Weave bracelets from rubber bands on a small loom. Rubber bracelets how to make. Bracelet called "Rain"

On fingers

In order to weave your first bracelet, you will need a Rainbow loom set, a clasp and the palm of your left hand. One of the easiest ways to weave rubber bracelets is called a "chain", having mastered it, you can experiment with more complex options.

Choose two rubber bands in matching colors. Place the first one by pulling it over the thumb and forefinger, crossing in the form of a figure eight. Pull the second rubber band without crossing. We begin the weaving process. Hook the lower elastic band from the thumb and remove it to the middle, do the same with the elastic band from the index finger. Take another rubber band, place it in a ring on the thumb and forefinger, stretching it to the top of the previous rubber band. Again remove the lower elastic band through the thumb and forefinger to the middle and continue weaving until you reach the desired length of the bracelet. At the end of the work, hook the fastener from the edges. The chain bracelet is ready. By the way, in a similar way, you can weave bracelets from rubber bands using a special slingshot, which is sold in the kit.

How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on a loom

Weaving bracelets on a loom is a fascinating activity for both adult craftswomen and for. The machine provides more opportunities for the implementation of new ideas than the fingers of one hand, so it’s worth mastering this method in order to generally know rubber bracelets.

Sitting comfortably, place the machine in front of you so that its pegs “look” up in the direction away from you. Stretch the elastic band between the outer column in the middle row and the first column in the outer row diagonally. Hook the second elastic band to the column where the previous one is already located, and its second end diagonally to the next free column. Continue in this manner to the end of the row. Now start weaving the bracelet, armed with a crochet hook and turning the loom so that the pegs “look” down. Pull the elastic from the first peg in the middle row and, stretching it through the next one, pull it over the second peg in the last row. Do the same with going in one direction. You will get a whole series of woven circles. Fasten the fastener on the last rubber band, and then carefully pull the entire row off the loom. The product is ready, according to this principle, you can weave rubber bracelets for every taste.

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a table fork

This method of weaving rubber bracelets is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase a machine. On the middle two prongs of an ordinary table fork, put on an elastic band so that it is twisted like a figure eight. In the same way, put the elastic bands on the two extreme right teeth and one more on the two extreme left ones. Place the fourth rubber band again on the middle prongs of the fork, but without crossing it. Start weaving like this: remove the lowest rubber band from one tooth, and then from the second. On the extreme teeth on one side, add an elastic band without turning it over. Now hook the first extreme elastic band with a hook and remove it from one tooth, then from the second. Add an inverted rubber band to the teeth on the other side and do the same. Next, we put the elastic band on the middle teeth again, we tighten the lower elastic band in turn from one middle tooth, then from the other. Add the elastic again to the right teeth, stretch the bottom one alternately, and also with the left side. Continue weaving the rubber bands until you reach the desired length. When you finish making the bracelet, choose a suitable C- or S-type clasp and fasten it to the last elastic band.

These are the easiest ways to make a rubber band bracelet. But, having mastered them, you can start weaving figurines of animals, flowers, as well as bracelets with beads.

There is no data on when they began to weave from rubber bands. It is only reasonable to assume that the method was worked out after the middle of the 20th century. Rubber itself was invented in the middle of the 19th century. But, copies for hair and money appeared only in the 20th century. It is only known for certain who invented the machine for weaving bracelets.

It was Ching Chong. In the 1990s, he worked as an engineer for the Nissan car company. After a hard day, the man was met by his wife and two daughters. Both girls were fond of making rubber bands. Ching tried to participate in the game, but failed. Rubber bands were slipping out of my thumbs. Then the father of the family built a primitive machine tool. A technical mindset helped. Videos and photos of the main weaving techniques will help us. A lot of them have been invented in 20 years.

How to weave a rubber band bracelet

Let's start with the inventory. In addition to multi-colored rubber bands and a plastic machine, fasteners for closing and a hook are required. Beads, pendants and other accessories for additional decoration of products can be useful. Everything you need is in special kits.

Most of them are called Rainbow Loom. This set of rubber bands for bracelets, which the grown daughters of Ching Chong began to sell. Plenty of selections. There are, for example, samples with a small number of colored elements. Rubber bands of the desired colors are purchased separately.

There are sets in which a solid supply of materials of all colors is hidden. Machine tools consisting of plastic flasks can also be different. Pocket version - four interconnected cylinders. Professional machines consist of tens and hundreds of flasks.

