Why the guy stopped writing: the psychology of male behavior. Has the man suddenly stopped communicating? Here's why it happened and what to do

Good afternoon, dear readers! Many girls wonder what to do if a man doesn’t call. Maybe he lost interest, a lot of work fell on him, he found another one. Let's try to figure out together what to do and what to do. Don’t create a panic, don’t impose yourself and interest a man so much that he will run on your heels.

The first thing you need to understand is don't throw a fit if a guy doesn't call you for two or three days. With your panic, you will only scare the man away and he will think that you are some kind of crazy person. Exhale a little. Relax. And use common sense. Why can't he call? Maybe he told you that he would soon have a rush at work, but you missed this moment. Or he should go on a business trip to a place where there is no connection.

If nothing like this happened, then another question arises: is it worth calling the young man yourself? Here the game begins under the motto “the less we love a woman...”, but it has a mutual character. Sometimes it's worth calling first.

One of my clients met a young man on a dating site. They corresponded for quite a long time, but he did not show much initiative. Then I asked her: why doesn’t she offer to call? She was afraid to take this step first. Her upbringing said that a man should. I suggested that she just try it, and she agreed. At the next session she thanked me for the hint. After all, thanks to her first step, they made an appointment.

The main thing here is to be able to stop in time and not start calling him every five minutes. In this case, you can easily get into the contact blacklist. Do you need it? This behavior is again due to your panic. You know, there are women who call their husband every half hour. In such a situation, I always have a question: does she really have nothing else to do?

Panic interferes with sound judgment. When you calm down your emotions and become calmer, then you will be able to look at the situation soberly and understand that there is nothing wrong with a man not calling for a couple of days. Remember that men talk about this topic completely differently. For them, constant telephone conversations are not as important as for women.

It is very important to love yourself and not allow a man to play with you. If you hang around him, do everything he wants, run after him, and he hasn’t called for two weeks, then think: do you need such a relationship. Remember that relationships are a mutual process. It shouldn't be like you do everything alone.

If you suddenly stop communicating for no apparent reason, don't fuss. Do not impose yourself and your communication. Mind your own business, communicate with other people, work, find yourself a hobby. Don't get hung up on the man. Otherwise you will become addicted. And this does not allow you to build healthy relationships.

The first thing is to call yourself. Perhaps he is going through a difficult time at work and your call will help him.

In my opinion, the most correct thing to do would be to call yourself and find out if everything is okay. And then act in accordance with the situation.

If you can’t find a place for yourself, suffer, constantly think about him, then I highly advise you to read the article “What to do if you love.” Perhaps you will find interesting solutions for yourself there.

So that such situations do not happen to you, so that men always call you and seek your attention, you need to work on yourself. To begin with, I recommend that you read the article “How to become a woman a mystery to men.” There you will find a lot of useful tips and ideas.

The problem of lack of attention in long-term relationships is one of the most common. Girls usually complain that their loved one has stopped calling often and doesn’t write SMS anymore. This can all be fixed. You love each other. All you have to do is talk. Honest and frank.

Remember that men always try to avoid scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it is within your power to calmly talk to him. Don't raise your voice or yell at him. You are a normal, emotionally stable young lady who can speak logically and reasonedly. Explain the situation from your side. And listen carefully to what he answers you. Don't ignore his words.

Also, don't try to explain something to a man using hints. If he rarely calls you and you want more, then just say so. Equivocations will pass by your beloved. Young people do not perceive such things.

Why do they laugh at women's logic? Because women most often draw conclusions, make decisions, speak using hints, what is read between the lines. Men do things completely differently. Don't forget this.

If you suddenly caught yourself thinking that the relationship is fading away, your spouse has somehow cooled off, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the work “What to do if a guy stops loving you.”

Dear ladies, you urgently need to stop thinking that you are not worthy of something, that your happiness depends only on a man, that you are somehow different. In order for men to pay attention to you more often, you must be confident. You must love yourself.

