An anniversary gift for your beloved husband. Original and unusual surprises. Anniversary Gifts

Finding a gift is always a pleasant, but also a very difficult and responsible process. It is important not only to please the hero of the occasion, but also to make it clear that the person is really dear, especially when it comes to what to give her husband for his wedding anniversary.

It would seem that over the years of living together, the spouses have time to thoroughly study the preferences and desires of each other, but many women still find it difficult to choose a gift for their loved one.

Practical and versatile gifts

Many people believe that a gift should be not only pleasant, but also necessary and practical.

Almost any representative of the stronger sex will appreciate:

  • New gadget - phone, e-book, tablet, laptop.
  • Car accessories - video recorder, navigator, radar detector.
  • Win-win classics - watches and jewelry.
  • Leather goods - belts, wallets, briefcases.
  • Men's cosmetics and perfumery.

The main occupation, hobbies, hobbies - for women choosing what gift to give their husband on their wedding anniversary, all this can be an excellent guide. For example, a motorist will be delighted with a massage chair cover, a tourist with a high-quality thermos, and a fisherman with a functional suitcase for fishing tackle.

Do you understand all the intricacies of your husband's hobby? Do not grab the first product that comes to hand. It is better to give your husband a choice by giving him a certificate to a specialized store.

If the wife's budget allows you to buy a present that the husband cannot buy because of the high cost or unsuitability in the household, you should definitely do it.

Perhaps this is an elite cognac, a collection wine, a book from a deluxe edition, a handmade knife, or even a radio-controlled helicopter. Once a year it is quite possible to allow such extravagance.

Gifts for the soul

If the budget is limited, you can prepare a romantic dinner on your own or have a picnic in nature. A ticket to a play, a circus or a concert of your favorite band can also pleasantly surprise a man.

Impression gifts are quite popular today. If a man wants to jump with a parachute, go on a horseback ride or dive into the depths of the sea, you can stop at this category of surprises. There is a gift for a husband on his wedding anniversary, if he is a lover of passive and measured rest. This is a certificate for a visit to the spa, a romantic dinner in a restaurant or a walking tour on a boat. Such surprises are a great opportunity to fulfill the old dream of the chosen one.

Many couples choose to spend their wedding anniversary on a romantic getaway. Where the holiday will take place - at the camp site of the nearest suburb, in an unfamiliar city or on the sea coast, depends solely on the preferences of the spouses and their financial capabilities. An interesting solution is to go to the place where the couple first met or honeymooned.

Creative and romantic gifts

Are you familiar with the concept of "handmade"? Handmade gifts will please the spouse very much and will also be very useful. If you do not have special talents, think about the following nice gifts:

  • photo collage;
  • joint portrait;
  • a video about time spent together;
  • engraving on rings;
  • congratulations on radio, TV, in print.

Such tips for choosing a gift for a husband on a wedding anniversary are especially relevant for romantically inclined persons and young couples who have recently married.

You can also pay attention to a series of products for two, which are sold in pairs and complement each other: underwear, sweatshirts, mugs, medallions. Quite interesting are the “paired” gifts: blankets, umbrellas, mittens, sleeping bags.

A surprise for every anniversary

Each anniversary has a name. It is believed that the tradition originated in medieval Europe, and after some time successfully “migrated” to our country. In many families, it is customary to give things from material symbolizing the anniversary:

  • A traditional wedding gift from a woman to a man is a handkerchief embroidered with his own hand. The list can be supplemented with other chintz products: home clothes, bed linen and household items.
  • A wooden wedding is the first anniversary of a couple, 5 years can be considered a decent experience in marriage. A topical gift for a husband for a wooden wedding is any wood products, starting with trinkets and ending with furniture and interior items. A wonderful gift for 5 years of marriage - a small case for watches or jewelry. A wooden keychain or amulet will be a nice addition to the main gift.
  • Cast iron, which is a symbol of the family hearth, corresponds to the sixth anniversary. On this day, it is customary to present cast iron products: forged furniture, dishes, candlesticks. A symbolic gift - attributes for a fireplace: grate, firewood.
  • The tenth anniversary is called a pewter or pink wedding. Well, if the gift for the 10th wedding anniversary is made of tin. These can be heart-pleasing souvenirs or useful little things for giving and at home.
  • The first "precious" anniversary is the agate wedding, which is celebrated after 14 years of marriage. You can give your spouse a product made of ivory, agate: cufflinks, a tie clip or a jewelry box.

