Rhythmic mosaic program for preschoolers. A.I. Burenina "rhythmic mosaic. Age of children and duration of the program

This program is determined by the use of various non-traditional means and methods of physical, aesthetic and musical education of children, allowing to saturate the additional education of children with positive emotions, increase their motor activity, which is a powerful factor in the intellectual and emotional development of the child.

Rhythm helps to creatively realize the need for motor activity, because the endless variety of movements allows you to develop not only the sense of rhythm, strengthen the skeleton and muscles, but also stimulate the memory, attention, thinking and imagination of the child. Acquiring the experience of plastic interpretation of music, the child masters the experience of creative understanding of music, its emotional and bodily expression. It is this experience and skills that will help the child to successfully master other types of artistic, creative and sports activities in the future: this may be subsequent training in choreography, gymnastics, as well as classes in music schools, sections, theater studios, etc. Musical and rhythmic movements perform a relaxation function, help to achieve emotional relaxation, relieve mental overload and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension.

The program makes it possible to develop the emotional perception of music by displaying its character, tempo, dynamics and other means of musical expression in movements. Rhythm classes create conditions under which the child, to the best of his ability, speaks in public, overcomes uncertainty, fear and learns to control himself, his behavior, voice, body movements.

Since 1998, teachers have been given the right to choose an educational program. There are several programs for dance-rhythmic gymnastics.

One of these methods is the rhythmic plastic program for children. "Rhythmic Mosaic" A.I. Burenina. The purpose of the program is the development of the child, the formation by means of music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits.

Another modern program is "Dance Rhythm for Children" T. Suvorova. This program includes a repertoire for practicing musical and rhythmic movements with preschool children. Pair and circle dances, games, exercises are collected by the author from various sources: creative developments of musical directors of kindergartens, as well as collections published earlier. The proposed repertoire is distinguished by its accessibility for children to perform and the brightness of the game image.

The work is based on the technology of A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic" and repertoire collections of T. I. Suvorova "Dance Rhythm".

Non-traditional types of exercises are represented by: finger gymnastics, game self-massage, musical outdoor games and travel games. The game-journey (plot lesson) is proposed to be taken as the basis for constructing the lesson, since it includes all types of mobile activities using the means of the previous sections of the program.

The section of creative gymnastics includes: musical and creative games and special tasks.

The program is supplemented with such sections as: elements of choreography (S.L. Slutskaya “Dance Mosaic”) and figurative-game movements or exercises with transformations in another way (M.A. Mikhailova, N.V. Voronina “Dances, games, exercises for beautiful movement).

On the basis of modern diagnostics (“Diagnostics of the level of musical and psychomotor development of a child” by A.I. Burenina, “Tests for determining special choreographic data” by S.L. Slutskaya, “Survey of the level of development of physical qualities” by N.V. Poltavtseva), a diagnostics of musical - motor development of preschool children

This program of additional education is designed for children from 4 years old. Educational groups are completed according to the age principle. The size of the groups is 8-10 people. The mode of conducting training sessions 2 times a week for 20 and 30 minutes (depending on the age of the pupils). Thus, the program of additional education in rhythm is designed for 64 academic hours.

Classes are held in the music room. With middle-aged children, classes are held in a playful way, and for older children, drill and general developmental exercises, dance steps, dances and games are added to the lesson. A variety of aids are used in the classes: balls, balls, ribbons, sultans, hoops, gymnastic sticks, etc.

The creative achievements of children are realized at entertainment evenings, festive matinees, joint events of the kindergarten and school, district competitions “Young Talents”, “We are friends with sports”, etc.

Goals and objectives of the work program

Target programs "Rhythmic Mosaic" - the development of the child, the formation by means of music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits. The technology is aimed at the general, mental, spiritual and physical development of children from four years old.

Based on the goals of this program, the teacher sets the following tasks:

The development of musicality.

    • Development of the ability to perceive music, feel its mood and character, understand its content;

    • Development of musical abilities (musical ear, sense of rhythm);

    • The development of musical memory.
Development of motor qualities and skills:

    • Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements;

    • Development of flexibility and plasticity;

    • Formation of correct posture, beautiful gait;

    • Education of endurance, development of strength;

    • Development of the ability to navigate in space;

    • Enrichment of motor experience with various types of movements;
The development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music:

    • Development of creative imagination and fantasy;

    • Development of the ability to improvise in motion.
Development and training of mental processes:

    • Development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime;

    • Training of mobility of nervous processes;

    • Development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking.
Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person:

    • Education of the ability to empathize with other people and animals;

    • Education of the ability to behave in a group while moving, the formation of a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults.

The content of the program of additional education "Rhythmic Mosaic".

The essence of dance-rhythmic gymnastics is the perception of music by children through movements, in order to improve health, develop musical and aesthetic feelings, motor qualities and skills, cognitive interest, creative imagination, and mental processes.

