Develop your feminine energy. What is female energy and can it really be developed

The energy of a woman is a powerful source that supports not only the woman herself, but also everyone around her: her man, children, loved ones, and everyone close to the woman, her energy touches one way or another. Filling with female energy, in this regard, is a key factor in maintaining well-being in the family and society.

After all, a filled and energetic woman is able to nourish and give strength to everyone around her, and especially her husband. She is able to give such a powerful charge for new achievements and feats that the man himself will be surprised at the opportunities that will open up in him.

And also in the opposite direction: a woman who feels a lack of female energy, like a black hole, sucks in all the surrounding space, creates a powerful vacuum that all those close to her feel.

The power of feminine energy

Women are so strong emotionally (much stronger than men, several times) that they act as a kind of nuclear reactor. It can be a source of powerful, endless power that will feed and support almost entire large cities, but if this energy flows in the wrong direction, some kind of breakdown and tragedy occurs - it destroys all life around, incinerates and causes enormous damage.

Often women do not realize their strength, and in fact a great emotional superiority over men. A woman can accidentally, without noticing it herself, easily suppress a man emotionally, squeeze all the juice out of him. At the same time, he will do it gracefully and without straining. At the same time, logic, reasoning and arguments will be useless here, a woman will find a way to destroy a man if she wants to, and the state will tell you the right direction.

What does an energetic woman look like and act like?

A woman who is filled with feminine energy practically glows. People around her feel a surge of strength and emotional upsurge. Everything starts to go well for the woman herself: household chores, life, children, and relationships with her husband, and hobbies and hobbies. Moreover, all these worries are given to a woman easily and naturally: she seems to flutter over the world, distributing love and affection to those around her.

And what happens when a woman "dries up"? When the energy is minimal and there is emptiness inside? Wow, there will be lightning flashing, pouring rain, and winds howling and blowing everything around.

A woman without energy begins to spread a lot of negativity around her, which breaks through in any of her actions or words. Moreover, often this lack of energy and internal tension will break through in situations that are not at all critical - and from the outside it will seem that the woman is not quite adequate.

That is, some insignificant trifle happens (let's say the husband put the dishes in the wrong place), but at the same time the woman explodes, as if this is the most important event in her life.

Here it is necessary to clarify that if she explodes, or enters a state of hysteria, that is, there is a powerful release of negative emotions, this is in many ways good - a woman is cleansed, restores inner peace. But if a woman feels negativity inside, negative emotions or a lack of energy, and at the same time is silent, she is like a time bomb, which with one look, gestures, mood will create an atmosphere of despondency and emptiness around her.

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What affects the fullness of a woman's energy?

A woman does not exist in a vacuum, and, accordingly, she is either saturated with energy from the world around her, or vice versa - the world around her draws all the juices out of her, making her feel empty. Next, I will list the factors that can affect a woman.

At the same time, I will not list here the factors related to the influence of such things as astrology and medicine on the female energy (such events as new moons, women's days, various astrological periods, and so on), as this could be a topic for a separate detailed article.

Surrounding people, and how they affect a woman

One of the most important factors that affects a woman is, of course, her environment. Those who surround us become our reflection, and we adopt and collect everything that the people with whom we communicate give or take from us.

There is a good comparison of any person with a crystal: the crystal is filled with the color and energy of the room in which it is located. If he is in a green room and surrounded by green, then he himself will be green. If in a blue room, then blue. And so on.

It's the same with people, and especially with women. If they are surrounded by positive people who increase her self-esteem, appreciate and respect her, then she becomes more and more fulfilled. If they draw energy from her, belittle her, try to lower her self-esteem, then the woman will very easily succumb to this, and her strength will soon run out.

It is important for a woman to remember that she must vigilantly and carefully monitor the circle of her communication, and without a twinge of conscience expel poisonous elements, weeds from the circle of “close” ones. These people will take away the energy that is intended for your closest and dearest people - your husband, children. And they need you first.

Communication with relatives who suck energy

As a separate item, I would like to write. Often a woman falls into the trap of negative relationships with her relatives: when, for example, a mother, or another close relative, begins to “vampire” a girl, eating at her expense, squeezing everything out and giving only negative in response.