If, when choosing a thematic gift, the fantasy is “silent”, at any time you can connect a sense of humor and choose a comic gift for your husband on a wedding anniversary or any other holiday. This can be a diploma about the years spent together, a friendly cartoon or a picture depicting one of the scenes of family life.

When choosing a gift for a beloved man, it is worth remembering that the price of a surprise and the "hype" of the brand do not always play a decisive role. Invest in a gift all the care and warmth! You will make the person dearest to you happy and it's so wonderful!

It just so happens that the date of the wedding becomes one of the main holidays in the family. Every year, husband and wife congratulate each other on this day, give gifts and accept congratulations from friends and acquaintances.

Each wedding anniversary has its own name. All of them are not accidental - every year family relationships acquire a new quality. Gifts for wedding anniversaries are inextricably linked with folk traditions, and those in turn are closely intertwined with the name assigned to each anniversary.

What to give your beloved husband for a print wedding (1 year)

The very first anniversary of the wedding is popularly called the chintz wedding. For a long time, for the wedding year, newlyweds give each other chintz items and exchange handkerchiefs. Now you can buy any textile gift for your husband. Beautiful and practical underwear, a fashionable shirt or T-shirt, a tie or a bathrobe will do.

There is nothing wrong with a little departure from tradition and giving your beloved spouse such a memorable gift for the wedding year as a watch, a gold or silver medallion. A respectable young man will like an expensive branded pen, and a smoker will like a lighter of a well-known brand.

A year after the wedding celebration, the newlyweds are still full of romance and passion, which means that gifts should scream about love and tender feelings. A wonderful alternative to material gifts will be a romantic evening spent according to the plot of your favorite movie or in the style of the first day of acquaintance. For such a party, it is imperative to choose costumes and dishes that correspond to the theme of the holiday.

What gift to buy a spouse for a paper wedding (2 years)

The second wedding anniversary is popularly called paper. According to tradition, any paper item can be presented to the husband on this day. Most often, girls give their spouses diaries, books, magazines.

All kinds of paper souvenirs and handmade paper crafts fit perfectly into the theme of the festive event. The same list can include wall newspapers and congratulatory posters, home-made diplomas and paper medals.

A paper certificate for some male entertainment will look symbolic. For example: skydiving, quad bike rides, concert tickets or paid time at the game club.

If your beloved husband prefers electronic equipment to paper, then you can meet him halfway and give him an e-book, an MP3 player, a USB flash drive or headphones for a computer for a 2-year wedding. No less joy will bring a convenient wireless mouse or speaker that supports playback from a memory card.

What to buy for a husband as a gift for a wooden wedding (5 years)

For a long time, a wooden wedding is celebrated after 5 years lived together. Young people have already put down strong family roots, which means that a gift for a husband who has become a loved one should be solid. According to tradition, the wife should give her husband a product made of wood.

As an inexpensive gift, some wooden figurine is suitable, symbolizing love and fidelity, for example, a swan, a dove, a turtle or a family of elephants. A loved one will always carry a keychain with a matching pendant.

For a long memory, you can give a wall clock made of wood. Such a case will last forever, and the mechanism can be replaced in the event of a breakdown. If the husband works in an office or has equipped a workplace at a desk at home, a pen stand or desk set made of wood is suitable for him.

A smoking man will like a solid pipe or an ashtray trimmed with wood. A beer lover can buy an original barrel-shaped beer mug, and if he saves money for a new computer, a capacious piggy bank. As a joke, you can give your husband a wooden spoon. By the way, it was the spoons that the spouses traditionally gave each other for a wooden wedding.

