Regulations of the Russian Federation on breeding work. How to make documents for a dog

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Preparation of documents in RKF. Clubs, nurseries, individuals.

Exchange of a puppy card (metric) for a Russian or export pedigree
- Registration of imported dogs (obtaining a VERK stamp)
- Exchange of champion certificates of the YuChR, ChR, ChRKF, Grand ChR, Inter
- Exchange of work certificates
- Submitting applications for registration of console/kennel
- Obtaining certificates in dysplasia

More than 10 years of experience, including solving complex situations. Promptly, responsibly.

I rent every 7-10 days

How to prepare main types of documents

1. To obtain championship diplomas or export pedigree, you must fill out an application from the RKF website. There is no need to tear or cut anything from it. Check that each certificate (USAC, CAC, Black Sea Fleet) must have the signature or facsimile of the expert and the seal of the organizing club. If they are not available, then the certificate must be accompanied by original diploma from this exhibition. It is also necessary to attach readable, high quality a copy of the pedigree and, if necessary, a copy of the UCR. If you submit more than one championship for the same dog, you must attach the appropriate number of copies of pedigrees.

2. To exchange a puppy card for a Russian pedigree, you need the original puppy card, in which printed The letters must include the owner's first and last name and address with an index. You do not need to indicate your middle name, email or phone number. Puppy cards filled out entirely by hand will not be accepted. The puppy card can be exchanged for either a Russian or an export pedigree. If you don't know what kind of pedigree you need, consult your breeder or read the article "Dog Passport". To exchange for a Russian pedigree, you only need the original puppy card. To exchange for an export pedigree, you need the original puppy (or a ready-made Russian pedigree) plus a completed form "Application to the RKF to obtain an extract from the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation in English"
3. To register a change of ownership (in both the Russian and export pedigrees), you must fill out Application form for change of owner, attaching the original pedigree and a copy of the passport former owner (person, registration).
4. To register co-ownership, you must fill out co-ownership agreement form, attaching to it the original puppy or pedigree and copies of the passports of the co-owners (person, registration).
5. To register a factory attachment, you must fill out in two copy Application form for registration of a factory prefix with the FCI, attaching a copy of the pedigree one bitches of reproductive age and a copy of the applicant’s passport (person, registration). The registration address in the application, in the pedigree and in the passport must match. You can check if your cattery name is already in use in the FCI database.
6. To obtain a work certificate, you must send the original temporary RS and readable, high quality, a copy of the pedigree. Before sending, make sure that the organizing club has already submitted a test report. If you submit more than one RS for the same dog, you must attach the appropriate number of copies of pedigrees. Make sure that the Russian certificate by points passes on the MRS.
7. To obtain an Interchampion certificate, you must fill out two a copy of the application, only on the computer. Printed handwritten text is not acceptable. Don't forget to check the box - CIE or CIB. Attach to the application readable, high quality a copy of the pedigree. You also need to attach readable, high quality printouts of CACIB certificate confirmations that can be taken.

How to send documents

In a package with documents without fail include a cover letter: breed and nickname, type of work (for example: "urgent exchange of a puppy card for a Russian pedigree, then non-urgent exchange for an export one"), full address and full name for sending completed documents back, your email and mobile number. phone. If you need to receive a copy of the finished document before I send it to you, please write about this in the cover letter. The prepared documents are sent by registered 1st class mail or by courier to my address, which I provide upon request. Carefully calculate delivery times! Payment is made by card (I will send the card number upon request) after I receive your letter. I am not responsible for the safety of money sent in a letter.

Tel. +7 926 79 69 279 (Viber, WhatsApp) Polina Rudenko

The dog must have documents

You and I live in a civilized world. Therefore, it is not surprising that not only you and I should have a passport, but also our pet. Today we invite you to dive into the legal aspects of a veterinary nature and learn about what documents are needed for a dog, why they are needed, where they can be obtained and what is needed for this. We will also consider with you the situation when you are planning to travel abroad and want to take your pet, or are planning to participate in an exhibition or breeding. How will the documents that will provide access to all these events be processed?

So, practical advice and answers to such difficult questions...

