Why does the baby move around before giving birth? The calm before the storm: how the baby behaves before childbirth. Fetal movements during and between contractions

The doctor warned me that not long before the birth, the movements stop. I listen all the time. When exactly does this happen?

In fact, the baby still moves in the mother's womb, but she almost does not feel it. The baby may simply subside 2 weeks before delivery. However, sometimes the opposite happens: he flounders more actively in his mother's stomach, which also makes the woman anxious.

There are several reasons why a baby calms down before being born. This is a decrease in free space in the uterus, an increase in the size of the child's body, the lowering of the uterus and its clamping by the pelvic bones. And it also reduces the activity of the fetus that its head is installed at the entrance to the small pelvis, it itself, in the absence of presentation, is located strictly vertically. This position also does not allow him to be as active as he was before. When the child moves in this position, the blows fall on the uterine fundus. In this case, the woman feels them weakly, since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ is supplied with a small number of nerve endings. That is why most pregnant women feel that the baby stops moving before giving birth.

For a long period (at 39-40 weeks), the amount of amniotic fluid becomes smaller, physiological oligohydramnios is noted. But the expectant mother must observe changes in the activity of the child in order to notice alarming symptoms. So, a signal of trouble is pain and very strong discomfort in the process of stirring; increase in the activity of the child; movements 2 weeks before delivery less than 3 times a day.

If the wakefulness of the fetus in the mother's womb causes pain, then it is likely that he does not have enough oxygen, hypoxia develops. And it may be the other way around: the deficiency of an important substance makes the child inert, lethargic. That's when he stops making himself known. Old obstetricians recommend that their patients in the last month of gestation start keeping a diary in which they need to record the time and number of movements, their activity. This very often helps to timely notice signs of hypoxia or other trouble.

Fetal movement before childbirth

How does the fetus move before childbirth

Fetal movement before childbirth can vary in intensity. What sensations can be considered the norm, and what necessarily requires medical attention?

The expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of the baby from the 18-20th week of pregnancy (depending on what she is in a row). These movements of the fetus are very gentle, accurate, since the baby is still very small. If you put your hand on the abdominal wall, the movement will not be felt.

With an increase in the term, the movement of the fetus during pregnancy becomes more and more noticeable. The child literally turns over in the uterus, often changes its position. Therefore, experienced specialists do not write in the conclusion of the ultrasound about the presentation of the fetus for up to 28 weeks. Even if it is pelvic or foot, it will probably change more than once.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the movements become similar to the movements of a newborn baby. And by 36 weeks on the skin, it is already easy to see the parts of the fetus that rest against the wall of the uterus.

The movement of the fetus before contractions may become less noticeable and slightly less likely to be felt. They also say that the child is calming down - this is one of the signs of an imminent delivery. However, at any time there are norms for the minimum number of fetal movements per day. This is 10. That is, not just 10 pushes, but 10 series of movements.

What to do if the child is quiet and has not made itself felt for a long time? It is necessary to visit a doctor unscheduled. He will be able to listen to the fetal heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope. If necessary, do a CTG or ultrasound.

Our women also have the opportunity to independently listen to the baby's heartbeat using a pocket fetal doppler. Its cost is about 5000 rubles. You can save money if you buy a used device from a woman who has already given birth (advertisements for sale can be found on mommy forums). The device allows you to easily record the heartbeat of a child from 12 weeks (some models, according to manufacturers, work already for a period of 8 weeks). That is, at such an early date, when doctors still cannot listen to the child’s heart with their “tube”. The application of a special supersonic gel to the skin of the abdomen will help listening. Fetal doppler is safe for the expectant mother and fetus. Trying to listen to a child's heart on your own with a conventional stethoscope is a useless exercise. Just like offering a husband or other close people to listen to the heart of a child, putting his ear to his stomach.

It is clear about the calming of the fetus, but what if, on the contrary, the fetus is actively moving before childbirth, which does not allow you to sleep peacefully and do business? This behavior of the fetus may indicate some oxygen deficiency. Usually, to calm the baby, it is enough to take a walk in the fresh air.

How does the child behave before childbirth: the fetus is quiet or active

Expectant mothers often wonder if the baby is quiet or active before giving birth? The behavior of the child before childbirth, as a rule, is calm. The child does not make unnecessary movements and calms down. This behavior of the fetus is due to the fact that a small person is gaining strength before the difficult process of being born. It is worth noting that the complete absence of fetal movement before childbirth is also dangerous.

Lack of movement or activity, which is better?

Before being born, the little man assumes a certain position, the mother's stomach drops, and the baby no longer presses on the ribs. The bones of the thighs fix the position of the baby, the intrauterine fluids decrease and the child becomes cramped inside.

These processes, as a rule, occur 2 weeks before the onset of labor. During this period, the child no longer grows and begins to accumulate strength for the birth. At this time, you need to pay attention to how the baby behaves before childbirth. For 37-38 weeks before birth, the baby moves strongly, taking a certain position, before appearing in this world.

Movements during this period are periodic and strong. The fetus does not put pressure on the ribs, but it greatly affects the functioning of the bladder. Sharp and strong movements bring pain to the mother and frequent urination. Over time, the baby's movements before childbirth decrease, their frequency changes, this happens at 39-40 weeks, when the baby is about to be born.

child activity

If the baby does not calm down before birth, this does not mean that there may be some complications during childbirth, this may be a sign of readiness and indignation of the baby. The child does not always calm down before childbirth, and this can only be for the best, since the expectant mother will feel the child better and know on a subconscious level what her son or daughter wants. So to the question of whether the child calms down before childbirth, you can safely answer that it doesn’t, and this behavior of the child is absolutely normal.

No stir

As for the decrease in the number of shocks, this can be an alarming sign. If the child abruptly stops moving, and the number of shocks per day becomes less than 6, then in this case it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. That is why it is necessary to observe whether the baby moves before childbirth.

It is worth remembering that fetal movement before childbirth is absolutely normal, but its absence can be a wake-up call, which means that the baby is not getting something. If you watch how the baby behaves before giving birth, you can understand when he is ready to be born into the world. The behavior of the child before childbirth is extremely important, and if you correctly understand when the baby is ready for birth, you can prepare for them and the mother.

How do you know when your baby is ready to give birth?