What to give your husband for 10 years of marriage

A round ten-year anniversary from the date of marriage is traditionally called a pink or pewter wedding. On this day, you can buy a small figurine made of tin as a gift for your beloved husband, for example, an angel or, if the guy is deprived of romance, a soldier.

A good and memorable gift would be a tin coaster, a set of glasses or a flask made of food tin. If a man loves symbolic things, then a souvenir plate made of this durable and stainless material will do. You can also find a medal dedicated to this grand event.

It is better for a practical man to buy something that he can use daily. If a loved one drives a car, then you should direct your attention towards car accessories. From useful things you can buy a massage cape or an orthopedic pillow. Of the pleasant surprises, a car coffee maker or kettle is suitable.

No need to worry if you can’t give your beloved husband an expensive gift for the next anniversary! There are many more happy years and wonderful holidays ahead!

A wedding anniversary is a significant date for every family, it is a celebration of two loving people.

Finding the perfect gift for your husband's anniversary is a relatively daunting task. When choosing, it is worth relying on different criteria that will help you guess with the choice of a gift for your spouse on such an important solemn day.

Many wedding dates, according to established traditions, have their own names. The first of them is chintz, the second is paper. You can choose a gift for a paper and wooden wedding, and so on.

The gift is chosen just on the basis of its name, this is obvious. Below are the main options for presents for each year of the wedding.

You can also get acquainted with the ideas of universal gifts, each of which can be presented on any of the anniversaries.

Much in the process of presenting a gift directly depends on the mood. Usually you want to carefully consider all the details and trifles, whether it is a gift for a silver or wooden wedding.

By means of a correctly chosen gift, you can convey your romantic mood, fully reveal your love for a loved one.

Having presented a beautiful, useful, original, bright, memorable gift for a wedding, there is no doubt that a man will be pleasantly surprised and will admire his chosen one.

print wedding

After the first year, the first family holiday comes, when you need to choose a present for the chintz anniversary.

The essence of this name lies in the fact that the relationship is not yet very strong, approximately like chintz. For a print wedding, a spouse is usually given a gift that is made from the material of the same name, or at least from fabric. These are things like:

  • A T-shirt, a fashionable branded shirt, a business tie, a warm scarf, that is, something from the wardrobe items.
  • Towel, high-quality, natural bed linen or other product made, for example, with your own hands, which is useful in everyday life.
  • You can also give a more original gift - a chintz shirt or linen.

Paper biennial wedding

After two years spent together, the spouses celebrate a celebration - a paper anniversary is coming. In this situation, the gift can also be chosen based on the name.

It will be some kind of product made of cardboard or paper. Here are the main recommendations on what you can give your spouse on a paper date:

  • Photo collage made by hand. Such a gift is perfect for any anniversary, even for a silver wedding.
  • Notepad or expensive diary.
  • Gift Certificate.
  • A ticket to the theatre, cinema or football.
  • Gym membership and so on.

Each of the above gifts can be beautifully wrapped in wrapping paper, which will make the gift more pleasant.

Leather wedding present

Leather, as a material, is already more durable than chintz or paper. It is for this reason that three years spent together are characterized as a leather wedding.

Here the present is selected based on the name. Here are some basic tips for choosing a leather anniversary gift:

  • Expensive leather belt.
  • A business folder designed for documents or a diplomat made of high quality leather.
  • Gloves, shoes, you can give a leather jacket.

Do not forget to add nice romantic little things to the main gifts. For example, you can attach a postcard made by yourself to the presentations.

linen wedding

This name is characterized by four years. Making a gift to your beloved husband from this material is the best thing you can think of as a present.

Here is a list of the main possible things that you can present to your husband on a linen anniversary:

  • Any piece of clothing made of high quality linen.
  • Linen bed modern embroidered linen.

In addition, you can give some kind of universal present, but wrap it in a beautiful, hand-made gift box from this material.

wooden wedding

Many more carefully choose a gift for a wooden wedding, as this is the first anniversary - they have lived together for five years.