Basic documents for a dog

When purchasing a purebred animal (you can read about this in one of our publications), new owners, as a bonus to a fluffy bundle of happiness, also receive a whole package of documents, which can sometimes be difficult for a person who has not previously encountered such formalities to understand, especially at that moment when you are in seventh heaven with happiness that your childhood dream has finally come true and you now have a real, not a toy dog. Remember the Kid from Carlson? However, when the euphoria wears off, and your pet, having played enough, snorts sweetly in the corner of the sofa, it’s time to study in detail the contents of our package of documents.

So here it is veterinary passport - a document about the health status of the pet, and its pedigree - a document about the origin of the dog (if you are buying a teenage puppy), as well as a document for the puppy (dog breeders call it a “puppy” - necessary for dogs that do not yet have a pedigree ). True, in some cases, the task of obtaining a pedigree falls on the shoulders of the puppy’s new owners. In this case, they will need to contact their local kennel club or canine branch to obtain a pedigree. But, if you plan to participate in exhibitions with your dog, and expect professional training from it, then you will also need to draw up this document.

And now we will tell you in detail about the legal significance of each such dog document and where and on what basis it can be obtained.

Veterinary passport for a dog

The document of the animal, which will display the main information, and will include notes on vaccination and other veterinary procedures, is a veterinary passport. An analogue of a “human” medical record. A veterinary passport can be issued at any veterinary clinic. The basis for drawing up such a document is your words. You do not need to provide any supporting documents to obtain a veterinary passport. True, some veterinary clinics may ask you to present your passport in order to copy the owner’s information from this document and also enter it into the animal’s veterinary record.

The veterinary passport must indicate its breed, as well as its approximate age. If you get vaccinated on the same day, the doctor will mark the vaccination.

Why does a dog need a veterinary passport?

The main purpose of this document is to confirm that the animal does not pose a threat to the people and animals around it, and is not a carrier of dangerous diseases. B Without a veterinary passport, a dog is not allowed to participate in exhibitions or to mate, and traveling abroad with such an animal is also prohibited.

International veterinary passport

This is what an international veterinary passport looks like

The main functions of this document are the same as those of an ordinary veterinary passport. True, its appearance is slightly different from a simple medical card of the animal, and you will need the passport itself if you travel with the animal outside your country.

So, on the first pages of such a passport, information about the owner of the dog is recorded, as well as information about the animal itself - its date of birth, breed, gender, type of coat, presence of marks or special features. This also includes information about the breeder who sold you the puppy. Some forms of passports require inserting a photo of the pet and indicating the basic physiological parameters of its health.

Such a passport is also affixed, specifically indicating the type of vaccination, the date of its implementation, the seal and signature of the veterinarian and the stamp of the clinic where the vaccination was carried out.

Document for a puppy

His dog owners call him a “puppy.” It is filled out by the breeder and given to the buyer of the puppy so that he can subsequently, on the basis of this document, submit documents for registration of the dog’s pedigree. This document indicates the breed and gender of the puppy, as well as information about its parents - breed, age, nicknames. “Puppy” is an official document, albeit of limited validity. So, if you do not receive a pedigree before the puppy is 1.5 years old, you may have problems with this in the future, since after 1.5 years this temporary document is considered invalid.

What to do if there is no “puppy”

If you buy a purebred puppy, then there should be no problems with issuing a “puppy”; the breeder is simply obliged to give it to you. However, if for some reason he refuses to do this, most likely his animals themselves do not have a pedigree and are not registered with the breeding commission. To make sure that this is really the case, check if the puppy has a mark on its belly or on the inside of its ear. If the dog is officially registered, then its offspring must have such a mark, since such a litter is registered in the breeding commission. If there is no such mark, then you should doubt both the honesty of the breeder and the purebred of the puppy.

Pedigree of the dog

Probably one of the most important dog documents is the pedigree. It is issued on the basis of a “puppy”, however, even if there is none, but the breeder assures that the puppy is purebred - ask him to present a general litter card, which would confirm the fact that the puppy originated from specific dogs. You can also look for information about this in the CF, although the basis for the search may be the puppy purchase and sale agreement (now you understand why it is so important to have a legally competent approach to all aspects of the transaction).

