Happy birthday to the best male director. Congratulations to the boss on his birthday: beautiful official congratulations, cool poems and short prose. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the director of the man

Such is the structure of the world that relations between people are regulated not directly by sympathies or emotions, but by our abilities to express them and select the exact phrases.

Almost always, friendship or business relationships begin with words. However, there are times when it is quite difficult to find the right expressions, in particular, this applies to congratulating the leader on his birthday.

Prose, poetry and some humor

Depending on the situation, birthday greetings to the boss from the team can be presented as a solemn speech in prose or a beautiful poem. Less often, cool birthday greetings to the boss are chosen, as they require certain conditions to be met. Each of the presented options is good in its own way, so it's worth delving into the details.

Even the most strict and demanding director dreams that colleagues and subordinates respect him for his committed deeds, views on life and attitude towards people, but he will never let you know about it. Happy birthday greetings to the boss in prose is the best way to make a dream come true and make a person happy.

Happy birthday greetings to a male boss in prose will not be difficult to compose on your own, expressing your attitude and feelings towards him in your own words. The most important thing is to respect certain limits and make sure that the words sound beautiful.

It is necessary that the birthday greetings to the male boss in prose should not be boring and banal, but respectful and solemn. It should contain not only phrases about high professionalism and love for work, but also words related to other aspects - for example, what a wonderful friend he is, a wonderful family man and just a cheerful person.

Happy birthday greetings to the boss in prose are many-sided and can be represented in various ways. This is an official birthday greeting to the head, and personal wishes from individual employees, and, of course, more than one bright and interesting toast. In prose, almost everything can be said to the boss. This form is universal and this is good.

Happy birthday poems to the boss is a completely different story. Many are of the opinion that high-sounding syllable is best for writing them. In fact, birthday greetings to a male boss in verse can be different in style and content, but the most important requirement is a beautiful and solemn reading that the authorities will really appreciate.

At the same time, the atmosphere at work and the character of the hero of the occasion play an important role. Depending on them, happy birthday to the boss, the poems can be either funny or traditional. Try to take these points into account so as not to undermine relations with the management and not spoil the holiday.

If you are thinking about how to congratulate your boss on his birthday in an original way, then humor will help you. It will not be difficult to find a humorous congratulatory rhyme, a funny toast or funny birthday greetings in prose. Such a choice will emphasize your good attitude towards management, love for work and excellent progress.

Happy birthday greetings for the boss are cool and funny, it’s not necessary just to read, because you can think about how to present them in an unusual way. For example, you can stage an interesting skit for a colleague or, in the case of prose, not pronounce it in splendid isolation, but present it in the form of a chaotic performance by all employees.

There are times when there is no opportunity to personally congratulate the leader on his birthday. Let's say you can be on a business trip, go on vacation or on sick leave. In this situation, SMS birthday greetings to a male boss will help out, which at the right time will not be difficult to send to him, showing a certain sign of attention.

Important Points

How to congratulate the boss on his birthday so that the solemn speech makes a good impression on him? Of course, with all seriousness, approach the choice of pleasant words, take into account all the nuances and think through the smallest details. It is imperative to remember that:

  • Your boss is first of all a person, not a machine giving orders, so birthday greetings to your boss should be emotional and filled with sincere feelings.
  • High status plays a role, which means that in a birthday speech for a male leader, there must be respectful and grateful words about how much he has done for the company and that you consider it an honor to work with him.
  • A birthday greeting for a leader with whom relations are quite tense should be written in an official business style. If you ignore this event, it may negatively affect your career.
  • If the hero of the occasion has a wonderful sense of humor, then he will like funny birthday greetings for a man, because positive emotions have not hurt anyone yet.
  • If you have prepared cool birthday greetings for a male boss, then it is best to combine them with an original gift. This will be a pleasant surprise for the birthday boy, who will be sincerely surprised.
  • When preparing birthday greetings from the team, you need to clarify in advance all the details of who and what is going to say so that there are not too many poems or prose.
  • Even if you have developed friendly relations with the manager, you should not mix work and friendship, so the boss’s birthday greetings should be drawn up taking into account a certain distance.
  • A beautiful toast, uttered emotionally and with soul, will make the holiday atmosphere more informal and relaxed.
  • Congratulations to the leader on his birthday should correspond to his age and sound respectful, even if he is not even 30, and you are already well over 50.
  • The wishes that the birthday person hears from colleagues must be sincere. Go beyond job success, career growth, financial stability, and so on. It is necessary and possible to wish everything and a lot: happiness, health, love, good mood, and so on.

