Child development for a girl 2 and 9 years old. Knowledge and skills of a child at two years eight months. Natural curiosity in experiments

Child development calendar: 2 years 9 months
The child is aware of his "I", shows character, is often naughty, stubborn, intractable. These are signs of an imminent crisis of 3 years. Parents are required to show all their pedagogical abilities so as not to break the child and make him obey.

Physiological development

The busiest period has arrived. The kid spins like a top, runs and jumps. This is absolutely normal behavior. Motor activity provides full mental and psychological development. Do not constantly reproach and scold the child for mobility.

The disadvantage of this behavior is severe overexcitation. If the parents do not distract the child in time and do not calm him down, he will stir himself up so much that it will be difficult for him to stop.

Baby psychology

Speech develops rapidly, vocabulary grows rapidly. The child speaks in sentences. If they do not understand him, he tries to say in other words.

Boys usually start talking later than girls. In order to talk such a silent person, parents try to ask questions that need to be answered with something specific. What do you want to eat? What jacket will you wear? What fairy tale would you like to read?

If there are older children in the family, most likely, the child will speak earlier than his peers, and his speech will form and improve faster. The kid will imitate and copy the behavior of older brothers and sisters.

It happens that a child who recently spoke well suddenly stops and starts speaking in separate words again. This can happen against a background of stress, fear. To explain that there is nothing terrible in the situation is useless.

The kid still cannot appreciate and realize such advice from parents. Also, do not return the child to a stressful situation, this can only worsen the situation. It is better to wait, calm down and gradually forget.


Toys fade into the background, the child becomes interested in everyday skills. Girls are happy to help their mother wipe the dust, wash the dishes. The boys are happy to become their father's helpers and actively help in fixing the remote control and the bike.

The child can already:
cut with scissors into small pieces everything that comes to hand. Parents should make sure that the scissors are safe and that important documents do not fall into the hands of the baby;
dress yourself and try to master buttons, zippers, buttons, laces. The latter is the most difficult task for the child. Some kids only manage to get their shoelaces ready for school;
be interested in music, musical instrument. Parents can learn a simple melody with a child;
draw, sculpt, fantasize, create.

When it comes to the development of a child, 2 years and 8 months is a fundamentally important age. To an outsider it may seem that a difference of several months does not matter, but is it? This article will help you learn all about how a 32-month-old baby differs from younger children and learn how to control these changes.

What should a child be able to do at two years and eight months

The main difference between your baby and younger children is the urgent need for constant movement. He is ready to run, jump and play around the clock, without rest and food. Thus, if your child has become a perpetual motion machine, this is a great sign. But when a child is two years and eight months old, this is not the only thing he should be able to do.

The age of 2 years 8 months can be called the peak of the desire for independence. If literally 8-10 weeks ago your child was still too lazy to dress himself, although he knew how to do it quite well, today he indignantly refuses any help. The kid not only puts on and takes off clothes, but also easily manages shoes.

Skills in performing hygiene procedures, in addition to washing, brushing teeth and washing hands, are replenished with the use of a towel and combing. Girls of this age are already showing interest in bows, hairpins and colored elastic bands. Moreover, noticing any signs of slovenliness, children will try to eliminate them as soon as possible.
This also applies to maintaining order in general. Children who are prone to neatness are already ready to put away toys, put things on a shelf or hang them in a closet, make their bed.

What to do with a child at two years and eight months

Classes with a child of two years and eight months should be aimed at developing his intellectual and creative abilities. Be sure to include logical games and exercises in your daily routine, put together pictures and puzzles, and fold paper crafts. Children aged 2 years and 8 months love applications, work with plasticine, coloring pictures. They enjoy learning about letters and numbers.

Games with a child at two years eight months

2 years and 8 months is the time when it would be logical to dissuade friends and relatives from buying more toys. They are not of great interest to the baby, while there are so many more interesting things, objects, activities around. Games with a child in two years for eight months continue to replace household chores - cleaning, cooking, washing, minor repairs. In no case do not refuse the help that your child offers you, even if it seems that the occupation is beyond his strength. The best option is to find a more affordable alternative.

On a walk, kids enjoy playing hide-and-seek, catch-up, ball. They like to ride slides and swings, but, as a rule, they do not sit in one place. So far, for children at 2 years and 8 months old, a playground near the house is enough.