Modern methods for organizing dance-rhythmic gymnastics classes with preschoolers suggest:

    • Inclusion of non-traditional means of physical education in rhythmic classes;

    • The use of intensive teaching methods - the implementation of a large amount of motor exercises in the classroom, as well as the selection of material that allows solving a wide range of various tasks of the child's development;

    • Ensuring the psychological comfort of children in the process of performing movements to the music;

    • The choice of the optimal system of classes;
The content of the rhythm program is determined by the following sections:

    • game-rhythm;

    • dance-rhythmic gymnastics;

    • finger gymnastics;

    • drill exercises;

    • game self-massage;

    • musical outdoor games;

    • creative gymnastics;

    • choreographic elements;

    • figurative-game movements (exercises with transformations);
"Igrorhythmics"is the basis for the development of a sense of rhythm and motor abilities of children, allowing them to freely, beautifully and coordinate correctly perform movements to music, in accordance with its structural features, character, meter, rhythm, tempo and other means of musical expression. This section includes special exercises for coordinating movements with music, musical tasks and games.

Dance-rhythmic gymnastics. Here are figurative and dance compositions, each of which has a target orientation, plot character and completeness. The exercises included in such a composition, having a certain impact on children, solve specific tasks of the program, contribute to the development of musicality, motor qualities and skills, the development of creative abilities, moral and communicative qualities of the individual, and the training of mental processes.

The use of these exercises, in addition to a joyful mood and muscle load, gives the child the opportunity to scream, make faces, finding peace, openness and inner freedom. All exercises for classes are selected taking into account their corrective value.

"Finger gymnastics" in the program serves as the basis for the development of manual skills, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Exercises, turning the learning process into an exciting game, not only enrich the child's inner world, but also have a positive effect on improving memory, thinking, and develop imagination. A very important factor necessary for the development of speech is that in finger games all imitative actions are accompanied by verses.

Poems attract the attention of kids and are easy to remember.

"Combat Exercises" are a means of organizing those involved and their appropriate placement in the hall. Drill exercises contribute to the development of skills to navigate in space: independently find a free place in the hall, rebuild in a circle, stand in pairs and one after another, line up and column, in several circles.

"Game self-massage" is the basis of hardening and healing of the child's body. Performing self-massage exercises in a playful way, children get joy and good mood. Such exercises contribute to the formation of a conscious desire for health in the child, developing the skill of their own healing.

Musical outdoor games» contain exercises used in almost all classes, and are the leading activity of a preschooler. It uses the techniques of imitation, imitation, figurative comparisons, role-playing situations, competitions - everything that is required to achieve the goal when conducting rhythmic classes

"Creative gymnastics" provides for the purposeful work of the teacher on the use of non-standard exercises, special tasks, creative games aimed at developing fiction, creative initiative.

Thanks to these games, favorable opportunities are created for the development of the creative abilities of children, their cognitive activity, thinking, free expression and emancipation.

"Elements of choreography". They are used to develop coordination, expressiveness of movements, flexibility, strength of the muscles of the legs and torso. All choreographic exercises are an excellent means of forming posture and culture of movements.

"Imaginative-game exercises" they are a combination of basic movements with imitation of various actions, with imitation of the behavior of birds, animals, etc.

For preschool children, the following sequence of using images is proposed:

    • animals and birds familiar to children;

    • interesting items;

    • plants and natural phenomena;

    • people, professions.
The program is also supplemented by the following sections:

"Musical and rhythmic drawings"(exercise)

Such exercises are included at the beginning of classes, because. their performance contributes to the concentration of attention in children, the creation of a cheerful, high spirits. Psychophysical “warming up” is also important, after which it is already easier for children to master certain dance movements.

Pair and circle dances.

The most indispensable material for entertainment, matinees, New Year's "trees", etc. The proposed repertoire is also distinguished by its accessibility for performance by children of different ages, versatility in terms of inclusion in any holiday program.

"Subject and Character Dances". "Dance-games"

This is a ready-made repertoire for children's holidays. These dances are accessible, easy to learn by children with different backgrounds. They can be decorated with bright costumes and attributes. When performing this repertoire by children, it is important to pay attention to the expressiveness of facial expressions and movements.

"Our Legacy".

The best developments in rhythm for preschoolers are collected in this section. They have not lost their relevance today. They also like children, as they did 20-30 years ago and are very popular with the audience.

Musical compositions by T.I. Suvorova are distinguished by the highest quality of selection and arrangement of music, which is especially valuable, by the simplicity of dance movements, which allows them to learn and use them at holidays and at home without stress, sparing the psyche and health of the pupils.

Stages of work on learning dance compositions:

Imitation of a child to an adult,

Having experience in performing several compositions as shown by an adult, children develop the ability to independently perform previously learned compositions as a whole;

Leading children to the creative interpretation of a piece of music, developing the ability to express themselves in movement to the music, developing the ability to independently select and combine familiar movements and invent their own.

Forward planning for the middle group

Material passing period

Theme and repertoire

Program content


8 lessons

world of toys

What a wonderful day

guilty cloud

March with flags





The ability to move in accordance with the nature and mood of the music;

Expressiveness of dance movements

Learn to transform into game images.