Happy birthday greetings to the boss are short, funny, solemn, sincere, presented as a toast or a wish - an indicator of your attitude towards him, a certain tribute to a person who, at a difficult moment, can always show a masculine character, resolve difficult issues and support each member of the work team. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva,

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy
Always be on top
Both at work and at work.
It's not easy being a boss
So you in a career - growth.
Lots of money, less trouble
And in everything always - victories!

No, you are not just a person
You are the guardian of the team!
You lead us all forward
And where you are, always success.

You, as the boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, in a personal way.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

Our beloved leader
Happy birthday to you.
You are the best boss in the world
We appreciate you always.
May success and wealth come
May luck hurry to you
And sadness bypasses.
Do what only your heart tells you to do.

We wish him strength and inspiration.
So that he is always healthy and happy,
Successful in everything and lucky.
Enjoy life, enjoy the world
Travel more often, indulge in a delicious feast.
Don't forget to be funny
Kind, generous and humble.

We want to congratulate our chief,
Happy birthday to you, love to you, success.
Appreciate everyone, from the oldest to the youngest,
May there always be more laughter at work.
Happiness to you, health, strength.
To carry success in your arms.
So that luck smiles at you
And love has never run out.

Happy birthday to the head of the man

Happy birthday boss
We wish him love and good mood.
Let happiness not leave him
And let sadness and melancholy not bother.
Health to you, strength and enthusiasm,
Good luck so that there is a full chamber.
To be respected and honored
Loved and always appreciated.

OUR BOSS is a great man,
And we encouraged you to do so!
Admit it, you would for a whole century
This would not have been possible without us!
Okay, we're joking
And if you're being serious,
We wish a century later
The same way to do the star!
Great blessings to you, victories, good luck,
Career as bright as a comet
And exciting tasks
Goodness and sunshine!
No wonder nature gave you
Such creative power
Life seems to be always small for you,
And you grow effortlessly
To great achievements and dreams,
Happy meetings, achievements!
You are the best, boss, let us
Say to you in unison:

You are so smart in the morning
And your dress suit.
You are dressed to the nines
They brought packages.
In them - treats for colleagues
And cognac for the mood.
You are an imposing man
The gentleman is so gallant
cute, energetic,
In general, a great person!
How do you enter the office?
And there don't seem to be any problems.
Any question in five minutes
You decide seriously!
(We confess to you now:
All of us, as without hands, without you!)
Be as cute
Be as energetic
And live for many years
No worries or troubles!

Today we celebrate the birth
Native chef, what can I say.
Personal success, patience,
Five thousand successful deals.

Go ahead and develop
The desired goals to surpass,
Do not be shy about the support of loved ones
Take advice and love.

It's hard to be a boss
Let's just say it's difficult.
There's a lot to know
And manage everything wisely.

On a bright birthday holiday
You should be praised:
So much tact and patience
Behind the look!

No matter how hard work is,
We respect you.
For business to flourish
Choir we wish!

Happy birthday boss!
We congratulate you and wish you
A beautiful life without sorrow
Colleagues so as not to get it.

And from work, never
To not have a headache.
On your life path
Prosperity, joy to find.

In the circle of friends - only respect,
And with us - maximum patience.
Good luck, cheerfulness, luck,
Have a great mood!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birth day.
Let luck accompany
And in the life of a thousand victories.

Health - have become hardened.
Success, joy and happiness.
So that the light always burns green,
And bypassed all bad weather.

Huge love, inspiration!
Once again, happy birthday to you!

Here comes the beautiful day
And he came to our office boldly,
Because today is my birthday
Notes the boss. We're celebrating!

We all congratulate you together
Our wishes are uncountable:
Be successful, get sick less -
Let's raise our glasses to that!

So that life rewards with happiness,
So that there were fewer worries, tears,
May you be lucky everywhere, in everything,
Let them fly past the bad weather!

