Low temperature at the beginning of pregnancy. How to deal with high and low body temperature in early pregnancy

Body temperature during early pregnancy may be higher than normal.

In most cases, this condition in the first trimester is not a consequence of pathologies.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which lead to a slowdown in heat transfer, as a result, the overall body temperature rises. But women usually start to panic, as infections at the stage of the initial development of the fetus are very dangerous for the fetus. Such behavior is not always justified.

It is necessary to know in which cases an increase in temperature is considered the norm, and in which pathology, in order to start treatment in a timely manner or get rid of prejudices.

Measurement of temperature during pregnancy in the early stages is recommended to be carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Thanks to these two values, it is possible to determine the daily dynamics of its change.

Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, the temperature can rise to 37.2 ° C. But such indicators are considered normal. The temperature may not exceed 37 °C throughout the entire period. It doesn't need to be knocked down. An increase to 38 ° C can be alarming.

There are various methods for measuring temperature - in the mouth, in the armpit and rectally.

Measurement under the tongue should be carried out using an electronic thermometer, through which you can get readings in a few seconds.

Normal body temperature in pregnant women, measured in the mouth, can reach 37.2 °C.

When measured in the armpit, the temperature should not exceed 37 °C.

If a mercury thermometer is used, it must be held for about seven minutes.

Another way to measure body temperature in the rectum is called rectal. For better glide, the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline.

In the course of pregnancy in the early stages without deviations, the rectally measured temperature will range from 37.1 to 37.5 ° C. Measurement time - no more than 3 minutes.

What is the reason for the increase

The temperature indicators of a pregnant woman are affected by the hormonal background and changes in the processes of thermoregulation. In the first trimester, expectant mothers feel unwell and feverish. If there are no other negative signs, the condition is considered adequate.

Normal temperature in early pregnancy may rise slightly.

This is a consequence that is responsible for the preservation of the fetus. In general, the woman feels fine. Often, a weakened immune system also leads to an increase in temperature. It does not pose a danger to either the mother or the child.

But in some cases, a high temperature in early pregnancy may be due to an intestinal or genitourinary infection, SARS and other diseases.

In this case, the temperature reaches 38-38.5 ° C, and other symptoms appear: cough, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, pain in the sacrum, rash, etc.

  • SARS and inflammatory processes.

In addition to the elevated temperature, there is, and, a runny nose. SARS can lead to pneumonia, tracheitis, otitis media.

These are serious complications that can affect the formation of the fetus.

Its intrauterine infection will become inevitable if treatment is not started in a timely manner. In some cases, fetal malformations are manifested.

  • Intestinal infections.

If symptoms of stool disorder, fever, are observed, this indicates an infectious disease that may require treatment in a hospital.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also accompanied by chills, painful urination, general intoxication and nagging pain in the lower back. Pyelonephritis is a serious disease that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

  • Other infectious diseases.

In the early stages of gestation, there is a high probability of developing smallpox, measles or. In this case, the temperature reaches 38.5 ° C, and rashes appear on the skin.

It can also be attributed to the causes of an increase in body temperature.

The risk of fever in the first trimester

A temperature increase is a protective reaction of the body, but in the initial stages it can lead to irreversible consequences. In the first trimester, there is an active process of formation of the internal organs of the unborn baby. In the first time after fertilization, the laying of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems occurs. An increase in temperature poses the following dangers:

  • The occurrence of malformations in a child from the side of the jaw, lips, palate, eyeballs.
  • The synthesis of proteins is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the blood supply to the placenta. This is fraught with a lag in the development of the brain activity of the child.
  • and can lead to .
  • Intoxication of the body leads to pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • The frequency of contraction of the uterine muscles increases, which can lead to termination of pregnancy.
  • The occurrence of blood clots that clog the vessels of the placenta can provoke a miscarriage.
  • flowing in severe form.

All of the above dangers pose a real threat to the development and life of the fetus, the health of the expectant mother. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to diagnose the cause of the fever and begin the correct treatment.

How to deal with fever in early pregnancy

You can bring down the body temperature with the help of drugs, as well as traditional medicine.


It is necessary to be concerned about the temperature after the thermometer mark has reached 38 ° C.

If such a manifestation is accompanied by other negative symptoms, treatment should be started.

