Parables about relationships in the family. Family values. Parable about parents and children

mother's eyes

One young man and an old man were standing near the well. The young man boasted to the old man that he understood other people better. At this time, an old woman approached them and asked if a handsome tall young man had passed by them.

- He went to the river, - the old man immediately answered.

“But only a short elderly man with an ugly appearance passed us,” the young man was surprised.

- That's right, but the woman asked about her son. And for a mother, no matter how many years pass, the son will always be handsome and young.

Chinese parable "Good family"

There lived a family. Not an ordinary family. More than 100 people were in it. Are there many such families? Yes, not a lot. But this family was different. No quarrels, no swearing, no fights, no strife. A rumor about this family reached Vladyka himself. And he decided to check whether people are telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: cleanliness and order, beauty and peace.

Good for children, calm for old people.

Vladyka was surprised and decided to find out how the family had achieved all this. He came to the elder. “Tell me,” he says. The elder was writing something on paper for a long time. And when he wrote, he handed it to Vladyka. Only 3 words were written on paper: "LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PATIENCE" And at the end of the sheet: "LOVE HUNDRED TIMES, FORGIVENESS HUNDRED TIMES, PATIENCE HUNDRED TIMES".

-And that's it?

When people fight

Once the teacher asked his students:

- why when quarrel, they shout?

“Because they lose their calm,” said one.

- But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?

The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.

Finally he explained:

- When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel their hearts drift away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the farther they move away and the louder they shout.

- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. - They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.

- In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

Parable of the gloomy man

A gloomy man rides in a trolley bus and thinks: “There is nothing good around, only melancholy. The wife is a grumbler, the children are hooligans, the boss is a villain ... "

Behind him is a guardian angel with a notebook and a pen. He writes down and thinks: “One melancholy, the boss is a villain, his wife is a grumbler, the children are hooligans ... It seemed like it was already ... And why does he need this all the time? But once he orders, he will have to fulfill ... "

Family happiness

Two families live next door in a small town. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all the troubles, while others do not care for their soul mate. The obstinate hostess marvels at the neighbor's happiness. Jealous. Says to her husband:

- Go see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.

He came to the neighbors, went quietly into the house and hid in a secluded corner. Watching. And the hostess sings a cheerful song, and puts things in order in the house. Just wipes the dust off an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that it was about to fall.

But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke. "What's going to happen?" the neighbor thinks.

The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:

- Sorry honey. I am guilty. So carelessly put it on the table.

- What are you, honey? This is my fault. I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase. Anyway. We would not have had greater misfortune.

... The neighbor's heart hurt. He came home upset. Wife to him:

- Nu that you so long? Looked?

- Yes!

- Well, how are they? - It's all their fault. But we are all right.

Bread with butter

Husband and wife lived together for thirty years. On the day of the thirtieth anniversary of marriage, the wife, as usual, baked a small loaf - she baked it every morning. At breakfast, she cut the bread lengthwise, buttered both halves, and, as usual, was about to hand over the top to her husband. But halfway through her hand stopped...

She thought: “On the day of our thirtieth birthday, I want to eat the top of the loaf myself. I dreamed about this for thirty years and deserved the upper half: I was an exemplary wife, raised beautiful sons, kept the house in perfect order.

And she gave her husband the lower part of the loaf. This she never allowed herself in all thirty years of marriage.

And the husband took the bread and said with a smile:

What an invaluable gift you gave me today! Since childhood, I love the bottom, toasted part of the bread. But I always thought that she was rightfully yours.

fragile thing

Whether it was a long time ago or very recently, it doesn't matter. Yes, only a traveler came to one village. And he stayed in it. The man was wise. He loved people, especially children. And what golden hands! He made such toys that you will not find at any fair. Yes, that's just bad luck - crafts, too fragile. The children will be delighted with the fun, and she will take it and break it. The children will cry, and the wise man will make a new toy for them. Yes, even more fragile.

- What are you, my dear man, do such gifts to our children? After all, you are wise and love them like family, - the parents asked the master. - Children try to play neatly, and gifts break. How many tears!

