We present a birthday gift: a fireworks display of original ideas and an explosion of emotions. How to give a birthday gift in an original way: the secrets of magically decorating a surprise and its enchanting delivery

For my daughter’s 13th birthday, I decided to throw not an ordinary birthday, but more so because of the anticipation and feeling of the upcoming holiday already in advance.

The idea was this. A garland was made from six envelope flags and hung on the wall. On each flag there are numbers in descending order: 5-4-3-2-1 (these numbers imply how many days are left until the birthday) and the last flag with the inscription “Happy Birthday!” On the desired day, you need to remove and open the envelope flag, and there is an indication to look for a surprise. Thus, the child begins to feel its approach even before the holiday begins.

Are you subject to prejudices that you cannot congratulate and give gifts in advance? So it's just waiting for the holiday...

DIY flags garland

In order to make envelope flags, we will need thick colored paper (cardboard) and scissors. PVA glue and various decorations (flowers, buttons, paper tape, etc.).

I suggest an envelope flag template:

We cut out flags from thick colored paper, where the fold is - using a ruler and the back of a brush, draw lines with pressure to make it easier to bend. We glue it together and get this simple envelope, where we put instructions for the child where to find pre-holiday gifts:

Of course, don’t forget to decorate them to your liking.

We hang it on a thread by the valve that covers the envelope flag. To prevent the valve from opening and the flag to hang firmly, you can secure it with paper tape or multi-colored paper clips.

Now I’ll tell you what was given and how on the eve of the birthday.

1) In the first envelope that we had to open (with number five), there was a note: “A spool of yellow thread will bring you luck”. Previously, the gift was hidden in a cabinet, and a thread was tied to it. With a spool of thread, you should walk around the apartment in advance, hooking it wherever necessary: ​​door handles, on the top of cabinets (to climb higher), on the legs of chairs... The child’s task is to find the spool itself (it lies in a visible place) and, winding the threads , get to the gift.

Thus, the daughter received the book “Time of Formation” from the “UPS” series. Teacher from the Planet of the Sun." She was once given one and literally fell in love with little Oops's kind advice.

2) The second envelope contained instructions on how many steps and in which direction to take around the apartment. To make it more interesting, the directions were meandering and forced you to say funny phrases, such as “I’m a bullshit, gifts from a lublyak!” But in the end they led to a hidden gift: a board game from the “School of Magic” series - “10 Tricks” (we really love magic tricks and everything connected with them)

3) The third envelope forced the books to be opened on certain pages, where new instructions lay. In the end, a note was found: “This gift belongs under the pillow!” And there was a nightgown.

4) In the fourth envelope there was a note in which all the words were written in a row, without spaces. Do you think it’s easy to read such “abracadabra”? Try it yourself. When we figured out this indication, it followed from it that we must look on our own path. And during the morning preparations for school, we found various sweets on the floor.

5) In the fifth envelope there is an encrypted letter. Dancing Men is one of our favorite ciphers because we love Sherlock Holmes. But first you need to find the key to the cipher, so the envelope with the encrypted message must also indicate where to find the key.

This could be a simple crossword puzzle that you have compiled in advance, where the answers are written vertically, and at their horizontal intersection there will be an indication of where the key is (for example, a refrigerator). Or even simpler - the word is cut into letters. Collect it and you will find out where the key to the cipher is hidden.

Print the key to the cipher on a printer, and the text of the message can be written by hand.

To make it more interesting and difficult to decipher, first congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, write a couple of affectionate words, and then indicate where to find the gift.

For the penultimate envelope, we have prepared a set of a real soap maker: soap base, molds, flavorings.

6) The last and most important, birthday envelope!
The note contains a riddle:

Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window.

An ice cube is frozen in advance with the following note, which reads:

They bake cheesecakes from me,
And pancakes and pancakes.
If you are making dough,
They must put me down.

Let there be a plate of flour on the table where you bury the following note:

No arms, no legs,
Prowls across the field,
Sings and whistles
Breaks trees
Bends the grass to the ground.

Tie the following note outside the window. And so on, as long as your imagination and strength is enough. The more unusual the location of the note, the more interesting it will be.
On this wonderful birthday, my daughter will find her most important and long-dreamed-of gift - a tablet.

I wish your holidays to be bright and unforgettable. And so that children will be amazed at your inexhaustible imagination.

Gifts always bring joy and positive emotions. It’s nice to receive them, and especially to give them. Any gift you're about to give will be more meaningful and memorable with a little effort.

