Congratulations on Mother's Day in verse and prose are beautiful, sincere, from the bottom of the heart: to mother from daughter, from son, mother-in-law, girlfriend, colleague. Beautiful SMS congratulations on Mother's Day in prose Congratulate a friend on Mother's Day in prose

They say love rules the world. We love, we are loved ... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequitedly. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We feel maternal love even before we are born. We grow up, we leave home. But even at the end of the earth, we remember that somewhere far away warm mother's hands and gentle eyes are waiting for us. My dear! Thank you for your unselfish love. For your participation and experiences, for concern and care. Let a bright star light up over the house every evening! And every morning the warm rays of the sun penetrate your window! Live long, long, be healthy and happy!

Mom is a holy word, it means the most dear person to us! But on Mother's Day, are we going to congratulate one mother? Of course not! After all, our grandmother is also a mother, and already with double experience. And there are also sisters, and aunts, and friends, in general, all those women who have already experienced this true happiness - motherhood. A mother is capable of doing things for the sake of her children, which, it is believed, a person is not capable of in principle. Her holy love serves as our guide and guardian throughout our lives. So let's congratulate all, all mothers in the world on this day, created in order to give words of love! After all, mom deserves words of gratitude for all her daily chores and worries. And the best reward for her is the success of the children. The highest calling of a woman is to be a mother. And may it always be so, may motherhood be the most important thing and the most important happiness for each of the women!

Sincere congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Mommy, Happy Mother's Day! This holiday is full of warmth, because all the children of the world congratulate the dearest people in the world - their mothers! No wonder they say that mom is a conductor between God and people, because it is thanks to her that everyone is born. I want to wish you great happiness, good health, never get sick and never grow old! Know that I will always come to your aid and help you cope with any situation! The main thing is to smile more often, because your smile is the best stimulus, it gives everyone around a good mood!

My tender, sweet mother! Happy Mother's Day! I bow before your daily work for me, every minute care and excitement. Every time I part with you, I leave you in my heart. And I know for sure, as long as you're around, I'll be fine.

Good congratulations to mom on Mother's Day in your own words

Mom is needed every day. Mom is tenderness and support, forgiving and unconditional love. This day is dedicated to you and my heart is always with you. May your heart never hurt! May your eyes never cry! May your tenderness never run out! May every day bring you joy!

A long wish for your beloved mother in prose for Mother's Day

Mom, you know, I'm a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I always had you - gentle, affectionate, loving, the best mother in the world! You cooed over my cradle, didn’t sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You led me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, reliving school years with me again. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm motherly heart! Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know that I love you very much!

Kind congratulations to mom on Mother's Day in your own words

Mommy! Please accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. I don't have enough tender words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support you in difficult times and share the joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in business!

Sister Friend

Motherhood is the main piece of the puzzle that adds up to a picture of happiness, but there are other important pieces: love, health, success. So let all these pieces be present in your life so that you can easily put together your happy puzzle. Happy Mother's Day!

On the holiday of all mothers, I wish, my dear mother, that old age, fatigue and illness never find their way to you, that your life is filled with happy moments, joyful emotions, pleasant impressions and a huge number of wonderful events.

Dear Mom! You are my earthly compass, my angel, my joy. You gave me life, taught me to be happy. I wish you many years of sweet life. Let fate be generous to you and give you pleasant moments.

Beloved mother, may your holiday - mother's day be every day, may your eyes laugh every moment, your heart rejoice, your body be filled with health and vigor, your beauty does not fade, may your every moment be happy.

May every day that you dedicated to your children return to you as a year of happiness, may every anxious minute turn into a day of joy, may all prayers for children be heard by the Lord. Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day, dear! On your day I wish you more tenderness, warmth, sincerity. May your every moment be warmed by love and joy. Enjoy a happy life, smile every day!

Happy Mother's Day, the most caring, gentle and beautiful mother in the world. Being a mother is both a reward and hard work, and you are an example of selflessness and sensitivity. Health, fulfillment of desires and female happiness!

Let your eyes be filled with love so that there is no room left in them for tears. And let the children return to you, with huge percentages, all the warmth that you gave them. May your feminine happiness always be with you.

Dear Mom! May your days consist of exceptionally beautiful moments that bring sparkling joy, light enthusiasm and real warmth. Let nothing upset, and everything turns out wonderfully!

What happiness, mommy, when you are near. Your hands smell of care, your eyes glow with tenderness, your smile warms and gives strength, so be it forever! On Mother's Day, I wish you, dear, happy, joyful longevity surrounded by loving people.

I congratulate you on a holiday that applies to all people on our planet - Happy Mother's Day. I wish that both the one who gave life to you, and those to whom you gave life, be healthy and happy!

Many sincerely warm and wonderfully beautiful lines are dedicated to mothers. Perhaps my message is not as poetic and lengthy as others. But you, Mommy, are dearer to me, more valuable, more beloved than everyone! Happy Mom's Day!

Let your children grow with dignity and become pride for you, let them glorify their family and native land! May they be your faithful and kind support, and may your grandchildren become your joy, a source of new inspiration and vitality.

Congratulations! I wish that your children are constantly in touch with you and your phone does not stop ringing from their calls! Let the holidays gather you at the same table and let your dear hearts sing in the same rhythm a cheerful and joyful melody of happiness.

Your maternal heart keeps great love and kindness, your hands exude warmth and tenderness, and your soul is overflowing with energy and readiness to help and protect your children always and everywhere. Congratulations and I wish you 100% return, as much happiness and health!

Alina Ogonyok

Mother's Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday in November. November 25, 2018 - Day when all mothers of Russia accept congratulations. Mother's Day in Russia occupies a special, honorable place. By this holiday, no one can remain indifferent, congratulating with words of gratitude all the women who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 2018 will be celebrated by all women who have ever given birth to a baby. On this day, pregnant women are also congratulated, because they are already a little mother. And also grandmothers - mothers with experience ... Mom is beautiful, even at home, even in pink slippers and a scarf on her head. Mom holds her hand tightly, mom has the warmest and most tender hands in the world. Mom's heart always beats for the child and, if necessary, she will rip it out and give it away without hesitation. Mom forgives everything and always constantly. Mom doesn't care if you're rich or poor, her love doesn't get smaller. Mom will be the first to come in any trouble. Why? Maybe a saint? No. She's just Mom! Remember your mothers!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in prose to all mothers

Happy Mother's Day! With all my heart and sincere heart we wish all mothers, future and present, good health, happy eyes, good nights, gentle smiles and many, many wonderful and unforgettable moments! Thank you for life, for support, for love and a warm soul!

