Why don't women apologize? What a woman should never apologize for When a girl apologizes

The general reasons why people don't apologize have already been laid out by the blogger. However, as for the fair sex, it has its own specific features, which is discussed in this article.

Unwillingness to apologize refers to male tertiary goat signs, but women are much more stubborn in this regard. The fair sex resorts to apologies and asks for forgiveness much less often than the strong, although women stubbornly deny this. However, the "better half" denies everything that she does not like or seems suspicious ...

Neither the smart, nor the stupid, nor those who feel guilty, nor the loving, nor the kind, nor the fair, nor the young, nor the old, nor the experienced, do not apologize! They do not apologize to anyone, even to their father, brother, husband, boss. They don't even apologize to themselves! There are many among these stubborn ones who will endure years of difficulties, but will not apologize! “To spite my grandmother, I will freeze my ears!” - said just about them!

In the same rare cases, when smart-beauties still condescend to admit their guilt and apologize, they do it formally, casually, for show or “under pressure”.

Has anyone seen the daughter-in-law apologize to the mother-in-law, or vice versa - the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law? Such an event happens in nature, but is not much more common than an eclipse of the Sun!

There are, of course, exceptions: a woman will apologize for some minor or obvious trifle. Well, there, if you accidentally scalded someone with boiling water or dropped an iron on his leg, spent his entire salary on some crap, etc.

But in general, the reluctance of women to apologize is simply amazing and puzzling to the core. And especially those who are still a little familiar with the fair sex.

Such primitive psychology is not taught in schools, universities, or advanced training courses. Such behavior is adopted naturally, i.e., by imitation. Daughters from mothers, granddaughters from grandmothers, younger sisters from older ones, and all together - from girlfriends, from glamorous magazines, and especially from women's sites, where there are a lot of stupid articles of various kinds of pseudo-engineers of human souls and unemployed graduates of psychology departments.

The main reasons why women do not apologize.

1. A woman is always right.
This is known to all reasonable people. Indeed, even in Scripture it is said that it was Adam who slipped the apple to Eve, because of which, as a result, people were expelled from paradise! 😦

What a woman wants, God wants! And what a man wants, the devil wants! Charles Darwin drew attention to this fact in his famous book "The Origin of Species", where he noted that it was thanks to female rightness that the rapid evolution of Homo sapiens as a species took place.

Some uneducated, dark people try to object: is it really that a man is never right?? Happens! And quite often. However, the correctness of a man in a relationship with a woman does not matter at all! 🙂 A woman is right by nature, and a man is only from his knowledge, of which he does not have much.

All real men, henpecked and baborabs clearly learned the presumption of female innocence a long time ago and do not rock the boat! But the weaklings and rags of something else will wiggle there! 👿 It doesn’t reach them that asking for forgiveness is a purely masculine duty!

2. A woman does not have to ask for anything at all!
And why ask if they love her! If he loves, he forgives. If he doesn't forgive, then he doesn't love. And if you don't like it, then why apologize? Impeccable logic. 😎

Any gentleman knight is always aware of all women's needs. And without prompting from her side! He thinks about it day and night, in a dream and in reality! And if she doubts something, then she directly asks her b about agini, what her darling wants! Did she suddenly have any new desires? After all, all smart-beauties are rich in desires! They appear spontaneously, for no reason, and can be quite unexpected. And even if it seems incredible to him that the woman is wrong, he immediately asks her forgiveness.

But there are not so many such real, independent men! Most stupidly pretend that they know nothing about such etiquette! Rude, uncouth bastards!

3. In the event that the thought nevertheless arises in a woman’s head that one should probably ask for forgiveness or at least apologize corny, then a special brake-analyzer is immediately launched in her brain, which makes complex logical calculations: “Forgive or won't forgive?"

Sometimes the brake asks a man directly on the forehead: “If I apologize, will you forgive?” And if an ungrateful man still stubbornly does not answer this question, then the brake can meet him halfway and apologize. But in exchange for a modest gift or some other compensation.

Someone will say: “This is not an apology, this is trading!” But no! What kind of trade is this? This is impeccable female logic! If you don't forgive, then why apologize!? And if you ask for forgiveness, it’s not for nothing!