Women very often underestimate themselves. They think they are ugly, too fat, stupid and much more. Stop thinking about such things and take care of yourself. Increase your level of education. Take care of your appearance. Start eating right. Find an interesting and rewarding activity outside of work.

When you become self-sufficient. If you are a confident and wise woman, then you will not be faced with the question of how to attract attention to yourself. Many young ladies have a complex about having a child. And they believe that it is impossible to find a man in this position. Believe me, this is not true. Read the article “Is it possible to get married with a child” and you will see for yourself.

You have everything you need to become an interesting woman. You can easily become the one to whom the eyes of all men are directed. You just have to want and start doing something in this direction.

If your problems in relationships with men are permanent, I think it will be extremely useful for you to read the article “What to do if your personal life is not working out.” Remember that there is a way out of any situation. Even hopeless!

Dear ladies, I will be very glad to see your comments on this topic. Perhaps some of you have encountered a similar problem. Did you dare to call a man first and what did it lead to? What did you do when a man disappeared for a week and didn’t call?

I have a slightly different problem. My man thinks that calls and SMS are not necessary at all. He believes that being away for a week and not communicating is normal for a relationship. We've been together for five years. It's very hard. I'm constantly hysterical because he just doesn't want to communicate with me. When I wanted, I came. I wanted to leave. I don't know what to do with this. We were talking about it. He said that he didn’t want to write or call, and that’s normal for him.

Hello Olga! The situation is really different and it should not only be difficult, but unbearable. How do you even understand that a relationship is not over? Have you tried anything else besides talking?

Hello, Elena! And I'm not sure that he still loves me. Although he says yes. The candy-bouquet period has just ended. We generally have a very complicated relationship. I don't want to put up with a lot of things. Because in my understanding this is wrong. What is happening to us.
What did you do? Yes all! They even broke up. And then everything from the beginning. It lasts for about a year.
A couple of days ago I started talking again about his attitude towards me, that I don’t like the way he behaves and causes pain. I became so angry. It has already reached the point where I have descended to insults and fights. She rushed at him and beat him with her hands. I felt so scared. What was it? I acted like crazy! And he got scared. Me. I'm trying to convey to him that I feel bad. In response I always hear “you always feel bad.” I tried to explain that my behavior is a consequence of his attitude towards me. I have never had so much anger and hatred in me. He laughs at me all the time. I make him laugh with my behavior, and this only makes me feel worse. But I still love it. I don't know how to behave. Tired of fighting.

Olga, from your story it seems that he feels your inability to influence him. He even enjoys this fact. And it is not at all surprising that you began to express yourself so aggressively. I think you also feel powerless. It’s clear that you love him, but do you agree to build just such a relationship?

Elena, yes, I really can’t influence him. And how? He is already 40. He has matured as a person. He was married and has a daughter from his first marriage. He had everything I dreamed of! Sometimes it seems to me that he has gone through all this and is now not interested in a relationship that will grow into a family. Even more often I think that it is I who do not arouse the desire to love, care, and respect. Finally get married! Thus, showing that he wants to build his life with me.
He considers himself smarter than others. He always turns on the “psychologist” and says that no one will make me happy. I am responsible for this and must entertain myself. Does not see the boundary between spending time “together” and “next to” each other. I don't know how to change the situation. What can I do to make him change his attitude towards me?

Olga, I can definitely say that the idea of ​​changing his attitude will not be successful. All you can do is just change yourself and your attitude. And then, perhaps, he will change along with you, without noticing it. This requires long-term therapy; it would be great for you to find a specialist in your city and visit him regularly. You can try inviting your man to go for a walk together. Do you think it's worth a try?

Elena, yes, I have already thought about this. And he himself more than once sent me verbally to a psychologist. I just can’t understand why only I should work on myself? Why doesn't he work on himself?