8 lessons

Animals and birds

Cat Leopold

Dance of the bears


A squirrel walks through the forest

Game "Birds and Crow"

Development of speed of reaction, memory, ability to combine movements with music and words


8 lessons

winter fairy tale

New Year sparks

Entrance to the Christmas tree

Bears on bikes

Little Red Riding Hood


Development of expressiveness of plasticity, accuracy and dexterity of movements, ear for music


8 lessons

Marching and dancing

Chick and Brick



Develop the ability to slow down and accelerate movement, enrich motor experience


8 lessons

child's world


The game "Goats and the wolf"

colorful game

Poultry yard


Development of a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination


8 lessons

My little friends



Cats and mice with under gr.

monkey's birthday

Development of emotions, expressiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements


8 lessons

Spring is red

Grandmother Yozhka

The sun is shining



Cultivate a positive attitude towards the transmitted image, develop a figurative perception of music


8 lessons

We love to have fun


No stake - no yard

Ah, you canopy

Development of expressiveness of movements, coordination, ability to combine movements with music

Advanced planning for the senior group

Material passing period

Theme and repertoire

Program content


8 lessons

autumn musical pictures

Dance of leaves and flowers p.12 to 4

Dance with umbrellas

Story dances


If you like

Boogie Woogie p.10 to 4

It's fun to walk together


rhythmic ear,

Orientation in space


movement coordination,

Creative skills

Development of speed of reaction, memory, expressiveness of movements


8 lessons

Games and studies


Song about the janitor

mischievous people


Bear's lullaby

Development of creative imagination, musical ear, figurative thinking


8 lessons

In the world of fairy tales

Road to a fairy tale

Musical Santa Claus


About New Year

Development of musicality, beautiful posture, ability to improvise


8 lessons

winter music pictures

Snowball game


Three piglets

Develop the ability to slow down and accelerate movement, enrich motor experience


8 lessons

Favorite toys

March of the wooden soldiers

Ex. for turning the circle p.35 to.3

Song about Mickey Mouse

Development of a sense of rhythm, expressive plasticity,

figurative thinking


8 lessons

Humor and joke

Trained bears

tightrope walker

elephant dance

We divide everything in half

The development of emotions, a trusting relationship between children


8 lessons

Games and studies

Kalinka D1

Game "Do as I do"

March - rebuilding


The road is not a path

To cultivate a positive attitude towards the transmitted image, independently invent movements that reflect the content of the song


8 lessons

spring music pictures


magic flower

And who is there above the meadow

Song about summer

Mastering the elements of Russian dance, developing artistry

Expected results.

By the end of the school year, children aged 4-5 should be able to:

    • To convey in plastic the diverse nature of music, various shades of mood;

    • Transfer the main means of musical expression;

    • Distinguish the genre of the work and express it independently in the appropriate movements and in the word;

    • To convey a musical image in plastic, using gymnastic, imitation, general developmental and dance types of movements;

    • Navigate in space: independently find a place in the hall, rebuild in a circle, stand in pairs and one after another, build in a line and column, in several circles;

    • Perform familiar movements in various game situations, to different music;

    • Independently start and end the movement in accordance with the beginning and end of the music;

    • To convey in facial expressions and pantomime images of familiar animals and characters;

    • Express your perception in movements, as well as in drawings and in a verbal description;

    • Perform rhythmic compositions and dance games studied throughout the year;

    • Find your original movements to express the nature of the music, the game image with expressive gestures;
Children 5-6 years old should be able to:

    • convey the character of a musical work in motion;

    • accurately and correctly perform dance performances;

    • express in motion the main means of musical expression;

    • perform special exercises to coordinate movements with music;

    • improvise using original and varied movements, compose elements for dancing.

    • Own

    • basic dance positions of arms and legs;

    • skills of orientation in space;

    • basics of choreographic art and exercises.
To master a large amount of various compositions and certain types of movements, different in style and character, to acquire a certain “reserve” of movements in rhythmic and dance exercises.

Work on the program of additional education "Rhythmic Mosaic" allows you to achieve the following results:

  • health promotion;

  • Development of musicality;

  • Development of motor qualities and skills;

  • Development of creative and creative abilities;

  • Development and training of mental processes;

  • Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person.

Software and methodological support

  1. Burenina A.I. rhythmic mosaic. Rhythmic plastic program for children of preschool and primary school age. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - 220 p.

  2. Vetlugina N.A. Musical development of the child. - M.: Education, 1967. - 203 p.

  3. Golitsina N.S. Non-traditional physical education classes in a preschool educational institution. -M.: Scriptorium, 2003, 2006. - 72 p.

  4. Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A. Physical education classes in the preschool educational institution. The main types, scenarios of classes. -M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. - 112 p.

  5. Davydova M.A. Musical education in kindergarten. – M.: Vako, 2006. -240 p.

  6. E.Kutuzova. S. Kovalenko Dance and game manual "Kukosha"

  7. Efimenko N.N. Physical culture tales or how to give children the joy of movement, knowledge, comprehension. - Kharkov: Ranok. Vesta. 2005 - 64 p.

  8. Zaretskaya N., Root Z., Dancing in kindergarten. – M.: Iris-press, 2006. – 112 p.

  9. Zatyamina T.A., Stepetova L.V. Musical rhythm. – M.: Globus, 2009. – 110 p.

  10. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. This amazing rhythm. Development of a sense of rhythm in children. - St. Petersburg: Composer, 2005. - 76 p.

  11. Koreneva T.F. Musical-rhythmic movements for children of preschool and primary school age in 2 parts. - M: Vlados, 2001. -103 p.

  12. Mikhailova M.A., Voronina N.V. Dancing, games, exercises for beautiful movement. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000. - 112 p.

  13. Suvorova T.I. "Sports Olympic dances for children" - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2008. - 48 p.

