Why do men prefer older women? Why do men like older women

A solid age difference between spouses often causes public condemnation.

People around immediately see this as a selfish interest (“Married for money”) or psychological inferiority (for example, an Oedipus complex).

Is unequal marriage a good choice for many women, or is it a departure from the norm?

Why choose an older man

Many young girls will prefer a man much older than themselves to a "green" peer. This is completely normal at a young age. Psychologists explain craving for an adult partner for several reasons:

1. Girls mature earlier than boys - sexually. At the age of 18, they are ready for a serious relationship, which is not to be expected from their peers of the stronger sex.

Such a young lady agrees to offer her youth to someone who appreciates her in full, even if she is 10 years older.

2.The figure of the father plays an important role. It's no secret that girls are subconsciously looking for someone who looks like an adored parent. They show interest in teachers, neighbors, daddy's colleagues and friends.

Many professors, by the way, do not mind having an affair with an appetizing student. Even if such a connection did not lead to marriage, a girl can remember the positive experience and in the future reach out to older companions.

3. The material side is also important.. The lady dreams of being surrounded by romance - giving bouquets, driving a car, taking her to restaurants, gifting her with perfume and cosmetics. It is unlikely that a poor student will be able to pull such requests.

4. The experience of an older man attracts. The presence of a number of mistresses in the past, a rich inner world, education, wisdom, confidence, reliability, independence, purposefulness, sexual literacy, understanding of women's needs ...

There are many things in a grown man that are not found in a young boy. All this attracts and gives the gentleman a special charm.

Today's youth does not even know what they want to become by the age of 25. Guys do not know how to earn, save and correctly allocate expenses. They dream of hanging out with friends, traveling and having fleeting romances.

A girl at this age is already ready to build a family, give birth to children, apply for a mortgage, but will her chosen one be able to give her stability?

Mature views on life, an adequate attitude towards offspring and financial security attract older men.

Sometimes people do not feel at the age that is written in the passport. A man at 45 may look 30, he is full of energy, energetic, cheerful and young at heart.

And a twenty-year-old girl, in turn, is mature enough to dream not of discos, but of procreation.

She happily runs the household, knits sweaters for her beloved and talks with her mother-in-law on philosophical topics. Such a couple, despite the difference in age, lives harmoniously and is not boring.

The age difference between spouses: the main reasons

To compile a complete list of reasons why girls rely on the older generation, let's add a few words about the Electra complex, sexual dissatisfaction and ladies' commercialism.

1) If you dive deeper into the psychological background, you can find out about the Electra complex. It is he who becomes the popular reason why women choose men older than themselves.

The fact is that they not only want the chosen one to remind them of their father. They want to play the role of a daughter, so that the spouse is both a patron, and a sponsor, and an educator, and a protector in one bottle. In a word, "daddy".

2) quality sex. Suppose a girl at the age of 19 is not yet too spoiled for caresses. But even she understands that the fast-paced, quick-firing, inexperienced, fussy student will someday get better.

When he grows up, he will learn to please women and forget about youthful selfishness and haste.

But does she want to wait ten years, instruct, enlighten and become a "rabbit for experiments"? Much easier to have a mature lover and enjoy life now.

3) Another common reason should not be ruled out: the desire to come to everything ready. This is often blamed on young maidens who seduce fathers of families and other “married men”. Two vectors converge here.

A man who has entered the era of a midlife crisis begins to look for freshness and inspiration on the side. He wants to be interesting, strong, young and desirable, a kind of hero of ladies' dreams.

And the young lady matures in her decision to get a valuable copy and not waste her energy on nurturing some youngster.

It is believed that the faithful and patient brides of ordinary soldiers become generals' wives.

But just think about it: to bring your peer to the level of an average businessman, save up for a house, car and travel, you will have to spend tons of energy!

In the case of a mature partner, there is an opportunity to get everything at once, without stuffing bumps about "heaven in a hut."

Therefore, even if subconscious, it is present in such a choice. On the other hand, many virgins agree to marry an adult who has alimony, mortgage debt, several loans and the role of "day off dad" on his shoulders.

There is only one word that comes to mind - love.

Article content:

As long as humanity has lived, the problem of unequal marriages has existed for as long. Society is arranged in such a way that it is ready to accept only those created by this society. True, people forgot that the norms were created a long time ago and then really corresponded to the requirements of the time. For example, a wife must be younger in order to give birth to healthy offspring and obey her husband. The woman did not work, supported her life and was financially completely dependent on her husband.

