Medium peeling. General definition of peeling. Photos of rehabilitation by day

The skin on the face consists of several layers, each of which, one way or another, affects its condition. And if we can still somehow clean the “top” on our own (with gels, tonics, scrubs, low-concentrated acid solutions), then the “lower floors” most often remain untouched.

To renew the cells at this level, it is required to carry out a median peel, the penetration depth of which stops before an even deeper basal layer that protects the dermis.

The essence of the procedure

The task of median peeling is intensive skin injury. It serves as an impetus for active cell regeneration, synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid in tissues. The result is a pronounced rejuvenating effect of the procedure.

If the indications for median peeling include age spots, scars, scars and acne, this does not mean that this procedure will get rid of them completely. She can only make them paler, reduce, lighten them so that they are not so noticeable on the face. Moreover, this procedure is not a prevention of all these shortcomings and defects. That is, it does not guarantee that after it you will not have them again.

Helpful advice. In order for the capillary network to leave the surface of the skin, it is better to give preference to glycolic or retinoic peels from medium peels for couperosis. But do not choose hardware cleaning methods for this disease.


Having gone to the salon to sign up for a median peeling, you can see several procedures in the price list under this heading. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out in advance how its types differ from each other.

By way of doing

Hardware / Physical:

  • fractional thermolysis - the use of a grating of laser mini-beams;
  • diamond dermabrasion - skin treatment with a special nozzle with diamond chips.


  • peeling with salicylic acid (30%);
  • glycolic (70%);
  • retinol;
  • dairy;
  • pyruvic;
  • TCA - trichloroacetic (20%).

By penetration depth

They are divided into two subspecies:

  1. Mid-surface (glycolic,).
  2. Medium-deep (salicylic, acetic).

The most popular is the median chemical peeling, which provides good efficiency with minimal pain of the procedure.

There is an opinion. Some call another type of median peeling - mechanical. This is the manual removal of dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It is unlikely that it can provide cleansing of the skin down to the basal layer.

Indications and contraindications

This peeling does not just exfoliate dead cells and regenerate damaged tissues. It practically destroys the epidermis in layers, burning out tissues that have stopped developing and are no longer functioning at full strength. Its damage is comparable to a burn, only it can be controlled and directed. Accordingly, this is a very serious procedure that requires a responsible approach. The master will never advise you to do it without special indications.


  • oily skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • disturbed microcirculation;
  • lack of tone;


  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammation;
  • in the acute stage;
  • abscesses;
  • Tan;
  • individual intolerance;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • lactation;
  • menstruation, menopause;
  • oncological diseases;
  • taking contraceptives, antibiotics;
  • mental disorders.
  • wounds, scratches, fresh cuts on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • predisposition to the formation of scar tissue.

Do not hide your chronic and exacerbated diseases from the beautician, which may become contraindications for such a facial cleansing. The result and the number of side effects depend on this.

Be careful! Alas, even cosmetologists disagree about many peels - how to classify them. As a result, in the price list of any salon, Jessner's cleaning will be listed as deep, but in fact it is superficial-median. The exact opposite is the case with phenolic acid. To persuade the patient to this procedure, cosmetologists claim that this is a median peeling. In fact, this is a very aggressive substance that reaches the basal layer of the dermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand, this type of peeling is the very golden mean between superficial and which has absorbed all their advantages. Not as traumatic as the latter, but more effective than the former. On the other hand, all its advantages are relative: the results are not very pronounced, not painful, but extremely unpleasant, there are not many side effects, but they will not allow you to enjoy life during the rehabilitation period.

  • efficiency;
  • popularity: cosmetologists have gained a wealth of experience in conducting median peels, as they are most often recorded;
  • stable results last from six months to 2 years.