  14. Suvorova T.I. Dance rhythm for children 4. - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2006. - 44 p.

  15. Suvorova T.I. Dance rhythm for kids. - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2006. - 44 p.

  16. Fedorova G.P. Spring ball. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000. - 40 p.

  17. Fedorova G.P. Dancing for children. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000. - 40 p.

Anna Umnova
The program of the circle "Rhythmic Mosaic"

MBDOU kindergarten №1 "Smile"

Explanatory note

Relevance: Musical- rhythmic movements are a synthetic activity, therefore, any program, based on movements to music, will develop both musical ear and motor abilities, as well as those mental processes that underlie them. However, engaging in the same type of activity, you can pursue different goals, for example, focus on developing a sense of rhythm in children, or motor skills, artistry.

The main focus of the proposed programs"Rhythmic mosaic"- the psychological emancipation of the child through the development of his own body as an expressive ("musical") tool.

Problem: Musically and motorally clumsy and inhibited children who need to be helped to gain a sense of self-confidence and their abilities by selecting individual material for them, which will reveal the child's hidden abilities. Lack of attention, will, all types of memory (auditory, visual, motor, thinking, speech - in the ability to express one's perception in movements, as well as in drawings and in verbal instructions.

Target: child development, formation by means of music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits.


Strengthen mental and physical health rhythmics in the conditions of preschool education;

Form the correct posture, gait;

Reduce psychological stress by means of relaxation to music;

Develop abilities for expressive, spiritualized execution of movements;

Learn to improvise to unfamiliar music;

Form an adequate assessment and self-esteem in the process of movement;

Maintain a passion for music and plastics;

Develop artistic and creative abilities.

Form of organization: Rhythmic compositions(classes in subgroups).

Number of lessons: once a week (Wednesday Friday)

Location: Gym

Implementation period: 1 year

Summing up form: report, photographic material, participation in the holidays of the preschool educational institution.

Used Books:

Burenina A. I. " Rhythmic mosaic: (Rhythmic program plastic surgery for children of preschool and primary school age)"

No. Item Subject Tasks Terms Liter

1. "Jolly Travelers" To develop coordination of movements of arms and legs in the process of walking, speed of reaction, the ability to combine movements with music. September 13, 20 Burenina A.I. « Rhythmic mosaic» With. 43

2. "Rybachek"

Development of coordination, accuracy of movements, expressiveness of plasticity, the ability to listen to words and music, accurately conveying all the nuances of a song in movements. September 27, October 4

3. "Cheburashka" Development of expressiveness of plasticity, accuracy and dexterity of movements, ear for music. October 18

4. "Teddy bear" Feeling development rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination. Nov. 1

5. "Dolls - tumblers" Feeling development rhythm, expressiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. 15th of November

6. "colorful game" Development of ear for music, speed of reaction, memory, expressiveness of movements; fixing the figurative composition, becomes in pairs, freely located in the hall. December 6

7. "Grasshopper" rhythm, figurative perception of music. 27th of December

8. "Squirrel" The development of softness, smoothness of the hands, the formation of the skill to spring the legs during swing movements hands: development of musical ear. January 24

9. "Let's go to grandma's village" Development of accuracy and dexterity of movements, the formation of the skill of springy walking, the ability to coordinate movements with music, the cultivation of creative imagination. Consolidation of the skill in the free arrangement of the composition is scattered. February 7

10. Game "Birds and Crow" The development of musicality, expressiveness of movements, the ability to improvise, imagination and fantasy. 28th of February

11. "Horses" Feeling development rhythm (round-loose) March 14th

12. "Piglets" Feeling development rhythm, coordination of movements, a sense of balance, expressiveness of plasticity, the ability to rebuild in space (in a circle - scattered) April, 4

13. "Little Dance" Feeling development rhythm, coordination of movements, a sense of balance, expressiveness of plasticity, the ability to rebuild in space (in a circle - scattered) Consolidation of the skill in a free position in the hall, take the initial correct position. April 18th

14. "White boats" Development of softness, smoothness of hand movements, musicality and expressiveness of movements. 1st of May

15. "March" Development of coordination of movements of arms and legs in the process of walking, development rhythmic hearing(feelings of a strong beat, dexterity and accuracy of movements. May 22

16. "Chickens" The development of musicality, the ability to coordinate movements with music. June 13

17. "Chunga-changa" Development of accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements, speed of reaction, feeling rhythm ability to improvise. 27th of June

18. "Little Red Riding Hood" Development of coordination of movements, senses rhythm, the ability to transfer body weight from foot to foot, creative imagination, attention and memory, speed of reaction. July 18

19. Game "Goat and wolf" Development of creative imagination, musical ear, expressiveness of movements. Consolidation of the skill to move to the beat of the music, the initial position of the arms and legs on August 8

Technology for the development of dance creativity of preschoolers.

(A.I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic")

This technology is based on a musical movement aimed at the holistic development of the personality of children from 3 to 7 years old. The system of work involves variable game forms of organizing the pedagogical process based on the cooperation of the child and the adult.

Relevance of technology.Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development of the child are laid. And, as you know, the sooner we give children a range of diverse impressions, sensory experience, the more harmonious, natural and successful, in such an activity as moving to music, there will be a further development of the child, the formation of his personality. Our children will have fewer problems with the development of speech, attention, thinking, the formation of a beautiful posture ... And gaining experience in the plastic interpretation of music, the child masters not only a variety of motor skills and abilities, but also the experience of creative understanding of music, its emotional and bodily expression . It is this experience and skills that will help the child to successfully master other types of artistic, creative and sports activities in the future: this may be subsequent training in choreography, gymnastics, as well as classes in music schools, sections, theater studios, etc.