4. If the brake level turned out to be insufficient, then the limiter “pride does not give!”
Pride is actually a terrible thing! She is like paralysis: she does not give - and that's it! How many complaints for this reason did my friends hear: “I want to return to my husband, but pride does not allow it.” 😦 “I want to ask the guy for forgiveness for everything, but I can’t humiliate myself!” They cry, 😥 but they cannot ask for forgiveness! From pride, "breath stole in the goiter!" Again, they hope that "if he loves, he will forgive." Oh how!

If you want to return to your husband, then step on the throat of your pride, save it for more suitable occasions. In particular, don't give to just anyone. Here is the proper use of your pride.

What is the difference between a smart woman and a stupid one, point 2? And the fact that the smart one with dexterity uses her own apologies for manipulation, and the stupid one "prevents pride."

5. With apologies, you can always wait: what if they forgive you anyway! So why in this case rush to apologize!?
A favorite tactic in this regard is "stupid frost". 🙂 That is, to pretend that nothing happened, everything is within the normal range. And if “nothing like that” happened, then why ask for forgiveness? Moreover, men have a short memory, weak nerves and a strong dependence on sex. Angry, angry and chewed. And if he began to balk, then he ran into the woman's last argument. And then he will have to oh how hard.

6. If a woman still condescends to an apology, she will never do it first! Not first, but only in order of first come first serve. The woman doesn't apologize first. Yes, the second one too. Why apologize second, if the first has already apologized!

And in general, the first to apologize is the one who has weaker nerves. And the woman's nerves - be healthy!🙂

7. Often smart-beauties want to apologize, but they cannot overpower their nature! That's the tragedy! Then they resort to a workaround - non-verbal forms of apology and nothing more than hints and allegorically ... Well, there, cook a delicious dinner, put out a couple of beers for no reason, buy some petty new thing for the offended person or please him with unexpected hot sex, etc. And although such forms of apology are not entirely understandable for male stupidity, however, they quickly truncate: apologies are good, but sex is better! 🙂 Especially if the partner in intimacy begins to somehow take the initiative or move at least a little.

Why would a woman ask for forgiveness if she gives love? Dude, what's more important to you, an apology or sex? You can live without an apology, but without sex... 😦 Or does someone disagree?

8. Fear of gloating and ridicule from a man. Some ungrateful brutes, instead of accepting an apology, kissing such a clever girl, giving her flowers, taking her to a restaurant, etc., begin to tease her with their idiotic remarks! “A-ah-ah! See how screwed up you are! So it will be with you in the future! And patamu sha you are a fool and you never listen to me!”

Fools! You can fearlessly tease a woman only from afar, like a bear in a zoo. If you do this, coming close to her, then she can tear off your arm! Or even worse!

9. A woman who is especially dominant in marriage, apologizing, loses her position as a manipulator and room for maneuver. When she asks for forgiveness, she sort of falls off her pedestal.

The moment you ask for forgiveness, you lose your freedom. (Tetcorax)

And this is unacceptable! Where is it seen that the mousetrap asked for forgiveness from the mouse? Plus, asking for forgiveness is so easy! There is no art in this!
Ideally, a woman tries to get forgiveness without actually asking for forgiveness. Apologies do not fit into her acting role. Instead of an apology, you need to make the offended yourself guilty! And it’s not difficult for a woman to come up with a reason for this!

10. There is no need to apologize.
He does not apologize because he does not consider it necessary. And especially, he will not apologize to those to whom he is indifferent, to whom he is angry, whom he does not respect or despises.

But still, the main reason is that the woman simply does not understand that she should apologize. He does not understand - and that's it! Doesn't understand and doesn't want to! Why doesn't she understand this?

See point one.

Relationships can be long, or they can end with the appearance of the first rays of the sun. What are you striving for when meeting girls, we do not know. But for sure, if you want to build a long-term relationship in full accordance with the canonical wish “until death do you part”, then you will be picky in your connections. The more expectations, the more careful the choice. Therefore, it is better to immediately pay attention to the moments that directly indicate that nothing serious should be expected with this girl.

1. All talk about her Actually, there is nothing wrong when a girl talks more than a guy. Men generally just talk like that is unusual. But when she talks only about herself and her problems, while not being interested in yours, then this is a sure sign of her selfishness. You got promoted at work and she keeps talking about her new perfume. Has your friend been in a serious accident? Yes, what is there! It is much more important that she did not get into the solarium today.