All love relationships that go beyond the generally accepted norms are condemned and condemned in every possible way. Thirty years ago, "unequal" partners would carefully hide their relationship. Now is the time to break stereotypes, so there are more and more couples where the man is younger than the woman. Let's try to figure out why men choose women older than themselves.

fortune hunter

It's no secret that there is a category of young men who think that their beauty and physically developed body is capital. They sell their assets in exchange for a comfortable existence. After all, developing in a career, learning and growing professionally is much more difficult than being able to look good and give compliments beautifully. And it will take a long time to wait until the efforts invested in development bear fruit. But why, if you can find a woman who will lead a man to prosperity much faster. This is one of the reasons why men choose older women. If the partner is helpful, handsome, and in general - but difficulties suddenly began in his life, and temporarily there is no money - you are dealing with a gigolo.

Man looking for an experienced woman

Another reason why men like older women may be finding an experienced sex partner. A woman who has crossed the line of thirty years can teach her man a lot. As a rule, by this age, ladies are quite sensual, their libido is well developed, so the woman herself can already speak frankly with her partner about her preferences. In this case, relationships with such a woman allow the partner to get an objective assessment of their abilities and gain invaluable experience. Experience and emancipation - this is the answer to the question why men prefer older women.


People are used to looking for a catch in unequal relationships. However, love can give us the answer to the question of why men marry older women. A man can really fall in love with an elderly woman. Love, as you know, all ages are submissive. A woman of Balzac age can become desirable, beloved and the best for a young man. Although the spouses have to prove to the public until the end of their days that they are connected by love, and not by cold calculation, the couple, contrary to the opinion of others, remains. Why do men fall in love with older women? Love does not choose a partner for us, it comes and that's it.

Oedipus complex

It happens that a boy is brought up by an imperious mother who controls his every step, makes decisions for him and takes responsibility for his son's actions. Growing up, such a man does not know how to build relationships with partners equal to him. It is difficult for such a man to take on the burden of responsibility for a young partner and be the main one in a relationship. That's why young men prefer older women. They are subconsciously looking for a woman who would take him under her wing and continue to play the role of a mother. These couples can also be together for a long time.

A man is comfortable with an older woman

  • A mature woman is independent, she does not care about the opinions of others;
  • Such a woman trusts, does not scandalize because of female friends on social networks and being late from work for a couple of hours;
  • The chosen one does not try to drag her partner to the registry office;
  • Such a woman knows how to appreciate and respect her partner, she is grateful for the time spent together.
  • A mature lady will not dump the whole heap of her own problems on her chosen one, but will try to solve them herself;
  • This woman is experienced, it is interesting to talk with her;
  • In life, there have already been, and, possibly, a divorce, and other crises. Therefore, a woman over thirty knows how to maintain self-control, not to lose face;
  • A mature woman will not make a scandal out of the blue, because comfort in a relationship is above all.

So it's not surprising why men date an older woman.

As one wise man said, do not look for faults in others. Take care of your own, then you simply won’t have time to get to strangers. Do not look for a catch in other people's relationships. There are many reasons why men choose older women. Whatever the reason forcing them to be together, since they are around, it means they are comfortable. And it's not up to us to decide what is normal and what is not. As life shows, a man and a woman in unequal relationships can be really happy.

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Orthodox calendar

Friday, February 22, 2019(February 9 O.S.)
Week about the publican and the Pharisee
Mch. Nicephorus, from Antioch in Syria (c. 257)
Finding the relics of St. Innocent, Ep. Irkutsk (1805)
Finding the relics of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1992)
Saints' Day:
Sshmchch. Markella, Ep. Sikelian, Philagria, ep. Kiprsky, and Pankratia, ep. Tauromenian (I). Rev. Pankraty of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII). Prpp. Gennady (c. 1516) and Nikifor (1557) Vazhezersky.
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Vasily Izmailov presbyter (1930); ssmch. John Fryazinov Presbyter (1938).
The week about the publican and the Pharisee is continuous.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: 1 John 2:7-17 Ev.: Mark 14:3-9
Morning: - Ps.134-142; Ps.9-16 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

Unequal alliances are commonplace in our time. However, the public is still surprised by women dating men who are much younger than them. What attracts young people in mature passions so much, Woman.ru figured out.

