Holidays in the new year. The most joyful holidays in January

New Year holidays in 2016 will begin on January 1 (the first day of the year this time falls on Friday) and will continue until Sunday, January 10. The next day, January 11, the first official working week of the new year will begin in Russia - and schoolchildren will begin their studies (the end of school holidays in schools operating according to the traditional "quarter" system this year coincides with the end of rest for adults).

The January holidays in Russia are made up of public holidays dedicated to the celebration of the New Year and Christmas and ordinary days off, which are “added on” to the holidays. In accordance with Russian law holidays are the dates from 1 to 8 January. But January 9 and 10 are regular weekends, Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, for those who work on a six-day week, the New Year holidays may end earlier: the administration has the right to demand that they return to work on Saturday, January 9, or, in order not to “break” the working week, move the beginning of the working year to Sunday.

Weekend transfers to New Year's holidays in 2016

The duration of the January holidays in our country varies slightly every year - for example, in 2015 they lasted 11 days, in 2014 - only eight. How much on New Year's holidays depends on the schedule for transferring days off: according to the law, if a holiday falls on a weekend, then the day of rest is postponed. Sometimes such "extra" days are added to the winter holidays, sometimes they are transferred to other months.

This year, the holidays fell on two days off: Saturday 2 January and Sunday 3 January. Residents of the country will “walk away” in the spring: one of the additional days off will be moved to March 7, the second to May 3. Thus, both International Women's Day and Spring and Labor Day will be marked by four-day mini-vacations.

If we consider how we are on the New Year holidays by day, then the schedule will look like this:

  • January 1, Friday- holiday, New Year;

  • January 2, Saturday- a holiday, the day off from this day is postponed to May 3;

  • January 3, Sunday- a holiday, the day off from this day is postponed to March 7;

  • January 4, Monday

  • January 5, Tuesday- holiday non-working day;

  • January 6, Wednesday- holiday non-working day;

  • January 7, Thursday- holiday, Christmas;

  • January 8, Friday- holiday non-working day;

  • January 9, Saturday- a day off (excluding those working on a six-day week);

  • January 10, Sunday- day off.

Is December 31 a day off or a work day?

Despite the fact that at least 8 days are allotted for the celebration of the New Year in Russia, there are no additional days off to prepare for this solemn event. The question of making December 31 a day off has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration - but this initiative was rejected.

Therefore, December 31, Thursday, will officially be a working day in 2015. It is considered pre-holiday, so the length of the working day on New Year's Eve should be reduced by an hour.

From January 1, 2016 - the first day of the winter month, vacations will begin for the Russians. 10 is the last day of long holidays in winter. The working week will begin on Monday: the adult part of the population will go to work, preschoolers - to kindergarten, students of schools and lyceums, students - institutes and universities. Considering the introduction of calendar division into trimesters in all educational institutions in Russia, fly and teenagers will complete their winter holidays at the same time as moms and dads.

In the Russian Federation, the January holidays are collected from non-working days, which coincide with the celebration of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ. Weekends are added to them: Saturday and Sunday.

The Russian government by decree notifies the inhabitants of the country in advance when they rest in January 2016. According to the document, the days become holidays: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 January. 9 and 10 is a normal weekend.

For employees who work six days a week, New Year's holiday may be interrupted earlier. Supervisors have the right to force a subordinate to go to work on Saturday, January 9th. Employers, in order not to interrupt the New Year's holiday, offer to start the working week on Sunday.

New Year holidays - 2016: postponement of the weekend

Doubts about how to relax on New Year's holidays - 2016 are explained by the different duration of the winter holidays earlier. Duration in 2015 - 11 days, in 2014 - eight. If the holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, it becomes possible to rest on additional days, which are added to the winter holidays or May holidays.

