Relationships where the girl is older than the guy. Age-matched marriage. When a wife is older than her husband Marries a girl 7 years older

Hmm... I'm experiencing strange feelings at the moment... And happiness, and some kind of ridiculous resentment (and from all this I'm already blowing the tower). I need something to distract myself from all sorts of bad thoughts that only do what climb into my head.
And suddenly I was overtaken by the question of the age difference between a guy and a girl.

What is the age difference between a guy and a girl? More precisely, not even that MUST, but maybe in a relationship. More often in stereotypes you meet so that the guy should be older than the girl. I agree, maybe it should be, but what if the girl is older than the guy? And what? Never mind! What difference does it make who is old? I think this is complete nonsense. The main thing is not age, but trust and understanding.

Well, the most interesting thing is when the guy is older than the girl. Everything seems to be ok. The guy, as everyone is used to, should be older than his girlfriend. Okay, to hell with that. This is where I would like to think differently. If the guy is older than the girl not by 1-2 years, but more. Here, for example, is 7 years older. What to do? Is it normal? Can such a relationship exist? I'll answer my own question.
Yes, of course they can. In fact, I think if a guy is 7 years older than a girl (we are considering 7 years) this is quite normal. And 10 years is fine. And 15 years. Does age affect relationships? No wonder they say: "All ages are submissive to love." Well, it really is.
Well, the dumbest thing about this is probably that the guy is not happy with it, it confuses (not everyone, of course!). Perhaps he is even embarrassed that his girlfriend is much younger than him, and even more so if she is not yet 18 years old. The guy is afraid that he will be judged. Anyone can condemn: friends, work colleagues, just acquaintances, perhaps even parents for the fact that his "girl is still quite small." “Dude, you should be older, not like “this one here.” No, damn it. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. ". They say, they say, she didn’t grow up before love. But no, they are mistaken. The age difference does not matter! No need to condemn for such love. No need to listen to other people who do not understand anything about this. No need to avoid. No need be embarrassed. Let everything be as it is - for real. Again, I repeat, age does not interfere with loving each other, caring. The main thing is different. When you bring paper to the registry office, this is where you need to think carefully. About the seriousness of the relationship. Family. Children! Children are wonderful.And in these matters, too, one must be extremely careful (let everyone understand this sentence to the extent of their depravity)
This is very difficult to understand and write about it too difficult. All thoughts are jumbled in my head.

It is interesting to know who has what opinions on this issue: what do you think, what age difference is acceptable for a relationship between a man and a woman?

It is very interesting to listen to objective opinions and, most importantly, if there are frank ones. Thanks to everyone who spoke.

Five years ago, I was a fun-loving gouge with one low-paying job and a dozen ruinous hobbies. I had a girlfriend, or rather, three girls. Of course, there was only one at a time. I'm ashamed to admit, but I chose them as things - according to the weather. One for a fun sunny picnic, another for rainy autumn melancholy, and a third. The third is when you need to have lunch with someone on a hot working afternoon.


I could imagine a lot. My luxurious three-level apartment (which I still don't have). And Mexico, where I will definitely take part in a costumed ritual depicting Aztec ritual sacrifices. I could even admit that I would be tired of merry chasing up the career ladder, and I would enlist in the French Foreign Legion - to drive terrorists across Africa. But what happened, I not only did not plan, I could not even imagine. I live with a woman who is ten years older than me. And I'm learning to build relationships with a difference of 10 years.
It was a low blow. And higher. Sunstroke right on the head, as in Bunin's story. And even a powerful hydraulic shock - from the inside, in the heart. It's hard to explain. Imagine that you constantly see some unfamiliar and at the same time painfully familiar person in your muddy morning dreams. And suddenly you meet this very person in reality - a real, laughing one. It was a miracle in its purest form.
She didn't charm me, she didn't seduce me. I just took it. She liked to repeat this joke: “I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take my own, no matter who it is.” So she took me, as something definitely her own. Next to her was interesting, exciting, strange and at the same time calm, comfortable. She was very different from all the girls with whom I then spoke - my peers and those who are even younger ... She did not lie, did not portray, did not play any fictional roles, she just lived. And she did it beautifully, with some kind of royal dignity and at the same time with bewitching simplicity. This, apparently, is what is called experience. Sooner or later, it appears in everyone, even in the most stylish and inadequate young girls. When they grow up, they, too, will probably become queens ... Although I do not exclude that others will remain juvenile fools until old age.