Romances between young men and older women still surprise many people

There is an opinion that a man cannot sincerely love a woman who is suitable for him as a mother. Like, a generational conflict is inevitable, and sooner or later a young man will get bored with an adult chosen one and want a young body. But, as practice shows, not all such alliances are doomed ...

French President Emmanuel Macron, 40, and his 65-year-old wife Brigitte are celebrating their eleventh wedding anniversary this year. Once again, we will not retell their amazing love story, but we will only recall that the politician became interested in the ex-teacher a quarter of a century ago. Over the years, their feelings have only gotten stronger. Monsieur Macron, apparently, has long been tired of proving the sincerity of feelings for his wife.

“If I was 20 years older than my wife, no one would have thought to ask if we are suitable for each other. Since she is a couple of decades older than me, people around her constantly say that our feelings are insincere, and we cannot be together, ”the president shared with a Le Parisien correspondent.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte do not notice the 25-year age difference

British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson does not complain about his marriage either. 10 years ago, a young man fell in love with director Sam Taylor-Wood, who cast him in her film Becoming John Lennon. Then the public was skeptical about this union, and Aaron was mistaken for a gigolo. Spiteful critics were sure that the relationship would be short-lived: they say, the young actor had not yet walked up. Gloomy predictions did not come true: Taylor Johnson is still faithful to his wife, who is 24 years older than him.

According to Aaron, the tangible difference in age for them Sam does not play any role - rather, on the contrary, it plays into their hands.

“There is no distance between us, I certainly do not notice it. Friends often call me Benjamin Button because I am a real old man at heart, but Sam is young, ”the actor said in an interview with The Times.

There are many such examples and the list is endless. However, the fact remains that more and more young men prefer not their peers, but women who are noticeably older than themselves. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex quite consciously choose mature ladies as their life companions.

In 2006, American researchers conducted a survey among couples in which the woman is at least 10 years older than her boyfriend. During the survey, it turned out that most of all in their chosen ones, men value their age, the life wisdom attached to it and other qualities that, as a rule, come with experience.

Young men value in their mature passions, first of all, a rich life experience

Interest in this topic was fueled by the book Older Women, Younger Men: New Options for Love and Romance. The authors of the bestseller, which has been repeatedly reprinted in the West, are two women who have rich experience in relationships with the opposite sex.

At one time, columnist and motivational speaker Felicia Brings and journalist Susan Winter set about asking as many men as possible who dated women much older than themselves. All for the sake of one goal - to find out why 20- and 30-year-old guys are not at all interested in peers. The concept did not come out of thin air: both Felicia and Susan were in relationships with the so-called toy-boys for a long time and know firsthand what it's like to live with a young boyfriend under the same roof. It turned out that the young men admire not so much the appearance as the character traits of the older ladies. What exactly? We will tell you about it right now.

An offer you can't refuse

It is believed that men, especially young ones, are afraid of mature and successful women like fire. However, as Brings and Winter found out, this stereotype is long outdated. On the contrary, many inexperienced guys tend to have an affair with older ladies. All because passion 40+ is enough confident and know exactly what they want- both from life and from your partner.

“I met Karolina at a party of our mutual friends. As soon as I saw her among the guests, I immediately realized that she was created for me. I did not pursue the goal of finding an older woman at all, and Carolina was not looking for a toy boy. Everything somehow happened by itself. I was then 39 years old, and she was 55. Our relationship is not built on sex, but on mutual trust, respect and love, ”Paolo shared with the authors of the book.

Young men like that their mature passions can maintain their composure in any situation.

So, why do older women catch young guys so much? One of the respondents, who identified himself as Neil, believes that the whole point is that mature women are honest with themselves and others and do not throw tantrums. As it turned out, many dream not of naive girls with whom there is something to do in the bedroom, but nothing to talk about, but of those with whom you can do both. Neil does not like that most of his peers are looking for a partner to create a family, and mature women not too eager to get married. He is pleased that the older mistresses do not see him only as a potential father of their children and the breadwinner of the family.

After a relationship with a mature woman, not everyone is drawn to young girls. Some men believe that there are only problems from peers: they are too infantile and invent problems from scratch.

According to one of the respondents, having started dating an older woman, he himself became more confident in himself. The young man is grateful to the ex-lover for the fact that she was ready to listen to him, but at the same time did not invade her personal space.

Valuable personnel

You can argue as much as you like that beauty rules the world, and men only dream of having an affair with a long-legged blonde. However, many representatives of the stronger sex are actually admired by down-to-earth realists who do not have to be beauties at all.

