Why is pubic hair coarse. Should Women Shave Their Pubic Hair (Scientifically)

Sometimes it can be difficult to deal with pubic hair. First, it's uncomfortable and embarrassing to ask your friends or family for advice - you can't just walk up and ask, "Wax or shave?". And secondly, you need to know how to take care of these delicate areas, as improper handling of pubic hair can cause razor irritation, ingrown hairs, and other problems. Luckily, this handy guide will walk you through the ins and outs of caring for that nasty pubic hair, whether you're a girl or a boy.



    Shave your hair. Shaving is the most popular method when it comes to removing pubic hair, as it is cheap, easy, relatively painless, and embarrassing. You will need a mild shaving cream or unscented gel (both men and women should use a women's shaving cream as it is the gentlest), preferably one made specifically for removing pubic hair, and a new razor (blunt blades are less effective and may cause skin irritation).

    Try a depilatory cream. Depilatory creams are a great option for those who want to tidy up their bikini area with minimal pain. These hair removal creams work by working with harsh chemicals that dissolve the hair, after which it is easily removed from the skin.

    • Since these chemicals are very aggressive (as indicated by their strong smell), it is not recommended to use depilatory creams to remove all pubic hair because they can cause skin irritation and even chemical burns.
    • Before using a depilatory cream, it is worth trimming the hair you want to get rid of. This will reduce the expense. Wear old underwear that you don't mind getting cream on. Use underwear to define the boundaries of the application of the cream - so the cream does not get on your delicate parts of the body.
    • Leave the cream along the bikini or panty line for the time indicated on the package. Never do not leave the cream on the skin for a longer time than indicated on the package, as this may harm the skin. Once the time is up, wipe off or rinse off the cream as directed on the package. Unwanted hair will be removed along with the cream.
  1. Do waxing. Waxing is an effective hair removal method that gets rid of unwanted hair for 2-4 weeks. There are many ways to remove hair: you can remove hair in the underwear area, leave a strip, or remove all hair with Brazilian hair removal. This applies to men and women, although it is not recommended to wax hair in the sensitive area of ​​the testicles.

    • Waxing is the application of hot, sticky wax to the areas where you want to remove hair. A cloth strip is placed over the wax, which is then torn off, removing the wax and hair along with it.
    • Since the hair is removed at the root, it takes much longer to grow back than with other hair removal methods, such as shaving, which cuts the hair off the skin. However, waxing can be expensive, so despite the long intervals between treatments, it's not the cheapest solution.
    • While it's possible to wax at home, if you've never waxed before, it's best to visit a professional salon for this procedure. It is worth noting that waxing is painful, especially in such a sensitive area, although over time hair growth will slow down and pain will decrease.
  2. Consider electrolysis or laser hair removal. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are two procedures that can permanently remove or reduce pubic hair. Electrolysis is the only way to completely remove hair. An electric current is passed through the hair follicle, destroying the hair root and preventing new hair growth.

    Think of an image a la naturel. It is important to understand that the decision to remove pubic hair is your own business. So while full groin waxing is becoming more and more popular these days, you shouldn't give in to the pressure if that's not what you really want.

    • As long as the area is kept clean and cared for, there is no reason to remove pubic hair for hygiene reasons. Many people remove their hair purely for aesthetic reasons.
    • It is important to know that many men and women choose to go natural and let their hair grow the way they want. So, whichever option you choose, always remember that this is absolutely normal!