If you confirm the purchase of the puppy with an agreement, provide the dog itself for inspection by the breeding commission, so that there is no doubt about its origin, after examining the puppy, a conclusion will be made about its origin and the “puppy” will be issued by the CF (Cynological Federation). On its basis, subject to registration of the litter in the CF database, after payment of fees for registration of the pedigree - from 150 rubles to 300 rubles, depending on the region, the dog will be issued a pedigree within 1 month. Having received this important document, your pet will have the right to participate in exhibitions and produce offspring.

What documents are needed to take a dog abroad?

Without documents, the dog will not leave the country

Today, many animals, including dogs, travel with their owners - you can read about the features of such a joint trip. And thousands of kilometers are no barrier to that. However, bureaucratic issues may force you to break your friendship and force you to leave your pet in your home country. That's why, If you are planning a trip abroad with your animal, make sure in advance that your dog’s documents are in order.

First of all, you will need a veterinary passport, permission to export the animal, signed by the canine federation at your place of residence, and a veterinary certificate of form No. 1. As for the latter, it is issued by a state veterinary clinic and must be taken no later than 3 days before you and your animal leave. The basis for issuing such a veterinary certificate is the presence of a correctly completed veterinary passport.

In addition to a simple veterinary passport, as we wrote above, the dog must have an international veterinary passport, which must be filled out - please note, in English. The passport will contain information about you as the owner, information about the breeder and complete information about the animal, including vaccination and deworming notes.

Please ensure that the vaccine that will be given to the animal meets international standards. Otherwise, such vaccination will not be considered valid.

It is also recommended to vaccinate with polyvalent vaccines. Of course, pay special attention to the presence of a mark indicating that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies (this can be transmitted to humans). European countries pay a lot of attention to this, and without a rabies vaccination, the animal will be quarantined. Check to see if your vaccinations are expired - they should be done no earlier than 30 days before your departure. If the last vaccination was carried out 9 months or more, it is recommended to repeat it.

If you are the owner of a puppy, then you may be required to obtain certain documents. You may want to travel or take an animal abroad. Or participate with your pet at exhibitions or offer the dog for planned matings? For all this you need to obtain the appropriate papers. What documents may be required for your dog and how can they be obtained?


Puppy's first documents

The owner of a small pet, along with the furball, is given important documents for the dog by the breeder, which “certify the identity” of the puppy. One of the first is the so-called puppy card, into which the dog’s metric is entered. Before a dog receives a pedigree, he must be given such a card. The second is a veterinary passport for the dog, which contains all the vaccinations given. Why are they needed and how to get them?

Puppy card (metric)

This initial passport for a dog is valid until it reaches 15 months of age, after which it can be changed. Usually the replacement is made with a pedigree confirmed by the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation). As a rule, it is formalized by the breeder, who always invites a dog handler to evaluate the puppies and their compliance with breed standards.

The puppy's metric must indicate the breed's deficiencies, defects, color of the animal, gender, date of birth, as well as information about the parents. It contains the pet's name and information about the puppy's brand. A puppy card is considered valid provided that it bears the RKF seal and the signature of the breeder.

There may be situations in which the metric may be lost. In this case, it can be obtained by the number of the brand on the puppy’s body.

Veterinary passport

In addition to the puppy card, your pet will need a second document. This is a passport for a dog, which contains information about all vaccinations of the puppy. Separately enter information about the puppy being microchipped, if it was done (or the brand number).

It looks like an ordinary book, which contains 10-12 pages. It is done as follows: the date is entered in one column, and information about the manipulations performed in the other. There is a sample for correct filling.

It is important to note that a veterinary passport for a dog can be obtained from the state veterinarian. clinic, which includes everything that is required for its liquidity. The form also contains information about the owner (full name, address, phone number, etc.), according to the RKF. This passport is also important as the puppy grows up, since the information entered there still remains relevant.

International veterinary passport

If you are planning to travel abroad with your pet, you will need to obtain a document that will allow the animal to leave the country. This is an international veterinary passport. It is issued specifically for taking a dog abroad and contains information about vaccinations, reproductive activity of the animal, etc. The difference from a regular passport for a dog is that it is filled out in two languages.