  • the results are noticeable only after a series of procedures: it is necessary to carry out 3-4 sessions with an interval of 10 days, it is recommended to repeat 3-4 times a year;
  • seasonality: medium peeling is recommended to be done in late autumn, winter or early spring, when there is no solar activity;
  • acids are taken in a sufficiently high concentration;
  • during the rehabilitation period (10-14 days) it is uncomfortable to appear in public due to crusts on the face and exfoliating pieces of skin;
  • pain during the procedure: unpleasant burning sensation, tingling;
  • multiple side effects;
  • lack of effectiveness in terms of deep and mimic wrinkles, "" in the corners of the eyes,;
  • it is difficult to control the depth of penetration of acids into the skin.

Despite the fact that the disadvantages are much greater than the advantages, evaluate them in terms of not quantity, but quality. Pain can be endured, side effects will disappear after the rehabilitation period, but beautiful, smooth, healthy skin, hiding your true age, will please you for a very long time.

Keep in mind. Undoubtedly, TCA peeling has a bright and lasting effect, which is why it is chosen by many women. But always remember that this is a very caustic combination of chlorine and acetic acid, which has powerful burning properties, and even toxic. But pyruvic acid is a breakdown product of glucose, it is a natural ingredient in peeling solutions that has sebum-regulating, comedonolytic, antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antifungal and depigmenting effects.

How is the procedure carried out?

Photos "before" and "after" the procedure of median peeling

2 weeks before it is necessary:

  • use a cream with fruit acids to accustom the skin to their effects;
  • apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • do not sunbathe either under the sun's rays or in a solarium;
  • spend 2-3 sessions.

The more responsible the preparation for the median peeling, the more adequately the skin will respond to it. And this is a shortened rehabilitation period, a minimum of side effects and complications, the absence of pain during the procedure.


Despite the fact that the median peeling is not deep, it still affects too important layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is recommended to do it in the cabin. The protocols will differ only in small nuances depending on the type of cleaning chosen.

  1. Cleanse the skin from the remnants of decorative cosmetics and impurities with a special agent with pH = 4.5-5.5.
  2. Degrease her.
  3. If necessary, inject the treated area with anesthesia.
  4. Apply acid. Depending on the type, they act on it with a laser / ultrasound. Direction of movement: forehead, temples, chin, cheeks, nose, eyelids.
  5. In median peeling, 3 layers of an acid solution are usually used with an interval of 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the remnants of the used agent with a special neutralizer.
  7. Soothe the skin with a special mask.
  8. Massage movements rub a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

If you still want to try median peeling at home, be careful and competent, work according to this protocol.

There is an opinion. Some experts believe that nicotine accumulated in the body can adversely affect the results of peeling. Therefore, they strongly advise either to stop smoking altogether before such a procedure, or at least to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.


In salons, professional median peels are used - preparations that allow the active substance to penetrate the epidermis to the desired depth. Because they are sold in the public domain, they can be purchased for home use.

  1. Jessner Acid - Jessner peeling 10%. MC Cosmetics. Spain. $121.
  2. Yellow peel - yellow peeling. Kosmoteros. France. $120.
  3. Jessner Solution Peel - Jessner peeling: resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids with pH 2.2. MedPeel. USA. $87.
  4. TCA Peel - TCA, trichloroacetic acid 20% at pH 0.8. MedPeel. USA. $60.
  5. Peel Therapy Salicylic Acid Complex - therapeutic peeling complex with salicylic acid 20%. beautymed. France. $46.
  6. Peeling Chimique Pyruvic Acid - pyruvic 40% pH 1.5. Kosmoteros. France. $43.
  7. Master peel - TCA 20, 30, 40%. Dermagenetic. Greece. $37.
  8. TCA Peel - preparations with trichloroacetic acid 10, 15, 20%. Allura Esthetics. USA. $36.
  9. Piruvin - pyruvic 45%. biomatrix. France. $27.
  10. Peeling Chimique Glycolic Acid - Glycolic 70%. Kosmoteros. France. $17.

Be sure to follow the instructions that come with these drugs to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Life hack. At home, in order not to spend money on expensive professional peeling products, you can do a salicylic facial cleansing using regular aspirin tablets. You need to grind them in the amount of 5-6 pieces and mix with a tablespoon of liquid honey. The first session should last no more than 2 minutes, the second - already 5, the third - all 10.