languid sighs

Sex is better than with her, I have never had with anyone. And it's not about some kind of acrobatics or that she allowed what others usually don't allow (by the way, she did, yes). Please don't take offense, but sex with girls in their twenties and under is unbearably boring. Now that there is something to compare with, I would say that this is not sex at all. Young beauties are senselessly trying to conform to some crazy template, formed by some incomprehensible films and existing only in their heads. Passionately and falsely, they make a languid sigh strictly once every five minutes. Certain poses are refused on principle: it looks, you know, it's somehow not right. And how should it look? And anyway, who is looking at them at this moment ?!
Whether it's an older woman who understands exactly what she wants! And able to explain it to you without any embarrassment and false modesty. We had only one problem in bed - I could not restrain myself for a long time. Especially the first two times. It's kind of stabilized now. Tuned into each other. And every time happiness breaks out of me, I scream like crazy, not thinking at all that someone will misunderstand me. And at this moment, you know, I don’t care to such an extent that for 10 years!

A girl is 10 years older than a guy: psychology

A couple of times in my life I didn't care. Once, my friends invited me to a murky charity-concert-entertainment party. We came together. Everyone drank quietly. At first, acquaintances and unfamiliar people approached me, saying: “You are such a nice couple.” Then the girls began to somehow unpleasantly wink and grin. And then one frame came up to us and gave us something like “Is it true that older women think about sex all the time?”
He then for the "elderly aunts" received from me specifically. After that, while washing my shirt, slightly stained with blood from a broken lip, in the toilet, she laughed and said: “We will assume that it was you who proposed to me today.” She kissed me on my broken lip - it was painful and sweet.
The second time I cared was when we met her mother. A wild initiative on the part of the girl, of course. But what can you do for your beloved. At first everything looked decent - cake, flowers, hello-thank you-please. And then her mother dragged her to talk in the next room. From there it rushed “are you crazy” and “he’s just a child” - exactly at such a volume level that I heard, but the neighbors did not hear. And then my girlfriend jumped out - red, in tears. And then it was like an electric shock hit me - she was so defenseless, so plaintive, that it suddenly became clear right away: she really was a little girl. And I, although younger than her, actually older and stronger. I said only one phrase to her mother: “And we will live with me.” At that time - a blatant lie: there was still no "I have." But a year later she appeared, because she is a little girl, and I am a strong man. Yes, and in the most intimate and affectionate moments, you know what she calls me? Daddy. And believe me, I'm proud of it.

Relationships 10 years apart

Well, yes, we have a ten-year age difference. Everyone around me is used to it. In fact, everyone cares, but we are good together. It turned out that the common interests of the sea. With domestic and economic troubles, we figured out surprisingly quickly. True, she is not friendly with technology. But it looks so cute when she enters into a battle not for life, but for death with another iPhone or netbook ... If it gets really tight, a real Batman always flies to the rescue and a handsome man of all trades. I enjoy being Batman. We look like peers. She is engaged in swimming, yoga and some kind of “bioenergetic self-regulation”. I don’t know which of these is more useful, but everything that is supposed to be elastic, she has elastic.
The funniest thing is to remember what event prompted me to decide, so to speak, to legitimize the relationship. For the first few years, the thought of marriage simply did not cross my mind. And the beloved woman did not express any concern about this. On the contrary, she said: “I’m still young, I want to take a walk, until I’m ready for serious decisions.” She was joking. Or not joking? But one day a guy I know very well, three years younger than me, started courting her. And I was seriously afraid that I would lose her. Probably, she deliberately arranged this so that I could see how he hands her some kind of skinny bouquet in the entrance to make me jealous. And I, of course, became jealous ... She is cunning, of course, she calculated everything in advance. For this, a special thank you from me.
She categorically refused a magnificent wedding - we fled from everyone on a tour of the Mediterranean. At twenty, no girl would do that. But what about dresses, dances, ransoms, bridesmaids and other rubbish? And at thirty-something a wedding without a carbon monoxide wedding is reasonable and ... I like it. We've been together for five years. Married for a little over a year.
Our future? Don't know. I only know that it is definitely there. And age ... What is age? When she falls asleep on my shoulder, she sometimes catches my shoulder with her lips in her sleep. And as long as she does this, no matter how old we are, she will be younger than me.

Great Husbands Who Were Younger Than Their Wives

Salvador Dali was 10 years younger than his wife and muse Gala. The fact that he is 10 years younger did not prevent the eccentric couple from maintaining mutual attraction for the rest of their lives. When Gala died, Dali stopped creating and spent the last seven years of his life in woeful loneliness.

Sergei Yesenin and Isadora Duncan were separated by 17 years. This strange passionate romance was subsequently overgrown with rumors and legends.

