Psychological test. how best to celebrate the new year? Test: how to celebrate the new year? Test how I will meet the new year

Answer the test questions and find out how mysterious New Year's Eve can be unforgettable for you.

1. Which of these songs would you most like to sing on New Year's Eve:

A)"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".
b)"It's great that we're all here today."
V)"The reeds rustled, the trees bent."

2. How do you feel about pranks?

A) I love good, harmless practical jokes. They bring variety to life!
b) Okay, but I love playing pranks myself more than when they play me.
V) I consider them child's play.

3. From what moment do you start preparing for the New Year more carefully?

A) Since the start of sales of Christmas decorations and Christmas decorations.
b) With the beginning of the trade in forest beauties, which are "one color in winter and summer."
V) From the screening on TV of the movie hit "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

4. Do you like to give gifts?

A) Not especially, their choice confuses me and takes a lot of time.
b) Thinking, choosing, giving - I love it very much.
V) I myself (a) gift!

5. On the eve of the New Year, you are offered to buy pyrotechnic products in the store, how will you react:

A) What a holiday without cute trinkets - firecrackers and crackers!
b) It is better to live in your own apartment than in someone else's tent.
V) I prefer champagne fireworks!

6. You were invited to a New Year's party, the main condition of which is to be in a carnival costume. What will be your answer?

A) I'll think about the offer, actually, even without a carnival costume, I look funny.
b) I refuse the invitation.
V) A brilliant idea to have fun and plunge into a fairy tale.

7. Do you believe that wishes made under the chiming clock come true?

A) Of course, yes!
b) It may very well be.
V)“Oh, these fairy tales, oh, these storytellers ...”

8. According to the Eastern calendar, 2016 will be the year:

A) Golden Calf.
b) Fire Monkey.
V) Chocolate Bunny.

9. Would you like to reincarnate as Santa Claus on New Year's Eve?

A) This happens almost every year.
b) No, I have my own unique image.
V) After New Year's champagne, I'm ready (a) for any experiments!

10. The clock struck twelve, snacks and salads were tried, gifts were distributed. What's next in the program:

A) In anticipation of bright New Year's miracles, I go out into the street to fool around mischievously, play snowballs and launch fireworks!
b) I call relatives, send text messages to friends wishing a happy New Year and continue to sit at the “main decoration of the table” - the TV!
V) I arrange a noisy disco, joke with all my heart and sing karaoke at the top of my voice until dawn or neighbors (with cheerful congratulations, of course) ... who I immediately invite to join the feast!

11. Have you decided with whom you will celebrate the upcoming holiday?

A) Let's get together with a group of friends.
b) With family or alone with a loved one.
V) Waiting for interesting offers.

Sum the scores and review the findings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 1
b 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 2
V 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3

11-17 points. A magical night is a wonderful opportunity to feel childhood again. When everything was real, every day for one hundred percent! But do not forget, the New Year is akin to a marathon. It is not enough to prepare for the start, the main thing is to distribute forces over the entire distance! A little moderation won't hurt you. Then the transition from festive festivities to the usual rhythm of life will be soft and painless.

18-25 points. The New Year differs from many other celebrations in that it is an anticipation of a long-awaited fairy tale, and you are better than Santa Claus and Santa Claus combined, able to arrange a fabulous holiday for yourself and your loved ones. Light, soulful and memorable. If you manage not to succumb to pre-holiday laziness or excessive fuss, show imagination and a sense of humor, then you can have fun on New Year's Eve to glory!

26-33 points. You should try to diversify the New Year's Eve a little - it will refresh your feelings, add bright colors and emotions! Agree, the holiday itself beckons with the expectation of something new, the mystery of unique magical hours. Put things aside for a while and, listening to your desires and imagination, think over the scenario of the main night of the month in advance, then it will remain in your heart for many years!

PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST. What is the best way to celebrate the New Year?

Go skiing down a steep mountain, gather a large group of friends or have a glass of champagne with your husband in front of the TV? Our test will help answer this question and make New Year's Eve unforgettable!

1. Are you seriously convinced that New Year's Eve is, of course:
a) a holiday of love and tenderness;
b) fireworks of unbridled and reckless fun with friends;
c) many pleasant and unexpected surprises “for the soul”.

2. Do you have any exclusive recipes in your cookbook for the occasion?
a) No. But if one is suddenly needed, I will turn to my mother;
b) I always try to cook something unusual and tasty for the New Year's table according to recipes from magazines or the Internet, but I don't have my signature dish yet;
c) there are real legends about my signature dish for a long time; do not even ask me for a recipe - I will not sell it for any gingerbread!

3. You woke up early in the morning, wrapped yourself in a warm bathrobe, went to the window and was surprised to see that it had snowed. Your reaction:
a) “Oh, the snow has fallen ... It's time to get a warm coat and hat” (almost indifferently);
b) “Nightmare, it snowed! How inopportune!,) (almost indignantly);
c) "Wow! Snow! The real winter has finally arrived! (jumping for joy).

4. Imagine that on New Year's Eve a fabulous Fairy looked at you. You're going to order an outfit from her. It will be:
a) luxurious puffy and airy dress, studded with rhinestones, pearls or diamonds;
b) a bright ski suit, a light backpack and high-speed skis;
c) a stylish dress from Cardin - discreet, but wearable: besides the New Year, there are so many holidays!