Mother's Day is an important holiday not only for every woman, but for all people who appreciate and love their mothers. Therefore, congratulations on Mother's Day to all mothers will help express gratitude for the love, care and support. Therefore, on this day we want to wish every mother family happiness, love and understanding from her children.

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot of things change in a woman's life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only bathing in love and joy, but also daily work. Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

Those who have amazing hearing can see through and make it clear that they are unhappy with one glance, and they are always there when it’s bad and always know what needs to be said or done. Who are they, supermen? No, they're just our moms. Happy Mother's Day!

Who is the most faithful adviser for us? On whose native shoulder can we cry when it's tight? Who will always forgive and understand us? Who will take us into his house, no matter what happens? This is mom. The love of mother and child is a special kind of love. Let there be discord, but this love is always mutual. Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day, hurry up to congratulate your mothers who always wish you the best and truly love you! Appreciate and take care of them! And even if we are imperfect children, with our own whims and sometimes overly selfish even in relation to our loved ones, but nevertheless, let's think before saying something that could offend our loved one.

Mother's Day is a holiday that does not live on the calendar. In the soul he is, in the heart that beats Thanks to you. Thank you, dear mothers... For allowing me to live. Raised, fed, loved ... And continue to be. To be near if you are needed ... Wait quietly when you are not up to it. Thank you, our loved ones ... Be happy - for us!

Take care of your mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and comfort in the house, warm you with a kind word is one, there will be no other. May all mothers be happy on this day, and children be proud of them.

Today is Mother's Day. On this holiday, all the mothers of the world are congratulated by the most important people for them - their children. I wish you inspiration, happiness, smiles and, of course, patience. Because no matter how old your children are, they will always need your love and support.

The first tooth, the first steps, the first spoken word, the first time in the first grade, the first unhappy love - all this is fresh in your memory, because in these important moments you were always there for your children! Thank you for your motherly love!
Be healthy, mothers! Live happily and long! Happy holiday!

Any person has no one closer and dearer than his mother. This person will never betray for anything, he will always help both with advice and financially, even if you have to give all the very last. We need to love and respect mothers, even if sometimes it seems that they do not pay enough attention to us. Thank you mothers for everything! For a happy childhood, for a beautiful youth. Thank you for being you and always there. Be healthy and happy, folks!

Mom is the first word of every person. Therefore, on this day we want to congratulate every mother on this wonderful holiday. We want to wish all the women of the world who are lucky enough to become mothers, happiness, health and devotion in the family. We wish you to always be proud of your children and never be upset because of small failures.

Your maternal heart keeps great love and kindness, your hands exude warmth and tenderness, and your soul is overflowing with energy and readiness to help and protect your children always and everywhere. Congratulations and I wish you 100% return, as much happiness and health!

Happy Mother's Day! And let happiness bloom with chic flowers on the basis of kindness and prosperity, sparkling with iridescent harmony in the rays of the sun, which every morning gives warmth and radiance of joy!

Mommy, dear, dear, beloved! I want to wish you Happy Mother's Day! You are the best mom in the world! I love you very much, I am proud of you and infinitely grateful for everything you have done for my happy life. I want to wish you that you never get sick, that success be your constant companion, that you do not worry about trifles, and that your kind heart always remains just as sensitive. With mad love and gratitude, your daughter.

Mom, you are the most beautiful and necessary. You are the dearest and infinitely loved. For life and care, for support and patience, I want to thank you very much! I love you very much, I want to see you only happy, smiling and sympathetic. Happy holiday, mom!

Happy Mother's Day: beautiful postcards on the website website

Official congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Congratulations on one of the most tender holidays - Mother's Day! I wish every woman who deserves to be called a proud word - mother, great happiness. So that affectionate eyes shone with kindness and pride in their children. So that joy and lightness accompany and inspire. Be the most loved, necessary and valuable!

We wish all mothers in the world good health, a long and happy life! Let them rejoice every day at the success of their children, adults and children, let them cry only from happiness. Nothing is worth a mother's tear. And the person who offended his parents will not be happy! Let's make Mother's Day a universal holiday full of warmth and sincere wishes! Let's light candles for the memory of already dead mothers. They are always watching us from the sky, they dream of us before important events, they protect and store.

Our mothers are heroes without medals who perform feats for us every day. And to all loving, gentle, strong mothers, I want to wish health, strength, and endless patience. After all, sometimes they are faced with unimaginable situations. Remember, no one will worry about you more than your mother!

Mom will come to the end of the world, mom will always remember, mom brings so much warmth and tenderness that there are not enough words to describe it! Mom is the first person who meets with love in the new world on the first day of life.

Mom gives the world. And this is the highest of gifts, it is possible to pay for it only with love, respect and attention to your mothers!

We wish all mothers endless happiness! Let the children, small and large, bring only joy! Let joy not decrease, and troubles will forget the way to you! Remain yourself, the most beautiful, kind, fair, most loving in the world!

Dear women! Dear mothers! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day! Mom is the most precious and bright thing in the world. She always rejoices at the success of her children, supports them in difficult times, always sincerely worries about every step taken. There is no person closer and dearer!

May your hearts be warmed by the love and care of loved ones! Every day will be filled with joyful and pleasant events! Happiness, health, prosperity, peace of mind and love! Peace and comfort to your home!

Mothers are amazing people with truly psychic abilities. Who else is able to recognize a lie by tone of voice and facial expression? Who conducts interrogations better than any investigator? Who with one glance can make a person shut up or confess everything? Who seems to the child the strongest, caring and closest person in the world? Of course, mom.

And my mom is a really amazing person. She can express her love in many ways and does it masterfully every time. He can scold him for a bad grade, but in the morning he will make the most beautiful hairstyle for school, he can sit by the window for hours, waiting for the unlucky offspring from the disco and silently go into the bedroom, as soon as the child opened the door. All moms are different, but insanely similar! With your love, endless care for us! So let's tell them today, on Mother's Day, how much we love them!

Mom is far away, but always there. Mom is always available by phone. Mom can just cuddle, hug and all the problems seem like a trifle. Mom is the first to open the doors to a new world and goes there by the hand, showing its beauty. Mom laughs merrily, sings beautiful lullabies and it was so sweet to fall asleep under them. Mom rejoices in every success and experiences every fall together. Mom will be the best and most caring grandmother. Mom cooks deliciously, even burnt porridge in her performance is tastier than all the dishes in the restaurant. Mom smiles and her smile is better than any smile of Hollywood stars.

