First 7 months. Calendar of development of the seven-month-old child. Affordable ways to help your child develop skills

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Educational games

A game that will teach your baby to crawl

Game 1. "Partizan"

At this age, babies try to get on all fours, but not everyone can crawl in this position. To gradually master this skill, the child needs to learn how to crawl in a plastunsky way. Having mastered the alternating work of the arms and legs and strengthening the muscles, the baby will soon be able to please his parents with a “real” crawl.

You will need

Carpet (play mat) or arena, toy on wheels, thin rope 50 cm long.

Game plan

1 Lay the child on his stomach on the floor of the playpen or on a play mat and sit opposite him at a distance of 50-70 cm. 2. Tie a rope to a toy on wheels and place it in front of the baby so that he cannot reach it. 3. Slowly roll the toy from side to side by pulling on the rope. When the baby tries to reach the toy, roll it towards him, and then pull it back to stimulate crawling.

Note to parents

1. Be prepared for the fact that the baby may express dissatisfaction with the fact that he has to get the toy on his own. Do not give in to his demands and try to make him crawl at least a few centimeters. 2. Make sure that the child is in clothes that are comfortable for crawling, and that the folds of pants that are too wide or too long do not interfere with him. 3. In many babies who are just starting to crawl, movements on one side can be more dexterous than on the other. If your baby is unable to pull up a leg or extend an arm while crawling, gently help him. The game was prepared by Maria Baulina, a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in child neuropsychology and the development of the child's psychological functions.

Development: watching the baby

At this age, boys weigh 7.4-9.2 kg with a height of 65.5-69.8 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 6.7-8.6 kg and 65.0-69.6 cm*. In most children, 2 lower median incisors have already erupted by 7 months.

The baby sits more confidently and can spend a large amount of time in this position. He no longer needs to lean on the handles, and he uses them for other actions. The child can swing, leaning on the arms and legs, or crawl on the tummy, helping himself with his hands. The most active children learn to stand up with or without support. But the kid has not yet learned to sit back from the “standing” position, for this he has to call for help from his parents.

Regardless of whether the baby knows how to crawl or while he prefers to sit in one place, he seeks to thoroughly explore all the territory available to him. At this age, the child is better oriented in space and can estimate the distance to the object.

Now several toys can participate in children's games at the same time. The baby compares them, trying to understand which of their properties is better to use during the game. He can focus his attention and solve problems that arise during the game: for example, a bunch of keys, if shaken and thrown, behaves differently than a cube, which means that you need to choose which toy is best to play at the moment.

Children begin to realize how things are connected in three dimensions. If you suddenly appear next to a child studying his reflection in the mirror, most likely he will turn to you, as he already understands that you are not really in the mirror, but in the real world. The kid already knows that one thing can be on top of another, and they can be separated, although from the outside it seems that this is one whole object. If the saucer is placed on a large plate, the baby will guess that the saucer can be taken and the plate left in place. Rounded objects now arouse the child’s constant curiosity: he will turn a ball or ball in his hands, trying to understand where his edges or corners are, and how to determine where the top is and where the bottom is.

Every day the baby “talks” more and more actively: new syllables appear in his “dictionary”, consisting of vowel and consonant sounds. The facial expressions of the child become more expressive.

Don’t worry if your little one doesn’t know how to do something yet: all children grow and develop at different speeds, soon you will catch up with your peers.

*Based on data provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).

It included children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and the mother not smoking. To date, the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding, and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

The attention of the child switches very quickly: he studies the world around him with curiosity, including the reaction of adults to his actions. For example, a baby may throw a toy and immediately look at the parents, waiting for their approval.

The baby begins to respond to his name. He likes to listen to the conversations of his parents, and he can safely play nearby, provided that from time to time mom and dad will turn to him. Hearing his name, the baby will interrupt the game and look at the one who called him.

Now the child himself offers adults different games. He can easily "voice" his desire with the help of sign language: for example, by jumping up or pulling an adult by the hand, the baby wants to attract his attention and start the game. The favorite game of seven-month-old children is “you to me - I to you”: the baby brings and gives the cube to his mother, and then reaches out his hand to get it back, and again offers it to his mother. The game will continue as long as the mother shows interest in it. If the mother gets bored of playing with the cube, the child will bring her another toy to resume the “exchange”.