When giving a gift, try to take into account the person’s character and interests. You can hide a gift for a loved one and come up with a number of competitions for him. Based on certain clues, he will look for his long-awaited surprise himself. For a friend, a gift can be packed in a box, then placed in a larger box according to the matryoshka principle. Wrap each package in bright and thick paper so that your friend will suffer a little while unwrapping the desired gift. Make a collage of photos of your friend with friends and family. Under the photos, write wishes that you can look at all day long. You can please your child with any gift. But the sweet one will especially stand out. Decorate your apartment or just his room with a variety of sweets and chocolates. Don’t forget about balloons, you can also hide small sweets with congratulations there.

A woman will be very pleased to receive a bouquet of flowers as a gift. And here their number is not important, but rather the effect of surprise is important. To do this, order a courier delivery service. Be sure to send a greeting card so that the recipient knows who to thank for the great mood. If you decide to give money instead of a gift, try to make it interesting. For example, if your friend is collecting money for a car, give him a keychain in the form of keys with an envelope of money attached. A simpler, but no less original way is to write a thematic greeting. Use all the information about the person and the gift you are planning to give. Here you will also need to use all your imagination and work a little on the quatrain.

There is nothing better than memories from positive emotions. Gifted things deteriorate, break and get lost, but impressions remain forever in our hearts.

A gift is, of course, important, but what is most memorable is how it was given. They proudly brag about this to their friends, tell it to their loved ones and keep the memories with warmth for a lifetime. That is why you need to think in advance about how you will present the gift.

If you have limited funds for a gift, then it is the original presentation of it to the hero of the occasion that will save you. For example, you were only able to buy some not very expensive thing, such as a fruit basket. To make your gift the most unusual, involve all the guests at the table in presenting it. Develop a whole scenario - perhaps these will be competitions for which you will give out prizes (fruits from your basket). Let the guests participate and guess, and the birthday boy receives gifts. It has been proven that such gift giving helps at the table and even sets the tone for the party, as well as causing a lot of laughter and a storm of delight.

To prepare an original gift, it would be good to find out more information about the premises where the holiday will take place. If it will be at your friend's house, then you can start preparing in advance by coming up with your own secret places and preparing details for delivery in them. If the holiday is planned in a restaurant, you can easily involve its technical staff - waiters, musicians, cooks, etc. - in the donation process. The main thing is to clearly plan everything in time so that there are no overlaps. For example, you agreed with the waiter that he will bring your gift, hidden in some sweet from the chef, and at this time the musicians should play a certain melody. Of course, for all this you will have to additionally pay for the services of the restaurant staff. But it’s unlikely that anyone will give a more original gift than you. By the way, men usually use this method when they want to propose to their beloved.

You can organize a collective congratulation for the hero of the occasion. True, its preparation requires a sufficient amount of time. The essence of this method is to agree with many people, both acquaintances and those not of the birthday boy, so that during the day they each call once or write by mail, Skype, or ICQ with their congratulations. The person who is given such a gift will be very pleased that so many people know and remember about what is important to him.

If you just want money, then don’t make it trivial. They can be hidden in a balloon, a soft toy, or in a package of several layers and boxes. Also in relation to money, and, in fact, any other gift, it will be important to draw up a treasure map. Let the hero of the occasion look for his gift like a pirate treasure.

You can give a gift like this: put it on the doormat, press the bell button and run up a couple of flights of stairs so that you can hear everything that is happening. True, you can only do this if you are sure that the door will be opened even if no one is seen through the peephole.

If the gift is intended for a romantic evening, then place it in an airtight container that is suitable in size. Wrap with wrapping paper. Next, use a fishing line or attach floating candlesticks to it in a circle and place the entire structure in a container of water. You need to give a gift in the dark; light all the candles in advance. A romantic mood is guaranteed for you and your partner.

Any way of giving gifts is good, because it shows how dear the hero of the occasion is to you. And most importantly, there are no restrictions in giving gifts - only what your imagination allows you to do.

Let everyone have their own gift
Will receive it on time
Will show it to friends
Or hide it under lock and key.
Please someone
Nice and easy
Attention and care
Appreciate it highly!

Who said that men are always pragmatic and devoid of romantic impulses? Try to present a gift to your loved one in an unusual way - for no reason or with a reason, but always with a dose of originality. And you will see surprise, joy, and love for you reflected on his face.

What is an unusual way to give a gift to a man for no reason?

Often relationships between close people lose their brightness and novelty, everything goes in circles, repeats itself, becomes monotonous and boring.

You can add new colors to your life very simply - try to organize spontaneous gifts for a man for no reason.

Culinary gift for your loved one

When preparing your morning coffee, you can decorate the foam with cinnamon, cocoa or grated chocolate using special contours - they are sold ready-made in the form of hearts, silhouettes, or they can also be made by hand from a thin strip of cardboard. We fasten the free ends with a paper clip or staple using a stapler, we get a drop. We bend the opposite side in the form of a semicircle inward and fasten it with the same paper clip. It turns out to be a heart. Carefully place it over a cup of coffee and fill the internal space with cocoa powder, cinnamon, and dry milk.

