Stories by syllables for children 7 years old. How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. It's not just a twig

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When a child has mastered the alphabet well, it is time to teach him how to put letters into syllables and read them. Many mothers and fathers are tormented by the question of how to tell him everything about sounds and syllables, how to teach him to connect letters, and then explain how to put words together.

Learning algorithm

Teaching a child to read coherently is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is a rather serious matter that requires patience, perseverance and some preparation by the parents themselves. The process of developing reading skills consists of three steps:

  • learning letters and their corresponding sounds;
  • folding letters into syllables and practical training in reading them;
  • putting syllables into words and practicing continuous reading.

The first step usually does not cause difficulties for children; they quickly remember the letters during the game. The next step, perhaps the most important and responsible, is not very easy for many children. The difficulties that arise can discourage and significantly slow down the process. Don't give up and continue systematic training, even if things have seriously slowed down. Encourage your child to make him feel more confident.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

Dear reader!

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Before you start teaching, make sure that your charming student knows the letters of the alphabet and can easily identify them. To test skills, give your child the alphabet and ask him to name the letters. Usually children need 2-3 minutes to do this. This means that it takes him 4-6 seconds to recognize one letter. Based on simple calculations, we can assume that it will take him 20 to 25 seconds to read a 4-letter word (“dad”, “mom”). Now imagine what it’s like to read at that speed.

So knowing and identifying letters is, of course, important, but identifying them must be lightning fast. When the child spends about 20 seconds “disassembling” the entire alphabet, then move on to the second stage of learning - how to teach a child syllables.

Fundamental points:

  • Teach your child sounds, not letters, this will simplify the process of subsequent learning. For example, not “de”, “te”, “me”, but “D”, “T”, “M”. The vowels should be long “uuu”, “aaa”. Start your practice with "A". It is easiest for children; they quickly remember and identify it. Once the student can identify it well, proceed to consonants. Then start making the syllables “MA”, “DA”, “GA”. As soon as this works out, start building words: “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”. After practicing skills with the letter “A”, start practicing with the letter “O”, then “U”, “I”.
  • If your child is familiar with the alphabet, play with it. Show him how to collect simple words “da-sha”, “ka-sha”, “li-za”, “li-sa”, “mouth”, “house”, “ko-za”.
  • Move to 3-syllable words.
  • Learning through play is the most optimal and interesting way for a child.

Actively use visual aids during the learning process. Colorful pictures and thematic video materials prepared in advance can become your assistants in this difficult task.

Teaching methods

It is quite difficult to teach a baby to read on your own without relying on didactic material (more details in the article:). Buy a primer in advance, you will need it. Now they are produced in a large assortment - some are classic, some are original. The most interesting and practically justified are the methods of N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina.

Zhukova’s method with “running letters” seems simpler to explain, and therefore more understandable to the child. We should not forget that every child is unique, his abilities are individual. What is convenient and understandable for one person does not suit another. If your baby doesn’t feel very confident at the syllable stage, don’t rush to move on to putting words together, even the simplest ones. Such useless acceleration will increase his insecurity and discourage him from learning to read.

Bakhtina's method is suitable for very young children who are barely 2 years old. The author assures that children who regularly study at home using her method can read well by the age of three. According to Zhukova’s ABC book, children study at school, i.e. at the age of 5-6 years.

We add and read syllables according to the method of Elena Bakhtina

The essence of the method is as follows: as soon as the baby has learned to recognize letters fluently (and that is fluently!), begin to teach him to connect letters, form syllables and pronounce them. After he learns to correctly pronounce and recognize letter combinations, he needs to work on their varieties.

Let's give an example. In the syllable “MA” the letters “M” and “A” met and became strong friends. Now they are together and it turns out “MA”. Repeat about friendship “M” + “A” = “MA” throughout the day, consolidate the skill the next day. Using the same scheme, learn other letter combinations. At first, practice open syllables (with a vowel) “KA”, “GA”, “LA”. Be sure to reinforce pronunciation by demonstrating cards (visually).

Use the same cards to teach your child to read. We offer you ready-made cards: consonants are blue, vowels are red. Make syllables and words to read from cards.

Important aspects:

  • At the initial stage, do not use vowels with “y” as part of “yu” = “yu”, “ya” = “ya”. Do not use sibilant consonants, as they are more difficult to pronounce.
  • Teach your child continuously - not only at home with an ABC book, but also while walking. Point the “student” to the signs, encourage him to find and pronounce familiar combinations, and practice with unfamiliar combinations. Then you can include vowels with “th” and sibilant consonants in your training.

It is possible that this technique will not suit the baby, and he will not learn to read. In this case, try a different teaching method.