Post-peel care

After the median peeling, a 10-20-day rehabilitation is needed, during which a thorough facial care will be required.

  1. Do not remove or peel off the peeling layer of the epidermis in the form of peeling films and crusts with your hands.
  2. Apply before going outside (even if there is no sun).
  3. Use moisturizing cosmetics daily.
  4. Give up makeup and usual skin care products.
  5. Sauna, solarium, pool at this time are banned.

Nothing complicated. Keep it away from annoying and aggressive factors - and there will be no problems.

Price. In most salons, the price of 1 session of a medium peel is about $60.

Side effects

Unfortunately, after this cleansing, it will not be possible to avoid side effects that can turn out to be serious complications and require medical intervention:

  • allergy;
  • White spots;
  • bumpy relief of the skin;
  • hyperemia;
  • infection;
  • new age spots (most often due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation after the procedure);
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the formed crusts ideally fall off on the 10th day;
  • second degree burn;
  • puffiness;
  • no effect;
  • scars are the result of incorrect actions of the cosmetologist (the acid was overexposed, the penetration depth on the nozzle was set too high);
  • persistent erythema;
  • dryness, tightness;
  • peeling should begin only on the 5th day after peeling.

Do you want to smooth out skin imperfections that are the cause of internal complexes? In this case, consider the option of median peeling. It will provide you with a lasting and spectacular result for the coming months, and even years. At the very least, it will eliminate the need to apply tons of cosmetics on the face every day in order to mask imperfections.

To preserve their beauty and attractiveness, people are looking for the most effective options.

At a young age enough to make a light make-up. After few years to improve the condition of the skin of the face, the use of special masks is added. Next you will need more serious cosmetic procedures.

Medium chemical peels have become very popular. is a procedure that helps to get rid of dead cells and stimulates skin renewal. This makes the skin look fresher and younger.

This type of peeling has a medium effect on the skin and can correct such cosmetic defects as fine wrinkles, scars, spots. It is stronger than superficial, but less traumatic than deep.

Activation of biochemical processes normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, improves the condition of the epidermis. The main components of the compositions are acids.

Combining components and changing the concentration makes it possible to increase the degree of efficiency and obtain additional properties of mixtures.

After the correct implementation of such a procedure, the condition of the skin of the face will improve significantly:

Indications for the use of a median chemical peel:

  • the presence of scars;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • stretch marks;
  • age-related skin changes;


  • inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • heart problems;
  • blood diseases;
  • cancer and diabetes;
  • the presence of nervous and mental disorders;
  • the tendency of the epidermis to accelerate the formation of scar tissue.

Before the procedure, you need to undergo an examination that will identify problems and the presence of contraindications. Peeling features:

After conducting a median chemical peel, you must adhere to the following rules:

According to the depth of impact, there are:

  • medium-deep peeling, carried out using acetic acid with a concentration of 25-30% and salicylic acid 20-30%;
  • mid-surface peeling, fruit acids are used for its implementation, their concentration and exposure time are calculated by a specialist.

Other acids can also be used for a medium chemical peel. The main ones are:

The name of a chemical peel depends on which acid is used to its advantage.

For such a procedure Trichloroacetic acid is used. The drug acts on the surface and middle layers of the epidermis. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, cauterizing effect.

This type of procedure coagulates the protein structures of the epidermis, destroys and removes dead cells. It stimulates cell division and the formation of new ones.

The main features of this procedure are impact on the entire thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and active desquamation as a result of tissue rejection.

Acid peeling is like a second degree burn.. As a result of injury to the skin, the process of cell division is accelerated, hyaluronic acid and collagen are produced faster. This increases the elasticity of deep tissues and thickens the upper layers of the epidermis.

Median peeling TCA causes pain and is performed only in a hospital setting. The drug has a different concentration, the depth of the procedure depends on it.

Median retien peeling refers to the median-surface type of exposure. Also known as yellow. The composition may differ in the combination of components and the concentration of the acid. The main constituent is retienic acid.

This type of peeling is great. suitable for mature skin, from 35 years. It is forbidden to apply in case of kidney failure and an allergic reaction to vitamin A. The mixture can be on the skin from 15 minutes to 12 hours.