The kid is ready to make new friends - play partners, but continues to be distrustful of strangers. Not everyone manages to win the location of the baby, even after a fairly long communication. Children at this age are good at distinguishing between familiar and unfamiliar faces. They are well versed in facial expressions and understand the intonations of the voice. Hearing a strict “no”, the baby can stop his actions for a few seconds, without even knowing the meaning of this word.


Mother's milk is the main source of the nutrients a child needs, but with the advent of the first teeth, the process of feeding can become quite painful for the mother.

The baby already understands the word “no”, so be sure to stop feeding if you feel a bite, tell him that you can’t do this, and only then continue to feed further. Perhaps the word “no” will have to be repeated several times before the child stops biting, but feeding will again bring joy not only to him, but also to his mother.

At this age, children need to receive about 500 g of mother's milk (or an adapted milk formula if breastfeeding is not possible) daily. Two main servings (180-200 g each) are better for the baby to receive in the early morning and late evening. During the day, you need to supplement the baby with mother's milk, combining breastfeeding with complementary foods.

For breakfast, a seven-month-old baby can cook buckwheat or rice porridge in breast milk. For lunch, offer him a vegetable puree of broccoli, cauliflower, or potatoes. For an afternoon snack, fruit puree from apples or pears is well suited. Carrots and other brightly colored vegetables can be added to the children's menu no more than three times a week.

An approximate menu for a baby at seven months: breakfast - breast milk 180-200 g; second breakfast - milk porridge 150 g, fruit juice 50 ml, supplementary feeding with milk; lunch - vegetable puree 150 g, supplemented with milk; afternoon snack - fruit puree 50 g, supplementary feeding with milk; dinner - breast milk 180-200 g.


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide ideal nutrition for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implications for maternal health.

Baby care

If the baby's teeth have already erupted, it's time to think about caring for them, because he will have to use milk teeth for a few more years. Healthy milk teeth are a strong foundation for strong molars.

Talk to your pediatrician about which brush and paste to choose for care. It will be easier for a baby to follow the rules of hygiene if, from a very early age, he is taught to take care of his teeth and gums daily.

If juices and boiled water appeared in your child's diet, it's time to buy a drinking bowl. Fruit juices contain sugar, which has a strong effect on the fragile enamel of children's teeth. To prevent the occurrence of caries, it is necessary to minimize the contact time of the juice with the baby's teeth. When a baby drinks from a bottle with a nipple, the liquid can stay in the mouth for a long time. When drinking from a cup, the contact time of the juice with the teeth is reduced.

The baby will quickly get used to a new household item if you pour expressed breast milk into the cup. At first, it is better to use models with a soft silicone nose. It will be more convenient for a grown-up baby to use a drinking cup with a hard spout. A model with two handles and a removable lid will allow the child to show independence: hold the cup with both hands and learn to drink “like an adult” (sips over the edge of the cup), and not suck water through the spout.

Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

A seven-month-old baby can distinguish between primary colors and begins to be interested in the different properties of objects, their sizes, shapes. Help him understand that one item can be placed inside another using cardboard boxes or plastic molds of different sizes. At this age, you can start playing with toys designed to sort shapes. If the child is already trying to get up, then it will be interesting for him to play in different positions - both standing and sitting. Arrange toys on the floor and on the children's table so that he has an incentive to play at different levels.

The kid has already begun to guess that the hidden objects do not disappear at all. Help him make sure. Put a small toy in your palm, show it to your baby and squeeze your palm. Let him look for the missing. If the child finds it difficult to understand what is happening, show where the toy is again. Do not forget to praise the baby when he copes with the task.

One of the favorite games of children of this age is “tug of war”. Give the baby one end of the scarf in his hands, grab the other - and gently pull. Give the child the opportunity to “pull” the scarf and admire his strength and dexterity aloud. Show your baby how you can knock two toys together: soon he will be able to repeat these movements himself. To make it more interesting to play, give your baby maracas or make them yourself by filling two small plastic jars with tight-fitting lids with buckwheat or peas.

Try to use simple names when discussing toys with your baby. You should not call the plush pig "Pig Ivanovich", let him just stay "Piggy" for now. It is easier for a child to remember individual words than phrases.

Every kid at this age should have a picture book. Turn the pages and look at the illustrations with your child, clearly pronouncing the names of the depicted objects and animals. Read poems to your little one and sing children's songs: kids memorize repetitive rhymes and melodies well, enjoy familiar music and words, and even try to “sing along” or “read poetry” with their parents.