“In “adult” women, I value, above all, emotional stability. I met with both young and mature, but only with the second everything went well. They have always been frank with me. I didn’t even trust close friends as much as they did,” said a young man named Fred.

For many young people, not only sexual intimacy is important, but also emotional

By the way, Fred has an interesting personal life. When he was 21, he started dating 37-year-old Gretchen. For two years they lived together and even after parting continued to communicate closely. The couple's relationship was built on strong friendship, so the former lovers often see each other today and support each other in difficult situations. After breaking up with Gretchen, Fred tried dating girls who had just turned 20. According to the young man, it did not last long. As soon as his passions opened their mouths, he was ready to run away.

After a series of unsuccessful romances with peers, he met Lynn, who was 10 years older than him. No matter how trite it may sound, but only with her he could feel truly happy.

“Mature women have long found themselves. They exude stability. In addition, they are more experienced. You understand that you are dealing with a person who will directly tell you what he wants. They are much more confident than people my age. Personally, it is much more pleasant for me to meet a woman older than myself: you don’t have to always solve some puzzles, but you can immediately discuss the problem, ”Fred said during an interview.

Lenny agreed with him. According to the man, he is attracted to older women by an incredible inner calmness. Many mistakenly assume that such unions are similar to the relationship of mother and son. Lenny claims that this is not at all the case: his adult passions simply had no time to mess with him - they were busy with their careers.

“Adult women have completely changed my preferences. I feel terribly sad with young girls, ”the young man shared his opinion.

Lenny revealed that his last relationship was perfect, but he had to end it anyway. All because he dreamed of a child, and his passion did not want to give birth at an age when many are already becoming grandmothers.

Let them talk

Many men often have to face criticism from others because they prefer women older than themselves.

“Men were just jealous of me, because I achieved the location of such a beauty. They looked at me like I had something they never got their hands on. It is curious that my peers also did not approve of a relationship with a mature woman. Well, to be honest, I didn’t care: every morning I woke up with the feeling that the whole world was at my feet. Probably, it seemed to others that I just want to assert myself in this way. But I just felt good with my beloved. I was proud of her and who I became next to her, ”said a man named Barry about his ex.

“The advantage is that they are not afraid to talk about their desires. No need to play guessing game. Sex with older women, in my opinion, is the best, ”a guy named Scott opened up.

He was supported by other young people. “It was a phenomenal experience! I kept thinking about how to please her. Fortunately, I didn’t have to rack my brains: she herself told me. It was very cool. It felt like I had broken some huge barrier. In general, in sexual terms, we completely coincided, ”admitted Russ.

Who would have guessed that such men are turned on by ... rich life experience their mistresses. “The mere thought that an older woman can teach me a lot turns me on. It's kind of an erotic adventure for me," says Vincent.

A man named Mel explained why he was no longer drawn to make love with peers. According to the young man, girls of his age, although beautiful, are mostly clamped. Another thing is experienced women. In bed, they do everything thoroughly and are not shy about anything.

Many young people are attracted to the fact that mature women behave freely and are not afraid to talk about their desires.

“I only learned how to make love when I met a mature woman. She just took my hand and whispered, “Slow down a little.” I had just turned 20 and I was just happy that I could sleep with her. But then I realized that technique is important, ”said Rick.

Many of the men surveyed said that they had the best sex with ladies who are noticeably older than them. They agreed that mature women are the most skillful mistresses.

1. Guest


2. Guest

In short, these young machos are simply insecure about being close to the young. And the elderly lady, she is like a mother, where she will teach, where she will tell. The relationship between son and mother, these guys are so comfortable. This is not to mention those who simply and primitively expect an inheritance from their lady.


3. Guest

Well, of course, with mature people you can do it without obligations, but young people need guarantees. Where even a 40-year-old beautiful woman sets boundaries and sets a scene, a 60-year-old will endure. You don't need children, you don't need to support. In short, there is no responsibility.


4. Guest

Ehmm in my opinion they just say the opposite.

Well, to say one thing, but no one bothers to do another! I don't think they'll tell the truth because they're ashamed


5. Guest

An extremely informative and interesting article for a woman, even surprising. Everything is so, all men want only two things from a relationship: high-quality sex and psychological comfort, i.e. so they don't get brainwashed. All other desires are attributed to them by women who want content from men, solutions to their problems and other things like that. In relationships with an older woman, men fully satisfy their real needs, so there are a lot of such relationships now. And by the way, the appearance of children in such relationships is also not uncommon. The audience of a woman will not approve the article, not the right contingent, but in space this opus would have been a huge success.