Purpose of using technology: to develop the dance creativity of preschoolers by means of musical and motor expressiveness.

The tasks of teaching and educating children:

  1. Development of musicality:

Development of the ability to perceive music, that is, to feel its mood and character, to understand its content;

Development of special musical abilities: ear for music, sense of rhythm; development of musical horizons and cognitive interest in the art of sounds; development of musical memory.

  1. Development of motor qualities and skills:

Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements;

Development of flexibility and plasticity;

Education of endurance, development of strength;

Formation of correct posture, beautiful gait;

Development of the ability to navigate in space;

Enrichment of motor experience with various types of movements.

  1. The development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music:

Development of creative imagination and fantasy;

Development of the ability to improvise;

  1. Development and training of mental processes:

Development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime; development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking. 5. Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person:

Education of the ability to empathize with other people and animals;

Education of the ability to behave in a group while moving, the formation of a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults.

Pedagogical expediency of using technology- in the accessibility of the implementation of the content and the development of program material by children of different ages (and with different abilities), as well as in the flexibility and versatility of the work system itself, which contributes to the strengthening of physical and mental health, the harmonious development of the body and spirit.

To successfully solve problems in the learning process, the following are used:teaching principles:

The principle of accessibility is the correspondence of age capabilities to the degree of complexity of tasks;

The principle of individuality - taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils;

The principle of gradual increase in requirements - a gradual increase in complexity, volume, intensity of loads;

The principle of systematicity is the continuity and regularity of classes;

The principle of consciousness and activity is the interested attitude of students to learning.

Using musical-rhythmic compositions, teachers can design various forms of work with children (classes, programs for morning performances and entertainment, complexes of general developmental exercises, etc.). Thanks to a variety of topics, the proposed musical and rhythmic repertoire is combined with other types of artistic and creative activities (theatrical, visual, etc.).

Distinctive features of technology:

1. Focusing not only on the development of children, but also on improving the professionalism of the teacher himself in the field of rhythmoplastic movements, identifying an individual style of activity and, in this regard, correcting the content of the work “for oneself in interaction with children”.

2. The use of whole works as musical accompaniment, and not excerpts of 8.16 measures, as is customary in traditional musical rhythmic exercises. Going from simple to complex, then children's songs to symphonic works by classical composers, the child gradually joins the world of beauty, playing with his body the complex world of feelings and images.

3. Focusing the attention of teachers not so much on the external side of teaching children musical and rhythmic movements, but on the analysis of internal (sensory, mental, emotional) processes and their mobility.


1 PROGRAM A.I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic" Program "Rhythmic Mosaic" A.I. Burenina supplements the content of the main part due to the fact that the priority direction of the preschool educational institution is “Artistic and aesthetic development of children”. Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundation of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development of the child is laid, the personality of the child is formed. The child grows and develops intensively, movements become his need, so physical education is especially important. In our socially oriented time, when a person's life began to be evaluated by a measure of success, recognition and achievement of specific goals, the comprehensive development of a child by means of music and rhythmic movements plays an important role in the development of a creative and harmoniously successful personality of a child. Rhythmic exercises contribute to the physical education and strengthening of the child's body. In the process of working on movements to music, the artistic taste of children is formed, their creative abilities develop. Features of the "Rhythmic Mosaic" Program Orientation not only on the development of children, but also on improving the professionalism of the teacher himself in the field of rhythmoplastic movements, identifying an individual style of activity and, in this regard, correcting the content of the work "for oneself", "for oneself in interaction with children" Here is the first distinctive feature of this program. The second feature is the use as musical accompaniment, as a rule, of integral works in recordings and in direct, "live" performance (and not excerpts of 8, 16 bars, as is customary in traditional musical rhythmic exercises). A holistic musical image is conveyed by various plastic means, requiring both free possession of the body and a fine ear for music, rich imagination and fantasy, and a deeper comprehension of the content of music. Going from simple to complex, from children's songs to symphonic works by classical composers (M. Mussorgsky, P. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg, C. Saint-Saens, etc.), the child gradually joins the world of beauty, passing, as it were, "through themselves" music, a complex world of feelings and images, playing with their body the musical fabric of the work, its mood and content, and at the same time comprehending the specific language of musical expressiveness at the bodily, visual and emotional levels. The third feature of this program is the focus of teachers' attention not so much on the external side of teaching children musical and rhythmic movements (that is, the formation of motor skills), but on the analysis of those internal processes that are the regulatory basis for movement to music. These are primarily sensory, mental, emotional processes, as well as their mobility. Movement is, as it were, a visible iceberg of deep mental processes, and a motor reaction to music can be used to diagnose, with a sufficient degree of certainty, both the musical and psychomotor development of a child. In other words, this program is a musical-rhythmic psychotraining for children and teachers, developing attention, will, memory,