For a good effect, 3-5 procedures are required.. The break between them should be two weeks.

Jessner's median peeling gets rid of dead cells due to active peeling.

If you increase the number of layers and the exposure time of the drug, then mid-surface effect can be achieved.

The main components of the composition: resorcinol, lactic acid, salicylic acid. The components have a concentration of 14% and dissolve in ethyl alcohol.

For patients with thin skin, the drug is applied with a sterile applicator. If the skin is thick, then a gauze pad is used for application and rubbed deeply into the skin.

The course includes 3-6 procedures. The interval between procedures is 6 weeks.

Superficial-median peeling

Superficial median peeling is a more harmless cosmetic procedure. It is used to correct the decollete, neck and anti-aging facial skin. Because the process is painless and effective, it is done most often.

For superficial peeling, alpha hydroxy acids are used. Such acids are found in many fruits. These are citric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids. Most often, glycolic is used, it has a high penetrating power.

After this procedure, completely small wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles are significantly reduced.

Some cosmetologists believe that a phenol composition applied to the skin for a short time can also be attributed to median peeling.

But phenol peeling is a more dangerous procedure and involves deep chemical cleaning and skin tightening without surgical intervention.

The main components of such peels:

  • carbolic acid or phenol;
  • essential oils that provide absorption of phenol;
  • distilled water;
  • glycerol.

Phenol peeling is performed under anesthesia. Phenol is a rather toxic substance, therefore, the implementation of such a procedure requires the presence of a cardiologist-anaesthetist.

After such peeling, small wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and the skin is filled with collagen and becomes more elastic and youthful. But its use can be fraught with consequences, and the recovery period is sometimes very long.

Not everyone who wants to do such a cosmetic procedure can afford it. Then you can try to do a median peeling at home on your own. For safety, it can be carried out in an easier version.

If the skin is not prone to dryness and sensitivity, then it can be wiped once a week with a cotton pad dipped in salicylic acid solution.

For such a procedure you can use a solution of five percent calcium chloride. Initially, cosmetics are washed off and the face is wiped with a cotton swab soaked in this product.

It is necessary to apply several layers. Then, at the end of the procedure, the mask-film can be removed from the face. After 15 minutes, the face should be washed off with water without chlorine.

You can use baby cute, after foaming it in your hands, and apply the foam on your face.

After peeling at home, you should be sure to apply antiseptic ointments. This will prevent inflammatory processes. Then use oily creams that will nourish and protect cleansed skin.

It is better to stay at home for about a week after the procedure., as the face will be covered with red spots. A cleansed face should not be touched with hands, so as not to infect and complicate regeneration.

Walking in the fresh air and eating fresh fruit will be useful. You should use sunscreen before going outside.

Median peeling has a good effect on the condition of the skin. After the procedure, she breathes better, rejuvenates takes on a healthy appearance. Perfect as an anti-aging therapy and in its early stages.

A good cosmetologist will help you choose the type of peeling that will give the maximum effect for each individual.

After the procedure, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist. Then the recovery period will pass quickly.

Complications are possible only in case of violation of safety regulations or low professionalism of the doctor.

Chemical peels

From the article you will learn: what is the middle peeling of the face, indications and contraindications for the procedure, types of middle peeling and stages of its implementation.

There are several types of hardware cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating and tightening the skin. The effectiveness of all methods is different. Among patients, median peeling has proven itself well. It is a painless procedure that is suitable for women of all ages. Manipulation is carried out in cosmetology centers with modern equipment.

Medium peeling is aimed at regenerating and tightening the skin, promotes accelerated restoration of the epidermis. Due to the exfoliation of keratinized particles of the upper layer of the skin, the level of production of rejuvenated connective tissue increases. The renewed epidermis controls the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which protects the face from acne.

Types of middle peeling

The procedure is divided into several types according to the mechanism of conduct and the depth of exposure. According to the level of traumatization, the middle cleaning of the skin is:

  • mechanical;
  • hardware or physical (diamond polishing, laser cleaning, other procedures);
  • chemical using acid masks.

