The procedure for calculating monetary allowances for military personnel. Squad leader salary. Payment and retention procedure

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The army is the backbone of the state. Russian military personnel are famous for their strength and courage, and their weapons inspire fear in their opponents. Financing the military takes up a significant portion of the budget, but how much goes to pay the defenders?

In the Russian Federation, there are many educational institutions that produce professional military men who are ready to defend their country. A complete list of all educational institutions can be found on the website of the Ministry of Defense There is a complete list of buildings and schools, as well as higher educational institutions.

The salary is made up of salary and additional payments and bonuses. On the website of the Ministry of Defense, a summary table of salaries is presented. The path is highlighted in red:

How to check the salary of a soldier

To this amount, surcharges are added, some of them are equal to 100%.

  • From here it turns out the minimum wage for an ordinary soldier is 17,000 rubles.
  • Sergeant and ensign in 2018 receive about 30,000 rubles.
  • Lieutenant payable order 60,000 rubles.
  • Captain accrue 65,000 rubles.
  • lieutenant colonel And colonel paid every month 80,000 and 95,000 national currency.
  • Salary higher ranks is about 100,000 rubles. For Russian citizens, the income is considered above average, and when compared with budgetary organizations, the military is the best in terms of money.

Remuneration for those serving under a contract is determined by two documents: Law No. 306-FZ and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2011 No. 992.

The base salary consists of position and rank. The table shows a summary sheet of the average salary, depending on the length of service and rank.

Calculation of the salary of a soldier

The bonus is also paid in December.

military pensions

All citizens involved in military service can receive three types of pensions according to the charter of the Ministry of Defense:

  1. By length of service;
  2. On the loss of a breadwinner;
  3. By disability.

It is important to know! These pensions remain with the person even after dismissal. After officially retiring after 20 years of service, people often work as civilians and can earn a second, civil pension.

Over the past five years, the military pension has grown by 24%, now it is higher than any pensioner who honestly worked in a civilian position.

  • The service pension is calculated as 50% of the salary received for the years of service and 3% of each year over 20 years, but not more than 85%.
  • Even if a person has not served another 20 years, but has reached the retirement milestone of 60 or 55 years, then he is entitled to a pension allowance, which is calculated depending on the length of service and merit.

Also, some military personnel are entitled to receive two pensions. Which of them can take advantage of this opportunity and how to apply for a second pension for military personnel, we tell in.

The main factors affecting the pension increase:

  • awards,
  • Participation in military operations
  • Promotion,
  • Rank.

If you serve up to an experience of 32 years, you will get the maximum possible allowance.

The average pension of a citizen who has served the country is from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. This figure may vary depending on the conditions of service, state awards, etc.

Many people know that there is an arms race between the developed countries of the world, and our country allocates a lot of budget money specifically for the development of the military industry, and occupies a leading position. But how much personal payments to Russian soldiers differ from similar payments in leading countries can be seen in the screenshot.

  • If we translate everything into the Russian ruble, it turns out that on average American in the service receives 193 500 rubles per month.
  • German military saves in a month 188 300 rubles.
  • In Britain, citizens serve for 167,500 rubles. Canadians are less and less rosy, but also worthy pay of 93,000 rubles. But although the monetary allowance in other countries is higher, our soldiers show themselves in battle from the best side.

There is not a single state that does not worry about its defensive power.

In particular, the Russian Federation, like many other countries, throughout its existence, has been developing and honing a system of payment for military personnel, thereby stimulating them to serve for the good of their homeland and conscientiously fulfill their duty.

What are these payments

Today, for all, without exception, the military, serving under a contract, on conscription, etc. have the right to claim monetary remuneration for the work performed. Such a reward is called monetary allowance.

For those liable for military service, these funds are the main means of material security for their lives. This allowance is an excellent stimulus for each of the military under the contract to conscientiously fulfill their duties in preparing and retraining for the armed defense of their country.

The provision of military personnel is a guarantee of the state to those serving in the monetary equivalent. The allowance that is supposed to be paid to a soldier consists of several parts, its main part is salary. This sum is unchanged, due to every military man, depending on the position.

