Weaving from beads Christmas balls. New Year's ball from beads. Scheme. Master class with step by step photos. Angels at the feast

Any needlewoman wishes to decorate the Christmas tree with toys of her own making. A ball of beads will be a wonderful decoration for a festive tree and will serve as a delightful gift for relatives and friends on New Year's Eve.

A charming craft will turn out if you manage to braid a glass ball. This is not easy to do. Such Christmas toys are fragile and you can accidentally make a bunch of New Year's fragments out of them. It is easier to reproduce the master class explaining the braiding of a plastic circle. Such a souvenir will be both more practical and durable.

List of materials:

  • ball (diameter 21 cm);
  • beads of bright colors (size 7/0 of different shapes);
  • fishing line;
  • beads (5 mm);
  • pebbles;
  • ribbons.

An easy way to weave toys is to use low, collected from beads and beads:

If you make the low ones a little longer, then they can be connected to each other in several places and get a mesh weave as in the photo.
Or study the following master class.

Another easy braiding method

The easy method is demonstrated with a photo tutorial. Look at the photo of the finished decoration and the weaving pattern. A step-by-step description will help you complete all the steps correctly.

Refined golden style in New Year's decor

Mesh pattern for professionals in a detailed master class with a photo.

Braiding a Christmas ball with parallel weaving


  • plastic Christmas ball, 7 cm in diameter;
  • beads size 10/0 in two bright and contrasting colors (in our example it will be blue and white);
  • blue beads, size 5/0;
  • beaded wire.

The scheme of the pattern for braiding the New Year's ball:

Take the beads and weave a nine-part star on the wire. To create each, a rhombus weaving pattern is used:

Got a star. Make another one like this. Then tie them up. to do this, use a fishing line. Using loops, we connect the stars to each other, working with both ends of the fishing line:

  1. Fold the stars together so that the sides with the tails are turned inward.
  2. Dial 1 blue bead size 5/0 on the line, then 4 white 10/0, 1 blue and again 4 white beads on each edge of the line and pass them through the beads of any rhombus pair, repeat the same set.
  3. At the end, pass both edges through one bead and pull off. You get a loop that connects the stars to each other. Instead of beads, size 5/0, you can use beads of the appropriate diameter or pebbles, or create crosses with small beads at the location of these beads.
  4. When you complete the weaving of the closing loop, stretch it and insert the New Year's ball. Then tighten the weave again.

The eye of the ball should fall into one of the loops. When the work is completed, fasten the fishing line and hide the edge.

Braiding the ball with a solid beaded cloth

Draw a New Year's pattern on it. A properly selected bead weaving pattern and video tutorials will help you with this.

Video: Making decorations for Christmas balls

Handmade jewelry is a real exclusive that always attracts admiring glances. If the old balls for the Christmas tree are tired for a long time, and the hands and impatient mind of the craftswoman do not give rest, then this instruction will help you, because it is on the topic “how to weave a ball for the Christmas tree with beads”!

As in any other needlework technique, beading has its own zest and basic things, from which you can then create a variety of jewelry. One of these things will be a beaded ball. Depending on your size and shade, it can become a particle of decoration or a New Year's toy. But first you need to learn how to create it.

Crochet can come to the rescue - you can use it to braid a round base for future beaded balls. Beaded Christmas balls look simply amazing. If you don’t know how to knit, it doesn’t matter, beaded balls can be created using a beading needle. Instructions with diagrams are easily found on the Internet. In our article - instructions with a description and a useful video.

In order to make such a Christmas ball of beads, we need:

  • Various beads. (For training, you can take a monophonic material).
  • Thread or fishing line for work.
  • Good needle.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Beads.

In order not to have to look for any beads every time, you need to scatter it on a plate or a simple towel. First bead ball you need to create from beads of the same size, as it will keep its shape perfectly. And when the technique is fully mastered, it will be possible to move on to weaving it from glass beads and various sparkles.

It is worth remembering that a beaded ball is made on the basis of 3-5 beads. They look completely different, each time creating an unusual design. Then they can be combined with each other in one finished product.

Gallery: Christmas balls made of beads (25 photos)

Ball on three beads: master class

To create it, you need only six beads. Therefore, it is worth taking them in a larger size so that the ball does not turn out to be too small. Description of the master class.

We put three pieces on the thread beads and fasten everything into a ringlet, passing the needle through the first bead again. To secure, once again draw the thread through all three beads and tie a knot.

We put more beads on the thread and thread the needle according to the weaving pattern through the first and second bead. Tighten the threads well so that the hemisphere comes out.