In such cases, drugs are prescribed. But before taking, you need to visit a doctor, as many of them can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

Basic rules for prescribing drugs at a temperature in the first trimester:

  • Antipyretic tablets can only be prescribed at temperatures above 38 ° C.
  • Doctors often prescribe the simultaneous use of several drugs. It is not excluded the use of antibiotics, for example, with pyelonephritis.
  • The doctor can prescribe vitamin complexes and drugs that increase the level of immunity, for example, Viferon.
  • In exceptional cases, it is possible to take funds that are not indicated during pregnancy. They are taken under strict medical instructions.

The most effective and safest at the initial stage of pregnancy is taking medications, which include paracetamol. But it should not be taken more than four times a day, because long-term use is bad for the liver.

Homeopathic antipyretics, such as plant-based Viburcol, administered rectally can be used.

It is impossible to prescribe a dosage for yourself. This can only be done by a doctor leading your pregnancy.

Ibuprofen, aspirin, indomethacin - these components can adversely affect the condition of the fetus and have a significant number of side effects. For example, aspirin affects blood clotting and can cause breakthrough bleeding.

The use of traditional medicine

Fresh cabbage leaf compresses and plenty of fluids may help.

If the cause is SARS, tea or milk with honey should be prepared. It is necessary to dissolve a small amount (2 tsp) of liquid honey directly in warm milk. Drink large sips of a glass twice a day. Hot drinks should be avoided.

  • A good remedy for elevated temperatures is cranberry juice.

For cooking, you need 400 g of berries and 2.5 liters of water. Cranberries must be mashed and squeezed out of the juice. Then add sugar and mix thoroughly, dilute with water and heat a little to achieve a therapeutic effect.

  • Linden tea is an excellent antipyretic.

Dried linden flowers are used for brewing. Recommended 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed flowers pour a liter of boiling water. Wait for the drink to cool down before drinking.

  • You can replace linden tea with ginger root compote.

To prepare it, you need to peel and cut the ginger into thin strips. Then sugar syrup is boiled with a liter of water and ginger is added there. The drink should be infused for two hours in a dark place. It should be consumed chilled or warm.

  • Raspberry leaves can be used to make a healthy drink.

They must be thoroughly washed, chopped and poured with boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the tea and add a little sugar. You can cool and drink 2-3 cups a day at elevated temperatures.

So, an increase in body temperature in the first trimester is allowed up to a certain value. Exceeding the mark of 38 ° C indicates the development of dangerous infectious and other diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor so as not to cause pathological changes in the development of the fetus. The specialist will prescribe medications, the reception of which can be combined with folk remedies.

The temperature during pregnancy always changes. This phenomenon is typical for the first stage after conception. The indicators must be monitored carefully. Any minor change will help to establish the development of complications at an early stage. Timely adoption of measures contributes to the preservation of pregnancy.

In order for conception to occur, the time of ovulation should be determined. Ovulation is the only time when an egg can be fertilized.

This is due to the peculiarity of the development and maturation of the female germ cell. It is in the follicle. The release of the cell occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To determine the favorable period, a method such as basal temperature is often used.

This technique is based on plotting. The graph is compiled from the combination of several points set in the table according to the results obtained. To correctly measure the temperature during ovulation, you must use the following rules:

  • use of a mercury thermometer;
  • maintaining body position;
  • constancy of time;
  • rejection of excess fluid;
  • exclusion of alcohol and smoking.

Measurement of basal temperature is carried out in the anus. This is due to the fact that the indicators in it are more constant. Constancy allows you to set the exact time of release of the egg from the follicle. To measure the temperature in the intestine, you should use a mercury thermometer. This thermometer can measure in 5 minutes. An electronic thermometer cannot boast of such data.

Such thermometers continue to work after giving a signal about its completion. Earlier removal of the thermometer from the intestine does not allow the woman to get an accurate result. The patient may build the wrong chart.

After choosing a thermometer, the following point must be observed. The main factor in the construction of the schedule is the observance of the position of the body. This condition must be observed within four hours before the start of the procedure. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the measurement after a night's rest. During sleep, blood circulation slows down, heart rate decreases. This allows the temperature to normalize. It is not recommended to go to the toilet during the night. Before starting the procedure, movement with one hand is allowed. In order not to change the position of the body, the thermometer should be stored near the place to sleep.

To maintain the temperature, it is necessary to exclude active physical activity. This includes avoiding large amounts of fluids before bed. This condition will help to avoid unwanted night visits to the bathroom.