Babies usually sleep 15 hours a night at seven months*, but there is no one size fits all for babies. Try to plan walks and trips with children so that they can fully relax without getting out of their usual routine.

Now that the baby has learned to sit, roll over and crawl independently, children's sleep can become more restless. Even a soundly sleeping baby will try to crawl or get up in a dream, and some movements can succeed him much better than when he is awake.

Give your child the opportunity to calm down on their own. In semi-darkness and silence, it will be easier for him to fall asleep again. At this age, children are excited very quickly: it is enough for a baby to see his mother's smile - and he will immediately wake up completely, ready for new games and adventures.


(*) The above norms are averages, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of the "norm" is always the well-being of the baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


Do not leave your baby unattended if you are not sure about the safety of the room.

Take another look at the room where the baby lives. Move away or secure in place all things that can fall: flower pots, heavy framed paintings, photographs and posters under glass, and other home furnishings.

A kid who is learning to stand will definitely try to find support for himself, so it is better to remove tablecloths from the tables, and tuck blankets and bedspreads under a mattress or furniture base. Check if your curtain rod is secure enough. If possible, instead of long curtains, hang short curtains that the child cannot reach.

Remember: plastic bags, ropes, cords, foil and balloons are very popular with children, but can be a source of danger, so you should only play with them under parental supervision.

Your baby is no longer the helpless baby that he was at your first meeting. He crawls, can sit and, quite possibly, tries to stand on his own at the support. Most likely, this month he (and you along with him) will have to go through another important test of the infancy period -.

It didn’t take long to wait for the first word of the baby, already now he is tasting some syllables. Traditionally, in most languages ​​of the world, the word mother is associated with the syllable "ma", since "m" is one of the first consonants that a baby succeeds (the so-called labial consonants).

Although, basically, the speech of a child in the 7th month of life is babble. Listen to him, sometimes try to repeat and "return" to the baby his "phrases" - this is how you lay the crumbs' habit of dialogue. In the meantime, this may just be a very fun game of yours.

Child 7 months: norms of height and weight



head, cm













What should a child be able to do at 7 months

  • Roll from back to stomach and back
  • Crawl forward, sit, sometimes stand at the support
  • Intuitively understand mother's speech
  • Sincerely worry when mom leaves
  • Put a smaller item in a larger container (collect nesting dolls, balls in a bowl, etc.)
  • Drink from a cup, eat from a spoon (tea or coffee)
  • Play "palmies", "horned goat", etc.
  • Remember the sequence of rituals (bathing, dressing, going for a walk, etc.)

Of course, the main "engine" of the development of the baby is his ability to move independently (crawl). Don't limit space to the playpen. Secure the room, or at least part of it (that is, remove everything from the floor, everything that can hurt you, wires and extension cords, block sockets) and launch your young explorer! Lay out his favorite toys along the path of the little one - how great it is to get to them on your own and turn them free.

For a child of 7 months of life, the simplest pyramids (on which there are no more than 5 large multi-colored rings) and large colored cubes are suitable. Teach your baby to string and remove rings from the base of the pyramid - first one at a time (mother strings, and the baby removes), then two, etc. As for the cubes, show the child how to build a turret. A kid of this age is already able to assemble it from 2 - 3 cubes.

Now the child is mastering the very concept of movement: he moves objects towards himself, and then pushes them away, he can take a toy from any position and deftly manipulate it, shift it from hand to hand. At this time, toys that illustrate the variety of shapes and sizes will come in handy: all kinds of boxes, nesting dolls, bowls that can be put one into another.

At this age, the baby already clearly shows preferences: he does not like this game, but this toy is his favorite. Everything that has buttons is in special favor now. Pay attention to children's musical toys, on which you can set the mode or melody with the buttons (there are many of them now). Another universal toy that fascinates the vast majority of kids is their mother's phone or remotes from devices, etc. But the benefits of such toys seem to be very doubtful, and therefore it is better to purchase children's toy phones and remotes.

Child development

In terms of the psychological maturation of a baby at 7 months, the following fact stands out: the child is already able to understand simple prohibitions. Simply put, if in response to some dangerous action of the baby (for example, crawling to the very edge of the sofa or stretching the handle to the faucet on the stove), you anxiously say “no” and pull back the small hand, the baby will understand and will not continue to do so, in any case. while he is being watched. However, take into account the age abilities of your child: now he is unable to remember and comply with more than two or three prohibitions. Therefore, if “no” sounds too often in your life, the child will be confused and, just in case, will not listen to any of them. If you want your prohibitions to be respected - do not apply them for nothing and do not overload the child's life with them.