At the same time, the woman feels this, but believes that she must save the whole world, and first of all her loved one. "It's Mom! (dad, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.)”. And she begins to try to “help” them, taking the blow from negative emotions and draining them onto herself.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

This is very, very dangerous, and a woman needs to protect herself as much as possible from this. Nowhere is it said that if this is your mother, then you must be a drain tank for her problems and negative emotions. Only a professional psychologist can help such people, but definitely not a fragile girl, and all that such openness and desire to help will lead to is that you will not be able to give your energy to people who really need it. They'll just suck it all out of you.

Male goals and work

If a woman lives in the world according to masculine laws and principles, and pumps masculine qualities in herself, this greatly “sharpens” her inner feminine energy. The stronger a woman is in terms of masculine qualities, the more she blocks those channels that carry her natural energy with them.

It is very influential in this regard. In addition to the stress that any ordinary job brings, a woman is constantly in a state of earner, which is characteristic of a man, and which makes a man stronger. But a woman is more destroyed and strengthened in her by what cannot be strengthened.

In extreme cases, when a woman needs to start playing the roles of a man in her life in order to simply survive - this can work, and this is useful in the short term, but if we talk about the long-term well-being and health of a woman, then work and the pursuit of male ideals will only lead to to one: to the blocking of channels with female energy and the internal emptiness of a woman, and a feeling of internal tension.

Daily routine, nutrition, environment

There is a list of "standard" factors that influence our health and well-being, such as what time we go to bed and wake up, how and where we eat, and what environment we spend most of our time in.

Everything is very clear here - by observing the sleep and nutrition regimen, a woman will maintain not only her health, but, above all, female energy.

And the environment - if it is aggressive, dark and oppressive, then the results will be appropriate. If a woman is constantly in the stress of a large metropolis, running home from work and back, while seeing only dark buildings around her, a gloomy atmosphere and fuss, she herself will soon acquire all these features - gloom, fussiness and so on.

If a woman has the opportunity to live in a warm sunny place, housing, if she feeds on the energy of the sun, the sea and nature, then she can.

time with you

A woman should take time for herself. Living in a constant state of bestowal is, if not impossible, fraught with serious consequences. Periodically, you need to pause, go for a walk, sit alone with a book under a warm blanket, think about your life, and so on.

Unfortunately, many, in the frantic pace of modern life, forget about this time with them. They run and run, do not stop, and then they realize that they no longer have the strength to run. And those around you have long felt only negativity and tension from you.

Think about it, do you have minutes or hours that you can devote only to yourself? Minutes of calm and peace, in which you can become aware of yourself, take a break, and get a charge to continue "running"? It is very important.


Remember - female energy, this is what holds our world. What everyone around eats, and above all your closest people.

Therefore, carefully monitor where you get energy from, how you restore it. And eliminate from your life everything that draws it out.

After all, in the end - your energy, this is the force that helps your family live, and fills them.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out the exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

The female body is a perfect and absolutely unique creation of nature. But, the fact is that in pursuit of external attributes of beauty, even regularly visiting beauty salons, SPA and fitness centers, we often miss the most important thing - the state of our “invisible muscles of love”, on which the health of our entire “female” system depends. organism.

feminine energy should circulate, and then any man will always be happy to be next to such a woman. And the very field of this energy will attract to a woman all the best that is in the world. After all, it is sexual energy is a strong, powerful and creative force to make all our dreams and desires come true.

Where is our feminine power going?

Most women, between the ages of 20 and 50, raise children, take care of their parents, and then help the children raise their grandchildren. Giving all their power to others and, most often, they simply have no time to think about themselves.

Plus, the lack of physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle that many of us tend to weaken the muscles of the abdomen and back. And this, in turn, strengthens the muscles of the pelvis. A sedentary pelvis leads to the fact that our sexual energy starts to fade. We do not notice it immediately, attributing it to current problems, worries, household chores ... And so little by little, day after day, we indulge our premature aging, without even realizing it.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of blood stasis in the pelvis and genitals. Weakness of the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation, and, as a result, can lead (sooner or later) to the appearance of a whole bunch of different problems.

Among other things, for a harmonious and happy life, we need endorphins, the so-called "happiness hormones" that our brain produces. Not getting endorphins day by day, we provoke overwork, poor sleep, depressive states, which very negatively affect not only our sexuality, but also our general well-being, appearance, and complexion.

