size, and a constantly leaking diaper forms between the patient's legs.lump.

The guardian must change underwear quickly and efficiently, while not showing dislike for the process or neglecting the rules of care.

The appearance of a bedridden seriously ill person in the family is a great stress for everyone, especially for the sick person himself, because new problems appear that he cannot solve on his own. It is important to create a comfortable environment for the patient and provide proper care. Thanks to the constant support of loved ones, a person will quickly recover.




The sad situation, when a bedridden patient appears in the house, drives relatives and friends into a panic, who do not know how to care for a motionless and infirm person. They do not know how much adult diapers cost, where you can buy cheap adult diapers to provide the bedridden patient with proper hygiene products that facilitate care procedures. With a huge variety of diapers, it is very easy to get lost when buying if you do not know how to choose the right product.

What are adult diapers

Everyone wants to provide the best possible care for a loved one who cannot take care of themselves. One of the necessary care products are diapers for adults. They help to solve the delicate problem of incontinence. Few people know that you can buy diapers for bedridden patients for free. To do this, at the official registration of disability, the attending physician must indicate that the patient needs diapers intended for adults. You can count on three free diapers a day.


Before you buy adult diapers, you need to know that they are all divided into the following types:

  • Fully open, without Velcro and sides. Breathable panties that follow the anatomical shape of the body provide fixation.
  • Half open, without sides, but with a strong elastic waistband. The advantage of such adult diapers is that the skin on the patient's thighs breathes.
  • Classic fully closed disposable absorbent diapers with both sides and Velcro fasteners.
  • Panties for adults, which are used for people suffering from enuresis, but leading an active lifestyle. Nothing different from regular underwear.


Popular manufacturers of disposable and reusable inexpensive diapers and other adult care products are Seni, Hartmann Molicare, Tena. Hartmann Molicare diapers have two sizes - M (90-120 cm) and L (120-150 cm). The size range of Seni and Tena products can be seen in the following table:

Buy adult diapers

Before you buy diapers for bedridden patients, you need to know about the existence of different means for bedridden and walking patients, navigate the cost and characteristics of products. Comparing the pros and cons of products from different manufacturers, you can choose the best option that is suitable for a particular person, the frequency and intensity of his natural items.

For bedridden patients

Immobile patients require special care products. Online stores offer to buy diapers for bedridden patients cheaply from Seni in size S:

  • Model name: Super Seni Small.
  • Price: 1180 rubles.
  • Specifications: absorb 1400 ml, 30 pcs. in a pack.
  • Pros: cheap.
  • Cons: small volume.

For patients with increased incontinence, you can purchase products from the same manufacturer in size M:

  • Model name: Super Seni Plus Medium.
  • Price: 1650 rubles.
  • Specifications: absorb 2400 ml, 30 pcs. in a pack.
  • Pros: High absorbency.
  • Cons: none.

If you need products of size M for a short period, then you can find the following model of this company:

  • Model name: Super Seni Trio Medium.
  • Price: 820 rubles.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2700 ml, 10 pieces per pack.
  • Pros: use for patients with increased enuresis.
  • Cons: not found.

For the elderly

Elderly people need careful care. For such patients, you will find Hartmann Molicare diapers on sale:

  • Model name: Molicare Premium Extra.
  • Price: 1560 rubles.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2180 ml, pack of 30 pcs.
  • Pros: good absorbency, waterproof outer layer.
  • Cons: lack of boards.

If the patient suffers from allergies, then online stores offer breathable diapers from the same company:

  • Model name: Molicare Premium Super Large.
  • Price: 1710 rubles.
  • Characteristics: absorb 3000 ml, in a pack of 30 diapers.
  • Pros: hypoallergenic inner layer.
  • Cons: lack of boards.

In pharmacies for patients with a hip circumference M, you can ask about the availability of the following reliable Seni care products:

  • Model name: Seni Super Plus Medium.
  • Price: 1650 rubles.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2600 ml, 30 pieces in a pack.
  • Pros: sides, Velcro fasteners.
  • Cons: None found.