Stronger than maternal love in the world is only the planet Earth itself or gravity. For a mother there is no concept: distance, time, she loves children any and always. Today is Mother's Day, let's congratulate our lovely, charming, beautiful and infinitely kind mothers. May they know happiness, support and tenderness, may they never need and never feel unnecessary. A mother is always needed, no matter how old her child is.

Congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Congratulations on Mother's Day in prose in your own words

My dear, I hug you tightly, I wish you to be the happiest from now on! And cry only from great joy. I will try not to upset you much, because you experience any failures ten times stronger than me, and probably this is motherhood. I'll be fine, don't worry, I remember your advice. I will try to choose the right paths. Be there, guide me, share warmth and advice, you will always be needed!

Congratulations on Mother's Day to all mothers in prose

Being a mother is both a great happiness, and a great responsibility, and hard work. Today I want to congratulate all women on a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! I wish you good health, patience, prosperity, love. May your children be obedient and happy. Let them give you the most sincere and gentle smile.
Dear and dear women, I sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish each of you to be the best and most beloved mother in the world for your child. I wish the children to please you with their achievements and successes. I wish you mutual understanding in relationships and sincere trust, incredible miracles in life and eternal love in your hearts.
Beautiful, sweet, wonderful, dear and the best women, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish with all my heart that the family hearth never fades, that the children are happy and healthy, that there is prosperity, peace, prosperity and comfort in the house.
Everything that is beautiful and bright in me is all thanks to you, mom! You have always inspired and encouraged me with your kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All the words of gratitude will not be enough to explain how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Happy Mother's Day, dear. I love you!
My dear and dear mother! You gave me a life adorned with your tender love, care and affection. It is always easy for me next to you, all problems immediately dissolve. I congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish all your days to be like pearls: beautiful, bright, original and bring only happiness and pleasure.
Today is the most kind and sincere holiday in the world - Mother's Day! We want to congratulate all the women who proudly bear this honorary title. You do not need prizes, awards and medals - you only care about the well-being of your own children ... We wish you never to experience disappointment and take care of yourself. We need you!
Dear Mom, I know for sure that I can come to you for advice at any time, you will listen, and it will immediately become easier. You always understand me, you always support me - you are my best friend. You have always taught and continue to teach me to live and enjoy life. I wish you to be always healthy, not to lose your sense of humor, vitality, youth of the soul. Happy holiday to you, my dear.
On this day, wherever I am, I always rush to you, my sweet and dear mother. I want to personally congratulate you on Mother's Day, gently hug and kiss you. Mom, you love flowers very much, so let your life be like the most beautiful greenhouse in which flowers of joy, love, luck and endless happiness will grow.
There is nothing dearer in the whole world than the voice of a mother! So let me wish you a lot of children's warmth, love and mutual understanding on the day of respect for all mothers. May your soul sparkle brighter than any stars, and do not age with time! Keep and give your warmth to your children, and let it respond to you with health and comfort!
Mommy, smile at me! I congratulate you on your "professional" holiday, because being a mother is the most responsible and difficult job. Thank you for the warm hands and sleepless nights. I wish not to disturb my nerve cells in vain, because everything is always fine with me. May your health be excellent and your heart filled with peace and love.
Mommy! You are like a bright and warm sunbeam adorning the November sky, from the appearance of which the day immediately becomes bright and joyful! Your boundless love, understanding and kindness always warm and support me. Please accept my sincere gratitude, wishes of happiness, health and well-being on Mother's Day!
Mommy! On Mother's Day, I want to tell you that you are the kindest, honest and smartest person in this world, the most delightful and chic woman, the most wise, affectionate, kind, gentle and caring mother. I never cease to admire and admire you, to take a worthy life example.
Mother! There is no word in the world more tender and kinder. When I hear it, my heart becomes warm, but my soul is light and I remember you, your laughter is the most ringing and your eyes are the most sparkling. I want you to always smile, and your eyes shine every day from real maternal happiness.
Mom ... in this familiar word merged: love, tenderness, affection, respect, warmth, kindness, life itself. I am grateful to you for your sincere participation in my destiny, for your understanding. You are a great mom! May your kind soul always remain so, and life will consist of pleasant moments. Happy Mother's Day!
Mommy beloved! I wish you endless happiness, incendiary fun, peace of mind, wonderful news, wonderful friends, excellent health! And, of course, today, on Mother's Day, I want to say thank you again for your tender care and incredible kindness!
Beloved mommy, I wish you to take everything from today! Cheers to you. Let the years go slowly, stopping at the moments when your kind eyes and soul overflow with happiness. More new places where you can enjoy your vacation and get a portion of bright emotions and strength for new victories!
Mommy! For me you are the source of life and love. Your third name is Kindness. You generously endow everything around with peace and quiet joy, surprisingly easily find the right solution in difficult life situations ... you are just my Guardian Angel. Let the face of happiness with blooming wise beauty illuminate your life, and every day spread before you like a fragrant garden of paradise with caressing birdsong and fill you with vitality for many years to come.
Happy mother's day, my dearest person! Let life be sweet, bright, joyful and cheerful. May fate give you many happy, colorful and unforgettable moments, fill your heart with inspiration and the desire to work miracles. Love to you and care from relatives.
Mommy, what a wonderful day today, it was invented for you! And on this holiday, I will repeat to you again all the affectionate and important words that you deserve to hear every day! You are the best with me and I really want you to be surrounded by the best happy and comfortable world - I will do everything so that you always live in it.

Beautiful pictures and congratulations in prose on Mother's Day in Russia

Congratulations in your own words on mother's day

Love is different: you can love your other half, you can love your hobby, you can love a pet. But any of these kinds of love can end. But there is a special love that will never die - this is the love of a mother. Mommy, thank you for having me! Long and happy life to you!
Beloved mother, I congratulate you, I wish you happiness and health on Mother's Day.
Becoming a mother is the greatest happiness that happens in a woman's life. Unfortunately, not everyone is given this, and not everyone appreciates it, even if it is given. You, mommy, are one of the lucky ones, because you have children. Thank you for appreciating and loving me, that you are so affectionate and kind! I love you and kiss you tightly.
On Mother's Day, I want to say thank you to my mother, who not only gave me life, but also taught me to appreciate it, to look at the world openly and kindly, to fight for my happiness and never lose heart! My dear mother! You are for me an example of a real woman, beautiful both in face and soul! I wish you unlimited happiness and love!