Let's thread the last bead onto the needle, and, following the signs on our diagram, we pass the thread through four, then through 2, 3, 5 and 6 beads. Now again through three and five beads. Tighten the thread well until you get an even ball. Tie a knot and cut off the rest. It turns out that it is so easy to create a ball of beads or beads.

A ball of beads: a scheme on four beads, a master class

But if you want to create a ball of a large size and in an unusual style, you should put a lot more patience and braid it already on four beads. Braiding will require take twelve beads and long threads. Description of the master class:

Weaving a ball on five beads: a master class

But the most popular weaving of balls from beads is created on five beads. Although it is the most difficult, but at the end of the work, magnificent and unusual products are obtained. For one ball, thirty beads will already be needed and, of course, more time and effort. Description of the creation of a ball of beads, fullerene scheme:

We will put on a thread with a needle five beads, and we will make a ring-base from them for a new ball. Fixing it in the same way as in the previous two cases.

Let's add four beads to it and, according to the scheme, we will make one more of the same ring, threading the needle through one and two things.

Then, we braid in this way, three pieces of beads each, we create the first row of the ball. The main thing is the weaving sequence for the flower. In total, twenty beads are required for work.

Now you can move on to the second and final row of the ball of beads. As is clear from the diagram, weaving begins with the 8th bead, here we put three beads on the thread and, in order to fix the threads, we draw it through the 19th, 8th, 7th and 12th details.

You can make a lot of things out of beads: jewelry, crafts, decor elements, handbags, flowers, and so on. We offer you a few master classes explaining the beadwork that will shimmer under the light of the garland and will not be beaten over time.

Snowflakes like Christmas decorations made of beads

Master class on making snowflakes:

  1. You will need a fishing line, tweezers, two (one larger, the other smaller) and a cord on which the craft will be hung (picture 1).
  2. String five beads, which is smaller, on the wire, thread one end of the wire into the last one to make a loop (picture 2).
  3. Next, string on one side a large bead and five small ones, and then another large one. Pass the other end of the wire through the last bead to form another loop (picture 3).
  4. In the same way, make another loop, only now you do not need to put on a large bead first (picture 4).
  5. When you already have five large loops, it remains to make one more. To do this, string three beads on one end of the wire, and two on the other. After that, pass the second end through the third bead on the first wire and tighten the loop (picture 5).
  6. Make three rings out of four small beads, as in picture 6.
  7. Now pass the ends of the wire through the side beads so that they come out on the second ring (picture 7).
  8. On each side, string three beads and pass through the one from which the fishing line comes out (picture 8).
  9. Lower the wire through the beads down (picture 9).
  10. Bring the wire to the middle of the adjacent petal (picture 10).
  11. Make loops on the top of each petal, as described in paragraphs 6-10 (picture 11).
  12. Thread a string or ribbon (picture 12).

Christmas tree toy made of beads is ready!

New Year's wreath

Very beautiful Christmas decorations made of beads with your own hands can be made in the form of Christmas wreaths. They are made quite simply:

  1. Prepare a piece of wire, green beads (preferably elongated or just large), smaller red beads and one large silver or gold bead.
  2. Make a circle out of wire. Wrap one end around the other, and make the second tail bigger (Figure 1).
  3. Wind another wire closer to the tail of the ring (illustration 2).
  4. String a green bead on the additional wire (Figure 3).
  5. Press the bead firmly against the ring (Figure 4).
  6. Wind the wire around the ring so that the tail is behind (Figure 5).
  7. String another green bead (Figure 6).
  8. String a lot of green beads, constantly wrapping the wire around the ring. As a result, your entire circle should be covered with beads (Figure 7).
  9. Then wind the remaining wire around the ponytail once (Figure 8).
  10. String a red bead on the wire (Figure 9).
  11. String a few more red beads and make a loop (Figure 10).
  12. Make another red loop on the right side. Then wind the wire around the ring and string the last green bead (Figure 11).
  13. Fasten the end of the wire so that the beads do not unravel.

Christmas tree craft is ready!