Look how much protest he causes in you. You just need to understand that you are not doing this for him, but for yourself. In my practice, it often happened that after therapy a woman became balanced, began to understand herself well and adhere to common sense, but the man remained the same. And in the future this union broke up easily, without the possibility of return and on the woman’s initiative. And there were those when, after the wife, the husband changed and now they interact perfectly and solve problems with half a kick. You win anyway.

Elena, it's not a matter of protest. I just can’t understand why a woman should always change? I changed so many times that I lost myself. I had interests and hobbies. now there is nothing. I am not interested in anything and cannot find any new activity for myself. I stopped understanding who I am, what interests me! I've changed myself so much that I don't recognize it. I stopped being myself. And it didn't change anything! Only anger appeared. On him, on myself. yes to everyone. Is it worth changing yourself if you already have bitter experience of failure in this?

I am on your side, and your man, I think, is an opportunist and in my personal opinion, I would kick him out. There was a feeling that you thought that I was at the same time with him. Don’t rush to answer, listen to yourself.

No, Elena, I understand that you are not protecting him. But it makes me negative. that from all sides they tell me that I must change. “Change yourself,” etc. In an effort to improve relationships, I stopped being a person. I hate myself for my weakness and emotional dependence on him. And I understand that it is my own fault. I changed for the sake of relationships. But this did not give the desired result. How can you change for yourself? If I can’t even choose an activity to distract myself with. I want to be interesting to both myself and him.

Indeed, the call to change irritates anyone. And it looks like you have done a lot for

relationships. But it seems to me that there is a difference between changing for him and for yourself. Therapy provides that it is the person himself who returns; accepts himself as he is; clearly understands what he needs; makes his plans; defends his interests and the like. Previously, you did this on your own, and the specialist’s task was to slow down when you were getting carried away and give the opinion of an uninterested person who was on your side. Even if you put aside the work on yourself, what option remains then? Living as before, having difficulty coping with conflicts and feeling that you are not in control of the situation. Maybe I don’t see another option, share your opinion.

Usually girls wonder very often such questions:

You must understand that every man is completely individual. The fact that he stopped calling or writing to you may be due to a number of reasons, which are written below.

Why did the guy stop texting?

  • One of the most important reasons why the guy doesn’t write - loss of interest in you. Maybe at first he was quite interested in you, but after a few dates, walks or meetings, he disappeared. Therefore, just calm down, have courage and ask him when you meet him why he is no longer interested in you?
  • He is very busy with work or study. If you've had a few dates so far, then there's no need to worry. Girls need to understand that guys can't spend hours texting. For men, at the beginning of a relationship, his affairs always come first, and then his feelings and personal life.
  • The guy stopped texting because he has already won you over. He only wants to be close to you, go for walks and talk about everything in the world without using SMS.
  • It's easier to call guys. Most men don't like texting girls. Usually they write them in the initial stages of relationship development. Guys believe that a simple call will be enough to surprise and communicate with their beloved.

Why did the guy stop calling?

  • The guy is losing interest in you. Perhaps you do not have common interests, intimacy happened very quickly, it didn’t “get hooked”, there is no desire, etc.
  • Not enough free time. The guy has important problems that need to be solved. As soon as he can solve them and he has everything under control, he will definitely remember you. In this case, there is no need to worry and start a rebellion; for now, take care of your life and your interests.
  • The guy understands his feelings. Don’t rush things, a man needs time to understand whether he is ready for a serious relationship. After a while, he may call and say that he is not ready yet, or, on the contrary, he will call and invite you on another date.

If your relationship has already lasted long enough, then the man may not call in such cases:

  • He knows where you are and what you are doing. He loves and is calm for you. Works for the benefit of the family to provide for it. Here it’s better for you to call him or write a nice SMS to warm up his feelings and interest.
  • He may begin to lose interest in you, because there are also women at work who want communication and new acquaintances. In this case, you need to ignite passion in your man. Start taking action - arrange a romantic evening, ask what you can do to cheer him up or please him? Have a heart-to-heart talk, ask what’s bothering him. We also recommend reading -

Why did the guy stop communicating?

