Placental therapy is a new word in cellular rejuvenation. The use of the placenta in cosmetology

I think everyone has heard about placental cosmetics. Someone just flashed the thought “Well, they invented something again, they won’t calm down in any way” and he immediately forgot about it, someone moved further in his thoughts - “What are these cosmetics made of? Is it safe? And is it legal?”, while others quickly ran to the stores to buy a “panacea for wrinkles.” Now we will consider the main points that you need before making a choice - are we ready to use placental cosmetics or not?

So what does it represent placental cosmetics? This is a set of cosmetic products, which include components derived from the placenta (baby place or placenta). The main scope of such cosmetics is the fight against skin aging. Although developments on the use of the placenta in cosmetology have been going on for more than a decade, the fashion for such products has appeared relatively recently. Despite this, already now you can find a huge number of arguments in favor of placental cosmetic products and objections to these arguments.

Beautiful well-groomed skin is the dream of many women.

One of the main subjects of dispute is the presence in such cosmetics hormones of animal origin. Indeed, along with many useful substances, placental tissue also contains hormones in large quantities. It was they who contributed to the amazing anti-aging effect as a result of the use of the first trial cosmetic lines based on the placenta. However, as it turned out later, the hormones received by the body from the outside began to lead to various adverse side effects. For a long time, scientific minds have been working on this problem and, finally, they have received safe, hormone-free cosmetics that retain all the beneficial properties. Of course, now such amazing rejuvenation should not be expected, but nevertheless, in the placental cosmetics of the new generation there are a lot of other useful substances: hyaluronic acid (probably everyone has already heard about its amazing ability to retain moisture in skin cells), proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins , peptides, glycans... In combination, they cause improved nutrition, hydration and restoration of all layers of the skin and rejuvenation of the connective tissue.

New generation of placental cosmetics purified from hormones

Now let's talk about raw materials for placental cosmetics. The material is the placenta after healthy childbirth in humans, pigs, sheep and, less often, cows. In Europe, the use in cosmetics of all organs and products of human vital activity, including the placenta, is officially prohibited. Everything is possible with us. Of course, manufacturers assure that abortive material is not used. But even so, even if the amniotic membrane of already born babies is used for the production of such cosmetics, would you be pleased to realize that you are applying particles obtained from another woman, or maybe from you, to your skin? I'm personally not ready for this...

The raw material for placental cosmetics is the afterbirth of animals or humans.

In addition, through the placenta it is possible transmission of certain diseases, including hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS. Again, manufacturers reassure mandatory research of both donors and received material, however, there is always the possibility that someone decides to bypass such an expensive procedure. If the placenta is of animal origin, there is also a risk. After the epidemic of mad cow disease, manufacturers tend to use pig tissues, especially since the latter is genetically close to humans. But here, too, danger lurks, since the pig suffers from the same diseases as people.

So what do we get? Placental cosmetics do not guarantee 100% safety, they are not suitable for everyone for various moral reasons, and, moreover, they are very expensive due to all the subtleties of selecting and cleaning the material. So decide if you need it. And I'll go to sleep, having previously pampered my skin with my beloved eco cream based on plant extracts.

Placental cosmetics is a cosmetic product that is created from the extract of the placenta. This cosmetics is a novelty for our country. The appearance of such cosmetics was a breakthrough in cosmetology, and opened the door to the future.

The history of the creation of placental cosmetics

Even in ancient times, people knew about the healing possibilities of the placenta, they even believed that it had some kind of connection with the cosmos. The famous Cleopatra also knew about the miraculous properties of the placenta. Science became interested in the properties of the placenta at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, the Swiss professor Kahr was studying the placenta obtained from a sheep. He discovered a biologically active substance that could rejuvenate cells. For his discovery, the professor was awarded the Nobel Prize.

A little later, also a professor from Switzerland, Denihan, based on Kara's experiments, found a method for treating cells.

In 1943, a scientist from Japan, Shang Dao, isolated an extract from the placenta of a sheep. In 1980, an extract from the placenta was used as an injection by Professor Caroling from Switzerland. As a result, the division of skin cells resumed.

What is placenta extract for?

Thanks to the extract of the placenta, peripheral blood flow is stimulated.

This allows you to improve the blood supply to the skin, while toxins are removed from it, cellular respiration is also activated, and metabolism improves. Placenta extract allows you to raise melanin from the deep layers to the surface of the skin, from where it is removed during exfoliation along with keratin. Placenta pomace also has anti-inflammatory properties, the extract reduces inflammation resulting from prolonged exposure to sunlight. The components of the placenta extract are able to retain moisture in the cells, as well as prevent skin laxity and the formation of spots on it. It prevents the skin from shrinking due to moisture loss.