Middle peeling affects the papillary layer of the skin and connective tissue, but the depth of its impact differs for each individual patient, depending on the condition of the skin at the time of contacting the clinic.

According to the depth of exposure, the middle peeling is:

  1. mid-surface (using natural fruit acids that cause a minimum of injury to the skin);
  2. medium-deep (performed with drugs whose acidity reaches 20-30%).

Phenolic facial cleansing and medium peeling. Same or different procedures?

Some cosmetologists classify peeling using phenol as a medium peel, arguing that the active substance is on the skin for less time than with deep cleansing. In addition, during the procedure, the patient does not require anesthesia, and the recovery period is only a few days. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Facial cleansing with phenolic acid has a number of significant contraindications.

Phenol is used only in deep chemical peels, acting on the skin like a 2nd degree burn. Manipulation affects all layers of the skin. This effect causes accelerated exfoliation of keratinized epithelium, as a result of increased production of new connective tissue. The procedure is painful, should be carried out exclusively in a hospital with the presence of an anesthesiologist. This procedure does not apply to the middle peeling. Therefore, cosmetologists ask clients not to believe amateurs who mislead women about the harmlessness of phenol peeling.

Indications for mid-peeling

  • small mimic wrinkles around the eyes, characterized as photoaging;
  • visible wrinkles around the nose and lips;
  • omission of the eyelids;
  • freckles, keratomas, other aesthetic problems;
  • acne in varying degrees of manifestation;
  • acne marks;
  • dry skin of the face and décolleté;
  • dark circles and swelling around the eyes.

Limitations of the middle peel

The procedure is effective, but cannot 100% cope with all aesthetic problems. Middle resurfacing of the face will not help get rid of deep senile wrinkles in the corners of the lips and eyes. The technique is ineffective against old scars and scars resulting from mechanical injuries and acne treatment. Medium peeling will help make the scars less pronounced, but will not remove them completely, since the skin is polished over the entire surface in layers.

One session of medial resurfacing is not enough to completely cleanse the skin of acne marks. As a rule, you will need several sessions with an interval of several months, which is very long. There are alternative skin lightening methods that solve the same problem in one go. Therefore, if the patient complains only of traces of acne, it is better to choose another cosmetic procedure on the recommendation of a specialist.

Manipulation will relieve acne only for a while, since the effect does not affect the cause of the disease. At first, the number of rashes decreases, but only due to narrowing of the pores and drying of the epithelium. The same applies to age spots. Medium peeling will eliminate them only if their appearance was a one-time effect. When the pigmentation of the skin is age-related, the middle polishing before it is useless.


  • warts and other dermatological defects;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • inflammatory pustular foci in the affected area;
  • the use of certain drugs containing Solcoderm;
  • individual intolerance to the active enzymes of the mask.

In addition, cosmetologists recommend postponing the middle peel if the patient has a fresh tan from the sun or after visiting a solarium. In order not to aggravate the disease, doctors prohibit peeling for those who have a history of cancer. Patients prone to allergic manifestations will also have to find alternative methods of skin rejuvenation.

Preparatory stage

There are two options for preparing the skin for a mid-peel. They are realized through the use of nourishing masks, creams or through hardware cosmetology. The optimal method is selected by the patient, based on the condition of the patient's skin at the time of contacting the clinic, as well as contraindications, if any.

  1. Preparing with cosmetics. Includes professional hygienic cleaning. Next, the patient is prescribed creams and gels suitable for his skin, which he will have to use as care products for several weeks before the middle peel.
  2. Superficial peeling. It is considered an addition to the first preparatory stage. It is necessary if the patient has pronounced signs of early aging. The procedure is carried out in the conditions of a cosmetology center, where the middle peeling will be implemented directly.

It is impossible to say which method is better. Both methods have their indications and contraindications. Efficiency is also different. Therefore, in this matter, you should rely only on the opinion of a specialist. Without exception, all patients are advised to start taking antiviral drugs a few days before the procedure. This is necessary to reduce the risk of viral diseases, which are a direct contraindication for medium peeling.