The inventory is purchased, it's time to get to work. First, learn simple rubber bracelets on the machine. For students, for example, "dragon scales" can be attributed. The name notices the characteristic shape of the cells. For its production, only two machine cones and 40 rubber bands are required, 20 of which are white, another 20 are gray. However, it is better to refer to the training video.

Rubber bands for weaving bracelets does not have to be white and grey. The main thing in the product is associations with scales. The animal is fabulous, it can be purple-pink, or green-yellow. The video shows a two-row version of the bracelet. But, having got the hang of it, they also weave multi-row options. We present to your attention a photo of such works.

Complex rubber bracelets do not require academic. You can start making labor-intensive options by skipping elementary lessons. The main thing is to find a good mentor, or a video with the most understandable, step-by-step explanation. We present one of these videos. It helps to create the weaving "ladder". In the middle of the composition, horizontal lines flaunt, resembling steps.

The master offers a scheme with a central part painted black. Colors are taken at the discretion of the creator. "Ladder" can be of all colors. Instead of "steps", some insert. Below is a sample based on red, green and white rubber bands.

How to weave rubber bracelets often begin to study without having a machine tool at hand. Most of the masters are children from 5 to 15 years old. If parents do not buy a special set, teenagers get out of the situation with the help of cutlery. You can create most jewelry with a regular fork. Give an example of weaving a fishtail.

The rules of etiquette allow you to eat pizza with your bare hands. So, in the case of bracelets, not everyone prefers to use devices. Instead of creating rubber band bracelets, some do it on their fingers. The daughters of Ching Chog succeeded, and many modern masters are subject to it. We suggest doing it effortlessly, to the music that accompanies the next video.

How to weave rubber bracelets- a question with an unlimited number of answers. Craftsmen from different cities and countries offer more and more options. Masters are not limited to wrist, they make models for ankles and belts - rings. From elastic bands create key chains, headbands, even clothes. Don't believe?

Keychains, outfits, rubber band bracelets problems are made, but not worn. Scientists have studied the products and came to the conclusion that it is dangerous to health. Colored gum has a high concentration of phthalane. These are salts and esters of phthalic acid. Substances are not excreted from the body. The more phthalane, the higher the risk of cancer. This was the reason for the ban on the import of children's goods into Ireland and the UK. In other countries, they take time with the law.

It should be noted that among the studied sets, about 20% were safe for health. Therefore, in Foggy Albion they continue to weave rubber bracelets, video watch and come up with new models. The only difference is that English children, at the same time, do not risk their health. In Russia, it is worth paying attention to the composition indicated on the package. The presence of polystyrenes in the list is an alarming "call".

Rubber band reviews

In addition to lawmakers and industrialists, few people know about the danger hidden in some bracelets. Therefore, they mainly discuss durability, convenience, and the price of jewelry. Beginners are surprised that the 600 rubber bands that come in typical Rainbow Loom sets are enough for 12-13 medium-width bracelets.

How to make a rubber band bracelet interested not only in children, but also in adults. They leave meaningful reviews. For example, they offer to focus on celebrities. Recently, a photo of British Princess Kate Middleton appeared in the press. The lady appeared in a red suit with a black belt, a black clutch, and flaunted on her arm bracelet with rubber bands.

Even royalty love the colorfulness of rubber band jewelry and how easy it is to clean. Products do not need to be removed either in the shower or on a beach holiday. Buy rubber bands for weaving bracelets solved due to the lightness of the material. You can put on dozens of baubles at the same time and not languish from heaviness.

Rubber bands for bracelets and their price

Before how to weave a rubber band bracelet need to stock up on them. Sets of medium sizes cost around 400-500 rubles. They have a machine, a hook, fasteners and 600 rubber bands. In large sets for 1000 - 1300 3000 rubber bands are included. There are options from 2700 rubles with 18000 rubber bands. Manufacturers indicate that the kits are made on the basis of hypoallergenic latex.

Miniature options for a pair of bracelets on sale. They offer 200 elastic bands and a hook for them for 100-130 rubles. Rubber bands without additional elements are also available in stores. A package with a hundred rubber bands costs around 30-60 rubles. 600 pieces are offered for 200 rubles. There are sets of decorative elements - hearts, stars, strawberries.