You are our good mentor,
Great guy
talented leader,
The affairs of the wisest leader.
Happy birthday to you
All the team. And wish
Always striving forward
To live happily for years!

Everyone will come to you today
By the hand, gently so take.
And wish you a happy birthday
We wish you, boss, we have fun.
Kindness, career, leadership,
In the business of excellent domination.

Happy birthday to the manager

happy birthday dear
Our chief, "golden"!
Lead the best
Eliminate all conflicts.

The company is flourishing with you
Profit happens every year
The payroll keeps growing
With you money and honor.

We are glad to work with you
And another - we do not need!

We want the goals to be achieved
And so that subordinates do not fail.
May all problems be resolved soon
You don't have to worry about them.

We respect and appreciate you, believe me.
Feel free to entrust any task to us.
Health to you, wisdom, happiness and strength
And so that every day only gives joy!

May bright thoughts always lead forward,
May your work be crowned with success.
Let subordinates always respect
Luck never fails.

We wish you general recognition,
We wish you great joy
And feminine charm
And tenacious business acumen!

Chief, today we are gathered here,
To congratulate you on your birthday.
We decided to count how often we
We figuratively call you:

Chief, Chief and Master,
Head, President and General.
But only on your birthday,
Caring father and real friend!

We have the best boss
What can you wish for.
And today the opportunity fell
Happy birthday to you.

We wish you good luck in business
And all implementation projects,
Let for each task
The right solution will be found.

May all be well with the family.
Good health, patience!
And don't forget to rest.
Good luck, wisdom, luck!

No, you are not just a person
You are the guardian of the team!
You lead us all forward
And where you are, always success.

You, as the boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, in a personal way.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

I wish you a lot of inspiration, original ideas and bright plans! Let your dreams come true, and life brings pleasant surprises! Let love and harmony reign in your family, incomes are constantly increasing, and health is only getting stronger! I wish you happiness and success in everything!

We want the goals to be achieved
And so that subordinates do not fail.
May all problems be resolved soon
You don't have to worry about them.

We respect and appreciate you, believe me.
Feel free to entrust any task to us.
Health to you, wisdom, happiness and strength
And so that every day only gives joy!

Our chief anywhere,
He is always attentive
Kind, will always help everyone,
Can get into position.

Your birthday today
The team sends congratulations.
We want to wish you
Never lose heart.

So that with work always
You made it easy
So that everything that was dreamed of
Little by little it came true!

Happy birthday boss
Happy birthday mr boss.
You are capable overnight
Resolve any issue.

You lead us
Wisely, firmly and skillfully,
'cause we're next to you
On the shoulder of any business!

We wish the boss happiness
In personal life and work.
We promise to try
To increase income.

Let all your suggestions
Generate demand in people
Optimism and good luck
Dear Mister Boss!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy
Always be on top
Both at work and at work.
It's not easy being a boss
So you in a career - growth.
Lots of money, less trouble
And in everything always - victories!

Let this birthday
All your dreams will come true
The mood will be great
No noise, no fuss!

I wish you a lot of happiness
Let there be peace and harmony in the family,
And also such a friend to you,
To go with you to heaven and hell!

I wish to live always in abundance,
And increase your income
Let health be in order
So that you do not dare to get sick!

Happy birthday to the team!
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish today
On the path to industrial success
No major obstacles to meet.

Let your efforts turn into money,
And in business always be on horseback.
May cherished dreams come true
Even those that dream only in a dream.

Special day today for you
After all, you are a legitimate birthday boy with us!
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bheat, positive,
Always understanding from the team!

Career growth, good job
And to avoid adversity.
Sincere happiness and pleasure to you,
Have a great mood forever!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, boss.
Only one question torments us all:
For which our team was bestowed by fate
Did she give us a super-boss?
You are a real leader, a wonderful man,
And honesty and intelligence are two more reasons
Trust you, cooperate, respect you,
Openly be proud and consider the best.
On the day of the name day, we wish you
Determination, strength, in spite of all the winds.
Good luck, good luck on all fronts.

No, you are not just a person
You are the guardian of the team!
You lead us all forward
And where you are, always success.

You, as the boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, in a personal way.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

Happy birthday, dear chef!
We wish you all the best,
To appreciate loved ones
And the hearth burned with warmth.

