Rhapsody and cascade of difference. Which celebrity does the Rhapsody haircut, find out if it suits you. Differences between haircut rhapsody and cascade

Soft and dainty, layered and complex, the rhapsody haircut works well for medium hair. She first appeared in the early 90s, rapidly gaining popularity among fashionistas, now the haircut has returned to the fashion catwalks in a slightly modified form.

This hairstyle can be seen on the heads of famous top models and Hollywood stars, as well as ordinary housewives and office workers. The rhapsody haircut looks quite impressive on medium hair - the curls acquire amazing volume and splendor, seem thicker, and easily fit.

What is such a hairstyle? Its main feature is the different lengths of curls located on the sides, on the top and back of the head - a kind of multi-layered cascade with a voluminous top is obtained. Near the face, the hair is made in the form of a ladder, while individual strands stand out.

In general, this hairstyle has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • suitable for both straight strands and curly;
  • creates the effect of airiness and lightness on the hair;
  • looks amazing in any color palette;
  • allows you to regularly change the image and quickly style your hair without much effort;
  • helps to hide facial imperfections;
  • suitable for both very young girls, and perfectly fit into the image of a lady of respectable age.
  • gives the image a special style.

Rhapsody haircut options

On medium length hair, you can perform rhapsody in two variations: classic and modernized.

Classical rhapsody

The traditional haircut is different in that the top layer of hair is much shorter than the main part of it. Let's find out how to create such an unusual haircut.

  1. We divide the hair into several zones: first we make a vertical parting strictly in the middle of the head, and then we separate the strands along a horizontal line, moving across the entire crown from ear to ear.
  2. We create the first layer of the cascade: starting from the bangs, on both sides we cut the hair along the arc line, while making each subsequent strand longer than the previous one.
  3. We pass to the second layer, which is cut similarly to the first and along the same lines, but it should be slightly longer.
  4. We cut the rest of the layers in the same way, lowering our head a little, we finish the haircut at the back of the head.
  5. At the final stage, we perform the edging of the hairstyle: we make the lower strands in the form of a trapezoid, we mill the ends of the entire volume of hair.

Modernized Rhapsody

In a more modern version, the basic principle of layering is preserved, but it is no longer so pronounced. Lush "hat" in the upper part of the head is much lower than in the first case, and the bangs smoothly into the main length.

To create a rhapsody haircut on your head, it is better to turn to experienced craftsmen who have mastered this technique to perfection; in no case should you trust such a task to a novice specialist or girlfriend.

Rhapsody haircut styling methods

One of the main advantages of this haircut is that it allows you to easily experiment with your style and image, and with medium hair length, you can easily style curls every time in a new way.

business image

We will treat all the hair with a styling agent with a thermal protection effect and straighten the strands with an iron.

Please note that it is impossible to carry out such a procedure too often, as it can adversely affect the health of the curls.

You can leave your hair loose or collect it in a high bun, while releasing a few strands on the sides.

Everyday voluminous styling

We wash the hair and, while it is damp, apply to the styling foam.

Armed with a round brush and a hair dryer, dry strand by strand, lifting each of them up at the base.

At the same time, we twist the lower layer of hair with the same comb inward.

romantic style

For such an image, light waves are ideal, to make them, we need tongs and a styling product with protection against high temperatures.

After treating the strands with gel or foam, we wind each of them on tongs along the entire length.

We carefully lay the curls without combing them at the same time, otherwise the volume we do not need in this case will appear.

Hair coloring with a rhapsody haircut

Another obvious advantage of rhapsody is that it can be successfully emphasized using different strand coloring techniques. Colorists in this case offer some great ideas:

  • light shades will give additional volume to the hairstyle;
  • highlighting will favorably emphasize the haircut, it can be done all over the head or select a few strands, color highlighting is suitable for bright and eccentric girls;
  • Ombre coloring or bronding will allow you to focus on the layering of hairstyles, smooth transitions will make the image original and memorable.

Rhapsody is a haircut that is universal and ideal for any situation. You do not have to spend precious minutes on styling, going to work or school in the morning, your hair will not interfere with doing household chores or playing sports, you can easily create a great hairstyle for a special event. Multifaceted, stylish and spectacular rhapsody will not let its owner be left without attention.

There are hairstyles that will never cease to be fashionable and relevant. One of them is the women's haircut Rhapsody. This is an almost universal haircut option, which is performed on hair of various lengths, except for ultra-short ones.