For a hundred beads, you will have to pay around 250-350 rubles. 150-200 decorative elements are placed in packages for 300-500 rubles. But, butterflies and hearts can also be made from the rubber bands themselves. The main thing is to show ingenuity and imagination. And here is the final example, which was approached with creativity:

In conclusion, we present to your attention a few more video clips that will show you how to weave rubber bracelets:

In the past two years, children around the world, as well as their parents, have been enthusiastically weaving a variety of decorations from colored Rainbow Loom rubber bands. They came up with such baubles for a long time, but the hobby gained mass popularity only after the American Ching Chong, who once worked at the well-known Nissan company, watching his daughters weave bracelets on her fingers, decided to join the creative process. Since weaving on the fingers is not very convenient, Chong did not succeed. But the resourceful dad showed ingenuity and invented special devices that facilitate the process of creating bracelets.

Overseas hobby of Russian teenagers

With the help of special forks, machines and hooks, it became much easier to connect multi-colored rubber bands, decorations began to turn out faster, many new schemes began to appear. All of America, and after it Europe, was seized by a real weaving mania. In 2014, Rainbow Loom sets were even voted the best creative toy of the year.

Soon the hobby reached Russian children and teenagers, as well as their mothers and fathers. The pioneers tried to weave on fingers, kitchen forks, pencils and independently assembled machines. To create bracelets and toys, even bank elastic bands and rubber bands from hairdressing kits were used. Some ordered Rainbow Loom sets from foreign virtual stores.

A little later, original sets for weaving rubber bands appeared in Russia, as well as their more budgetary counterparts, of which quite a few managed to be released. Now almost every Russian schoolboy can boast of having wove at least one rainbow rubber band bracelet. Moreover, not only girls, but also boys are fond of weaving. And even parents sometimes can not resist and are connected to creativity.

They usually start weaving usually with the simplest patterns. As a rule, on each bag of rubber bands and in each kit for creativity, you can find instructions for creating. You can even weave it on your fingers.

The first rubber band is put on the index and middle fingers. Preliminarily, the gum is twisted into a figure eight. It turns out a kind of infinity, stretched on the fingers. From above, without any twisting, they pull the next elastic band, and remove the lower one - at the same time, it seems to hang on the next one. Then they put on the third rubber band, and the second one is again removed from the fingers. Then the fourth elastic band is put on the fingers, and the third one is carefully removed. Thus, you need to repeat a couple more dozen times. One elastic band is put on, and the previous one is removed. So it turns out a kind of chain of multi-colored rubber bands. Once it reaches the desired length, all that remains is to connect the ends with a special s-shaped or c-shaped plastic lock, sold with rubber bands.

For greater convenience, you can use a special weaving fork, somewhat reminiscent of a small slingshot, and a hook that allows you to easily and quickly pick up the bottom elastic band.

You can complicate the process a little and weave the so-called "fish tail". To do this, at the very beginning, after the first rubber band, not one, but two rubber bands are pulled onto the fingers or fork. Then everything is done in the same way, the lower elastic band is constantly removed and a new one is added on top, just instead of one, two stretched colored elastic bands remain on the fingers all the time. And you can add another rubber band at the beginning and leave three stretched rubber bands on your fingers each time. The bracelet in this case will turn out to be even more dense, although more elastic bands will be required to cover the wrist.

By alternating different colors or choosing elastic bands of the same color, you can create many interesting variations.

We connect the machine

No matter how convenient and fast it is to weave on your fingers, only with the help of a special machine can you master truly complex and large patterns. It seems to some that it is much faster and more convenient to make a bracelet out of rubber bands on a machine, while others are afraid to approach a device that is not easy at first glance. If you limit yourself to weaving only the most primitive jewelry, you can safely get by with only a special hook and forks.
But to create many complex patterns, weave toys, handbags and many other stylish gizmos, a machine is required.

To make it not so scary to start mastering the machine, you should first watch a few lessons on the video. Then weaving will not seem so complicated.

Types of machines

Machines for weaving rubber irises are different. Some are shaped hollow columns, others are made in the form of ordinary pins. There are special machines where the posts for stringing rubber bands are arranged in a circle or oval. With their help, it is convenient to create some toys, as well as patterns in the form of flowers, snowflakes and stars. There are machines where the columns are set in two, three or more rows one after the other, or with an offset of one of the rows when the columns are in a checkerboard pattern. One of the most convenient and versatile are weaving machines with the ability to move the posts, setting them in the right order.