How to get it? First, you will need a form that you can get at the clinic; in the document for the dog you need to indicate the pet’s name, its color, and date of birth. The passport is sent to the clinic, where it is necessary to make notes about the vaccination of the puppy or adult dog. Please note that vaccination requirements may vary from country to country, so it is best to find out which ones are required in your case. Without the necessary vaccinations, you and your pet may not be allowed to cross the border.

All information about the puppy or adult dog is indicated by the veterinarian, and the signature and seal are affixed by the clinic. A dog's passport, properly prepared, gives the right to travel. Of course, the removal of the dog to another state. This is what an international veterinary passport looks like.

Pedigree RKF

The most important document for a dog is the pedigree. It is of great importance if you have a purebred pet and you plan to participate with it in exhibitions (including export abroad) and breeding work. What is a pedigree?

The pedigree usually contains a list of previous generations of your pet. In fact, this is documentary evidence of the puppy’s origin.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts.

  1. The first of them indicates color, breed, coat type, nickname, date of birth, gender, brand or chip.
  2. The second part of the pedigree is dedicated to the owner; information about the owner is entered here - full name, telephone number, address. In the second column, according to the requirements of the RKF, the name of the male who participated in the breeding is indicated.
  3. The third part contains the name of the mother who gave birth to your pet. If there are none, then the pedigree will not be considered completed. It also indicates the titles if the puppy’s ancestors had any (i.e. champions, exhibition winners, etc.).

How to get a?

Usually such paper is issued by RKF. As a rule, before this, the dog owner has a metric, which contains all the necessary information, including for export abroad. Today there is no need to show your dog to experts - just buy a purebred puppy with documents. The most important thing is that the breeder is honest, since any data can be checked, including animal passports. To prevent you from becoming the owner of an expensive, but for some reason “rejected” puppy, deal exclusively with proven kennel clubs that will not let you down.

So, having received a metric approved by the RKF, the owner of a purebred dog has the right, when it reaches 15 months, to exchange it for a pedigree. Without this exchange, the animal has no right to participate in breeding work or exhibitions. RKF necessarily checks the correctness of the metrics and all data regarding the puppy. And only in this case the owner receives a pedigree for the pet.

Zero pedigree

If for some reason your puppy ends up without documents, you can try to get them at RKF. Among them, an important place is given to the zero pedigree - a document that indicates that your dog becomes the ancestor and it is from him that the breeding of purebred individuals will begin. How to get such paper?

Receipt procedure

This will require the dog to be certified by three experts in accordance with all the rules in order for the pet to be recognized as a purebred. If assessed as “very good”, the dog may be given a zero RKF pedigree and breeding of the breed will begin with it.

List of documents for taking a dog abroad

In order for a dog to be exported abroad, certain documents may be required for the dog.

Among them are the main ones:

  • veterinary passport for dogs of international standard with notes on vaccination against various diseases, including rabies;
  • electronic identification (it is better to make a microchip);
  • documents for the dog, which indicate the registration of the animal;
  • certificate of tests, including blood status;
  • a doctor’s note stating that anthelmintic therapy was received;
  • a certificate of breeding value of the pet must also be filled out;
  • Form No. 1, issued by a veterinarian;
  • certificate of health of the pet, which must be issued in English.

Having such documents in hand, you will be able to export your dog abroad and not worry about being stopped along the way.

Video “Travel Abroad”

This video will talk about an international veterinary passport for four-legged friends for export abroad.

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Go ahead, get the papers!

Are you the owner of a wonderful purebred puppy? This is undoubtedly a reason for pride, but at the same time, you will face some troubles associated with the preparation of one very important document. Of course, we are talking about pedigree. But before you have the opportunity to admire it, you will have to perform a few simple steps. Let's find out how to get a pedigree for a dog and what needs to be done for this.

First of all, you need to make sure that your pet has puppy card, and official, and not cooked up “on the knee”. How this paper should look and what information is indicated in it, see.

The authenticity of the puppy card depends on where you bought it:

  • if you contacted a large kennel registered with the Cynological Federation - everything should be in order,
  • if the deal was concluded with some random person trading on the street or in an underground passage, there is a high probability that such a card will not be exchanged for a pedigree for the simple reason that it is a fake.