The monetary allowance of a soldier, as a rule, includes a salary for a month, which is equal to the assigned military rank. Also, this amount includes the salary for the month according to the occupied military position, as well as the amount of the maintenance of the serviceman for the month, additional payments of a monthly nature.

An annual recalculation is carried out taking into account the inflation index, and the salary is separated by position, by rank and by additional payments.

Legislative regulation

Regulation of the issue of calculating monetary allowance for military personnel occurs in accordance with Federal Law 306 "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them". According to this document, both the allowance itself and separate payments for it are established, taking into account the established military ranks and positions.

Also, the issue is regulated on the basis of Orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"On Approval of the Procedure for Ensuring the Allowance of Military Personnel", "On the Establishment of the Monetary Salaries of Military Personnel Serving Under a Contract", "On Increasing the Monetary Allowance of Military Personnel and Employees of Certain Federal Executive Bodies".

Components of payment

Cash allowance consists of these parts:

  1. Salary by rank.
  2. I'll pay by position.
  3. I'll pay extra and allowances.

Latest distributed to these:

  1. For years of service. It can vary from 10 to 40%. In particular:
    • when serving from 2 to 5 years, a soldier has the right to receive a 10% bonus;
    • service from 5 to 10 years entitles you to a 15% bonus;
    • service from 10 to 15 years, gives the right to receive a 20% bonus;
    • service for a period of 15 to 20 years, entitles you to receive a 25% bonus;
    • service from 20 to 25 years, gives the right to receive a 30% bonus;
    • service for more than 30 years entitles you to a 40% bonus.
  2. For classification by class:
    • for the 3rd class, an allowance of 5% of the salary for the position is assigned;
    • for the 2nd class, 10% of the official salary is assigned;
    • for the 1st class, a 20% allowance is assigned from the size of the salary for the position.
  3. For work with information that is a state secret. The rate of such a surcharge is 65%.
  4. for the specifics of the work. Such an allowance can reach 100% of the size of the salary for the position. The assignment of this allowance can only be under the strict control of the state.
  5. For special merit.
  6. For the implementation of tasks in peacetime that put their own health and the life of a soldier at risk.

In addition, one-time each military man can apply for financial assistance, which is equal to his monthly salary by position and rank, as well as bonuses for conscientiousness and efficiency in the performance of duties.

Additional payments can be made in the form of a one-time remuneration at the end of the year, in the form of vacation pay, lifting and daily allowances, as an interest-free loan and as travel allowances. All these payments are spelled out in the Government Decree “On Separate Payments for Military Personnel and Their Families”.

Soldiers may apply for a bonus for the conscientious and efficient performance of official duties, the amount of which does not exceed three times the salary per year.

Features of calculation for different categories of military personnel

By contract

Allowance for those who serve under the contract, the same provision and incentives to fulfill the duties of military service.

On call (conscripts)

The conscription service is also distinguished by the fact that the serviceman is indexed in allowance depending on the inflation index, for working with information, for class and knowledge of a foreign language, as well as for serving in remote areas or places with a difficult climate. In addition, quarterly bonuses and allowances of a different nature can be established.

Calculation of the monetary allowance of conscripts, as they are commonly called, includes such payments How:

  1. Salary.
  2. Allowances. They include payments for:
    1. qualification;
    2. conditions for military training and retraining;
    3. solving dangerous problems;
    4. activities related to state secrets.

At the same time, after completing the service, each of the military personnel has the right to receive a monetary allowance in the double amount, as well as indexed material assistance.

National Guard

The monetary allowance of a soldier of the National Guard is calculated based on fixed salary. Since the salary is the main component. Plus, a sum is added to it for a military and special rank, for length of service and the complexity of serving. An allowance for classiness, for work in secrecy, and so on, can also be added to the sum of the calculation.

For non-standard military ranks and positions, salaries may be set by the heads of federal executive bodies, where this is provided for by law.

Payment and retention procedure

To date, there is a procedure according to which the payment of monetary allowance is carried out, namely, the payment occurs monthly, with the exception of December. As a rule, the amount of the payment is due to be received by the middle of the next month for the previous one.

According to the general rule, monetary allowance is paid at the place of regular service. Payment must be made upon the provision of a certificate, it is affixed to the relevant document - distribution sheet.

