Cat translator - have you already talked to your kitty? How to understand what the cat says

The cat is an amazing creature of nature. No animal is as expressive in the manifestation of feelings as this beast. A cat conveys all its emotions and attitude through facial expressions, body movements, sounds, and smells.

These furry purrs can convey information in a variety of ways: using their ears, tail, or other gestures and sounds. Now let's talk about what are the habits of a domestic cat. If you are the owner of a furry pet, you have probably noticed something interesting behind it. Therefore, we will consider how to learn

Sound communication

This type of communication can include, for example, the fact that a pet greets its owner, begs for food, or expresses protest. The language of cats is an amazing lexicon. In each individual case, the purr produces corresponding sounds that differ in tone, strength or timbre. Note that the state of pain, aggression and fear is accompanied by lower sounds, and complacency and satisfaction are accompanied by high ones.

If you know a little the language of cats, then you can understand their psychology. For example, purring means that the pet is not aggressive. With such a trill, cat mothers call kittens. These animals also purr when the owner returns home.

A rumbling is a warning sound to those around you. Low is a sign that the cat is ready to defend itself. Snorting and hitting the ground with a paw is a signal to fight with a more serious enemy.

Another interesting sign that a cat gives is the clattering of its teeth. Such a signal can be seen when she sees prey.

Meowing is a conversation. however, the cat uses it very rarely when it wants to go out or eat.

Communication with facial expressions

How to understand the language of cats? Simple, if you know her facial expressions. The entire arsenal of cat gestures is innate. The half-closed eyes of a cat signify relaxation and tranquility. Wide eyes indicate concern.

If the environment frightens the cat. Looking point blank is a challenge, and the same thing is meant. If she looks to the side, then this is how she shows submission.


Ears are another tool of communication for this animal. Those pressed down symbolize fear, those lowered by the gods - an aggressive mood, and those facing the rook forward - relaxation. Nervous twitching of the ears is a sign of uncertainty or irritation.

Cat's mouth

If it is closed or slightly open, then this is a sign of bliss. An open mouth with teeth raised in a grin means that the cat wants to bite.

A “grin” or “Flemin smile” is a sign of interest in the smell. A yawn is complete relaxation. A sign of confusion is rapid licking of the lips.


A sniffed cat shows submissive behavior. When an animal touches their noses, it means that they are friendly towards each other. A cat rubs its head against your leg - it shows a feeling of affection. If she butts, that is, rubs her forehead against the forehead of a person or cat, then know that this is a certain element of intimate affection, not everyone receives this.


Another tool for communication is paws. If the cat is irritated or worried, then it delivers a sharp blow with its front paw. When a pet touches the owner’s face, she expresses her request in this way, for example, to be allowed under the blanket. Moving its paws to the beat of purring is an expression of satisfaction.

Communicating with body movements

Now let's look at their meaning. The tail is particularly expressive. If it is raised up, then the animal is friendly. Remember how kittens' tails stand. Of course, upward, because they are just learning about the world, they are interested in everything new. If a cat is scared, its tail is between its paws. Fluffy is a symbol of an aggressive attitude.

Dominant cats have their tails held high, while subordinate cats have their tails lowered. If a pet knocks on the floor with it, then it becomes angry. When the tail moves quickly from side to side, this is a sign of severe aggression. Lightly waving the tip of the tail means the cat is relaxed.


Now you have become a little acquainted with what a cat’s tongue is, we will present its translator below, but for now let’s look at the poses. They are all different, depending on who they are addressed to.

The distance at which a cat feels safe around an opponent is called the “flight distance.” First she scares her enemy so that he does not cross this line. If the enemy animal crosses this line, the cat flees.

Threatening pose: the back is practically not hunched, the hair is not bristling, only slightly fluffed on the tail and withers. At this moment, the animal looks the enemy in the eyes and howls. In this position, they remain motionless for a surprisingly long time, thus the cat tries to suppress the fighting spirit of the enemy. The tail hitting the gods is a sign that a fight could start at any minute. This is followed by a paw blow to the nose. The one who attacks tries to strike the back of the enemy's head. If he succeeds, the enemy is captured.

Now let's talk about how these animals express complacency and satisfaction. Cats lying on their sides or on their backs are in a state of peace and tranquility. Another confirmation of complacency is that the paws are spread out to the sides, and the pads are compressed and unclenched; the eyes, as a rule, are half-closed at this moment.

Interestingly, the cat shows indecisiveness. This condition is always accompanied by licking. The more decisive the movements of the tongue, the more difficult the problem the pet solves at this time. Licking is a kind of calmer that removes incipient irritability.

Cat language: translator

If a cat reaches out its paw to your face, then it is asking for affection and attention.

Wide-open pupils indicate fear.

When a cat stomps its paws, slightly releasing its claws, it means that it is very happy, adores you, and wants to do something nice.

