Beneficial for both sick and healthy souls Vichy: what is so special about the procedure? Vichy shower indications and contraindications

Since ancient times, the amazing ability of water to influence the health, well-being, appearance, and mood of people has been noticed. So why not take advantage of this and apply these beneficial properties for the benefit of humans? It was for this purpose that hydromassage was invented, one of the types of which is the Vichy shower. What is it, how are the procedures carried out, who is recommended, and who, on the contrary, is not recommended to use it?

This type of hydromassage takes its name from the balneological resort in France of the same name. Back in the first 2 centuries AD. e. the settlement, located on the site of the modern city of Vichy, was famous for its healing thermal springs. The constant improvement of the resort, the construction of thermal centers, and the systematization of healing procedures attracted an increasing number of visitors, making Vichy a world-famous hospital by the 19th century.

Currently, Vichy medicinal mineral water and cosmetic products containing thermal water are known and popular far beyond the borders of France. The second name for the Vichy shower is filiform, which in Latin means “thread-like”, because of its thread-like water jets.

What is the procedure

Vichy - what kind of shower is this, what is the procedure? The process involves massaging the body with thin water jets. The strength of their impact is selected individually for each patient. But the pressure is never too strong, unlike Charcot's shower. The best option is to use thermal water. In addition, you can use sea or purified fresh water.

The session is most often carried out in a specially equipped capsule, consisting of:

  • couches made of marble or fiberglass;
  • horizontal rail with sprayers (from 3 to 8 pieces), through which water is sprayed onto the patient.

The water supply installation makes it possible to change the strength and angle of water supply, its temperature. The person lies on his stomach with his hands under his face. If the couch has a hole for the face, then the arms are extended along the seams.

Information: some beauty salons offer a vertical Vichy shower service. However, it is the horizontal option that allows for maximum relaxation.

Duration of sessions, their number

In order for the body to completely relax, the duration of the session should be 10-30 minutes, depending on the expected results and characteristics of the human body. The exact time and optimal number of procedures is determined by a specialist after examining the patient and finding out all the necessary information. One of the most important conditions for obtaining a positive result from using a Vichy shower is the feeling of comfort experienced by a person during this type of hydromassage.

The desired course is 15-20 procedures performed every day or every 1-2 days. After just 10 sessions you can observe:

  • weight loss;
  • reduction or complete elimination of cellulite;
  • improving the condition of the skin, acquiring its elasticity.

The course can be repeated after 6 months.

Important! Before taking a Vichy shower, you must refrain from eating for 2 hours. After it is not recommended to eat for 1 hour.

At the end of the session, you need to refrain from physical activity, sit quietly, and rest for at least 20 minutes. It is very useful to drink tea with medicinal herbs, apply a mask to your face, and moisturizer or milk to your body. The skin at this moment is very susceptible to these cosmetic effects.

Types of shower

There are 3 types of Vichy shower depending on the nature of the water supply:

  1. Rain-like (stream type). In this case, warm water is supplied under medium pressure, with slight dispersion, in thin streams, creating the effect of falling raindrops. The streams are located at a considerable distance from each other. Promotes weight loss and more intensive blood supply to the skin.
  2. Needle. The procedure is carried out under high pressure. The thickness of the streams, located extremely close to each other, does not exceed the thickness of the needle. During the session, a sensation is created of tingling the body with tiny needles or receiving small electric shocks. This type of shower has a beneficial effect on nerve endings, tones, and improves blood circulation.
  3. Dusty. Water is supplied under the lowest pressure, with greater dispersion, in the form of water spray. The size of the droplets does not exceed 0.5-1 mm. Particularly effective at the final stage of hydromassage. It has a calming, relaxing effect and perfectly consolidates the results of the session.

It is very useful to combine a Vichy shower with other SPA treatments: scrubbing, wrapping, mud baths, massage, etc.