Part 3

how to deal with other problems
  1. Get rid of irritation. Irritation is an integral part of the hair removal process, and no matter which option you choose, you will have to deal with irritation at least initially. To minimize the number of red dots, you can:

    • Exfoliate the area with a gentle sugar scrub. It will help you get rid of dead skin cells and allow your skin to breathe. If you don't have a sugar scrub handy, just mix baking soda and water to make a paste that has a similar effect.
    • Moisturize the area with a mild, unscented lotion. Baby lotions and oils, as well as aloe vera moisturizers, are popular products that soothe the skin.
    • Wear loose clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Skin needs air to regenerate, so don't wear leather pants right after waxing or shaving. Try wearing cotton underwear and skirts or loose trousers for the first few days after hair removal.
  2. Get rid of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can be painful and even lead to infection if left untreated. They appear in the new hair growth phase after shaving or waxing. If you have ingrown hairs in your groin area, you can get rid of them in the following ways:

    • Take a hot shower or bath to soften the skin around your hair and open your pores. Pat the area dry with a clean towel, then take the sterilized tweezers and press the other end to pull out the hair.
    • Apply a small amount of astringent, let it dry, and then wear breathable cotton underwear. Continue applying the astringent for the next few days until the skin heals.
  3. Color your pubic hair. If you have premature gray hair, fear not. Although not recommended by doctors, it is possible to dye your pubic hair at home by purchasing hair dye. Nevertheless, very important take precautions so that the paint does not get on the sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe genitals.

Puberty is a period of serious changes in the body, relating to physiology and the emotional sphere. Often this process in girls begins a little earlier than in boys.

The average data speaks of the age from 10 to 15 years, taking into account possible deviations up or down. Accelerators are more and more common in society every year. There are cases when, as early as 8-9 years old, a girl's breasts are actively growing or hair appears on her body.

It also happens that parents think that this process began too early for their daughter, although the girl does not have any health problems, this is rather a psychological factor that prevents adults from realizing the irreversibility of children growing up. How the process of puberty proceeds in girls, and what stages it includes, we will consider below.

There are two main stages in the process

  1. First marked by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in the girl. It lasts about five years, starting at about 10-12 years of age. What happens during these years? The girl grows significantly in length, her weight increases and her figure changes, the mammary glands increase and body hair appears. Tentatively, the stage ends with the first menstruation.
  2. Second the stage implies the completion of the maturation process, it speaks of the physiological readiness of the female body for the process of conceiving and bearing a child, its range ranges from 14 to 18 years. At this time, the menstrual cycle is adjusted and the growth process slows down.

The main signs of the presexual (first) stage

Noticeable growth spurt

Such jumps are especially typical for the first years of a child's life, after which the process proceeds more smoothly. Between the ages of ten and eleven, girls again experience a significant increase in height.

In these twelve months, it can become much higher. The height of the girl increases by 10-15 cm per year.

Many have noticed at school how often girls are significantly taller than their peers, boys, who are somewhat behind in this process.

If this sign is not observed, there may be deviations in the production of growth hormone, to identify this, you should contact an endocrinologist.

Weight and figure transformation

Together with growth, the overall weight gain will also increase significantly, it can reach up to 5-6 kilograms per year instead of the usual 2-3 kilograms for parents, but this is not very noticeable. Weight gain occurs harmoniously, balanced throughout the body.

The waist and hips become more distinct in the figure. The silhouette from awkward, boyish takes on feminine, rounded outlines.

If during puberty a girl suddenly began to gain excess weight, this may be caused by an imbalance in the hormonal background and is a reason to consult a doctor.

Changes in the appearance of the breast and its size occur in stages, starting with the shape and color of the nipples areola, at first the shape of the breast resembles a cone, gradually its outlines smooth out and become round.

The age from 10 to 14.15 years is the period of maximum breast enlargement in a girl, and the year from 14 to 15 years is usually the peak year, when the mammary glands can increase in size in a couple of months.

Problem skin

Hormonal changes make themselves felt in the form of acne on the face, they are both single and in almost all areas. This problem also provokes excessive oiliness of the hair, the scalp is also subject to changes.

The increased work of the sebaceous glands leads to the appearance of black spots and white pimples, naturally this does not please the girl and during a period that is emotionally difficult enough seriously affects self-esteem.