It doesn’t matter if the baby is quiet or active before the birth, the main thing is to correctly count all the movements and pushes of the fetus, so you can understand how long the baby will stay inside the mother. As mentioned above, if the baby's movements per day are less than 6, then this may be a sign of concern.

The number of movements of the child 1 week before delivery should be approximately 24 times in 12 hours. Therefore, it cannot be said that the activity of the child before childbirth is significantly reduced. On the contrary, these movements of the child before childbirth become more tangible and periodic. At the same time, before giving birth, the child should not move much, for example, stirring more than 60 times indicates that something is missing.

For example, such excessive activity of the fetus before childbirth may mean that the child has oxygen starvation. A small organism in the womb with the help of movements conveys its sensations and emotions, the mother's body recognizes and understands everything that the baby wants to say.

Why do you need to count the number of movements?

It is necessary to count the number of movements of the child, but doctors do not always consider this an indicator that the child is about to be born. Based on the number of movements the child has, doctors will determine how he feels, whether he is ready for childbirth, and if there are factors that bother him. Most often, such a process helps the mother determine whether the child is calming down before birth or not. Also, by counting movements, you can determine how the baby behaves before childbirth.


In conclusion, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The child does not always calm down before childbirth, but its excessive stirring can indicate danger.
  2. The normal number of movements of the child per day is approximately 48-50.
  3. To determine if the baby moves before childbirth, it is necessary to count the number of shocks for each hour.
  • It is necessary to have a table in which you need to count and record how the fetus behaves before childbirth. Such a table will help to notice changes in the movements of the baby;
  • It is worth remembering that the lull of the child may not always mean an imminent birth, you need to pay attention to how the child moves before childbirth, his movements before childbirth are similar to turns;
  • For movements, any tangible movements or a few pushes that the baby makes in a few seconds are considered. If there is a feeling that the child inside stops moving for a long time, it is recommended to eat something sweet, chocolate candy would be ideal. After that, you need to lie on your left side;
  • It is necessary to pay attention to how long before the birth the child calms down. Most often, the number of movements of the child decreases in 1-2 weeks.

It is necessary to observe how the movements of the baby change, and so the expectant mother will be able to understand when the child is ready to be born into the world.

How does the child behave before birth?

How does the baby behave before birth? How does he feel, does he calm down, and what changes are taking place in his body in connection with the upcoming birth?

In recent weeks, the baby has hardly gained weight, he is already big, now nature is preparing him for an independent life, very soon he will have to breathe on his own, eat, and do many things that his mother’s body did for him for 9 long months.

In the last days, the child becomes quiet, as if sensing a big change coming. Preparation for childbirth is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, which creates more and more tightness in the uterus. The position of the child is of great importance for the upcoming delivery. Approximately 2 weeks before childbirth, it becomes stable, as it will be at their beginning. Pressing the presenting part of the fetus to the pelvic bones fixes the baby, the child's activity before childbirth naturally subsides.

Since the stomach drops, now the baby does not hurt your ribs, however, the location of the child before childbirth is low, pressing against the pelvis, now more and more unpleasant pokes go to your bladder and perineum, this is not only painful, but it can also be cause of urinary incontinence.

The behavior of the child before childbirth largely depends on his condition. It is bad if he is too active, but there is nothing good in the complete absence of movements either. A woman should control the motor activity of the fetus, because it signals his well-being or not well-being. If the baby is actively moving before childbirth, this may indicate that he does not have enough oxygen. Fetal hypoxia is dangerous and often becomes an indication for urgent delivery, in severe cases, even for a caesarean section, so if the baby kicks a lot, this should be reported to the doctor. You will probably be prescribed a CTG to clarify the condition of the fetus, and based on the results of the examination, they will decide what to do next.

An active fetus is not always bad, so don't get upset if it bothers you in advance, just don't leave the symptom unattended.

Sometimes the baby's movement becomes so rare that it scares the expectant mother. If you do not hear the baby's movements or they are rare, do a Pearson test. The complete absence of movements for several hours in a row is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, and if they are still there, counting the movements will help you make sure that everything is fine even before a visit to the doctor.

The "count to 10" test is conducted as follows:

Draw a simple table in which mark the time from 9 am to 9 pm with an interval of half an hour and days of the week. We count the movements every day. From 9 in the morning we begin to count all the movements of the fetus, even the weakest. A series of perturbations is counted as 1 perturbation. Having counted 10 perturbations, we put a tick in front of the time in the table, and then you can no longer count on this day.

With the help of the test, you will understand whether the baby moves before childbirth and whether he is active enough. There should be at least 10 episodes of movements per day. The table allows you to track the activity of the baby day after day, and immediately catch that there are too few or too many movements.

The observing gynecologist is always interested in how the child moves before childbirth, he will only be happy if you start keeping such a diary, because the dynamics of movements accurately indicate the condition of the fetus and may become a signal for the need for additional examination.

Activity of the child before childbirth

The baby will be born very soon. But what happens to him in the last months before giving birth? This question is asked by many pregnant women and for good reason.

In the last weeks, the child abruptly changes his way of moving. He is no longer moving so actively, the movements are no longer so small.
In fact the movements just change their character- they become rotationally - translational towards the cervix.

This is all due to the fact that the presenting part of the fetus falls - this is in order to stimulate contractions. Also, the child simply becomes cramped in the uterus, and this makes it difficult to move.
Quite often, physical activity, on the contrary, increases and this is also the norm. Worst of all, when there are no movements, or they are restless and accompanied by pain.

Likewise, you do not be afraid of hiccups, which very often occurs in the last stages of pregnancy. A child can hiccup up to 5 times a day and this is normal.

Number of movements per day must be at least 24. But each little man is an individual, so the number of movements can be different. Do not forget that the child can sleep, and the movements stop.

In the last months of pregnancy, the child sleeps and is awake, just like the mother, only the hours do not match - the child rests more. Baby movements can be strong and demanding- this is most likely a demonstration of one's character.

Very important during the last months keep track of movement. Because only you can understand what is happening to your baby. Many women experience hypoxia or anemia during pregnancy, and this is very unfavorable for the development of the fetus.

If everything is in order with the baby, then his tremors will resemble a game, and if something is wrong, then the tremors will become very active and sharp.

If you believe the numbers, then you will have the exact number of movements per day. In one hour, the child should make about 2 movements. But it is better to choose a longer period - up to 12 hours. It may just happen that the child is sleeping. If you want to wake him up, eat a candy or lie on your left side. All children love sweets and awakening will not be long in coming.