But let's be optimistic and assume that our “puppy” is what we need, it has FCI or RKF marks on it and it is filled out correctly. We put it away in our bosom and go to the office of the Russian Cynological Federation, located at: Gostinichnaya street, building 9. It is worth noting that it is located in Moscow.

By the way, not only the owner of the dog can deal with all this paperwork, but also any of his relatives, friends, acquaintances, in general, anyone.

If you do not live in the capital, then the easiest way will be to contact the nursery where you purchased the puppy, and they will take care of obtaining the RKF pedigree. In addition, you can become a member of any large Kennel Club in your city and make documents through it. It will cost a little more, since both the club and the nursery will have to send a courier to Moscow, who will take and then take the documents back. Intermediaries may also charge additional fees for their services. As for the timing, they can vary from 1 (if you are very lucky) to 2-3 months.


If you decide to visit the Moscow office on your own (it is open on weekdays from 10 am to 6 pm), then upon arrival at Gostinichnaya 9 you will need to go up to the fifth floor. There you can knock on any office and ask where to get a pedigree for a dog. You will be sent where you need to go. After standing in a queue of several people, you will be taken to an employee, to whom you will have to give your puppy card and also pay 150 rubles. If you do not want to wait thirty days and want to pick up the pedigree immediately, then you will have to pay another 150 rubles.

The easiest way to get the most up-to-date information regarding office reception work is by phone 482-15-33 . If you are calling from another city, do not forget to dial the code 495 . Once connected, click on the star (to turn on tone mode) and dial 104 .

If you saved, then, a month later, you will need to visit the same office again and get a ready-made pedigree for the dog in your hands. Don't forget to take with you the receipt given to you in exchange for the puppy.

Attention! If the dog is less than six months old, then most likely the documents for the litter of which he is a representative have not yet arrived at the Federation. In this case, it will not be possible to obtain a pedigree and you will have to wait. At the same time, it is not recommended to delay it too much, since the deadline allocated for this procedure is 1 year and 3 months from the moment the dog is born. More precisely, no one will forbid you to do this even after 5 years, but all this time you will not be able to register your dog either for a competition or for an exhibition, since the card will no longer be valid when the puppy turns 15 months old.

So, the most important document is in your hands, and now you have every right to enroll your pet in any exhibitions, win them, receive awards, win titles and continue the worthy lineage of your pet!

Svetlana 27 October 2016, 20:30
Good day!
I wanted to consult with you regarding obtaining a pedigree from the RKF, the fact is that we do not live in Russia. The puppy was bought at the beginning of 2016, with a puppy card in Moscow, they said that the pedigree could be registered through their club LKF (Latvia), but this epic has been going on for 9 months, and things are still there. Until the beginning of this year, RKF and LKF had a connection in receiving and forwarding pedigrees and documents, but now this has become impossible. And I was faced with the problem of how to exchange a puppy for a pedigree? There are no acquaintances in Moscow, the breeder is not in touch (perhaps he is not in Moscow now).
I hope you can tell me who I can contact and what to do. my email [email protected]
Best regards, Svetlana.

As practice has shown, unfortunately, many breeders and owners of male dogs do not know how to properly document the mating itself and register the puppies. As a result, situations arise when either the puppies are left without documents or the owner of the dog is left without payment. Let's try to figure out how and what needs to be done to avoid this.

Each breeder must be attached to a club; if there are several clubs in the city, then it is better to consult with friends about which one is best to join. To join the club, you just need to pay the membership fee.

Before mating, in the first days of the empty nest, you need to go to your club to receive a referral for mating (Mating Act). To do this, you must bring with you a copy of your pedigree and a copy of your exhibition diploma or Champion certificate. With this direction you can already go to the dog.

All mating conditions are discussed before the trip, during initial negotiations with the owner of the dog. Immediately before the mating, they are discussed again and indicated in the mating certificate. This is a guarantee, both for the breeder and for the owner of the dog, that afterward, the owner of the manufacturer will not demand anything more, and the breeder will make a full payment.