Holds from monetary allowances come on the basis of the established order. In particular, deductions are subject to income tax in the amount of 13% of the amount of allowance.

Besides, may be charged such deductions for:

  • for treatment;
  • for education;
  • for the purchase of housing;
  • payments for children;
  • deductions under the writ of execution;
  • other deductions.

Military personnel can apply for an increase in allowance in connection with the indexation - annually. Indexation makes it possible to equalize the salaries of the military in accordance with the increase in the price level, raising the income of a serviceman to the level of market prices.

For cash payments to military personnel, see the following video:

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, contract servicemen are being actively recruited today. They are able to successfully replace conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract servicemen as possible, it is planned to raise salaries for servicemen this year and next.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of performing proper maintenance.

Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part is spent on the development of the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • seniority;
  • personal merit;
  • time of service;
  • rank.

The military receives a salary depending on the length of service. Persons serving beyond the polar pole receive bonuses.

12 months of service count as 24 months of service.

Personal merits are understood as accomplished feats. It also matters where the soldier served. People who serve in hot spots are paid more.

Pros and cons of contract service. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are other allowances as well. They link to:

  • knowledge of several languages;
  • the presence of VO;
  • excellent physical preparation.

The extent to which a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation is also taken into account.


The amount of monthly allowances from salary in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualification - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • completion of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Shooter salary

A shooter is a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the plate.

Squad leader salary

The squad leader is understood as a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of the squad leader, who is a sergeant of the 2nd class and has a length of service from 5 to 10 years, looks like this:

Salary of the deputy platoon commander

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant of the 1st class with a length of service of 10 to 15 years. The table shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The table shows how much he earns.

How much a foreman, master with a length of service of 20-25 years earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires a higher education. With allowances, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military officers with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Combat - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Division commander - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. housing - 31.0 thousand rubles.

Recently, military service under the contract has been actively promoted. The prestige of this profession has grown markedly. Salaries have grown, conditions have improved, there are more guarantees from the state and fewer salary delays. I.Q. Review I tried to figure out whether professional military men live so sweetly in modern Russia, what salaries they actually have, and whether young people today want to serve their country for that kind of money.

Service in the army for money - is it possible to combine the unpleasant with the useful?

Soldier with a Kalashnikov

How to get into contract service

Conscription military service has its supporters and opponents. Conscription service is full of hardships, restricts a person's freedom, takes a year of life, is not voluntary and applies only to men. There is little pleasant here, especially for those who do not aspire to the army. Today we will drop this question.

In light of the existence of a contract service, doing the same thing for free for a year is somehow insulting. Well, that is not completely free. That's how much they pay in the army on conscription per month? The officially declared allowance in Russia is 2,000 rubles for all conscripts (there are small regional allowances in special zones). Those young people who are thinking of becoming contract soldiers in the future often ask the question, is it possible not to serve on conscription, but immediately go to service under a contract?

Viktor Goremykin, head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Russian military department, Colonel General:

“After 27 years, we will only be happy to recruit those who have not completed military service by conscription. But if an 18-year-old young man comes to us and immediately asks for a contract service, we will offer him to start serving a year on conscription.”

And then who can conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense and receive money Who is this advertisement for?

Requirements for those wishing to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“It is possible to conclude a contract for military service only: after receiving a diploma of higher education, after completing military service, being in the reserve, subject to other requirements of Article 33 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 53 “On military duty and military service”.

At the same time, the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service" in the latest edition says:

“The first contract for military service is concluded with a military conscript or other citizen entering military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman - for two years or for three year at the choice of the citizen.

Based on the text of the law, you can go on call, and then immediately conclude a contract. Apparently, on conscription, they will force them to serve for a full year, the wording of the law is vague, it is better to check with the local military registration and enlistment office.

In general, everything is clear with the target audience. Now we need to clarify the current level of military salaries for 2015. But first, for a couple of minutes, let's delve into the history of the formation of a contract service in Russia in order to understand where the legs of the numbers grow from.

How to raise the salary of contract servicemen

It's time to protect the boots, the boots won't protect themselves!