  • Here, too, the man could have lost interest in you or simply left for another country. Perhaps he offended by a woman or upset about something.
  • Also, many guys and men break off relationships with girls and do not inform them. He has already decided everything for himself and does not consider it necessary to explain anything.

Why doesn't a guy write, don't call, ignore - video

Yesterday it seemed that everything was clear and smooth in all respects, it was easy and comfortable to be with a man, but today he disappeared without explanation? There is no need to draw premature conclusions. We will try to figure out why the guy suddenly stopped communicating depending on the situation. You will find out what the reasons for this may be if you have been together for a long time, if you kept in touch exclusively by correspondence, or if you only had your first and last date.

To answer the question, you need to take into account how long you have been communicating on the Internet.

There may be the following reasons for stopping virtual communication:

  • Losing interest. If the meeting did not happen in real life 3-6 months after the start of the correspondence, then it most likely will not happen.
  • Lack of time for correspondence. Perhaps he works a lot or is overwhelmed with problems to which male representatives react very painfully.
  • Realizing that your dating goals are different. For example, you want a serious relationship, and he is looking for a girl for joint leisure or intimacy, or vice versa.
  • Intervention by another. It may well be that a more interesting interlocutor has appeared on the site.

This article will help you understand in more detail. You will learn about the main causes and ways to eradicate them, and you will be able to write a competent text to send a message first.

Reasons why a man doesn't show up after the first meeting

Perhaps he realized that he was not ready for a serious relationship, but to admit this to a girl’s face? No, the guy is not capable of such courage. Therefore, your potential groom chose to tactfully retreat with minimal losses.

Another option is that having met you and remembering his past painful experience, he was most likely afraid to repeat it again and get burned again. In this case, he may still appear in your life when he is emotionally more mature.

And the last thought, why communication began to cease to be active - he just didn’t like you. It is difficult to determine their emotions from the faces of some men, but usually a woman intuitively understands whether her interlocutor likes her. The appearance, character, demeanor, or some bad habits could have repelled me.

It's also likely that you didn't know. Here it is said where to start the conversation, how to maintain it and what phrases to end it with so that the man suggests meeting again.

What could happen if your loved one doesn't get in touch?

Yes, it is unpleasant and offensive when a person with whom everything was fine in a relationship before suddenly disappears. Here are the TOP 6 reasons to explain why active communication could come to naught:
  1. Stopped loving. Alas, this happens. Your partner simply felt that the relationship had run its course and decided to end it. and what to do in such a situation? We answered these questions in another article.
  2. He is not satisfied with your character. Many men do not accept sarcasm, hysterics, or “nazing” in women.
  3. Frivolous intentions. Perhaps he regarded you as light entertainment, a girl for one evening, for flirting and a good time. Such a man has no place in your life.
  4. Difficulties in life. He is going through a difficult period that he wants to go through alone; perhaps he has problems at work, in the family, or with health.
  5. Meeting another. He met a more beautiful, intelligent and interesting girl.
  6. Lack of desire to develop relationships. He does not want to take them to a new level (cohabitation, marriage, children), so he chose to stop communicating altogether to avoid accusations.

Other reasons why a guy can first actively communicate and then suddenly end the relationship are disputes, misunderstandings, understatement, which only indicate that this is not your person. This article will help you understand. You will also learn what you can and cannot do in this situation.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What to do in such a situation

Remember that there are different situations in life. Before you do anything, you need to calm down and stop panicking and coming up with the most unpleasant reasons. Just let go of the situation and try not to wait every second for his call or message. If he calls, it’s good, if he doesn’t, it’s okay. Such a simple attitude to the situation will help you maintain your nerves and draw cold-blooded conclusions about the person.

If your relationship is serious, step over your pride and write or call him yourself.