Baby food at two years and eight months

The menu of a child at two years of eight months, even if he does not eat well, should include at least four meals a day. One meal should consist of several products. For example, for breakfast, the baby gets porridge, tea and a sandwich, and for lunch, salad, soup, mashed potatoes and compote, etc. Dinner can be “unloaded” by limiting itself to one dish and drink.

Do not forget to introduce fresh (not processed with a grater or blender) fruits and vegetables into the child's diet at two years and eight months. The child's body will learn to process solid food without problems. In addition, the baby will receive the necessary vitamins in the right amount.

A child at two years and eight months does not sleep well at night

Before considering your baby’s sleep as not long enough and bad, you need to calculate how much a child sleeps at two years and eight months. About 11 hours of sleep during the night and 1-2 hours of daytime rest are considered optimal. If the child does not like to fall asleep, turn it into a pleasant ritual. Read a story together, sing a song, give him an extra kiss. Remember, only a few children are ready to go to bed without frustration - rather, this is a phenomenon. And therefore, the evening struggle is absolutely natural, the main thing is to be patient and sensitive.

Your baby seems to have been changed, is he constantly naughty and dissatisfied with something? There is no limit to his stubbornness, and whims become more sophisticated every day? Perhaps the changes that have occurred in the character of the child are nothing more than an age crisis. A child at 2 years and 9 months old tries to express his view of various situations with his behavior. This time of personality formation is rather difficult both for the capricious and for his environment. After all, the baby himself does not understand the reasons for the frequent change of his mood, and the task of parents is to show sensitivity and understanding to the child, especially now.

The kid has already matured, he is no longer small, as he often claims when he sees a child younger than himself. He is already quite an adult and tirelessly demonstrates his independence, expressing it in protests of various kinds. Often you can hear from a child: “I don’t want”, “I won’t”. It remains for parents to argue less with the baby, show tact and not despair, because this is a temporary storm, he will soon calm down and peace and tranquility will be restored again.

A child at 2 years and 9 months - his physiology.

This age period (2 - 3 years) can be characterized as the peak of the baby's motor activity. The kid feels a great need to move, he is simply not able to remain motionless for more than half an hour.

The child, as if wound up, jumps and runs, breaks, falls and stuffs bumps and bruises. And this condition is the norm for such babies. The full development of the child depends on physical activity. The desire of the baby to learn something new sometimes leads to a lot of trouble, as a result, broken dishes, broken toys, scattered things, bruises. And do not be too upset because of such manifestations of curiosity, because this indicates the normal development of your baby.

A child at 2 years and 9 months - his psychology.

The speech of the baby is the main indicator of the development of his psyche. Closer to three years, there is an improvement in speech skills and abilities. The child cannot be stopped, he constantly says something, his vocabulary increases with the “speed of sound”, the baby’s sentences take on a more meaningful form, now the child can already quite clearly express his own thoughts. As a rule, girls are ahead of their peers in the speech development of boys, they are more talkative. The boys, on the other hand, are not so verbose, but often take with emotions, although sometimes they still cannot verbally convey the meaning of their request, they do it with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Over time, the boys - silent can give odds to any talker - a girl.

There are cases when, for some unknown reason, a baby who recently chatted incessantly suddenly becomes silent or limits his communication to a few words. This can happen due to an illness, a baby’s fright, a change in the usual environment, or other circumstances. And if your little one suddenly became silent, it is worth finding out the reason for the silence and consulting with a psychologist. And then follow all the prescribed measures and wait until your child becomes a talker again.

In children who are not alone in the family, but have older sisters and brothers, speech develops faster than those who grow up alone. Naturally, the younger child takes an example from the older one and tries to imitate him (repeating words and phrases after the older one). Not unimportant is the intra-family communication of children, because in the process of games and fun, younger children borrow a lot from older brothers and sisters: they adopt the manner of behavior and tone of pronunciation of sentences.

A child at 2 years and 9 months - his knowledge and skills.

At this time stage of development, the child is already more interested in household activities performed by parents than playing with familiar toys. Boys become active assistants to their fathers, and young ladies try to become the same housewives as their mother, while grabbing a broom and a rag, making dumplings with their mother, wiping dust, laying out spoons and arranging plates, etc.

Right now, the kids are learning about previously unknown objects and new skills are being formed.

Master the ability to use scissors for their intended purpose. Kids love this activity, they like to cut sheets of paper, fabric, and everything that can be cut. During such activities of the baby, remove papers that are of great importance to you, worry about the safety of your child, it is better if he carries out such manipulations with safe scissors (buy special children's ones for creative work).