To avoid unnecessary prohibitions and conflicts, remove everything that can be dangerous and tempt the baby: block extension cords and sockets or raise them to a level beyond the reach of tiny hands; close all lockers and doors on furniture with special devices, behind which non-childish things are stored (for example, first aid kit, mother's cosmetics and jewelry, etc.) for glass, etc.

Communication with the outside world

The kid has already done a great job in preparing for speech. His babble gradually takes on meaningful forms - so when he sees a dog on the street, a baby can “quote” it with the syllables “av-av”. In addition to verbal ways of communication, sign language is available to the baby. It's time to teach him to point his finger at his ears, nose and other parts of his own body and surrounding objects, clap his hands, wave goodbye with a pen, send an air kiss and master other cute infant pantomimes.

Complementary foods at 7 months

Tip from experienced moms: teach your baby to drink from a cup now, resist the temptation to pour juice into a convenient bottle with a nipple, from which he can drink on his own. As practice shows, children who are used to drinking from a nipple are very reluctant to part with their bottle and get used to a cup at an older age. And now the baby can learn to drink like adults. To begin with, pour your favorite toddler juice (2-3 teaspoons) into a cup, bring it to his lips when he is especially in the spirit and tilt it to the desired degree. The kid will instinctively understand what needs to be done to swallow his favorite drink. If the baby is still wary of juices, and indifferent to water, try to do the same trick with a drop of expressed breast milk.

In addition to eating from a spoon, where, of course, you can’t do without a mother yet, teach your baby to eat with your hands. Offer him slices of apple or pear, carrots or drying. In the absence of teeth, babies are happy to gnaw on hard foods - gums. By the way, this activity reduces itching and other discomfort during teething. If the crumbs really suffer at this stage, consult a doctor and buy teething toys (preferably keep them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before use), special gels that have a local anesthetic effect.

Apart from teething, the 7th month in a baby's life should be marked by serene happiness and boundless curiosity. What we sincerely wish also to his mother.

Your baby is turning seven months old, which means that it is time for active exploration, new discoveries and adventures.

Your child already knows...


63.8-74 ​​cm.
6.8-10.3 kg.
42.2-47.7 cm.
41.7-50.1 cm.
63-73.9 cm.
6.6-9.5 kg.
41.0-47.3 cm.
41.8-48.5 cm.

A seven-month-old baby is interested in everything, he already controls his body quite well, but for the time being, he also tastes everything. For successful development, give your baby more freedom and independence, just make sure that the environment is safe.

Physical development of the child in the seventh month

During the seventh month of life, the child gains 600-650 grams in weight.

The length of the body during this month increases by 2 cm. The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the seventh month.

Most often, the first teeth erupt by seven months. Usually the two lower incisors erupt first, then the two upper incisors.

When teething, children can become restless, whiny. Sometimes there may be a slight increase in body temperature and stool disorder.

Neuropsychic development of the child in the seventh month

In the seventh month of life, the child improves not only motor skills, but also speech and memory. One of the main achievements of this age can be considered that the child becomes more independent and independent from parents.

What does a 7 month old baby know?

motor skills

At seven months, most babies can already crawl quite quickly and deftly, although still for short distances. At the same time, the baby consciously crawls exactly where he needs (for his mother, for a toy).

May walk for short periods with adult support.

Sit up and sit on your own for a short time.

cognitive development

The child quite quickly switches his attention from one object to another, to follow the movements of objects.

A baby at 7 months is still very interested in his body, head, ears, hair.

Maybe with gestures, syllables, ask for a toy.

Confidently turns his head towards the source of the sound.

Plays with both hands.

It is a great pleasure to tear paper, open and close drawers, pull everything out of them.

Easily distinguishes one object from another (only if these are objects familiar to him), understands what kind of thing he is talking about if you name an object familiar to the baby.

At seven months, hand coordination continues to improve, so the baby can pick up toys from the floor, grab objects with the whole palm, shift toys from one hand to another.


Of all the toys, the child selects the one that he likes the most, that is, his favorite toy appears.

Shows tenderness to relatives, can kiss, hug them. On the contrary, he is wary of strangers and strangers.

There is a feeling of jealousy. The kid may be jealous of his mother for another family member, or for the fact that she devotes time not only to him.

The child actively develops long-term memory. He recognizes familiar toys, objects, poems, songs, etc.