The sage smiled.

- Time is running very fast. Very soon, another person will give your son or daughter his heart. Fragile thing! I think my toys will teach them to take care of this priceless gift...

Parable about love and family

There were people on the planet of Men, the planet of Women, a smaller planet called "Family" and on a very tiny planet called "Happy Family". It just so happened that from time to time people from the planets of Men and Women met on the star bridge, fell in love with each other and settled on the planet "Family". Only those who managed to keep Love for at least a few years moved to the planet with the name “Happy Family”. There were very few of them...

And then the sages of the Happy Family planet began to think about how to make more inhabitants on their planet. So they flew to the planet of Women and asked them: “What kind of men do you love, what kind of men do you dream of?” The women answered differently, but almost everyone said: “About a strong spirit and body, caring and understanding, kind, gentle and loving, purposeful, intelligent, relaxed and harmonious, about one who can lead and carry away on a journey with the name "Life". Among the women there were also those who despaired of waiting for a meeting with such a man, dreaming of at least one of the above. There were those who still hoped to meet just such.

Then the sages of the planet “Happy Family” went to the planet of Men and asked them: “What kind of women do you love, what kind of women do you dream of?” The men answered differently, but almost everyone said: “About the beautiful, tender and loving, about the passionate lover and good housewife, about the understanding and wise, about the one who is ready to follow a man to the ends of the world.” Among the men there were those who despaired of waiting for a meeting with such a woman, dreaming of at least one of the above. There were those who still hoped to meet just such.

Then the wise men decided to find out what was happening on the Star Bridge. There they wandered in search of their future beloved or beloved Men and Women. Those who had few expectations and requirements or who really wanted to live on the planet "Family" found each other quickly, they joined hands and went to live together on a new planet. Those who dreamed of meeting their ideal sometimes wandered along the bridge longer than others, someone eventually managed to meet, and they were very happy that they met, and someone continued to search all their lives.

Then the wise men flew to the planet "Family" and began to watch how Men and Women live there. And they lived differently. Many were disappointed with their choice, as people changed over time with their expectations and values, and simply many did not know how or did not want to understand each other, to help each other reveal their best qualities. Some continued to live together, disappointed in each other, among them there were often those who made lovers and mistresses. Some parted, never learning how to live together. Among them were often those who met their ideal on the star bridge and flew to the planet "Family" with a feeling of great mutual Love. Among the quite respectable citizens of the planet "Family", but who did not receive the right to move to the planet "Happy Family", there were so-called "strong families". In them, Men and Women lived without love, they were simply attached to each other, were devoted to each other, but still not happy. There were among respectable citizens and those who liked to repeat the saying "love is evil ...". They were not happy, often quarreled, but still remained true to their feelings.

Then the sages returned to their native planet "Happy Family" and began to ask its inhabitants: "How do you manage to live in Love and Happiness?" Some answered that from the very beginning they were exactly what they dreamed of for each other, and then, of course, it took a lot of understanding and steps to meet each other, but they managed it. Others said that they were not such a perfect couple from the beginning, but thanks to a generous and loving soul, as well as the desire of each of them to become the Man or Woman of their partner's dream, they managed to earn the right to live on the planet "Happy Family".

Then the wise men thought: “It’s really true that all couples are unhappy in different ways, but happy in the same way.” And the wise men decided: all men should learn to be strong in spirit and body, caring and understanding, kind, gentle and loving, purposeful, smart, relaxed and harmonious, those who can lead and carry a woman on a journey called “Life”. All women learn to be beautiful, tender and loving, passionate lovers and good housewives, understanding and wise, those who are ready to follow a man to the ends of the world. And all together learn to understand each other and help each other become the Man and Woman of their dreams, and be sure to grow a generous and rich soul in Love. And remember that for life on the planet “Happy Family” it is not enough that Love once gives birth to a Family, the main thing is that Love is born again and again in the Family….

A. Pechersky

A story about a happy family

A young man came to the sage for advice.