Most often, this haircut is performed if the hair is long or shoulder length. In addition, this is the best haircut option for women who are tired of wearing short hair and are planning to grow their hair.

Good "rhapsody" for owners of thin hair. It is not recommended for such girls to wear just straight long hair so as not to look too “sleek”, but this type of haircut will add volume and enliven the appearance.

A haircut is also great for curly girls, due to the fact that the strands have different lengths, they lie more neatly, do not fluff and do not get confused.

Rhapsody haircut, due to its shape and properly executed thinning, looks good even if you don’t style your hair after washing, but simply comb it. And if desired, on the basis of a haircut, you can create a wide variety of styling.

With this haircut, strands tinted in different colors look great. Therefore, it is recommended to use highlighting or coloring techniques. Correctly executed coloring will give the hairstyle additional volume, and the hair will shimmer beautifully in the light.

Haircut can be done with bangs, this will give the hairstyle an extra charm. Only bangs need to be selected according to the shape of the face. A face in the form of an elongated oval will be decorated with a straight and thick bang, chubby is recommended to choose oblique. Those who have an oval face close to ideal can choose any option, for example, an asymmetric or multi-tiered bangs.

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The basic scheme of the rhapsody haircut resembles the well-known “cascade”, however, there is a significant difference: in this haircut, the total mass of hair retains its length, and during the cascade, the strands are cut with a ladder.

The rhapsody is cut by layering strands, strands are arranged near the face with a ladder, and on the crown part they can have different lengths.

Especially often this type of haircut is performed on medium hair. Girls are attracted by the fact that hair can be styled in different ways, often changing the look. "Rhapsody" is often recommended for long hair, while the strands beautifully cascade down near the face, giving the owner of the hairstyle a special femininity. When performing a haircut for short hair, you can easily place the necessary accents and create an attractive look.

Who is this haircut for? Yes, almost any woman, you just need to choose the right bang shape and overall length.

How is it done?

Today, both the classic rhapsody haircut technique and the modernized one are used.

Traditional execution technology:

  • the hair should be slightly moistened and combed well, dividing into two parts. To do this, you need to make an even and clear parting to the neck;
  • then you need to make a parting in the horizontal direction: the extreme strand is taken from the forehead, it needs to be combed on the face;
  • make a straight edging on the selected strand. This will be a “signal” strand, along which you can then navigate by cutting the rest of the strands parallel to the first;
  • then you should continue cutting, choosing strands on both sides of the previously made vertical parting. The face of the model at this stage should be slightly tilted down. Strands stand out parallel to hair growth along an arcuate parting. Each next strand should be longer than the previous one;
  • having reached the crown, you need to tilt the model’s head a little back, and continue to cut in the same way, laying the strands on top of each other;
  • edging is in the form of a trapezoid;
  • the entire contour is milled with scissors.

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Upgraded shearing technology provides for a combination of strands that have a significant difference in length. In this case, the tips can be left without thinning. There is a haircut option in which the hair at the top is cut much shorter.

If the haircut is performed on curly long hair, then you need to carefully align the strands. With such hair, it is irrational to make a short crown, as it will become unnecessarily voluminous.

home styling options

Consider how a rhapsody haircut can be styled at home. Photos of various styling options allow you to get interesting ideas for hairstyles.

Laying "for every day". This is a simple styling option with a hairdryer and a round brush. Wash and dry hair. Apply a styling agent to slightly damp curls and begin to dry, lifting the strands with a brush, creating volume at the roots. The ends of the lower strands can be left straight, or you can curl inward or outward, this will diversify the image.

Styling with an iron. If you want to make your hair perfectly straight, you can use an iron. A heat protectant is applied to clean, dry hair and the strand by strand is treated with an iron.

Laying with curls. If you want to make a more elegant hairstyle, you can curl your hair using curlers or tongs.

Wave styling. This type of styling looks good on naturally curly or curled hair. Gel is applied to the curls to create the effect of “wet hair” and dry the hair, forming waves with your fingers or using a nozzle on a hairdryer with a diffuser. This styling has a very beautiful rear view.

Such a haircut, like rhapsody, will definitely turn out to be fashionable, modern, and also relevant in the coming season. Yes, and she likes almost all the fair sex. So all the beauties with medium length hair just need to try on this new look.