The classic method of the author of the school primer Nadezhda Zhukova

Use Zhukova's ABC book to teach your child how to form syllables from letters. Start with the letters “M” and “A”, because their combination is close and dear to the baby. This letter combination is familiar almost from birth; it underlies the word “mother”.

Pay attention to the child that in the picture in the primer, one letter runs to another, and then they are connected.

Pronounce the extended letter “mmm” with him and turn it into “mmmaaaa.” In this case, the first sound gradually shortens and becomes longer than the second. Using the same scheme, pronounce other open letter combinations with “A”, “O”, “U”: “YES”, “KO”, “TU”, etc. Then move on to adding very simple words that are understandable to the learner: “PA-PA”, “RU-KA”, “NO-GA”. Focus on articulation: we extend one sound and shorten the other. If you can make your own cards with “running” letters, then you can teach your child to read not only with a book, but also through games.

Important aspects:

  • It is very important to encourage your child to analyze the syllables he learns. Every time ask him what letters he sees here and how many there are. Let him pronounce and repeat again and again.
  • Make sure that while reading, the letters do not “break apart” or become “unfriendly”, so that the sounds do not turn into letters when they are connected: “yes”, not “dea”; “pa”, not “pea”. The child must pronounce the sounds. Remind your baby that the first sound needs to be pulled out, and the second one needs to be “cut.”
  • During the lesson, let the child determine by ear the number of letters (sounds) pronounced by mom/dad. Ask him to name the first sound and the second. Initially, you can practice on combinations of vowels “ao”, “ua”, “ia”.

Let us remind you once again about the individuality of the child. One baby will quickly connect letters and sounds, while another will have difficulty. Don't rush him and don't push the situation. Let the classes be regular. If your child is having trouble with one method, try another. It is important to choose the option that suits him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

As a child grows up, he learns important and useful skills. Reading is one of the fundamental ones. Psychologists recommend taking into account the individual characteristics of children. This will help you understand whether the child is ready to learn letters and whether it’s time to start learning to read syllables. Children of different ages require an individual approach.

It is important to promptly recognize signals of readiness for learning:

  • the child creates the illusion of reading by moving his finger over the text;
  • shows interest in books and can look at them for a long time;
  • knows all the letters and can name them without difficulty;
  • his speech is understandable;
  • the child has a large vocabulary;
  • It is necessary to take an individual approach to a child with speech defects.

Features of learning at different ages

At 3-4 years old

A child at this age is active and inquisitive and is able to absorb a large amount of new information in a short period of time.

Productive learning of any skill should combine:

  1. An interesting form of presentation, i.e. Training is best done in the form of a game. Monotony and monotony can scare away the baby and discourage the desire to learn for a long time.
  2. Select a task depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. Even at age 3, the development and abilities of two children can differ dramatically. It is necessary to select educational games so that they are suitable for the child and are not too difficult for him.
  3. Monitor the reaction of the little student so that he does not overexert himself.
  4. Consider his mood. You should not start training if your child is not in the mood for classes.

At 4-5 years old

The child’s brain begins to actively work and process information. It is much easier for him to structure and analyze everything that is happening around him. Training should also be carried out in the form of games to make it easier and more interesting for the child to learn new knowledge. A small student needs to be able to concentrate on classes for a long time, otherwise the result from them will be minimal.

At 5-6 years old

The child is entering a new stage of intellectual development. He begins to actively show interest in reading, because he himself wants to delve into the learning process.

The child receives more positive emotions from learning to read. The little person’s brain actively develops certain areas that are responsible for attention, helping to better structure, analyze and remember information.

At 6-7 years old

Adults do not like to do routine things that make them bored. And it is simply contraindicated for a child to do something boring. Classes should be fun and interesting.

To do this you will need:

  • educational material with capital letters;
  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • do not overtire the child.

You should not take into account only books; it is better to use the talking alphabet, cards, cubes and other educational material.

Classical training at home

The right start

In order to successfully and efficiently teach a child to read syllables, it is necessary to set the right beginning. Psychologists and pediatricians advise using certain methods to reduce a young student’s resistance to the learning process.

Among them:

  1. Conduct classes when the child is in a good mood and shows no signs of illness. This rule also applies to the teaching person.
  2. At the beginning of school, the child often experiences rapid fatigue and difficulty concentrating. It will be best to reduce your practice time in the first few days.
  3. The golden rule of any teaching for children is playful presentation. This way the child learns the necessary things in an easy and interesting way.
  4. When teaching a child, there is no need to pretend to be a strict teacher. This form of presentation can forever ruin his desire to acquire new knowledge.
  5. The baby definitely needs to be supported and rejoiced at his successes. This will help strengthen the child's self-confidence and ability to achieve success faster.
  6. The more varied games there are, the easier and more interesting it will be for the baby to learn to read syllables. For children, it is also necessary to switch from one game to another in a timely manner. This helps maintain the interest and attention of the little student.