Remember that the number of movements before childbirth will never be accurate. There is simply no exact number. Know one thing, that every child is an individual.

Is it worth worrying if the child before childbirth has reduced activity and calms down?

Listening carefully to your body, the expectant mother, a few days before the expected date of birth, may notice that the baby has calmed down. His movements became less active and painful, he stopped protruding legs from his stomach. Many believe that before childbirth, the child always calms down, preparing for the upcoming birth. But is this true or should I be concerned?

Reasons for the decrease in activity

The decrease in the activity of the child is due to several factors:

  1. An increase in the size of the fetus - there is simply no place for it to be active.
  2. Reducing the amount of water - the less amniotic fluid, the more difficult it is for the baby to move in the uterus.
  3. Change in the position of the fetus - before childbirth, the child takes a vertical position and rests his legs on the bottom of the uterus, where there are no pain receptors. Even with the rapid activity of the fetus, a woman may not feel movement and consider that the baby has calmed down.

The listed reasons for the calming of the child before childbirth are within the normal range, so you should not worry.

Negative reasons

But the behavior of the child before childbirth can change for other reasons:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • Low water;
  • Fetal death.

In this case, the child can both calm down, and, conversely, begin more vigorous activity, causing severe discomfort to the woman.

When should you see a doctor?

If the behavior of the fetus has changed slightly, then you should not panic. Most likely, the baby is simply inconvenient to push with legs and arms, so he humbly lies in one position, only occasionally stretching his limbs. If the child has drastically changed his behavior, his tremors are felt less than three times a day, then you need to see a doctor. Specialists will conduct an ultrasound examination, listen to the heart to see the cause of the remission.

If the fetus is too active, you should also not endure pain. Hyperactivity of the baby indicates hypoxia, that he lacks oxygen. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain and nervous system, and even death of the fetus, are possible.


With a slight decrease in fetal activity, women should abandon physical activity and rest more. Delicious and healthy meals will give your baby a lot of the nutrients he needs to prepare for childbirth. To prevent hypoxia, walks in the fresh air are useful. Just do not overdo it - two hours a day is enough. At the same time, you need to take breaks and rest on a bench so as not to overwork.

With a decrease in fetal activity, it is recommended to abandon sexual activity. Despite the positive aspects of sex, the mother's body needs rest. It is better to spend time in a good company, recharge with positive emotions and not think about the bad.

If the doctor finds serious deviations from the norm, then the expectant mother can be sent for a caesarean section or put in a hospital for preservation. During the treatment period, a woman is given drugs to maintain the life of the fetus, increase water and the amount of oxygen.

The expectant mother should listen to herself for all 9 months. Particular vigilance is required after 20 weeks, when the baby's movements are clearly felt. By pushes, you can judge the condition of the baby, about his well-being. And if he becomes ill, he will tell about it by changing his behavior.

Fetal movement before childbirth

It is impossible to know exactly when natural childbirth will occur. However, a woman who is looking forward to a baby is still trying to predict when the contractions will begin, and it will be time to go to the hospital. That is why in the last weeks she pays maximum attention to the so-called harbingers of childbirth. Among those signs by which you can assess when childbirth occurs is the activity of the baby.

Behavior of the child before childbirth

Many future mothers know that before giving birth, the baby should calm down, as if preparing for the difficult test that nature has prepared for him. However, if you ask familiar mothers the question of whether the child calms down before childbirth, it turns out that the picture is far from unambiguous. Some mothers claim that their children seemed to feel that labor was about to begin, and quieted down in the stomach a couple of days before the onset of labor. Others felt active movements even during childbirth between contractions. Based on this, some begin to think that it is not worth paying attention to how the baby behaves in the stomach.

Activity of the child before childbirth

Meanwhile, it is necessary to monitor the activity of the baby, just like the position of the fetus before childbirth, which ideally should be the head one. If the child is too quiet and does not move for 12-16 hours, you need to see a doctor in order to assess his condition, because hypoxia and oxygen starvation are possible, then you will have to urgently stimulate labor or even do a caesarean section. Too high activity can also indicate that the baby is not all right. Therefore, try to control the condition of the child and, at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor.

However, the fact that the child calms down before childbirth is actually caused by physiological reasons - it becomes cramped and uncomfortable in the mother's stomach, and therefore active movements become more and more rare. Therefore, if you just notice that the child moves less actively from week to week, and doctors do not diagnose any problems, there is nothing to worry about.

Movement is life. This proverb applies not only to you and me, but also to children who are still inside the womb. From the first time, as soon as you feel the movement of your crumbs, you will involuntarily observe this process every time. From about 37-38 weeks of gestation, when the child is almost ready to meet you, your doctor may ask you to control the number of movements. The process of counting the number of fetal movements before childbirth is very important, since it is this indicator that indicates his well-being.

One of, is a change in the nature of fetal movements. Most often, the child calms down and begins to accumulate strength before the upcoming birth. Of course, as soon as you notice it, it's not worth it right away. However, it's time to pack up. So, let's take a look at how to understand that your baby is ready for childbirth, how to decipher his signs in the form of pushes and bumps?

How does the child behave before childbirth: does it calm down or, conversely, is it active, which is better?

Whatever the gestational age, doctors recommend monitoring the frequency and nature of the baby's movements. But when there is a week or two left before the birth, then tracking this indicator is mandatory for the expectant mother. It is considered normal when a child moves about 45-50 times a day.

A few weeks before the expected date of birth, the baby should take the “correct” position, that is, turn over head down. Of course, this position of the child before childbirth allows both the expectant mother and the obstetrician to breathe calmly. But, at the same time, do not panic, it often happens that he turns over just a few days before the birth.

Be that as it may, with the approach of this significant day, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases and, accordingly, the baby is not so comfortable performing his pirouettes. It is now that the mother can feel that the baby's movements have become less frequent, but more tangible. Especially from such activity, the bladder may suffer, and pain in the perineum may also occur.

In addition, you may often feel like going to the toilet "in a small way." There is nothing dangerous in this, because your baby has grown significantly, he can involuntarily press on the internal organs with his strengthened arms or legs. He may also express his dissatisfaction if you limit his space, for example, if you fail to lie or sit.

It also happens that the child’s movements are quite active, but you don’t feel strong kicks. This is due to the fact that the baby turned over, and now his blows fall on less sensitive areas. So, for example, its legs should be directed upwards and rest against the bottom of the uterus, and there are several times fewer nerve endings. And then, the range of motion is reduced due to insufficient space.