2 mobility and flexibility of thought processes, also aimed at developing musicality and emotionality, creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise in movement to music, which requires free and conscious control of the body .. This program is focused not only on the development of children, but also on improving the professionalism of the teacher himself in the field of rhythmoplastic movements, identifying the individual style of activity. Rhythmoplasty classes are held in all groups. The purpose of the "Rhythmic Mosaic" program is the development of the child, the formation by means of music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits. And, as you know, the sooner we give children a range of diverse impressions, sensory experience, the more harmonious, natural and successful, in such an activity as moving to music, there will be a further development of the child, the formation of his personality. And, perhaps, our children will have fewer problems with the development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, the formation of a beautiful posture ... In other words, the "Rhythmic Mosaic" program is aimed at a general, harmonious mental, spiritual and physical development, and its content and forms of work can be specified depending on the capabilities of children, on the main goals of their upbringing (for example, correctional) *. The program on rhythmic plasticity helps to solve the following tasks of teaching and educating children: - development of musicality: to feel the mood, the nature of music, the development of a sense of rhythm, musical memory; - development of motor qualities and skills: coordination of movements, flexibility, plasticity, beautiful posture, the ability to navigate in space; - development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movements to the music. It is important to remember that the main task of the program is the psychological emancipation of the child through the development of his own body as an expressive instrument. All these tasks are realized in the process of creative communication with children: in educational activities, in circle work, in free games, dramatization games, in the preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment, individual communication with a child, family holidays. Based on the repertoire from the “Rhythmic Mosaic”, invigorating gymnastics and morning exercises are carried out. For morning exercises, compositions are selected with a gradual increase in the intensity of physical activity with movements (“Merry Travelers”, “Fisherman”, “Ball”). And in invigorating gymnastics I use exercises of a playful nature, with creative tasks and calm in pace (“Cheburashka”, “Squirrel”, “Mishka”). Many rhythmic compositions have a vivid artistic image, so the teacher, together with the children, invents and prepares paraphernalia for more effective and expressive performance. The very process of learning musical rhythmic compositions is based on the cooperation of children and adults. Game communication with children helps to establish a warm, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, remove psychological complexes, feelings of insecurity. The attention of children is activated by performing movements according to the show, the creative activity of children is stimulated, figurative comparisons are selected that characterize the game image. Important: the learning process itself should bring joy to children!

3 Expected result: The plasticity and coordination of children's movements improved, creative activity became more active, self-esteem and self-confidence increased, the posture of preschoolers improved. Rhythmoplasty creates a feeling of joy, freedom of movement, evokes a joyful response to music, and communicates a brighter perception of life. CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM A.I. BURENINA "RHYTHMIC MOSAIC" In connection with the interdependence of music and movement, as well as the goals of this program, the tasks of teaching and educating children are formulated. 1. Development of musicality: - development of the ability to perceive music, that is, to feel its mood and character, to understand its content; - development of special musical abilities: musical ear (melodic, harmonic, timbre), sense of rhythm; - development of musical memory. 2. Development of motor qualities and skills: - development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements; development of flexibility and plasticity; - education of endurance, development of strength; - formation of correct posture, beautiful gait; - development of the ability to navigate in space; 3. Development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music: - development of creative imagination and fantasy; - development of the ability to improvise: in movement, in visual activity, in the word. 4. Development and training of mental processes: - development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime; - training of mobility (lability) of nervous processes; development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking. 5. Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person: - education of the ability to empathize with other people and animals; - education of the ability to behave in a group while moving, the formation of a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults. CONTENTS BY AGE GROUPS 2 3 years Young children are extremely spontaneous and emotional. Movement, especially to music, gives them great joy. However, age-related features of the body structure (short legs and arms, large head, short torso), the course of nervous processes and their maturity, affect motor capabilities. The movements of babies are not yet sufficiently accurate and coordinated, the sense of balance is poorly developed, therefore the volume and variety of motor exercises are small and all of them are, as a rule, playful in nature.

4 Priority tasks: education of interest, the need for movements to the music; development of auditory attention, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the nature and tempo of the music; enrichment of listening and motor experience, the ability to meaningfully use expressive movements in accordance with the musical-playing image. Development indicators. The most important indicator of the level of musical and rhythmic development of a child at this age is interest in the very process of movement to music, the expressiveness of movements and the ability to convey in plastic the nature of music, a game image. With insufficient coordination, dexterity and accuracy of movements (which is quite common at this age), the expressiveness of children's plasticity reveals creative talent and musicality. The variety of movements performed, their correspondence to the tempo, rhythm, and form of a piece of music testify to the high level of musical and motor development of the child. Planning the content of work on rhythmoplasty Plot-thematic characteristics of the repertoire of the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" "Toy World" Tumblers, "Doll", "Kuklyandiya", "Dance of Dolls and Bears", "Cats and Mice", "Dance of Bells", etc. Favorite cartoon characters "Cheburashka", "Crocodile Gena", "Dance of the Gnomes", "Grasshopper", "Three Little Pigs", "Antoshka", etc. Nature and animals "Exercise with autumn leaves", "Children and nature", "White boats”, “Squirrel”, “Aquarium”, “Blue Water”, etc. Travel “Let’s go to the grandmother’s village”, “Cheerful travelers”, “Together it’s fun to walk”, etc. Favorite songs of kids, as well as their mothers and grandmothers “Merry Travelers”, “Chickens”, etc. Pair dances “Little Dance”, “Polka”, “Quarreled-Reconciled”, “Dance with Moms”, etc. “Cats and Mice”, etc. Games and sketches “Where are our pens?”, “Collect the leaves”, “ball game”, “Find a mate”, “Birds and Crows”. September, October Developing the ability to listen to music, start and end movements with the music, move in accordance with the tempo of the music. To form a positive emotional “Okay”, “Where are our hands”, “Teddy bear”, “Rope (ruler), “Merry travelers”,