Stages of training

  1. First, explain in a playful way that speech consists of sounds.
  2. Teach your child to distinguish between consonants of different hardness (soft and hard). Identify the vowel that is stressed.
  3. Then the little student needs to learn to isolate sounds in small words.
  4. Show the letter in a playful way and pronounce its sound designation.
  5. Then, together with your parents, add the syllables.

Game forms of learning letters.

For children, the modern world offers many different techniques that help teach them to read syllables.

To teach a child to read syllables, it is recommended to start by learning the letters. It is better to buy the alphabet for children 2-3 years old, where each letter is associated with an object

Among them:

Learning the correct pronunciation of sounds

It is better to divide training into several stages. This will help your child learn correct pronunciation faster.

  1. Stage 1. Aimed at developing organs that are involved in speech: lips, tongue, cheeks. At this stage, easier sounds are mastered, i.e. vowels and simple consonants.
  2. Stage 2. The child learns complex consonants. As practice shows, these are whistling and hissing sounds.
  3. Stage 3. This stage should be given special attention, because it is one of the most difficult when teaching a child correct pronunciation. At stage 3, you need to teach how to correctly pronounce complex sounds (hissing and whistling) so that the baby does not confuse them.
  4. Stage 4. When the little student learns to pronounce complex sounds individually, the next stage begins. The child will need to learn to separate mixing sounds, for example, [Ш] and [С].

Composing syllables and moving on to their pronunciation

Syllables can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Consonant + vowel A. This is the easiest syllable for a child to learn. For example, syllables: MA, BA, PA, etc. He needs to explain how syllables are composed and learn to read them correctly. Let the little reader not try to learn the syllables quickly, because the main thing is that he understands the essence and does it correctly. Over time, he will learn to do this much faster.
  2. Consonant + other vowels. First, it is better to study a syllable with simple consonants, but a vowel other than [A]. Once he has mastered this lesson, you can move on to the next one. Alternate simple consonants with complex consonants (whistles, etc.) and any vowel. For example, syllables: DI, SCHA, CHE, etc.
  3. The syllable is reversed. When the little reader understands the essence, pediatricians recommend switching to closed syllables. Those. the syllable ends with a consonant. For example, syllables: IR, YASH, AR, etc.

Reading whole words

Learning to read syllables is an intermediate stage, after which a difficult but interesting period begins for children - reading whole words. The fewer words that come into the child’s field of vision, the easier it will be for him.

  1. It is best to start with words that have repeating syllables. For example, MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BA, etc.
  2. Next, children most easily perceive words with repeated (uncomplicated) consonants. For example, MI-MO, etc.
  3. Then you should choose a different combination of syllables, but with simple consonants. For example, SA-LO, KI-SA, etc.
  4. Then it is better to pay attention to words with one complex consonant. For example, RO-SCHA, PI-SCHA, etc. Then you can select both complex consonants: CHA-SCHA, etc.

With a gradual increase in difficulty, the child will be able to read even the most difficult words.

Teaching reading fluency

Learning to read fluently will help your child learn to read quickly. It is important to choose the text for classes in accordance with age. It is necessary to record the initial result in order to know how successfully the training is going. To do this, just let the child read the text and first time it. At the beginning of training, you should not overtire him; 1-2 minutes will be enough.

  1. Understand the meaning. It is necessary that the child can assimilate and remember the meaning of the text read. When the little student reads the part, you need to ask him questions and check whether he understood the meaning of the text.
  2. On the search. The beginning reader is asked to quickly find a certain word or phrase in the text (but this also depends on the age of the child).
  3. It's a tough fight. Experts say that children have difficulty reading words with several consonants in a row. You need to make a list of difficult words with consecutive consonants. It is best to practice such words daily so that the child does not lose skill.
  4. Tongue Twisters. Speaking tongue twisters helps improve pronunciation, distribute breathing correctly, and increase reading speed.

Popular methods for teaching reading

Zaitsev cubes

The main difference between Zaitsev’s technique is the unit of language, i.e. warehouse instead of the generally accepted syllable. For example, “pi-ro-g” instead of “pi-rog”.

The cubes have many features:

  • size;
  • color;
  • quantity;

Differences help the child remember a certain rule. In addition to the cubes, tables with warehouses are included. Zaitsev's technique is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Syllable reading

This method consists of tables with syllables. A huge set of syllables is good because it is impossible to remember and memorize, so one table can be studied many times. Syllabic reading helps you learn a variety of syllables and prepare you to read difficult words.

Glen Doman Method

This method is recommended for use from 6 months. The set contains cards with words printed in red letters.
The essence of the method is to show the child cards with words, pronouncing them clearly and clearly. Using this technique, a child can learn to read without memorizing syllables and letters.