5. How many days off can you usually afford during the New Year holidays?
a) A week or more. Perhaps I'll take a few extra days off on account of the vacation;
b) less than a week - so that later there would be no emergency at work;
c) one or two days, no more. I have a very busy work schedule.

6. What would you like to receive as a gift for the New Year from your loved one and what is the best way to give him this gift to you?
a) Well, if he reads his poems dedicated to me. Naturally, alone, in a romantic setting, by candlelight, with a glass of champagne;
b) I should like the gift It would be great if he asked me what would bring me joy. And how my beloved will give it to me, it doesn’t matter at all, you can just put it under the Christmas tree - this is not the main thing;
c) oh, it must be a whole theatrical performance! The scenario of "Fort Boyard" is quite suitable. I'm ready to make my way to my gift step by step, like in a quest. For me, it is not the result that is much more interesting, but the process of an exciting search!

7. Who would you like to see at the festive table?
a) I am quite satisfied with the company of my beloved: it is good, cozy, warm and very reliable with him;
b) since childhood I love when our whole big friendly family gathers;
c) a noisy group of friends - that's who it's really fun to be with!

8. Which of the Christmas toys would you like to hang on your Christmas tree?
a) a ball with a beautiful pattern;
b) big heart
c) Shrek figurine.

9. Your favorite New Year's character is:
a) of course, Santa Claus;
b) for some reason a snowman;
c) Zhenya Lukashin from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath".

10. How would you characterize the drawing, which depicts the sea, the sun, the beach and a palm tree wrapped in garlands?
a) “What a terrible New Year they have in the hot tropics!”
b) “Palm trees are good, but our Christmas trees are freezing, poor ...”
c) "The little palm is hot in the winter heat."

Check the result
3-9 points. Family round dance
Characters: you, husband, children, parents, brothers, sisters.
Event program. Decorate the Christmas tree together, set the big table. Come up with an interesting program for the New Year's action: practical jokes, riddles, games, songs, round dances and many, many gifts. Instruct the children to prepare their congratulations in verse for the holiday, publish a wall newspaper with caricatures of guests and playful predictions of what will happen in the New Year. Such a celebration of the New Year will be remembered by everyone for a long time and will become an excellent family tradition.

10-16 points. Romantic dinner
The characters are you and your loved one.
Program of the event: start the New Year's Eve with a touching farewell to the outgoing year. Drink wine, remember what good things happened this year. When the chimes start to beat, light the sparklers and make wishes that must come true in the new year. And then drink sweet wine, taste the masterpieces of the chef or your own and give each other tenderness and love. A romantic meeting of the New Year will strengthen your relationship if they have just begun, and open up new facets of love if you have been together for more than a year.

17-23 points. friendly party
Characters: you and many friends.
Program of the event: agree on who will bring what dishes. All you need to cook on the spot is sandwiches. The Christmas tree can be dressed up on the advice of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino - with everything that is in the attic, but it is better to take toys with you. In the house, leave a lot of free space for dancing and competitions. When compiling a hot menu, adhere to the principle: "Less is more."
As a result, you will not only have fun, but also meet a huge number of interesting people. And acquaintance on New Year's Eve can develop into a serious relationship - for example, friendship.

24-30 points. Not a day without extreme
Location: Mount Ai-Petri, a forest outside the city, the nearest park with an ice slide.
The program of the event: you shouldn’t take a Christmas tree with you, a dish with jellied fish too, but don’t forget a flask with something intoxicating and a vessel with sandwiches! Of course, you will have to say goodbye to comfort, but how fun it is to launch a couple of multi-colored rockets into the sky, shout: “Happy New Year!” and dance something "wild" from Ruslana's repertoire. Experiences of a lifetime, especially if you take your camera or camcorder with you.

January 25, 2020 White Metal Rat will replace the friendly earthen pig, which means it's time to get plans for the future and at least somehow figure out how events will develop in the coming decade. 5 cute mice will help you figure it out, one of which you need to choose for your prediction.

2. Caring friend

As irreplaceable and dear to many people, you will continue to illuminate people with attention, care and kindness. Close people really need your support, and you, as always, will not let you down and will be able to help with good advice or a sensitive act.

3. Indomitable merry fellow

Laughter for no reason is a sign of you know what, but in the new year you will have many reasons to smile at all 32. Everyone knows that a good sense of humor makes life easier, and who, if not a laughing person, can be called truly happy?

4. Person-holiday

Not toastmaster, of course, but you will definitely be able to give someone a festive mood. The people around you are charged with positive energy and simply never have time to get bored in your company. Your task is to fill everyone with pleasant and happy memories, which you are already doing very well.

5. Soul of the company

They are glad to see you always and everywhere, and your ability to defuse the situation and enliven the conversation is nothing but a manifestation of leadership qualities. The art of communication will more than once help you find a way out of the situation and wrap it in your favor.

In general, 2020 promises to be a joyful and eventful year. Yes, and the leap year should not be afraid, because it has a lot of pleasant things. For example, whoever gets caught in the first rain this year will grab luck by the rat's tail.