We determine the character by the shape of the lips. male lips

Many people think little about the fact that not only the eyes can tell a lot about a person. The shape and size of the mouth make it possible to draw up a complete psychological portrait: what emotions and experiences disturb a person, what is his fate, what mood is he most often exposed to, whether he is generous and successful. The location of the mouth and the shape of the lips will indicate the character traits and habits that a person has acquired in life.

Bulging lips

If the lips, due to their shape or size, protrude beyond the chin line, then it is believed that their owner is either stubborn or not inclined to reckon with the opinions of other people, overly self-confident, but sociable and loves to talk.

Small mouth

As a rule, timid, insecure and weak personalities have such a trait. Both men and women with small mouths are prone to selfishness, and this is directly related to the fact that their parents spoiled them a lot in childhood. Excessive emotionality does not allow them to achieve any significant heights in life. Men, for example, lack the qualities inherent in leaders: courage, perseverance, a sharp mind, the ability to communicate with others, and so on. A small, beautifully defined mouth in women, despite the coldness of their character, is an attractive feature for men, as it subconsciously causes a desire to protect and protect a woman.

Big mouth

As a rule, both men and women with a big mouth live a full life, that is, they never deny themselves anything. They are successful because they are intelligent, sociable and ambitious.

If the mouth is large, but the lips are tightly compressed, then this indicates success in politics and business. If the mouth is large, but the lips are relaxed, then such a feature indicates an unrestrained character, characterized by unbridledness. People with a large mouth but thin lips are prudent and able to control their actions, although they also have immoderate desires. If a woman has a large but harmoniously defined mouth, then she is active in life, reaches great heights in her career and social activities, is popular with others, as she has a friendly character.

Mouth with overly plump lips

Such traits are inherent in very emotional people with strong willed qualities who love entertainment, luxury and comfort. Inflated conceit makes them fierce debaters, accustomed to reckon only with their own opinions. If harmony is disturbed in the features (especially this negatively affects women), then the appearance of a person repels rather than attracts the attention of others. Although for men this is not such an important factor as for women. And given that lips and sexuality are interrelated native concepts, many women specifically achieve hypertrophied lip size by visiting plastic surgeons.

Mouth with thin upper lip

People with a thin upper lip, as a rule, are phlegmatic, who are alien to violent passions, especially when it comes to sex. Women, according to statistics, are unhappy in marriage, as they almost always connect their lives with men of opposite character traits - aggressors. Men, on the contrary, live in love and harmony with their wives.

Physiognomy of the face - a mouth with a plump upper lip

A plump upper lip is a sign of passionate natures, and passionate to extremes. As a rule, both men and women are very fond of the opposite sex, loving and sensual. But if you do not resist their violent desires, then the lack of harmony in their sexual life can adversely affect their lives. If the upper lip is especially thick, then the person has extraordinary kindness and good manners.

Mouth with both plump lips

In practice, many people have a mouth shape when the lips are plump, and the line between the lips is almost straight. Such a mouth indicates a person's practicality, affecting all aspects of life: marriage and love, relationships with people (on the principle of "you - to me, I - to you"), doing business or work.

Mouth with raised upper lip

When a person's upper lip is raised so much that it reveals the upper row of teeth, then you have a natural politician or a born actor. Eastern physiognomists believe that both men and women with such a trait have conceit and an overdeveloped sense of superiority over other people, and in everything - in appearance, in creative abilities or even talents, in physical strength.

Lips of an intellectual

If the recess in the center of the upper lip approaches the outline of an acute angle, then this feature indicates a person gifted with great intellectual abilities, possessing "ebullient" energy, patience, hard work and diligence. And vice versa: completely opposite qualities are possessed by people whose upper lip is curved upwards in this place.

Mouth with downturned corners

A mouth, in which the corners are lowered downward, as a rule, indicates great psychological problems of its owner. Such people have an unfriendly and unsociable nature, and their career depends on how often they have to build relationships with other people. The appearance, for example, of a man with such a mouth will be repulsive, as it is associated with poor health. In women, this trait indicates perseverance and hard work, diligence and diligence.

Mouth with small lower lip

Such a trait characterizes a person as passive, inert, weak in character, unreliable and unable to make a career.