Chain of elastic bands on the machine

It is worth mastering weaving on the machine from the simplest patterns. Then the principle of weaving with the help of a machine will immediately become clear and, making sure that making a bracelet out of rubber bands on a machine is not as difficult as it seems at first, it will be possible to move on to more complex ones.
The simplest and fastest version of a rainbow elastic band bracelet is, of course, a regular chain that can even be made on your fingers. It's worth starting with her.

  • Step one

The first step, of course, is to prepare the inventory. For weaving, you will need a machine with a checkerboard offset of the columns so that the columns from the first row are located between the columns from the row opposite. When weaving the chain, only two rows of columns will be involved. The columns at the beginning of the weave should be located away from you in the form of the letter "U". Well, do not forget about the elastic bands of the chosen color, as well as about the hook.

  • step two

The first elastic band is taken and stretched diagonally on the first column closest to you and the first column of the adjacent row. Next, the second elastic band is taken and put on with one end on the column farthest from you, where the first elastic band is located, and with the other end diagonally on the nearest column of the adjacent row.

  • Step Three

The third elastic band is pulled over the column where the second and the column are stretched in the next row. Thus, a zigzag pattern is obtained. Similarly, all other rubber bands are stretched along the entire length of the machine. After that, the machine is deployed so that the grooves in the columns are directed towards you. So it will be more convenient to hook the elastic bands with a hook.

  • Step Four

There is one rubber band on the peg closest to you. Also, one gum is located on the peg farthest from you. All others should have two rubber bands. You can proceed directly to weaving. We start weaving from the first near peg, on which there are two elastic bands. Gently hook the bottom of the rubber bands with a hook and remove, and then put on the nearest peg in the next row. Thus, there are three elastic bands on it, the lower of which must be removed and thrown onto the diagonally nearest peg of the adjacent row. Similarly, you need to repeat with the rest of the rubber bands along the entire length of the machine.

  • Step Five

If everything is done correctly, then the machine will have a pattern resembling circles linked in a checkerboard pattern. There is very little left to do. On the last elastic bands you need to fasten an s-shaped or c-shaped fastener. Then, starting from the last column, the entire bracelet is carefully removed, and the ends are connected with a clasp.

The rubber chain bracelet is ready. It may seem that weaving it on a fork or even on your fingers would be faster and easier. This is true. But thanks to this bracelet, you can understand the very principle of working with the machine, which will greatly facilitate the process of weaving more complex patterns.

flower bracelet

It looks interesting on the hand bracelet with patterns in the form of flowers or stars. Of course, making it more difficult than a chain, but the result cannot but please.

For this pattern, you will have to use three rows of pegs. The extreme rows are parallel to each other, and the middle row is shifted relative to them in a checkerboard pattern. The first elastic band is pulled over the peg of the middle row closest to you and the first peg of the leftmost row. The second elastic band is located on the first peg of the left row and the next peg of the same row. The next gum should also be in the left row - on the second and third peg. So one by one, elastic bands are put on the entire left row. The last of the rubber bands is pulled over the penultimate peg of the left row and diagonally over the last peg of the middle row. Elastic bands are put on in the same way on the extreme right row of pegs. At the same time, you need to start from the same central column from which all weaving began.

After all the elastic bands around the perimeter of the machine, you can start creating a floral pattern. You need to start the first flower from the second column in the middle and the second peg in the right row. An elastic band is stretched between them. The next elastic band is pulled over the second peg of the middle row and the first peg of the right. Then the elastic is placed on the second and first pegs of the middle row, then on the second peg of the middle row and the first peg of the left. The second peg of the middle row and the second peg of the left row are used next, followed by the second and third pegs of the middle row. Thus, a flower is obtained with a center located on the second peg of the middle row.

The second flower begins with an elastic band stretched over the fourth column of the middle and the fourth column of the left row. Moving clockwise, a flower is formed with the center located on the fourth column in the middle row.

The third flower is made in the same way, but centered on the sixth column of the middle row. In the same way, you need to make flowers so that the entire machine is filled with them.

Now you need to put on an elastic band folded in half on the last column in the middle row. Also, elastic bands folded in half are put on each of the columns where the centers of the flowers are located. After that, the preparatory work can be considered completed.