For men

The problem of male enuresis will help to solve the special pants from Tena. Men use these types of day care products with special pads:

  • Model name: Tena Pants Normal disposable panties.
  • Price: 1300 r.
  • Characteristics: in a pack of 10 pieces, absorb 1000 ml.
  • Pros: Easy to hide under clothes.
  • Cons: tear easily.

Men with a waist size L get absorbent underpants from the same manufacturer:

  • Model name: Tena Pants Plus.
  • Price: 1400 r.
  • Characteristics: in a pack of 10 pieces, absorb 1400 ml.
  • Pros: Easy to hide under clothing.
  • Cons: tear easily.

For recumbent adult men with large hips, reliable Seni diapers are purchased:

  • Model name: Seni Super Extra.
  • Price: 1840 rubles
  • Characteristics: 30 pieces per pack, absorb 2200 ml.
  • Pros: Reliably protects against leaks.
  • Cons: none.

For women

Products for the care of women suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence are represented by a wide range. In pharmacies, you can find this type of care products for adult women from Seni:

  • Model name: Seni Normal Large.
  • Price: 1510 r.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2000 ml, 30 pcs per pack.
  • Pros: good protection.
  • Cons: not found.

Thin women with a waist size M buy a product from the same manufacturer:

  • Model name: Seni Super Medium.
  • Price: 1250 r.
  • Characteristics: absorb 1700 ml, in a pack of 30 pcs.
  • Pros: Not visible under clothes.
  • Cons: little absorbency.

If gaskets are needed for a short period of time, you can use special products in size M from this company:

  • Model name: Seni Super Trio Medium.
  • Price: 820 r.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2700 ml, in a pack of 10 pcs.
  • Pros: Excellent absorbency.
  • Cons: none.

For pregnant

Pregnant women often suffer from urinary incontinence. It is advisable to buy a product with an anatomical fit, manufactured by Arbi:

  • Model name: Abri Form Premium LO.
  • Price: 1780 r.
  • Specifications: absorb 2000 ml, 26 pcs.
  • Pros: good protection.
  • Cons: expensive.

You can take comfortable and convenient panties from Tena with you to the maternity hospital:

  • Model name: Tena Slip Super M.
  • Price: 1600 r.
  • Characteristics: absorb 2570 ml, 28 pcs per pack.
  • Pros: secure fit.
  • Cons: none.

Many pregnant women with twins use absorbent panties of the same company in large sizes:

  • Model name: Tena Slip Plus L.
  • Price: 1500 r.
  • Specifications: absorb 2100 ml, 30 pcs.
  • Pros: good fixation.
  • Cons: none.

Night diapers

At night, you need to purchase products with a guarantee of no leakage. In pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can buy and order delivery by mail of hygiene products for adults with the maximum absorbency of the manufacturer Arbi:

  • Model name: Abri Form Premium L2.
  • Price: 1820 rubles
  • Characteristics: absorb 3200 ml, 22 diapers in a pack.
  • Pros: anatomical fit.
  • Cons: expensive.

If you need a product for adults with a high degree of urinary incontinence, then buy a product from the same company:

  • Model name: Abri Form Premium XL.
  • Price: 1320 r.
  • Specifications: absorb 4000 ml, 12 diapers.
  • Pros: cheap.
  • Cons: none.

For overweight XL patients, you can buy Seni products in large sizes:

  • Model name: Super Seni Plus XL.
  • Price: 2200 r.
  • Specifications: absorb 2800 ml, 30 diapers.
  • Pros: secure fit.
  • Cons: none.

How to choose adult diapers

The main selection criterion that should be followed in a pharmacy when choosing care products for an adult is the size. Having decided on it, you select diapers according to the following parameters:

  • person's weight;
  • the presence of Velcro fasteners;
  • material, making sure that it is breathable and hypoallergenic;
  • fixation reliability;
  • the presence of a filling indicator.