5 November, December January, February March, April May perception. Development of the ability to move in accordance with the image of the nature of the music, its temperament. To form the ability to perform the simplest movements on the show. Develop the ability to jump on two legs from a place, clap your hands, turn your hands, Jump on two legs in place, moving forward, stamp your foot, circle in pairs, squat and half squat. Repetition and consolidation of the passed “Autumn leaves”, “Roll the ball”, “Who is higher”, “Show the bear”, “We walk beautifully”, “Ruler”, “Snowflakes”, “Gnomes”, “Horse”, “Pass the boat” “Bunnies in the clearing”, “Quarreled, reconciled”, “Handkerchiefs”, “Gather a circle”, “High knees”, “Funny travelers”, “Ducklings”, “Butterflies”, “Matryoshkas”, “Birds”, “Let's run, jump”, "Polenka" Repetition of the passed repertoire For the content and planning of work in the middle, older and preparatory age, see the book: A.I. Burenin Rhythmic Mosaic.

Explanatory note The main focus of the program "Dance Mosaic", which, in our opinion, is universal, is the psychological emancipation of the child through

EXPLANATORY NOTE The additional general educational program of preschool education of artistic and aesthetic orientation "Rhythmic Mosaic" was developed on the basis of the program for rhythmic

ADDITIONAL GENERAL EDUCATIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM "Rhythmic Mosaic" Orientation artistic Basic level Designed for children from 5 to 7 years Implementation period (total number of hours)

Clause 2.2. The description of variable forms, methods, methods for the implementation of the Program shall be supplemented with the following content: 1. Bekina S.I. and others. Music and movement: (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6 years old). From experience

St. Petersburg 2013 Explanatory note The purpose of the "Rhythmic Mosaic" program is the development of the child, the formation of various skills, abilities, personality traits by means of music and rhythmic movements.

The content of the educational program The first year of study 4-5 years For children of 1 year of study, the duration of classes is 30 minutes, the number of classes per week is 2 times. Total - 64 hours a year. Priority tasks:

SUMMARY TO THE ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "RHYTHMIC MOSAIC" for children from 3 to 5 years old Perhaps the best, most perfect and joyful thing in life is free movement under

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type 0 "Cheburashka", Volzhsky, Volgograd Region Approved by the Pedagogical Council Protocol of 20, Head

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State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 29 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children in the Kirov region

ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "Children's Rhythm" ODSHO 796 GBOU Gymnasium 1507 The educational program "Children's Rhythm" is based on the program of A.I. Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic" for

Annotation to the program of additional education "Rhythmic gymnastics" This program is aimed at children of middle and senior preschool age. In order to promote health, develop musical

The plan of the program of the circle of the artistic and aesthetic direction "Choreography" Compiled by: musical director Gushchina L.V. Head of VMR Belotskaya A. V. Approved by: Head of preschool educational institution


Software and methodological support of the educational process of the preschool educational institution At the present stage, pedagogical activity requires the appeal of the music director to new forms that would allow

1 "Kindergarten", Kingisepp Table of contents 1. explanatory note. 3 2. thematic planning of classes for the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" ... 6 3. long-term plan .. 7 4. conclusion ... 19 5. bibliography ...

GBOU SOSH 129 Preschool department Additional education Dance rhythm studio "ZADORNYY KABLUCHOK" Teacher add. education: Mironenko Tatyana Anatolyevna Dance rhythm program:

1 Contents 1. Explanatory note 3 Purpose of the Program Objectives of the Program Forms of work Expected results 2. Thematic planning of classes for the program "Rhythmic Mosaic" ... 6 3. Long-term plan.

Explanatory note The Fidget program was developed on the basis of the Rhythmic Mosaic program (author A.I. Burenina), which was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a program

Explanatory note This program is designed to organize rhythmic lessons for preschool children. The program "Rhythmic Mosaic", developed by A.I. Burenina and

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 2nd compensatory type Announcement of the work experience "Rhythmoplasty in the development and rehabilitation of children with TNR" Project and research activities

The structure of the work program Explanatory note Objectives Tasks Conditions for the implementation of the educational program Description of the forms and methods of conducting classes Curriculum and thematic plan Content of the program Expected

Explanatory note Dance is a means of educating and developing a child's personality, which can create a fertile ground for revealing the potential of a still small person. Harmonious

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 97 "Rainbow" of the city district of Togliatti, Samara region Adopted by: Pedagogical Council of MBU 97 "Rainbow"

The role of musical-rhythmic movements in the comprehensive development of a preschooler. The process of modernization of the education system is accompanied by a rethinking of domestic and foreign educational theory and practice,

Consultation for parents Musical directors: Drygina L.B., Luchkina O.V. Freedom of movement is ease and joy. "Dance - develop the mind" It's no secret that people love to move to music, but

Annotation to the general educational (general developmental) program of additional education "Rhythmoplasty"

Contents Explanatory note. Goals and objectives of the Program. 4 Stages of program implementation. 5 Features of the age group of children.. 6 Expected results 7 Structure of classes 8 Repertoire 8 Funds needed

EXPLANATORY NOTE Perhaps the best, most perfect and most joyful thing in life is free movement to the music. And you can learn it from a child. A.I. Burenina. preschool age one