How it affects the body

The effect of the Vichy shower on the body is very positive:

  • eliminates cellulite, is an excellent prophylactic agent that prevents it;
  • eliminates extra pounds;
  • cleanses of toxins, removes excess fluid;
  • stimulates blood flow and lymph movement, increases the flow of oxygen to organs, relieves blockage of blood vessels and cholesterol plaques;
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system, relieves nervous tension, promotes the production of the “happiness hormone” - endorphin;
  • reduces the feeling of fatigue, normalizes sleep;
  • relaxes tense muscles;
  • improves skin condition, eliminates wrinkles and folds;
    increases immunity.

The effect of the procedures is no less achieved than with other types of massage, but the sensations during it are much more pleasant.

Indications for use

  • diseases of joints and ligaments, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • neuroses, depression, stress, migraines, irritability;
  • insomnia, poor sleep;
  • obesity of various stages, metabolic disorders (metabolism), flatulence;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • back pain caused by pinched nerve endings;
  • skin problems - sagging, stretch marks, swelling, cellulite, scars and scars after surgery;
  • recovery period after fractures, injuries;
  • muscle tension and pain.

A shower is indicated if you want to improve not only the appearance and condition of the skin, but also the condition of the internal organs, as well as your psycho-emotional mood.

For whom the procedure is contraindicated

The process of taking a Vichy shower is no exception and, like any medical procedure, has contraindications. These include:

  • malignant tumors both in the acute and relapse stages;
  • diagnosed diseases of the circulatory system, decreased coagulability, frequent bleeding, hemorrhages;
  • for the fairer sex - pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation;
  • the presence of infections, fungal diseases;
  • increased skin sensitivity, allergic reactions to procedures, existing skin rashes;
  • various diseases in severe form and during exacerbation, including cirrhosis, disorders of the cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis, epilepsy.

In order not to harm your health, it is advisable to consult a specialist before visiting Vichy shower procedures, even in the absence of the above contraindications.

The physiotherapeutic Vichy shower procedure can be an excellent way to get rid of a number of negative factors, enhance the positive effect of treatment, and charge you with energy and mood for a long time.

Video - shower procedure

Since ancient times, people have been aware that water has beneficial qualities for health and beauty, and have been using them for healing all this time. Soothing water procedures not only convey a state of relaxation, but also normalize metabolism and improve general condition. So it is possible to transform even an ordinary shower into a healing process by changing the temperature and duration of the shower. An example of this is the Vichy shower in hydrotherapy, which is a young field of medicine. Hydrotherapy is becoming increasingly popular in the practice of treatment, prevention and cosmetic services, since it not only improves mood, relaxes or, on the contrary, invigorates, helps to cope with stress, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its firmness and elasticity, and corrects the figure. Let's take a closer look at the above-mentioned shower.

Characteristics and effects of therapeutic shower

In the post-Soviet space, the most popular shower treatment procedure is the Vichy shower. It was invented in France, and got its name from the name of a French resort where, back in the days of the Great Roman Empire, people were healed with the help of thermal waters. And today, Vichy drinking water is valued by the French more than others. Residents of France of all ages and income levels drink it all the time. Based on this water, a special line of cosmetics has been created, which is popular all over the world, including products from the line and.

In spas and medical complexes in the CIS countries, hydroprocedures such as Scottish showers and Charcot showers have been used for many years. But Vichy shower is gaining more and more popularity due to its healing properties.

  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system
  • Improves blood supply and lymph circulation
  • Stimulates reflex points.

This type of soul belongs to the filiforms, from the Latin “filiformis” - “like a thread”. And the really warm jets of this shower, like gentle summer rain, are as thin as threads. They exert gentle pressure, during which an area of ​​high ion content is formed on the surface of the skin. This phenomenon stimulates the breathing of the skin, the receptors located on it are activated due to temperature and physical influence, as a result, blood flow improves and tension goes away.

Indications for use of Vichy shower

First of all, it is used to neutralize, break down and remove waste and toxins from the body. In addition, the Vichy shower is calming and relaxing. It is also used during recovery from injuries, illnesses and stressful situations. Those who have no specific contraindications can use it, regardless of age.