Methodology of Nadezhda Zhukova

For this method, the child must be introduced to the letters in advance. Nadezhda Zhukova claims that it is more difficult for children to isolate individual sounds and easier to isolate syllables. The baby first needs to be introduced to the simplest letters, vowels. Help him understand that they can be sung. Then you need to explain how 2 vowels are added, then he will be able to understand the basics of adding syllables.

“Magnetic ABC” by Nadezhda Zhukova will help a child learn to determine by ear how many letters and sounds are pronounced, and in what sequence the sounds sound.

Chaplygin cubes

The technique is based on dynamic cubes. These are cubes connected in a special way that can be twisted. By turning them, the baby receives new words. From 2 cubes you can collect 20 words, and from 3 cubes you can collect 25 times more (i.e. 500 different words).

Self-taught ABC

The self-taught alphabet allows your child to learn the alphabet without outside help. The electronic alphabet will help you learn the basics of reading - letters in a playful way, with virtually no help from adults.

Video lessons for learning to read

There are a huge number of video tutorials, both simple and intricate. It is sometimes difficult for parents to choose from such a variety what is really suitable for their child.

Video lessons can be divided into:

  • according to the age;
  • by gender of the child;
  • by level of training (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

You should select video lessons according to these parameters.

What are the advantages of video lessons on teaching reading:

  • distance learning;
  • independent learning without adult participation;
  • easy accessibility;
  • interesting learning format;
  • big variety.

For successful learning it is important to demonstrate:

  • persistence;
  • patience;
  • methodical;
  • attentiveness;
  • love and care.

You should not start exercising if you are in a bad mood and/or feeling bad. The rule applies to both the child and the parent. Negative emotions should not be shown during training: irritability, anger, aggression. If difficulties arise during the learning process, it is better to postpone classes for a while.

Video on the topic: how to teach a child to read

Trainer for beginners. Simple words.

The book is wonderful. But kids don’t want to strain themselves and put the letters into words; it’s much easier to look at the picture and guess from the very first letter what is written under the picture.

Therefore, I suggest downloading these sheets. They have a lot of words and no explanatory pictures. Nothing will distract your child from the reading process. And since each word has only three letters, reading them will not be very difficult.

How many of them are words consisting of three letters? There are more than a hundred such words on these leaves. So the child will have something to read.

New cards for practicing reading skills. This time the selection contains words of 4 letters, but with one syllable.

That is, words have only one vowel letter.


More than 100 words consisting of 4 letters and 1 syllable are collected on two sheets.

When reading, a child must not only form a word from letters, but also comprehend what he read. Ask your child to explain each new word.

We continue to practice our reading skills.

The next selection is already two-syllable words of 4 letters. On the first card are words with the so-called “open syllable”. They are easy to read. Ma-ma, ka-sha, ne-bo, re-ka, lu-zha and similar words.

The second card is more difficult. The words on it contain both open and closed syllables. Ma-yak, ig-la, u-tyug, yah-ta, o-sel, yol-ka and so on.

Each card has over fifty words. So the child will have to work hard until he reads all the words.

We read new words syllable by syllable. Words already consist of 5 letters. Va-gon, baby, tu-man, mar-ka, re-dis, lamp-pa. And so on. If your child confidently reads these hundred and fifty words, you can assume that your baby HAS LEARNED how to read! Or rather, he learned to put words together from letters.

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences needs to improve their reading skills through systematic training. But reading is a rather labor-intensive and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore we offer small texts, the words in them are divided into syllables.

At first read the work to your child yourself, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given to help the child better understand what he read and comprehend the basic information that he gleaned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-bik

So-nya and so-ba-ka Bo-bik go-la-li.
So-nya played with the doll.
Then So-nya ran home and forgot the doll.
Bo-bik found the doll and brought it to So-na.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1. Who did Sonya walk with?
2. Where did Sonya leave the doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

The bird made a nest on a bush. The children found a nest and took it down to the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
The next morning the children arrived, but the nest was already empty. It would be a pity.

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? What would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, story or poem?

Peti and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse is it? Did they start tearing horses from each other?
- Give me my horse.
- No, give it to me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became no one’s.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so
do you think?

It is advisable to use the example of these works to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales.

A genre of oral fiction that contains unusual events in everyday life (fantastic, miraculous or everyday) and is distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic structure. Fairy tales contain fairy-tale characters, talking animals, and unprecedented miracles occur.

Poem- a short poetic work in verse. The poems read smoothly and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story- small literary form; a short narrative work with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes an incident from life, some striking event that really happened or could happen.

In order not to discourage him from reading, do not force him to read texts that are uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding. It happens that a child takes a book he knows and reads it “by heart.” Necessarily read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, horizons and intellect, and helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read on my own. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 32 p. (Sweetie).