When a cat squints, it demonstrates calmness and peacefulness.

Does your pet quickly lick its lips and nose? She's confused.

Beating its tail means it is angry or hunting.

Large eyes and pupils indicate that he is angry or playing.

A tail with a trumpet is a sign of joy, a kind of greeting.

If she moves the tip of her tail, it means she is interested in something.

The cat stares at you - this is a challenge (usually to play catch-up).

Quick licking of the front paw is a sign of excitement.

A tail frozen at the bottom indicates disgust or disappointment.

The fact that a cat rubs its head against a person speaks of love, devotion and a thirst for affection.

Strong tail swings in different directions are a sign of irritation, small waving indicates curiosity and excitement.

If the ears are pressed to the head, then the pet is preparing for an attack. If at this time the cat makes circles with its tail, it means that it is irritated.

The fact that the pet is interested in something or is ready for action is indicated by the fact that the whiskers are directed forward.

A sign of curiosity is the ears are vertical.

If the cat looked around and then began to lick itself thoroughly, this indicates complete or feigned (during play) calm.

The tail is raised vertically, the tip relaxed - a sign of joyful excitement.

If a cat is pressed to the floor, then it is either hiding or preparing to attack.

The fact that your pet is rubbing against your legs means that it is marking you. Purrs have scent glands on their faces. All her relatives should smell “their” scent.

A cat's meow is a greeting or a request.

This cat's behavior indicates a warning: the eyes are large, the ears are back.

If a cat scratches its claws loudly, then it wants to be paid attention to.

Is your mustache down? This means that the pet is worried about something, is sad, or is sick.

Does the cat raise its tail and turn its back towards the owner's face? Know that this is a greeting gesture between cats (the dominant one sniffs first). Also, such behavior is a sign of respect and trust.

The cat's purring indicates calmness.

Rumbling indicates dissatisfaction.

If you hear a short cry, then the cat is scared of something.

Intermittent meowing is a response to human contact.

Is the cat rolling on the floor? Know: this is how she demonstrates her attractiveness.

Howling indicates that the cat is angry.

Fully extended paws indicate self-confidence, while bent paws, on the contrary, indicate uncertainty and timidity.

Hissing is a sign of readiness to fight, a kind of warning to your opponent.

A muffled purring that ends with a dissatisfied rumbling is a sign that patience has run out.

Pressed mustaches collected in bunches speak of anxiety and anxiety.

If a cat arches its back and grumbles, then know that in this way it scares its opponent, and also shows irritation and readiness to defend itself.

The restrained rumbling of a nursing pet is a warning to babies from possible danger. If the purring ends in a raised tone, then she warns people or other creatures not to approach the kittens.

When a cat is relaxed and calm, its whiskers are lowered to the sides of the muzzle.

If an animal runs away from you at a fast pace, with its head drawn in, then it means it has done something bad.

When a cat hides its head in a corner, this is how it hides.

Displeased purring is a sign that something is bothering the pet.

Is the cat sitting with its paws crossed, turning its tail around? Know that she is simply observing.

If your pet dances, lifting her front paws off the floor, then know that she is greeting someone she loves.


And lastly: how to learn cat language? Just remember what is written in our article, and you will communicate with furry purrs very easily. We hope that now you understand what it is, the language of cats.

We have described this topic in detail so that you don’t have any questions in the future, and communication with your pet is simple and clear! If you suddenly forget the cat language, the translator we compiled above will definitely help you! Good luck!

We all have pets (and some have virtual pets) that we love very much. Cats hold a special place in our hearts. No wonder there are so many games about cats - Talking Tom, Talking Angela and others. We love to play with them, take care of them, but sometimes it is so difficult for us to understand what exactly they want. Lacks . Probably every person, at least once in his life, wanted to understand their language. But until recently this remained only a fantasy. Now, thanks to the development of computer technology, we can communicate with our pets using an application on our phone. How to do this, how to say something to your cat? You will learn about this by reading this article.

Cat translator - what is it?

Cat language translator is an Android application with which you can communicate with your pet. It's so peculiar to animals. Just do not forget that this is a fictional language, and was created for you and your pet. A big plus of it is that the application can be downloaded for free on your phone. With the Internet, this is easy to do. The program will diversify your daily life.

Application Description

The cat translator application contains many sounds that these cute animals make, namely the voices of 25 cats that make more than 175 different sounds. It is to these sounds that the animal will respond. The program automatically analyzes the intonation of your voice and selects the necessary animal sounds. The cat language translator includes a deck with sixteen varieties of cat meows and very quick access to the most common animal calls, making your communication easier.

Main characteristics:

  • three different cat voices (expandable to 6);
  • eight cat calls (expansion to 16);
  • examples of the voices of 25 mustachioed pets;
  • the application analyzes voice input;
  • ability to recognize all languages ​​(with the exception of Swahili).