The kid likes to look at himself in the mirror, he has a sense of humor.

As a rule, at this age, babies do not like to be alone and follow their mother on their heels.

Speech development at 7 months

The kid pronounces syllables more and more clearly, syllables appear in his arsenal using the tip of the tongue, such as “la”, “wa”, “da”, “ka”.

By 7 months, a child begins to double syllables (ma-ma, ta-ta, ba-ba, etc.), also tries to place syllables in a chain (ba-ba-ba, a-ta-ta, a-da-da, and so on ).

He knows and responds well to his name.

He clicks his tongue, repeats laughter, sneezing, coughing after adults.

Vision and hearing of a child of the seventh month of life

The visual analyzer continues to improve. At seven months, the child closely examines toys, objects, concentrates on details. The kid already knows how to focus his eyes on a particular object and is already able to distinguish colors at an adult level.

A seven-month-old baby is able to track even the rapid movement of an object with his eyes.

The kid begins to give preference to bright toys, books with large pictures.

Hearing is also improving, so the baby sensitively reacts even to the quietest sounds, unmistakably turns his head towards the source of the sound.

7 month old baby care

At seven months, babies can crawl, sit, get up and stand, so the environment must be safe for the baby. Designate a place for your child where he or she will be comfortable playing. It can be a playpen or a warm blanket on the floor, surrounded by soft pillows.

If sockets in your house are placed low, then for safety reasons, cover them with plugs. Keep away and above all items that may be dangerous to your baby.

Teach your child to eat from a spoon and drink from a cup.

Seven months is the age of active exploration, and many babies find it difficult to fall asleep after an interesting and eventful day. But sleep is very important for the development and health of the baby, so try to follow the daily routine. Feed and put the baby to bed at the same time, while accompanying the bedtime rituals already familiar to the baby.

In the seventh month of life, attention should be paid to such procedures as massage, gymnastics and hardening.

You can bathe a child at 7 months every day or every other day, while you can do this already in a large bath. The duration of bathing is 15-20 minutes. While bathing, do not leave the child unattended, as he is now very active and can easily roll over and choke on water.

Since the baby is teething, pay attention to oral hygiene.

Baby food at 7 months

In the seventh month, the child should be fed 5 times a day (after 4 hours) with a night break of 8 hours, that is, the first feeding at 6 o'clock in the morning and the last at 10 o'clock in the evening.

As a rule, by seven months the baby already receives the first complementary foods, therefore, at 6.5-7 months, the second complementary foods can be introduced, provided that the child is fully adapted to the first type of cooked food. If the first dish was vegetable puree, then the second dish will be porridge and vice versa.

The second complementary food gradually replaces the fourth feeding (at 18:00) over 1-2 weeks. During the rest of the feedings, the baby receives breast milk (or infant formula).

After the second complementary foods are fully introduced, then for convenience and according to established traditions, in the morning the baby is fed porridge (at 10:00), and in the evening they are given vegetable puree (at 18:00).

At 7 months, the child's menu expands and takes the form of lunch, that is, the child begins to receive low-fat meat broth, which is gradually replaced by soup, plus vegetable puree. The ratio between them by volume is approximately 1:2, that is, approximately 60 ml of soup and 120 ml of vegetable puree. You can combine these two dishes, then you get vegetable soup puree.

A seven-month-old baby can be safely given crackers, cookies, wheat bread. Flour products are usually softened in broth (so that the baby does not choke on too large a piece).

From 7 months, you can introduce minced meat (from chicken, beef, pork) into the child's diet. Starting with small portions of 5 grams, gradually increasing to 20-30 grams.

With the expansion of the second complementary foods, the child should be gradually accustomed to other cereals - buckwheat, corn, then to semolina and oatmeal.

If the child is not prone to allergies, you can expand the range of fruit juices and purees.

So at 7 months, a child can receive fruit juices (up to 50 ml per day), fruit purees (up to 60 grams), cottage cheese (30 grams), yolk (1/4-1/5), vegetable puree (150-200 grams) , milk porridge (100-200 ml), minced meat (5-30 grams), cookies, crackers (5-10 grams), bread (5 grams).

When introducing a new product, monitor the child's condition, especially the nature of the stool and skin.

Necessary examinations at 7 months

At seven months, visit a pediatrician to assess the physical and neuro-psychological development of the baby.

Prepare in advance the questions that interest you, for example, about the rules for introducing complementary foods, caring for your baby's teeth and gums, about hardening, preventing colds, and others.