How is the middle peel performed?

The procedure is carried out exclusively in the conditions of a hospital in a plastic surgery clinic or a high-class cosmetology center. Manipulation is implemented using a special apparatus. At home, the middle peeling cannot be done.. The procedure itself takes place in several stages:

  1. cleansing the skin with degreasing cosmetics;
  2. application of active acidic enzymes;
  3. application of healing creams or gels that accelerate the process of skin regeneration.

Patients with hypersensitivity are advised to use analgesics during the middle peel. This is local anesthesia in the form of a cream or injection. A cosmetologist will tell you the appropriate type of anesthesia based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Recovery period. Possible complications and side effects

Recovery after a mid-peel takes from several days to several weeks. It all depends on the chosen method of exposure and the individual characteristics of the skin. In the first days after the procedure, the following manifestations may be observed:

  • increased redness of the skin;
  • swelling in the affected area;
  • itching or burning;
  • allergic rash;
  • peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis.

This is a normal reaction of the body to mechanical stress. Special caring nourishing creams will help speed up the regeneration process. The effect of the middle peeling lasts up to several months. The required number of sessions and duration of exposure will be determined by the cosmetologist after examining the patient.

To improve and give the skin of the face an impeccable look, many different cosmetic procedures have already been invented.

The fair sex is ready to go to many tricks and endure complex manipulations of the beautician with their face in order to look irresistible.

Median peeling of the face is a relatively new procedure that is very popular today and has proven its effectiveness as an effective tool in the fight against skin imperfections.

The concept of the procedure and its effectiveness

Median peeling- This is one of the types of cosmetic peeling.

Its essence lies in the complete removal of the upper layer of the epidermis, due to which the skin increases the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to natural regeneration and improvement in skin quality.

This procedure is suitable for those who wants to achieve the following results:

The effectiveness of the method is noticeable within a week after the procedure.

Many who are familiar with this procedure are pleased with its durability - the effect lasts from six months to two years.

Women who have undergone the procedure note that the skin becomes more dense, uniform, toned.

What happens: types

Median peeling according to the method of carrying out is divided into the following types:

Stages of implementation, cost

Before carrying out a median peeling, it is necessary to consult with specialists (beautician, dermatologist) to find out about the condition of the skin and make sure that the procedure is safe for this type of epidermis.

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

The cost of median peeling varies depending on the region, type and complexity of the procedure, skin type, etc.

The average price of a procedure using trichloroacetic acid is from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles, the median – from 3000 to 8000 rubles.

Cost of the procedure with glycolic and salicylic acid - from 2500 to 5000 rubles.

How to spend at home

The steps of the procedure at home are the same as in the salon. First you need to decide which mixture to use.

This takes into account the type and characteristics of the dermis. Compounds based on lactic and trichloroacetic acid are considered universal.

Peeling steps:

Recipes for peeling preparations are presented below:

  • Salicylic Blend. 3 capsules of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed into powder, poured into 20 ml of water, you can add a few drops of honey. Even more peeling recipes with aspirin -.
  • salt mixture. Prepared according to the proportion 1:1:2 (salt, soda and day cream, respectively). About peelings and we have separate articles.
  • lemon mix. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with non-carbonated mineral water.

  • Peeling badyaga:

  • Lubricate the face with a 5% solution of calcium chloride repeatedly until a dense film is formed. Wash off with mild soap.

    Face peeling from Victoria Boni (calcium chloride, baby soap):

What results to expect

Most of those who have tried the median peeling procedure on themselves note that the skin after it becomes more even, fresher, the complexion acquires a healthy tone. Rashes disappear, small wrinkles disappear.

The procedure is associated with a number of unpleasant manifestations: itching and burning during manipulations, the appearance of crusts and irritations after peeling.

But, as practice shows, the result is worth all the inconvenience, and in a week the woman will be rewarded with beautiful and radiant skin.

This is what the face looks like in the photo before and after the chemical medium (medium) peeling procedure:

Contraindications and precautions

It is possible to carry out the procedure at home only after consulting a specialist or under the supervision of an experienced person in this matter. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable damage to the skin.