Mouth with plump and protruding lower lip

It is more common in women, indicating the typically feminine traits of an inveterate egoist who is not able to show her love for people of the opposite sex. In order to avoid problems in marriage, such women can be advised to gain financial independence from their husband.

Physiognomy of the face - uneven lip line

The uneven line of the lips is a sign of irascibility and confidence only in one's rightness. People with this trait, although they love to communicate in order to prove their point of view, are completely unable to do this.

A mouth that has many wrinkles on the lower lip

Such a trait is characteristic of a very sociable person who knows how to be pleasant, good-natured and popular with people of the opposite sex. But a negative feature can be called a pathological dependence on alcohol and food.

Deep groove above the upper lip

If the space - the hollow between the tip of the nose and the upper lip - is elongated, then the person has a lot of positive qualities. Many great actors, politicians and businessmen have had and still have this trait, no matter how attractive their appearance is or was. Such people achieve success in life due to their enormous vitality and energy. On the contrary, a short space between the nose and the upper lip is a sign of an ill-mannered person with a low level of intelligence.

Mouth with upturned corners

Unlike a mouth with downturned corners, this option, creating the impression of a permanent smile, causes a positive reaction to the appearance of a person. Both men and women with a "smiling" mouth are open, soft, friendly and very kind personalities. With such facial features, it doesn’t matter to them whether they have talents or not - they are always friendly and just enjoy life.

Indentation in the center of the upper lip

If the recess is pronounced and the contour of the lower lip is repeated, then the owner of such a mouth is developed both physically and mentally. On the contrary, a less pronounced (narrow) deepening is evidence of weakness and self-doubt.

Harmoniously proportional mouth shape

This trait is typical for very happy people, they are well-mannered, attentive, polite. Lacking stars from heaven, these people nevertheless enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them.

Signs of ambition and success

The most successful people have the following appearance characteristics: a plump upper lip that is far enough from the tip of the nose, a tightly compressed and large mouth, and a large nose. They have a sharp mind, ambition, intelligence, good manners of education, have weight in society and power over the people around them.

Protruding anterior teeth

Such features are characteristic of many representatives of the Chinese nationality, therefore they are distinguished into a special category. For Europeans with their regular visits (since childhood) to the dentist, this feature is uncharacteristic. But still, let's give the shortest analysis of a person with such a mouth: in most cases they are successful, energetic, purposeful, hardworking people; all of these qualities help them quickly move up the career ladder.

Physiognomy of the face - mouth with two large front teeth

The size of the front teeth is a key factor in determining a person's character traits and behavior. If the two front teeth are large, then both men and women are more passionate, bright, extravagant personalities than the owners of small teeth. But if the two front upper teeth protrude too much, then women should think about changing their appearance, otherwise they will be unattractive to men (it should also be taken into account that a defect in the teeth leaves an imprint on a person’s diction).

It has long been no secret that a person's character can be determined not only by his words, but also by gestures and even by appearance. There is a separate science that studies facial expressions and facial features. For example, with its help, you can easily determine the character by the lips. Even their shape, size, curve and color can reveal many secrets to you. Having carefully looked at these details, you can easily pick up the key to your interlocutor. In the article below you will find a detailed guide on how to determine the character by the lips. You can also find out what lips say about character.

What does lip size say?

To know the character by the lips is real. There are common characteristics that apply to both men and women. One of them is the size of the mouth.

  • Large lips speak of increased sexual energy, independence and attractiveness of a person. The owners of this form are used to taking everything from life. They are always in the spotlight, have a strong character, strong-willed.

Women with full lips are able to choose for themselves a purposeful, strong-willed man. Despite the tendency to flirt and enjoy pleasure, such people become exemplary family men and caring parents.