Congratulations for sister on Mother's Day

Dear sister, I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. Mom is the most important word in the life of every person, a mother will not leave or betray, she will always become a support and support for her child. I wish you to always remain the same loving, gentle, caring mother! Happy holiday!

Happy Mother's Day, congratulations in your own words

Short congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

May the tenderness, affection, warmth, care, awe and love given to children return to you threefold and bring great happiness. Happy Mother's Day!
Mommy, Happy Mother's Day! I wish you good health, love, warmth, joy, good mood. Thank you for your tenderness, care and support. You are the kindest, affectionate, sweetest, wisest mother in the world. I very love you!
Dear dear mother! Today I congratulate you and want you to always be as beautiful, wise and kind! Thank you for everything, and especially for your love! Happiness, health and long life to you! You are the best person for me. Happy Mother's Day!
Mom, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on the holiday, Mother's Day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give you gentle hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. May despondency never befall you, and your eyes not get wet from tears. Always remain as beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are the best!
Today is Mother's Day, and the eyes of all mothers in the world shine in a special way, because they are congratulated by the most dear people in life - their children. We sincerely congratulate all mothers on the holiday and wish them happiness, a sea of ​​smiles, inspiration and, of course, patience, because without it it is not easy to carry the honorary title of “mother”. Take care of yourself and be happy, and we, in turn, will protect you from troubles and disappointments. Happy holiday, our caring doves!
Mother's Day is a holiday for every woman who loves her children with devoted love and puts all her strength into raising them. Let's give our mothers joy and spend this day with our beloved mothers, who are so happy with any manifestation of attention from their beloved children. On this day, let us forget all disagreements and conflicts and press our mothers to our chest.
From my first breath to this day, there is no person dearer and closer than you, mom! This holiday is just an excuse to tell you what I feel every day: I love you more than anyone on Earth! May life keep you from the bad, you are worth only the best and brightest. Long and happy years of life, mommy!
Today is a good day and I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day! Mom, you are like a ray of sunshine for me - you always shine on me and support me in difficult times. I want to wish you a clear sky, bright sun, happiness, and most importantly, be healthy!

Congratulations to your beloved wife on Mother's Day

Dear, my congratulations on Mother's Day. You gave life to our son (daughter), you are the best mother in the whole world. You are the most caring, gentle, your hands warm, and your eyes radiate happiness. Stay the same always, I love you very much. Happy holiday, dear!
My dear, dear and madly beloved wife! The best thing in our life is the children you gave birth to! Words are not enough to express my love and gratitude to you! Our children are just wonderful, and you are the best mother in the world! Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear!

Happy Mother's Day, congratulations in prose

Mother's Day is a bright and wonderful holiday, on which we all rush to hug those for whom we, even as adults with gray hair, will always remain babies, whom mom will always warm and caress ... I congratulate you, dear mom! You are my dearest in the whole wide world! May your life be long and wonderful!
Mommy, I want you to smile - today is your holiday - Mother's Day! May this day be bright and happy, may all your dreams and desires come true. Please me with your smile every day.
Everything that is beautiful and bright in me is all thanks to you, mom! You have always inspired and encouraged me with your kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All the words of gratitude will not be enough to explain how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Happy Mother's Day, dear. I love you!
There is no one in the world more dear to me, Mommy, you are the most important person! I heartily congratulate you on Mother's Day. Live long, long and do not get sick, all the best to you and may your days be decorated with joy and happiness!
Mom is a special person, because she is the kindest, most beautiful and caring ... Today on Mother's Day, I hasten to congratulate you and wish you happiness ... May it, your happiness, warm you every day and protect you from adversity, may it please you with the fulfillment of desires and help you live happily ever after!

Congratulations on Mother's Day to daughter from mom

Dear daughter, I sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. More recently, you yourself were a child and played mother and daughter, and now you have become a responsible, loving, caring, gentle mother. I want to wish you great happiness and joy. Happy holiday, my love!
Daughter, you know that being a mother is a very responsible job. It is necessary to change diapers, feed, buy a baby in time. But you are already used to these things. Therefore, I wish you not to forget your skills and become a mother for the second time. Happy Mother's Day, dear!

Congratulations to a friend on Mother's Day

Dear friend, please accept my most sincere congratulations on Mother's Day. You are the most exemplary mother, you set an example for others how to raise your child. Stay the same always, happiness, health, prosperity to you and your son (daughter). Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the mother-in-law on Mother's Day

Dear mother-in-law, you know that you are the most beautiful mother in the world, but not only the first for my wife, but also the second for your son-in-law. Happy holiday to you, Happy Mother's Day, happiness, health and all the best. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to grandmother on Mother's Day

Congratulations in prose for Mother's Day

Dear grandmother, I sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. You raised your children to be real people. You are a mother with a capital letter, and I want to say a huge thank you to you. I wish you good health, good spirits and great happiness. Happy holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

The best holiday in the world is Mother's Day. For each of us, mother is only kindness, hope, warmth. In moments of joy, we rush to mommy, and she sincerely rejoices at our successes. In moments of sorrow, we rush to mommy, and she will console, calm, and the soul will immediately become warm. And the problem we're facing seems so ridiculous. Mom is the source of all our life. How often, without noticing, we cause a lot of trouble to our mothers. And we will never hear a reproach. After all, it's mom! She worries, prays for us, loves us with a love that cannot be compared with anything. Dear Mom! Let crystal tears of joy roll down your face. Good health to you, good luck in everything. I kiss your hands, dear.
There is no better holiday on earth than Mother's Day. We owe our lives to you, our dear ones! Thanks to maternal love, the Earth exists, and it does not rest on three whales, but on the strong love of mothers. What are we without mom? Nothing! Mom's tenderness, love help us in everything. Mom's eyes are always watching us, mom's heart always feels something bad and warns us. Mom's hands do wonders in the kitchen. Today, on your holiday, I would like to devote many kind words to you, but most importantly, Thank you for everything, dear and beloved! You are the most important person in my life, to whom I can devote all my secrets, you are the most reliable person on earth who will never betray. I wish you, my dear, health, happiness, peace, patience and comfort. Happy holiday!
On a cold November day, we celebrate the warmest, best, brightest holiday - Mother's Day. Mom - in this word our whole life. A great gift of fate is mom. And we must remember this all our lives. Mom is the beginning of all beginnings. It is you, my dear, who teach me to live with justice. It is you who always worries and prays for me. And that's why I'm doing so well. Mommy! You are the protector of my whole life. And so I want you to teach me with your wise advice for a long time. May God grant you good health, happiness and love in children. Let the smile on your lips shine more often, let grief bypass you. Live long, long and make us happy. Happy holiday!