May health only grow stronger
Let your income grow
And luck is impressive
Turnover will pick up.

So that working success
Complement the peace in the soul,
Greet each day with laughter
With a spark, on courage!

Happy birthday boss
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness, joy, health,
May luck hurry to you.
You are the perfect man
Strong, loyal, single,
You are very principled
But responsive, simple.
We are very glad that in the department
You lead us
May you always have everything
To be very full.

Happy birthday, our boss!
And on this day, all congratulations,
Sent to your holiday,
We wish you joy, luck.
May it be your birthday today
Fulfilled dreams, desires,
And only good coincidences
There was a calling in the work.

Chief, boss and partner,
You work like an ox
You've been lucky for so many years!
Stop thinking about work
Your birthday
Pegasus has already been invited,
So that he congratulates in verse
You from a thousand names.

Happy birthday, respect!
And congratulations today.
We hand over the cake and flowers,
On this day, let "on you."

Let life bring different gifts
I want to wish you a lot of happiness
May you live happily and brightly
To meet every day with a smile!

Good luck in life and luck
We wish you on your birthday
May it never leave
Hard work is inspiration.
Let the house be a full bowl
Warmth of soul and happiness,
Health for a hundred years ahead
And bypass let bad weather.

Happy birthday congratulations
Everything you need, we want!
You are the head of just a class,
We cannot live without you!
You rallied the team
You are always patient with us.
We are glad to work with you
Let's jump over all obstacles!

For your kindness and wisdom
We hasten to thank you
And on my birthday today
We would like to wish you happiness.
Let prosperity rule in the house
Health, loyalty and love.
In business, success will not be short-lived.
Patience, prosperity again!

Without him, we are like without hands,
He is our best friend!
Without a boss and plans
We are all a bunch of cockroaches!
Happy birthday
And we wish you a raise!
Before Secretary of Defense
Or a golden crown!

We wish you general recognition,
We wish you great joy
And feminine charm
And tenacious business acumen!

May this day spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,
And let them always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.

We wish you good luck in every business,
We wish to achieve the goal
We wish you to go forward
Not knowing grief and worries!

For us, your age is a mystery:
You are always amazingly good.
We wish you all the hardships in life
Sweep with the effort of the soul.

your slogan
"Live, defying fatigue",
It certainly gives you strength.
And so that the mystery remains,
You are getting younger every year!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy
Always be on top
Both at work and at work.
It's not easy being a boss
So you in a career - growth.
Lots of money, less trouble
And in everything always - victories!

Congratulations to the leader. Poems and prose for a man from the team

Dear leader, please accept congratulations on your birthday from our entire close-knit team! We wish you further professional achievements, implementation of the most ambitious projects, success in all your endeavors. Be healthy, confident, happy and prosperous.

Dear (name, patronymic), happy birthday! Not everyone can boast of such a wise leader, a professional in his field, a man of a sober mind and iron endurance. We are pleased to work with you. We wish you to keep energy, positive, optimism and cheerfulness. And we, in turn, will try to contribute to the further development and prosperity of our enterprise.

Everyone will come to you today
By the hand, gently so take.
And wish you a happy birthday
We wish you, boss, we have fun.
Kindness, career, leadership,
In the business of excellent domination.

Business will rise
When will you deal with us.
You are our great leader.
Through the expanses of glory, you are the driver.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you
We wish you good luck, boss.
In business to dive and climb
You will always swim in the ocean of glory.

Today is the event of the century!
Congratulations - Man!
He is smart, handsome and stately,
Everyone in the team is pleasant.
Our boss, dear,
The smartest, most businesslike.
Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Never get tired
We need to raise salaries!

May your dreams come true
Beginnings boldly continue

Our boss is a wonderful person, just a superclass. His ability to find a common language with subordinates, skillfully manage the whole enterprise, shows that he is a wise leader. Today the whole team sincerely congratulates you on your birthday. May success always accompany your solid business. God grant that you always get a lucky ticket in life. Good health to you, good luck in all your endeavors, support of the team and all the best in your business.