In sports medicine and physiotherapy, this shower is used for preventive purposes against a number of diseases. For this shower you need a special capsule, for example like for a SPA, to take it in a lying position (see photo). This is one of the advantages of this shower, since many therapeutic water treatments are done in a standing position. The special water that is supplied to the Vichy shower is sea, mineral or thermal water. This shower produces many thin, barely tingling jets, so different from Charcot's shower. This healing shower has a very gentle effect on the surface of the skin.

Varieties of this shower

It comes in three types:

  1. “Rain-like”, water is supplied in separate streams
  2. “Needles”, thin streams are supplied under low pressure
  3. “Dust”, water spray is supplied with a droplet diameter of less than half a millimeter.

You should take a therapeutic shower about an hour before meals, or two hours after meals. The temperature of the supplied water can be adjusted according to the desired result and personal feelings. In each individual Vichy procedure, it is possible not only to change the temperature, but also to change the pressure and direction angles of the water streams. All this helps improve lymph flow, activates oxygen exchange in the skin, helps remove waste and toxins and get rid of cellulite deposits.

For medicinal purposes, it is enough to take this shower for no more than half an hour. During this time, it manages to relieve tension and relieve fatigue, calm, harmonize emotional and mental states, and create a joyful mood, as evidenced by numerous reviews from its grateful users. After taking a shower, you should not immediately begin physical activity. It is advised to first drink a mug of clean drinking water or herbal tea, smear your face with milk to moisturize and remain motionless for at least twenty minutes.

Nowadays, Vichy is considered one of the best showers for healing in hydrotherapy. Its healing qualities are especially fully manifested when combined with other SPA procedures, such as, for example, body wraps, body masks, application, various massages and much more. In cosmetology, it is usually used together with massage, which makes it possible to correct the figure and turns out to be an excellent technique in the fight against cellulite. Doctors prescribe this shower plus massage for preventive and therapeutic purposes against metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, it is prescribed for inflammation of ligaments and joints, diseases of the stomach and intestines, headaches, severe stress and neurotic conditions.

To achieve the best effect, you need to take a course of at least fifteen showers with a frequency of once every two to three days.

Contraindications for Vichy hydrotherapy

This shower should not be taken during pregnancy or during menstruation. It is strictly forbidden to use it in advanced stages of diseases of internal organs, as well as during exacerbations, when bleeding may occur. It is not used in the presence of cancerous tumors, infectious diseases and blood diseases. In case of excessive sensitivity of the skin to water or if an allergy to it occurs, use should be interrupted. To avoid complications, consult your doctor before using Vichy.

Shower Vichy is a unique hydrotherapy that became famous thanks to the French city of Vichy, which used thermal water to treat various diseases.

Since the times of Ancient Rome, the waters of Vichy have been famous for their beneficial healing qualities. And although this procedure was known even under King Louis XIV, it became popular only in the 19th century.

The city of Vichy gained fame as the “queen of spa cities,” and treatment with thermal water smoothly turned into a procedure that is now called the Vichy Shower.

Shower Vichy intended for hydro- and thalassotherapy ((Greek thalassa - sea; therapia - treatment, a section of clinical medicine that studies the properties of the coastal climate, sea water, algae, sea mud and other sea products and the mechanisms of their action on the human body during therapeutic and prophylactic use) in medical institutions and spa salons. Vichy shower is also used in

cosmetology, physiotherapy, fitness, sports medicine.

What is a Vichy shower?

Shower Vichy is a pouring shower, also called filiform((filiformis; lat. filum thread + -formis similar, similar) having the shape of a thread), since its jets are very similar to thin needles.

There are three types of Vichy shower:

  • rain, when the water falls in separate streams,
  • needle, in which water is directed in the form of “sharp spines”,
  • dusty, when water hits the body with tiny mist of water.

In the procedure, you can use different types of water - sea, thermal, ordinary water that has gone through the softening stage. The session should be carried out 2 hours after meals, or 40-60 minutes before meals.

The Vichy shower procedure is as follows.