Please note that the result depends on various other conditions. Doctors do not advise drinking alcohol and smoking during the construction of the schedule. Alcohol-containing liquids negatively affect blood pressure. Spasm of the vascular tissue leads to an increase in pressure. Increased blood flow leads to a change in temperature. In this case, the indicator will be incorrect. This will lead to erroneous plotting.

Each measurement the patient must enter in a special table. The horizontal line has marks for the days of the menstrual cycle. The vertical line has a temperature scale. The intersection of the lines is carried out at around 36.6 degrees.

How to read a chart

For conception to be successful, a woman must be able to read the resulting schedule. All results depend on the work of the hormonal system. Due to minor changes in indicators, there are teeth on the graph. There are two types of teeth: high and low. A decrease in temperature in a healthy woman should begin 2 days before ovulation. Drooping occurs due to a decrease in estrogen levels. A low prong appears with active luteinizing hormone.

The peak of LH occurs on the day before ovulation. At this time, there is a strong decrease in the curve. This day is characterized by a temperature of 36.2-36.4 degrees. The next day, ovulation occurs. To make sure that the egg is released, it is necessary to take measurements further.

A day after the favorable period, the indicators should increase sharply. Growth is due to the action of progesterone. The hormone affects the function of the muscular and vascular system. Indicators should rise in two days. The normal value should equate to 37.4 degrees. Further measurement must be taken before the delay occurs. The temperature should not drop.

Reasons for the increase in performance

The temperature during pregnancy in the early stages should be 37.2-37.4 degrees. The increase is due to the following factors:

  • the effect of progesterone;
  • vascular preparation;
  • enlargement of the uterus.

On the day when signs of pregnancy appear, the temperature should be elevated. Pregnancy proceeds under the control of progesterone. The substance promotes the activity of the corpus luteum. It is formed in the area where the dominant follicle was located. The body is responsible for the nutritional function of the fetus. The embryo feeds on substances that enter through the umbilical cord. The placenta is formed gradually. Against the background of the appearance of the placenta, a restructuring of the vascular tissue occurs.

Vessels supply blood to the pelvic organs. Of the total volume, the pelvis accounts for 3% of the fluid. Pregnancy affects the change in this amount. The blood flow is aimed at maintaining the fetus. The volume of blood supplying the pelvis increases by up to 20%. The fetus begins to actively develop and stretch the walls of the uterus. The cavity is expanding. All these processes lead to the fact that the body temperature during pregnancy is kept at a high level.

Low performance

Not always the body temperature during pregnancy can be kept at a high level. There are a number of reasons why this becomes impossible. There are such pathological processes that cause a decrease in indicators, such as:

  • anembryony;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy.

With anembryony, the body temperature in pregnant women drops sharply. This phenomenon is observed at 5-7 weeks after conception. It is possible to establish the presence of pathology only when undergoing ultrasound diagnostics. On the screen, the doctor detects a fetal egg. Under its shell, the embryo is not visible. Anembryony requires additional diagnostics, which is carried out in a week. If the examination confirms the absence of a fetus in the egg, the pregnancy is eliminated by vacuum cleaning.

The danger is also a gradual decrease in temperature indicators at 4-5 weeks. Pathology is accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. The patient has an admixture of blood in the mucus. There is pain in the lower abdomen. These signs appear at the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. If a woman notices a decrease in performance in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be saved. To do this, you need to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary supportive therapy. Late treatment to the medical center leads to the death of the fetus.

There is another reason due to which a gradual decrease in temperature is observed. Pathology is not accompanied by additional signs. The woman feels fine. The first problems can be diagnosed in a week. Ultrasound examination shows the presence of the fetus. His heartbeat is not audible. To confirm the fading of fetal development, you must go to the hospital. Specialists install a special sensor on the stomach. It should pick up the heart rate. They should appear before 12 weeks. Their prolonged absence indicates intrauterine cessation of development. Cleaning is in progress. For a period of 14 weeks or more, the method of eliminating the dead fetus is prescribed at the discretion of the specialist.

High rates in the first trimester

The temperature of a pregnant woman should be 37.2-37.4 degrees. Sometimes there is a stronger increase in indicators. The patient asks if such a problem is dangerous. An increase in performance can occur for reasons such as:

  • genital infection;
  • decreased immune system;
  • the development of inflammation;
  • problems in fetal development.