2. You have different values

Opposites may attract, but not when you have different values ​​and worldviews. And now we are not talking about the situation when you support Spartak, and she supports Zenit. There are far more significant disagreements. For example, different attitudes towards managing money and expenses, or different ideas about the family. Such differences (and similar ones) can lead to further complications.

3. She is always too busy

Of course, it would be worse if she was free all the time. You don't need a slacker. But if she rejects any of your proposals for a meeting, referring to the so-called employment, then she does not particularly want to meet. At least that's what the prioritization of her schedule says.

4. She was dumped by her boyfriend

Now, be careful not to miss the point. We do not mean that a guy once and for some reason left her. The timing of their separation is important here. If this happened recently and she often remembers it, then you can serve as a temporary refuge for her, a way to distract or, even worse, annoy her ex. In this case, you should abandon such a relationship. And if you really like this girl, then give her time to move away from parting, and if she is worth it, she will reappear in your life. Who are you for her: a guy for once or a guy forever

5. One-sided desire to make contact

6. She has changed since you met.

Some people at the beginning of a relationship, trying to please their partner, try to seem better than they really are. And often in this case they resort to lies. In the language of metaphor, this means that when she met you, she declared her love for hockey, and when you started dating, it turned out that she didn’t even know what a puck was. If a girl lies at the very beginning, she will not stop doing it later.

7. You can't be yourself with her.

If you have to be unnatural, affected, too serious, silent or irritable next to her (in general, not being yourself), then it is better to refuse her. And it's not even that she's bad. You just don't suit each other. It is much worse if a girl hinders your development and you degrade with her. It’s better not to let this one get close to you for a cannon shot.

8. She's unfaithful

We don't even talk about the situation where she cheated on you. What matters is how she behaved with other guys. If you know that she cheated on all her exes, then what is the likelihood that this girl will be faithful to you?

9. She is against your friends

By and large, your friends do not have to like your girlfriend. You probably don't always like them either. And if she doesn't want to spend time in their company, it's not so terrible. But if she forbids you to do it, then go to hell with her. Why do you need an extra dictator in your house?

10. She doesn't trust you.

Unreasonable jealousy does not make her cute. Try to convince her of this. And even if after that she still continues to distrust you and you continually stumble upon traces of her espionage, then stop the girl's torment - break up with her.

11. She never apologizes or takes responsibility.

Relationships are built on mutual responsibility and the ability to find a compromise. You, as a man, must make greater concessions than she does. But if a girl never admits her guilt, even when this guilt is obvious, and never apologizes, then this indicates her immaturity for a relationship. 10 qualities of a girl that you need to pay attention to

Shot from the film "One Day"

So, you offended her, brought her to tears, and now she is trying to forget your name. We understand that the situation is not simple, but it is quite possible to get out of it without losses. In this material, we decided to tell, while keeping the relationship and head on our shoulders.

But before you want to use our advice, remember one important rule: ask for forgiveness from a girl only if you fully admit your guilt and are ready to make amends with all awareness.

If this is about you, let's move on to practical recommendations.

Preparing for an apology

Before you start your fiery speech with words of remorse and despair, you should mentally prepare for this and understand how much you screwed up, and what shocks your girlfriend experienced after that.

1. Calm down and take a little break

It must be understood that in the power of emotions it is impossible to conduct a constructive conversation. If at least one of you is after a quarrel, it is worth taking a short pause, collecting your thoughts and calming down a bit in order to be ready to adequately analyze the situation.

You should not immediately rush to her knees and beg for mercy after you have done something unpleasant. Give yourself and the girl time to solve all the problems in an adult way.

2. Understand what you were wrong about

We all tend to justify our mistakes. Therefore, before apologizing to your girlfriend, make sure that you do not say: "You forgive me, of course, but I think that I am not to blame for anything." Even if you really are not to blame for anything (which is unlikely), this approach will be obviously losing.

In order to sound sincere and receive a well-deserved forgiveness, you need to comprehend everything that you have done. Try not to lie to yourself and identify the real reason for your quarrel.

In the process of so-called self-digging, you can come to unexpected conclusions that will lead you to identify all mistakes and readiness for repentance.

