Lack of lubrication in women after childbirth. After childbirth, dryness and low sensitivity in the intimate area

The appearance of crumbs in the family radically changes the whole way of life. Intimate changes are also taking place. Gynecologists strongly recommend abstaining from sex in the first five weeks after the birth of a child, since during childbirth, the female internals are one continuous open wound, and it takes a certain time to heal. The uterus and cervix can recover from three weeks to three months. Therefore, if you feel well and think that you are already ready for sexual intimacy, then you still need to contact your gynecologist first. The doctor will advise you on various contraceptives, as well as lubricants. How to choose these products, many do not even know.

intimate problems

In addition to the postpartum trauma experienced when a child is born, there are other problems that prevent two loving spouses from being closer. Most often, a big "chasm" between the desire for sex and sex itself becomes ruptures of connective and soft tissues or an episiotomy. With this trouble, it is usually enough to know how to choose a lubricant, and it is completely restored. However, it's still not without problems...


The biggest reason why many couples do not have sexual intercourse even a few months after the birth of a baby is the lack of desire. After childbirth, the body is very exhausted, it constantly lacks energy. In such cases, a woman will prefer an extra hour of sleep than to spend the rest of her strength pleasing the whims of her beloved. In addition, all the thoughts of the wife are now occupied exclusively by a small peanut. But this problem can also be solved: for this it is enough to choose the most suitable time, when the girl is still with strength and energy. The best time is in the morning, when the baby is still sleeping, or lunch, when he is already sleeping. It is also very important to create an intimate environment to let the girl completely relax. And if you know how to choose a lubricant, then the next time your beloved will insist on sex herself.


It is far from a secret that women have to sacrifice something when giving birth to children, for example, a slender waist or elastic and “standing” breasts. Because of this, a young mother may have complexes about her appearance. Because of them, girls believe that their spouses do not like them, and therefore avoid intimacy. Of course, not the easiest, but it's all temporary. Walk with your baby more often, breastfeed as long as possible, do not get carried away with sweet and starchy foods, and your weight will return to normal. And if at the same time you perform elementary exercises in the morning, then your body will also become toned. If you are still ashamed of your body, then you can please your husband with new “toys”. To do this, contact a sexologist and ask him how to choose a lubricant, what positions you can “indulge” after childbirth. And in general, let your spouse decide whether he likes your body or not.

Little natural lubrication

During childbirth, changes occur in the vagina, one of which is the lack of natural lubrication. This problem is the most easily solved of all of the above: it is enough just to purchase an intimate lubricant. Gel lubricant will allow you to have sex without the discomfort associated with dryness in the vagina. The only thing you need to know is how to choose a lubricant. When breastfeeding, choose lubricants that do not contain dyes.

The birth of a child changed my usual daily routine, and most importantly, turned my life priorities upside down. From an eternally busy woman, I turned into a young happy mother - the keeper of the hearth, protecting her child from all sorts of troubles around the clock.

Changes occurred not only in my mind, but also, in fact, in the body itself, which reacted quite violently to the bearing of the first child. In addition to the baby, I got extra pounds, a sagging belly and a couple of stretch marks on my hips. I must admit that it took me a lot of time and effort to put my body in order and feel beautiful and desirable again. As for the resumption of intimate relations with her husband, a big problem arose in this case - vaginal dryness after childbirth. Any attempts to have sex caused pain and burning in me, and guilt in my spouse. Why after childbirth there is discomfort in the vagina and how to get rid of it - that's what we'll talk about.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth: normal or pathological?

Nine months of "pregnant" life, after - twelve-hour childbirth, spent in torment, and here he is - the long-awaited baby, quietly snoring on his mother's chest. Together with great happiness comes the chores of caring for a child, which take up almost all of my free time. And, as often happens, a woman does not have time at all to improve her health and find out why these strange sensations in the form of itching and dryness of the vagina after childbirth arose?