Sincere congratulations on Mother's Day in prose, in your own words

Mom is the most beautiful, most gentle, warmest word on Earth. After all, warmth comes from the mother's heart, which warms for life. This motherly wise advice points us to the true path. Mom is always there, even if we are very far from her, he is always looking forward to us. There is no love in the world stronger and more sincere than maternal. Dear mother, I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May God grant you good health, may sorrows never enter your house, and may illnesses pass by. May your life span last longer, may your eyes shine with joy, and a smile often visit your lips. Thank you for everything, dear mother. I respectfully bow my head to your knees, and you, as always, stroke your good hand. I kiss your hands, mommy. Be happy!
Mom, mommy, my beloved, the most tender, kind, sweet, the best, beautiful, the only one! How many warm words can you say! And you can't tell everyone. You deserve only the best. After all, it was you, mother, who raised me, taught me to live in justice, taught me to forgive and help. After all, these are your kind, simple, parting words, like a prayer, I always repeat, and they help me in everything. After all, only you can I reveal my secret. I congratulate you, mommy, on Mother's Day. Be always healthy, be always happy. Let only good news come to your house. May luck and good luck always walk next to you. Live long, long, mother, and make us all happy.
Today is the most wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. The sun is shining brightly, the weather is happy. How else? After all, mother is the kindest, most holy. After all, my mother is the most important person in my life. It is to her that I go with my joy and misfortune, this vulnerable heart of hers is always worried about me. It's good to have a mom! It's good that you can snuggle up to warm, kind hands and they, like in childhood, will gently stroke you. These are my mother's eyes with bottomless tenderness always watching me. I thank you, mommy, for everything. And on your holiday I wish only joy, only goodness and comfort to you. Let a happy chance knock on your house. May the goodness that you radiate be sure to return to you a hundredfold. May the Lord protect you. May health be with you for many, many years. All the best to you, my mother!
Dear mommy! I know that being a mother is the most difficult job without holidays and days off. I am eternally grateful to you for doing this job so well. You do everything to raise a decent and well-mannered person. How much work and patience is needed for this! Mommy, you are the best. I want to wish you good health, cheerfulness, good mood, more joyful and bright days. I very love you!
Sweet, caring, gentle and affectionate mother! I congratulate you on the holiday and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good mood, good health, joy and fulfillment of all desires! I love you and will always be there for you if you need my help!
Mommy, there is no person in the world whom we would appreciate more than you. For the warmth and comfort with which you filled our house, for the caress of the touch of your warm hands, for the understanding in your eyes. I wish you always feel our admiration, gratitude and love.
Happy Mother's Day! There is nothing stronger than mother's love, there is nothing more important than mother's heart, there is nothing more priceless than mother's warmth. May God always keep the gift of a bright feeling that binds the souls of mother and child!
Happy Mother's Day to all moms! I wish that the joy of motherhood brings lightness to the soul, and harmony to the heart! You are guardian angels, advisers and the dearest in the world for millions of children! May your hands always be warm, shoulders wrapped in care and love. Good luck, love and happiness!

Touching congratulations on Mother's Day from children

Beloved mother, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother's Day. May happiness always accompany you. Stay the same kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no person in the world more dear and closer than mom, and I will never get tired of thanking you for what you have done for me. Happy holiday, my love!
Mom always worries about her child: at least he is 5 years old, at least 50. But I ask you, mommy, don’t waste your priceless nerves on me! Do not worry so much, because your health is even more important to me than mine! Be sure that your child will not be lost, but, on the contrary, it will be he who will take care of you!

Beautiful words for Mother's Day in prose

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! With all my heart I wish all mothers of our planet, present and future, peace and kindness, happiness and confidence in the future, fulfillment of all desires, clear sunny days, and most importantly, health to their families! Be loved and beautiful! It's such a blessing to be a mom!

Cool congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Mommy, you are constantly busy: you cook soup, boil milk, do laundry and wash dishes at the same time. Today is your holiday, and I wish you always have a good mood, spring in your heart, be always young and happy. By the way, while you were reading my message, did your milk escape by any chance? 🙂

Congratulations on Mother's Day from your son in your own words

Many people dream of a mother like you. You gave me a lot of love, taught me a lot. You were always ready to give wise advice, and were there in difficult times. More than anything, I want to be like you, mommy, because you are the ideal! And also because I love you so much! Happy Mother's Day!

Congratulations from daughter on Mother's Day

Mommy! Please accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. I don't have enough tender words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support you in difficult times and share the joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in business!
Today is a wonderful, sincere holiday - Mother's Day. It is on this day that all children send their congratulations to the dearest people for them - their mothers. I wish you warmth, comfort, good health for many years, smile more often, because your smile is a great joy for me. Take care of your nerves! Happy holiday!
Mamulechka, your daughter wishes you a Happy Mother's Day. I wish you, my dear, great goals and brave success, a kind heart and a sensitive soul, incredible joy and good happiness, great mood and undoubted good luck.