Now you can proceed directly to weaving. First of all, you need to turn the machine so that the flower that was made the most recent is right in front of you. The lowest elastic band on the first column of the middle row must be carefully removed and put on the column, which is the center of the flower closest to you. Next, the elastic band is removed from the third column in the middle row and put on the center of the second flower. A similar operation is carried out with each of the flowers.

The next step will take a little longer. It is necessary to remove each gum that forms a flower petal from the central peg of this flower and carefully put it on the peg where the second end of the same gum is located. In this case, it is important to start with the lowest elastic band located on the central peg and move further counterclockwise.

Then you need to weave a pattern around the perimeter. To do this, you need to start with an elastic band stretched between the first right and first center pegs. The edge of the elastic band that is put on the central peg is carefully removed and put on the right peg, where the other end of the same elastic band is located. Then they do the same with an elastic band that is stretched over the first central and first left columns.

Then they move on to an elastic band stretched between the first and second columns in the left row. The edge located on the first left column is removed and put on the second. Then comes the turn of the elastic band, which is stretched between the second and third columns of the left row. Then the whole row is woven in the same way. At the same time, an elastic band is woven last, stretched between the last left and last central columns. Exactly the same operations are repeated on the right side.

It remains only to add an additional loop on the extreme peg on one side, fasten an s-shaped clip on it, then remove the bracelet from the machine, lengthen it on one side, weaving a simple chain so that it is enough for the wrist circumference, and connect the ends of the bracelet with an s-shaped clip .

Triple bracelet

Another interesting option for a bracelet that can be woven using a loom is a triple braid. Weaving this pattern is relatively easy.

This pattern looks very beautiful in a rainbow design. For weaving, you need to install the columns of the machine in the same way as in the version with a floral pattern. First, three elastic bands of the same color are pulled. The first is stretched between the first and second pegs of the left row, the second is located between the first and second pegs of the middle row, the last should be between the first and second pegs of the right row. Next, three colored elastic bands are stretched between the second and third columns in the left, middle and right rows. The machine is filled in the same way along the entire length.

Then you need to move on to neutral-colored elastic bands. Black is perfect. The first elastic band must be pulled between three columns: the second left, the second center and the second right. The next gum is worn on three thirds of the column. Similarly, it is repeated along the entire length of the machine. After that, the machine must be turned so that the tops of the triangles formed by black rubber bands look in the opposite direction from you.

Now you can start weaving. The edge of each colored elastic band closest to you is taken and put on the peg on which the second end of the same elastic band is located. All colored elastic bands are woven in the same way. The last colored elastic bands are woven and all three are put on the last peg in the central row. Then a black elastic band is passed through them, secured with an S-shaped fastener.

Now the entire bracelet can be removed from the machine, lengthened with a woven chain and connected with a clasp.

In addition to the described three bracelets on the machine, you can weave a lot of interesting things and even create your own patterns.

The machine is endless possibilities for creating beautiful and diverse bracelets! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the master class on how to weave a rubber band bracelet on a loom: the lesson contains detailed explanations and step-by-step photographs. This type of weaving looks interesting when the base contrasts with the elastic bands of the front side. And to make it even more fun, we invite you to color the bracelet in the colors of the rainbow!

The machine does not allow you to weave a bracelet that completely covers even a child's wrist. Usually it is advised to weave a fragment on the loom, and weave the rest in a simple way - for example, the way it is woven. But in this lesson we will show you another way - how to extend the loom weaving in such a way as to get a bracelet of the required (and not a given number of pins) length.

To weave a bracelet from elastic bands on a loom according to our lesson, you will need:

straight machine;

elastic bands for weaving - black or white for banners and colored elastic bands according to the number of colors of the rainbow or any other you want;

one figure-eight clasp.

Weaving a bracelet from rubber bands on a loom: a lesson with step by step photos

First of all, assemble the machine so that the center line is offset from the two extreme ones. Thus, the pins will be staggered. Place the machine so that the open part of the pins looks away from you.

Throw one purple elastic band on the extreme pin of each line of the machine.

Then stretch the pink rubber bands as shown in the photo below.

Next up is orange.

Then - yellow, green, blue and purple again - and so on until the end of the loom. If you follow the color scheme suggested here, then the last stretched rubber bands will be purple. Throw one more pink elastic band over the last pins, without stretching.