The patient lies on his stomach on the couch, and water pours from many holes on top of the entire contour of the body. Unlike Charcot's shower, this type of shower is “soft”. The water temperature, as well as the pressure, can vary depending on the indications and purposes. Water is supplied more calmly to more sensitive areas of the body; they are not exposed to intense effects at all. The procedure lasts about 15−30 minutes. After a shower, it is important to replenish your water balance (drink water, for example), moisturize your skin and give your body a rest for at least 20 minutes.

After a Vichy shower, different types of wraps are also used to enhance the effect - strengthening, warming, cleansing, softening and even “spiritual” using aromatherapy.

The Vichy shower also goes well with a massage.

Indications for Vichy shower

  • Metabolic disease
  • Cellulite
  • Nervousness and stress
  • Diseases of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract

Result of the procedure

  • Tones the body
  • Relieves nervous tension
  • Activates blood circulation
  • Removes waste and toxins
  • Has a general strengthening effect


  • Severe forms of diseases of internal organs
  • Blood diseases and bleeding tendency
  • Oncology infectious diseases
  • Any dermatological reactions to water

If you are interested in water treatments, but quite intense types such as a Charcot shower or a circular shower cause concern, consider enrolling in a course of Vichy shower procedures: lying under the cascading streams of water that gently massage your body, you can fully relax and improve your mood.

Water for this shower is used of different types - regular tap water, softened water, sea water, thermal water, or others.

In the original version, Vichy showers are performed with thermal water, but other types of water also give good results.


People learned about the beneficial qualities of water and its positive effect on beauty and health back in ancient times. Thanks to soothing water procedures, the body relaxes, the general condition of the body improves, and the metabolism returns to normal. Noticing that by changing the temperature of the water, its pressure and duration of use, an ordinary shower can turn into a healing procedure, hydrotherapy was created. One of the options for water therapy is the Vichy shower.

The Vichy shower got its name from the French resort of the same name. Even in the times of Ancient Rome, it became known that the waters in this city have a healing effect. The resort became especially famous in the 19th century thanks to its thermal treatments.

The Vichy shower also has another name - filiform shower. It is associated with the Latin word filiforms, meaning “thread-like”, because the jets of such a shower are very similar to thin threads. Now Vichy showers are prescribed in spa establishments and medical institutions offering hydrotherapy and wellness services.


Depending on the type of execution, such a shower can be:

  1. rain-like– water is supplied in the form of separate falling jets;
  2. needle-shaped– water is supplied in thin streams under slight pressure, and visually it looks like needles;
  3. dusty– the water is supplied in the form of water mist (the diameter of the droplets is less than half a millimeter), due to which this version of the Vichy shower is considered the most pleasant.

You can also alternate cold and hot showers depending on the desired effect. Both temperature and pressure can change even during one session, which promotes better lymph outflow and improved oxygen exchange in the skin.


So, who will benefit the most from a Vichy shower?

  • First of all, every woman who cares for her skin should take the course. If you care about your own body and want to improve the appearance of your skin, then this hydro procedure will be a good choice.
  • Also, such a shower should be made one of the points of the complex for weight loss and correction of impaired metabolism.
  • Since the Vichy shower has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and promotes relaxation, it is recommended for sleep disorders, irritability, nervousness, stress.
  • General strengthening effect This type of shower is used in fitness and sports medicine, because this procedure promotes faster recovery.


Vichy shower is prohibited when:

  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • with a tendency to bleeding and rashes on the body.
  • during pregnancy;
  • during critical days.

If the patient’s skin is overly sensitive and a reaction to exposure to water occurs during the procedure, the session should be stopped immediately.

Methodology of the procedure

The procedure is carried out in a special installation, represented by a couch and a horizontal rod connected to it, which contains a sprayer. The patient is asked to lie face down on the couch, after which water is applied to the entire body from above from a large number of holes.

Great attention is paid to the quality of water used for Vichy showers. The water used is often thermal, sea, or softened fresh.

Note that such a shower is classified as a rather mild water procedure. Since this is a pouring shower with low water pressure, the jets do not hit the body, as in a circular type of shower or with a Charcot shower, but act on the body delicately, like rain.

The task of the specialist conducting the procedure is to monitor the pressure and temperature of the water. It can also change the inclination of the impact of water jets. In addition, if you wish, a specialist can give you a massage.