The fact is that during childbirth through the natural birth canal, the baby exerts strong pressure on the walls of the vagina, stretching it. Childbirth is a completely physiological process, which means that you should not worry that Mother Nature did not take care of the postpartum rehabilitation of the vagina. After a while, the muscles of the small pelvis will restore tone, and everything will fall into place, reaching its previous size.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth is a symptom that appears as a result of thinning of the walls of the mucosa. Considering the postpartum period, we can say that discomfort in the vagina is quite normal, if we are talking about a few weeks. A woman may complain not only of dryness in the vagina after childbirth, but also of itching, burning, pain during sex, and bleeding of the mucosa.

IMPORTANT! When dryness in the vagina after childbirth persists for two or more months, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Causes of vaginal dryness after childbirth.

One of the main reasons why unpleasant changes appear in the vagina is the hormonal background. After childbirth, there is a natural decrease in estrogens - female sex hormones, the low level of which leads to the appearance of vaginal dryness after childbirth.

So, with a lack of estrogen in the body, the following processes occur:

  • fat metabolism slows down;
  • the level of collagen production, which is responsible for maintaining tissue elasticity, is significantly reduced;
  • the amount of fluid retained in the tissues also decreases, which means that the tissues become flabby and inelastic.

Why is little estrogen produced after childbirth?

Despite the naturalness of lactation, the production of breast milk reduces the level of estrogens in the body. In some women, vaginal dryness after childbirth can be observed throughout the period of breastfeeding.

Other causes of discomfort in the vagina after childbirth.

Incorrectly selected contraception.

Recent births often discourage many new mothers from becoming pregnant. Morally, a woman is not ready for the birth of another baby, and the body needs to rest and recover. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives can provoke the appearance of vaginal dryness after childbirth.

Allergy to condoms.

Latex condoms often provoke the development of an allergic reaction, due to increased sensitivity of the vagina after childbirth.

Rapid sexual intercourse.

With insufficient arousal, sex can turn into real torture. A woman after childbirth may need more time to tune in to intimacy. Hurry on the part of a man in no way contributes to the development of lubrication in the vagina, which means that sexual intercourse can cause pain.

Personal hygiene products.

Doctors strongly do not recommend the use of hygienic tampons for young mothers. The use of tampons can increase vaginal dryness in the first months after childbirth. In addition, it is worth abandoning the use of toilet paper, which dries the mucosa, replacing it with wet wipes for intimate hygiene.

IMPORTANT! The appearance of itching, burning and dryness in the vagina after childbirth may indicate the development of an infectious and inflammatory process and requires medical advice.

How to get rid of vaginal dryness after childbirth?

Estrogen-containing drugs.

Since the main cause of discomfort in the vagina is a lack of estrogen, treatment will be aimed at restoring the hormonal balance in the vagina. For this purpose, various means are actively used in the form of vaginal tablets, creams or rings containing estrogens. The use of these drugs will improve the blood supply to the vagina, as a result of which the mucous membrane will be restored.

Intimate gels and lubricants.

In any pharmacy, you can buy intimate gels and lubricants designed to additionally moisturize the vagina before sex. Preference should be given to water-based products.

In all other cases, when vaginal dryness occurs after childbirth, the solution to the problem will be the elimination of the influencing harmful factor. For example, if vaginal discomfort occurs after using a condom, you should switch to another type of contraception. In any case, before taking measures to treat vaginal dryness after childbirth, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination for an infectious process in the pelvic organs.

The birth of a baby has a significant impact on a woman's health. Symptoms of different origin make themselves known. Sagging belly, stretch marks, bumpy skin, dull hair and brittle nails - this is what remains after and greatly affects the appearance of the girl, and also affects the quality of sex after childbirth. External changes are easy to put in order if you give the body a little time.

And what to do with internal manifestations? Dryness in the vagina after childbirth is one of the most common problems that bother a young mother during intimacy.

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms if you understand the possible causes of occurrence. Hormonal changes are one of the main factors affecting the appearance of dryness in the intimate area. There is a process of decrease in female sex hormones - estrogens.

During a lack of estrogen, the following happens:

  • fluid in the tissues does not linger, as a result, the skin becomes flabby and lose elasticity;
  • the level of produced collagen decreases, which affects the quality of the skin (tissue preservation);
  • fat metabolism in tissues becomes slow.

During breastfeeding, the level of estrogen drops, causing discomfort in the intimate area after childbirth.

A similar symptom often worries during the entire period of lactation, which significantly spoils the life of a young mother.