- Tell me, what is the secret of your knowledge? Are you happy. You are respected, people come to you to learn how to make their lives better. I study a lot. And I'm in trouble.

In response, the sage smiled and called his wife:

A few minutes later, a beautiful woman walked in. Her eyes shone.

And then the sage asked:

- Darling, we have a guest today. Go put the pie dough on.

The woman retired to the kitchen.

Soon she returned to the room and turned to her husband:

- The dough is ready, my beloved husband.

To which the sage said:

- Now add nuts, dried fruits and honey to the dough.

The wife asked:

"The ones I kept for our wedding anniversary cake?"

“The very ones,” the sage replied. And the woman unquestioningly agreed.

Soon she brought a tray of fragrant pie

But the sage was in no hurry to treat the guest, he said:

- Honey, I see how hard you tried, but take this cake to the poor.

The woman smiled. And she left the room.

The astonished guest exclaimed: Sorry for the pie!

To which the sage said:

- You asked how to become wise? Ask your wife to bake a pie.

He flew home on wings. There he was disappointed. His young wife chatted with her friends.

But the man decided to follow the advice of the sage:

- My beloved, - he began affectionately, - I want you to make the dough.

The wife said unhappily:

- I'm busy. There is food at home.

But the man didn't budge.

With a grunt, the woman saw her friends off and went to cook.

Soon she returned and said:

- The dough is ready, but I decided to make a cookie, not a pie.

An hour later, the wife brought out a dish of cookies.

And then taking more air into his chest, the man blurted out:

- Honey, I appreciate your work, but could you take these cookies and give them to the poor?

- What more! - exclaimed the wife! - Found such a caring! Only translate products!

Every day she sawed it, mentioning this incident. Then he ran to the sage's house.

- You fooled me! I followed the advice. It got worse. Home is unbearable.

The sage seated the guest and said:

- You asked me how I became so wise and successful. Now you see that my beloved wife is a source of happiness. You spend more time swearing and fighting with the woman you love than studying. Is there any wisdom here?

- Should I leave my wife and find another? asked the young man.

The sage frowned.

- You're looking for an easy way. This is not true. You and your wife need to learn to respect and love each other. Go home and make your wife happy. Until then, don't worry about books.

- I already do everything for her, - the guy did not let up.

- Is she happy? - asked the sage.

You chose each other to learn to love. Instead, you read books and forgot to take care of your wife, and she discusses you with her friends.

Frustrated and disappointed, the man went home.

On the way he met a grape merchant. The man was enlightened: he wore such grapes to his wife when they met. His wife loved him so much. And he did not remember the last time he treated her. The man bought some grapes.

But he could not please his wife: she was sleeping. There were traces of tears on her face.

He decided not to wake her. He put a bowl of grapes on the table.

He woke up from gentle kisses. His wife hugged him.

Now they have learned to be attentive to each other. The man did not touch the books. He remembered that he needed to restore peace at home. The wife also changed: she began to take care of herself, was affectionate and gentle and did not stay with her friends.

After a while, someone knocked at their house.

The owner opened the door. There was a guy in front of him. His eyes were sad, his shoulders hunched. He had books under his arm.

“Help me, wise man,” he asked, “a friend directed me to you. He said you know how to be happy. I study the works of the great sages. My life does not change. And the wife is getting angrier.

After listening to the guy, the owner of the house smiled:

- Come in, welcome guest. My wife was just about to cook dinner.

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  • There lived a family. She was not easy. There were more than a hundred people in this family. And she occupied the whole village.

    So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You will say: so what, you never know big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no more forbid, fights and strife.

    The rumor about this family reached the ruler of the country. And he decided to check whether people are telling the truth.

    He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was cleanliness, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony. I came to the head of the family: tell me, they say, how you achieve such consent and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in writing. Then he handed the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man's scribbles, made it out with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper:


    A Hundred Times Forgiveness,


    Vladyka read it, scratched, as usual, behind his ear and asked: "Is that all?"