Before conception, not all women are screened. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. Often a strong increase in temperature is observed in the presence of various bacterial infections of the genital organs.

Such diseases often occur without visible symptoms. Bacteria are always present in the microflora of the genital organs. After conception, the protective properties of the body are reduced. This causes the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora. Pathogenic microorganisms attack beneficial bacteria and take their place. The area of ​​tissue inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms changes its properties. To fix the problem, the body begins to actively produce white blood cells. They trap bacteria and carry it into the bloodstream. The body raises the temperature for the rapid death of the microbe. Such diseases are accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature to 37.8 degrees. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to take tests. This will help determine the type of microorganism and choose the drug to effectively combat the disease.

The temperature during gestation can also be high due to a decrease in protective properties. The body is protected by the immune system. After fertilization, the egg must be implanted in the uterus. In order for the body not to reject the zygote, it is necessary to lower the immune system. This will help keep the fetus. Against the backdrop of a weakened immune system, the body becomes open to attack by pathogenic microorganisms. Any disease is accompanied by an increase in indicators. The rapid removal of pathology from the tissues depends on the temperature.

Additional factors

There are other reasons for the rise in temperature. Inflammation in any tissue leads to its change. This is due to the peculiarity of the pathological process. Inflammation develops due to a violation of the integrity of the tissue. Dead cells affect tissue function. Atrophied tissue swells. This phenomenon is called inflammation. To eliminate the process in the blood, the content of white bodies increases. They are necessary for the rapid removal of dead cells. A large number of leukocytes accumulate in the damaged area. In order for the disease to recede, blood circulation increases. Against this background, the temperature during pregnancy rises.

It must be understood that increased rates can also be observed with the threat of miscarriage. This complication often occurs in Rh-negative women. Rhesus conflict is accompanied by activation of the autoimmune system. This system helps eliminate antigens from the body. A negative Rh mother has a negative effect on a positive Rh child. The autoimmune system perceives the fetus as a foreign body. Antibodies appear in the blood, aimed at eliminating the foreign body. A large number of antibodies causes a reaction similar to inflammation.

The zygote is rejected from the temperature. The fetus dies. For this reason, doctors use a special drug that suppresses the Rh conflict between mother and fetus. If a woman becomes pregnant without planning, the risk of early rejection increases. You should not delay visiting a doctor. This will help keep the fetus alive.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis depends on the temperature in pregnant women. With a slight increase, it is necessary to take a sample of blood fluid from a finger. The specialist examines its composition. In the blood, it is necessary to examine the quantitative content of leukocytes and the presence of antibodies. According to their content, the doctor should be able to provide assistance.

The number of white blood cells increases due to inflammation or infection. When infected, microorganisms that do not have a cell membrane are found in blood cells. Viruses have these properties. If the content of leukocytes is increased, you need to look for the source of inflammation.

You can determine the disease of the genital organs by examining the microflora of the vagina. Qualitative characteristics are examined in the sample. Each bacterium must be contained in a certain amount. The microorganism, the number of which is increased, is the cause of the temperature increase.

also during the examination, the state of the embryo is studied. A fertilized egg should have such qualities as: active growth, proper fixation, rapid formation. If the fetus develops any problems, an outpatient examination is recommended.

Therapy Methods

High fever requires medication. You need to know what a woman in position can take. Antibiotic drugs have a good effect. But during pregnancy they are prohibited. The temperature can be reduced only with the help of paracetamol and herbal preparations.

To relieve symptoms, doctors recommend taking herbal decoctions that have antipyretic effects. Preparations with a high content of vitamin C also help. A decoction of raspberry fruits and leaves helps to reduce the temperature. It increases daily diuresis. Frequent urination helps to eliminate pathogenic substances from the body. Rosehip tea increases the protective functions of the body. If the temperature continues to hold, you must go to the hospital. Doctors will prescribe drugs for intravenous administration.

The properties of the immune system can be enhanced with preparations containing human interferon. It comes in the form of nasal drops and ointments. Such drugs quickly increase the body's defenses and do not harm the child.

When taking paracetamol, women ask if the drug can harm the development of pregnancy. Only large doses of the drug are harmful. Compliance with the dosage will not bring harm.