The method of performing this haircut is simple - strands of hair are superimposed on one another, the total mass of hair is combed back, and the ends are cut with thinning scissors. Rhapsody is very reminiscent of a cascade hairstyle, but there is a slight difference, with a cascade, the hair is cut with a ladder along the face, and the length is also cut strand by strand. Rhapsody is ideal for those who are going to grow their hair. But both of these hairstyles come out voluminous and very stylish.

What type of hairstyle is Rhapsody suitable for?

A rhapsody hairstyle is ideal for those girls who dream of volume at the crown. It doesn't even matter if your hair is thick or thin. For girls with thin and weakened hair, this hairstyle will give visual volume, and for those who have heavy and thick hair, it will help to visually reduce the severity of the hairstyle. For owners of curly curls, Rhapsody is also ideal. Because the hair is cut and placed at different heights, it will look much neater and no longer tangled. But it must also be taken into account that for very small curls, rhapsody, nevertheless, is not very suitable, because an excessively voluminous nape will turn out.

It will also be a huge plus for modern and always in a hurry women that having made a rhapsody hairstyle for yourself, you can forget about styling for a long time.

Rhapsody haircut option with bangs

When the cascade starts to get boring, you can refresh it with a bang. And if you also take into account that rhapsody, initially, is considered a conservative hairstyle, then the bangs will look very original, while emphasizing some facial features. For example, oblique bangs are ideal for girls with a round face, especially since it is very popular now. With the help of oblique bangs, the face narrows, which makes its owner a real fashionista.
For girls who have an oval, elongated face, a thick bang is perfect, it will visually make the face smaller, from which it will become small and cute. If you have an oval head, then the best option would be an asymmetrical bang, which consists of several layers, where the lower one is slightly shorter than the upper one and also slightly beveled to the side. Well, if you want to attract as many looks as possible, we advise you to make a triangular bang.
Excellent haircut rhapsody is suitable for hair that is dyed in several different shades. The main thing in this business is to find the best hairdresser who can be profitable for you, to choose the right shades. After all, when the colors sparkle in the light, you will be simply gorgeous!

There are several ways to style a Rhapsody haircut.

Laying in separate curls. This styling is suitable for everyday wear, although it is considered an evening option. For this you can use

Rhapsody haircut is one of the surest ways to constantly have a great hairstyle without wasting time on styling. It looks great on straight and curly hair of any length, even after regular shampooing and blow drying. It will give incredible volume to thin and sparse hair, and it will greatly facilitate heavy, thick hair.

The peak of the popularity of the rhapsody haircut came in the 90s. And today her rapid return to the ranks of the most sought-after haircuts among fashionistas is noted. After all, no matter how trite it may sound, but everything new is well forgotten old.

Rhapsody haircut for medium hair

Rhapsody looks perfect on medium length hair. Chic volume, always a diligent look and nothing more. And if it becomes necessary to create a front view, then you just need to twist the ends or highlight them by smearing them with gel. Such an incredibly simple styling can create the effect of “only salt” and add maximum femininity, subtlety and coquetry to the image.

Rhapsody in combination with short hair - 100% volume from the roots and maximum femininity of the image. This haircut is perfect for ladies of any age. The classic version will be good for the older generation. And for young people, there are a lot of options for modernizing rhapsody with the help of various bangs and styling.

Rhapsody haircut cannot be done on too short hair. The length of short hair should reach the neck.

Rhapsody haircut is also a great option for those who set out to grow their hair. With its help, you will put your hair in order without particularly affecting the main length.

Rhapsody for long hair - unlimited freedom of imagination of the client and the master. Of course, in order for the result to please, it is initially necessary to weigh all the factors and note what needs to be emphasized.

On thin long hair, a rhapsody made along the entire length will look great. And it is better to decorate lush, especially curly hair with light thinning from the chin or below. Thus, preserving the volume to the maximum and emphasizing the beauty of curly curls.

Rhapsody haircut is a win-win option for owners of any type of face, as it is easily combined with bangs of any format. After all, bangs, as you know, are a great way to transform an image, what needs to be hidden, and where it needs to be emphasized. In addition, with bangs, you can easily create styling miracles by constantly adding variety to your style of colors.

Rhapsody haircut technology

According to the execution technology, rhapsody refers to more complex haircuts, therefore, having decided on this option, you should pay special attention to the choice of a specialist. It is better to give preference to the author with a full hand. And novice hairdressers should immerse themselves in all the subtleties and train a lot in order to conquer this technique and learn all the subtleties.