Fetal activity

Of course, that in all the process of pregnancy proceeds with individual characteristics. But there are a few situations that should alert you. One of them is the increased activity of the baby. You m You can try to change the position you are in. But if this does not help and his movements continue to be so strong and prolonged that they bring you pain, you should urgently contact the doctor who is observing you. Such signals may indicate that the baby does not have enough air.

After assessing the situation, the doctor will be able to decide what to do next, as in some cases it may be a reason for immediate delivery.

No movement

Not a very good sign is the opposite situation, when activity is completely reduced. If you hear less than 6 movements of the baby per day, this is also a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Don't worry if your child is quiet for a few hours. Most likely, he is just sleeping and gaining strength before the upcoming birth.

If you're itching to make sure he's okay, drink a glass of milk or eat something sweet and lie down on your left side. Cramped in his "house", after a portion of glucose, the baby will immediately make itself felt.

How can you tell if your baby is ready for birth?

It is not so important in this situation whether your child is active or hidden, the main thing is to observe the nature and intensity of his blows. If suddenly became very active, this is bad, and if it suddenly subsided and it is not “heard” for a long time, this is also not good. For clearer boundaries of understanding, you should feel at least 6 and no more than 50 fetal movements per day (you should feel 24 times in 12 hours).

If you constantly feel the movements of your crumbs, observe their character, then it will be easier for you to determine when the baby is ready to appear. Since any, insignificant changes in his behavior indicate readiness for a new stage in his life.

Why you need to count the number of movements

Now, when there is very little time left before meeting with your baby, it is very important to observe his behavior and movements. He, just like you, is preparing for the long-awaited meeting. The language in which he can now communicate with you is tactile. Exactly with the help of kicks, he can convey to you some of his needs or wishes. He may be cramped, stuffy, you squeezed his house so hard that he didn’t have any room to turn, etc.

If your baby’s habitual behavior has changed, you don’t hear his movements for more than 12 hours, or, conversely, he thrashes you hard from the inside, consult your doctor about his behavior as soon as possible. In this situation, it will be much better if you play it safe. In addition, knowing the number of movements that the fetus makes, the doctor can diagnose his condition, and, if necessary, provide assistance.

Many are interested how long does the child calm down, and in general, should he move before childbirth. He must move, and often enough. You must check in at least 10 times in 12 hours. But these movements have already changed their character, they have become more clear and coordinated, the baby is not exchanged for frequent and hectic movements.

From about 37-38 weeks, it subsides inside you. This is the period when he “goes to the start” and prepares for his imminent birth. Babies are all different, and there are times when a child is active before the onset of the birth itself, but this is more an exception to the rule, and not the rule itself.

Before giving birth, the expectant mother is usually overcome by a new portion of experiences and fears. Don't panic or get upset, stay calm. You remember - everything that a mother experiences is transmitted to the baby. Perhaps he would gladly calm down and begin to gain strength for the upcoming meeting, but constant nerves do not allow him to do this, so he has to do his best to be active.

In order to make it easier for you to observe the nature of changes in the behavior of the fetus, follow one simple rule. Often in exchange cards on the last pages there is a convenient graph or table, but if it is not there, then draw a plate on a regular piece of paper and set the time from 9:00-21:00 in front of each cell on the side. And mark there every movement of your crumbs.

A faster way to determine would be the following: choose the most active time of the day for your baby. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and focus your attention on the sensations. For 2 hours of time, you must count at least 10 movements. If this passes in the first hour or half an hour, the test can be considered completed. Movement is considered not only pushes and punches, but also rolling, pulling up and any other activity. If in 2 hours you have never heard your baby, then consult your doctor on this issue.

Thus, you will be able to monitor his preparation for the birth process. Don't worry if you haven't seen any activity for a few hours, your baby may have fallen asleep and will soon wake up. Usually a powerful "alarm clock" for them is a glass of milk and the position of the mother on the left side. Do not forget - any doubts or suspicions that you have, it is better to discuss with your doctor.

Video about the behavior of the child before childbirth, whether he should calm down or be active

Watch a short video in which the obstetrician-gynecologist talks about how to correctly count the movements and observe the nature of the change in the behavior of your crumbs. In addition, it describes what situations should alert you.

Despite the fact that each of us has been for a long time, we still carefully listen to the signals that our body and baby gives us from the inside. Each pregnancy, as well as the behavior of the mother and fetus during this period, is unique. Share your observations in the comments on the site, how did your child behave before giving birth, were you able to recognize the moment when he was already ready to meet you?

Before childbirth, changes occur not only in the maternal body, but also in the behavior of the fetus. The baby has already grown and his weight in the last days before the birth is in place. Very soon, the child will begin to breathe, eat, “inform” his mother about his needs. Just before the birth, the child in the mother’s stomach calms down, the woman notes a decrease in the frequency of movements, as if he saves his strength for the upcoming birth. In addition, the fetal head fits snugly against the entrance to the birth canal and is securely fixed in it, which prevents the child from moving as before.

The expectant mother should pay attention to the movements of the baby shortly before the birth. It is bad if they become overly active, this may indicate an insufficient supply of oxygen. The expectant mother should be alerted and become a reason for an immediate referral to a specialist if the child has not moved during the last 8 hours. The doctor will refer the woman to an ultrasound and dispel her fears.

Fetal movements during and between contractions

It is wrong to think that at the time of childbirth, only the body of the woman in labor performs complex work. The child is also an active participant in this process and it is much more difficult for him than for his mother. During contractions, the fetus, which is in the correct position with its head down, is repelled by its heels from the bottom of the uterus, thereby expanding the cervix with its head and moving into the birth canal. Between contractions, the muscles of the uterus relax, and the baby himself rests and saves strength for the next contraction.

Intense stirring of the baby inside the mother between contractions indicates an insufficient supply of oxygen to his body. Usually, the doctor carefully monitors the condition of the fetus between contractions and during uterine contractions. If the fetal heart rate becomes alarmingly dangerous, then the specialist does not risk the life of the child and performs a caesarean section.

What does the baby feel during childbirth?

Women can talk endlessly about their childbirth, describing the details in great detail and rejoicing that the pain is already behind them. At these moments, no one thinks about what the baby himself felt.