Cosmetic preparations created on the basis of placenta extract are used to improve complexion, regenerate skin, normalize fat balance, increase elasticity, moisturize skin, slow down skin aging, against inflammatory processes and other negative influences.

Hormones in placental cosmetics

There is an opinion that cosmetics created on the basis of the placenta are effective, because of the content of hormones in it. Indeed, the placenta contains various hormones. Hormones were also contained in the first cosmetic preparations, the effect of rejuvenation, which surprised everyone. But the action of such drugs caused side effects, since they contained hormones, after the use of cosmetics, cases of hormonal imbalance were noted.

The use of placenta extract in cosmetology has become possible thanks to modern technologies that have made it possible to obtain the necessary substances from the placenta without steroid hormones. After that, health organizations allowed the free sale of this cosmetics.

The placenta, in addition to hormones, contains a lot of biological substances that help rejuvenate connective tissues. These substances supply skin cells with oxygen, moisturize it, and also give elasticity.

The peculiarity of the components of the placenta is that they cannot be obtained or synthesized from plants.

Where is the placenta for cosmetics taken from?

For the exchange of substances between mother and child, nature created a special organ, which scientists gave the name Placenta. It is formed in all mammals, including humans, during pregnancy.

The placenta contains substances such as fats, proteins, vitamins and nucleic acids. For the normal course of the pregnancy period, the placenta synthesizes various hormones. Also in the placenta there are properties that can affect the life of cells. Usually, for cosmetic purposes, the placenta of animals or humans is used. If a placenta from a human is included in the composition of a cosmetic product, then the word “allogeneic” must be present in the annotation to it.

Some mistakenly believe that the manufacturers of such products use the placenta obtained as a result of an abortion. In fact, the manufacturers of such cosmetics use the placenta obtained after a normal birth, since its quantity is much greater than during an abortion.

Since the placenta of animals and humans contain almost the same active substances, it does not matter at all, whose placenta is used in cosmetics. It is worth noting that when using an animal placenta, the donor animal must be raised in a clean ecological environment, and fed on an organic basis.

Nowadays, various lotions, creams, balms, masks, even shampoos are made on the basis of the placenta. Now you can carry out cosmetic procedures aimed at correcting and restoring the skin, not only in specialized salons, but also at home.

However, you should always pay attention to the fact that the purchased cosmetics are made by a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation. Such a product must pass tests for the safety and efficacy of its application. The manufacturer's address must be on the packaging.

Placental cosmetics can be used by women at any age. But the most optimal age for its use is 35-45 years, at this age the content of elastin and collagen in the skin begins to decrease. There is already evidence that substances contained in the placenta effectively restore the energy of skin cells. Preparations created on the basis of the placenta rejuvenate the skin and nourish it with the necessary components.

There are plenty of strange ingredients in cosmetics. Some, having appeared, immediately disappear, but sometimes they return after a while. Placental cosmetics caused a stir in the market in the last century, but legislators and the animal rights society toppled it off its pedestal. As a result, everyone forgot about cosmetics with a placenta for a long time. But now placental cosmetics and placental therapy are experiencing a renaissance. What has changed and is the game worth the candle?

How it all began

The path to the use of placenta extract in cosmetics began in 1933 with the light hand of Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, although he worked in a different field - he was an eye surgeon. Filatov believed that many incurable eye diseases could be, if not cured, then at least alleviated by the implantation of "biogenic stimulants". In his therapeutic experiments, the professor also used the placenta. His work launched the development of placental therapy in cosmetology.

If we consider the placenta as an intermediary between the mother and the developing fetus, it becomes clear why it was considered an ideal tool for rejuvenation. The placenta is a rich source of nutrients, proteins, stem cells, amino acids. But its main property is that it is responsible for the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and this is something that mature skin really lacks.

Why placenta creams were banned

In the early 1940s, manufacturers launched cosmetic preparations based on the human placenta: bust creams, eye creams, face masks, even eau de toilette and soap. The customers were satisfied: among the effects of "placental" drugs were the normalization of blood circulation and lipid profile, as well as the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The skin took on a much fresher appearance.

In the 1950s and 1960s, placenta creams were recommended even for young skin, because what's good for the "fetus" is good for everyone. However, it is worth noting that the process of extraction and purification (especially of the human placenta) left much to be desired. As a result, many hormonal side effects were recorded (for example, chest hair in teenage girls), after which the human placenta was banned from using in cosmetics. And when humanity found out about HIV and a number of other pathogenic viruses, cosmetics with a placenta were written off to the archive as potentially dangerous.