  • Lips with a bow - the character is active, active, slightly frivolous.
  • Narrow lips can tell about the charm and sensuality of its owner. These people tend to show empathy and help others. They are characterized by isolation, independence and insight. Girls with a small mouth live in dreams of princes from the covers of glossy magazines, so they often experience disappointment. Men are characterized by lack of independence, absent-mindedness. They prefer to turn a blind eye to problems in the hope that everything will be resolved, of course.
  • The upper lip speaks more about the emotional personality. Men and women with this form of lips are prone to exaggeration, they like to overdramatize the situation. These are bright personalities with high self-esteem, the soul of the company, and a spontaneous character. The upper lip is larger - a person is not used to sleeping in front of difficulties, he achieves everything.
  • The lower lip is larger - the character is changeable, explosive. It is difficult for such a person, whose lower lip is larger, to sit in one place. They are filled with energy, thirst for new acquaintances and adventures. These individuals do not follow generally accepted standards, they have their own opinion on everything.
  • Determining the character of girls by their lips is very simple. It is enough to pay attention to the bottom of her mouth. The protruding plump lower form speaks of her selfishness and a problem in relations with the opposite sex.
  • The corners of the lips will help to get to know the interlocutor better. The character is heavy and unsociable if they look down. Such a person does not agree with others, never takes part in team work. In women, this form indicates perseverance, diligence and isolation. Men with such lowered corners repel the eyes of others, unlike women who have the corners of their lips lowered down.

Varieties of the shape of the lips in women and men

Another sign that unites a feature in the character of men and women is the shape of the lips.

  • A sharp hollow on the upper lip speaks of a creative romantic nature. Usually these are very talented musicians, poets or artists. These people have an excellent memory for names and faces. They are the first to know about everything, maintain warm relations with all their friends.
  • There is a shape of the lips when the corners are raised up. People with such a smile are very kind and sympathetic. The raised corners of such lips always win you over, inspire confidence. And not in vain. They are friendly, open to new acquaintances, sincerely enjoy life.
  • Personalities with a rounded hollow are very sensitive to the problems of others. They are responsive, sentimental, the interests of others are above their own desires for them. Help will never be denied.
  • A lip without a hollow betrays the most responsible people in the world. They are punctual, they are used to doing everything on time and the deadline does not scare them at all. They will overcome any obstacles in order to achieve their goals or complete important assignments. Friends can always count on such a person.
  • Doll lips belong to coquettes. These people love comfort and coziness. At first glance, they seem selfish and bitchy. But in fact, they are devoted friends who will always support and help, you just need to get to know them better. The golden mean is the key to success. They will never go over their heads to achieve their goal, but they will not do anything to their own detriment.

The shape of the female lips

There are also separate signs that characterize female and male characters in different ways. Various types and forms have already been listed earlier, but it is worth paying attention to more pronounced details that apply only to the female or only to the male sex.

  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper one, the character of the girl is mysterious and romantic. She knows what influence she has on the opposite sex, and keeps herself in perfect shape.
  • A thin upper lip is the character of a leader. These women know how to prioritize and overcome obstacles. People with thin lips always get their way. A narrow upper lip or a thin upper lip - all this affects the character of a woman.
  • Plump lips betray a freedom-loving nature. These girls are used to taking everything from life, exactly at the moment when they want it. They value personal space very much.
  • Wide small lips indicate that this woman is a realist. For them, the main thing is confidence in the future and stability in everything.

Tell about the character and a simple test. Make up your lips and make a kiss print on paper, and then compare the result with the transcript below.

The shape of male lips

With experience, the character of a person by the shape of the lips is determined at a glance. In men, facial features are pronounced. A little practice and you won't have any problems.

  • A large mouth with wide lips betrays the spontaneity and immediacy of a man. He is always open to new acquaintances and hobbies.
  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper one, the character of the man is leadership. This is the soul of the company, a self-confident sociable person.
  • The thin lips of a man speak of a person as a leader or an intellectual.
  • Thick lips are found in men who strive for luxury. They are accustomed to not deny themselves anything and always get what they want.

comparison table

Lip shape



Full lips



Narrow lips



Big mouth



Small mouth



upper lip more


Lower lips more


Large mouth, lips well-defined, wide in the center and tapering to the edges, the corners are raised.

He: open, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs a relaxed partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance where he plays the main role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but get ready for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well-defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Likes stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, she prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day, she must look stunning and be ready for love. Likes sex without frills and frequent changes of positions.


Lips thin, pale, pursed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If the relationship breaks, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


Lips well defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.

He is: uninhibited, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not so easy. He can take the initiative in a relationship, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand the limits, restrictions, obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


Lips of medium size or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: passionate, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and switch attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, he often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips of medium size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, almost without a bend in the center.