A step-by-step guide to the technique of the classic rhapsody haircut

  • Select zones. Initially, into two parts exactly along the parting vertically. Then with an even horizontal parting from ear to ear.
  • We select the temporal and parietal zones:
    • Separate an even initial zone in the middle of the frontal part of the hair. If a haircut with bangs, then from the bridge of the nose, if without, then from the tip of the nose;
    • We cut the strands on both sides, lengthening at the same level along the arcuate line with regards to the initial strand of the bangs;
    • We lengthen the second level of the haircut in accordance with the first;
    • For convenience, tilting your head forward with a swift, then all levels according to the principle of the first to the very back of the head.
  • At the end, we perform an arcuate edging. Making the lower levels in the form of a trapezoid and milling the ends along all levels.

There is also a modernized version of this haircut. In which the “hat” is lowered much lower, layering is less pronounced and the bangs smoothly transition into the total length.

Differences between haircut rhapsody and cascade

The main difference between the rhapsody haircut and the well-known cascade is the preservation of hair length. In fact, these two haircuts are similar in technique, since in both cases the strand-by-strand technology is involved. But only in the cascade the ladder goes along the entire length with clearly defined steps, and in the case of the rhapsody, the length of the hair is preserved as much as possible. Both of these haircuts look great and give the hair great volume.

Rhapsody haircut video lesson

Rhapsody haircut looks beautiful on long hair and medium length hair. It's beautiful and stylish. It helps fine hair gain volume. Curly - gives grooming and beautiful framing of the face. Rhapsody is good because it looks quite beautiful even without styling. It can be complemented by bangs. A round face can be pulled out with an oblique bang. Straight and thick bangs will emphasize the beauty and elegance of an oval face. It can also be done on short hair. Then they will become more voluminous and make the contour of the face softer. Suitable for any length, does not require special care, increases hair volume, corrects facial features. How many hairstyles can boast such versatility? See photo:

When highlighting and toning, the hairstyle blooms and gives a blooming and healthy complexion. Strands of different lengths when highlighting look original and stylish. Coloring to make the haircut play with unusual colors. On hair dyed the same color, it will never look the same and boring. The red color looks more advantageous with this design.

Execution technique

Rhapsody has several ways to perform. A classic that has been used for many years. Modernized options are offered by leading stylists who make some changes or additions to the haircut.

good old classic

  1. Comb thoroughly and moisturize your hair.
  2. We divide the hairstyle into zones. We create a straight parting (we bring the parting to the neck). This will be the main working parting. It must be clear.
  3. Now we make a horizontal parting. We take the most extreme strand from the forehead, comb it over the face. On this strand we make a straight edging. This is the initial strand, the rest will be parallel to it.
  4. Next, we focus on the vertical parting. The haircut will be performed on both sides of it. We take another, next strand parallel to the hairline (the parting should be arched) near the forehead, and cut it a little longer than the previous one.
  5. So we cut on both sides of the vertical parting. Each strand is taken with an arcuate parting and is slightly longer than the previous strand.
  6. So the entire area is cut to the crown. The face of the person being cut is tilted down.
  7. At the back of the head, the haircut is also performed, only the head leans back. Here, each strand is also longer than the previous one.
  8. We frame the haircut in the form of a trapezoid. It should clearly frame the face.
  9. We mill the ends of the hair along the entire contour of the haircut.

A simple technique of the classic version, see photo:

The modern version involves mixing strands of different lengths. The tips can not be milled - leave a clear line. Often stylists complement the rhapsody with a shorter and more pronounced crown. This method will add volume even to very rare hair.

A haircut is good for those who grow their hair out of a very short hairstyle. Often, growing strands look untidy, but this can be avoided. It gives a well-groomed appearance to growing hair, subject to the timely trimming of the tips.

Laying methods

Rhapsody haircut allows you to experiment.

  • you can braid a ponytail, leave the strands of the face loose;
  • curls also look great, emphasize the oval of the face and add romance to the image;
  • a bunch with loose curls is easy and stylish;
  • clear strands, stretched out with an iron for a business woman;
  • voluminous air styling for walks and evening dresses.

One of the few haircuts that suits everyone. Simple care and styling make it attractive in the eyes of any woman. And the beautiful outlines of the face with rhapsody will appeal to many.