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    The article includes parables about family and family values:

    Name of the parable: Burnt toast. One evening a woman cooked dinner after a hard day at work. She put a dessert in front of her husband - a saucer of jam and burnt toast. Not slightly burnt, but completely blackened.

    The man ate his toast and asked his watching son if he had done his homework and how his day was. After dinner, the wife apologized to her husband for the bad toast, but he told her:

    Honey, I love burnt toast.
    Later, when the son went to say goodnight to his father, the boy asked if he really liked burnt toast. The father put his hand on his son's shoulder and said:

    Your mother worked all day at work today, she had a hard day, and she was very tired. And besides, a burnt toast never hurt anyone, but you know how harsh words hurt.
    The boy listened attentively, and the father continued to speak:

    You know, son, our life is full of imperfections, including people. I'm not perfect either. I often forget about birthdays and memorable dates, like many other people. But I've learned one important thing over the years.

    We need to learn to accept each other's shortcomings and rejoice that there are differences between us. This little secret helps create sincere and lasting relationships. Love the people who make your heart happy and don't hold a grudge against those who don't.

    Name of the parable: Sleepless nights. One day a woman and a man created a marriage, but they had one misfortune. They couldn't sleep next to each other. One of the spouses constantly interfered with the other. One day one of them snored, preventing the other from sleeping.

    Another day, one of the spouses took away the entire blanket, leaving the other to freeze.

    The third day, one of them screamed in their sleep or accidentally hit their soulmate, who woke up in the morning with bruises.

    The couple ended up arguing so much that they filed for divorce and were incredibly happy that they would no longer suffer from sleepless nights and could sleep peacefully on their own.

    Name of the parable: Knitted dolls. Husband and wife have been married for fifty years. They had no secrets from each other, except for one: the wife kept a shoe box in the closet and did not allow her husband to look inside.

    He did not think that it could be something important and completely forgot about the box until one day his wife ended up in the hospital. She felt that her end was near and asked her husband to open the box. He pulled the box out of the closet, opened it, and couldn't believe his own eyes.

    Inside were two knitted dolls and one hundred and ten thousand dollars. He immediately went to the hospital and asked his wife where she got all this. She said:
    - On our wedding day, my grandmother said that the secret of a strong marriage is the ability to live without quarrels. Every time I got mad at you, I took wool and knitted a doll.
    The man was very moved. There were two dolls in the box. So, in all the years, his wife was only angry with him twice. He gently kissed his wife and asked where the money came from in the box?

    You see,” she said, “I earned this money when I sold the rest of the dolls.

    Name of the parable: Without me. There lived one family: a husband and wife, a small child and a grandmother. And then one day it took the parents to leave together for a while.
    It was impossible to take the child with you.

    Grandmother was sick, and it was impossible to leave the child on her. The parents decided to invite a nanny for a few days to live with them.

    The grandmother, having learned about the decision of the parents, informed them that if they leave and the nanny remains with her grandson, then she herself will leave for these days to live with her sister. To the question "Why?" she answered:

    If something happens to the child, then let it happen without me. I don't want to be responsible for this.

    Name of the parable: Evil bow.(a parable of a happy family) I have never had enough time to take care of my own children.

    Work, career, personal life. But my children did not need anything, I had enough funds to satisfy their chocolate-computer needs. I turned a blind eye to their shortcomings, they forgave me the lack of attention.

    But the tender silk childhood passed quickly. A difficult adolescence has begun. The first mutual accusations, the first real feelings. I made a terrible discovery: my children grew up without love. I did little to grow them up, did not stop bad deeds and did not teach them to distinguish evil from good.

    After another misunderstanding, I stood in the kitchen, peeling onions, and tears flowed from my eyes. Mom came in

    - Why are you crying?
    - You know, such an evil bow caught. There are varieties that don't make you cry.
    - Apparently, this one was not watered enough.
    I realized an important thing: if children are not watered enough in childhood, in their adult life they will bring others many tears.

    Theme of the release: parables about the family for children and adults, short and long, but understandable and meaningful.