Milena Marich, Einstein's first wife, was five years older than him. When they met, he was 17 and she was 22. Many scientists believe that without her, the theory of relativity would not have taken place. The second wife of the genius was only three years older than him, and she already had two children from a previous marriage.

Honore de Balzac called his first and most important love of the writer Laura de Verney, married older woman him for 22 years. She became not only a mistress, but also a friend and adviser of the writer, inspiring Balzac to literary work.

Diane de Poitiers, mistress of King Henry II of France, was 20 years older than him. Henry tremblingly loved her all his life, until his death in a jousting tournament, and considered Diana his muse and best friend.

We continue to discuss the situation, are there any prospects in the relationship between a 30-year-old girl and a 23-year-old guy. You can read the previous part of the discussion here -. In the meantime, we read what real people write, is the difference between partners so critical in this case?

Well, why is there no perspective? I have a classmate who married a girl with about the same age difference. Moreover, his parents were against it, but he sent everyone in the ass and did as he saw fit. They live happily.

What's with the older ladies? I think it is ideal for a woman to be 4-10 years younger. Yes, apparently in your environment, men after 30 such freaks become inadequate. I don't see anything like that.

Well, how did she know that everything was fine, by the age of 30 he had completely turned off the roof, he was obsessed with young people and his appearance. In general, he began to swing, take care of himself and wag his tails in front of girls of 16-20 years old.

In my opinion, it is stupid to deny that a man over 30 has an eye on a young body, happiness, if it just burns and complexes about the passing youth have not begun, otherwise such sad stories turn out. The age difference will always be a painful topic, no matter what they say.

I don't know who's got their eyes on what. I just see wonderful relationships around me, long-term, people after thirty. And well, what does it mean for a young body? At 30, it ages dramatically, or what? There is no difference in the body until there is a mnopause (given that the woman is slender, monitors nutrition, etc.).

And there is another case when he got married at 27, at 32 he left for a 20-year-old. Their eyes burn all their lives on what is younger, and this is absolutely normal. That's how nature made them. If I were men, I would only fuck young men, and indeed.

This is good, there are also wonderful long-term relationships around me, only they are wonderful only for all outsiders. Isn’t it ideal, there’s something that wasn’t there during this long union, but the main thing is that people have saved, I think.

Girls, well, really, I don’t see any difference in the bodies - that of 20 and 30 year olds. Moreover, I will say - they look the same. Here are 40 and 20 - there is a difference, yes.

Men die earlier and sex fades into the background earlier, that's a fact! So it's okay. That's when a man is much older, I do not understand. Sex with viagra and early to remain a widow in the future? The age difference between partners, when a man is younger, I think is the norm.

I see the difference, youth is visible, no matter how good an adult woman looks. And maybe it's not just about looks? I don’t know how everything is seen from your bell tower, but I agree that it’s better for men to get married after 30. And not all men over 30 are greedy for those who are 20. It is foolish to say that everything. At 35, a man may well choose a peer or a woman of 30 years old. This is normal and it is.

Damn, so many young maidens, all beautiful, well-groomed, poor men who have wives. And what is the difference in age, if everything just costs, burns, brains went on vacation. That's the kind of willpower you need to have. And this story, which is in the post, is generally incomprehensible to me, even if I was a year younger, I would treat it like an unintelligent kid.

So it's about him. A 20-year-old will grow old, he will find a new one. There are such freaks, unfortunately. Women have wild competition - like you are only 25, and already 18-year-olds are stepping on their heels and men are pulling their little hands towards them. Animals, what to take from them?

My first husband was over 20 years older than me. He was embarrassed for it. He added ten years to me when acquaintances were interested (it would be more simply implausible at all). And in general he said that he would like us to be peers. Big age difference is not very good.

Well, this is rather an exception, usually men are proud of their young wife, although again, maybe something is wrong in your "environment". My opinion - if a girl, a beautiful woman - she will be attractive to men at any age. Well, the same Bellucci - she is over 50 and is still a sex symbol. Or our Katerina Klimova - 4 children, and she is thinner than her daughter and has a beautiful face.

Here you can already look at 10 year olds with contempt. In 10 years, this bitch is 20, and I'm forty, a potential contender for my man. Only now they get used to their appearance in a couple of months, but the soul is yes, women keep it.

That's it. Therefore, it often happens that these 20-year-olds with duck lips and boobs are like shit, but they are lonely and no one needs anything serious from them. And I agree, although I don’t feel complexes about my age at all and I love my age, rather, it’s sarcasm.

I have a 10 year old niece. I look at her and think - after all, the girl is getting prettier, another 3-4 years and menstruation, and then 16-18 and that's it, kapets! It would be nice to realize that the age difference between a man and her should be adequate.