Congratulations in prose on Mother's Day are beautiful

Mommy, Happy Mother's Day! This holiday is full of warmth, because all the children of the world congratulate the dearest people in the world - their mothers! No wonder they say that mom is a conductor between God and people, because it is thanks to her that everyone is born. I want to wish you, mommy, great happiness, good health, never get sick and never grow old! Know that I will always come to your aid and help you cope with any situation! The main thing is to smile more often, because a mother's smile is the best stimulus for a child, which gives everyone around a good mood! I wish you material well-being and great success in any business!
Sleepless nights and day-to-day experiences are the norm for you rather than the exception. You cheer for everyone with heart and soul, support, advise, admonish. Earth bow to you for this, mom! We always listen to your words, because they are worth a lot, like your invaluable care. Be happy, healthy and smiling! And also, please, don't worry about us. We are long-fledged chicks who have already taken to the wings and are ready for accomplishments and flights. And at the same time, our gratitude for your warmth and zeal is simply boundless! Be bright like a clear sky, warm like the sun, and trembling like a doe! We love you very, very much, dear!
Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. And to you, as one of the most beautiful mothers, I want to wish all the best. I want to wish you patience, I want to wish you joy, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let only warm words sound in your life, let dullness not affect your everyday life, and every day will be beautiful in its own way. Let the children please you with frequent visits, call more often, and take care of you just as you took care of them. To be a mother means to be strong, to be brave and to be dearly loved. And, apparently, for this reason, mom is the most valuable person for each of us. Congratulations!
Mom is the most precious word, it is spoken in many languages, in near and far countries, by millions of people ... But every mother is special and unique ... And my mother is just a miracle, and today I congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day! May your life, my dear, be warm and light, may there be joy and happiness!
From the bottom of my heart, Mommy, I want to congratulate you, wish you health, well-being, good mood, great happiness! So that everything works out for you in life, smile more often and do not be sad! Let everything be as you want! Happy holiday to you - Mother's Day!
Dear, my beloved mother! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on Mother's Day! Always remember, my precious, that you are the best, charming and infinitely kind! You are always by my side! Thank you for beeing! I wish you to always be healthy, happy and cry only from happiness! I love you and will try never to upset you! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to dear mothers in prose from loving children

Dear mommy! I congratulate you on a holiday that may not be in every calendar; with a holiday, which, perhaps, not everyone knows about. This is unfortunate, because it deserves to become the most important significant date in the series of all red days. After all, this is Mother's Day, the day when each of us is obliged to honor the dearest, closest, most dear person in the world - his mother! All the words of all languages ​​in the world are not enough to express to you, my dear mother, all my gratitude, tenderness and love, and therefore I just say to you: Mom, thank you for being you!
Mom, you know, I'm a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I always had you - gentle, affectionate, loving, the best mother in the world! You cooed over my cradle, didn’t sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You led me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, reliving school years with me again. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm motherly heart!
Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know that I love you very much!
They say love rules the world. We love, we are loved ... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequitedly. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We feel maternal love even before we are born. We grow up, we leave home. But even at the end of the earth, we remember that somewhere far away warm mother's hands and gentle eyes are waiting for us. My dear! Thank you for your unselfish love. For your participation and experiences, for concern and care. Let a bright star light up over your house every evening! And every morning the warm rays of the sun penetrate your window! Live long, long, be healthy and happy!
Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care, love and wisdom, for patience and kindness, for the ability to always listen, help, understand, give good advice and come to the rescue. I want my children to be like you, my beautiful young grandmother. After all, your wisdom and love for life fills our house and our souls with warmth and joy. How many holidays you gave us, how many delicious treats your skillful hands prepared. Thank you mommy for everything! For a happy childhood, for a beautiful youth. Thank you for being you and always there. Be healthy and happy, dear!
Mom is a holy word, it means the most dear person to us! But on Mother's Day, are we going to congratulate one mother? Of course not! After all, our grandmother is also a mother, and already with double experience. And there are also sisters, and aunts, and friends, in general, all those women who have already experienced this true happiness - motherhood. A mother is capable of doing things for the sake of her children, which, it is believed, a person is not capable of in principle. Her holy love serves as our guide and guardian throughout our lives. So let's congratulate all, all mothers in the world on this day, created in order to give words of love! After all, mom deserves words of gratitude for all her daily chores and worries. And the best reward for her is the success of the children. The highest calling of a woman is to be a mother. And may it always be so, may motherhood be the most important thing and the most important happiness for each of the women!

Good day! Russian citizens celebrate Mother's Day every year on the last Sunday in November. The holiday was officially approved in 1998 at the suggestion of Alevtina Aparina, who at that time headed the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The order establishing the state holiday was signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Funny congratulations on Mother's Day in prose

Happy Mother's Day to the coolest mother ever. I wish the washing machine to wash the clothes, the multicooker to cook food, the vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust, the Internet to give practical and necessary advice, and you remain a loving and beloved mother, a hospitable hostess and a kind good boy.

Congratulations on Mother's Day and I want to wish that the heart beats in the rhythm of happiness without corvalol and valerian, that the head is full of fresh ideas and wonderful ideas, that the hands are not for boredom and create masterpieces together with the children, that in the family the mother is loved, appreciated and delighted every moment.

Today is a holiday of strong nerves and strong endurance, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish you never to succumb to stress and avoid scandals, to love your child deeply and give him a bright and fantastic world, to remain an absolutely perfect mother and a passionately desired wife.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to his wife from her husband in prose

My dear wife, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I wish you, dear, to always remain a loving and caring mother, to keep our family hearth and fill our house with comfort and joy. Beloved, may all your ideas be successfully translated into reality, may your heart overflow with love, and may your soul constantly sing and catch a wave of inspiration.

Congratulations, my dear wife, on Mother's Day. I wish you to always remain the best mother and wonderful wife. Let the new day give you new ideas and happy emotions, wonderful moments and good news, good wishes and fun ideas, interesting hobbies and good mood. Dear, I wish you health, patience, eternal beauty and great inspiration.

My beloved wife, on Mother's Day I want to wish you to remain as beautiful, kind, caring and the best mother in the world. May each new day bring joy and ringing laughter, happiness and good mood, good luck and impressive moments into your life.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to daughter from mom in prose

Daughter, you yourself are already a mother, and today I congratulate you on Mother's Day. My dear, I wish that your child will always be real pride for you, sincere love and a constant cause of joy. All the best to your family and great joy for your mother's heart.

Daughter, and even if you yourself are already a mother, for me you are still my dear girl. I congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish that the children obey you, that they are your wings that will not let you fall. Let the mischief-makers inspire you and paint a smile on your face. I wish you happy motherhood and joyful emotions in life.

Daughter, you yourself are already a mother, and today I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. May there be no gray hairs on your temples, may there be no tears on your cheeks, may children hug you tightly, may they give you the light of happiness and hope. I wish your family prosperity and peace, and your mother's heart - joy and love.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to aunt in prose

Dear and sweet my aunt, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. Remain the same beautiful and wonderful woman, the most beloved and dear mother for your children, I wish you many years of health and happiness, family well-being and good prosperity in the house.

Dear aunt, I congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you to always remain a wonderful and beautiful mother, a wonderful and unique woman, a kind and cheerful person. May your family be happy, prosperous, friendly and strong.