How to determine the size of an adult diaper

To determine the size, measure the waist circumference just above or below the navel of the person for whom you are going to purchase the product. It would also be useful to measure the circumference of each leg just below the inguinal region. Do not forget that the product should not sit "back to back", so add 2-3 centimeters to the measurements so that an adult elderly person feels comfortable after eating.

Sometimes it happens that adult diapers become irreplaceable.

This is not only a disposable hygiene product for daily care of a bedridden patient, but also an effective help to the person who provides this care.

In this article, we will look at the types of diapers, learn how to choose and use them correctly.

When are adult diapers used?

It is optimal to use such a product if:

  • The patient suffered, and he needs to be in a horizontal position for some time in the postoperative period.
  • If the patient suffers from a serious illness, forcing him to stay in bed for a long time or constantly.
  • several months after a severe injury.
  • An elderly person is not able to keep the natural physiological functions, due to age and disease.
  • A person is engaged in a professional activity that limits his ability to visit the toilet.

Diseases for which an adult may need a diaper

The list of such diseases is quite extensive. Any disease that can confine a person to bed forever or for a certain period of time is the basis for the use of diapers. Most often, this hygiene product has to be used for the following diseases:

  • heart attacks;
  • fractures of the lower extremities;
  • traumatic injuries of the head and spine with impaired motor functions of the lower extremities;
  • serious surgical interventions (abdominal, gynecological);
  • and feces.

When can you do without a diaper?

When you can not use diapers for adults. The use of these hygiene products can be detrimental if a person, for example, instead of performing, puts on an adult diaper.

Sometimes medical treatment is enough to deal with the problem with mild urinary incontinence.

What are adult diapers?

Adult disposable hygiene products may vary in brand, weight, gender, size, shape, comfort, and price.

Manufacturers produce diapers in the following sizes:

  • Extra large (XL) - for people with a belly circumference over 100 cm;
  • Large (L) - if a person's abdominal girth exceeds 90 cm.
  • Medium (M) - for people with a waist circumference over 75 cm.
  • Small (S) - if the circumference of the abdomen exceeds 64 cm.
  • Very small - from 40 cm.

How to choose the size?

Before you buy a diaper, be sure to measure the belly of the person for whom it is intended. So you will find out the largest girth size in the hips. The centimeter should pass through the most protruding places of the abdomen.

It is advisable to purchase hygiene products strictly in size. There is no single dimensional grid, and each manufacturer focuses on its own parameters. As a rule, the most suitable is usually the size L.

Important! No need to buy diapers one or more sizes larger than necessary. They will not absorb more, on the contrary, the person will experience discomfort due to leakage during their use.

Weight parameters

Adult diapers are divided into the following categories by weight:

with a person's weight up to:

  • 60 kg;
  • 60-75 kg;
  • over 75 kg;
  • over 110 kg.

Other Options

Such hygiene products can be:

  • without Velcro (the cheapest and least comfortable option);
  • with Velcro fasteners (the most reliable). Ideally, they should be reusable.

The feeling of comfort when wearing such disposable underwear depends on the level of absorbency, which happens:

  • ordinary;
  • elevated;
  • high;
  • very high.

For patients who are bedridden and for active people who do not have the opportunity to frequently change hygiene products, it is advisable to choose diapers with increased absorbency. The same applies to products that are worn at night.

Pampers are available for men and women. The main feature of the former is the cash of a special lining in the form of a pocket.

The material from which the inner layer is made is almost the same for all such products, but the outer one can pass air or not. In the latter case, it is a thin oilcloth that can make a rustling sound when walking.

If a person has sensitive skin or he leads an active life, it is preferable for him to choose diapers that "breathe", that is, let air through. They are able to create the most healthy conditions for the skin and not cause discomfort in the process of active life.