On average, the procedure lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour. You cannot go to a session with a full stomach - it is recommended not to eat for 2 hours before the procedure, and 40-60 minutes after it.

An important point is the need to rest and rehydrate after a Vichy shower. You shouldn’t go home right away - it’s better to rest for 20 minutes or more, and be sure to moisturize your skin with milk or cream. It is also recommended to drink water or herbal tea.

Impact on the body

Water enters the body in the form of thin streams and its effect on the skin is very delicate, but at the same time quite effective. The shower affects the reflex zones and deeply relaxes the body, so the result of the procedure is a cheerful and rested state. Muscles that are constantly “tight” during workdays relax during a Vichy shower. We are talking about the muscles of the back and neck. A course of such a shower generally improves the condition of the body and reduces the number of wrinkles.

The effect of a Vichy shower is based on a gentle massage effect caused by thread-like jets of water. By affecting the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue, such water jets stimulate lymph and blood flow. This makes the skin less flabby, more well-groomed and tightened. By adding a Vichy shower to your set of weight loss procedures, you will not only quickly cope with extra pounds, but also prevent the appearance of sagging skin folds.

Note that only this type of shower is performed in a lying position, thanks to which the patient can relax as much as possible during the session.

In the first minutes of the procedure, the body is toned, and then relaxation processes are launched. Nervous tension subsides, and blood circulation, on the contrary, becomes more active, so at the end of the shower you should take advantage of this effect by applying a mask or cream. Also, such a shower helps to rid the body of toxins more quickly.

Preparation for the procedure

It must be remembered that none of the cosmetic and health procedures will have a lasting long-term effect if carried out once. This also applies to the Vichy shower, therefore, for a visible and lasting result, the course of such water treatment should range from 10-15 procedures. You can go to sessions every day or with breaks (twice a week or every other day).

Before a Vichy shower, it is useful to do fitness, as the procedure will perfectly relax the muscles after intense physical activity. You can also perform various cosmetic procedures with mud and sea salt before the session.

Plan your time in advance so as not to rush after the procedure, since 20-30 minutes of quiet rest is recommended after it.

Let us remind you that after a shower, the skin becomes more receptive to medicinal cosmetics, so when you relax, it’s time to make a mask, treat your body with cream or go for a massage to have a more intense effect on the skin.

Medicinal properties

Vichy shower sessions are hydrotherapy procedures that have healing and healing effects. Such a shower will show its beneficial properties more if it is complemented with other spa and wellness treatments - wraps, massage, masks and others.

Most often, a Vichy shower is combined with a massage, offering such a complex to those who want to change their figure, overcome cellulite or correct metabolic disorders. This complex is also good for preventing problems with metabolism and excess weight.

The positive effect of the Vichy shower, as a sedative procedure, is noted for various types of nervous disorders - neuroses, stress, migraines, fatigue. As a cleansing procedure that helps get rid of toxins, such a shower is prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases.

This type of shower also has a restorative effect, which makes it possible to prescribe it during the recovery period after illness or injury. It improves muscle tone and stimulates immune function. This water procedure will also bring relief from joint diseases and ligament damage.

Since ancient times, people have known that water has a number of healing properties, and that life without it is impossible. Relaxing procedures using water not only calm you down - they improve your metabolism and overall condition.

Even an ordinary shower can easily be turned into an effective therapeutic procedure by simply varying the temperature and duration of the water procedure. Despite the fact that hydromassage is becoming increasingly popular today, few people know about the Vichy shower. What is it and why is it remarkable? How does it differ from other hydro influences on the human body? This article is devoted to the answers to these questions.

A little history

The Vichy shower, a photo of which we posted in this article, got its name from the name of a popular French resort, famous throughout the world for its thermal springs.

Spa thermal treatment became widely known in the 19th century, during the reign of Napoleon III. The city of Vichy began to be referred to as the “King of French Spas,” and its unique thermal treatments are still used along with traditional treatments.

The Vichy shower today is not limited only to spa treatments; it is successfully used in the physical training of athletes in many countries around the world, in cosmetology and physiotherapy.