On the first day after the procedure, you can not wash, paint, in general, it is better not to touch your face once again. Serum should be applied to the face 2 times a day to accelerate regeneration.

For the first week, it's better to give up. from visiting baths, saunas and avoid places where there is a risk of dirt and dust getting on your face.

After a while, crusts appear on the face. In no case can you rip them off, you need to wait until they fall off on their own.

The young epidermis, which appears after the crusts fall off, will need to be protected from overdrying with a cream with a UV filter. More information can be found in a separate article.

The median peeling procedure has a number of contraindications:

Median peeling helps in most cases to find beautiful and radiant youthful skin. It should be approached with caution, because. Not every type of epidermis is able to endure all manipulations.

It is also worth remembering the possibility of getting burns, carefully study all contraindications, and only after the approval of a specialist, proceed with the procedure.

And after it, you can admire a young, renewed face and accept compliments from others.

Cosmetologists borrowed the word peeling from the English language, where it means "strong scraping." This exactly describes the peeling procedure itself, which is now very popular.

Although the technique for removing the keratinized part of the epidermis was familiar to the ancient Egyptians, in our time this procedure has many variations, and one of them is the median peeling. Like other methods, it has a list of indications and contraindications. Let's take a look at everything.

Median peeling of the face implies the removal of keratinized skin particles not only from the epidermal layer, but also almost to the basal. The main difference between such a procedure and surface exposure is more serious indications or defects. To understand how it works, you need to understand the structure of the skin:

  • the epidermal layer is the uppermost and consists of 5 sublayers, starting from the outer - horny and ending with the lower - basal. It is thanks to the epidermal layer that a person can sunbathe, because it contains a pigment;
  • the dermis layer consists of a pair of sublayers: papillary and reticular. This part of the skin consists of many nerve endings, hair follicles, elastin and collagen fibers, as well as blood and lymph vessels;
  • the hypodermis or fat layer is responsible for temperature regulation and nutrition of the previous layers of the skin.

This peeling affects the middle layer and does not go beyond the basal layer. The procedure can be performed both on the face and on other parts of the body. Most often, they treat the neck, décolleté, legs and arms in problem areas.

Varieties of the procedure

Peelings of any variation have a general division into types:

  • chemical, when the effect on the skin is carried out with chemical compounds, mainly acidic;
  • mechanical, in which skin cleansing occurs due to abrasive materials or vacuum exposure;
  • hardware or physical, when a special technique is used.

At home, mechanical peeling is most often used, which is easy to do with your own hands. The median procedure is carried out with abrasive means of a coarser type. The skin after it becomes more even, with a pleasant color, and wrinkles and age spots disappear due to the launch of active cell regeneration.

A more detailed consideration requires median peels of physical and chemical effects.

Median physical impact peeling

This procedure is carried out by cosmetologists using the following technologies:

  1. Fractional type laser thermolysis. The impact of the laser beam is scattered, grating. This technology is characterized by the maximum minimization of potential complications, as well as the ability to quickly start the regeneration process of cells. For this, different types of laser, wavelength and depth of their penetration can be used, so each laser has its own advantages and disadvantages. Your beautician will recommend the most suitable laser thermolysis for you:
    • erbium;
    • neodymium.
  2. Dermabrasion laser type. This type of resurfacing is carried out with either an erbium or CO2 laser. Thanks to them, a laser beam with a large energy reserve acts on the skin, which leads to microexplosions of the epidermis and evaporation of the cells of the worked area. After a median peeling of this type, the skin quickly returns to its original appearance.
  3. Dermabrasion with a diamond. For the procedure, a nozzle is used, the top layer of which is made of diamond dust. Thanks to her, cosmetologists remove not only age spots, but also acne, wrinkles and small scars.

Chemical peeling of the face

What drugs are used for chemical peels? Most often, they are based on acids, but alkaline agents are no less effective. For the procedure, both single-component formulations and multi-component formulations are used.

Important! Each acid has its own molecular weight, which means that the degree and depth of their impact is different. That is why their selection should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.