Breakfast can also be served in an unusual way, with declarations of love. Toasted sausages, cut lengthwise and held together with a toothpick, filled with scrambled eggs or eggs, form an edible heart.

You can decorate the mashed potatoes with heart-shaped greens or even write a small letter with green onion arrows.

If your imagination doesn’t want to “imagine,” then you can simply prepare a romantic dinner or invite your loved one to a cafe or restaurant (they’re not the only ones who can invite?). And what happens after... does not apply to a culinary gift.

Surprise gift for a man

Little surprises for no reason will lift your man’s mood for the whole day.

Leave a colorful good morning/afternoon/evening wish on his computer desktop. Tell him how much you love and respect him.

Send him an SMS or even an MMS with your own photo to his phone (which one you choose, think for yourself - depending on what you want to influence).

Place an order from the courier, and let him bring a gift from you to the man at work (there is a wide field for activity here, it depends on the work itself and on the preferences of your loved one). Attach a handwritten note to the gift - I miss you. I am waiting.

What is an unusual way to give a gift to a man on his holiday?

Often gifts are given simply - with wishes of health and happiness, hugs and kisses. Of course, any one is pleasant to receive, and if it is presented in an unusual way, then the impressions will be twice as great.

1. Don’t be too lazy to wake up at night, and while your loved one is sleeping, build a path from cut out hearts (you can use small valentines) in the direction from the bed to the place where the gift is placed. But there is some risk that the path will collapse ahead of time - the cat will run through, the children will take it away, the mother-in-law who came in at the wrong time will not notice, the hero of the occasion, who decided to wake up at night, will grab everything with his feet.

2. Organize a treasure hunt using a pre-invented map, as in childhood. Or searching for a gift using hidden notes in encrypted places - “look where you say hello to your reflection every morning”, “where dirty things turn into clean”, “in the home bank”, etc.

3. Buy helium balloons and attach the gift itself to the threads. You can leave it under the ceiling, or you can take a chance and place it outside the window, after first tightly tying the gift to the windowsill so that it does not fly into the sky, or fall to the ground in the case of poor-quality balloons.

4. Become an actress for a while - the gift can be given by a strict teacher, a kind nurse, a timid schoolgirl. A good performance will be the best gift for a man, and even if supported by a present, it will make your loved one feel like a king.

5. You can purchase a certificate for some extreme brave event (it depends on everyone here - from riding a roller coaster to paintball fights). At the end of the game, you can give an additional gift as the most daring, courageous hero.

Giving an original and unusual gift to a man, especially a loved one, is not at all difficult, because the reward for your efforts will be happy eyes and a good mood. And not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for the donor.

Go for it!

Rida Khasanova November 22, 2018

Most often, on the occasion of a birthday, guests and loved ones do not think through the process of presenting a gift. They simply give it to the birthday boy, which is a banal and boring solution.

A birthday is a joyful holiday that brings together people close to the hero of the occasion.

Such an event should be colorful in order to be remembered by the birthday boy

There are several options for how to give a cool birthday gift.

Basic nuances during preparation

Before you begin to implement your plan, the giver must clearly think through how to present a birthday gift. To do this you will need:

  1. Choose an idea. This is the main point, since the subsequent scenario of events will depend on it. The donor must choose an option that will be interesting for the birthday person and will correspond to his age. However, adults often don’t mind taking part in small competitions to relive their childhood.
  2. Purchase the necessary props. No idea can be realized without materials. Their choice directly depends on the concept of presenting the gift.
  3. Set a suitable time. For example, if the donor decided to arrange a quest, then it should not be too short or long.
  4. Involve friends and relatives of the birthday boy in the idea. Giving gifts in an original way is much more interesting collectively. At the same time, the concept is developed jointly and responsibilities are distributed. You can definitely surprise the birthday boy with this gift.
  5. Choose a gift. To do this, it is worth taking into account the tastes and preferences of the person who is planning the holiday. It is recommended to pay attention to high-quality and useful gifts that will bring pleasure to the birthday person. You can also sign a gift beautifully, buy a colorful gift bag for it and prepare a ceremonial speech.
  6. Start preparing early. Most often, people leave everything until the last minute, and then rush to prepare and organize everything. Because of this, it is impossible to achieve the desired result and all plans collapse. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to start preparing in advance. The amount of time needed for this will depend on the complexity of the idea and the participants in the event.
  7. Create a budget. Most of the ideas that come to the donor’s mind are beyond his budget. In order not to get into a difficult financial situation, and not to spend your last money on the implementation of your plans, you need to choose options that will not hit your wallet too hard.