He: in love will rule. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extreme sports, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium, clearly defined. The lower lip is even, straight, tapering at the very edges, the upper one rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, build eyes, make hints. Counter initiative does not reject, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears, as it were, by the way.


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an unusually romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. He is restrained in feelings, does not like manifestations of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationship is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is quoted very highly. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. She loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

plump lips - a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we try in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and gloomy. Even if your lips are not like that, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of a “buki” about yourself.

Bulging or simply puffy lower lip - a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. With a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper one, it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing, he will always try to defeat you. And, again, such a lip can also appear in a person with a normal mouth, if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Coaxing someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

Protruding upper lip - a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you catch such a person for a living, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will mean nothing to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, are still in the depths of their souls quite sincerely sure that they are right.

Bulging mouth with well-defined lips - features inherent in "earthly" people who do not experience unnecessary illusions at their own expense, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles in the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their destiny is ordinary things. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.

Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with the man you just met? Take a closer look at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is.


Large mouth, lips well-defined, wide in the center and tapering to the edges, the corners are raised.

He: open, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs a relaxed partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance where he plays the main role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but get ready for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well-defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Likes stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, she prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day, she must look stunning and be ready for love. Likes sex without frills and frequent changes of positions.


Lips thin, pale, pursed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If the relationship breaks, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


Lips well defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.
He is: uninhibited, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not so easy. He can take the initiative in a relationship, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand the limits, restrictions, obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


Lips of medium size or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: passionate, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and switch attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, he often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips of medium size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, almost without a bend in the center.

He: in love will rule. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extreme sports, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium, clearly defined. The lower lip is even, straight, narrowing at the very edges, the upper one rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, build eyes, make hints. Counter initiative does not reject, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears, as it were, by the way.


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an unusually romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. He is restrained in feelings, does not like manifestations of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationship is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is quoted very highly. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. She loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

Read more lips...

If you know how to “read lips” correctly, then the shape of the lips and the outlines of the mouth as a whole will reveal the secrets of the character of their owner.

Plump lips are a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we try in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

A narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and gloomy. Even if your lips are not like that, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of a “buki” about yourself.

A convex or simply plump lower lip is a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. With a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper one, it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing, he will always try to defeat you. And, again, such a lip can also appear in a person with a normal mouth, if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Coaxing someone whose lower lip is too bulging is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

A protruding upper lip is a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you catch such a person for a living, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will mean nothing to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, are still in the depths of their souls quite sincerely sure that they are right.

A convex mouth with clearly defined lips are features inherent in “earthly” people who do not experience unnecessary illusions at their own expense, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles in the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their destiny is ordinary things. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.

Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with the man you just met? Take a closer look at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is.


Large mouth, lips well-defined, wide in the center and tapering to the edges, the corners are raised.

He: open, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs a relaxed partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance where he plays the main role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but get ready for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well-defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Likes stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, she prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day, she must look stunning and be ready for love. Likes sex without frills and frequent changes of positions.


Lips thin, pale, pursed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If the relationship breaks, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


Lips well defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.
He is: uninhibited, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not so easy. He can take the initiative in a relationship, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand the limits, restrictions, obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


Lips of medium size or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: passionate, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and switch attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, he often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips of medium size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, almost without a bend in the center.

He: in love will rule. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extreme sports, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium, clearly defined. The lower lip is even, straight, narrowing at the very edges, the upper one rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, build eyes, make hints. Counter initiative does not reject, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears, as it were, by the way.


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an unusually romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. He is restrained in feelings, does not like manifestations of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationship is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is quoted very highly. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. She loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

Read more lips...

If you know how to “read lips” correctly, then the shape of the lips and the outlines of the mouth as a whole will reveal the secrets of the character of their owner.

Plump lips are a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we try in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

A narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and gloomy. Even if your lips are not like that, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of a “buki” about yourself.

A convex or simply plump lower lip is a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. With a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper one, it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing, he will always try to defeat you. And, again, such a lip can also appear in a person with a normal mouth, if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Coaxing someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

A protruding upper lip is a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you catch such a person for a living, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will mean nothing to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, are still in the depths of their souls quite sincerely sure that they are right.

A convex mouth with well-defined lips are features inherent in "earthly" people who do not experience unnecessary illusions at their own expense, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles in the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their destiny is commonplace. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.