Other factors

There are a number of reasons why a woman may experience vaginal dryness after childbirth. There are only a few such factors, but they are also worth paying attention to.

Sexual problems may be due to:

  1. Incorrectly selected personal hygiene products. Experts strongly discourage the use of tampons for women who have recently had a baby. The use of such products will only increase the dryness of the intimate area. The same applies to coarse toilet paper, it is better to use soft wet wipes or paper handkerchiefs.
  2. Too fast sexual intercourse. Without waiting for the release of lubricant, you can feel a sharp pain instead of pleasure. Excessive haste is not the best way out at the moment.
  3. Wrong. A couple who do not want to become parents again choose contraception during sex. It is quite convenient for a woman to use the tablet option, but very often it can cause dryness in a delicate place and ruin the impression.
  4. Allergic reaction to condoms. A specific material is used to make condoms. Latex very often provokes irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin.

With a strong burning sensation and itching, you should seek help from a specialist. Qualified consultation is able to solve any exciting problem.

Is it worth worrying

Behind the constant care of the baby and other household chores, the girl has absolutely no time left for herself and for monitoring her health. Mom's well-being is very important at this stage. Do not ignore certain symptoms of the body.

After pregnancy, there is a very large load on the body, during which severe stretching and dryness of the vagina after childbirth is a completely normal process. It can take a couple of weeks to eliminate discomfort without intervention. This is natural and nothing to worry about. Everything will pass by itself.

When a girl is concerned not only with itching and burning, but also with bloody discharge from the mucosa, it is necessary to sound the alarm and not self-medicate. Timely treatment will help eliminate anxiety.

If discomfort in the intimate area after childbirth lasts more than two months and is accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, this is a reason to contact your doctor for advice.

How to fix the problem

If sensitivity has disappeared after childbirth and constant pain is bothering you, there is reason to think about how to get rid of the disease faster. When there is no time to visit the doctor or there is no way to go to the clinic, you can resort to several methods:

  • Purchase a special gel or lubricant. Such a tool is affordable and is sold in any pharmacy, this method will very effectively moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve itching. It is recommended to choose gel or water based lubricants.
  • Pay attention to drugs that basically contain estrogen. The decrease in the female sex hormone negatively affects the general well-being of the girl, in order to avoid this, you can take drugs containing this same hormone. To restore the hormonal background in the vagina, funds in the form of creams, gels, ointments, rings or tablets will help. The choice is almost unlimited. Mucous bounce back due to improved internal blood supply.

It is possible to eliminate and irritating factors to change methods of contraception or hygiene products. The partner needs to be more patient and careful in bed.

Prevention measures

Sometimes it makes sense to prevent a problem, so that later it will not be treated for a long time and not endure pain and unpleasant symptoms. Every woman who has become a mother is able to avoid discomfort, if preventive measures are not ignored.

  1. Keep the vagina clean. Give preference to soft soap without dyes and fragrances, forget about ordinary soap or low-quality gels. You need to choose antibacterial agents, odorless, transparent or light in color. Soaps with bright filling and aromas of fruits or exotic colors are not suitable categorically.
  2. Change coarse toilet paper for gentle antibacterial wipes for intimate hygiene (wet). Poor-quality paper can damage delicate skin, already irritated. It is better to give preference to wet wipes that do not contain alcohol and other harmful components.
  3. Be very careful with contraceptives. And latex condoms, and pills, and candles, and spirals - all this can be the culprit of unpleasant manifestations. It is necessary to choose very carefully: pay attention to the material, composition, active ingredients. It is important to rely on your own feelings and preferences. The main thing: no fragrances, dyes, flavors and additives that can provoke an allergic reaction.

After pregnancy, it is very important for a girl to monitor her own health, and the necessary drugs, to monitor the cleanliness of her body, and pay attention to emerging ailments.

A very reasonable step would be to abstain from sex for a couple of months. If you hurry, you can get unpleasant consequences in the end. It is important to be careful and approach the issue of intimacy correctly. Don't rush if you're not ready. In order not to harm yourself, you need to seek the advice of an experienced doctor. He will advise when to start having sex, how to care for the body and what not to do.