The power of female energy: how can we restore and return it

Ancient Chinese healers and magicians watched nature very carefully and realized that beauty in nature is the result of many invisible processes, and is inextricably linked with the health of the whole organism - the state of internal organs, free circulation of blood and lymph in the body, the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and of course with the impeccable work of our female organs.

After all, without the proper functioning of the system of endocrine glands, which determine what we call sexual desire, metabolic processes that determine the level of saturation of the body with energy are impossible. Even the most beautiful and well-groomed body will not be sexually attractive if it is not filled with vital energy, through which our personality manifests itself.

Conversely, a healthy and energetic woman can be very sexually attractive, even if she has irregular facial features and body proportions that are far from ideal. Thinking, you will easily find people suitable for these examples among your acquaintances.

Women's exercises

For thousands of years, these unique female exercises have been one of the most effective methods of preserving youth and improving sexuality for many years to come. Thanks to their practice, you push back your biological age for many years. In Chinese history, there are written testimonies about the famous concubines of Chinese emperors, who amazed those around them with their beauty and impeccable appearance, having not only adult children, but also grandchildren.

Through exercise and the accumulation of energy, you will fill yourself with amazing, feminine, sexual energy. You will radiate femininity and magnetism, your vibes will be felt by everyone! You will begin to feel increased attention from the male. Your intimate life will sparkle with new colors, your self-esteem and self-confidence will increase!

For the most part, the main exercises are Kegel exercises. The essence and meaning is to train the muscles of the perineum. You can simply squeeze and unclench the muscles, first 10 times at a fast pace, then 10 times at a slow pace. There is another technique:

You can learn more about energy storage and exercises from trainings and seminars by Lisa Pieterkina. Thanks to her Taoist practices, you can significantly increase your energy potential and strengthen female magnetism, read in more detail. We also have a wonderful training “Awakening of Aphrodite”, in the list of courses it is number 3, you can find it. And in the article you can learn and put into practice the Aphrodite's Belt technique.

Hello dear friends!

What is female energy? This is age-old wisdom, flexibility of the mind, inner strength expressed in outer calmness. Invisible power can be imagined in the form of water that flows, twists and demands respect.

Ancient writings say: the main purpose of a woman is to accumulate energy flow and make the world a better place... With the hands of a man. Feats, great victories and conquests happened thanks to the energy of the fair sex! After all, the process of giving back the accumulated force occurs constantly and without days off.

But if the charge is not fed in time, a woman risks losing a piece of magic and acquiring health problems! A bias in male energy is fraught with certain consequences. Poor health, chronic fatigue, systematic depression - not the whole list of problems! How to fill yourself with feminine energy and make up for the lack of a "natural" resource? What practices and recommendations will allow you to feel femininity, strength and inspiration?

Observation and analysis

  • Take a closer look at the tone in which you are conducting a dialogue with your husband (aggression, rudeness, irritation or affection, care, tenderness predominates) ?;
  • answer the question: do you blame the male sex for your troubles in life (resentment against your father, brother, ex-lover, etc.)?;
  • do you feel satisfaction from doing household chores or do you perceive them as a heavy burden?;
  • where do you go with great pleasure: home or work?;
  • do you disrespect the entire male gender (even in a playful way of saying)?;
  • do you often confess your love to your husband or chosen one or hide feelings?;
  • Do you prefer to wear jeans or dresses, skirts?

After analyzing the answers, you can come to the conclusion whether there is a shortage in the energy of the feminine? If the verdict has been delivered, it's time to decide what methods to increase the accumulated stock of the energy arsenal?

Work on yourself

Relaxing massage

Massage is a way to disperse stagnant energy in the body. Touches relieve clamps and blocks, bringing the necessary relaxation of both the physical and emotional aspects. A plus will be the use of the sauna, pool and bath.

Healthy hair

A woman's hair is life force! According to their condition, it is safe to say whether the owner is happy or is he in a state of fatigue and accumulated irritation? In order to increase female energy, make it a rule to take care of the condition of your hair daily:

  1. trim split ends in a timely manner (not for the waning moon!);
  2. make "live" hair masks using fruits, vegetables;
  3. apply medicated oils - castor, olive, jojoba, etc.;
  4. wash your hair in time (at least 1 time in 2 days);
  5. comb your hair daily with a wooden comb (in the evening and in the morning).