Contents: 1. Explanatory note. 2. Purpose and objectives of the program. 3. Criteria for assessing the level of motor development of the child .. Curriculum of the program "Rhythmic Gymnastics" for older children

Program for working with children 4-5 years old. "Rhythmic Mosaic". Explanatory note Dance and rhythmic gymnastics are very popular. Rhythmic gymnastics exercises in their motor

Structural subdivision of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School, village of Kabanovka, Kindergarten "Scarlet Flower"

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Essence of rhythm 3. Explanatory note: 3.1. Program goals and program objectives. Methods and forms of program implementation 5. Curriculum and thematic plan: 5.1. Educational and thematic plan

ADOPTED at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the MBDOU CRR 7 protocol 1 dated August 09, 2018 APPROVED by the order of the head of the MBDOU CRR children's cafta 7 Chamomile "WORKING PROGRAM for additional education

Explanatory note Age 6-7 Dance art has great power in educating a creative, comprehensively developed personality. Choreography classes introduce the child to the world of beauty, educate

The curriculum of kindergarten 2 of Russian Railways for the additional educational program "Rhythmoplasty" from 09/01/2016 to 08/31/2017 The curriculum was developed in accordance with - Federal Law of 12/29/2012

Pre-school education Choreography Senior group (5-7 years) Work program Moscow

Sections of the work program 1. Introduction 2. Explanatory note 3. Thematic plan 4. Content of the program 5. Conditions for the implementation of the program. 6. The predicted result of the program implementation. 7. Bibliography

Weeks Musical repertoire Goals, tasks of the lesson 1. 1 week 1 2 2. 2 week 3 4 3. 3 week 5 6 4. 4 week 7 8 5. 5 week 9 10 6 6 week 11 12 September October 1. Learn to perceive and transmit V

Annotation to the work program of the music director. The musical development of preschool children in modern pedagogical theory and practice is one of the best ways to reveal individual

Content:.Section I "Main characteristics"...3..Scope and content...3..planned results...6.section II "Organizational and pedagogical conditions"...7..curriculum...7 . Calendar study schedule ... 8.3.working


Explanatory note The additional general educational developing program "Sports ballroom dancing" was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated February 29, 202.

Additional general developmental program of physical culture and sports orientation "Rhythmic steps" using step-platforms for children of senior preschool age in groups of general developmental, compensatory

Explanatory note Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical health are laid.

Autonomous institution "Educational institution of additional education for children" CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS "of the municipality of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Yugra urban district of the city of Raduzhny

EXPLANATORY NOTE. Musical and rhythmic movements are a synthetic activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will also develop an ear for music.

I. PURPOSE SECTION 1.1. Explanatory note Purpose of the program Holistic development of the child's personality in various types of musical activities: musical and rhythmic movements, singing, playing musical instruments,

A brief presentation of an additional educational program of artistic and aesthetic orientation: choreographic circle "Dance drop" (for children of senior preschool age) I. Name,

Explanatory note The program of the circle "Dance flash mob" is intended for preschool children aged 3-7 years. It has a physical culture and sports orientation. Solves the problems of physical education of children

EDUCATIONAL AREA "ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT" (MUSICAL ACTIVITY) Musical director: Muratova E.Yu. Purpose: familiarization with the art of music; development of the prerequisites for value-semantic

Annotation to the work programs of music directors The main idea of ​​the work program is humanization, the priority of educating universal values: goodness, beauty, truth, self-worth of preschool childhood.

Explanatory note The orientation of the program is artistic and aesthetic, corrective. To optimize the correctional-pedagogical process, it is expedient and promising to use musical rhythms

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The choreography program contributes to the harmonious development of children, teaches them the beauty and expressiveness of movements, shapes their figure, develops physical strength, endurance, and dexterity.

Explanatory note. The program is designed for children of preschool age from -x to years. The work program for additional education is drawn up taking into account the Federal State Educational

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Snezhinsk Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 3" Additional educational program of artistic and aesthetic

Work program According to choreography For students in grades 1-4 Implementation period 1 year EXPLANATORY NOTE. The choreography program contributes to the harmonious development of children, teaches them beauty and expressiveness

The main goal of the program is to promote the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler by means of dance and game gymnastics. It is assumed that the development of the main sections of the program will help the natural

Thematic planning of the content of work on the musical and rhythmic education of children 6-7 years old month Topic of the lesson Goals and objectives, summary of the lesson Repertoire October Week of rains Development of figurative

Explanatory note. The choreography program is designed for 57 hours per year (2 hours per week), contains 3 sections: - rhythmic gymnastic exercises, - dance etudes - improvisation of movements to musical

SCHEME of the development of the content of the psychological and pedagogical work of the educational field for the middle age group Completed by: Educator Lyutko L.A. Odintsovo 2016 The content of the psychological and pedagogical

Explanatory note Musical and choreographic art are indispensable means of aesthetic education, artistic development, capable of deeply influencing the spiritual world of the child.

Dance studio "Karamelka" Explanatory note. The program is designed for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old. The work program for additional education is drawn up taking into account the Federal

MOU progymnasium "Center for Childhood" City methodological association for educators of older groups Message on the topic: "Subject role-playing rhythmic gymnastics as a means of integrating motor and cognitive

The focus of the program Explanatory note is artistic and aesthetic, corrective. To optimize the correctional and pedagogical process, it is advisable and promising to use choreography, rhythm