The child was in the uterus for 9 months, he was comfortable and cozy there. With the onset of labor, an unknown force begins to squeeze the baby, block the access of oxygen to his body and push him out of the "house". At this moment, the baby feels fear, which is expressed by a strong increase in the child's heartbeat.

During the movement of the head through the birth canal, the pressure on the child is enormous, it is many times greater than the mass of his own body, but the baby still moves to meet his mother. Remember that the child is currently in much more pain than the mother, so the woman should breathe as correctly and deeply as possible and relax between contractions. This will help the baby not experience oxygen deficiency and save the mother’s strength for the straining period, when you need to work hard to push the baby out.

How does the baby behave during childbirth?

At the moment of birth, all the forces of the baby are aimed at survival, this is the so-called moment of cooperation with the mother. The child, under the force of gravity of his body, moves towards the exit, and the task of the mother is to help him in this. Birth is a huge stress for a new person, during the cutting of the head, the baby feels cold, the light hits the eyes brightly, the sounds are sharp. The first breath of the baby causes the expansion of the lungs, at this moment the child feels pain and begins to scream loudly. But then they put him on his mother’s chest, he hears her native voice, feels the warmth of her body and the beating of his own heart, the baby calms down and feels protected again!

How does the baby behave before birth? How does he feel, does he calm down, and what changes are taking place in his body in connection with the upcoming birth?

In recent weeks, the baby has hardly gained weight, he is already big, now nature is preparing him for an independent life, very soon he will have to breathe on his own, eat, and do many things that his mother’s body did for him for 9 long months.

In the last days, the child becomes quiet, as if sensing a big change coming. Preparation for childbirth is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, which creates more and more tightness in the uterus. The position of the child is of great importance for the upcoming delivery. Approximately 2 weeks before childbirth, it becomes stable, as it will be at their beginning. Pressing the presenting part of the fetus to the pelvic bones fixes the baby, the child's activity before childbirth naturally subsides.

Since the stomach drops, now the baby does not hurt your ribs, however, the location of the child before childbirth is low, pressing against the pelvis, now more and more unpleasant pokes go to your bladder and perineum, this is not only painful, but it can also be cause of urinary incontinence.

The behavior of the child before childbirth largely depends on his condition. It is bad if he is too active, but there is nothing good in the complete absence of movements either. A woman should control the motor activity of the fetus, because it signals his well-being or not well-being. If the baby is actively moving before childbirth, this may indicate that he does not have enough oxygen. Fetal hypoxia is dangerous and often becomes an indication for urgent delivery, in severe cases, even for a caesarean section, so if the baby kicks a lot, this should be reported to the doctor. You will probably be prescribed a CTG to clarify the condition of the fetus, and based on the results of the examination, they will decide what to do next.

An active fetus is not always bad, so don't get upset if it bothers you in advance, just don't leave the symptom unattended.

Sometimes the baby's movement becomes so rare that it scares the expectant mother. If you do not hear the baby's movements or they are rare, do a Pearson test. The complete absence of movements for several hours in a row is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, and if they are still there, counting the movements will help you make sure that everything is fine even before a visit to the doctor.

The "count to 10" test is conducted as follows:

Draw a simple table in which mark the time from 9 am to 9 pm with an interval of half an hour and days of the week. We count the movements every day. From 9 in the morning we begin to count all the movements of the fetus, even the weakest. A series of perturbations is counted as 1 perturbation. Having counted 10 perturbations, we put a tick in front of the time in the table, and then you can no longer count on this day.

With the help of the test, you will understand whether the baby moves before childbirth and whether he is active enough. There should be at least 10 episodes of movements per day. The table allows you to track the activity of the baby day after day, and immediately catch that there are too few or too many movements.

The observing gynecologist is always interested in how the child moves before childbirth, he will only be happy if you start keeping such a diary, because the dynamics of movements accurately indicate the condition of the fetus and may become a signal for the need for additional examination.

On the eve of childbirth, most expectant mothers are at a loss, a lot of information has been re-read, sources have been checked, but some points require more detailed attention. In particular, he is interested in how the child behaves before childbirth, and is it possible to understand from his behavior that childbirth will begin soon?

Activity of the child and prenatal preparation of the mother's body

The motor activity of the child, starting from the 36th week, is limited due to the fact that there is little room for movement, but the baby still wants and can turn around and play with his heels and fingers on the handles.

Is it possible to notice changes in the behavior of the child, which indicate the approach of labor, and what manifestations should be taken as pathologies?

Behavior of the child before childbirth

The external signs, behavior and functional features of the child at 37-42 weeks are identical to the baby that was born: he has the same size, height, weight, and all his internal organs (if the pregnancy is without pathologies) function. If born in this period, the baby survives, breathes, he has a sucking reflex.

Wanting to see the slightest signs or harbingers of childbirth, pregnant women pay attention to the slightest changes in the behavior of the child. Until this moment, the baby and mother, being in a common relationship, feel each other, the mother knows the baby’s activity schedule and its intensity, the strength of the shocks. However, as obstetric practice shows, there are no obvious signs that would indicate an early birth.

Is it possible to determine the onset of labor by the activity of the child in the womb

The activity of the movements of the child in the womb is determined by his height, weight and the quality and amount of oxygen transported, including.

If the baby's movements are too active, he pushes sharply and painfully, the force of such shocks is very painful and frequent, you should consult a doctor.

Perhaps we are talking about oxygen starvation of a baby of varying degrees. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required, possibly an unplanned cesarean.

Can you stop moving before childbirth?

Complete cessation of movement at any time is a pathology. It is impossible to talk about the norm if:

  • The woman notes a decrease in the intensity of movements for several days, with their periodic fading until the movement stops completely.
  • Initially, normal tremors were replaced by intense and rapid fetal movements, then an abrupt cessation of the point.
  • The mother initially had thick blood, there was a violation in taking pills.
  • Mom had a viral or acute respiratory disease the day before.
  • In the anamnesis there were pathologies of fetal development or fading of pregnancy in the later stages.
  • Maternal diabetes.

Normally, there should be no complete cessation of movement. There may be a decrease in intensity, they occur less often, or the baby began to move more often at night when the mother is sleeping. Such moments should be monitored, if the child does not move for more than 12 hours - urgently see a doctor.

The absence of tremors or stirring with subsiding intensity is a pathology. The critical boundary is the movement of the child per day by 10 times. If at the same time the gestational age is more than 36 weeks, a decision is made on delivery by caesarean section.