Self-confidence is sexy at any age; however, most young women lack this quality. Why? Because girls are still afraid of competition from each other and constantly compare themselves to model ideals and celebrities on the Internet, on television, in magazines - in a word, everywhere they find them. Yes, being a young woman is not easy.

Older women have gone through a lot - marriages, children, promotions, etc. - and have already stopped worrying about the place they occupy in life. They are just trying to be the best version of themselves. For young men, this is very attractive: they know that with such women they do not have to constantly be afraid that they will hurt their self-esteem or cause them jealousy.

Today's older women look younger

Today's range of anti-aging products has completely changed the situation: you can't always guess the age of your interlocutor. Goodbye wrinkles, crow's feet and nasolabial folds! 60-year-old women look 50 years old, and 50-year-olds can easily pass for a lady 40+. We have finally entered an era where age has become irrelevant - at least in terms of appearance.

Young men no longer feel like they are dating their own mothers, and older women know they are beautiful. What more?

Great sexual experience

This leads to the fact that many young men are looking for a mature, experienced woman who will reveal to them what women really want in sex and how to achieve it. Here the previous years are the years of sexual activity! - will play a positive role, and experienced ladies will be more than happy to instruct the young lover.

We do not make long-term plans

Young people born between the 1980s and 2000s are different from the previous generation of men who aspired to marry and start a family before the age of 35. Many of these young people just want to live free and have fun for a few years and don't want to be pressured by anyone, much less start a family fast.

Many of them are still paying off student loans, building careers and learning responsibility. The obvious advantage of romantic relationships with mature women for them is that they, too, "seize the moment" and get high without making long-term plans.

No hidden meanings

Women of age are more than realistic and quite interested in relationships without an end goal. They live here and now and have no illusions "about the future of our relations."

Many young people are attracted to women who live in the present, both sexually and in other ways. It's not that mature women don't take relationships seriously enough or avoid attachments, it's just that they don't want too much out of a relationship and their world won't collapse if things don't go the way they planned.

Mature woman means a lot of sex

It's not just a matter of experience here; older women are more relaxed and free when it comes to sex. They know how to just have a good time and not be afraid of "those awkward moments." They love sex, they want sex, they are ready for sex. Young men know this and know how good their mature darlings are in bed.

Direct and frank conversations in bed

It is often difficult for a man and a woman to clarify certain points in a relationship, including with regard to sexual life. This can be frustrating, especially in cases where it leads to faking orgasms and beating around the bush with those who will never be affected due to embarrassment.

It can be difficult for a young couple to talk even about everyday needs, not to mention sex. Mature women are more focused on sex itself and on the pleasure of themselves and their partner than on how they will look if they talk about something.

Adult women have much lower expectations from men

Usually, a man is expected to take the initiative, earn a lot of money, be romantic, and shower a woman with compliments and gifts. Young people do not always live up to these expectations, which gives rise to anxiety and depressive moods in them.

Thus, it makes sense to date a mature woman because she doesn't put as much emphasis on initiative, isn't as interested in romance, and can provide for herself whatever she wants. Less expectations - more fun.

Relationship with a luxurious mature woman is flattering

The fact that a gorgeous woman of age spends time with a young guy amuses his pride. He understands that at her age she was free to choose anyone - but she chose him. Exactly him! This increases self-esteem and self-confidence and ultimately has a positive effect on relationships.

Even if a woman is not as luxurious as we would like, the young man understands that he is still lucky: after all, this experience will open up new horizons for him, and he himself will become a more mature man - in various ways!

An older woman knows better what men want

One of the decisive arguments for choosing a mature woman is that she knows exactly what men love and what they want. This also applies to sex - perhaps they know more about male preferences than men themselves (especially at a young age, when men themselves know little about themselves)! Well, all that remains for a man is to be a good student and enjoy this stage in his life.

Relationships where a woman is older than a man are becoming more and more common in our society, and are hardly surprising. And this is not surprising: if both a man and a woman are satisfied with such relationships, is it worth judging them? Young men like more experienced women, who are often more understanding and less demanding than young girls. And although, according to statistics, relationships when a woman is older than a man are much more rare than those when the same age is married or a couple where the girl is younger than her partner, they also have a right to exist.

What are the advantages of a relationship in which the woman is older than the man?