Yes, I know, poor girls. Do you think they pump everything up from a good life? And lips and boobs. To somehow stay on the wave. And they want an easy life. But who doesn't want it? They want a man, they want to be attractive females, they don’t understand that you can keep figs with silicone and hyaluron.

Well, if a man is an animal, then of course! There are a lot of nice guys, with an awesome figure, but that doesn’t mean that everyone should be beaten up. It's about the person, not the age. They talk about the difference in age when they want to write off other problems as something objective, inevitable. But in fact, people there just need to work on themselves.

Well, you're stupid! What are these "unequal"? I had 2 boyfriends 8 and one 10 years younger and everything was fine! At least, if they quarreled, it was not because of age. And we broke up in no way because of age!

Those who write that she is 30 (40), he is 20 (25) and everything is fine with them, how can you know this? Do you read minds or do you live with this couple? Maybe they pretend that everything is fine with them, but in reality the guy is sleeping and sees the same age in bed, and the girl lives in her complexes.

Are you 30? Judging by the text 13. In your couple, a man and a woman, the age difference is actually in his favor. And yes, most likely, with such a fool as you, he feels like an adult and mature macho.

You don't have to let anyone go, love - and love each other further, I don't see anything wrong. These relationships have the right to life. But there are conditions that must be accepted. After weighing everything, I decided to end the relationship - but there was a difference of 9 years and the need to move to another city. If in your case there are no global obstacles - don't even worry - 7 years is not as important as it seems.

My young man's parents got married, mom is 32, dad is 24. Nitsche, they have been living together for almost 30 years. And happy. It's not about the age difference, it's about how people get along together. The age difference between a man and a woman does not matter if love and understanding reign in this couple.

I’ll make a reservation right away: this text is for the youngest and most hyperactive part of our audience, boys aged 18-25 (those who are more experienced can just look at the pictures - also a pleasure). So - an unkind sign, if after sex with you she regularly reduces her leg, pricks in her side, her head is spinning and she crunches anxiously in her back. Most likely, eight times a day, a woman who is older than you (hereinafter FSW) does not really want to. Well, you understand: pressure, arrhythmia, and indeed - trouble at work and getting up early tomorrow. For a week or two, of course, she will tolerate your sprint attacks - it is possible that she is on painkillers and Red Bull - but then it is better to move from quantity to quality.

2. Talk less and listen more

You don't need to specify how many times she has come if you are not ready to hear the truth (although adults do not ask about such things at all). It is fellow students who can, without blushing, give false evidence of sixteen orgasms in half an hour. FSW have too much respect for themselves, their partner (i.e. you) and the process itself. Instead of uplifting lies, she'd rather tell you why it's nicer than that, where else you should kiss her, and why you need that pimply contraption on the nightstand. In short, share the secrets of mastery. And you really do not be a mug - listen and remember. In terms of information content, a week of regular intercourse with FSW is equated to a year of somersaults with peers.

3. Don't pretend to be older and more experienced

A tie instead of a New Balance hoodie and sneakers. Earring out of the ear. Points for solidity. A briefcase, not a backpack. Boy, who are you trying to fool? You fell in love with FSW without all these attributes of solidity. And since some divorced manager with an emerging bald head didn’t turn out to be in your place, it means that glasses, ties and briefcases are not what attracts her in men at the moment. In other words, you are cute in your original form, so leave it as it is.

The same goes for trying to look more experienced than you really are. Fictional stories about crowds of subjugated women and multi-million dollar contracts, allegedly read books and seen films - all this is calculated at once. You don't want FSW to think you're even more of a dumbass than you really are, do you?

Of all the ways to boost your self-esteem
an affair with a guy fit for your sons,
- probably the most labor intensive
and unproductive

4. Postpone meeting friends

The question of friends and getting to know them is one of the most delicate. It is enough for an FSW to appear at least once in his company arm in arm with such an outrageously young you - and from now on she will not be called otherwise than a “child molester” and a “pedophile”.

Your friends and especially friends, presumably, will also react ambiguously to an overgrown companion.

Practice shows that at first it is wiser not to advertise your unequal union. JCS knows this. It would be nice for you to learn, and not ask for corporate parties and dinner parties. And having received a refusal, do not terrorize her with reproaches, they say, "you are ashamed of me."

When and if there is something to present to the public (for example, love to the grave, a marriage certificate, a couple of sons and a sweet daughter) - then you will come out of the shadows.

And until that moment, it is safer not to shock the already nervous public.