The waiting period for the birth of a child is very disturbing and exciting for the expectant mother. During pregnancy, women try to carefully monitor their condition and, with any deviation from the norm, begin to sound the alarm. A change in body temperature often becomes a cause for concern, which is not justified in all cases.

What is the temperature during pregnancy

One of the main characteristics that are an indicator of the state of the whole organism is body temperature. The range of fluctuations of this indicator, defined as "the norm for a healthy person" is from 35.5 to 37 degrees. Thermoregulation (maintaining temperature values ​​within the normal range) is carried out autonomously with the participation of hormones produced by the thyroid gland or sex glands (less often). From a medical point of view, the temperature in a pregnant woman should not differ from the typical indicators recorded in the normal state.

In practice, there is often an increase in temperature during pregnancy, which doctors consider as natural. The conditionality of changes in thermoregulation is associated with the processes occurring in the body during the fertilization of the egg. Throughout the gestational period, temperature fluctuations can be observed under the influence of a number of factors. In some cases, the change in indicators is not critical, in others it indicates some kind of violation, so it is important to constantly monitor the dynamics.

The reason for concern during the bearing of a child is the excess of the limits of the temperature range in one direction or another by 0.5 degrees. If the results of axillary measurements (the measuring device is located in the armpit) record a temperature of 37.5 degrees and above or 35 degrees and below, you should immediately consult a doctor. A change in thermoregulation can occur rapidly, so expecting an independent normalization of the state is very dangerous for the health of both the expectant mother and the child.

In the early stages

When pregnancy occurs in a woman's body, cardinal transformations begin to occur. The primary changes relate to the hormonal background - the production of antiandrogenic (restraining the production of male sex hormones) progesterone increases significantly. This hormone has a stimulating effect on the thermoregulatory center, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature by 0.5–0.8 degrees. Progesterone normal temperature during early pregnancy (in the 1st trimester) ranges from 36.6 to 37.4 degrees.

From the second trimester, starting from the twelfth week of pregnancy, progesterone activity gradually decreases, and thermoregulation indicators drop to typical values. It is not recommended to independently determine the causes of changes in the temperature balance, even if the state of health remains normal. The conclusion about the presence or absence of deviations from the norm should be made only by the doctor observing the pregnant woman.

At a later date

The last trimester of pregnancy is the preparatory stage for the birth of a child. The body of the future mother has already completely rebuilt and adapted to its current state. During this period, sharp fluctuations in biomarkers (indicators of the state of all systems) occur rarely, but their appearance is more dangerous and more likely to be a signal of violations. The temperature during pregnancy in the later stages (from the twentieth week) should be within the standard values ​​\u200b\u200bfor a healthy person (not higher than 37.5 degrees).

During the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman is exposed to external and internal factors, therefore, short-term changes in temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bare not excluded. An increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators (up to 38 degrees) or a decrease below 36 degrees does not act as a sign of serious deviations, if this condition is rapidly passing and is not accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being. A significant increase in temperature values ​​is often observed immediately before the onset of labor.

Fever during pregnancy

The responsibility for maintaining body temperature within the range of values ​​necessary to ensure the normal course of all physiological processes lies with the center of thermoregulation. The main link of the thermoregulatory system is the hypothalamus (area of ​​the diencephalon). Regulation consists in the transmission of nerve impulses to sensitive receptors located in the endocrine glands. Depending on the specific conditions, mechanisms are activated that are aimed at strengthening or weakening heat production (heat production by the body).

Hyperthermia (fever) is caused by specific substances pyrogens in response to adverse endogenous or exogenous factors. This process is called the "defensive reaction of the organism" and provides protection of the internal environment from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. During pregnancy, hyperthermia poses a danger to the fetus, especially in the early stages of its development (up to 12 weeks).

Not in all cases, elevated temperature values ​​act as an adverse factor influencing the developing embryo. An increase in temperature during early pregnancy can occur due to natural causes, which include:

  • increased production of progesterone;
  • physiological immunosuppression (immune suppression), necessary for the normal attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

If hyperthermia persists for more than 3 days, it can lead to dangerous complications that jeopardize the development of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman. Dangerous signs indicating pathological processes occurring in the body, which are irritants of the thermoregulation center, are:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • chills, fever;
  • sore throat;
  • general weakness, body aches;
  • dyspepsia (violation of gastric activity, pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting);
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • severe headaches.