The application has an easy-to-use interface with voice input. When the game opens, on the screen you can choose the voice of the cat that will voice the translation of the words. In order for the application to work, you just need to click on the “record” button. After finishing your sentence, press the button again and you will hear the finished translation. It's like Yandex Translator, only for animals.

Application features

What needs to be done to make the fluffy understand what you told him. There is nothing complicated, you just need to open it on your phone and say any phrase in Russian, and the application will automatically translate it into cat language. Perhaps this is thanks to the program deck, which contains a recording of eight animal calls. The game's vocabulary includes a variety of cat sounds, from purrs to angry voices, that will always attract your pet's attention, and there are also recordings of bird and mouse voices.

Pros and cons of the gaming program

Positive aspects:

  • a huge number of animal voices that are included in the game’s vocabulary and attract the attention of pets;
  • ease of program management;
  • the application works even on low-performance phones;
  • The game can be downloaded on Android for free.

Negative points:

  • This is a voice simulator and cannot translate your language into cat 100%;
  • the sounds in the game can scare the cat;
  • A fully functional game is available only in the paid version

If you see that after using the program the animal has become restless or very aggressive, you should urgently stop using it in order to avoid harm to the pet and the people around it.

Do not forget that the translator from cat to human language is a game, and with its help you can communicate with the kitty only in the form of a game.

Download the cat language translator game app to your phone, and thus diversify your life and the life of your pet.

If you downloaded the cat translator for Android and liked everything, then please share your reviews and impressions about it, so that someone else will diversify their life and be able to communicate with their four-legged friend. You can also download an interesting one - it’s also about cats, and it will interest you.

When testing the stimulator application translator into cat, the test animals were not harmed, but only received a charge of positive energy.

Love your cats, give them more affection and live communication.

How to understand what a cat wants to say and, most importantly, how to answer it? The English-speaking Internet is discussing with interest veterinarian Gary Weitzman's book How to Speak Cat. also decided to learn a new language.

Not “meow”, but “meow”, okay?

Cats are very independent animals, so they are much more difficult to understand than, for example, dogs, Gary Weitzman writes in his book. At the same time, cats can reproduce a hundred different sounds, 16 of which are meowing types.

Mostly cats meow if there are people nearby: they prefer not to “meow” among themselves, but to communicate in other ways. So, one might say, they only meow in public. Once upon a time, cats learned that with the help of meowing they can get what they need from a person. Now they are trying to convey their desires (and unwillingnesses) to their owners in this very way. “Feed me”, “let me out into the street”, “get out of here” - and all this is “meow”, but in different keys.

Watch my tail, man

Of course, cats communicate with people non-verbally. The main tools for expressing emotions are the tail, eyes and whiskers.

“Blinking is the cat’s equivalent of a kiss,” says Weitzman.

A zoologist believes that when a cat blinks slowly while looking into its owner's eyes, it is a declaration of love. He suggests trying to blink back just as slowly to respond like a cat: “I like you too.”

When a cat is happy and calm, the veterinarian believes, its whiskers cheerfully stick out in different directions.

Photo: Safron Golikov / Kommersant

A triumphantly raised tail signifies a friendly attitude and good mood.

“A raised tail is the equivalent of a handshake in the cat world,” says the author of How to Speak Cat.

But flattened ears, on the contrary, do not bode well for others - a sign that the cat is scared or even preparing for a fight.

Untranslatable pun

Of course, there will always be cases when a pet’s behavior or the sounds it makes are so atypical that even a specialist cannot interpret and “translate” them. But this is not so bad: the unusual talkativeness of many tailed animals has already brought them to Internet fame. Videos with such cats sometimes receive millions of views. Let us recall the most striking examples.


After the cat Tikhon became famous online with his debut video, which has currently received almost 6.3 million views, his owners created an entire Youtube channel, on which the tailed cat’s monologues are periodically posted.

YouTube/Ekaterina Morozova

YouTube/Ekaterina Morozova

Tikhon's less famous brother is very convincing when he wants to get home.

YouTube/Natasha Bespalova

YouTube/Natasha Bespalova

This “philosophizing” cat instead of O tempora, o mores! pronounces Oh, my dog ​​and the more mysterious Oh, long John...

YouTube/Ivan Makarov

YouTube/Ivan Makarov

The cat thinks the chicken is cooked “okay.”

YouTube/Andrey sevchenko

YouTube/Andrey sevchenko

Seva snaps in response to the owner’s accusations of stealing food.

Learn to understand your cat with half a meow!

Scripture says that at the end of time there will appear a beast with seven heads, like a leopard, and its legs will be like those of a bear. Of course, we need information: for example, if he arches, is he doing industrial gymnastics or is he going to bite your leg?
Fortunately, many people have a demo version of the beast at home - and you can use it to study the non-verbal language of animals. The trainer, Honored Artist of Russia, head of the Artemon Animal Theater Alexander Teterin will help us with this.