Presentation options

It is necessary to turn your plans into reality in advance so that you can manage everything and not rush. Then the donor will definitely be able to present an unusual gift.

These ideas on how to present a gift in an original way are universal, so they are suitable for a birthday person of any age.

Quest with a map

As children, boys and girls love to imagine themselves as pirates setting off on a sea voyage to retrieve treasure. They built their route according to a treasure map that they drew themselves. This is what the quest will be based on. For this option, you will need to draw a map, cut it and put it in separate envelopes, which must be hidden in advance. So that the birthday boy can find them, various puzzles and riddles are prepared for him, by solving which he will be able to find all the puzzles of the full picture. Once all the details are found and the card is ready, the birthday person can find a gift. In this way you can give an original gift of a trip to hot countries.

Quest with a map

Box in a box

This option always holds intrigue and evokes intense interest at the birthday boy's. To do this, you will need to purchase several boxes of different sizes. It is advisable to select options of different colors. You need to put a gift in the smallest box, and then pack one into the other one by one. You can also put small gifts in each of them, for example, a greeting card, sweets, money, etc.

The main thing is to make sure that the birthday boy is not disappointed when he opens the last box. Therefore, the gift must be original and desirable.

Congratulations in the form of a theatrical performance

For theatrical presentation of a gift you will need create a script, gather people, prepare costumes and gifts. For example, take the birthday person’s favorite literary work as a basis, act out a short excerpt, or become famous personalities. It all depends on the imagination, financial capabilities and desires of people. The hero of the occasion will like this production and will remember it for a long time.

Theatrical performance for the birthday boy

Luggage storage

This idea will make the birthday boy walk around the city to receive his present. The gift is hidden in a special storage room, and on the way home several photographs are taken of places that will lead the birthday person on the right path. The photographs can be placed in the morning near the hero of the occasion or presented throughout the day. At the same time, an accompanying letter is drawn up with congratulations and instructions for completing the quest. During the trip, the donor must send the birthday person several SMS messages, which will need to be combined into one coherent sentence. In this case, each SMS is assigned a number. For example, 7 – “in the afternoon”, 4 – “congratulations”, 5 – “on”, 3 – “birth”. As soon as the birthday person puts the words in the correct order, he will receive a code from the locker.

Quest “luggage storage”

How to give an unusual gift for an anniversary?

An anniversary is a round date that is celebrated in a special way. For such an event, they always try to prepare a unique and unusual holiday.

Basic ideas for a cool anniversary gift:

  1. Balloon delivery. As practice has shown, balloons create a truly beautiful composition for presenting any gift. To do this, you can choose the usual options in the form of numbers or letters. The balls are tied to the main gift. It is also possible that they can be done the other way around hide in a big box. At the moment of its opening, the balls will fly out and immediately decorate the interior, and at the bottom of the box there will be a present waiting for the birthday boy. It is best to prepare such a gift when the birthday person is not at home, so that when he returns from work, an interesting surprise awaits him.

Box with balls

  1. Unusual gift with jokes. Every family or circle of friends has its own jokes that a stranger will not understand. Jokes and humor are valued in any company, especially in men's company. You can take advantage of this and prepare a small stand-up show with great jokes. Giving a funny anniversary gift to a man like this will be an excellent addition to the holiday and will make it brighter and more fun.

Stand-up show from a friend

  1. Bouquet with a surprise. Every woman loves flowers, so such a gift is always welcome. However, the typical presentation of a bouquet is considered banal and uninteresting. To add a little variety, you need to order a bouquet of a woman’s favorite flowers, replacing one with an artificial one. It is appropriate to give such a gift to a man, saying that he will love her until the last flower withers. Romantic and original idea.

Original bouquet with a surprise

  1. Quest “Gifts from passers-by”. This option is suitable for the birthday boy who works close to home. To implement the idea, you will need to agree in advance with certain people and set the exact time and place for the delivery of gifts. Thus, the hero of the occasion, going to work in the morning, will not suspect what awaits him on the way. They will take turns to him passers-by approach, presenting small gifts and congratulatory words. You can also order musical accompaniment that will perform the birthday boy’s favorite compositions. The main gift should be from the giver himself. This option will bring the birthday boy a great mood in the morning and charge him with positive emotions.

On the birthday, the birthday person is always given gifts. Most often they are simply handed over. However, there are options on how to give a birthday gift in an interesting way.

The main thing is that before starting implementation, carefully think through the idea, prepare the necessary props, choose gifts and involve friends or relatives in this matter.

On the occasion of a birthday, you can prepare quests, theatrical performances and much more. Regardless of age, the hero of the occasion will definitely like the idea and will remember this day for a long time.