The tree itself is strong enough, as is the marital relationship itself, which has stepped over this period.

Naturally, the best and most memorable gift for a wooden anniversary will be a nice gift made of quality wood. Here is approximately what you can present for a wooden wedding anniversary:

  • Office accessories made of wood.
  • Solid wood utensils or a carved table.
  • A flash drive that is upholstered in high-quality expensive wood.
  • High quality decorative items.

Cast iron six year wedding

The sixth year has the name of a special cast-iron wedding. Her husband is given the opportunity to give a present made of this material or another metal. The following items can be cited as examples:

  • Weights and dumbbells, of course, if the husband is fond of sports.
  • Cast iron cookware.
  • Brazier.
  • Talisman or medal.

Tin wedding

After living together for eight years, the couple celebrate a tin wedding. According to the established tradition, the best gift here will be a beautiful product made of tin.

These can be items such as a keychain with an engraved inscription, a tin mug, tea or coffee packaging in painted tin boxes.

Tin or pink wedding

Such a solemn date is another anniversary of a married couple. Ten years is quite a long time for a family relationship.

Usually the husband is presented with a gift of the corresponding color or from the material of the same name.

You can buy the following products in regular stores:

  • Tin soldier.
  • Medal or rare coin.
  • It can be clothes made in pink shades.
  • Pewter cufflinks are very popular.
  • Figurines.

These are not all holiday events. It is not possible to consider each of the anniversaries in more detail within the framework of one article.

Buying a gift for your husband is especially important for a silver wedding, gold, ruby, diamond, and so on. The gift to the husband will be based on the name of the anniversary.

Also, the choice can be made on the basis of the hobbies of the spouse, you can take as a basis the scope of his activity. In other words, give him an original, universal present, and you can also make it yourself.

Universal gifts

There are such gifts that are not associated with a particular anniversary, but at the same time they can be given on absolutely any solemn date.

The gifts you choose are always special. It is necessary not only to make a choice of a present, but also to teach it correctly and festively.

Here are the main options that express the whole gamut of a woman's feelings for her husband:

1. For an extreme husband

If the spouse can be described as an emotional person who has extreme notes, an ideal gift would be a parachute or airplane flight.

This is a real gift, designed for "hard nuts". An interesting option would be to donate a flight on a training aircraft specially designed for tourists, which dates back to the times of the war.

This is a great opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of history. This gift is ideal for courageous, fearless men who need a break from boring everyday life.

2. Romantic gift

Such a gift is also an ideal form of congratulating your loved one. It can be a flight together in a balloon, where a light breeze and a beautiful landscape will color the already romantic festive atmosphere.

You can end such an evening with a romantic candlelit dinner, where your favorite song is performed. By the way, why not prepare a performance of this song yourself? It will be an unforgettable surprise for your loved one!

3. Dance lessons for two

As a universal gift, a certificate for attending Latin dance classes is perfect.

If you attend such lessons in pairs, you can plunge into the world of playful flirting, happiness and joy. Such a present can be arranged after the presentation of the main present.

This is a great opportunity to feel the flexibility, plasticity and rhythm of each other, give an unforgettable feeling of passion and a certain lightness.

4. Portrait as a gift

A real surprise will be a do-it-yourself personal portrait of her husband, made from a mosaic assembled from different photographs.

Such a present will remain in memory for a long time and will become the most valuable. Usually such a portrait is made on paper. You will need to take the main photo of the husband and several images to compile the mosaic.

5. A song written for a husband

Remember how wonderful the courtship period is! Romance knew no bounds back then! Why not bring back this wonderful time?

Choose the best way to express your love. For example, write poetry, perform a song of your own composition, or embroider a picture for your loved one?

Gifts based on husband's hobbies and hobbies

Over the years spent together, every woman learns all the hobbies of her husband, his hobby.

With this information, choosing a gift that will be most useful for a man in his hobbies will not be difficult.

1. For lovers of outdoor activities, various little things designed for travel are ideal. It can be a tent, a burner, a backpack, a pillow or an air mattress.