We stretch the elastic bands of the base - black or white. We arrange them, clinging to three pins, in a triangle:

We reach the end of the machine:

We start weaving a bracelet from elastic bands on the machine. We take the hook and insert it into the cavity of the pin. We grab the purple elastic band and release it by pulling it between the black elastic band and the pin itself (see photo below).

The loop removed in this way is thrown onto the next pin of the same line of the machine.

We do the same with the second purple rubber band.

And the third.

Let's do blue rubber bands. We insert the hook into the cavity of the pin, pick up the blue elastic band and carefully, so as not to throw off the rest of the rubber bands from the pin, we bring out the loop and throw it on the next pin.

We do the same with the rest of the blue rubber bands.

You understand the principle: in the same way, we release the following loops until we reach the end of the machine.

Now we need to carefully remove the ribbon woven for the bracelet from the loom and transfer it to the beginning of the loom to continue weaving. To do this, we do this.

We pull out one side of the purple, hitherto dangling rubber band into the cavity of the pin, and on the other side we hook its second side on the hook.

We do this with all three purple rubber bands.

We put a black elastic band on the finger, hook it with a hook, on which loops of purple elastic bands are already hanging.

We stretch the black elastic band through the entire row of purple ones, holding its second edge with a finger so that it does not slip out; then we hook the second loop of black elastic with a hook. Like this:

We fasten both loops of the black elastic band with a figure-eight clasp, and our bracelet on this side will be protected from blooming.

Gently pull the clasp, removing the rubber bands from the machine. Be careful: it is important to stop in time so that the last, as yet loose loops do not fly off the machine!

We pass the hook through the extreme pink elastic bands, while grabbing the extreme black one.

Let's attach a bracelet made of rubber bands woven on the machine to the ruler to determine the density of weaving and calculate how much more we need to weave to get the bracelet of the desired length.

The pink elastic bands left on the hook are placed on the loom in this way. Do not forget about the black gum of the base: we also place it on the machine.

We supplement the location on the machine with black elastic bands of the base. Now I decided to twist the bracelet so that it becomes continuous. Still, I had to use a clasp, and you don’t have to do such a twist at all - just weave the bracelet to the required length, and then pull both ends with one clasp. But for lovers of complexity, in this lesson I will describe a method that allows you to get an almost circular bracelet.

To prevent loops from flying off the edge of the machine, I used an ordinary fork as a stopper. An ice cream stick, spoon or pencil would do the job just as well.

We start the woven band of the bracelet from rubber bands over the machine, pulling it well ...

... and we cling to the extreme loops of purple rubber bands as if the bracelet had not been interrupted.

Let's not forget about the gum base. We throw it on the machine, removing the upper part of the purple loops and then returning them to their place.

It is inconvenient to keep it in this state, so I shifted it to the side.

We throw off the blue loops, which are already familiar to us, etc.

Until we reach the end of weaving.

We begin to tighten the last (pink) loops with a black elastic band. To do this, grab the extreme upper loops, as shown in the photo below.

We fasten the elastic loops with a figure-eight clasp.

We have left unused part of the black base.

We wrap it with a figure eight and also tangle it into the clasp.

This is the wrong side - turn the bracelet woven on the machine to the front side and level it so that the rubber bands fit each elastically into place.

Eva Casio specially for the site

Rubber band weaving is a new type of needlework. It appeared quite recently, however, quickly gained popularity among children and adults.

From small multi-colored elastic bands, which are easily purchased at a stationery store or where they sell hairpins, beautiful and bright decorations are easily and quickly obtained:

  • bracelets;
  • pendants;
  • necklace;
  • belts;
  • rings, etc.

Thanks to a wide range of shades, elastic band accessories are unique, and each needlewoman will be able to find a color scheme to her liking.

There are various techniques for weaving rubber bands:

  1. Weaving on the fingers.
  2. Weaving on a loom or a small loom.
  3. Weaving on a fork.

In these techniques, both simple patterns are woven, which even a child can handle, and more laborious ones.

What is needed for weaving rubber bands?

For weaving, in addition to the elastic bands themselves, you will need the following tools:

  • .hook (take a simple crochet hook No. 3-4 differs from the special one in head size and rounding);
  • .weaving machine - can be of various modifications with 2 or more rods for fixing elastic bands;
  • .usual table fork;
  • rubber bands, they are in bags and a plastic hook comes with them, sometimes with a slingshot - this is a small machine, as in the photo below.