We decorate the Christmas ball with beads

You can also not make whole crafts from beads, but simply use them to update old, bored and lost their beautiful appearance Christmas tree decorations. From beads for beginners, a master class on making an openwork cape for a ball is suitable.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take beads of two different shades of approximately the same size and a few larger beads. You will also need materials for beading and
  2. Make a ring out of small beads of different shades. You can alternate colors arbitrarily. For example, six green beads and one white, and so on several more times. The ring should wrap around the top of the Christmas ball.
  3. Tie a knot and pass one end of the wire through several beads (illustration 1).
  4. String beads onto the wire that has been pulled out in random order in color and size and make a ring by passing the line through the first bead from the chain (Figure 2). The height of the new ring should be equal to the size of the ball.
  5. Pass the fishing line through another part of the beads (illustration 3).
  6. String on the wire a little less beads than the previous time (Figure 4).
  7. Pass the line through a pair of side beads of the adjacent ringlet (Figure 5).
  8. String some beads and pass the fishing line through the first bead in the chain (Figure 6). As a result, you have a petal.
  9. Make a few more of the same petals around the entire diameter of the first ring (Figure 7).
  10. Bring the working end of the fishing line through one side of the last petal (Figure 8).
  11. Put the craft on the ball and string beads on the working end of the fishing line, duplicating the color order of the first ring (Figure 9).
  12. Pass the line through the bottom beads of the petals (illustration 10).
  13. As a result, you should get a ring that goes through one bead of each petal (Figure 11).
  14. Tie a knot in the string.

Updated Christmas bead toy is ready!

Other ornaments for balls

You can make absolutely any ornaments from beads. First, be sure to make the first ring, and then randomly string beads of different sizes and colors, intertwine chains and rings with each other, make pendants from below, and so on. As a basis, you can use patterns for weaving bracelets and necklaces.

Santa Claus from beads

How is a beaded Christmas toy in the shape of Santa Claus made? The order of work is as follows:

  1. Take beads of red, black, white and beige colors.
  2. String eight black beads in the middle of a long wire, and one white one between them.
  3. Then string the same number of beads again and pass the second end of the wire through them.
  4. You have two rows of beads.
  5. Do all subsequent rows in the same way. That is, string beads at one end in the desired color sequence, and then pass the second edge of the fishing line through them.
  6. You can choose any color of beads and the order of stringing, for example, as in the picture above. The main thing is that in the end you get Santa Claus.
  7. Tie a knot at the very top and make a loop through which you need to thread the ribbon so that the craft can be hung on the Christmas tree.


Such a Christmas tree can be made very easily, but it turns out an original Christmas tree toy. Just take a thick wire and roll it into a spiral. Then straighten the wire, as in the picture above, and string green beads. You can hang a large bead on the bottom, and tie a small bow on top. Make a hook for which the beaded Christmas toy will be worn on

New Year's vintage - beaded fantasies.

Master class of Christmas decorations.

You will need:

Beads silver size 0.3 mm,
white pearl size 0.3 mm,
transparent 0.3 mm.
wire №02 silver,
small Christmas tree ball
fishing line

First, we begin to braid the ball.

We collect as many beads on the fishing line by alternating through the bead as can fit in the girth at the base of the ball.

Then we connect it into a ring, skipping the fishing line 2 times, throw it on the base of the ball.

Pull tight and make two knots. We do not cut off the fishing line and then we string the beads alternating through one, white, silver and so on.

From the base of the ball, we circle the beads strung with alternating along the radius of the ball and connect them close to the base of the ball as shown in the picture. Tie in two knots.

For a fortress, you can go in the opposite direction of the beads and also secure with two knots.

Like this. Then, along the base, we draw the fishing line through the beads to the cruciform side of the ball and also collect the beads by alternating

At the bottom of the ball we connect the fishing line crosswise. And we continue to braid the ball further.

We always go out with a fishing line to the top of the base of the ball. Then we slightly shift the braid of the ball. And we continue to weave.

It should turn out like this.

Braided like this. View from above.

Side view.

This is how the braid of the ball should look at the bottom.

Then we tie it by passing the wire through the bead at the bottom. We collect one main color of beads, for example white, or one color silver. You need to dial 12 pcs. beads and rising up in a spiral, pass the wire through the bead in a row, stepwise passing 1 bead each time.

Spiraling up.

Each time we climb 1 bead to the top, we collect 12 pcs. beads.

It should turn out like this.

The first row should go to the base of the ball like this, and from the base of the second row we will go down if the wire has not run out. If there is not enough wire, then at the base we also fix the wire through the bead by twisting it. Well, if there is enough wire to reach step by step as we went up, then we continue to go down, keeping in the middle between the row and the base.

When the second row go down the ball. Then you immediately fasten the wire through the bead by twisting. then you take another wire again, fix it and you will already see where you can go to the top of the third row according to the description, adhering to the middle between the row and the bottom of the ball. It should turn out like in the photo.

View of a braided ball at the base.

Christmas balls. Master Class.

We will need:

1. Nylon threads (I use threads for leather)
2. Beads or beads of two colors. In this case, take the beads number 10 and number 7
3. Needle for beads
4. Christmas ball

We thread the needle. I unwind about 2 m. We collect 1 bead, we fix the thread on it several times.