How does a child behave before childbirth with a narrow pelvis

A narrow pelvis for a pregnant woman is considered a pathological anatomical manifestation, which calls into question the possibility of giving birth naturally. In view of the anatomical features of the structure of the pelvic bones, the question arises about the differences in the behavior of the child.

There are no differences in the behavior of the fetus with a moderately narrow or abnormally narrow pelvis. If the prolapse of the uterus or abdomen is not fixed, the child behaves as before. If there was a descent of the fetal head into the pelvis closer to the birth canal, and the erasure of the cervix is ​​prenatal, then we can talk about a slight decrease in the activity of the child, but not a decrease in the frequency of movements: the child's movements are weaker, but still frequent and constant.

Should I move actively

The activity of movements with a narrow pelvis of a child during pregnancy is not changed. In many ways, the intensity of the movements is determined by the temperament of the baby, his nutrition and the preferences of the mother:

  1. Sweets increase the activity of the baby.
  2. Gymnastics and frequent walks of the mother in the fresh air contribute to the saturation of blood with oxygen, respectively, and the child feels good.
  3. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins, fiber and minerals is the key to a child's excellent well-being.
  4. Yoga, light gymnastics or meditation also help oxygenate the blood, the child responds with intensity and frequency of shocks.

If it hurts pushing

When a baby in the womb pushes so that the mother hurts, then you should pay the attention of a gynecologist to this feature. Soreness when pushing a baby can be triggered by such features:

  • Pinched nerve in the hip joint.
  • Maternal intercostal neuralgia.
  • Fracture of the pelvis or hip.
  • Fetal hypoxia, in which the child beats strongly.

Barely audible tremors of a child

Weak tremors during late pregnancy, if they were up to this point, are not considered a deviation from the norm. The opinion that the child "freezes" before childbirth is incorrect.

Most likely, his movements are less intense due to the fact that the height and weight of the baby is large enough to level the legs as before, there is no way to roll over, somersault, but the movements, as such, did not become smaller. The little one is still playing, pushing, pulling out her toes, sucking her thumb. Mom feels the slightest movement.

critical moments

Critical moments in the prenatal period are completely absent movements of the child. If a woman has tried sweets, drank soda, and the baby is still moving, this is a reason for urgent hospitalization. Critical moments are more often associated with weak work of the heart muscle, with placental abruption.

Detachment of the placenta, its premature aging and other pathologies are deadly conditions for the mother. The risk of stillbirth even with caesarean section is 40%. The main rule here for both the woman in labor and the medical staff is adequate professional and timely assistance. Even a partial detachment of the placenta threatens the death of the fetus.

Does the fetus push in contractions, does it feel the contraction of the uterus

The tone of the uterus or contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus with periodic rests is contractions. Such contractions before childbirth are considered training, but are not always noted, more often at night. If the expectant mother notes:

  • first aching pain in the lower back;
  • then pain in abdomen as before menstruation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the desire to constantly empty the bladder;
  • pressure on the colon or false urge to empty;
  • bad dream.

In such situations, it is worth talking about the beginning of the birth process. At the same time, the mucous plug, water does not always and necessarily leave the woman in labor, and the pains are intolerable. Initially, such symptoms are of an unpleasant nature, which is more like pain before menstruation, and only after a few hours the symptoms appear - there are distinct contractions with traceable periodicity.

The fetus does not feel contraction or uterine contractions as painful. Its bones and cartilages are so flexible that it is not difficult for a baby to pass through the birth canal. In particular, the bones of the skull are formed in such a way that they have the opportunity to converge when the baby passes through the birth canal and then disperse back.

Fetal movements during late pregnancy are not a clear and not the main sign of an impending birth. The baby may not have enough space, but his activity is not reduced because of this. Any change in his behavior is a reason for an urgent consultation and hospitalization.

Useful video

Changing the behavior of the child before childbirth

It is said that before childbirth, the child calms down. Actually this is not true. The complete absence of movements is a serious reason to immediately go for an examination, but too much activity worries the expectant mother.

Manifestations of normal activity

At 24 weeks, the fetus is already well developed limbs. The shocks are strong, confident. In addition, the place and amount of amniotic fluid inside the mother is still quite enough for free turns, flips, somersaults. A completely different situation is the child before childbirth.

When about 14 days remain before them, the position of the fetus stabilizes. Due to the preparation of the mother's body for birth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, the uterus descends. The child seems to be “fixed” between the pelvic bones, therefore it is more difficult for him to change position before birth. And for the same reasons, it's harder to move as actively as before.

A pregnant woman may feel not tremors, but small spasms. This is how a baby hiccups. This is a good sign indicating the absence of CNS pathologies. Hiccups last no longer than 20 minutes, can happen several times a day.

Doctors take into account the activity of the baby, starting from the 28th week. This is an important indicator that provides certain information about the development. The presentation of the foal can change even before the very birth, sometimes the obstetrician turns the baby already in the delivery room. At different times, the position of the fetus is preliminarily assessed:

  • up to 37-38 weeks it can be anything and still does not say anything;
  • in 33 they put a preliminary presentation by ultrasound;
  • prenatal examination is carried out as close as possible to the end of the term, at 37-38, when most babies have already turned “upside down”.

The change in the behavior of the child before birth is explained by its position, size, as well as the physiology of the mother's body.

  1. Turning his head down, the baby most often hits the bottom of the uterus with his legs. In this place, the sensitivity is reduced due to the small number of nerve cells. Therefore, it seems to the mother that the child calms down before the onset of childbirth.
  2. The size of the baby is already large, but there is not enough space, and there is also less amniotic fluid. Therefore, pushing as actively as before becomes difficult.

Of course, the baby should not move constantly. By the third trimester, he has periods of wakefulness and rest. It is noticed that the increased activity of the child before childbirth is observed after the mother eats or an example of an uncomfortable position. Most often - lying on the left side.

Every woman experiences fetal movements differently. There are more active kids, there are less. Various methods are used to determine the number of perturbations.

Methods for determining movements

Everything goes according to plan

An easy way to make sure everything is going according to plan is to do the Pearson test, or "count to ten." It will clearly show whether the child is calming down or active on the eve of childbirth.

You will need to draw a table with 24 columns. Put down the time in them every half hour, from morning to evening. Get 12 hours. The rows of the table will be dates.