If the disease has already made itself felt by the slightest manifestations, then a consultation with a specialist will also not be superfluous. The doctor will promptly prescribe the necessary treatment, advise a list of suitable drugs and will not forget to observe the patient throughout the entire process of therapy. This is necessary in order to avoid complications in the future.

It is worth remembering that self-medication is strictly prohibited. Only an experienced specialist is able to conduct an examination, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe medication (or some other) treatment.

Vaginal dryness occurs sooner or later in every woman. Of course, if this is due to the natural aging of the body, then there are few questions, but when a problem occurs in reproductive age, an immediate appeal to a specialist for help is already required.

The vagina, or vagina, is a component of the genitals, located in the small pelvis. It is considered the internal genital organ. This is a tube-shaped organ, very elastic, has muscles. In young women, this tube is corrugated.

The body wall consists of 3 layers:

  • internal - stratified squamous epithelium;
  • the middle layer is muscular;
  • outer layer.

From the inside, the vaginal wall is always normally moist, covered with odorless mucus. Mucus is protective, produced by special glands. It contains a large amount of glycogen, which is necessary for the nutrition of lactobacilli present in the vagina.

Mucus performs a cleansing and excretory function, destroys bacteria, removes dead cells. The vagina is constantly self-cleaning. Normally, about 2 ml of mucus comes out per day. Healthy vaginal moisture in a woman's reproductive years is provided by estrogens produced by the ovaries. An interesting fact is that the vagina does not have its own glands, it does not produce a secret. This is the work of the cervical canal of the cervix, as well as the products of blood exchange in the surrounding vessels.

Closer to menopause, the walls of the vagina become thinner, become inelastic, and wrinkle. This is the result of a decrease in the level of the main female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. 5-7 years after menopause, its amount decreases by 80%. The production of hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the epithelial cells, decreases. The walls of the vagina, due to their thinness, become more defenseless against infections. The risk of cracks and ulceration increases. Vaginal dryness occurs, which is physiological in menopause.

Vaginal pathologies

Often, dryness occurs in the reproductive age, then it is an indicator of trouble.

Such a symptom requires a consultation with a gynecologist. The health of the vagina is determined by the presence or absence of infections, hormonal levels, the regularity of sexual activity, and hygiene.

Vaginal dryness is called atrophic vaginitis (colpitis). There are many reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Skin diseases.
  2. Genital diseases: STIs, genital herpes, bacterial infections, neoplasms, endometriosis, fibroids.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. It may occur
    • against the background of approaching menstruation (at the same time, the production of progestogens that suppress estrogens increases);
    • during pregnancy (the enlarged uterus constantly presses on the vagina, changing its background and microflora, in addition, gestagens that suppress estrogen predominate during pregnancy);
    • after childbirth (a discharge called lochia comes out of the vagina for several weeks, but they are not full-fledged vaginal mucus);
    • due to taking OK (especially mini-pills, which contain only progesterone);
    • with a decrease in estrogen production.
  4. Absence or irregularity of sexual life.
  5. Operations performed on the genitals (on the cervix, hysterectomy, removal of the ovaries, cysts, etc.).
  6. Decreased immunity.
  7. Taking certain medications and using special treatments. These include: antihistamines, radiation, antihypertensives, chemotherapy, hormones, diuretics, stimulants, antidepressants, antibiotics.
  8. The use of poor-quality hygiene products and methods: an abundance of fragrances in perfumed intimate cosmetics, soaps, gels, foams with a high alkali content, synthetic and chemical dyes that can cause allergies. Use of latex condoms. The optimum pH should be 4-4.5. Frequent and unreasonable douching also causes vaginal dryness.
  9. Smoking.
  10. Chronic stress, mood swings.
  11. Anatomical feature (tendency to reduced gland function).
  12. Climax.
  13. Diseases of the endocrine glands: removal of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus.
  14. Sjögren's syndrome - with it, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the salivary, lacrimal glands, vagina develops, due to which secretion production decreases.
  15. Autoimmune diseases of organs and systems: rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, etc.
  16. Heavy physical activity.
  17. Inadequate water regime when the body is dehydrated.