Talk about high salaries for the Russian military began in 2008, before the crisis, just at the peak of economic growth. The screenshot shows the figures from the 2008 article - how much the officers actually received, and how it was planned to increase the allowance after the reform (this is still under Serdyukov).

Salaries of senior officers under Serdyukov before the reform

Alexander, reserve lieutenant:

“When I studied at the military department in 2008, after graduation, everyone who wished was offered to sign up for service under a contract with a salary of 50 thousand (for a lieutenant with a higher education) from next year. Nobody went there. For us, students of a civil university, 50 thousand then seemed like a very small salary for such conditions - to live in some shabby hostel in a military town, wake up at 5.30, eat almost and not be able to quit at any moment. At that time, a sales assistant could earn so much in Moscow.

As I remember, just the next year they cut the budget, and the military waited for their “big” salaries right up to 2013. But today, these 50-70 thousand that they were given is still a little more than a thousand dollars, and even if we assume that the military does not go abroad and spend everything in rubles, then inflation over the years has already been 80%. From the experience of communicating with the military, which I have, I can say that they think quite straightforwardly and still think that their salaries have increased many times, although this is only a nominal increase.

The only positive in the military profession is a free apartment. But from communication with officers at the department, every student knew that these apartments were not given for decades, and to whom they were given - for decent kickbacks and in some hole. In principle, apartments in Moscow were not given to anyone with the rank of lieutenant colonel and below, and 90% of officers never rise above this rank by the time they are transferred to the reserve. Therefore, I did not particularly believe in receiving an apartment from the state. Well, they will send you to some urban settlement in the Murmansk region and, at best, in 20 years they will give you a one-room apartment, which has a red price of a million, you will cuckle there and drink yourself into a military pension of 25 thousand rubles. I have my arms and legs in place, I will earn the equivalent of this million in 2 years without eating slop and getting up every day until dawn.

Contract service - salary, benefits, allowances, apartment and pension

Money in my chest pocket

Let's move on to the most interesting - how much they pay in the army under the contract. It is clear that wages are different for a soldier and an officer. There are also quite a few allowances and coefficients on which the salary of a contractor will depend.

Monetary allowance and the system of allowances - how is the military salary calculated

The monetary allowance of military personnel in 2015 is determined by the Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306-ФЗ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”. It consists of monthly salary and additional cash payments. The salary depends on the military rank and the position held.

In more detail it looks like this:

  • monthly bonus for length of service - from 10% to 40% of the amount of salary;
  • monthly allowance for excellent qualification- from 5% to 30% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly bonus for secrecy - up to 65% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly allowance for special conditions of military service
  • monthly allowance for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, as well as for participation in exercises, ship cruises, working out the tasks of combat and combat training in the field outside the points of permanent deployment of a military unit - up to 100% of the salary for a military position;
  • monthly allowance for special achievements in service- up to 100% of the salary for a military position;
  • premium for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties- up to three monthly salaries per year;
  • annual material aid- at least one monthly salary;
  • monthly allowance for the qualification level of physical fitness military personnel;
  • monthly allowance for knowledge of foreign languages;
  • lifting when moving to a new location- in the amount of one monthly salary for a serviceman and 25% for each family member;
  • payment of compensation for renting housing in accordance with the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for Moscow and the Moscow Region - 15,000 rubles);
  • lump sum upon retirement from military service: with a total length of service of less than 20 years - 2 salary salaries, more than - 7 salary salaries.

Social package and a “free” apartment when leaving the reserve

In addition to allowances, the military has other "buns" to the salary.

Obtaining housing for military personnel regulates the Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 2004 "On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel". You will find all the details in the text of the law. In short, an apartment can be obtained in two ways.

  • After 20 years of service or upon dismissal after 10 years of service due to age or health, you can use the accumulated funds in the accumulative mortgage system. This is enough for an apartment in any city except Moscow (the money is not given in kind, but through the issuance of state housing certificates).
  • Through the military mortgage system. In 2015, the funded contribution is 245,880 rubles per year and is indexed annually.

In the first case, you save up virtual money, and then buy an apartment. In the second case, you take an apartment on a mortgage, and the state pays it - in a certain amount (about 20 thousand rubles a month today).