In 2016, New Year and Christmas fell on January 2 - Saturday, January 3 - Sunday. Residents of Russia will walk them in the spring: March 7, along with International Women's Day, May 3, with the Day of Spring and Labor. The festive weekend will stretch - the Russians will rest for four days.
Rest schedule for winter holidays - 2016

  • January 1, Friday, New Year;
  • January 2, Saturday, the day off is postponed to May 3;
  • January 3, Sunday, the day off is postponed to March 7;
  • January 4, Monday;
  • January 5, Tuesday;
  • January 6, Wednesday, Christmas Eve;
  • January 7, Thursday, Christmas;
  • January 8, Friday;
  • January 9, Saturday;
  • January 10, Sunday.

How do Russians relax on December 31

December 31 is the day before the holiday. New Year's Eve turmoil and Russians' shopping in stores reaches its peak. You also need to set the festive table, surprise family members and guests with dishes.

The State Duma of Russia at meetings considered the question of how to relax for residents on December 31. The parliamentarians rejected the proposal to make a day off - to increase the winter holidays. In public institutions, it is recommended to let employees go home an hour earlier. In practice, the working day is reduced by 2-3 hours - people leave work at lunchtime.

Private companies provide for the option of a holiday on December 31, rather than a shortened working day. On the appointed Saturday of December, employees of organizations work an extra day, increasing their rest during the winter holidays.

Therefore, December 31, Thursday, officially in 2015 is a working day. It is considered pre-holiday, the duration on New Year's Eve is reduced by an hour.

Not having time to spend the New Year, many Russians are in a hurry to look at the calendar to find out how we relax on New Year's holidays in 2020. Officially, the production schedule is approved only in the fall, but now we can already assume how long the winter holidays will be in our country.

January Traditions

Since 2012, the Labor Code has introduced the concept of "New Year holidays", which are assigned to January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. This initiative was accepted with gratitude by everyone, because now officially, without days off and absenteeism, it was possible to arrange a real mini-vacation for yourself. This tradition immediately took root, and even some MPs want to make a proposal to extend the holidays by adding December 31 to them. But there are also those who are dissatisfied. These are the factions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, which, even before the amendments were made to the Labor Code, opposed long weekends in winter, arguing that such a long break in work undermines the country's economy and adversely affects the health of citizens. Instead of resting on January 3, 4 and 5, they wanted to expand the May holidays in honor of the Great Victory by adding non-working May 10 and 11 to them, or make May 2 an official holiday.

In 2015, the Liberal Democratic Party also developed a project, which was to reduce holidays a year to three dates: January 1, May 9 and June 12. The released days were planned to be made an official ten-day vacation, which once a year will be given to all officially employed citizens without exception. According to the project, it could be issued at any time of the year. These proposals did not find support from the United Russia faction, and therefore remained at the project level. If the proposal of the Liberal Democratic Party had been accepted, then employers would certainly have been outraged, who certainly would not have been satisfied with mass vacations of workers in the middle of winter, and it is at this time of the year that many leave for resorts. Yes, and 71% of the population is also against such drastic changes, because a vacation in the middle of the working year is only good.

The official New Year holidays coincide with the winter holidays for schoolchildren, so the whole family can spend this time together. If in the summer the problem of children's recreation is solved by organizing health camps, then in January the children are simply left to their own devices. And for adults, continuous rest is also useful, because if working days are constantly interrupted by weekends, then it is extremely difficult to tune in to work.

Sociologists say that the 7 days of the New Year holidays indicated in the TC are enough for a good rest, but there will already be a bust in addition to this, so adding additional calendar days to them usually has a bad effect on mood and well-being.

New Year holidays 2020

Every year, we all look at the calendar with excitement to find out how many days of rest there will be. The New Year holidays in 2020 will last exactly as many days as required by the Labor Code. Christmas will also be added to the holidays, which is also taken out as a separate day off. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to rest on the eve of the holiday, because the 1st day falls on Wednesday, so two days of transfer due to working out during the year will not work. The only bonus provided for by Art. 95 of the Labor Code, - reduction of the working day by 1 hour on the 31st.