Congratulations, dear aunt, on Mother's Day. May your life be filled with bright and happy moments, sincere and kind emotions, great and memorable dates. I wish you to always remain a wonderful and sweet mother, a steel lady and a great hostess.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to sister in prose

Happy Mother's Day, dear sister. I wish you to always remain a wonderful mother and a happy woman. Let your children delight you with their achievements and discoveries, let them bring bright light into your life and make you smile. I wish good fortune and great happiness to your family, high prosperity, peace and understanding.

Dear sister, I congratulate you with all my heart on a wonderful holiday - Happy Mother's Day. I wish you to always be an incredibly beautiful woman and a sincerely kind soul, the most wonderful mother in the world and reliable support for children. I wish you a strong and happy family, a world full of colors and vivid emotions.

Happy Mother's Day, my dear sister. I wish you strong nerves and patience, a sensitive heart and good health, unquenchable strength and cheerfulness of the soul. Be always a wonderful and loving mother.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to grandmother in prose

Granny, on Mother's Day, I want to wish you to always remain a beautiful, beloved, kind and wonderful woman. Thank you for your support and help, understanding and sound advice. You are a wonderful mother who raised the same mother for me. Happy holiday, good health and a happy life.

Grandma, my dear, Happy Mother's Day to you! I wish you smiles, boundless happiness, undying joy and good health. May your every day be special, amazing, bright and filled with positive emotions! Thank you for your understanding and warmth, support, and tenderness.

On Mother's Day, I want to congratulate dear granny. Thank you, dear, for always supporting me with wise advice and true parting words, for always loving and believing in me. I wish you, dear, strong strength and good health, long years of well-being, love and happiness.

Congratulations on Mother's Day to a friend in prose

Dear friend, Happy Mother's Day! The world of a woman can be safely divided into those who have children and those who do not have children, because these are two different cosmos. Only mothers know what it's like not to sleep at night, to combine a thousand things at the same time, to give everything for a child, to cry with happiness and tenderness at the sight of success, to cure everything from a bruised knee to a broken heart. Congratulations and I wish you patience, strength, support, love, understanding, health, happiness in the eyes of the child.

Dear friend, I congratulate you on Mother's Day and sincerely wish you to always remain a wonderful and kind mother, a happy and cheerful woman. May love and prosperity always reign in your family, may your house be filled with goodness and joy.

My dear! You are not only a wonderful friend, but also the best mother I know, so this is truly your day, your holiday. I wish that your relationship with children is always friendly, that your children make you happy, and that you are proud of them and their successes. Happy holiday!

In contact with

One of the most tender holidays is approaching - Mother's Day. It is celebrated by all the peoples of the planet, confirming the great role of the Woman-Mother. The official celebration of this day in Russia began quite recently - in 1999. Finally, there is such a day in the calendar - the last Sunday of November - when all the children gather near their mother and wish her all the best! Or they simply remember their own mother with warm heartfelt words. And it's so great, so wonderful!

Every family celebrates Mother's Day in its own way: someone arranges a noisy family dinner, someone prepares exciting trips to nature, and our MOTHERS become the center of attention on this wonderful day! What to tell them? What words, verses to please? How do you express your boundless love and gratitude?
All these questions require "professional" tips, which we have prepared for you with pleasure!

We offer great options congratulations on Mother's Day in verse and prose, and you choose the one that is closer in your case, add your imagination, and congratulate, surprise, delight your dear beloved mother!

Congratulations in prose

Beautiful soulful words

My dear, dear, beloved mother!

I can’t even imagine what would happen if, suddenly, we didn’t meet?!
It’s scary to imagine what would happen if, all of a sudden, I appeared with other parents ?!
How grateful (grateful) I am to the Lord for all that I have! For my family, for you, my MOM!
You are the ray that warms, inspires hope and faith in the future. You are my wall, protection and support!
I know that sometimes I offend you, but you do not hold a grudge against me and forgive me everything. Thank you for this.
Today, I hasten to congratulate you on the main holiday - Mother's Day. Being a mom is not easy! But you're doing your "mission" very well.
You are the best mom in the world!
I want to wish you health, eyes radiant with smiles and many, many sunny days. I will try not to upset you, I will try to make you proud of me as I am proud of you.
Congratulations and love!

I hasten to congratulate my mother on her "professional holiday". Yes Yes! I wasn't wrong (I was wrong) For every woman, this is the main profession! Mother! You are the best in your category and I am so proud of you!
I wish you good health and once again good health! Take care of yourself, because I really need you - without you, the light will cease to be light! Without you, there will be no warmth that you give me all my life, every day.
I love you and wish you real happiness, my dear!

From daughter

Dear, my extraordinary mother!
Let me wish you endless joy, health and happiness!
I understand that all this directly depends on me. After all, when everything is fine with me, you calm down and rejoice, and as soon as clouds gather around me, you worry, feel sad and try to help me.
I really want to not upset you, and I will try my best to do it. I want to wish you cheerfulness and positive. And this is also within my power!
Blossom, smile, laugh more often, be young and beautiful!
Congratulations my mommy! I love you!

My dear! On this best day in the calendar, I want to tell you the words that you deserve!
I want to thank you, my mommy, for giving me life, for those sleepless nights that you spent with me, for those advice that always helped me take the right step in my life! For your kind heart and warm, gentle hands.
I want to apologize for those tears that you shed when I didn’t listen to you, for those nerves that I constantly “ruffled” you.
Now I know for sure that you are my kindest, most affectionate and wise.
I congratulate you on Mother's Day, be the happiest!

From son

Mother! Mommy! Mommy!
I congratulate you on this wonderful, kind and gentle holiday!
May your eyes not know tears, and your hands do not know hard work.
May your heart always be serene, and never come into contact with callousness and misunderstanding.
Be healthy, cheerful and energetic!
And may you always have wise advice for us that helps to live.
We love you! Happy Mother's Day!
Your son.

Mommy! Forgive us spoiled and disobedient, stubborn and stubborn, untidy and impolite! We promise to get better. To prove that the forces that you directed our upbringing, development and training were not in vain.
Looking back to childhood, we understand: how difficult it was for you with us, but you never even hinted about it.
You are the best, kind, understanding! It is warm and reliable with you, you are our “beacon”, which constantly points the right way.
I love you and wish you Happy Mother's Day!
Be healthy and live forever!

Mommy! I want to thank you for your unquenchable energy, for your incessant caress, for those nights that you spent near my bed in the days of illness and disappointment! For constantly giving me the best, for your words and parting words, which I really needed.
You are such and no one will change you, because you are MOM with a capital letter. I am a happy child. And you gave me this happiness!
Thank you for everything and Happy Holidays!