How to play with a 7 month old baby?

At the seventh month of life, the baby is very interested in various actions with objects and the study of their properties. While playing with your child, show and tell what you can do with toys, for example, build a tower from cubes or caps, assemble a pyramid, and so on.

It is very important at this stage to develop speech, talk as much as possible with the baby while dressing, bathing, massage, gymnastics, putting to bed, during games and walks. Do not distort or distort words, call them correctly.

The baby continues to be attracted to different sounds - now foil, cellophane and tissue paper can be added to bells, rattles, bells and singing toys - the baby's hearing is able to distinguish quieter and more subtle sounds.

Give the baby freedom in action, let him string the rings from the pyramid or stack the cubes, even if he is not very good at it, be sure to praise him and encourage him.

To stimulate the child to move, you can lay out toys on a blanket or in an arena in different directions, so that the baby tries to reach or crawl to them.

You can put the toys in a large box, it will be interesting for the baby to pull out and throw toys on the floor, you can do this with him in turn, which will amuse him very much.

At seven months, the baby likes to rotate, press, knock, shake.

What toys are suitable for this age?

At this stage, the baby can be offered: balls of different sizes, balls, a bucket with toys inside, dishes, pyramids, caps of different sizes and colors, cubes (preferably soft or plastic).

By seven months, the supply of protective antibodies that the baby received from the mother ends, which means that the baby becomes more sensitive to various infectious diseases. Therefore, pay special attention to the prevention and protection of the baby from colds.

The development of the child at 7 months is actively continuing. During this time, the baby has already learned a lot, noticeably matured and got stronger. He is interested in absolutely everything that happens nearby and all the surrounding objects. A seven-month-old child, communicating with adults, often uses babble, facial expressions, and gestures. He can show with his finger where the dog is and where the cat is. He already understands the meaning of some words, for example, “no”. But very often you should not pronounce this word, otherwise he will stop paying attention to it.

Every day the baby grows a sense of attachment to one of the adults. Of course, most often this person is the mother. The child constantly reaches for her, cries loudly when the mother leaves. This is the first significant emotional attachment that the baby shows. It is based on the feelings of constancy and security that come from the mother. In addition to mom, the baby perfectly distinguishes between dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle.


A child at 7 months can easily roll over from the back to the tummy and vice versa, rotate around its axis. Many seven-month-old children can already sit with their back straight, stand at a support, and take their first steps.

At this stage, the little one learns to crawl, which contributes to the development of the back muscles, strengthens the press, muscles, and prepares it for the future upright posture. Now it is very important to limit it from objects that can harm: sharp, prickly objects lying on bedside tables, low shelves in cabinets; opening doors, drawers; heavy items.

An equally important event of this age is the appearance of the first tooth. Usually it is at this stage that the first lower incisor begins to erupt in most children, followed by a second in a few days. Do not panic, if the teeth came out earlier or they still do not exist at all, because this process is individual, for someone earlier, for someone later it happens. In addition, this process is influenced by genetics, if a father or mother got milk teeth late, then they should not be expected early in a peanut either.

At 7 months, a child learns to imitate certain sounds, for example, he can repeat "av", which means a dog, or "mu" - a cow. He babbles for a long time, repeating the same syllables: "ma-ma", "ba-ba". New sound combinations appear in speech, like “yes”, “give-give”, “na-na”, “ta-ta”.

At this age, the child can begin to be taught to play "patties" and some light gestures - "hello", "bye".

A seven month old baby loves to play with different toys. He can grab the toy from different angles, knock it against objects, throw it, press buttons to listen to music. The peanut is interested in absolutely all the surrounding objects. He can disassemble the pyramid, get carried away for a long time by the matryoshka, bright cubes, investing cups. But especially the child is attracted to "adult toys" - remote controls, telephone, keyboard, laptop.

Height and weight of the child at 7 months

For 7 months, the baby will gain about 600 g of weight and grow by 2 cm.

Baby routine at 7 months

The day regimen of a peanut depends on its feeding and biorhythms. It is necessary to try to adapt to it, but you should feed and put to bed at the same time.

A child at 7 months sleeps three times during the day for 1.5-2 hours, at night 10-11 hours. Perhaps the child's sleep will become restless. This is due to increased physical activity - even in a dream, he will try to crawl.