Naturally, in the arsenal of the traveler, as a rule, there is everything you need, but all this can be updated at any time. In addition to the above, you can always present devices such as a pedometer.

2. A lover of military historical subjects can be presented with a military uniform, rare types of weapons, such as a sword. All this is sold in souvenir or sports shops.

3. For a car enthusiast, a gift in the form of a small model of a car or any car accessories is best suited.

4. Present for the fisherman. The wife will definitely guess with a gift if she presents her beloved, who is fond of fishing, a special box designed to store all types of bait, a thermos. You can give a special bag that acts as a refrigerator.

5. A gift for an athlete. In this case, you can donate items of equipment, a helmet, a bicycle bag, a lock against bicycle theft, and so on. If the spouse prefers to relax actively, the videos will be a surprise.

In the process of choosing a gift, you do not need to purchase the first thing that caught your eye. It is recommended to get qualified consulting assistance from the seller, to find out the main operational and technical characteristics of each item.

If certain difficulties appear in the selection process, the best option is to purchase a certificate from the store where such necessary things are sold.

Important! Silver anniversary gifts that were based on entertainment will definitely be appreciated at any time. The husband will understand and feel the support and joy that his passion for everything is a joy.

Summing up

Choosing a gift for a silver or other anniversary is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough just to show quite a bit of imagination, to abandon the usual stereotypes, and also to remember that in addition to ordinary values, there is something rosy that can make life unforgettable.

Following all the above tips, you can present as a gift such a thing from which your loved one will definitely get great pleasure. His chosen one will be happy to see her husband's sincere smile. Author: Anna Garina

The question of choosing a gift often has to puzzle over. And if the occasion is the wedding anniversary, first of all, you want to surprise your loved one, and not automatically tick the box called “I remember you” by buying a pack of socks or a shaving kit. At this stage, difficulties usually arise, since it is not easy to impress your husband with a creative anniversary gift. The portal is happy to help you make the right choice and offers interesting gifts for a man on his wedding anniversary.

Surprise for husband on wedding anniversary

In order for your spouse to remember your present for a long time, you must not only be guided by his interests and hobbies, but also be able to present a wedding anniversary gift in an original way. A banal thing with a non-standard presentation is a much more advantageous option than something expensive with a couple of dry words. What a surprise to make my husband on his wedding anniversary and how to give it in an extraordinary way, let's consider a few ideas:

  • Use the services of a courier - let it be a bright character, then the effect of surprise will increase.
  • To come up with a way to a gift in the form of a quest - sometimes being a child, plunging into the world of excitement and mystery is very exciting.
  • Add romance - prepare an unusual breakfast, mount a movie about love from your photos, attach a gift to helium balloons.

Having understood the meaning of each wedding anniversary, you can choose the most appropriate original gift for your husband.

1-10 wedding anniversaries:

  1. Chintz or gauze- fragile relationships are compared with chintz fabric. What to give your husband for his anniversary? The most common gift option is items of clothing (pair robes, T-shirts). And in order to add zest to this idea - use the services of printing on clothes and order personalized items or apply an important phrase for both of you. A great anniversary gift would be a photo print on canvas.
  2. Paper- fill the house with the appropriate arsenal. A paper wedding gift in the form of books, photo albums and paintings is the most popular for this anniversary. Do you find these options boring? Give impressions - certificates for pleasant services, tickets to a movie, a music festival or a football match.
  3. Leather- is associated with family flexibility in relationships that withstood the onslaught of the trials of the first years and did not tear like a piece of paper. Leather wallets and belts do not excite you? Then surprise your loved one with the original design of a leather pendant in a car or a cover for a gadget.
  4. Linen (according to another version, wax) wedding- a symbol of prosperity in the family. In high esteem products from linen fabric. You can order or sew a pillow with antistress filler, and diversify the pillowcase with creative embroidery.
  5. Wooden- 5 years from the wedding, the first family anniversary. The range of wooden gifts is significant: a large beer barrel, a pipe for smoking, a bow tie, watches, photo frames, tools with wooden handles, and the like.
  6. Cast iron- the first of the "metal" anniversaries, though the most fragile. Among the gifts, cast-iron items for the kitchen are usually in abundance. For a man, the portal can offer a picnic cauldron. The sixth wedding anniversary represents homeliness, so a horseshoe for good luck would also be a great gift idea.
  7. Copper wedding (aka wool)- the value of the strength of family ties, the start of valuable metals. It's time to pick up knitting needles and please your husband with a hand-made gift (socks, mittens, scarf or sweater). Alternative options would be an ashtray, a set of copper coins, a ring (ring). Electronics is rich in copper wires, so the choice in this direction is very large.
  8. Tin (another name is poppy)- at this stage there is a revival of the family. Less routine, more brilliance! In addition to things made of tin (souvenir jars, a thermos with iron engraved mugs, a coffee pot), you can give gifts of bright red color or poppy-themed gifts, for example, a holiday poppy-seed pie baked with your own hands.
  9. faience (sometimes chamomile) - relationships are considered strong, like high-quality tea. Therefore, lovers of this drink will appreciate gift tea sets. Giving expensive gifts on this anniversary is almost a tradition. Precious accessories - cufflinks, rings, cigarette case - will surely please the spouse. Pay attention to souvenirs in the form of awards. A medal for the best husband - who can remain indifferent after such an original gift for the ninth anniversary?
  10. Pink or pewter wedding- 10 years, the first anniversary. Noteworthy are souvenir weapons, chess, a globe bar with tin elements.

15th wedding anniversary - glass (crystal)

Obliges the presence of transparent details, because it personifies the purity of marital relations. Glass sets of glasses for whiskey or other drinks, a transparent heart filled with your favorite type of alcohol, expensive watches - all this will definitely surprise your spouse.

20th anniversary - porcelain wedding

Nothing but beauty and peace in the family. It is not at all necessary to give your spouse a service (he is unlikely to be happy with him), but you can arrange a morning tea party and put porcelain dishes on the table. What to give for an anniversary? Treat your loved one with pleasant surprises, like 20 years ago. A picnic, fishing, cycling, a joint trip to the bath - all that you can enjoy together. For lovers of practical things, we advise you to present a genealogical book in a gift cover.

25th wedding anniversary - silver

Definitely worthy of special attention, as it is the most important stage in the life of spouses and a huge achievement. Silver symbolizes the value of marriage, you must admit that few are able to live together until this anniversary. Naturally, congratulations on the wedding anniversary are inconceivable without silver: cufflinks, rings, tie clip, office accessories, business cards, horseshoe.

30th anniversary - pearl wedding

The stage of impeccability in a relationship. It is not customary to give pearls to a man, but you can order a chic cake and other sweets decorated with pearls. An electronic photo frame will revive the happy moments of the years spent together.

35th wedding anniversary - coral (linen) wedding

Corals symbolize the health of a long life together, and gifts should be the embodiment of tenderness. The ideal option is a vacation by the sea. Yacht charter will become a more affordable surprise.

You have an anniversary and you want to give something to your spouse, but there are no ideas, then check out ours and maybe something will fit. On the wedding anniversary, you can please not only your husband, but also yourself and give something for spending time together. For example, cinema tickets, travel vouchers.

How to choose a gift for your husband on your wedding anniversary

Starting the procedure for choosing a gift for your husband on your wedding anniversary, you need to pay attention to such important points as:

How many years have you been married? Each figure of life together is symbolic, which allows you to quickly decide on the choice of a gift.

wedding anniversary gift ideas for husband

traditional gifts

Classic gifts that serve as an addition to the main present and represent a specific wedding date:

  • 1 year of marriage together is called, where it is customary to present a husband with a gift in the form of a chintz scarf (possibly with embroidery) with a knot tied, showing the difficulties the spouses went through during this period and the strength of their relationship.
  • 2 years of living together is traditionally called a paper wedding and gifts made from paper are presented (books, notebooks, movie tickets, theater tickets, certificates for the purchase of any goods, as well as handicrafts made with your own hands).
  • 3 years of life in an official marriage is called a leather wedding and traditionally presents leather gifts: bags, belts, gloves, purses, wallets and more.
  • 4 years of marriage symbolize a linen wedding, where linen products, such as a towel or shirt, are presented.
  • 5 years of marriage is a wooden wedding, when it is customary to give everything made of wood (furniture, figurines, bracelets, etc.)
  • For a cast-iron wedding (6 years of marriage), they give cast-iron products, respectively. But since cast iron products are mostly kitchen utensils, more suitable for women, men are given cast iron souvenirs (for example, figurines with funny inscriptions, horseshoes, etc.)
  • For 7 years of official life in marriage (woolen or copper wedding), the spouse is presented with creations made of wool and copper. Such a date is a great occasion to knit a sweater, warm socks or a scarf for your husband.
  • 8 years of marriage is a tin wedding for which your husband will like any personalized gift in the form of a flask, lighter, key chain, and more. Drinking men will appreciate such a gift as a case of beer and canned food in a tin.
  • For a faience wedding (9 years together) it is customary to give dishes. It is best to present a husband with a personalized mug and plate.
  • 10 years of marriage is called pink or. A cool present for a spouse will be tin soldiers. You can also donate a pewter mug, knife and other pewter products.
  • 11 years of marriage is a steel wedding. To give an expensive gift for such an anniversary is to give a car or a steel weapon. A budget option is a gift in the form of cufflinks or steel accessories.
  • 12 years of marriage - a nickel wedding, where men are given products containing nickel - an electric razor, a radio tape recorder, etc.
  • 13 years of marriage - a lace or lily of the valley wedding, where handmade gifts, for example, pillows using lace, are suitable. You can also buy lace underwear and arrange a romantic evening.
  • 14 years of marriage is an agate wedding, where it is customary to give various accessories made of agate, for example, a signet, a pen with agate splashes, or the agate itself on a beautiful stand.
  • For 15 years of marriage (crystal wedding), crystal figurines and dishes are presented.
  • 20 years of marriage is, where it is also customary to donate various porcelain items, including dishes. But you can get creative and decorate your husband's breakfast in bed on a porcelain tray using porcelain dishes.
  • For a silver wedding (25 years of marriage) they give a variety of silver items (bracelets, watches, ashtrays, a ring, etc.).
  • 30 years of marriage are named and presented as a gift with pearl products (for example, a photo frame).
  • 35 years of marriage - a coral wedding, where various presents on a marine theme and using corals, or coral color, for example, a coral-colored shirt and tie, as well as a boat trip or dinner in a restaurant on the water, and so on, will be appropriate.
  • 40 years of marriage is a ruby ​​wedding, where they give various things or products of ruby ​​color or using the stone itself.
  • 45 years of marriage - a sapphire wedding, where they give expensive gifts with a sapphire stone, for example, a ring, a dagger, cufflinks. With a small budget, you can buy bedding that will depict this stone.
  • For (50 years of marriage), usually a husband and wife buy each other gold jewelry (watches, rings, earrings, bracelets, cufflinks).
  • For 55 years of marriage () you can give various products decorated with emerald.
  • For 60 years of marriage (diamond wedding) you need to present gifts in the form of products using diamonds.

Original gifts

A truly unforgettable surprise will be an unusual gift for your husband on your wedding anniversary, for example:

Inexpensive wedding anniversary gift for husband

If your budget does not allow you to make expensive gifts, there are cheaper options. After all, for your husband, the main thing is not the gift itself, but a caring and attentive attitude on your part.

For example, a new lure or spinning rod would be an ideal gift for a fisherman. For a businessman, an expensive stylish watch is everything that will emphasize his status. If you know your husband’s hobbies well, but you don’t understand them at all, give him a certificate from a specialized store to purchase everything he needs.

Thus, when choosing a gift for your husband on your wedding anniversary, remember not only about his age, hobbies, character, but also that gifts are given with soul and love.