Starting from the 28th week or before the birth, when you feel how the baby is moving, this fact should be noted in the column with the corresponding time. Several movements in a row are counted as one movement. When 10 marks are reached in one day, the count for that date can be completed. Start over the next day.

Such a calendar will clearly show when the baby is most active and when he is resting. Any changes will be immediately noticeable. It can be taken to an appointment with a gynecologist, for which the doctor will only praise.

If the baby is too active before birth, this is not a cause for concern. Maybe he's just playing. It happens that in this way the baby reports a lack of oxygen, nutrients in the blood. Then mom can do the following:

  • walk for half an hour in the fresh air;
  • lie down to rest, so blood circulation is restored;
  • or, on the contrary, to move, if before that the pregnant woman was lying, sleeping.

Nevertheless, before giving birth, many women note that the child is calming down. For the above reasons, this feeling is largely subjective. But it says that there is very little left before the birth of the baby, about two weeks. We need to get ready for the hospital, now it’s better not to leave the house alone.

When the behavior of a child before childbirth makes a woman very anxious, it is better to visit a doctor. He will assess the condition of the fetus in the following ways:

  • listen to the heartbeat
  • if this is not enough, they will refer you to an ultrasound;
  • can use a fetal doppler - a device that can register movements even at 12 weeks;
  • Another way is cardiotocography.

If all is well, then before giving birth, for complacency, a woman herself can cause the baby to move. To do this, you need to eat something sweet, drink milk or tea, lie down on your left side. Usually the reaction is not long in coming.

Health-threatening situations

  1. Reducing the intensity, the number of movements per day.
  2. Easier breathing due to uterine prolapse.
  3. Feeling of pressure in the pelvic area, difficulty walking, increased urination as a result of pressure of the fetal head on the lower uterus.

Doctor's observation

The child does not always calm down before the beginning of labor, and all these signs of danger do not carry. But there are more serious situations that require you to immediately go to the gynecologist.

  1. No more than three movements occur per day.
  2. The baby has become too active.
  3. A pregnant woman feels pain from tremors.

Sometimes soreness from the fact that the baby is moving appears before the onset of childbirth due to the incorrect position of the pregnant woman. There are pathologies of the internal organs, in which fetal tremors cause pain.

  1. Right under the ribs - indicates possible problems with the gallbladder.
  2. Behind the sternum - there may be a diaphragmatic hernia.
  3. Around the scar on the uterus, if there was once a caesarean section, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of its divergence during labor.

Sometimes a child begins to move strongly before being born, and walks, gymnastics, good nutrition do not help. After the doctor confirms that everything is fine with the baby, you just need to calm down. If there is a lack of nutrients, oxygen, then you need to follow the recommendations exactly. Find out how long lochia lasts after childbirth.

It is wrong to say that the child completely calms down before childbirth. He begins to move less, less often, not so intensely, but does not freeze at all. If the expectant mother has noticed a decrease in activity, this is not dangerous and indicates the imminent appearance of a newborn.

How does the child behave before childbirth

Location of the baby in the uterine cavity

A few weeks before birth, the fetus occupies a certain position in the uterine cavity, which it will not change until birth. This position of the child is called presentation: it can be of two main types - head (the fetus is located with the head to the cervix) and pelvic (the fetus is located with the buttocks or legs to the cervix).

During childbirth, the child moves forward with its presenting part, therefore, with the head type, the baby’s head appears first from the vagina, and with the pelvic type, the buttocks or legs. Oblique (at an acute angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) and transverse (at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) presentation are very rare, in this case, delivery is performed by caesarean section.

Before the fetus gets into one of the positions in the uterine cavity, its movements are at the peak of activity, since there is enough space around it to make movements. It also contributes to a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid. At this time, the baby's tremors are very strong, well felt by the mother. Sometimes a child, with his movements, can touch the woman's bladder, resulting in frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen.

Not all babies stop moving before giving birth, some babies have a strong character and are not yet ready to leave the womb, so their movements remain at the same level. Sometimes, before childbirth, the child actively moves, the woman subtly feels this and does not notice the decrease in fetal movements. This phenomenon is regarded as a variant of the norm and does not indicate any problems and pathologies.

If the child shows excessive activity, and the number of his movements increases sharply, the mother should consult a doctor. Sometimes the cause of this behavior may be a lack of any substances. Most often, a sharp increase in fetal movements is associated with oxygen starvation or cord entanglement, which requires urgent medical intervention.

The abrupt absence of baby movements for several hours can also be an alarming sign. The most common reason for this behavior is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, if the expectant mother does not feel the movements of the child for about 10-12 hours, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Test "Count to 10"

Before delivery, the fetus may remain quite active or quiet down a little, both options are normal. But in order to understand whether the child is moving too much or too little, the expectant mother should record all his movements. This technique, which in medical terminology is called the "Count to 10" test, will help you notice deviations in the physiology of the fetus in a timely manner, since the activity of the baby is his only way to talk about his well-being.

To track the dynamics of the movements of the baby of the expectant mother, it is recommended to have a special notebook in which you should draw a table of 24 columns. In the header of each of them you need to sign the time from 9 am to 21 pm with an interval of half an hour. The days of the week are marked horizontally. Any perceptible movement of the fetus is taken for perturbation.

A pregnant woman should note each movement of the fetus in this table, several movements of the child in a row should be recorded as one movement. If the baby is not active for several hours, it is recommended that the expectant mother eat food containing fast carbohydrates (candy, cookies) and lie down on her left side. This technique allows you to "wake up" the child.

Usually, in one hour, the child makes about two movements, but the mother should take into account the daily dynamics of his activity. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at certain times of the day the baby can sleep and not move. At least 10 movements per day are considered a normal indicator, on average, the fetus is active about 40-50 times a day.

If a woman feels three or less movements of the baby per day, she should immediately consult a doctor, since there is a high risk of fetal oxygen starvation. When the number of fetal movements reaches 60 or more per day, it is recommended that the expectant mother consult a specialist, such activity of the baby is abnormal. It may indicate a lack of any substances, most often oxygen.

Maintaining this table is not mandatory, however, this technique helps a woman and her obstetrician-gynecologist to assess the condition of the fetus, suspect a lack of oxygen or other pathology. Also, using this method, the expectant mother can understand that in 1-2 weeks she will have to meet her child, since at this time many babies reduce their activity.