This is not only a necessary load on the muscles, but also a pleasant work with a psycho-emotional background that stimulates femininity and the factor of self-acceptance. I recommend dancing when you cook, clean or lay the laundry and you will feel the desired changes!

Joint walks

How to be filled with vital energy, spending time with your husband? Everything is simple! The Vedas say that with the help of joint walks, the couple strengthens their relationship. Walking in the fresh air, a person is freed from experiences and distracted from pressing problems, and if you take children with you, then there will be no limit to joy!

General wardrobe cleaning

Clear out your closet and fill your wardrobe with feminine, beautiful outfits. Focus on natural materials, avoiding vulgarity and age-appropriate clothing. Do not forget about skirts and dresses, because a woman draws energy from the Earth and it is for this reason that the bottom of the clothes should be opened more often.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

A woman's habits shape her life. Accustom yourself to a happy and harmonious construction of days. Charging, activity and proper nutrition play a key role in the matter.

If you still poison yourself with tobacco, alcohol, swear like a shoemaker and overeat at night, you are guaranteed a bad mood and a reality corresponding to your actions.

Drink more water, pamper yourself with juices, vegetables and fruits. Eat small portions, but as often as possible! Cook for yourself and your loved ones with love, charging products for usefulness and health!
That's the whole secret!


  • Music (classical, spiritual, meditative, favorite and sounds of nature);
  • meditation as a means of high-quality, and most importantly effective relaxation;
  • singing (karaoke, in the shower, at the time of cooking, for children before bedtime, for husband);
  • shopping and shock shopping (you can not even make purchases, but just be in the atmosphere of bright shop windows, trying on dresses);
  • growing and caring for flowers (dacha + house);
  • a walk through bookstores (choose a notebook for yourself, an interesting pen for writing in a diary of success);
  • expression of male energy on paper. You can learn more about this from the video:

  • reading (fiction);
  • photo shoot (with your husband, children, loved ones or alone. You can also just take pictures of beautiful objects or interior details on your phone);
  • drawing, modeling, painting (plates, walls, clothes);
  • travel (take a train ticket and ride to a neighboring city for impressions or purchases);
  • sewing (pillows, aprons, outfits for children or their dolls :).

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, and share your tips for filling the vessel of female energy in the comments!

Today, for our beloved women, in continuation of the theme of female power and femininity, which we started in the last issue with Meditation, we have prepared Rules for every day to restore and harmonize female energy so that you are always healthy, happy and loved the way you deserve it. .

Rules for every day to restore and harmonize female energy

Following these simple rules will help you discover and enhance your feminine power and attractiveness, which will improve the quality of your life.

  1. Manage your attention.

Remember the well-known Eastern postulate - "Where your attention is, there is your energy" and try to keep track of what you are directing it to.

Are you focused on worries about someone or something, on thoughts about the past, which draws your energy and gives energy to the person you are thinking about? Or is your attention focused on yourself, inside yourself, on your development and improvement?

By directing your attention to another person, and it does not matter here that it can even be negative thoughts, feelings and resentments, you thereby feed him with your energy. And he, unlike you, will get better and better.

Think about yourself, about whether you can attract your man if you do not have energy? Will you be able to attract the fulfillment of your desire if you lack energy?

Do not waste your energy thoughtlessly, save it, accumulate it in yourself, direct your attention to yourself, use energy to improve your life.

A well-groomed and happy woman always attracts attention. This tells men that this woman loves herself and does not waste her energy, which means that she is already potentially many times more attractive and interesting than the rest.

Managing your attention, direct it to what brings you joy, pleasure, from which you are filled with energy and strength, which makes you want to strive to achieve it. Do things that contribute to the disclosure of your creativity, what your heart responds to and your soul aspires to.

  1. Maintain the balance of your feminine energy (balance of movement and rest, light and darkness, expansion and contraction).

You know the well-known Yin-Yang symbol, which reflects the balance in nature of two principles, female and male, which complement each other.

Yin symbolizes the feminine - darkness, silence, stillness, contraction, dampness, cold.

Yang symbolizes the masculine principle - light, movement, loud sound, expansion, dryness, warmth.

Observe yourself, on what energies you are more likely to be at work and at home, among friends and on vacation, and make adjustments to your behavior.