Based on such a production calendar, you can calculate the approximate number of working hours.

Deputies worry in vain that the Russians will not get a holiday in May. If you look at how we relax during the New Year holidays 2020, we can immediately say that these holidays will give an extra weekend in the spring. January 4 and 5, marked in the shopping mall, fall on the weekend, so they are automatically transferred to May 4 and 12, respectively.

Winter holidays

According to the Labor Code, we will start work in 2020 on the 9th. In the post-holiday week, it will be necessary to work out only two days, after which the weekend will come again. Old New Year, January 13-14, falls on Monday-Tuesday. Although people celebrate it, it is still not officially fixed for these days off. This is just a tribute to tradition and a reason to prolong your New Year's mood.

After the onset of Orthodox Christmas, Christmas time begins, the traditions of which developed back in pre-Christian times and were partially adopted by the church. Back in the 6th century, church statutes stated that Christmas time is a holiday during which each person should feel the love and care of others. In Byzantium, for two weeks after Christmas, parishioners of churches carried gifts to prisons, helped the sick and the poor.

Christmas time ends on January 18, and the next day people celebrate Epiphany, according to tradition, plunging into the hole. The January holidays do not end there, because the 25th is Tatiana's Day, popularly known as the day of Russian students.

New Year holidays are a kind of annual vacation for working citizens. Many people try to plan their vacation in advance, which on average is 2 weeks. Although in recent years the duration of the New Year holidays has somewhat decreased. Therefore, in a few months, many begin to be interested in how much we rest on New Year's holidays 2016. New Year's time is a favorite time for schoolchildren, students, and working citizens. Holidays provide an opportunity to escape from everyday worries and routine workdays. A festive table and meetings with friends give a positive boost of energy for the whole next year.

The schedule of the New Year holidays 2016 was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Compared to 2015, the situation has not changed much, except that in the coming year we will have 1 less day off.

Holidays for the New Year holidays 2016 in Russia will be 10 days - from January 1 to January 10. December 31st falls on a Thursday. This day, to the great disappointment, was not recognized as a holiday. Many expected softer conditions of rest from the Government and hoped that the 31st would be set aside for preparations for the holiday. Indeed, in most organizations this is the case. December 31 is essentially a public holiday, even at work. But this did not happen and the last day of the year remained officially working, reduced by 1 hour.

How do we relax on New Year's holidays in 2016? Exactly 10 days. They include two public holidays - New Year and Christmas. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th are additional holidays. January 23 falls on Saturday and Sunday, so they were moved to January 6 and 8, making these days also days off. Thus, on the New Year holidays 2016 non-working days will be a little less than two weeks.

How we relax on the New Year holidays 2016 can be presented in the form of a table as follows:

31th of December Thursday Working day, officially recognized as reduced by 1 hour
1st of January Friday New Year
January 2 Saturday Official holidays, moved to January 6 and 8
January 3 Sunday
4 January Monday official holidays
5 January Tuesday
6th January Wednesday Day off at the expense of January 2
Jan. 7 Thursday Christmas
January 8 Friday Day off at the expense of January 3
January 9 Saturday Regular weekends
January 10 Sunday

The official weekend for the New Year holidays 2016 will be 8 days, 2 more days are regular weekends, Saturday and Sunday. On January 11, all working citizens will return to their usual work. Note that 2016 is a leap year. The total number of non-working days this year will be much less compared to 2015. Instead of 20 non-working days last year, we expect only 17. Currently, a policy is being implemented to reduce public holidays. Perhaps a ban will be imposed on the transfer of holidays, as it was in the past, for example, from January to May.

The coming year according to the Eastern calendar will be the year of the Monkey, a creature that does not really like to work. But the higher authorities do not seem to be going to take this fact into account, continuing to reduce the number of days off. But, as for the New Year, 10 days is a sufficient number of holidays. Such vacations will allow not only to spend time at home with family and friends, but also to travel abroad. This is a great time to go skiing or ice skating. Thus, winter holidays can be spent not only fun, but also beneficial for the body.