The causes and problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth deserve special attention. After childbirth, the body needs to be restored, it is exhausted and tired, it needs a “major overhaul”. The mucous membrane of the vagina during childbirth received a lot of microcracks, became thinner. Naturally, her dryness has increased, and an intimate relationship causes discomfort. Therefore, doctors recommend starting sexual activity only 1.5 months after childbirth. Sometimes the vagina takes six months to recover.

During the feeding period, prolactin increases, which temporarily “interrupts” estrogen. The amount of the latter falls, vaginal dryness appears. This condition will last up to 3-4 months, sometimes the entire period of feeding. Then everything is back to normal.

Symptomatic manifestations

An excess of gestagens during pregnancy, after childbirth, before menstruation causes symptoms in the form of:

  • dryness;
  • itching in the labia and vaginal opening, intimate area;
  • burning in the perineum;
  • dyspareunia;
  • frequent and strong urge to urinate;
  • burning sensation during urination (the tissues of the urethra also undergo thinning);
  • bleeding of the vaginal mucosa due to the appearance of wounds, sores on the walls of the vagina, especially during sex.

As a result of all this, libido decreases, a woman begins to avoid sex, infections easily occur, general lethargy, and weakness. With menopause, mood swings and sleep problems are added.

Treatment Methods

Etiotropic treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause of the deviation.

  1. If it is associated with the use of hygiene products, taking some medications, they can simply be removed.
  2. If there are other diseases, they will be treated. In case of endocrine pathologies, the endocrinologist will prescribe appropriate therapy, in the presence of neoplasms, the treatment will be carried out by surgeons.
  3. After childbirth and during menopause, hormone therapy is usually prescribed.

If there are no types of pathology and it all comes down to water balance disorders, use products that saturate the skin with moisture:

  1. Klimadinon - in its composition contains an extract of cymifuga, which interacts with estrogen receptors and thereby has an estrogen-like effect. The extract acts on the pituitary and hypothalamus, reducing the production of LH, which contributes to dry skin and mucous membranes. Eliminates the symptoms associated with the manifestations of VVD.
  2. Cicatridine - suppositories for the vagina, have a rich composition: extract of aloe, calendula, Asian centella. But their main valuable component is hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the skin. The drug has an antimicrobial effect, destroys fungi, is an antiseptic, has a wound healing effect, stimulates the production of collagen. In general, it increases the percentage of moisture in the vagina.
  3. Vagikal (available in pessaries and ointments, contains calendula), Vagilak, Laktonorm, Feminela, Ginofit, Montavit, Labilakt, Floragin gel, Gynocomfort - ointments and gels that have an antibacterial and antiseptic prolonged effect. They are used for intimate hygiene, they quite effectively help get rid of problems with dryness. All medicines are over-the-counter and easy to get. Vitamin E is used in candles. New - lubricant from kiwi vine extract (New Zealand remedy).

Hormone therapy (local estrogen therapy) is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It includes the following:

  1. Vaginal estrogen rings. An elastic ring that a woman inserts into her vagina acts in such a way that a constant flow of estrogen rushes to this area. The ring is replaced once every 3 months.
  2. Vaginal tablets of the synthetic female hormone estrogen. Introduced into the vagina for the first 14 days daily. As the vagina becomes saturated, the number of injections is reduced to 2 times a week. The course is prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Vaginal cream (ointment) with estrogen. The walls of the vagina are lubricated with the applicator in the package daily. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. Over time, they switch to using 1 time per week. Estrocad, Ovipol Clio, Estriol, Ovestin, Ortho-ginest, Dermestril - these remedies relieve symptoms of discomfort, stimulate mucus production, remove burning and itching, and moisturize. In addition, Ovestin and Estriol are involved in maintaining the acidic reaction of the vagina, preventing pathogenic microflora from multiplying. In the first month, candles are inserted 1 per day, and after a few weeks - as directed by the doctor, once a week.
  4. Klimara. It contains ovestin, estriol, lactate, chlorhexidine. It has a complex effect on the weakened mucous membrane, relieves the symptoms of irritation and itching, and disinfects. Preparations for the treatment of atrophic vaginitis are available in various forms: gel, ointment, cream. They are applied to the vulva with a special attached applicator. Easy to use. The result appears after just a few procedures: the damaged surface is well restored, an antiseptic effect is manifested, mucus secretion increases, itching and pain are relieved. However, doctors believe that such drugs are inferior in effectiveness to suppositories.
  5. Divigel, Estrogel. Used during menopause, contain estrogen. Anything containing estrogen has side effects such as breast engorgement, thickening of the vaginal wall, and risk of bleeding. It is not recommended to be treated with estrogen without instructions from a doctor.