Unobtrusively ask about his disappearance, without “attacks” or complaints. He will have to answer you something. Perhaps he had serious problems that he did not want to burden his significant other with and therefore chose to disappear for a while. If he hasn’t responded, he’s probably already put an end to your relationship. In this case, ask mutual friends if anything has happened to him. If they say everything is fine, text him. Say that you are worried about him and that you feel that something is going wrong, offer to meet yourself and dot the i’s.

This is a science that we comprehend throughout our lives. But the main advice voiced by psychologists comes down to the fact that we should not depend on our partner and not allow him to be dependent on us. Leave it for yourself and your lover personal space.

Don't be rude or sarcastic to your partner. Be soft and feminine, but do not forget to sometimes insist on your own just as gently. A man shouldn’t feel like you’re bossing him around, but don’t let him boss you around either. Remember that you are a weak woman and give him the opportunity to help himself even in small things and support you in difficult times.

You should not feel sorry for a man if you have any problems. Just believe in him and treat him as if he has already achieved success and has a bright future ahead of him. He will certainly appreciate your unobtrusive support.

Also, be careful in your communication, because the wrong words can put an end to a relationship. These are the words that should never be said out loud.

Very useful tips can be found in this video, it is clear that the man has a lot of experience:

Before you sound the alarm and attack the guy with accusations and demands to explain your behavior, remember that you are a beautiful, smart, talented girl! They should run after you...

In every girl's life there were situations when she waited around the clock for a call from her loved one. When your heart sank with frantic anxiety in the hope of hearing your own voice. But men don’t seem to understand that women are waiting for their call and hoping for reciprocal feelings. Sometimes a young man does not call back even after the first date, although all the time he held his companion’s hand and looked at her with loving eyes. Sometimes a man stops communicating in the midst of an affair, although there were no objective prerequisites for this. And it is not known which of the situations is more difficult. The first is when it’s offensive that you are ignored. Or the second, when feelings appeared - and silence, like a knife, cuts the heart. So, why did the man suddenly stop communicating? Let's look at these two situations in more detail.

Why did the man suddenly stop communicating after the first date?

A rich female imagination can draw a thousand reasons for the disappearance of a young man. But usually they have nothing to do with reality. So, what's the matter?

Explaining everything, but absolutely fantastic reasons

1. Force majeure

For example, his acquaintance or loved one died, and he had to quickly leave the city, region, country. Go to a place where there are no mobile towers. Of course, he is worried and wants to call and chat, but circumstances are stronger than him. Is it possible? Quite. After all, every day someone dies. Maybe your chosen one really has just such a situation? But if he really fell in love with you, the man will always find the opportunity and time to communicate.

2. Disease

It doesn't matter how heavy it is. The main thing is that your loved one is simply not capable of even writing a simple SMS. You begin to convince yourself of the seriousness of this version. On the other hand, what prevents him from contacting you through a friend or relatives and explaining the reason for his silence? No matter how serious the illness, it is not an obstacle to a simple phone call.

3. He was killed

This explains this behavior of the man. There is a high crime rate now, and the guy got caught. All that remains is to cry and say goodbye to failed love. But, you see, this reason is the most incredible.

Real reasons

1. Sex on the first date

After the first date, two scenarios are possible: either the man and woman will end up in the same bed, or in different ones. Why is the first option an error? Yes, because any man is a conqueror. And if he has already received everything, then what should he strive for? If there was no sex, then with each new meeting his sympathy and interest would grow exponentially. And so - the motivation disappeared, and along with it the desire to communicate. In general, you only have yourself to blame for this!

2. Too much alcohol

In a drunken stupor, communication between a woman and a man can go far beyond the boundaries of decency. Everything is possible - a story about your secrets, passionate declarations of love, and proposals of the heart. You should not believe words spoken while intoxicated. And any normal girl understands that while drunk it is difficult to seriously interest a man. And it’s even more stupid to hope for a continuation of the relationship.