The most popular types of acids for medium peeling:

  • ascorbic;
  • retinol;
  • koi;
  • almond;
  • dairy;
  • fruit;
  • malonic;
  • trichloroacetic;
  • salicylic.

There are two types of chemical peels:

  1. Mid-surface, in which the concentration of acidic substances ranges from 20 to 50%. It is recommended to use to eliminate:
    • acne, post-acne, blackheads;
    • premature wrinkles;
    • pigmentation;
    • loss of epidermal tone.
  2. Mid-deep, where acetic acid is taken in 25% concentration, and salicylic and others - 30%. In addition to the above indications, it is used for deeper wrinkles, scars and very strong pigmentation.

For whom is the procedure indicated and contraindicated?

Indications for this peeling include:

  • whitening and smoothing skin tone;
  • a network of fine wrinkles caused by stress, genetic disposition, photoaging;
  • acne;
  • complex treatment of pigmentation;
  • chloasma;
  • freckles;
  • excessive greasiness of the epidermis;
  • reduced tone and loss of elasticity;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Despite the high efficiency of the procedure and the lasting result that it gives, it is not available to everyone and has a rather large list of contraindications:

  1. Diseases:
    • of cardio-vascular system;
    • mental plan;
    • epilepsy;
    • oncology;
    • diabetes;
    • infectious both in the acute stage and chronic;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • herpes;
    • eczema and other skin problems.
  2. Skin with scratches, cuts, abrasions, sores, or other damage.
  3. Warts and molluscum contagiosum.
  4. Recent tan.
  5. Fever or fever.
  6. Individual intolerance to the components included in the product for the procedure.

Medium peeling: myths and beyond

In order not to be disappointed in the procedure, you need to know what effect it has on a particular problem, and not take the following myths as a basis:

  • Acne will be completely gone! In order for acne to go away completely, and the procedure gives the best result, it must be accompanied by drug therapy, otherwise it will simply reduce pores and greasiness.
  • There will be no trace of scars and scars! This is impossible, the maximum possible effect is to make them not so noticeable, because the place of the defect is processed along the edges, removing layer by layer.
  • 1 session - complete removal of post-acne! One procedure will help reduce their severity, no more.
  • The skin will become bright and get rid of pigmentation forever! This is a partially true myth, because the propensity and disposition of the body to such phenomena plays a big role here. If you are prone to pigmentation, then after peeling it will appear again, but not so pronounced.
  • Mimic and deep wrinkles around the eyes and mouth will disappear! This procedure cannot affect these types of wrinkles in any way, and therefore remove them.

The maximum effect is obtained by combining the procedure with some cosmetic procedures. So, an injection of Botox or Dysport, carried out a couple of weeks after peeling, will be many times more effective. For different procedures there will be a different break after facial cleansing, but most often it is at least 2 weeks.

If you plan to undergo such a cleansing of the epidermis, then at least 7 days before it, you must completely abandon various types of hair removal and other procedures that can violate the integrity of the skin. When the epidermis is seriously injured during peeling with both a laser and any mechanical type, the procedure must be stopped. It can be repeated no earlier than 6 months later.


There are expected complications that accompany most of these procedures, especially if performed using acids:

  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • burning sensation;
  • tightness;
  • peeling.

But there are also such complications, which, although rare, are serious and can seriously ruin life and health:

  • infection of the epidermis, which most often occurs due to poor-quality means for the procedure or non-compliance with sanitation;
  • the rapid spread of herpes, which manifests itself mainly in people prone to it and who have not undergone preventive treatment for it before the procedure;
  • allergy, which is provoked by the incompetence of a cosmetologist who did not conduct a preliminary test for the drug;
  • severe inflammation, most often the result of an individual reaction or an incorrect selection of acid concentration.

Almost every woman has a jar of her favorite scrub on her shelf. And if you need to remove only the upper stratum corneum, then this is ideal. But when it comes to solving more serious problems, it is impossible to carry out such a procedure at home without consequences. Median peeling should be carried out only by a cosmetologist and only strictly according to indications.