You have a lot of experience in a leadership position, and therefore you always treat your subordinates so correctly, you know how to listen carefully and always give wise advice. We all respect you very much for this, and we consider you the best boss. Today is your birthday. On behalf of the entire team, let me congratulate you on such a wonderful event. We wish you good health, endurance and patience. May you be lucky in everything and always, may luck always accompany you. Happiness, joy and good mood to you.

For many years now you have held a high position. And I would like to note that it is not the position that makes you beautiful, but you it. Today you celebrate a wonderful holiday, a birthday. We heartily congratulate you. We wish you great happiness, great luck, many years to live in health and tranquility. May your work bring you inspiration for many more years, may you be appreciated, loved and respected. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being in the family. May the Lord always protect you, and may fortune always smile.©

Accept congratulations from colleagues
And assurances of our eternal friendship,
After all, is a person worth affection,
Over the years, it turns out in the service.

We read you like a document
Attention, paragraph by paragraph
You are smart, soul, intellectual!
All! You can check with the Human Resources Department.

You are so smart in the morning
And your dress suit.
You are dressed to the nines
They brought packages.

In them - treats for colleagues
And cognac for the mood.
You are an imposing man
The gentleman is so gallant

cute, energetic,
In general, a great person!
Be as cute
Be as energetic

And live for many years
No worries or troubles!

May your dreams come true
Beginnings boldly continue
New ideas find their way to you
And let's take a moment to relax!

Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let each new day become a real miracle,
We also wish you many kind words,
Because we love you, we appreciate you, we respect you!

We wish you bright and joyful days,
success, health, reliable friends!
So that the years do not age you,

Friends would not forget
And despite all the hardships
You were always young!

Being such a good boss as you are for us is a huge talent. Therefore, our entire team is satisfied: we are lucky with you! You are wise, kind, fair and, most importantly, a true professional in your field. For each of us, you are an example in all matters. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great personal happiness, well-being and further prosperity in your career!

Our dear boss, we congratulate you on your birthday! We want you to always remain as kind, attentive, cheerful, purposeful as you are now! We wish you new victories, wide smiles of fortune and just human happiness! May all your undertakings, continuations and endings always succeed!

Very beautiful congratulations to the head of the man

We wish you general recognition
We wish you great joy
And feminine charm
And tenacious business acumen!

The team sincerely wishes you a happy birthday!
We wish you all earthly blessings!
You were born today, many years ago.
May you live happily, as people say!

Mighty energy and life to you seething!
Throw the calendar aside, and the service will wait.
Take care of your nerves
In our business, this is hard work!

Here comes the beautiful day
And he came to our office boldly,
Because today is my birthday
Notes the boss. We're celebrating!

We all congratulate you together
Our wishes are uncountable:
Be successful, get sick less -
Let's raise our glasses to that!

So that life rewards with happiness,
So that there were fewer worries, tears,
May you be lucky everywhere, in everything,
Let them fly past the bad weather!

With your friendly team
We want to congratulate you.
After all, for us the leader
Selected the best, just class!

We respect you very much
For deeds and aspirations.
We wish you prosperity
Happy birthday!

May it always be, as on this day
Everyone will smile at you!
May life always be happy
Cheerful, generous and beautiful!
The ideal leader
We want everyone to know!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
We wish only the best!

Today is the event of the century!
Congratulations - Man!
He is smart, handsome and stately,
Everyone in the team is pleasant.

Our boss, dear,
The smartest, most businesslike.
Happy birthday congratulations!

And with all our hearts we wish
Never get tired
We need to raise salaries!

You are the director and boss,
In general, the boss
With joy or sadness
We are coming to you, our savior.

We wish you space
supportive auditors,
executive partners,
Creative subordinates.

It's always nice to congratulate you
Yes, and honorably, without a doubt,
But still much more pleasant
Give gifts on your birthday.

Let's not crucify for a long time,
And just wish in chorus
Always stay happy
You can do it, we know!

In love, we wish you luck
In work - success and good luck,
And all wishes come true
As soon as possible, not otherwise!

Dear boss! You are our commander!
And from this work is sweet to us, like a royal feast!
The whole team hastened to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish happiness at home, ideas at work and prospects!
It is convenient and comfortable for us to work for you every day,
And under your leadership, you can be proud of the result!