- First of all, a woman, meeting with a chosen one younger than herself, is forced to keep herself in good shape. This is a great incentive to maintain the grace of your body, regularly update your wardrobe, spend time on your appearance, remember what kind of figure men like.

- There are advantages in such relationships for the men themselves, because, being next to a more experienced woman, the young man will strive to match her, turning from a young guy into a real man with stable views, goals and aspirations.

- In addition, it is much more interesting to communicate with an older woman, she is already a more balanced and formed personality, which cannot be said about his peers. A woman for a man who is younger than her becomes both a mother and a wife. She can give smart advice, find the right words of support, which a young girl cannot do, even if she tries very hard. Young people are ruled by emotions, and over the years, prudence appears in their character.

Such relationships are also attractive because a woman’s experience in sexual terms will easily allow her to teach a man to give her pleasure, she will teach him good sex and, to be honest, she will give advice in everyday life, while adjusting an older partner is not so easy .

As we can see, relationships when a woman is older than a man have quite significant advantages, so a loving couple of this type can last quite a long time, practically without any worries. However, behind the positive appearance, there are also some cons that can easily destroy a fragile union.

- First of all, in such a relationship, a woman will feel constant insecurity and anxiety due to the fact that her young man will be taken away by a young girl. Such anxiety can lead to bouts of constant jealousy, which, of course, will affect the relationship in a far from good way. A woman will begin to be jealous of a man for every skirt she meets.

- In addition, a kind of sissy often grows out of a young man, who perceives a woman solely as a nanny who fulfills his desires and takes care of him.

- Alphonse men aged 20-30 are a dime a dozen. Many of them thus want to earn a good living. But it is very easy to recognize them. Do not hesitate and ignore the meaningless excuses about temporary financial troubles. Often women understand why a young guy spends his time on an aged beauty, but turn a blind eye to this for the sake of sex with a young man. True, not everything is always so bad. There are actually couples in love who don’t care about the difference in age - they feel good together, and the rest does not interest them.

- Finally, there are also cases when the age difference turns into a significant difference in values ​​and aspirations, because most often a woman older than a man knows for sure what she wants from life, while a guy most often does not have time to decide.

As you can see, if a woman is older than a man, the relationship expects not only disagreements, but also a happy future. However, you should not pay much attention to age if you are firmly convinced that you love each other. The main thing is that you want to be together, and whether a woman is older than a man or not is the tenth thing.

source women.uol.ua

And a little more humor on this topic)))) And in every joke there is some truth))

* An older woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with a stupid question "What were you thinking, honey?" Because she just doesn't care what you think.

* An older woman always keeps a condom in her purse. Young people still hope that you will take care of this.

* An older woman will cost you less. A younger one will cost you 12 Martini glasses at the bar, while an older woman will sleep with you after a cup of herbal tea at home.

* An older woman can wear bright red lipstick during the day and not look like she just climbed into a jar of jam. This does not apply to a young girl.

* Older women run faster because they always wear comfortable shoes.

* An older woman is more honest. She will call you an "idiot" if you only treat her like that. A young woman will never call you that for fear of losing you.

* An older woman will never unexpectedly become pregnant and suddenly decide that one of the two of you should get married urgently. If an older woman gets pregnant, you will usually be the last one to know...

* An older woman always has a job in which she is already entitled to health insurance, which includes the services of a dentist. A young girl will not help you when your teeth are damaged from playing hockey.

* An older woman will never suspect you of being "using her". She is just using you.

* An older woman will simply call you and ask when it's convenient for you to meet her if you want. The young one will wait forever by the phone when you call her.

* An older woman knows how to cook. The young woman knows the phone number for ordering pizza at the place around the corner.

* An older woman will introduce you to all her friends. The young one will hide you from them so that you don’t have thoughts about ...

* An older woman always has an excellent collection of luxurious underwear left over from her former lovers. Young people rarely wear underwear, which practically excludes the possibility of striptease.

* An older woman is perspicacious and quick-witted. You never have to confess to her about the scam on the side, because the hell knows how, but she always knows about it herself.

* Older women have self-esteem, so they will never throw a tantrum in a public place.

* Older women are experienced and know that in bed you can not always get everything right after the 12th mug of beer. It may take a young person a long time to realize this fact.

* An older woman has many girlfriends, most of whom will also want to sleep with you.

* An older woman will never accuse you of "stealing her best years" because someone else has already stolen them before you