5. Don't plan your leisure time alone

In your opinion, a good day off is to take a nap until three in the afternoon, order a dash of pizza for breakfast, then ride a bike, play Munchkin with friends in the evening or watch Futurama, and after midnight move to the club. At first, you will be sure that the FSW thinks about the same. Ha and another hundred times ha! From 12 hours of sleep, her back hurts. From pizza - gases. Munchkin and Futurama she would have preferred a good book in the old fashioned way. After cycling, she will limp for another week, and from the rumbling club house, cigarette smoke and cheap scotch - she will suffer from migraines. This is all to the fact that the FSW will certainly agree to any adventure offered by a boyfriend who is full of youth and health, just so as not to look like an old purse in his eyes. But don't be a brute - measure your ideas with her interests and ask more often what she would like to do herself.

6. Don't worry about money

No, I don’t urge you to become a gigolo, but there’s no point in going out of your way either. Yes, perhaps one meal at her favorite restaurant is worth as much as your entire month's ration. But this does not mean at all that you have to work at three jobs, if only a girl older than you does not deny herself truffles and foie gras. On the other hand, she is not obliged to eat at the station cheburechny, which you can afford.

The way out is simple: once honestly paint your real financial situation - and let her decide for herself how it will all be in the future. He will offer to pay for chebureks 50/50 - why not. She prefers to walk you to restaurants at her own expense - the flag is in her hands, only you are not particularly greyhounds there. According to the same scheme, it is recommended to resolve the issue of paying for joint holidays, shopping, etc.

At the time when you were calculating square roots, FSW was already spinning novels and going to interviews with might and main. It is not surprising that by the time you meet, she will have a background that you never dreamed of, and an extensive collection of former bosses, ex-lovers and husbands, mothers-in-law, children, nannies, neighbors, etc. God forbid you begin to "give a connoisseur of life" and advise her on how it would be more correct and better to resolve this or that conflict. To do this, she has an army of best friends, a psychotherapist, a manicurist, a yoga coach and a spiritual mentor to boot. If he talks about something serious - listen and nod, but comment to a minimum. Otherwise, you can discredit yourself in her eyes once and for all. As a rule, it is in the course of such heart-to-heart conversations that it becomes clear how great the gulf that separates you is.

8. Keep your emotions under control

It is possible that you will be discouraged and even offended by a certain detachment and coldness of the FSW. You fell off in the middle of the night (!) to the other side of the city (!) to hand over a bouquet of violets (!) and inhale the scent of her hair (!), but she didn’t even burst into tears of happiness - oh woman, do you have a piece of brick instead of a heart? ! But it's really not what you think. FSW does not throw themselves on your neck at a meeting, does not write a hundred text messages a day, refuses to be jealous of a neighbor and spend all night to sort things out, not at all because she does not care about you. She's just grown up. And adults a priori more carefully manage their own emotions: they try not to scatter loud words, not to swear to the bone, etc. Take it for granted and do not waste your and her nerves in vain. Your romantic efforts and tendency to dramatize everything is, of course, cute. But damn boring.

9. Filter humor

Remember once and for all: if someone is allowed to be ironic about the age difference, then only to her. Quod licet Jovi, as they say, non licet bovi. And in Russian speaking, every cricket know your hearth.

The use of expressions such as “in my youth ...”, “the elders know better ...”, “live to my age and you will understand ...” is nothing more than a defensive reaction. Although we live in a free country, the society looks with varying degrees of condemnation at the "daddies" in an embrace with vocational schools and at older ladies with young lovers. With their caustic comments, the FSW seems to be demonstrating to the world that she has not yet completely lost her mind and is aware of who she has contacted, but she does not have a complex about this. In fact, complex, of course. And your witticisms on the topic of age will be interpreted as outright rudeness and cruelty.

10. Don't think she can't have serious feelings for you.

There is an opinion that the only reason why a lady, say, under forty, is associated with a 20-year-old youth is the desire to unwind, cheer up, taste, so to speak, young meat. It's certainly not the only one! According to my internal statistics, there are even more stories where a woman seriously falls in love with a young boyfriend than those where everything begins and ends with sex. I'll explain why. Of all the ways to boost your self-esteem, an affair with a guy who is suitable for your sons is probably the most time-consuming and unproductive. It just so happened historically that it is more convenient and pleasant for a girl to feel unintelligent, dependent, led, "baby" and "fool" (and no matter how old she is - 16 or 36). With a young gentleman, the stump is clear, this is unrealistic. Let's add social pressure, complexes, an exhausting discrepancy in speeds and amplitudes. In short, it's really hard. So much effort for God knows what pleasure (see point 1, which describes in black and white the negative consequences of your hypersexuality)? Well, don't make me laugh! So it turns out that, as a rule, a woman gets into an affair with a young man, having serious, well, very serious reasons for this ...