The most important, the smartest of all,
By status of chief,
Always aiming for success
And even on a bright holiday.
He is responsive and fair
And on the boss's birthday
We all give positive
Like a demand market.

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, love.
Only sincere guests
Only the best news
I wish you now
Because then you
There will be a holiday - the highest class!
Also, I would like to wish
Whatever it is, don't be discouraged!
Everything in life is overcome
When we love and are loved!

Words touching to tears to a man leader from the heart

Dear ________, on behalf of our entire team, we would like to wish you a happy birthday! May you always be accompanied through life by success, health and happiness in your personal life. May they never cease to appreciate and respect you, but may they only take an example from such a wise and successful leader. We wish that your competitors are always a few steps behind. Cheerfulness and optimism to you in all your business endeavors!

We hasten to congratulate you today, on your birthday! And we want to wish you all the best in your business. Patience and satisfaction from daily work. Conquest of new heights of life and fulfillment of all cherished desires. Let life be full of only joyful moments, positive excitement, happy days surrounded by love!

How nice to rush to work, like on a holiday. After all, our boss, like the sun in the window, always greets us with a smile and a kind word. And today is a special day, the birthday of our dear leader. With a deep sense of respect, we congratulate you on the holiday. Be always happy. May your dream come true, may good luck accompany you in all matters. We wish you good health, joy and luck in everything. May fate be favorable to you, may the goodness of the soul that you have invested in your business take strong roots.

Today is our boss's birthday. We congratulate you wholeheartedly. May this holiday bring you good mood and good luck. Let only good and reliable people meet on your way. May you be appreciated, respected and loved. Live as long as possible and bring many more benefits to our company. After all, we know that work is everything for you, it is your second home. All the best to you, prosperity, family well-being and comfort. May the angels protect your life from trouble. Patience, endurance to you and great willpower.

There are few such good bosses as ours. And about our dear leader, you can write poems and dedicate songs to him. He always treats his subordinates with understanding and trust, always listens and helps to solve the problem. After all, work is our life, and so we want to feel comfortable and cozy on it. Our dear boss, we congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you good health, joy and great happiness. May your cherished dream always come true, may luck never bypass your house.

Here is another year behind you. But there is absolutely no need to be sad: the main thing is that he was not lived in vain. And ahead of you are waiting for new victories, good luck, peaks that need to be conquered. Strength, health, happiness and love to you!

Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, prosperity, creative ups and continued success in conquering new heights! Let only reliable people surround you, good health, strong nerves, fun and unforgettable weekends, and only an atmosphere of love and kindness reign in the family!

Dear our boss and wise boss! Accept congratulations on your birthday! All our friendly and loving team wishes you good heroic health to last for a century, deep wisdom, good spirits and body, youthful enthusiasm and good mood! Material well-being, peace of mind and harmony! May everyone you love be healthy and happy!

Happy birthday, dear boss! I wish you good health, long life, easy working days, amazing vacations, hardworking subordinates and everything that you yourself dream of! Stay the same authoritative and sensitive leader!

Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness, success, lofty goals, wisdom in managing people, patience, health, and new achievements! I wish you optimism, the implementation of your ideas, good spirits, positive, stability, as few failures as possible and, of course, personal happiness!

On your birthday, I want to wish only goodness and sincerity, a successful working day, financial recovery and family well-being. I wish you bright days, positive views on the future, the embodiment of all your grandiose ideas and just a great mood and a lot of spectacular ideas.

I would like to wish you, on your birthday, happiness, health, family prosperity and peace in your home. So that only true friends, a devoted family and diligent subordinates meet on your way.

Dear boss, on this day we want to wish you a happy birthday. On behalf of all subordinates, I want to tell you that the boss is like a teacher. You need not only to control the work, but also to establish it, to teach everything you need. You are a very smart, wise, successful person, and also a caring and polite mentor.

Today, our entire team has gathered to congratulate you, irreplaceable boss, on your birthday. We want to thank you for not only helping us in the most difficult moments, but also always supporting us and encouraging us. For the fact that they never left us, and gave us only joy. For appreciating each of us. May great luck come to you on your birthday. Happy birthday.

The boss is the real leader and the think tank of our company. All our further work, as well as the performance of our team, depends on your correct decisions. We wish you to remain the same good person, and let me wish you good health, happiness and success!