If hormones are contraindicated for health reasons, herbs are prescribed (calendula in ointments and suppositories, comfrey ointment), various extracts (oregano, hops, bitter gourd, hogweed, veronica officinalis, chamomile, sage, angelica, aloe leaves, Siberian ginseng, ginkgo, bark oak, etc.). They are used in the form of baths and douches. You can just make decoctions and drink.

Sex problems

During sex, a woman becomes sexually aroused, effusion begins to flow into the walls of the vagina, the Bartholin glands, as well as the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, produce a secret. The lubrication and secretion create a composition that keeps the vagina moist and facilitates the insertion of the penis. The vulva becomes sensitive to tactile stimuli, there is a mental sensation of sexual arousal.

A significant role in the appearance of discomfort and pain during intercourse is played precisely by the fact that often men do not bother with foreplay. With such sex, a woman is not excited and relaxed. Intercourse and dry friction does not bring her any pleasure, all negative manifestations come to the fore in the form of dryness, itching, pain, cracks, bloody discharge, etc.

Prelude is a must. She will excite the woman and the vagina will be well hydrated. Only then can penetration be carried out.

The regularity of sexual life is also of great importance for maintaining the tone and health of a woman for many years. The state of the hormonal background improves, it turns out to be balanced. In addition, male sperm is necessary for the female body.

Preventive actions

Prevention includes the following:

  1. The optimum pH of hygiene products should not exceed 4.5.
  2. Refuse perfumed toilet paper, fragrances in products, soaps, creams, gels, deodorants.
  3. Wearable underwear should not be tight. Synthetics are not recommended. Even high-quality, it often interferes with air exchange, creates excessive overheating. The skin in the intimate area should "breathe".
  4. Do not constantly use condoms, they increase vaginal dryness. Take breaks sometimes.
  5. At home, self-made tampons with vitamin E (1 capsule per 10 teaspoons of refined boiled sunflower oil), which are inserted into the vagina for 5 minutes twice a week, will help to strengthen the walls of the vagina at home.
  6. Hygiene of the genitourinary organs must be observed, but not excessively. Avoid frequent douching.
  7. Instead of tampons, it is better to use pads, they are less harmful.
  8. It is necessary to treat all pathologies of the genitals in a timely manner.
  9. It is better to wash underwear with laundry soap.
  10. Have a regular sex life.
  11. It is important to have a balanced diet with enough healthy fats, drinking water should be about 2 liters per day.
  12. Avoid stress, organize proper rest and sleep.

There is a myth about "Canadian yogurt", which is placed in the vagina and relieves all problems. However, this is just a myth.

The birth of a child changes not only the habitual image of a woman, but also affects the state of the body as a whole. And one of the common causes that a woman faces is dryness in the vagina after childbirth.

Reducing the amount of female sex hormones

During pregnancy, the body of the future mother is rebuilt and changes not only externally, but also from the inside. And one of the first to go out of the norm is the hormonal background, which after pregnancy returns to normal, but manages to leave its mark on women's health.

So, after the baby is born in the body of a young mother, there is a decrease in the amount of female sex hormones - estrogens, which are responsible not only for the content of the mucous microflora of the genital organs, but also for the menstrual cycle, the ability to give birth to children, the normal development of the breast and uterus at a younger age. .

In the case of a low level of female sex hormones, the specialist prescribes a series of tests followed by treatment. The symptomatic picture of the disease is as follows:

  1. Firstly, there may be complaints about the skin that has lost its freshness and tone, its elasticity and youth. Responsible for this is collagen, the level of production of which is significantly reduced with a reduced level of estrogen.
  2. Because the amount of fluid retained in the skin tissues decreases, the skin becomes dry and flabby.
  3. There is a slowdown in fat metabolism, as a result of which excess weight appears.