So, if a cat...

Turns his back and raises his tail

Wrong translation.
I knew that she despised me, even Whiskas with the taste of valerian did not help.

In fact.
Yes, she invites you to sniff her. Strictly speaking, you are not obliged to do this, but in the cat world it is a sign of respect and trust, there is nothing particularly to be offended by.

Climbs onto a chair as soon as you leave

Wrong translation.
She considers herself the mistress here, but if you try to drive her away, she will immediately shit in Berluti.

In fact.
She is simply looking for a place where the owner smells the strongest and where there is a good view. The owner's scent calms her down. In this case, you can calmly remove the cat from the chair, move it to another place and sit down yourself - it will fall asleep where it is placed.
And if he does end up ruining his shoes, which cost an icebreaker, then this is revenge for something else - remember.

Sneaks past you, pulling his head into his shoulders

Wrong translation.
He's in a hurry to get somewhere. Probably, new pigeons were brought into the yard.

In fact.
You can start searching your own home. Because a cat behaves like this if it has done something and retribution cannot be avoided. First, check if the unlocked food is intact. Then - whether the houseplants have already been eaten or just bitten.

Tramples your belly with front paws

Wrong translation.
Looks like she's about to dig a hole. Now someone is going to get hurt, and it won't be me!

In fact.
Trampling is a sign of hot feline love. This is infantile behavior; kittens massage their mother’s belly in such a way that there is no interruption in milk supply. A cat can also butt you on the forehead, which means that the animal is happy and your life together is wonderful. At least for her.

Sits with his back, gets up, walks and sits back down again

Wrong translation.
She completely forgot about me. Pull her tail or something...

In fact.
If a cat stubbornly turns its back but does not lift its tail, it is offended by the lack of attention and wants you to persuade it to communicate.
And if the analogy with some other mammal in the house seemed scary, here’s something else for you: when a cat gets up to walk and sits back down again, she wants you to notice her.
The next stage of attracting attention is the contents of the tray scattered around the house.

Brought a dead mouse into the house

Wrong translation.
She hints that she is poorly fed, or deliberately annoys everyone.

In fact.
She teaches you how to eat right. This is how the parental instinct manifests itself: wild cats carry half-dead mice and sparrows to the kittens so that they get used to nutritious food and learn to finish off the prey.
The cat's family in the absence of kittens is you. And the parental instinct sometimes turns on in such a strange way. Praise her, and float the carcass away. Seeing that accustoming you to a diet is a hopeless business, the animal will fall behind.

In the App Store, I sometimes come across programs that I characterize as “Cool crap.” The practical use of them is almost zero, but poking around in them is much more interesting than dozens of clones of office applications and various players. Take, for example, the “” program, which turns the iPad into scales for weighing jewelry. Or today’s hero of the review is the “program”, which, according to the developers, invites us to talk to the cat in its language and even “performs audio analysis of voice input (seriously!) and produces carefully distorted “meows” in accordance with your voice.” Naturally, I couldn’t help but try this miracle of human thought, especially since, like any self-respecting programmer (if you believe the statistics), this mustache-tailed animal, constantly asking to eat, has long been registered in my house.

At the end of the review there is video with cat, be sure to check it out.

Reviews for the program in the App Store, as always, were completely contradictory. Some users shouted that the program sucked. Others said that everything works and their cat is just going crazy. There were also completely “unique” reviews.

In short, the reviews are full of confusion and you need to check everything yourself. Of course, all these translations are, in my opinion, the kind of nonsense. Cats do not have their own language, as such, and the same meow is, for example, like our cry. In addition, cats not only meow when they want to “say” something. They also purr or hiss. Or they can just ruffle the wool and stand upright. I don’t think anyone will come close to a person in a fighting stance, because they could get killed. So it is here, and without myawa it is clear that it is not worth approaching.

Therefore, the “Cat Translator” program simply records the screams of different cats, which other cats pay attention to simply because they are other cats. And not at all because insults are shouted at them there :) Although, which is strange. During testing, my kote licked himself very thoughtfully. And some, especially (in my opinion) terrible cries did not react in any way. But for a couple - he immediately raised his head. For example, to the cry from the second icon from the right in the very top row (where the cat is drawn in a jump).

And a little later, when I tried to “talk” to him again, he was lying on the sofa and didn’t even move his ears anymore. Adapted :)

So the program is like that, half an hour to indulge. Moreover, it contains not only recordings of cat screams, but also some conversion of your words into purr meow. You press record, say something into the microphone, and the translator translates. True, this is all somehow doubtful, since he voiced the same word to me differently each time. Well, it's fun though. The son, in general, was delighted and would have screwed up the poor cat if I had not saved him.