Are you more in motion or at rest? Are you aiming to expand your influence or vice versa? What do you do at your job? Who do you feel like more - a man or a woman? What do you wear - pants or dresses?

In the female energy, there should be a predominance of Yin energy, the energy of peace, contrary to the rhythms of modern life, when we are constantly in active movement and, accordingly, on the yang, male energy.

Often we are engaged in active market capture (expansion) on an equal footing with men, thus occupying a yang position. Adding Yin energy here, activities aimed at compressing and gathering, does not hurt at all. And very often, changing the vector of your energy will help you achieve greater success in the business that you are doing.

Even at work, the manifestation of softness, femininity in the place can be very helpful and will contribute to understanding, balancing relationships or the situation in the team.

Arrange moments of relaxation for yourself more often, when you can just soak in the bathroom or lie on the couch with a book, relaxed and calm. In these minutes, your feminine energy will be restored and activated in you.

Various spa procedures restore your feminine energy well, because at these moments you are at peace and your attention is directed to yourself. Here, as "2 in 1", our 1 and 2 rules are respected.

Fitness, yoga, Pilates will also help you direct your attention to yourself and at the same time fill yourself with energy.

Wear more women's clothing- skirts, dresses, sundresses - this will also help you to be filled with feminine energy and perceive the energy of the earth, which will help you restore your feminine nature.

In addition, shopping is a great way to pump your feminine energy, recharge your attention to your beloved and cheer yourself up.

Consider the female rhythms of the body - your energy is born in peace and darkness therefore, the night is the best time for her recovery. In the light, even a small type of night light (and light is a masculine, yang energy), this does not happen, therefore, knocking down your rhythm of life, going to bed late, you do not give the opportunity to optimally and fully restore your feminine energy and bring it into balance with male. And accordingly, you will be more tired, look bad, become like a man ... and then not far from illness, because. your feminine energy will be greatly depleted.

A complex of practices for youth and beauty, you can get in our Collection of Meditations for Transformation "Eternal spring… Radiance of Youth, Beauty and Attractiveness " with a special spring offer.

  1. Regularly perform practices to relieve stress, cleanse, fill with energy, joy, love, awareness of yourself and your desires.

We recommend on a regular basis - optimally at least 1 time per day, at least 1 time per week - to perform practices that will help you restore your feminine energy, fill you with strength, joy, femininity and love, which is natural for you by nature.

They will help you improve the quality of your life, be happy, loved and filled with women.

Use and practice to your advantage:

According to the Vedas, for a full life, a girl must learn and apply the principles of femininity. One can begin the study of principles by making a clear distinction between the nature of man and the nature of woman.

Playing by the rules of civilization forces a modern woman to acquire qualities that are not originally characteristic of her genetics and subtle nature. Male and female strength differ in almost everything: the hormonal system, the thinking system and the subtle structure of the psyche in women and men are completely different. The ancient sages knew about it.

Each woman is able to reveal the nature originally inherent in her, however, for this it is necessary to rebuild many habits brought up in society with diligence and labor, which is not always easy. But the result will amaze you, because after the efforts made, life will become much easier.

The basic principle of female happiness

Vedic knowledge is based on the idea of ​​a woman's security both from society and from herself. This means that the man a woman chooses must provide her with financial, social, and emotional protection. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Financial security for a woman means that the husband is the breadwinner in the family. The wife is not obliged to work and financially provide for the family. Her responsibilities include the distribution of the budget for the benefit of the whole family. That is, a woman should distribute the money earned by a man so that all family members have everything they need, and also so that the family and husband can accumulate financial strength and family capital.
  • Social security means that a woman fully relies and entrusts herself to a man, so that all other social factors can no longer influence her. No one can offend and harm her, because she is under protection.
  • Emotional security means that a woman is under the care of her husband and he provides her with emotional stability, relieving her of unnecessary negative experiences and impressions.

These principles put a woman in absolute protection of a man, which is based on the fact that a woman goes through life FOR her husband, and not ahead of him and not next to him. A man, as a strong link and head of the family, takes on all social burdens, while a woman can remain light and direct in the circle of his responsibility. She can become the guardian of the hearth and the mother of his children.

Practical application of the basic principle

When you read many Vedic recommendations, it seems that only a man can change the situation. After all, it is he who must voluntarily take responsibility, show strength and protect the woman from everything. However, it is worth considering that the modern lifestyle develops in a woman qualities that it can be difficult for her to refuse.