Most common reason

It is not necessary to know what is hidden behind the concepts of “communication psychology”, “features of intersexual communication” and other scientific terms in order to determine the most common reason for the disappearance of a partner. It is very banal - you are not his type. You may have a spectacular appearance and a rich inner world, but a man simply isn’t attracted to you, and that’s all. Don’t be upset, because even royalty, movie stars and models are rejected. This is just not your person!

Why did a man suddenly stop communicating in the midst of an affair?

What to do if the relationship has been going on for several weeks or even months? Has your chosen one suddenly stopped calling, answering calls, appearing on social networks, and even maintaining relationships with mutual friends? What if this is the end of a whirlwind romance? Or can this behavior still be explained?

Banal reasons

1. Women place too much importance on phone calls.

When a girl is waiting for a call from her chosen one, she simply doesn’t understand that it doesn’t even occur to him to call. “If I don’t call, it means I’m busy” - that’s what most guys think. In addition, many people have situations in their lives when they simply don’t want to talk on the phone. And it is not necessary that the reason for such reluctance is the girl herself. Therefore, you need to calm down and stop waiting for his call. Your loved one will show up on his own.

2. You may be in too much of a hurry

Yes, you went on a few dates and had a good time. So why did the man suddenly stop communicating? The main reason is that you treat him as your property and are very jealous. And the guys are in no hurry to say goodbye to their freedom, especially at the beginning of the novel. Of course, after the first date, girls tend to fantasize about what kind of children the newly-made gentleman will have and how long and happily they will live in marriage. Guys are not characterized by such sentimentality.

You are already seriously thinking about wedding bells, and your chosen one may not yet have decided whether to continue the relationship at all. If this is so, then there is nothing surprising in his reluctance to communicate. By leaving, he makes it clear that he is not ready for serious changes. At least for now.

Serious reasons

Here we’ll talk about the reasons why your loved one decided to withdraw from the relationship. Maybe he didn’t have the courage to say it to his face, or maybe he wanted to give him the opportunity to leave him first. Well, he stopped communicating and hasn’t called for several days, and you sent him a message that it’s all over. And it’s easier for him, and a load off your shoulders... This is what the man thinks, and the woman continues to hope for the resumption of communication. What makes the stronger half do this?

1. You may be too good for him.

Overly educated, beautiful, smart. If he feels like an unsightly simpleton with complexes next to you, then it will be difficult to maintain a relationship. You may have been smarting up too much on dates, and as we know, men don't approve of that. To feel like real machos, they need a laughing simpleton who looks with adoration and greedily catches every word. Moreover, she may be well-mannered and erudite, but she is smart enough to hide it. On the other hand, why do you need a chosen one who doesn’t live up to your standards? A man and a woman are happy in a relationship only when they either have the same level of development, or the representative of the stronger half is smarter.

2. Inflates his worth

This is very common among young people. If a guy feels like a “star” and is sure that the girl will be waiting for his call, then he will remain silent. A man does this to provoke a woman and later take her “lukewarm”. You just need to take into account that the girl may have new boyfriends during this period, and the unlucky “star” will be forgotten.


Of course, it is very unpleasant if a man does not want to communicate. And it doesn’t matter what stage your relationship is at. This is always a difficult situation for a woman. Try to find the positive aspects in this. Firstly, he may not be the man of your dreams, and now your hands are free to search for your true happiness. Secondly, there is even nobility in his action: he did not give hope and fool his head. So blow him a kiss and... forget it. Remember, if your chosen one truly loves, he will never disappoint you with a long wait.

Constant messages, phone calls, romantic meetings - all of this can be attributed to the mandatory attributes of a developing relationship. But one day a girl may be unpleasantly surprised that the guy has stopped writing, calling, and looking for meetings. If she does not receive letters throughout the day, you can solve the problem in a simple way - dial the number or write first. But most prefer to remain silent and wait for a call (message), while simultaneously thinking about the reasons for this behavior. They can be very different: the guy found a new object of sympathy, something happened to him, he lost his phone.