In today's cosmetics, you will find at best placental extracts of animal and vegetable origin (plant placenta is plant proteins, most often a protein complex). Such placental extracts are mixtures of proteins and vitamins and have a certain moisturizing and nourishing effect. In the right dosages, they work great, but these proteins are essentially not much different from other protein components in cosmetology. So there are no special advantages for these placentas.

Another thing is the "synthetic" placenta, which began to be produced at the beginning of the "zero" - a mixture of growth factors, peptides and vitamins, corresponding to the content in the human placenta. Here it already makes sense to talk about a rejuvenating effect.

Anti-aging injections

The Asian cosmetic boom that started in 2014 has taken placental cosmetics to the next level. In the wake of the trend, placental care in the West has moved from the field of cosmetology to pharmacology. Cosmetics with a placenta were not allowed in our country, but placental therapy is growing in popularity within the walls of medical institutions.

Today, doctors offer injections and intravenous infusions of drugs from the human placenta for general body rejuvenation, skin care, and even for the treatment of individual organs. Medical journals consistently publish studies confirming the rejuvenating effect of preparations with human placenta extract on the body and skin: collagen synthesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, moisturizing and whitening effects, stimulation of local immunity, etc.

"10-minute" droppers with amino acids, biotin and placenta extract are very popular among Japanese businessmen - well-known workaholics who do not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, get sick and eat normally. According to Japanese doctors, it is better than multivitamins and aspirin. Some Russian clinics have already taken over the baton and recommend such immunostimulant energizers to our work-weary citizens, as well as to all women of mature age.

Potential Threat

However, it is very difficult to know what the cumulative effect of placental therapy will be. For example, some cytokines found in the human placenta act to increase inflammation, while others reduce it, and some may do both, depending on the environment in which they are placed - making predictions is very difficult.

According to Western experts, at this stage there are not enough studies to draw a conclusion about the unconditional benefits for everyone, without any side effects. In addition, scientists still fear that materials from human tissue may contain viruses and bacteria that are still unknown to modern science. Also alarming is the fact that in Japan, patients who practice 10-minute drips cannot be blood donors. Placental injections are reminiscent of a gamble: on the one hand - wow-results, on the other - possible "interest on the loan."

But modern cosmetics with a placenta are really safe and seem to be effective. In addition, there are alternatives in cosmetics: from “live” sheep placenta to synthetic mixtures - you can always choose what is more to your liking and pocket.

Tatiana Morrison


The placenta is a unique natural complex of biologically active substances with many healing properties. It contains proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, immunostimulants, enzymes and other active peptides that are actively involved in the life processes of cells.

The placenta is a special organ that is designed to communicate and exchange substances between the mother's body and the child. During pregnancy, the placenta is formed in all mammals and in humans. It does not matter at all whether the placenta of animals or humans is used. They act in the same way and contain the same biologically active substances. However, if we talk about animal placenta, then only animals grown in ecologically clean areas and receiving organic food are used for this.

The placenta contains proteins, fats, nucleic acids and vitamins. It synthesizes various hormones that are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. There are also a large number of different protein factors in the placenta that affect the life of cells. In cosmetology, placenta is used, which is obtained from animals and from humans. When the human placenta is included in cosmetic products, its description should contain the word “allogeneic”.
Traditional medicine has long considered the placenta an extremely effective tool for stimulating the body's defenses and rejuvenation, and also attributed to it a powerful energy effect.

The first scientific mention of the placenta is contained in the writings of Hippocrates and Avicenna. Since the 60s of the last century, the study of the placenta has been carried out in many countries of the world. Numerous scientific confirmations of the beneficial effects of the placenta on the human body have been received, because the placenta is truly a treasure trove of highly active biological compounds. It contains more than 100 components responsible for the metabolism and self-defense of the body from aggressive environmental influences. The history of the scientific study of the placenta begins in 1912. Then Professor Kahr from Switzerland began to study the sheep placenta. He identified in it an active substance that is able to restore the life of cells. For this discovery, he received the Nobel Prize.
In 1931, the Swiss professor Denihan, based on his experiments, discovered a method for treating living cells.
The Japanese scientist Shang Dao in 1943 was able to isolate placental extract from sheep placenta. Swiss professor Caroling in 1980 was the first to use sheep placenta extract as an intravenous injection. This made it possible to activate the division of skin cells.
But the role of the placenta in oriental medicine is especially great. By the 1960s, tens of thousands of clinical studies had been conducted in Japan, and the placenta was successfully used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases. Numerous scientific confirmations of the beneficial effect of the placenta on the skin have been obtained, so the placental extract has become widely used in cosmetology to solve various aesthetic problems. The benefits of using the placenta in cosmetology are evidenced by the fact that it contains all the components necessary for our skin (amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, etc.) and nature has not yet created anything better to preserve youth.