A physiological reaction in the form of an increase in heat production occurs in response to the action of irritating factors, which can be both an increase in the production of progesterone, and inflammatory or infectious diseases. At all stages of pregnancy, it is important to timely identify the development of pathogenic processes in order to exclude their effect on the body of the expectant mother and her baby. An increase in temperature indicators, not associated with physiological processes, can occur due to such pathologies:

  • acute respiratory diseases and viral infections (ARI and SARS);
  • flu;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (laryngitis, bronchitis);
  • food poisoning (intoxication, toxicosis);
  • intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic organs or kidneys (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • dysfunction of the thyroid or other endocrine glands;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature (for example, toxoplasma infection);
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • atypical allergies;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Most of these diseases are accompanied by characteristic symptoms, the presence of which confirms the presence of pathologies, but some diseases in the early stages are asymptomatic. The herpes virus, cytomegalovirus and Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis) pose a serious danger to the fetus, but they may not give out their presence in the body for a long time. In the absence of specific manifestations of these diseases, the only sign indicating the ongoing pathogenic process is hyperthermia.

The borderline state between the norm and pathology, in which there is an increase in temperature indicators, is thermoneurosis. This term is used to refer to the phenomenon when the temperature values ​​throughout pregnancy are in the range of 37.2–37.4 degrees, while the woman's health is stable. The reason for the development of thermoneurosis can be constant physical or cognitive (mental) overstrain, prolonged stress, exhaustion of the nervous system.

If in the early stages an increase in the level of thermoregulation to 37–37.5 degrees is considered a normal phenomenon associated with the natural process of immunosuppression and an increase in progesterone production, then, starting from the second trimester, this condition is regarded as a sign of deviations. A temperature of 38 during pregnancy at any time requires careful diagnosis and identification of the cause of the increase, due to the fact that the processes that provoked hyperthermia are fraught with dangerous complications.

What is dangerous

Excessive accumulation of heat in the body of a pregnant woman is accompanied by metabolic disorders. The loss of fluid and mineral salts is dangerous for the expectant mother due to the fact that such a process leads to a deterioration in blood circulation and a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the brain. The result of an elevated temperature biomarker is convulsions and fainting. Convulsive contraction of the muscles of the uterus in the early stages (up to 4 weeks) is dangerous by spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), in the later stages - by premature birth.

Violation of protein metabolism that occurs during hyperthermia during pregnancy is fraught with the risk of increased thrombosis. Blockage of erythrocyte clots (glued together due to impaired synthesis of amino acids) of the vessels of the placenta prevents the flow of necessary substances to the fetus. The consequences of this condition, which occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy, may be:

  • the formation of malformations (mental retardation, heart defects, craniocerebral hernia);
  • defects of the central nervous system;
  • deformation of the structure of the skull, facial bones (for example, the formation of congenital "cleft lip" and "cleft palate");
  • violations of the formation of brain structures;
  • underdevelopment of the limbs, organs of vision (microphthalmia).

After the 14th week, the embryonic organ (placenta) is already fully formed and provides protection for the fetus from factors that cause hyperthermia. The protective abilities of the placenta consist in smoothing out the negative impact of pathogenic elements, and not in complete isolation from them. An increase in temperature in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy is less likely to lead to impaired fetal development, but does not exclude the risk of infection of the baby and the development of hypoxia.

In the later stages of the gestation period (from the 30th week), even a minimal upward deviation in temperature values ​​​​from the norm threatens the expectant mother with complications from the heart, blood vessels, and central nervous system. High temperature during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can lead to a dangerous condition for a woman - premature separation of the placenta. In some cases, increased activity of the thermoregulatory center in the later stages (a few days before birth) is a normal physiological process, but this is a rare occurrence.

How to bring down the temperature

Ways to reduce the activity of the thermoregulation center during pregnancy differ at different times, and the choice of treatment tactics depends on the causes provoking hyperthermia. Regardless of the degree of excess of normal values ​​​​and the presence of catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose, etc.), if such a condition is observed for the first time since conception, you should consult a doctor to eliminate possible risks.

Self-medication in the first trimester, especially with the use of medications, is unacceptable. Most of the active ingredients of drugs are able to penetrate the placental barrier and have a teratogenic (violating embryonic development) effect on the fetus, so the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is very limited.