Then we dial 1 orange, 3 purple, and do this 6 times. Next, we collect 1 orange, 1 purple.

We pass the needle into the first orange bead. And we start a new row...

We collect 3 purple, 1 orange, 3 purple

And we pass with a needle, as shown in the photo (into the third orange bead)

It should turn out like this.
Now we collect constantly 7 beads, reaching the end

Then we collect 3 purple, 1 orange, 1 purple
We pass the needle through the first orange bead.

Again we collect 3 purple, 1 orange, 3 purple and pass the needle into the third orange bead.

We continue to weave like this, trying on a ball. There should be a small distance.
The places from where we started and where we ended should be as shown in the photo.

We collect 3 purple beads and thread through the second orange bead from the opposite edge.

And we thread the third orange bead on the other side...

Thereby connecting our grid. Etc.

And we pass the needle through the orange bead

We collect 3 purple and thread through the orange bead as shown in the photo.

And fix

Trying on a ball. This...

Now let's start braiding the bottom of the ball.
You need to count how many corners you get. In my case it came out 23

We collect 23 beads, and connect them into a ring. Tied a knot.

Let's put it in the middle of the ball and try on how many beads you need to dial.
I decided to dial 12

We pass the needle as shown in the photo.

And we return through the beads back

We drag the needle through the bead in the ring. And again we collect 12 beads, etc.
It is better not to work on the ball.

It should turn out like this

Final stage. We collect beads again, but here we must take into account the circumference of the fastener on the ball. You have to try on. Usually you need more beads. Manya got 29 pieces. We also connect in a ring ...

And we put on a ball.

Now the hardest part (in my opinion). We string beads and try on. ATTENTION: when pulling the thread, the beads should fit snugly against the ball, not dangle. It's better to get less than more.

The principle of connection is the same as with the bottom. Only now we are working on the ball. And because we have more beads in the ring, sometimes we pass through two. Here you just need to calculate approximately.

It should turn out like this

The ball is ready!

Instead of beads, you can use glass beads and felling. Then we collect 1 piece of glass beads ...

And felling two things.

New Year's toys from sequins with their own hands.

For the toy, white sequins in the form of snowflakes, purple sequins - flowers, convex pink sequins, purple foil and needles with pearl heads are used. We will mount all this on a workpiece - a ball of construction foam, 6 cm in diameter.

First of all, wrap the workpiece with foil and level it. Then we start a set of sequins on the needle, while placing our sequins in the following sequence: first a snowflake, then a pink sequin, and then purple. It remains only to attach the pin to the ball as it is done in the photo above.

Carefully fill the entire surface of the ball, while trying to keep the gaps to a minimum. You can, of course, go with one set of straws to another, but then you should make sure that all snowflakes are at an equal distance from each other.

So our Christmas toy is ready.

Arm yourself with your own imagination and start creating original toys that will surely bring a truly fabulous mood to your home.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Balls in snowflakes. Master Class.

You will need

Beads size 03 mm, gold, silver, and pearl colors, fishing line.

First, we make snowflakes for the balls. We collect 6 beads, connect them into a circle, fasten them into two knots. Then we pass a bead through the middle, it turns out like a flower.

Then we attach one more bead to each bead, you get a snowflake.

We fix it with two knots, this is how a snowflake should turn out. 3 photos. We take a ball like a snowball, white snowflakes, 03 mm beads for pearls and large transparent beads, fishing line. We collect a ring for the base of the ball by alternating beads, white, transparent. We connect with two knots.

We throw a ball on the base, then we attach a transparent bead to the base, and already a snowflake to it, and so we attach it crosswise around the entire base. All fishing line must pass inside the beads.

We attach 2 transparent beads to these snowflakes and again snowflakes to them. (In total, 29 snowflakes will go to the ball.) According to the girth of the diameter of the ball, there should be 9 snowflakes in a circle photo 4.

Necessarily between snowflakes 2 transparent beads. Keep proportions. Also fasten the snowflakes that will go crosswise photo No. 3. In photo number 4, the bottom should be like this.

Then, between the cruciform fixed snowflakes of photo No. 1, slightly descending, we also fasten 2 transparent beads. Always between white snowflakes 2 transparent beads. Attaching snowflakes I will show in detail below on the blue ball.

It should turn out such a gentle ball.

We take a ball a little smaller than the white one. It will take 21 snowflakes, you will need 03 mm silver beads, large transparent blue beads, fishing line. Everything is the same as on that ball, we alternate beads, silver, blue transparent and so on. We connect at the base of the ball.