If an advance payment has been made, then the breeder must have a signed Mating Certificate, a copy of the male pedigree, a copy of the diploma from the exhibition (rated very good or excellent) or a champion certificate, and a stamp. The stamp must contain the pedigree number and the signature of the owner of the dog.

If the payment is made by a puppy or upon sale, then the breeder only has a signed Mating Certificate.

After mating, the breeder must submit the mating report to his club to enter data into the stud book. The certificate must be submitted to the club within a week after mating. Retrospectively (i.e. after the birth of the puppies, the club may refuse to record the mating, and, consequently, the litter will remain without documents).

After the birth of the puppies, within three days the breeder must inform the club (just call) about the fact of birth. If settlement with the owner of the male dog has not yet been made, then the Breeder must inform him about the birth of the litter.

When the puppies are one month old, you need to contact the club again and agree on the day and time of activation, the club will also tell you what letter to come up with the names of the puppies. If payment for mating is not made, then the breeder must notify the owner of the male dog about the day, time and place of registration.

The certification itself includes an inspection by a dog handler of the entire litter, the place of residence of the puppies, the mother of the puppies, and branding of the puppies. A litter inspection report is drawn up and puppy cards are filled out.

If the settlement with the owner of the dog has not yet been made, then it’s time to do it. He is also obliged to provide his own set of documents (a copy of the pedigree, a copy of the diploma or certificate, a stamp with the signature of the owner and the pedigree number).

Only after registration and delivery of the full package of documents to the club, the litter is considered finalized and the puppies will receive documents.

List of documents required to register a litter at RKF:

- The act of mating(the manufacturer’s stamp must be affixed with the signature of its owner and an indication of the pedigree number) (a sample of the stamp is shown in the photograph);
- Applications for litter registration;
- Puppy metric for each puppy;
- a copy of the manufacturer’s pedigree;
- a copy of the diploma from the exhibition or the manufacturer's champion certificate;
- a copy of the breeder’s pedigree;
- a copy of the diploma from the exhibition or the certificate of the champion producer.

For service and hunting breeds, additional documents are required. You can find out more in your club.

How to avoid misunderstandings and not be deceived.

If you are a breeder:

Before you go to the mating, make inquiries about the potential groom. Who is he, where is he from, if someone mated with him, then ask not only the groom, but also his owner.
- Check the male dog’s documents (BEFORE MATING) - pedigree and diploma from the exhibition (for now, just make sure that they exist, since until the payment has been made, no one will give them to you).
- If you have any doubts, don’t be lazy, look at the stamp and check it with the pedigree.

Perhaps all these preparations will seem strange, but there have already been cases when, during the calculation, the breeder received a copy of the pedigree, which, when checked, usually turned out to be a piece of paper that was not valid. Or the owner provided someone else's pedigree, with the numbers covered up. Or a person came to breed a dog named N, and after the calculation, it turned out that the dog N lives in another city with other owners. The result is puppies without documents. Even if everything is formalized as expected, then after the deception is revealed, the puppies’ pedigree will be replaced with a registered one. And the owners will make claims to the breeder, and not to the owner of the dog. Of course, all this does not apply to well-known producers, whose children can be seen at many exhibitions and are far from being in the last rows. This does not apply to those males you met at the exhibition. The owners of these manufacturers have no point in deceiving you.

If you are the owner of the manufacturer:

Having a referral from the club is already a guarantee that the female sire is approved for breeding, but you still have the right to look at the girl’s pedigree.
- negotiate the terms of payment before MATING, be sure to write them down in the Mating Certificate. Usually the owner of the bitch arrives with one Certificate, but nevertheless, fill out another copy and let it remain with you.
- do not give up your documents until you have been paid. Even if the owner of the bitch insists and gives various reasons. You are NOT obligated and SHOULD NOT give documents until you have been paid.
- agree to breed a puppy with someone from out of town, if you are confident in the owner of the stud, if you have any doubts, if you are not familiar with this person, no one can vouch for him, then only agree to an advance payment.
- never give your pedigree to anyone, only when paying for mating and registering for an exhibition. In all other cases, if there is a need to give a copy of the pedigree, paint over, cover up, or erase all the pedigree numbers.
- keep a book of matings, write down the names of the breeders, the coordinates of the owners, if known, the number of puppies born and their names.