In the early stages, it is recommended to reduce the temperature by non-drug methods. Traditional medicine offers several treatments for hyperthermia for expectant mothers. The main recommendations are to drink plenty of fluids in the form of herbal or berry teas (drink decoctions should be hot or warm to stimulate sweat production). The components of medicinal drinks allowed during preparation for motherhood are chamomile, raspberries, lingonberries, viburnum, linden, lemon.

To speed up the process of heat transfer, which is carried out through the skin, you can resort to wiping or compresses (the fabric is wetted in a solution of 1.5% vinegar, lemon juice or cool water). Temperature pills for pregnant women can only be used as directed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • in the absence of the effect of the measures taken;
  • temperature increase above 38 degrees;
  • alternation of periods of sharp increase and decrease in temperature indicators;
  • the appearance of pain in any part of the body;
  • violation of urination;
  • accession of concomitant symptoms (weakness, chills, nausea, vomiting, catarrhal phenomena).

Acceptable drugs for symptomatic therapy are Paracetamol tablets and rectal suppositories Paracet and Viburkol. These drugs have a mild antipyretic effect, are well tolerated by pregnant women and have minimal side effects. Other paracetamol-based drugs approved for use during gestation are Efferalgan and Panadol, tablets indicated for hyperthermia caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Starting from the 14th week of pregnancy, the list of acceptable drugs is expanding somewhat, since all the main organs and systems of the baby have already been formed and the risk of negative effects is lower. During this period, it is important to prevent infection of the child, therefore, along with symptomatic treatment, etiotropic treatment is carried out (elimination of the cause of symptoms). For this purpose, antiviral antipyretic suppositories Viferon can be prescribed.

Low temperature during pregnancy

The discrepancy between temperature indicators and normal values ​​can be both a sign of pathologies and be an individual characteristic of the body. Often, features in the form of a low temperature are detected only during the bearing of a child, which causes anxiety in a pregnant woman. In the absence of signs of deterioration in well-being, the risk of a threat to the fetus is minimal, but not excluded, therefore, if this condition is observed for the first time, it is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the potential danger.

The temperature is considered low if the measurement results differ from those typical for a particular person by 0.5–0.8 degrees or more. The presence of pathology may be indicated by persistent hypothermia (a drop in the thermometer below 35.5 degrees), accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • puffiness;
  • pale skin;
  • cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin);
  • changes in blood pressure (with a predominance of low);
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • lethargy.

With an increase in the intensity of symptoms against a background of low temperature, immediate medical attention is required. In the absence of timely measures, hypothermia can lead to such complications:

  • cardiac pathologies (failure, asystole, arrhythmias);
  • circulatory disorders;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • decrease in brain activity.

In the late stages of the gestation period, a long-term low temperature due to pathogenic factors poses a serious threat to the fetus and the health of a pregnant woman. The most negative consequences of hypothermia at the prenatal stage are premature onset of labor, stillbirth and fetal fading.


The development of hypothermia is often associated with environmental influences, but intercurrent diseases (accidentally joined) can also provoke a decrease in temperature values. The main reasons for reducing the body's ability to replenish heat loss or produce the required amount of heat during pregnancy include:

  • blood diseases (more often one of the types of hematological syndrome is iron deficiency anemia);
  • fluctuations in blood sugar (this parameter may change due to physical exertion, stress, overwork);
  • low progesterone levels (a decrease in production is often associated with hormonal changes against the background of thyroid diseases or other endocrine pathologies);
  • toxicosis;
  • immunodeficiency state (developing as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors or taking certain medications);
  • malnutrition (confirmation of this reason is the normalization of indicators after eating).

How to treat

Hypothermia does not require specific treatment in all cases. To confirm the non-pathological process, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination. If, according to the results of studies, there are no violations of the functioning of organs and systems, the recommendations of doctors are as follows:

  • ensuring regular and balanced nutrition;
  • compliance with the sleep regimen;
  • refrain from excessive physical activity;
  • control of the emotional background;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.

If involvement in the decrease in temperature indicators of diseases or disorders in the functioning of organs is revealed, the doctor develops a tactic to eliminate the cause of hypothermia. The choice of treatment methods depends on many factors, including the potential threat to the fetus. In some cases, therapeutic measures are delayed until the postpartum period. It is very dangerous to take any measures during pregnancy to raise the temperature on your own, even those that normally helped.