If the problem remains after the age of 17-18 years, it is necessary to seek a solution to such specialists as: a dermatologist, an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. Perhaps the process of puberty has been delayed, or there are certain disruptions in the hormonal sphere, an external examination and tests will help get rid of the problem.


The maturation period is accompanied by profuse sweating of the armpits, feet, inguinal zone and even palms.

Hygiene should be daily, it is better to take a shower in the morning and in the evening, in order to avoid unpleasant odors, it is necessary to use special antiperspirants and deodorants.

Hair growth in intimate areas

Almost immediately, with breast growth, the first hair in girls in the labia region begins to appear, at first they are quite thin and sparse, their number gradually increases and they cover the entire surface of the pubis, after which light hair begins to appear in the axillary zone. Normally, pubic hair appears at the age of 9-14 years.

The appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 years or their absence in a girl over 15 years old is a reason to see a doctor.

In girls of oriental appearance, the hair is darker and coarser, in fair-haired girls of Slavic appearance, they are lighter, thinner, the surface of their appearance is smaller.

If, in addition to the listed parts of the case, the appearance of coarse black hair on the arms, beard or other parts of the face has become noticeable, you should immediately see a doctor. The complete absence of vegetation on the body of a teenager is also a reason to go to the clinic and check the level of hormones.

Cycle start

The first menstruation - more often begins at the age of about 13-14 years, this does not mean that from this moment the cycle is fully established, the first years there are often failures, after the first menstruation it may not be up to two months, they can also be excessively plentiful or smearing brownish .

There is nothing dangerous in such irregular periods, every girl faces this, but it is their teenagers who, after the first sexual intercourse, are mistaken for the onset of pregnancy.

Unstable emotional state

The instability of the menstrual cycle is directly related to the irregular production of the sex hormone estrogen in the body, this is what provokes sharp mood swings in adolescence, then outbursts of joy, then anger or tearfulness.

Hormones in the human body play an important role in the behavioral process, they affect reactions, decision-making and emotional state, and the drastic changes that a girl's body is subject to during the maturation years only further increase psychological instability.

Adolescents can become especially conflicted, react sharply to criticism or comments.

All of the above changes regarding the appearance are quite difficult to quickly and easily accept. The teenager does not have time emotionally for changes in physiology.

The rapid growth of the breast and its obvious increase in volume can and will please the owner, but for someone this can also be a reason for ridicule and jokes.

At this age, even obvious virtues can be ridiculed in an offensive way. What can we say, if the girl has sharply become the tallest in the class, while the figure is still not feminine enough, angular and her whole face is covered with acne. Of course, this is a difficult period and parents need to come to terms with some manifestations of aggression and conflict, accept this period as inevitable.

Of course, if the family is dysfunctional, the girl knows absolutely nothing about what is happening to her and is afraid to ask someone if menstruation or the appearance of body hair will shock her.

A girl who has a warm trusting relationship with her older sister or mother in her family will be much easier to endure the difficulties of puberty in a psychological sense.

If signs of puberty are noticed at too early an age, or there are psychological changes, but the girl does not have physiological changes, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

The hairline grows densely on the head, in the armpit, in the bikini area. Women try to remove hair in the last two zones. Does the hair in the bikini area fall out on its own or do you need to remove it with special products? The distribution, density of the hairline depends on the genetic predisposition. In the pubic area, the hairline is primarily protective. It is also a secondary sexual characteristic, an indicator of the timeliness of puberty.

Causes of pubic hair loss

The thicker the hairline in the intimate area, the greater the content of sex hormones in the body. Hair protects the thin skin of the pubis from damage and the penetration of microorganisms. Why does pubic hair fall out? There are several reasons for this, both physiological and pathological.

First of all, there is a physiological loss of pubic hair. The same principle applies here as for the hair on the head (see). The hairs age, the root dies. Therefore, there is a daily loss of several hairs. Daily hair loss on the pubic part in men is somewhat stronger than in women.