Vichy shower: what is it?

At first glance, this is an ordinary irrigation shower. But there is a peculiarity about it - it covers the body with a huge number of jets of water. With their help, an effective massage is carried out. The shower is designed for hydro- and thalassotherapy not only in medical institutions, but also in spa salons.

The shower rail has micro-nozzles, which are arranged in two rows, this helps distribute water throughout the body, while the head must be protected by a special screen. After the main procedure, various types of wraps are effective, enhancing the effect of the shower - strengthening, warming, cleansing, softening and “spiritual” using aromatherapy.

Varieties of Vichy soul

Today there are several varieties of Vichy souls. What is it and how do they differ, we will look further. One of the popular types of Vichy shower is the rain shower. In addition to it, there is needle and dust, which uses the spraying of tiny streams of water covering the body, like fine dust.

To decide on the choice of one of the varieties that the Vichy shower offers, what it is and how this or that type works, it is not enough to know. You should first undergo a consultation at a spa, whose specialists will recommend an option that is suitable specifically for your case. Perhaps they will offer a session consisting of several types of shower.

These procedures use various waters - thermal, sea, softened. Alternating cold and hot showers allows you to achieve a magnificent effect: the skin becomes toned, muscles become stronger, and mood improves. Water pressure and temperature change depending on human needs. To more sensitive areas, water is supplied with less pressure. But even at the highest intensity, Vichy showers are not a painful procedure, which distinguishes it very favorably from


What equipment is used for this very pleasant and relaxing procedure? Vichy showers are currently represented on the domestic market in two models.

Vichy 02

This model is equipped with a thermostat with protection against thermal burns. The spray system is a shower rail with seven built-in nozzles, each of which is separately adjustable and located above the plastic massage couch.

The shower provides massage with water jets with adjustable pressure. This model allows the use of various additives: essential oils, algae.

Vichy 03

A special closed-cycle installation is designed for long-term circular water procedures. The shower rail of this model consists of six special nozzles, a plastic movable roof that covers the body during the procedure and a flexible hose. A special blanket provides the effect of a steam bath, which helps the healing components to be actively absorbed. Steam is generated when water circulates through a special system. Various additives are also allowed.

How is the procedure performed?

So, you decided to take a Vichy shower. What it is, you already know what equipment is used - too. It remains to find out how the procedure itself is carried out.

The patient lies on his stomach on a plastic couch, and streams of water pour onto him from above along the entire contour of the body from numerous holes. We have already said that, unlike Charcot's shower, this is a softer and completely painless procedure. The water temperature and pressure in each specific case vary depending on the goals of the procedure and the doctor’s prescriptions. The session lasts no more than thirty minutes.

After your shower, you should replenish with water or herbal tea, moisturize your skin and rest for a while - about twenty minutes.

Vichy shower: indications

This shower is extremely effective, we can say with confidence that it is unique in its effects for people who dream of getting rid of excess weight, cellulite, normalizing blood circulation, tidying up the nervous system, and undergoing a course of general relaxation of the body.

This spa treatment is indicated for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses (we will discuss them below) to recharge themselves with positive energy. But there is a group of people for whom a Vichy shower is necessary. First of all, these are patients with metabolic disorders, with various nervous disorders (chronic stress. This procedure will also have a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Benefits of shower

The Vichy shower has many healing effects. During this procedure, an area of ​​increased ion content appears on the surface of the skin, which promotes intense respiration of the skin. Receptors are activated, which improves blood flow and relieves tension. That is why the Vichy shower improves the condition of the nerves, relaxes and soothes.

In addition, this procedure can significantly improve blood circulation and stimulate reflex points. It has proven itself excellent in the cosmetology of Vichy showers. It is used to break down, neutralize and remove toxins and waste from the body, improving lymph flow. According to experts, the maximum effect is achieved after 10-15 shower therapy procedures.


Like most medical procedures, there are restrictions on the use of Vichy showers. Contraindications apply to patients with cancer and infectious diseases. This procedure is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the circulatory system, as well as those prone to bleeding.