The most famous brands

The most famous manufacturers:

  • Seni(Poland). The most affordable option that a person with a disability group can receive for free under a special program if the doctor indicates that he needs them. Usually you can get three diapers a day for free. If there are relevant indications, the rate can be increased to five. These are the simplest Super Seni hygiene products for adults, the outer layer of which is not breathable, so patients may experience dermatological problems. They are equipped with disposable fasteners - Velcro, which can not be re-fastened. The remaining models of this company (Super Seni Air and night Super Seni Air Plus) are of high quality and are produced in economical packages of thirty pieces. At the same time, their outer layer allows air to pass through, that is, with appropriate care, skin problems should not arise.

  • Molicare(Germany). These hygiene products are more expensive. They are equipped with reusable self-adhesive fasteners, a moisture saturation indicator and an absorbent pad that neutralizes odor. The sides of diapers of this brand are made of breathable material, which reduces the risk of diaper rash.

  • Abri Form(Denmark). These hygiene products offer the highest level of protection available on the market today. The excellent degree of tightness of the diapers is provided by the anatomical shape and elastic bumpers at the edges. The high absorbency of the products of this company gives an additional absorbing layer. Additional protection is provided by "internal" sides along the entire length of the lining. These diapers also have reusable retainers, a wetness indicator and a breathable outer layer. The manufacturer's assortment includes traditional diapers, anatomical pads, liners, absorbent panties and shorts, which significantly increase the degree of protection for men.

The average price of a pack of diapers for adults varies from four hundred to one and a half thousand rubles. The cost depends on the popularity of the brand, the shape of the product, its effectiveness and comfort. The cost of such hygiene products for an adult per month ranges from two to four thousand rubles.

How do you know if a diaper doesn't fit?

If the diaper is leaking due to rapid filling, this is an indication that it does not fit the weight. In this case, you need to replace it with a larger size. And yet, when buying this kind of hygiene product, the diaper should tightly cover the stomach and legs of the person who uses it. Otherwise, it may leak moisture.

If the patient's skin shows traces of gum, irritation or abrasions, then the diaper also needs to be changed to a larger one. The same should be done if the latches are fixed in the most extreme position.

What diapers to take to the hospital?

- a very difficult time for new mothers. And this applies not only to the psycho-emotional state. The peculiarities of the state of the female body at this moment are such that it may be necessary to purchase diapers for adults, for example, if severe postpartum bleeding begins.

The condition of the woman in labor may be so weak that going to the toilet will be impossible. Therefore, it is advisable to bring diapers with you to the maternity hospital. This will greatly facilitate the recovery period after childbirth. Gynecologists often warn about such a situation and advise to stock up in advance with such hygiene products. Choose diapers, considering the above parameters.

How to put on a diaper for an adult?

The health and comfort of the patient, as well as the safety of his bed linen, depends on how correctly the diaper is put on.


  1. Preparation of hygiene products. The diaper is taken out of the package and unfolded in its entirety. In this case, it is necessary to release all parts that are glued with clamps or folded, and pull the ends so that all the creases straighten out.
  2. Patient preparation. It is turned on its side to partially tuck the end of the rolled up diaper under the body.
  3. The patient is turned on his back and the folded part of the product is straightened.
  4. The front part is carried out between the legs so that it covers the crotch.
  5. The latches are carefully fixed, after which all the folds are carefully straightened.

Video Properly putting on a diaper for an adult

How to remove diapers from an adult?

To remove the used product, you must perform all the steps in reverse order:

  1. Loosen the fasteners.
  2. Carefully open the front.
  3. Turn the patient on his side.
  4. Remove the diaper from under the patient.
  5. Clear the skin of the perineum and buttocks from secretions.
  6. Treat clean skin with a moisturizing cosmetic.
  7. If diaper rash or irritation occurs, use powders.
  8. Treat the wound surface with an antiseptic and apply a bandage if bedsores appear.

When can you stop wearing adult diapers?

You can stop wearing a diaper:

  1. If, with involuntary urination, the problem was solved surgically.
  2. If, with injuries of the lower extremities, the bones have grown together, and the doctor allowed to step on his feet.
  3. If in the postoperative period there is no need to be in a strictly horizontal position.
  4. If the young mother has stopped and there are no frequent discharges.

Video on how to choose adult diapers. Medical advice