Important! The lack of vitamins and protein in the body leads to thinning of the hairline, not only on the head. Sometimes hair falls out on the pubic part in women after a strict diet with a sharp loss of body weight.

Hair falls out on the pubic part and due to certain diseases. Most often it is pubic pediculosis. Insects damage the hair root, and it breaks off. As a rule, pubic hair with pediculosis falls out in patches, forming bald spots.

- another disease that can cause hair loss on the pubic part in women and men. At the same time, bald spots are also formed, but they are more extensive than with pediculosis. Hair breaks off not at the root, but a few millimeters higher.

  1. Endocrine diseases (see).
  2. Tumor of the pituitary gland.
  3. Chronic heavy metal poisoning.
  4. Blood loss.
  5. Stress and depression (see).
  6. Acute period of the disease with fever.
  7. Damage to the hypothalamus.
  8. Deficiency of gonadotropic hormones.

Physiological and pathological causes of pubic hair loss cannot contribute to aesthetics. The physiological loss of the hairline is very small, so it grows much faster than it falls out. In diseases, ugly bald spots are formed.

Depilation of pubic hair

Since women try to monitor their appearance, they often resort to depilation - the complete removal of hair from the pubic part. Some men also use this method. Depilation can be done in different ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The easiest way to depilate. Special women's razors with several blades are produced, which allow you to painlessly, accurately remove hair. However, the hairs are cut off only at the border with the skin. The root is not removed. Therefore, the effect of such a procedure is short and is no more than a week.

For an easier shave, special creams are used that soften the hairs and make them smoother. The positive aspects of the method are painlessness, ease of use. The disadvantages are the short-term effect and the appearance of skin irritation from a razor or cream. In addition, there is a risk of injury from a razor blade.

Depilatory creams

Using cream for hair loss in intimate places is the fastest and most painless procedure. There are many different means for this, but not all of them lead to the expected result. The mechanism of action of such a cream is based on softening the hair shaft with special substances. After the procedure, the entire hairline can be removed with a spatula, which comes with the cream.

To carry out depilation, it is necessary to apply a layer of cream on the skin of the pubic area. Usually, the instructions indicate the time during which the cream should be on the skin. It averages 15 minutes. Then the cream, together with softened hairs, is removed with a spatula.

The effectiveness of the product depends on the quality, characteristics of the hairline. Cheap tools usually do a poor job of doing their job. The effect of the depilatory cream is usually enough for a week. It depends on the characteristics of the body, but on average, new hair begins to grow after seven days.

The positive quality of such funds is the absolute painlessness of the procedure. The negative side is a short duration of action and the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the constituent components of the cream.

Depilatory strips

Depilatory strips are pieces of paper that have an adhesive layer of wax applied to them. On top of this layer is covered with a protective film. Wax strips work as follows:

  1. Remove the protective film from the strip.
  2. Apply the wax side to the skin of the pubis.
  3. Carefully smooth out.
  4. Within 10-15 minutes, the wax softens from body heat and tightly wraps around the hairs right up to the roots.
  5. Then, with a sharp movement, separate the strip from the skin.

The hairs are removed along with the root, sticking to the wax. Due to the fact that the root is removed, new hairs begin to appear in about a month.

Such a duration of action is the advantage of the method. However, there are also disadvantages - a strong soreness of the procedure. In addition, skin irritation always appears in the form of redness, a small rash. This effect wears off after 1-2 days. There is a danger of ingrowth of a new hair and the formation of a boil.


An alternative to a razor is an epilator - a battery-operated mechanical razor, the main element of which is a rotating disk that captures hairs and removes them from the root. The epilator ensures smooth skin after removing all the hairs.

The duration of the effect is slightly longer than when using wax strips, but the procedure is less painful. Unlike a razor, an epilator can be used for a long time. The downside is skin irritation.