3. Choose a place and a way to apologize

Now you just have to figure out where you will apologize to your girlfriend in order to take the first step towards restoring your relationship.

If you live with her and will see each other anyway, make sure that nothing will distract you. If you understand that this is hardly possible, invite her to some cafe to talk in private.

If you live at a distance with a girl, and she does not want to see you, you will have to resort to another form of communication, for example, apologize to her in SMS or VK. Here, completely different rules will already apply, in contrast to live communication, and we will tell you about them a little lower.

How to apologize to a girl if you offended a lot

So, in this paragraph, we will tell you exactly how to say what should melt her heart. The main thing here is not to look for bright and beautiful quotes on the Internet, but to speak in your own words and be as honest as possible with her and yourself.

Here is an approximate algorithm of actions that must be followed if you meet face to face:

    start with the words that you fully admit your guilt and understand the gravity of what you have done;

    try to give an explanation for your actions, and it will certainly be credited to you. If you find it difficult to find a justification for your actions, try to dig a little deeper and say, for example, that you were rude to her because of not quite the right upbringing in childhood and not the best example of communication in the family, but also because of the current toxic environment, the influence of which leveling is not quite possible yet;

    now say simple words of forgiveness, which should sound honest and sincere;

    after that, tell your girlfriend that you realize the mistake and therefore you are never going to repeat it again;

    do not forget to say that you value your relationship and value it very much, so you are ready to do everything possible so as not to upset her like that again;

    if you see that your girlfriend has begun to soften a little, try to lightly touch her hand, and if you notice that she does not mind, try to gently hug her.

Looks easy, right? However, remember that the girl will not necessarily silently listen to your explanations.

Listen to your girlfriend

As you already understood, it is unlikely that your apology will be one big sentimental monologue. It is possible that at some point your girlfriend will want to express her opinion about what happened, in which case her reaction will most likely develop according to two possible scenarios.

First scenario(desired) - you still manage to beg for forgiveness, and she will be moved, forgive you and begin to talk about her experiences and reverent attitude towards you. Do not interrupt her and listen to the end.

Second scenario(more likely) - you will have to answer for the offense inflicted on her, obediently bowing your head and listening to everything that you deserve. There will be severe criticism and accusations that you will have to accept with courage, in no case falling into a similar tone. If suddenly you allow yourself to resist her, it means that you lost and failed the task. Your apology is unlikely to be accepted, so you have to start all over again. However, if you endured everything with dignity, your girlfriend may soften and most likely forgive you.

How to apologize to a girl remotely

If for some reason you can’t communicate live, then they can help you: a phone and her number, a profile on social networks, paper, a pen, an envelope and a person who could give her all this. There are a lot of ways to apologize in absentia, it all depends solely on your readiness and creativity.

Naturally, no one has canceled the classic messages online with the same words that you would have uttered at a meeting. The advantage of this format is that you have time to think before sending it all, as well as the ability to attach your joint photo or favorite song.

But if you don't think it will bring the desired effect, you can take a more serious step and record an apology video for her, send it to her in a personal or, even cooler, post it on Instagram or on YouTube. Here you can experiment in any way you like - sing a song, read poetry, dance alone with a sensual photo of her, show some cute magic trick, come to an open microphone and perform a stand-up in which you apologize to her, and much more.

In addition, there is always the option to write her a letter by hand on a piece (or several pieces) of paper, seal it in a beautiful envelope, buy her a small gift that only she will appreciate, and send it all by courier to her place of work or home. People do this a lot, trust me.

If you feel that you are very guilty, all methods will be good. The main thing is to do it all with maximum dedication and honesty, because pretense is very easy to notice.

If you think that the girl was offended just like that, and you are not to blame for anything, try to analyze this situation in more detail, looking at it not only from your side.

Sometimes guys mistakenly think that girls make scandals and whims from scratch for the sake of ... fun, because this should be a kind of shake-up for a relationship or a way to make a man more accommodating.

But, by and large, the guys just see the situation one-sidedly and selfishly, not thinking about the fact that in some moments they can really go too far.

Advice: Never jump to conclusions or make impulsive decisions. Always put yourself in the girl's shoes - this is the surest way to understand her feelings.

By the way, we even have a special one in the relationship. So, are you ready to find out the truth about yourself?