Baby food at 7 months

The main food of a seven-month-old child is still breast milk (on demand, but not less than 5 times a day) or milk formula (5 times a day). Vegetable, fruit puree, gluten-free cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice, millet) should already be present in the diet. By the end of the 7th month of life, an egg yolk is introduced, which is added to porridge or vegetable puree. You can already acquaint with solid food - give a bite to dry, peeled cucumber, apple.

Sample menu for a seven-month-old baby:

  • 06:00 - breast milk (milk formula);
  • 10:00 - fruit puree, breast milk (mixture);
  • 14:00 - porridge, breast milk (mixture);
  • 18:00 - vegetable puree with the addition of ½ yolk, breast milk (mixture);
  • 21:00 - breast milk (mixture).
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Caring mothers daily notice the achievements of their crumbs in the first year of life and are afraid to miss something in its development. It is important for them to understand that everything is in order with the child. This is normal. There is an approximate list of skills for each age. Parents need to know the norms of weight and height for a boy and a girl, if there are any deviations, what a child should be able to do at 7 months.

What does a 7 month old baby look like?

Parents of the baby notice changes in the growing crumbs every day. This is no longer a six-month-old baby, but a small full member of the family. The development of a child always occurs individually, however, the boundaries of indicators are determined, the deviation from which is determined by the pediatrician. Basic physiological norms:

  • The weight of a seven-month-old child is in the range of 7.4 - 9 kg. In many ways, this indicator depends on hereditary factors, so an experienced doctor will not always be guided by accepted standards.
  • Height is in the range of 67 - 69 cm and depends on whether you have a boy or a girl.
  • Head circumference, in comparison with the previous month, should increase by 0.5 cm and be in the range of 42.8 - 44 cm.
  • The volume of the chest increases by an average of 1.4 cm and is in the range from 44.6 to 45.5 cm. This indicator in healthy children should always exceed the circumference of the head.

Baby development at 7 months

The girl is ahead of the boy, both in emotional and speech development. The reason lies in the emergence of a connection between the hemispheres of the brain, which is established immediately for the former, and for the latter only by 7-9 months. Features in the physical development of sons and daughters were not revealed. Other factors play a role here, for example, heredity, parameters at birth, nutrition, atmosphere in the house.

What should a child know

Having crossed the 6-month milestone, a sharp jump occurs in the development of the baby, new movements appear, emotional and social skills are formed. Butuz can no longer lie quietly in his bed, spending time sleeping, but is constantly on the move and studying something. Comparing the skills of their crumbs and what a child should do at 7 months, attentive parents can be sure that everything is in order with the little one, or consult a doctor in time if there are deviations.

Speech skills

The muttering of the crumbs moves to a new stage, he manages to babble complex combinations of sounds. The kid experiments, changes intonation, and listens to his voice. To improve the skill, it is advisable to comment on what is happening around, learn to pronounce syllables and listen to someone else's speech. Sensory speech is also developing rapidly. A girl or a boy is able to understand the meanings of some words and look for the right object with a glance.

Physical activity

Having reached the age of 7 months, the little men are already actively developing, they know how to crawl in the right direction and easily turn over. The ability to crawl opened up a new field of activity for them. Kids can independently get to the place they are interested in. However, the technique for different kids is different: some move forward, others move back.. Fidgets can move on all fours or rest on their stomach.

The kid can move independently for a long time and accompany his mother throughout the apartment, if he is not limited in this. It is important to remember that now there is a high probability of injury, so try to secure the space as much as possible, but do not keep the baby constantly in the playpen. Crawling is beneficial to the whole body, as it strengthens the vestibular apparatus and promotes full development.

By the beginning of the 8th month of life, children can sit down on their own without the help of support and, turning in the right direction, reach out to the toy. At the same time, the baby confidently holds the balance and does not fall. Special craftsmen try to get up on their feet, while holding on to the sides of the crib, and take their first steps. Not everyone succeeds, but there is no need to be especially upset.

Mental development of a child at 7 months

Young mothers are concerned about the question of what a child must be able to do at 7 months. The growing body is interested in everything, from a hot mug on the table, small beads, and ending with bright objects. The horizons of your child are gradually expanding and the baby is developing at 7 months. Butuz becomes interested in educational games. Positive emotions can be evoked by a nice-to-touch illustrated book. Consider it together, it contributes to the development of memory and thinking. An alternative to a book can be a tumbler or a colored pyramid.