Salon procedures

In beauty salons, shugaring is very popular - removing hair from intimate places with the help of sugar or honey. The principle of operation of this procedure is similar to that when using wax strips.

A special sugar or honey mass is applied to the bikini area, covered with paper on top. After a while, the melted mass is removed with a sharp movement. The hairs are pulled out along with the root. The procedure is quite painful, possibly causing irritation on the skin. The effect of smoothness lasts for a month.

Pubic hair falls out on its own, but this is not enough to obtain an aesthetic appearance. To completely remove pubic hair, resort to the depilation method. It can be done in many ways, using razors, creams, wax strips or an epilator.

Hair growth in the lower abdomen is caused by the male hormones androgens, which are controlled by the female sex hormones estrogens, which keep hair from growing too much. Pubic hair has a signal function, showing the degree of puberty of a person and his readiness for sexual intercourse. So, in some nations, guys or could copulate with partners from the age of 7-8, since their hair was already starting to grow.

The first pubic hair begins to grow during puberty - at 11-12 years old, but sometimes vegetation appears earlier.

According to Darwin's theory, the progenitors of humans are monkeys, in whose females the genitals are clearly visible and swell strongly to attract a male for mating. Nature arranged everything differently - their genitals are covered with vegetation in the form of a triangle of hair on, which attracts attention and excites them. Men, in turn, secrete pheromones, which also serve as an aphrodisiac and can cause a hormonal response even at a great distance.

Other properties of low growing pubic hair

In addition to attracting the attention of a partner and releasing pheromones, the hair in the lower abdomen plays a crucial role in regulating the temperature in the groin area. Thanks to the pubic vegetation, an air gap is created between the body of the underwear, which protects the genitals from temperature changes and the rate of evaporation of sweat during sexual intercourse.

There are a large number of small lymph nodes in the perineum, which are perfectly protected by pubic hair from hypothermia.

The hairline in the lower abdomen is especially important for the fair sex, as it helps maintain normal vaginal microflora. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the female reproductive organs, performing a protective function. In the modern world, it is customary to remove vegetation on the pubis and genitals, but in some cases this leads to health problems, since nature never creates anything for nothing. Complete hair removal from the intimate area is undesirable, so some gynecologists recommend limiting it to beautiful and aesthetic intimate haircuts.

At the moment, intimate hairstyles are becoming increasingly popular. Caused by the enduring fashion for nude beaches and bikinis. The answer to the question of how to grow pubic hair is definitely not overlooked. Beauty plays a big role in a woman's life. It doesn't matter where it belongs. Brings confidence and emancipation thanks to the hairstyle in the intimate zone. Complexes disappear. A distinctive feature of such a woman is sexuality.

Once you decide to gloriously amaze your partner, try experimenting with the innermost part of the flesh. The main thing that is given special importance is the care and proper care of pubic hair. It doesn't matter if it's for a man or a woman. Appropriate care is a guarantee of good luck.

Gynecologists disagree on the need to get rid of hair in the groin area. Some believe that natural curls protect women's health from exposure to microbes. Their opponents state: pubic vegetation is a breeding ground for the development of infection. Shaving and epilation are the root causes of microtrauma, ingrown hairs, irritation, and inflammation.

Characteristic features of pubic hair

They differ in thickness and roughness compared to the hair on other parts of the body. Their purpose is to protect against rubbing of the epidermis. However, protecting against skin bacteria is an integral task of curls. Another function of lush vegetation is the mastery of pheromones, which are secreted from the apocrine glands in the groin and determine the smell of the individual. It is believed that curls are responsible for the preservation of aromas.

The fineness and thickness, rarity and density of pubic hair differ regardless of gender. Nationality, race, hair color affect their curly. Shades of pubic hair are very diverse:

  • light and white;
  • black and red;
  • blond.

The tone of curls on the pubis does not match the color of the scalp, but as close as possible to the natural shade of the eyebrows.