A cunning and wise woman is also able to change the situation in the family, starting to consciously recognize the leading role for a man:

  • Financial security is achieved when a woman voluntarily transfers to a man the right to earn money and provide for a family. At the same time, it is important to trust a man and support him not only in the development of income, but in the development of his own affairs and projects. Income will increase naturally if a man improves in those things that fascinate him and that he wants to do.
  • Social security is achieved when a woman considers her man the main person in her life and it is on him that she relies in her opinions and deeds. In this case, pressure from the boss, parents, girlfriends and any other social contacts is impossible on her, because the woman relies on the opinion of her man and is protected by his dominant position in the family. For example, the boss threatens with dismissal, and the woman is already initially protected, because her husband is more important for her, there is another job. Or parents say claims, and the woman knows that everything suits her husband and says: “Mom, I won’t listen to this, my husband is happy with everything.” A woman who truly respects her man is invulnerable.
  • Emotional security comes from great love and respect. When a woman trusts a man so much that she does not worry and simply helps him, when a woman loves a man so much that she dissolves all her negative moods in this love, then she receives a very deep and unshakable peace. This peace gives her deep and unbreakable happiness.

Love for your man, respect for him, renunciation of the desire to control the actions and decisions of her husband, devotion, trust and permission to lead oneself along the path of life are the main principles that reveal femininity and natural strength. These qualities must be constantly exercised in oneself, and in the exercises it is important to remember that for a woman to develop them in modern conditions is a real feat.

Why doesn't it work so often?

It often happens that wives try to respect their husband and recognize his supremacy in the family, but this happens, as it were, with a subconscious claim, an initial calculation. That is, a woman feels something like this: “You are a man, you are the main one, let’s protect me, let’s make money, make sure that I don’t need anything, provide me with this, that and that.”

Such an attitude will not give a good effect, because it is a manifestation of masculine qualities in a more hidden form. Only sincere work on oneself, sincere trust can lead to a full-fledged result.

Indirect ways to develop femininity

There are a number of ways that can support an increase in female energy, so that the development of the main female qualities is easier for a girl.

The origins of natural strength

The Vedic understanding is based on a harmonious combination of the life and activities of a woman with natural cycles:

  • Dream. It is better to go to bed at 8-10 pm, and get up at 4-6 am. Such a schedule strengthens the hormonal system of a woman and keeps her active. If it becomes difficult during the day, you can lie down for half an hour or an hour.
  • Food. Food should be light: vegetables, fruits, dairy products and a variety of spices are good for the female body. In the morning it is important to drink a glass of warm milk and eat sweets. After 12 o'clock it is better to take more serious food. Intake of sweets in the morning is good for mental health, but in the evenings it destroys.
  • individual products. The introduction of certain products into the diet enhances female energy. These include: grapes, strawberries, saffron, ghee and milk. Honey is very useful, it is important to eat a little every day.

It is important for a woman to feel her own body and live according to its internal rhythms. These rhythms are easier to understand with regular contact with nature. For the correct disclosure of femininity, it is important to spend as much time as possible in interaction with the living. Of the practices that reveal the energy of a woman, almost everything is best done in nature:

  • Walk with children and play games with them. Communication with children naturally reveals feminine qualities, motherhood and love.
  • Exercise. To properly support the hormonal system, it is important to engage in light physical activity. Exercises that combine statics and stretching (Yoga, Tai Chi) are great.
  • Dancing in nature. It's good to let yourself relax sometimes and dance the way your body feels. Feeling nature reveals a natural connection with it, and dancing reveals warmth and flexibility. You can separately do oriental or any other type of dance and then perform them for your man. Dances, which are available only to the husband and are not shown for show, support masculinity and strength in him.
  • Fantasize and think. Everything that you have collected in your head can then be drawn, compiled into a beautiful story, or expressed in any other form of creativity.
Development of internal art

It is important for a woman to be creative and learn how to skillfully express herself. Anything can be a platform for creative self-expression, even a set of daily tasks: cooking, cleaning, choosing clothes, conversations, with the right mood, turn into a platform for self-expression. It is important to see the ability to create in everything: this supports the girl's psyche and makes a woman attractive to a man.

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