How babies behave before birth: movements in contractions, activity before childbirth

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The expectant mother should pay attention to the movements of the baby shortly before the birth. It is bad if they become overly active, this may indicate an insufficient supply of oxygen. The expectant mother should be alerted and become a reason for an immediate referral to a specialist if the child has not moved during the last 8 hours. The doctor will refer the woman to an ultrasound and dispel her fears.

Fetal movements during and between contractions

It is wrong to think that at the time of childbirth, only the body of the woman in labor performs complex work. The child is also an active participant in this process and it is much more difficult for him than for his mother. During contractions, the fetus, which is in the correct position with its head down, is repelled by its heels from the bottom of the uterus, thereby expanding the cervix with its head and moving into the birth canal. Between contractions, the muscles of the uterus relax, and the baby himself rests and saves strength for the next contraction.

Intense stirring of the baby inside the mother between contractions indicates an insufficient supply of oxygen to his body. Usually, the doctor carefully monitors the condition of the fetus between contractions and during uterine contractions. If the fetal heart rate becomes alarmingly dangerous, then the specialist does not risk the life of the child and performs a caesarean section.

What does the baby feel during childbirth?

Women can talk endlessly about their childbirth, describing the details in great detail and rejoicing that the pain is already behind them. At these moments, no one thinks about what the baby himself felt.

The child was in the uterus for 9 months, he was comfortable and cozy there. With the onset of labor activity, an unknown force begins to squeeze the baby, block the access of oxygen to his body and push him out of the "house". At this moment, the baby feels fear, which is expressed by a strong increase in the child's heartbeat.

During the movement of the head through the birth canal, the pressure on the child is enormous, it is many times greater than the mass of his own body, but the baby still moves to meet his mother. Remember that the child is currently in much more pain than the mother, so the woman should breathe as correctly and deeply as possible and relax between contractions. This will help the baby not experience oxygen deficiency and save the mother’s strength for the straining period, when you need to work hard to push the baby out.

How does the baby behave during childbirth?

At the moment of birth, all the forces of the baby are aimed at survival, this is the so-called moment of cooperation with the mother. The child, under the force of gravity of his body, moves towards the exit, and the task of the mother is to help him in this. Birth is a huge stress for a new person, during the cutting of the head, the baby feels cold, the light hits the eyes brightly, the sounds are sharp. The first breath of the baby causes the expansion of the lungs, at this moment the child feels pain and begins to scream loudly. But then they put him on his mother’s chest, he hears her native voice, feels the warmth of her body and the beating of his own heart, the baby calms down and feels protected again!

How the child behaves before the onset of childbirth: norms and a reason to worry

From about the 28th week of pregnancy, fetal movements are added to the list of diagnostically important indicators of the condition of the unborn child and his mother. From this moment on, the doctor will recommend that she control the movements, because their nature, intensity, frequency can tell a lot about the intrauterine life of the crumbs.

The frequency and intensity of fetal movements will change throughout the entire period. So, the peak of his turbulent intrauterine activity will fall at the beginning of the third trimester: there is still a lot of room in the tummy for skillful somersaults, and the limbs of the little gymnast are already strong enough so that the mother can “enjoy” the dances of her child. But towards the end of pregnancy, the space limited by the fetal bladder will increasingly hamper the movements of the child. Meanwhile, he will actively grow and gain weight, especially in the last week or two before giving birth: the baby will need a lot of strength to pass through the birth canal!

How does the baby behave before birth?

It is quite natural that in such conditions it is not possible to move much intensively, and it probably does not give much pleasure. The movements of the fetus before childbirth change their character: the baby does not move so often, but its tremors are already distinguished by firmness and confidence. Moreover: right now, a little picky can show his character, demonstrating dissatisfaction with cramped space.

Mom feels almost every movement: there is absolutely no room for turns and turns. The next most important movement of the baby in line will be directed downward: in the pelvic region to the cervix. On the eve of childbirth, he directs the head into the pelvis, taking the starting position. You will feel that walking has become not very comfortable, but breathing is much easier than before: a rather large belly no longer supports the chest and does not cause shortness of breath.

An important harbinger of childbirth

Fetal movements before childbirth not only change, but are also an important and fairly reliable harbinger of the imminent end of pregnancy. Obstetricians say that at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels the greatest activity of the fetus, but then it noticeably declines. This period is very conditional, since, as you know, not all babies are born at the 40th week. But most of them change their behavioral tactics 1-2 weeks before the birth. Mom notices that the baby is no longer moving so often and actively, although now there are peaks: periods of complete calm can be replaced by periods of excessive activity.

If the baby suddenly calms down before childbirth, then mommy can go to the hospital. It may take another week or two before contractions start, but things should be ready, and you should not go far from home unaccompanied, much less go on long trips.

Prenatal control of fetal movements

However, even now, the control of movements must be carried out further. Too sharp a decrease in their number can be an alarming sign. Tell your doctor if the baby makes itself felt no more than 3 times a day.

You should not worry if you notice an increase in fetal activity before childbirth: he is also preparing for upcoming events, and, by the way, his movements are now taking on a rotational-translational character, doctors say. But here you should also listen to the signals from the inside and be able to interpret them correctly: is the baby playing or warning about danger? Sometimes it happens that a child before childbirth experiences oxygen starvation. One of the signs of hypoxia may be excessive activity of the fetus before childbirth.

If you resort to numbers, then approximately you should feel at least 10 fetal movements in a 6-hour period or at least 24 in a 12-hour period. In one hour, the baby normally moves twice, but doctors do not recommend hourly observation as an indication, since the baby can sleep.

Movements should be considered any movement or episode of tremors that you feel. If it seems to you that the baby has calmed down for a long time, try eating a candy or drinking a glass of milk and lie on your left side. This position is considered uncomfortable for the fetus - and he should let you know about it. Also remember that all babies are different, so both high and low fetal activity before childbirth can be the norm.

But if something bothers you, then you need to consult a doctor. If, during the examination, the gynecologist told you that everything is fine with the baby, then there is no reason to worry about frequent or weak movements.

Extra worries are useless now. Be calm: the baby is almost ready to meet you. Even if there was a need to induce labor a little earlier, this would not affect his health badly. On the contrary: sometimes such a decision is the most correct, because it is made in the interests of the crumbs. So it’s not worth worrying at all: the stress hormone before childbirth is absolutely useless to either the small or you.