Not having time to spend the New Year, many Russians are in a hurry to look at the calendar to find out how we relax on New Year's holidays in 2020. Officially, the production schedule is approved only in the fall, but now we can already assume how long the winter holidays will be in our country.

January Traditions

Since 2012, the Labor Code has introduced the concept of "New Year holidays", which are assigned to January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. This initiative was accepted with gratitude by everyone, because now officially, without days off and absenteeism, it was possible to arrange a real mini-vacation for yourself. This tradition immediately took root, and even some MPs want to make a proposal to extend the holidays by adding December 31 to them. But there are also those who are dissatisfied. These are the factions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, which, even before the amendments were made to the Labor Code, opposed long weekends in winter, arguing that such a long break in work undermines the country's economy and adversely affects the health of citizens. Instead of resting on January 3, 4 and 5, they wanted to expand the May holidays in honor of the Great Victory by adding non-working May 10 and 11 to them, or make May 2 an official holiday.

In 2015, the Liberal Democratic Party also developed a project, which was to reduce holidays a year to three dates: January 1, May 9 and June 12. The released days were planned to be made an official ten-day vacation, which once a year will be given to all officially employed citizens without exception. According to the project, it could be issued at any time of the year. These proposals did not find support from the United Russia faction, and therefore remained at the project level. If the proposal of the Liberal Democratic Party had been accepted, then employers would certainly have been outraged, who certainly would not have been satisfied with mass vacations of workers in the middle of winter, and it is at this time of the year that many leave for resorts. Yes, and 71% of the population is also against such drastic changes, because a vacation in the middle of the working year is only good.

The official New Year holidays coincide with the winter holidays for schoolchildren, so the whole family can spend this time together. If in the summer the problem of children's recreation is solved by organizing health camps, then in January the children are simply left to their own devices. And for adults, continuous rest is also useful, because if working days are constantly interrupted by weekends, then it is extremely difficult to tune in to work.

Sociologists say that the 7 days of the New Year holidays indicated in the TC are enough for a good rest, but there will already be a bust in addition to this, so adding additional calendar days to them usually has a bad effect on mood and well-being.

New Year holidays 2020

Every year, we all look at the calendar with excitement to find out how many days of rest there will be. The New Year holidays in 2020 will last exactly as many days as required by the Labor Code. Christmas will also be added to the holidays, which is also taken out as a separate day off. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to rest on the eve of the holiday, because the 1st day falls on Wednesday, so two days of transfer due to working out during the year will not work. The only bonus provided for by Art. 95 of the Labor Code, - reduction of the working day by 1 hour on the 31st.

Based on such a production calendar, you can calculate the approximate number of working hours.

Deputies worry in vain that the Russians will not get a holiday in May. If you look at how we relax during the New Year holidays 2020, we can immediately say that these holidays will give an extra weekend in the spring. January 4 and 5, marked in the shopping mall, fall on the weekend, so they are automatically transferred to May 4 and 12, respectively.

Winter holidays

According to the Labor Code, we will start work in 2020 on the 9th. In the post-holiday week, it will be necessary to work out only two days, after which the weekend will come again. Old New Year, January 13-14, falls on Monday-Tuesday. Although people celebrate it, it is still not officially fixed for these days off. This is just a tribute to tradition and a reason to prolong your New Year's mood.

After the onset of Orthodox Christmas, Christmas time begins, the traditions of which developed back in pre-Christian times and were partially adopted by the church. Back in the 6th century, church statutes stated that Christmas time is a holiday during which each person should feel the love and care of others. In Byzantium, for two weeks after Christmas, parishioners of churches carried gifts to prisons, helped the sick and the poor.

Christmas time ends on January 18, and the next day people celebrate Epiphany, according to tradition, plunging into the hole. The January holidays do not end there, because the 25th is Tatiana's Day, popularly known as the day of Russian students.