Many patients note that for a long time (sometimes until the cessation of feeding) the level of estrogen does not increase. Therefore, vaginal dryness does not disappear anywhere and may manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent.

Other Causes of Vaginal Dryness

  1. Not enough foreplay. The first months the female body is just beginning to bounce back after a 9-month "pregnant" state. And a number of processes that previously required less preparation need more attention. This is especially true of sexual intercourse, or rather, preparation for it. At first, a woman may need more time for the vagina to secrete enough lubrication to reduce pain.
  2. Surgical intervention. It is not always possible to restore the anatomical integrity of the genital organs damaged during natural childbirth. The sutures are tightened slowly, often the tissues are scarred, and the inflammatory process with all the resulting pain is a frequent guest.
  3. It's all about contraception. Postpartum depression leaves its mark on the young mother, discouraging any desire to go through the childbearing process again. Moreover, a woman is not only morally, but also physically not ready for a new pregnancy. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives can also cause decreased production of vaginal lubrication.
  4. Allergy to latex. Even if the girl did not have any allergic reactions to condoms before, after natural childbirth, her body is more susceptible to various factors.
  5. The use of tampons. Doctors repeatedly spoke about the unwanted use of tampons in the first months (sometimes until the end of breastfeeding). They only increase the dryness of the vagina.
  6. Other personal hygiene products. It is also necessary for the first time to abandon the use of toilet paper and replace it with more gentle mucous membranes.

Vaginal dryness - pathology or norm?

Some experts call vaginal dryness or atrophic vaginitis, which is not a true correct wording.

Because vaginal dryness is not always caused by a woman's hormonal imbalance.

A more accurate diagnosis in most cases should be considered atrophic dermatitis, in which a woman experiences:

  • itching in the genital area;
  • irritation of the walls of the vagina;
  • discomfort (including during intercourse).

During natural childbirth, the baby presses on the walls of the vagina, thereby stretching and thinning its walls. And, despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process and mother nature took care of the self-restoration of the woman's body, the muscle tissue of the vagina does not always come into tone in a short period of time. It was then that she begins to experience unpleasant, and sometimes even painful sensations along with dryness in the vagina.

If the body of a newly-made mother has not recovered in a few months, it is necessary to immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist.

What does the symptomatic picture show?

Excessive dryness of the vaginal mucosa is not always an indicator of colpitis. In other words, female sex hormones do not produce natural lubrication in the proper amount.

When it comes to a pathological disease, patients often complain about the following:

  • burning in the genital area;
  • itching in the vagina, as well as small labia;
  • feeling of tightness of the mucous membrane of the vaginal opening;
  • itching and burning with;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • the appearance of infectious diseases against the background of a reduced level of immunity;
  • the appearance of wounds, microcracks;
  • ulcers may appear on the inner walls of the vagina;
  • secretion of drops of blood on the mucosa.

Psychological symptoms include:

  • lack of any desire for sexual intercourse;
  • recurrent or persistent headaches;
  • decreased activity;
  • unwillingness to do something;
  • general weakness and fatigue.

Troubleshooting Methods

If vaginal dryness occurs after surgery, the gynecologist prescribes a number of special exercises that will help tone the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor muscle recovery exercise

Muscle contraction. Regardless of the sitting or lying position, it is necessary to tighten and relax the muscles of the vagina. As a rule, a woman does not experience any pain during the exercise.

  • 3 sets of 25-30 reps.

Exercise time:

  • Exercise can be done both to restore muscle tissue and to maintain its tone throughout life.

Products containing estrogen

Because the key cause of vaginal dryness is a lack of estrogen, the gynecologist may prescribe a course of drugs containing estrogen or use drugs such as:

  • cream for the intimate area (for example, Estriol);
  • vaginal tablets;
  • vaginal rings.

Using an intimate lubricant or gel

In addition to specialty stores, intimate lubricants and gels are sold in pharmacies and hypermarkets. The key purpose is to sufficiently moisten the vagina before intercourse.

Increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the vaginal opening is mostly treated with medication, but you can help the body cope with this ailment on your own. For example, by balancing nutrition and adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet, as well as legumes.