Cards with balloons from birth. Original card with DIY balloons. You can wish everything to be easy

What to gift:

Recently, many people send humorous SMS with funny poems and beautiful pictures to relatives or friends on their marriage anniversary via social networks. It is convenient, fast and not too difficult, and the choice of programs on the Internet is very extensive. In a few seconds, congratulations will arrive on the phone or computer of the celebrants of the day, delighting them with their originality and warm words of wishes.

Requirements for greeting pictures

When congratulating friends on their wedding anniversary via the Internet, social networks or mms using beautiful cards, you need to consider the following:

  • pictures should be beautiful, thematic, clear;
  • the inscription must correspond to the anniversary of the marriage;
  • It is advisable to supplement the postcard with an original congratulation in prose or poetry;
  • The picture should depict the attributes of a wedding and a happy family life.

Be sure to write the names of the spouses at the top and address them affectionately, respectfully, and kindly. Congratulations should be warm, sincere, appropriate for the special occasion.

The inscription “Happy wedding anniversary” will remind the celebrants of their family holiday and will make them remember once again all the good things that have happened over the past years of marriage.

Rules for choosing wedding greeting pictures:

1. For each wedding anniversary, you can select pictures with the date indicated by the anniversary. Such a wish looks solemn, sincere and sincere. It is advisable to find out in advance what the wedding anniversary is called so as not to accidentally make a mistake.

2. Young spouses with a sense of humor can be sent comic or funny postcards. Elderly people will not be delighted with such a congratulation. You should not select drawings that are too frivolous in content, so as not to offend your husband or wife with an indecent image or a too frank joke.

3. For the first anniversary, it is best to choose beautiful congratulation cards with images of the bride, groom, wedding rings, swans or doves. A year later, the memories of the marriage registration are still fresh, it will be nice to remember the whole holiday and the wishes of the guests.

4. For each picture you need to select a corresponding short verse and write a wish to both spouses. This postcard can be looked at together after all the guests have left. An anniversary poem does not have to be long; an original quatrain is enough.

Requirements for gift cards

If guests decide to congratulate the heroes of the day in the usual way using a postcard, they must also take into account several rules for choosing it:

  • the picture on the cover should be a wedding picture and contain the inscription “Happy wedding anniversary”;
  • an interesting poem or wish should be written inside;
  • You must write the names of the spouses, sign and date them;
  • The card should be presented with words of warm wishes, hints of a strong marriage and a happy life.

It doesn’t matter in what way to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding anniversary - the main thing is to do it beautifully, originally and sincerely. The congratulation should be remembered for a long time in order to please the spouses and remind them of a happy life together.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

Is it your friend, girlfriend, mother, work colleague, brother or sister's birthday soon? In this master class we will tell and show you how to make a postcard with balloons with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

- colored cardboard;

- scissors;

- pencil;

- glue stick and glue gun;

- white cardboard (base for postcard);

- Knitting;

- ruler;

- stickers;

— the inscription “Happy Birthday”;

- satin bow;

- Double-sided tape;

We take colored cardboard, turn it over and draw circles of different diameters on the other side. We take a compass and draw an even circle; you can take gouache, cream or any jar that has a round base and draw around it.

Draw circles on cardboard of different colors, then take scissors and cut them out.

We cut out small triangles from colored cardboard and glue them to circles of the same color. A glue stick will stick them well.

We cut the knitting threads and glue them to the base of the ball. It is best to glue them with a glue gun.

Using a ruler, find the center of the sheet on plain white cardboard. We draw a line. This is needed to avoid sticking the ball in the middle and subsequently bending the card a little. Glue the balls to white cardboard in a chaotic manner.

To make the ball sit on top of the previous one, glue the ball onto double-sided tape. Fold the card slightly along the line in the center. At the bottom of the card, collect all the threads from the balloons, tie and glue a satin bow, cut off the excess threads. The tail with threads hangs slightly from the card. We also paste the inscription “Happy Birthday”. You can print a picture from the Internet, or you can write and cut it out. Glue the inscription and stickers onto the card in the corners.

On the front side of the card you can glue a large cardboard ball, write a wish, and design it according to your wishes.

Gladkova Oksana Aleksandrovna (teacher, 1st category)

Kulizhnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna (teacher, highest qualification category)

This year we decided to make with the guys postcard with a three-dimensional balloon.

Stage 1 – creating a background for postcards – drawing the sky.

The children created the sky with a sponge according to their wishes - dark blue or light, soft blue.

Stage 2 – creating a volumetric hot air balloon.

We previously reviewed the images with the guys hot air balloon

We have prepared colored paper circles for children, 3 pieces for each child. The children themselves chose the circles they liked.

Each circle needs to be folded in half very evenly so that the color is inside.

Before gluing the circles, remember the safety precautions when working with glue.

Then we spread 2 circles on half and glue 3 circles to the half. We make sure that the guys take their time and try to glue it evenly.

If there are any irregularities, they can be trimmed later.

Stage 3 – creating a basket for hot air balloon. For this we prepared rectangles from double-sided colored paper. Before you start working with scissors, we repeat the safety precautions again. The diagram helps a lot with this.

To make a basket, fold the rectangle in half. We hold the fold with our left hand, and with our right hand we hold the scissors and cut off the two lower corners.

Stage 4 – collecting postcard. Since this process needs to be especially controlled, we work with small groups of children.

We cut the A4 sheets with the prepared background in half and decorate the edge with decorative scissors. Children choose a background, glue a ball they like and a basket onto it. Black draw ropes with a felt-tip pen, with which the basket is attached to the ball.

Well, now all that remains is to stick the congratulations to the basket and the postcard is ready!

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