Important: when obtaining a mortgage loan, all related costs - for real estate valuation, life and health insurance of the borrower, insurance of the collateral - are borne by the NIS participant.

In addition to the apartment, there are other types of assistancemilitary personnel :

  • higher or secondary vocational education;
  • free treatment in hospitals and polyclinics of the Ministry of Defense for a serviceman and members of his family;
  • nutrition;
  • outfit;
  • free travel to a new duty station, on a business trip, to a place of vacation and back once a year (for military personnel serving under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas). Also, one family member and a container (20 tons) with personal belongings travel free of charge;
  • preferential pension from the age of 45, subject to 20 years of service;
  • payment of compensation to relatives for death in service - 3 million rubles. For disability - 2 million.

Interestingly, the military pension is calculated on the basis of salaries for the position, rank and bonuses for length of service. That is, it is charged only from half of the real salary.


Salary of soldiers and sergeants

From the complex system of allowances and bonuses, one can understand that you cannot find out the salary of a contractor without knowing his base salary. These are the salaries according to the pay scale for privates, sergeants and foremen (former warrant officers) in positions up to platoon commander. These are positions for people without higher education. On this infographic, the “salary to accrual” column shows numbers with bonuses.


To verify the information, we selectively interviewed the military.

Nikita, instructor of the recruiting station for military service under the contract:

“Money allowance consists of a salary according to a military rank, a military position held and other allowances established by Order of the RF Ministry of Defense dated 2011 No. 2700, APPROXIMATELY from 17,000 to 60,000 rubles.”

Sergei, contractor with 10 years of experience:

“I have the fifth tariff category. Secret - 1 form. Zp - 26 thousand rubles in hand. But this is with deductions for housing, union and so on.

Alexey, serves in the North:

“I serve in the Murmansk region, the foreman receives 100-110 thousand rubles with 5 bonuses for the“ polarity ”plus an apartment anywhere in many, many years. Without the “polarity”, the foreman receives 60 thousand, his duties include receiving allowances and driving to meals in the canteen. Lieutenant, deputy platoon commander - 120 thousand a month, there is nothing to spend them on. I get 25,000 in a forensic examination as a medical registrar, working 6 hours, before that I received 25-30 thousand in a call center.

And here is a graph that clearly shows the growth of salaries and the timing of the payment of military mortgages. The figures are given from the table above, already with surcharges.


Attention! Don't let these beautiful figures fool you: the base salary of a private in the first two years of contract service is only 15,000 rubles before paying 13% of personal income tax.

How much does an officer in the Russian army receive

Service under a contract with higher education implies an officer rank and an officer position. Officers get pretty decent, especially with the "northern" allowances. At the same time, without allowances, the salary of a lieutenant in the first year of service is only 30 thousand rubles.

Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial Affairs:

“The average level of monetary allowance for military personnel today is more than 62 thousand rubles. This is 10% higher than the average salary in the oil and gas sector.”

Here table of salaries of officers - from lieutenant to general of the army.

Table of salaries by position and rank for officers

The table of salaries for the rank and position was compiled in 2012, and since then the salaries of officers have not changed significantly. If you need accurate salary data for a certain military rank, taking into account all allowances, you can use the military salary calculator. It allows you to calculate the expected monetary allowance with all allowances in accordance with the position and rank. There are given figures taking into account indexation for 2015.

Interesting facts about the contract army

  1. The budget for 2015 included the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel by 5.5%, but the Ministry of Finance proposed to cancel it, arguing that there would be nothing to pay.
  2. Since 2008, the authorized strength of the Russian army has been 1 million people.
  3. Today there are about 250,000 contract servicemen in the army.
  4. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans by 2022 to staff the army with contract military personnel by more than 50%.


In general, we can say that the wages of military personnel today are quite high. The difference with ordinary hard workers in civilian life is especially strong due to the fact that it is very difficult to work independently in Russia. In fact, many positions are utterly lafa, and salaries for small towns where there is no work are simply fabulous. Whether it is worth going to the service under the contract, everyone decides for himself. The work, of course, is monetary, but tedious and dangerous, taking into account the political situation and professional risks. Do not forget that the risk to life is initially “included in the price”.