Pubic hair coverage in women takes up less space and is only often limited to the intimate area. In the stronger half, the pubic area often passes into the hairy vegetation on the abdomen and legs. Associated with a different background of hormones in the male and female body.

In addition, the length of the hair can be different. It varies from 2 to 8 cm. Further growth stops: the hair follicle is programmed in a similar way. There is a male and female type of pubic hair extension. The beginning refers to the pubertal period and ends in the stage of puberty.

At the age of fifty, men experience thinning and hair loss, which directly depends on a decrease in testosterone production.

The absence of pubic hair is typical for girls who have not reached puberty. The cessation of the menstrual cycle and the attenuation of the ovaries in old age in women causes a reduction in pubic hair.

Features of daily care

Before growing your pubic hair, trim and shave off excess hair. It is advisable to move in the intended direction, everyday courtship will be just right. There is no need to make masks for hair growth, since there is a chance to get inside the genitals and cause harm. However, some techniques should be used to stimulate blood circulation in the intimate area. It is good to massage, apply egg yolk and honey, but only with caution.

If you think that only the hair on the head is taken care of, then this is a misconception. Hair that grows in the intimate area also needs care and attention. Use a mild soap to wash your pubic hair. Whenever taking hygiene procedures, use sparing cosmetics: without fragrances, parabens and fragrances.

The washing process is very delicate. Do everything diligently and carefully: washing away from the pubis towards the anus with a weak stream of water. The exclusion of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina is guaranteed. The hygiene procedure is not welcomed with a strong pressure of water: the protection from the genitals is washed off and access to bacteria is provided. It is forbidden to use ordinary hair shampoo, which is not intended for intimate hygiene.

Today, pharmacies sell a series of cosmetic preparations designed specifically for the bikini area. Do not rub soap into the pubic area. First, lather the required amount in your hands and then apply to your hair. Make sure that personal care products do not penetrate inside, causing discomfort, itching and irritation. It is good for women to adhere to this requirement, because soap, even the most gentle, is able to upset the acid-base balance, which will lead to infection and inflammation.

In pursuit of an intimate haircut

With hair growing back in 2-3 weeks, feel free to proceed with the definition of the style. If you do not want to spend a lot of time on haircuts and care, leave the natural style. Get a regular haircut. It consists in the fact that they shorten the excess length of hair with scissors, and not with a machine.

Just right for an exclusive hairstyle with a triangle: excess hair is removed using wax depilation only on the sides. The hairstyle is formed in such a way that the curls are not visible from under the underwear. The number of hairs to remove varies greatly. Ranges from flattening to 2 cm elimination from the bikini line on the sides.

An exotic version of the pubic hair cut - Brazilian style. As a rule, hair is removed completely, and sometimes a thin strip is left. Hair length should be no more than 5 mm. Versions of the Brazilian direction: in the form of V, in the form of initials, hearts, lines, fruits, arrows. The formation of an image of pubic hair, when the vulva of the ladies is completely shaved, and the testicles and penis of the men.

A variation on trimming the pubic hair is the mohawk. Hair is removed from the right and left sides, the remnants of vegetation are oriented upright.

The bob hairstyle is short cut hair. Leave a small, but long pigtail.

To give a creative style of uniqueness, change the color of the vegetation on the pubis with a special paint.

Applying Templates

A special template allows and facilitates the implementation of a bikini design at home. The elasticity of the sample provides a close fit to the body and the chance of creating an excellent image. As a device, a razor or cream, mousse, gel is used as a cosmetic preparation for depilation. If desired, the stencil is made by hand. A pattern is applied to the self-adhesive film, and then cut out according to the outline.

Intimate hairstyle banned?

Certain methods of getting rid of hair have contraindications. Shugaring and waxing is not carried out with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • deformation of the epidermis;
  • intolerance.

Trimmer is the best way out of the situation.

Remember that any procedures are carried out filigree, and before applying cosmetics, it is important to consult a specialist.

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