Happy mother's day greetings to girlfriend

Dear (name). Today is our holiday. Every mother is proud that she has children. We, mothers, put our whole soul into our child.
The fate and health of our children is an indicator of our love for them.
Let me congratulate you on this wonderful, exciting and dear holiday.
I want to wish you health and tranquility, peace and prosperity. May the smiles of our children always cheer us up and inspire faith in the future.

“Sweet, light, airy! Mommy! This is how every morning should start! On this festive day, I want to wish you a great mood, good spirits, dear confessions and words of gratitude from your children. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the husband's mother (mother-in-law)

Our dear mother! We hasten to congratulate all mothers on the holiday! You are the best mom and mother-in-law in the world! Let them say that “the mother-in-law is a strange mother!”, But I know for sure that you are my own. And I am grateful to fate that I had a second mother with my husband: gentle, caring, beloved.
Thank you for that!
Health, peace of mind and only blessed days!

I want to congratulate my mother (name) on Mother's Day! You are wonderful and sympathetic, you are attentive and strict, you are responsible and demanding, you are gentle and kind, you are beautiful and young.
You are the best in the world, no, not a mother-in-law, but a real mother!
Thank you for your son and for your attention and love for me!

Moms from children of primary school age

Our dear mothers! Thank you for our birth and for what you do for us every day.
On this November day, we want to wish you light, warmth, joy, smiles! Get some rest and pity yourself. And we promise to upset and upset you less.
We love you very much. Happy Mother's Day!

Mommy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother's Day.
Be always healthy, young and beautiful, as you are now.
So I want to give you the whole world, because I love you very much!

To female colleagues from the men of the team

Our lovely ladies-Moms! Let me say the kindest words to you on this beautiful Mother's Day. Thank you for your children, for your care, tenderness, for your love!
I want all your hopes to be justified, and none of the children will ever upset you.
Health, mental strength and many, many happy years of life!

Dear mothers! Happy holiday to you! Tenderness and love, cheerful and fervent eyes! Be healthy and happy!
May your heart always be calm for your children, and your soul is always eager to meet them.
Let your hands never give up if, suddenly, you have to face difficulties.
Let wisdom and common sense help guide and direct the movement of your children's lives in the right direction.
And let only pride for them accompany you all your life!

Congratulations in verse


mother dear,
I love you
And on your bright holiday
I give you my verse.

Smile more often,
Morning and afternoon
And live for joy
Many, many years!

Never dear,
No more pain
Be always beautiful!
Laugh, young!

Mom's holiday is knocking on the window,
I'll let him in soon.
It's time for miracles to happen
I believe in it, I'm not sad!

I'll go to visit my mother, I'll talk to her enough,
I will give a large bouquet of chrysanthemums to my mother.

And I will say: “Thank you for everything!” and "Forgive me!" - I'll say
Just like that, in an embrace with my mother, I will sit all evening.
Be healthy, dear, take care of yourself for us,
You are the basis for everything for us, we love you very much!

From daughter

Dear mother, congratulations
With a good, and gentle, and joyful day.
I wish you only good things in life!
Let there be no trouble for you!

I thank you dear
For the fact that you once gave me life,
And in those moments when I suffered
You said: "Daughter, hold on!"

You have always helped me in everything,
She spent nights and days with me.
I kindled hope in my heart,
Well, in the eyes lit fires.

On Mother's Day, I know for sure
What I wish for my beloved:
Don't get sick and don't get old!
Proudly look into the distance,

Do not mope, do not lose heart,
Don't forget about yourself
Go to a concert with my daughter
Wear knee length skirts!

Go on vacation more often!
Meet us with pies!

From son

Congratulations mom now!
And on Mother's Day I wish:
Be healthy and happy
It's nice to smile at your son.

Do not swear, do not grumble,
Give me the wisest advice!
Save your nerves with your heart
Pies, as before baking!

In general, mom, be yourself!
Your son loves you!

Congratulations my mom
Let me be stubborn
But I still love her!
And thank you for everything!

Be like a warm sun
And always good to me.
That "I love" - ​​I repeat!
And I'll give you my bouquet!

From woman to woman (girlfriend)

Congratulations! Congratulations!
And I wish my friend:
Peace, sky, sea, light!
Just a good answer.

Be an example for children
Always love your life!
Today is an unusual day
We know about him personally.

We raised children together
And, as mothers, we were friends.
We will continue to be friends!
In peace and advice to live!

A beautiful day - Mother's Day!
What do we wish for?
May the children be healthy!
May there be peace throughout the world!

Let luck walk by
Let what is needed come true
Let women give birth
And the men help.

May you always be lucky in business
At work, so that - honor,
Eyes shine brighter
And only from happiness to tears!

Mom doesn't need much
So that the child becomes happy!

In the verses of my beloved mother-in-law

Mom, you are our dear!
There is no more beautiful you in the world.
We congratulate you on Mother's Day!
We want to be healthy.

And we also want to say
That you are the best mother to us!
She raised her son well
And there was enough warmth for everyone!

On this November Sunday,
The son goes to his mother with congratulations.
His wife walks with him in one step -
She is very happy with her mother-in-law!
You won't find a better mother-in-law anywhere
She is a super mother to her son and daughter!
We wish you happiness and health!
May this day be unforgettable!

Mom from children of primary school age

Mother dear, I love you!
And I will sing for you on this holiday.
About everything that you wish
In my song there will be sun and flowers,
And our whole family will be there too!
I will sing about how we love you!

Mom really, really wants to say:
“On the holiday, I will only wish you success!”
I want to confess my love, feelings are not melting,
Mommy, Mommy, my love!

Ask for forgiveness for prank, pampering,
I know that mom will forget the mischief.
Wise, my dear mother,
More than anything in the world, I love you!

To all the women of the team

For a proud name, for Mother on Earth,
We will say "thank you" dear to you!
You are the Woman of the World! You are strong in spirit!
You give everything to your children!

And on a holiday, we want to wish
May each of you never suffer!
Let the troubles of all mothers bypass
Let only love and peace live in the house!

May every child only please you,
Take care of yourself - that's our order to you!

What do we wish mothers today?
To be happy like a mother!
To be loved like a wife!
To be always valuable as an employee!

To have girlfriends and friends,
So that life resembles an "anniversary",
So that the sun gives positive,
And everything around would always be nice!

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms!
We wish you love, peace and tranquility!