Features of the psychology of men

To find out the reason for silence, it is necessary to consider some nuances of male psychology:

  • not all guys have high self-esteem and self-confidence, which is why they are afraid to take the initiative;
  • they think rationally, so their minds are primarily occupied by urgent matters related to their career (studies, hobbies).

The reasons that a guy stopped calling or texting first may be the following:

  • the young man is busy with his problems related to work, relatives, and everyday life;
  • if a guy not only does not call, but also does not communicate on social networks, and his mobile phone does not answer, then this often indicates serious problems have arisen;
  • the young man is not interested in continuing a relationship with the girl, especially if the acquaintance happened recently;
  • the guy was offended for something, but did not want to admit it;
  • the young man did not have the determination to announce his desire to separate, so he disappeared without explanation.

So, if a guy suddenly stops communicating, such behavior does not necessarily mean a complete lack of mutual feelings.

Silence on the part of a man may depend on how long he has known the girl, under what circumstances the acquaintance took place, and how he behaved in the relationship.

Should you text your guy first?

Recent acquaintance or long-term relationship

If you met a man quite recently, then the lack of initiative in communication on his part has various reasons:

  • the young man has just broken up with his ex-lover and is not yet ready to take decisive steps;
  • the guy is simply busy at work, so he prefers to concentrate his attention on priority tasks;
  • the man lost the girl’s contacts or accidentally erased them from the phone’s memory;
  • The guy already has a sweetheart, and he decided to have fun by taking the phone number of a pretty lady.

After the first meeting, not all men are ready to call hourly and write “good night” and “good morning” every day, and this is normal behavior. Most people do not immediately desire intimacy in the form of daily conversations for several hours. If a man and a woman have just met, then each of them needs time to evaluate the person as a candidate for a role in a couple.

The situation is more complicated when a man with whom the girl has already built a romantic relationship suddenly stopped communicating and did not consider it necessary to explain his decision. There may be several reasons why a man refuses to communicate without explaining anything:

  • he has a new love, but there is no courage and determination to tell the girl about it;
  • the young man lost interest because he considered that the chosen one was not suitable for his character;
  • there is a resentment lurking in the guy’s soul that the girl doesn’t even suspect about;
  • the young man believes that she should take the initiative in communication.

But the reason for the silence may also be that the man found himself in an extreme situation that no one knows about (the man was involved in an accident, is unconscious in the hospital, he was robbed). In such cases, silence lasts until the person has the opportunity to get in touch. Signs that a serious problem has happened to a guy are a phone that has been turned off for several hours, a long absence from social networking and instant messenger profiles, and calls from relatives and acquaintances of the young man to the girl.

How to find out the reason?

To cope with negative thoughts and understand how to behave in an unpleasant situation, you need to calm down and switch your attention to other things. A call or message from a loved one is a desired event, but you can’t let it occupy all your thoughts and prevent you from living a full life. A guy who needs a girl will quickly find an opportunity to remind him of himself, even if he finds himself in an unforeseen situation.

If a man has stopped calling and writing to a woman, then you can find out the reason for his silence, and this should be done unobtrusively and calmly. Violent negative emotions and the desire to blame the guy for the lack of messages and calls will reveal the girl as a nervous and hysterical person, which causes antipathy in most men. It is better to write first to the person you are interested in and start a conversation on a neutral topic. By the manner of communication, you can easily understand the reason that the guy did not make himself known for a long time. If a young man answers only out of politeness and does not seek to continue the conversation (correspondence), then this indicates his indifference.

Completely ignoring messages and calls from a girl will only confirm that the man does not intend to continue the relationship due to the lack of warm feelings for her.

If a man has shown reluctance to communicate or continue the affair, you need to accept his decision, even if it is not easy to do. Building a harmonious relationship requires the commitment of two people, not just one interested person. When forced communication stops, it becomes possible to move on towards new love.