We fasten a snowflake through a transparent bead, and so we attach 4 of them. Then to each 2 transparent and again snowflakes.

There should be 7 snowflakes along the girth radius. Cross over 3 snowflakes on both sides. We alternate snowflakes through two transparent beads. Photo No. 4, the bottom should be connected like this.

Now we fix the snowflakes in the intervals of the cruciform ones in this way, as in the photo.

We attach 2 snowflakes between the cruciform snowflakes as in photo No. 3. The ball should turn out as in photo No. 4.

Christmas balls-decoration with beads. Master Class.

Required to work

1-plastic ball with a diameter of 6cm

2 Czech beads of red, white and gold colors

3-plastic round and figured beads of white transparent and red color

Cut off 1m of thread, it is desirable to pass the thread through the wax, dial 40 red biscuits.

Pass through the first bead again, closing the circle.

You can go around the circle a second time, fixing it.

The second row is to dial 1 red bis., pass the needle through the 3rd bis., skipping one, again dial 1 red bis. and go through the 5-fifth bis. etc.

Tighten the thread so that the beads fit snugly against each other. After picking up the last biser. second row, pass the needle through the first bis. the first row (in the ring) and the first bis. second row. Only after that should weave the next row. Thus, the beads separated and stood in a checkerboard pattern - this type of weaving is called "mosaic".

The third row - dial 1 white beads, go through the protruding bead of the previous row, dial 2 gold beads, go through the next protruding bead. the previous row.

And so on until the end of the row, not forgetting, closing each row, to pass the needle through the first beads of the previous row and just woven.

Fourth row - dial 1 white bis. and go through the 2 gold of the previous row, score 9 gold and go through the same 2 gold of the previous row again. row., dial 1 white and go to white.

So until the end of the row there is an alternation, a set of 2 white and 9 gold.

Fifth row - the needle came out of the white bis. and you need to go through 5 more golden encores. previous row-rings. Dial 4 red, 1 white, 4 red biscuits. and go to the middle-5 golden encore. next ring.

Again they scored 4 red, 1 white, 4 red, and so on until the end of the row.

Sixth row - the needle came out of the white bis. Dial 6 red, 1 gold, 1 round white plastic bead, 1 gold, 1 large transparent plastic bead and 3 gold beads.

Leaving 3 gold beads at the end, pass the needle in the opposite direction through the plastic beads and gold beads.

Dial 6 red bis. and go to the next white encore.

Dial 8 red beads, 1 gold, 1 small transparent bead, 1 gold, 1 red bead, 1 gold, 1 large transparent bead and 3 gold beads.

Leaving 3 gold beads at the end, pass the needle in the opposite direction through all plastic beads and gold beads

Dial 8 red bis. and go to the same white encore.

Repeat the alternation of small and large pendants. Here I ran out of thread, the tip must go to the first row, securing the thread. And also draw a new thread from the first row so that nothing falls apart at the most inopportune moment.

Well, actually, our net-napkin is ready.

We put it on a ball, you can glue it near the base with glue, then our decor will not be lost anywhere. And you can leave it as it is and then it will be possible to change to different balls every year.

The following grids are woven according to the same scheme, only another bead is taken.

And here they are our beauties.

We offer you a master class on making unusual Christmas balls. These pearl Christmas decorations look very elegant, expensive and unusual. Try to decorate the Christmas tree only with them, adding a garland to it - you'll see, everyone will appreciate it. Such balls are no worse than designer ones. It is quite possible that someone will even ask where you managed to get such beauty.

Beads can be advantageously ordered on AliExpress. Large selection of colors, excellent quality, good reviews, low price - check for yourself on the store page at this link.

Making Christmas balls from beads with your own hands is quite simple. You only need to stock up on beads of a standard size, and then it's up to the small. We will show you how beautiful white balloons look, but we advise you to experiment with color: take red, green, blue and any others. So you can make your Christmas tree not only elegant, but also bright. By the way, instead of beads, you can also take beads, but keep in mind that then very painstaking work awaits you.

What will we need?

  • beads of the same size
  • ready-made foam ball (available in any department for creativity, and in sets - a very budget option)
  • nice thin ribbon
  • needle in the form of a carnation (with a small hat at the end)
  • glue gun

How to make Christmas balls?

Wrap the balloon with ribbon and gently stick the needle in to secure them. For reliability, you can drop a little glue into the base.

Then apply glue to the ball with a gun. Pick up the beads with tweezers and carefully glue them close to each other.

When the whole ball is pasted over with beads, tie a bow at the base - we will hang our toy on it.