They comprehend the science of dressing, “fight” with the development of “button and lace reading”. They are willingly engaged in modeling and drawing, with the help of creativity they try to give vent to their fantasies.

A child at 2 years and 9 months needs the attention of adults more than ever, and more time should be devoted to activities with the baby in order to help the formation of good qualities in his character.

Child development: 33 months

The kid turned 2 years and 9 months- not far off next Birthday your crumbs.


He already well developed physically, runs well, jumps, easily, without the help of adults and without holding the handles on the railing, climbs and descends the stairs. He probably knows how to ride a tricycle.

Baby is highly active, some people literally can't sit still for a minute. Even the most calm and quiet no-no, and there is an irresistible desire to play pranks and run around. The result of this hectic activity is often broken toys and broken interior items. Try not to scold the little fidget too much. After all, even this deplorable, in your opinion, result is primarily evidence of its absolutely normal development.

Most likely, the problems of stubborn unwillingness to recognize the need and convenience in the use of such an important thing as pot. And even if there are still some problems in this area, do not be discouraged. Very soon, the final victory in this matter will be yours.

Baby already eats, bathes, brushes. Perhaps even dressing and undressing. In any case, he certainly tries to help in every possible way, takes the most active part in the process.

With the right approach on the part of the parents, the child is still maintains a desire for independence and the desire to participate in all the affairs of adults, somehow helping with cleaning the house, cooking in the kitchen, etc.


The mental development of the little one also does not stand still. Gradually expanding vocabulary, speech becomes clearer.

Most children have a remarkable memory, remember the name of various objects, body parts, colors. Even if they still don't know how to name them correctly.

Continue to develop social skills. In particular, different relationships are formed with each of the family members. That is, the baby will communicate with his mother in a completely different way than, say, with his grandmother, etc. The circle of communication is expanding, the child can enter into a dialogue with an outsider, for example, in a store or any other public place. The need to communicate with peers also increases.


At this time, it is very useful to play role-playing games with the child, actively involving both the child himself and all kinds of bears, dolls, soldiers, etc. Don't forget to use the so-called substitute items. For example, if you are playing doctor and patient, and your little therapist takes the temperature of a sick animal, it is not at all necessary to remove a real thermometer from the first-aid kit. “Under the arm” of the toy, it is quite possible to put a stick of a suitable size, saying that it plays the role of the same object that measures body temperature. If you see that the kid enthusiastically joins the game, easily masters all the actions, the plot can be gradually complicated by introducing more and more new elements into the game.

When reading books, try to carefully examine the pictures with your baby. It would also be nice to try to discuss what was read, to find out the baby's attitude to what he heard. For example, which of the characters is good, which is bad. Who did well, and who, on the contrary, did not.

In this article:

Your baby will soon go to kindergarten, so you need to check: is he ready? At 2 years and 8 months, the baby may well perform simple actions on his own. He has already learned to eat, wash and dress on his own. His mental development is fast: he learns by copying everything adults do. Of course, this is still not enough to leave him in the kindergarten for the whole day.. Talk more with the baby: it develops speech well.

The baby now needs your care and attention. He has grown a lot, but in fact he is still very dependent on his mother.. Proper nutrition will help him develop faster. Now you need to eat well - include fish, lean beef in your diet. After an active day, you need a good rest. For a child, it is best to sleep at least 10 hours at night, and take a short break for 1-2.5 hours during the day. Soon he will be 3 years old - it's time to go to kindergarten. Prepare the baby for this crucial moment to facilitate the adaptation period.

Proper care

In order for the development of the child to go as a rule, it is necessary to properly care for the baby. Of course, this is no longer a baby who needs help every minute. But proper hygiene, normal sleep and nutrition are also necessary for him..


The child is active, spends a lot of time running, playing on the floor, goes outside. There is nothing complicated here: the hygiene of a child of 2 years and 8 months no longer differs from the hygiene of an adult.

It is best if you only help the child, and he does all the procedures himself. Show him how it's done, tell and control. Now it is important that the baby learns to do everything on his own and without a reminder.. Soon a trip to the kindergarten, which means that he will take care of his toilet himself.

Wash baby clothes, especially underwear, with soap or baby washing powder. Wash on high temperature. Previously, there was an opinion that everything must be ironed, but after a good machine wash, the effect is the same, and it takes many times less time.