Placenta extract is a unique natural complex containing proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. Preparations made on the basis of placenta extract have no analogues in the world. Cosmetic products with placenta extract are biological complexes purified from the active group of hormones in accordance with EU requirements for cosmetic products. Therefore, the use of cosmetics with placenta extract is absolutely safe, and its antioxidant properties are simply amazing: they are six times more active than the antioxidant used in prestigious imported cosmetics - superoxide dismutase. Placenta extract is a powerful immunostimulant that has a beneficial effect on cellular immunomodulation, blocks free radicals - one of the causes of cell aging. It consists of all amino acids that provide basic cellular nutrition, vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Sun, PP, H), trace elements, and, most importantly, a substance that stimulates activity cells, a potential source of energy and a powerful antioxidant - coenzyme Q-10. One of the important components of the placenta extract is glycans, due to which the synthesis of collagen and elastin of the skin is enhanced, which leads to a significant increase in skin elasticity.
Placenta extract effectively stimulates peripheral blood circulation. It improves blood circulation in the human skin, helps to remove toxins from the skin, and nourishes the tissues. Placenta extract also activates cellular respiration and improves metabolism. It causes the melanin pigment, which is located in the deep layers of our skin, to rise to the surface. From there, melanin is removed along with keratin and the exfoliating epidermis. In addition, placenta extract has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It can reduce inflammation caused by too much sun exposure. Its components help prevent the formation of spots on the skin and prevent its sagging. Placenta extract also helps to retain moisture in our skin. It prevents the skin from shrinking by retaining water in it.

Cosmetic products based on placenta extract can be used to regenerate the skin, normalize its fat balance, improve complexion, increase the elasticity of skin muscles, and slow down the aging process. They also show good results in smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing the skin, eliminating inflammatory processes. These products effectively moisturize the skin, relieve its tension and skin fatigue, protect the skin from various harmful effects.

It is believed that placental cosmetics necessarily contain hormones, otherwise it will not be effective. The placenta itself is indeed saturated with hormones. They were also contained in the first preparations, the rejuvenating effect of which literally amazed everyone. However, this cosmetics also caused side effects, in which hormones were to blame. They led to hormonal imbalance and other negative consequences.

It is impossible to stop the coming old age, but you can fight with the external signs of aging. And what tricks do women go to to look younger than their age! Demand, as you know, creates supply - for many centuries there has been such a science as cosmetology and the cosmetic industry has been actively developing, forcing women to spend fabulous sums of money on new products that promise "instant rejuvenation without surgery." Needless to say, every 40-year-old woman wants, if not to preserve eternal youth, then at least to look 25 years old, without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon. One of these “Makropulos remedies” is placental cosmetics.

What is placental cosmetics?

Placental cosmetics is a generic name for cosmetic substances, which include components extracted from the placenta, or in common parlance - from the "baby place", placenta. The placenta is a special organ through which the exchange of substances between the mother's body and the child during fetal development is carried out. It contains proteins, fats, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, as well as protein factors that affect the vital activity of cells. richest material. Of course, the same substances can be obtained from other tissues of the human body, say, from the liver, but, as you understand, it is rather difficult to obtain a piece of the liver for subsequent use in cosmetic purposes.

Photobank Lori

The placenta has been of interest to people for a long time - the first scientific works on this topic were written by Hippocrates and Avicenna. It is also known that Marie Antoinette and Cleopatra also did not disdain to use the placenta to maintain fading beauty. In modern cosmetology, I use a placenta obtained from mammals, and if the word “allogeneic” is present in the description, it means that a human placenta was used to produce this product. There are several theories on the principle of the magical effect of placental cosmetics, one of which says that the active components of the placenta are absorbed by the skin more easily than others, since they are recognized by the body as “their own”.

Therefore, placental cosmetics do not cause allergic reactions, side effects and addiction, which often occurs when using other types of cosmetic products. Extract from the placenta helps to restore the skin by removing keratin, has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, and also blocks free radicals, which leads to a visible slowdown in the aging process of the skin. Of course, to achieve the best result, you need to make a cream for a particular woman from her own placenta, but this is very expensive and difficult.