Psycho-emotional development and perception of the world

By this age, full communication with surrounding adults is important. The baby is already beginning to understand that the reaction of adults depends on his actions. Parents can smile, praise or get angry at the little one. At this time, the attitude towards people, communication skills and gradation into friends and foes are formed. The baby may cry from what his uncle picked up, and rejoice uncontrollably when he sees his beloved mother. Children feel affection and distinguish between loved ones and strangers.

How to develop a child

Behind the first six months of your child's life, and each time classes and games go to a new level and become more interesting and more difficult. It is important to devote more time to the growing baby, paying attention to what a child should be able to do at 7 months. Children already understand a lot, are happy to learn new things and are physically active, so it is easy to captivate them with something.

Games and toys

Rhymes and rhymes spoken by the mother are of interest to the baby. At this time, patties become a favorite game, during which the baby can touch his own and adult hands, and also try to repeat the words after his mother. The toddler begins to show interest in sand molds, because they can be taken apart and tried to be put back together, which develops perseverance and develops fine motor skills. An effective way to captivate a child with benefit is to provide a special box in which you can put unfamiliar toys and interesting objects:

  • Household items (spoons, wooden plates, plastic cups) that can be viewed and compared. This is very useful and necessary for a growing baby.
  • Mirror, photos will allow you to get to know yourself or see the reflection.
  • Rubber tweeters, by clicking on which, the fingers will be strengthened.
  • Large developmental centers will teach the baby simple but important actions: hold, press, twist.
  • Ordinary rattles will develop a sense of touch.
  • Sensor sets or objects with different surfaces will develop tactile sensation. Nuts, cereals, patchwork balls, shells, sand, plasticine can go into business.

According to Komarovsky, in this age period, the connection between the baby and the mother is strong, so do not deprive the kids of attention and find time to communicate. One of the options for the game is to repeat actions with toys. An adult shows the process, and the kid, to the best of his ability, tries to repeat. You can get cars, roll them and put them in a box, or spread the cubes into 2 colors. The baby learns opposite actions, such as take-give, put-put, so he will join the process with pleasure.

Such a young age cannot be an obstacle to playing hide and seek, which will help develop the search skills of a child at 7 months old and introduce you to the nooks and crannies of the apartment. For the first time, hide a bright toy in front of the child, and then ask to find it. After a successful attempt, turn the child away and remove the object so that it can be seen a little. At the end of the game, be generous with praise.

Physical exercise

It is useless to force a 7-month-old baby to do something, you can only be interested. Alternate gymnastic exercises with game moments and do not forget to praise the little athlete for success, even if insignificant. A positive attitude in this case will do the trick. A set of physical exercises should include new and familiar elements.

  • Children's boxing involves the use of wooden or plastic rings, which the baby must firmly grasp. After grasping, spread them apart so that the baby's elbows are straightened. At the end of the arm, return to the starting position.
  • Perform circular movements with the legs, laying the baby on his back. Fix his shins with your palms and, bringing your knees closer to your stomach, start moving in a circle. Try to do it gently, without causing discomfort.
  • You can complete the workout by taking out the toy. Take something interesting in your hands and show the baby, let him try to get it from a sitting position.

What you should pay attention to

Parents, knowing what a child can do at 7 months, should carefully observe the behavior of the baby. How the baby reacts to his mother after separation, how he feels, attached or indifferent to his loved ones. Show, for example, how to knock with a toy and give it to the baby. If he repeats the movement, great, if not, take a closer look, maybe the little man is just in a bad mood or tired. If the baby does not understand, do not postpone the visit to the clinic.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  • Child's inability to sit. Young mothers are often worried for this reason, but pediatricians assure that children are individual and there is no particular cause for concern. Just try to teach your child a new technique, for example, put the baby in a child seat or take it on your lap.
  • The baby is not crawling. If the examination by the orthopedist revealed no abnormalities, you should not worry. To make it clear to the child, invite another baby to visit or get on all fours yourself and demonstrate the technique and, looking at you, your baby will also learn to crawl. Make sure that it is comfortable on the floor, and that clothes do not hamper the movement of your child.
  • The baby does not make sounds. However, this time, experts assure that the baby will speak, it’s just not the time yet. In this case, methods such as reading books, clearly pronouncing words and describing objects help.
  • Refusal of food also takes place. Your children grow up and their taste preferences change. You should not be upset - pay attention to the diet and review the foods in the diet. You can go to the trick and add an unloved carrot or pumpkin to the desired soup. If the baby holds a spoon on his own and knows how to drink, do not limit the baby in this.