The set of tools may vary, depending on the chosen technique.
On the Internet, it is now easy to find a huge number of workshops on weaving rubber bands. Many of these lessons are provided with detailed descriptions and video instructions in Russian.

Basic weaving pattern

In order to learn how to weave from rubber bands, it is best to start with the simplest basic pattern that does not require special tools. One of these patterns is the chain pattern.

The chain weaving process consists of the following steps:

  1. We put on an elastic band twisted in the form of a figure eight on the index and middle fingers;
  2. We do not twist the next elastic band, but simply pull it next to the first one;
  3. We remove the first elastic band from the fingers, threading it onto the last one;
  4. So we continue until the product of the desired length is obtained;
  5. At the end of the weave we attach an S-shaped fastener.

Rubber bracelet "flower"

This model of the bracelet is also woven without using a loom. For work you will need:

  • pencils - 3 pcs.;
  • hook;
  • clasp;
  • colored rubber bands green-36, orange-12, pink-24, purple-12 and red-7.

Weaving a bracelet with a flower takes place in two stages:

  1. Flower making. Weave 6 petals from orange, pink and purple elastic bands. The weaving of flower petals is based on the “chain” pattern discussed above. We connect the petals of the flower, stringing them on a red elastic band and fixing them with a green one.
  2. Making the base of the bracelet. Weave a tourniquet with a fishtail pattern, starting with the first green elastic band of the flower.
    For such weaving, we put on two pencils a twisted elastic band, and on top we string two more not twisted. We remove the first elastic band and stretch it through the last two. So weave until the desired length is reached. We connect the ends of the bracelet and fasten them with a clasp.

For more details on the process of making a bracelet with a flower, see the next video tutorial in Russian.

Bracelet made of elastic bands on the machine

Such an original decoration is not difficult to make. We will need:

  • weaving machine;
  • hook;
  • elastic bands of two or three colors (imagine a bracelet in what order you want to see it, so spread out the rubber bands);
  • clasp.

The first step is to decide on the sequence of colors in the picture. For a sample, lay out the rubber bands in the desired order and refer to it as you work.

  1. To start weaving, we will stretch three elastic bands on the adjacent columns of the machine: twist the first elastic band with a figure eight.
  2. We put on the next two as is.
  3. Next, crochet the bottom elastic band and thread it through the other two.
  4. Then we put on one new rubber band, and remove the bottom one in the same way. So we will continue until the end of the work, and then we will connect the ends of the resulting bracelet with a clasp.

Bracelet made of rubber bands on a fork

The iris bracelet is a classic version of weaving on a fork. For work you will need:

  • fork;
  • elastic bands of all colors of the rainbow;
  • thin hook.
  1. At the beginning of weaving, we fold the first elastic band in half and, twisting it with a figure eight, we put on the two central cloves of the fork.
  2. We pull the next two elastic bands in pairs on the left and right teeth in the same way.
  3. Now we remove the initial rubber band, while stretching it from above the central loops. To prevent the rubber bands from slipping, we move the entire canvas down the fork.
  4. Then we place the folded in half, but not twisted elastic band on the middle pair of teeth, and remove the previous row on top of it.

Thus, we alternate:
elastic band in the center;
rubber bands on the sides.

For each color, repeat two or more rows.

To complete the weaving of the product, we throw the loops from the extreme cloves of the fork through the central ones, and then the lower ones through the upper ones. On the remaining 2 loops in the center, we put on the last ring folded in half and stretch the loops through it. It remains to throw one loop over the other and fasten the weaving with a clasp. The bracelet is ready!

Panda rubber band decoration

In addition to bracelets, other accessories are also woven from rubber bands. The next video tutorial details how to weave a keychain in the shape of a funny toy. Weaving a panda keychain requires initial training, so it should be taken after training on simple jewelry.


In this article, a variety of patterns and techniques for weaving rubber products were considered. However, this is only a small part of the whole variety of options. By using different color schemes and applying a creative approach to the process, you can easily master or come up with more complex patterns yourself. an article with photos and videos will illustrate in detail different products and options for their creation.

Insects and animals, birds and rings, necklaces and amphibians. How to weave such things and on what: a loom, fingers, without a loom is easy to repeat in a video.

Weaving from rubber bands will be interesting for both teenagers and adult lovers of needlework. In addition, this hobby is exciting and useful for children, contributes to the development of fine motor skills and perseverance.

Happy crafting!!