From many sources, information can be gleaned that the placenta for the production of cosmetics is obtained from abortive material. In fact, more often than not, manufacturers use placenta obtained from maternity hospitals, and not from abortion clinics. The fact is that such a placenta is much larger in size than the placenta taken after an abortion, when the fetus was not even 13 weeks old. Therefore, it is more profitable for the manufacturer to take a mature placenta. But here one delicate moment appears: a woman leaving the maternity hospital with a live lump in her arms does not suspect that her placenta, which has maintained a connection between her and her baby for 9 months, can become a cosmetic raw material. She simply will not be informed, and, accordingly, will not be paid money.

Manufacturers of placental cosmetics enter into agreements with some maternity hospitals, according to which all suitable "children's places" are transferred to these same manufacturers. Moreover, most women do not know that the umbilical cord cannot be cut immediately after the birth of a child - this can be done only after its pulsation has ended. The fact is that during the period when the baby has already been born, and the placenta is not yet there, about 100 ml of blood, rich in hormones that were produced by the placenta during labor, is transfused through it from the mother to the child. It boosts the baby's immunity. But since maternity hospitals hand over the placenta "by weight", it is, of course, more profitable for them that doctors cut the umbilical cord immediately after the birth of the child. In addition, mothers are at risk of buying placental shampoo or cream containing components of their own placenta in the store. The probability of this is negligible, but still it exists.

Rejuvenating effect

In the process of processing placental material into cosmetic raw materials, manufacturers face a difficult task. After all, raw materials for future creams and shampoos should not contain not only viruses, say, AIDS or hepatitis, but also various kinds of hormones that the placenta is so rich in. Indeed, the first placental preparations, released somewhere in the early 40s of the twentieth century, did noticeably reduce the signs of skin aging, but the reason for this was the large amounts of steroid hormones contained in the source material. Of course, side effects were not slow to manifest themselves - hormonal imbalance, for example. Therefore, now each stage of the creation of cosmetic products includes a multi-stage check of the raw materials. Of course, cosmetics, the production of which requires such costs, a priori cannot be cheap.

However, many experts question the very possibility of completely cleaning the placenta - after all, in a woman's body, in addition to other functions, it is also a filter that protects the unborn baby from infections, certain drugs and adverse environmental effects. In addition, the rejuvenating effect of placental cosmetics itself raises certain doubts. By what means is it achieved? Perhaps due to the acceleration of cell division - the placenta contains a large amount of proteins that cause certain groups of cells to divide - the so-called "growth factors". Due to the same proteins, by the way, placental cosmetics can be used as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. But how safe is it? The acceleration of cell division can lead to the fact that this process gets out of control and occurs. After all, the use of placental cosmetics by patients by doctors is not controlled, and it would never occur to women themselves to classify themselves as a “risk group” for this reason.

So we use anti-aging creams and masks daily and uncontrollably, although, for example, the drug Solcoseryl, which has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, is made on the basis of an extract from the blood of calves, it would not occur to us to smear "just like that" - because it is dangerous. We understand that the uncontrolled use of drugs is harmful to health, but we cannot even think so about banal, even expensive cosmetics. And, finally, the greatest anti-aging effect from the use of placental cosmetics is associated with a high content of proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. But the molecules of these substances cannot penetrate the skin - they are too large. They can only moisturize it. However, some moisturizers can, on the contrary, dry out the skin, especially in conditions of low atmospheric humidity - for example, indoors in winter. Therefore, we can conclude that the magical properties of placental cosmetics are greatly exaggerated by manufacturers.

ethical moment

Currently, in Europe, the use of all organs and products of human vital activity in cosmetology is prohibited by law - the Europeans considered this immoral. Therefore, for the production of placental cosmetics in these countries, the placenta of three types of animals is used: pigs, sheep and cows. However, the production of cosmetics from the placenta of cows is gradually fading out of fear of the mad cow disease virus that has spread recently. By the way, it doesn't matter whose placenta is used to make, say, masks or shampoos - a sheep and a pig are genetically very close to humans. Unlike “enlightened Europe”, in our country everything is different.

We also banned the use of human cells and tissues in the perfumery and cosmetics industry, but the legislative framework on this issue has not been finalized. Therefore, placental cosmetics based on the human placenta are very popular in our country. Manufacturers do not consider their products immoral: after all, the placenta is an organ that has worked out its use, the use of which does not cause any harm to either the woman or the child, and there are a lot of benefits from its processing. Otherwise, the placenta will simply be buried like any other human organ. It is also interesting that animal placental material is used for the production of placental cosmetics approved by law, and human placental material is not prohibited from being used for the manufacture of cosmetics, medicines and pet food. Here is a barter.