The diet of a child after 2 years is already much more diverse than before. He eats cereals, boiled meat, fish and chicken. Children definitely need dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. They are rich:

And the child needs fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to make a hearty breakfast, and lighter lunch and dinner. Before going to bed, you can give fruit (but not citrus) or a glass of kefir. This gives a feeling of fullness, but not heaviness. So it is easier to fall asleep and the baby will not have a stomach ache. It is best to introduce any new foods gradually so that the body gets used to them.


At this age, babies need to get enough rest. There is an active physical development, children run and play a lot. There is also mental development: the child learns, remembers. All this is great, but you need to think about the rest.

Kid should
sleep at least 10 hours at night, and you also need daytime sleep - 2-2.5 hours. Usually, after playing, the child falls asleep during the day on his own. He will sleep for 2 hours - excellent, wake up rested after 1.5 hours - also wonderful. His body itself measures the load and the necessary rest..

It is still difficult for children at 2 years and 8 months to fall asleep in the evening, they are capricious. What parents can do:

  • do not scold the baby for this;
  • sit with him for 10-15 minutes, sing a song or tell a story;
  • gently pat on the head or back - so he falls asleep faster;
  • leave a night light for him so that he won't be scared;
  • the baby's room or the place where he sleeps should be comfortable;
  • the room should be quiet and dark (only a small night light is possible, preferably with a dim matte light).

So much baby
easier to fall asleep
. At this age, children still wake up at night. Again, you can’t scold for this, even if the child woke you up. Stay a little with the baby, you can even lie down with him. But not for long, and do not encourage such behavior. If the baby was scared, then be sure to discuss what exactly was scary. Dark? Monsters? Scary sounds from the street? Everything is explainable.

Physical development

Kids are growing fast these days.. And they grow fast too, so new clothes will be needed regularly.

Height and weight standards

At 2 years and 8 months, girls and boys already differ in weight and height:

This difference will last up to 7-8 years. After that, girls gain weight faster than boys. This is due to the fact that in girls, sexual development begins earlier.

Parents need to remember: these are averages. The baby may be slightly heavier or higher than normal for gender and age. There is nothing to worry about if the difference is minimal. He can gain the missing couple of centimeters very fast, in just a couple of months.


For the age of 2 years 8 months, educational games are suitable:

  • learning to count, letters;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • outdoor games.

Try to stimulate speech during the game. Ask questions, invite the kid to speak for one of the characters.

After 2.5 years, children usually prefer to play alone or with peers. Games with parents are no longer so interesting for them. In kindergarten, educators give children the necessary tips, direct the game process in the right, developing direction.

At home, you can keep your child busy with simple games:

If a child has enough toys and likes them, then independent games are not a problem at this age. The kid can spend 1-1.5 hours in the room, carried away by his game.

mental development

The child is growing up before our eyes. In fact, he gains experience every day by watching his parents, siblings, other children, educators. He has a huge scope for learning even during your simple walk in the park.

2 years and 8 months continues the active development of the child's personality. He already feels that he can do a lot on his own, not as much dependent on his mother as before. Of course, while we are talking about the simplest actions:

  • self-hygiene (washing, brushing teeth);
  • baby can dress and undress himself;
  • confidently uses a spoon, a cup;
  • can open and close the box, bottle, cabinet doors;
  • may even use the TV remote if shown how to do it.

The so-called crisis of three years is not far off. It is worth preparing, because the baby is growing, his opinion about himself and his own abilities is changing. Now you can not suppress his cognitive interest. Better steer him in the right direction. Also, parents should take into account that soon they will have to give the baby to kindergarten. To do this, he must be able to do at least the above things.


The child's memory develops, which means that the vocabulary increases. Now he can already remember a little rhyme or

The child perceives many words by ear - this can be seen when he recites a memorized phrase or verse. He pronounces the word as he hears it. At this point, parents need to tactfully correct mistakes. By the age of 2 years and 8 months, your baby understands many more words than he can say. He will easily find the object that you name, bring it to you, but he will not always be able to immediately say what it is called.


The vocabulary of the child is replenished on the condition that parents read to him, talk to him. It is also important that the baby has someone to communicate with. Are you still in kindergarten? Walk where there are other children. It is now very easy for them to get to know each other and start playing together.. During the game, new words and concepts will certainly appear. It's also a good workout.
dating skill. If the baby is shy, help him: act out scenes at home where you need to get to know each other.

Communication with peers gives much more than with relatives. Rather, he learns with his parents, grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and applies skills with other children. It is very important to watch your words here. A kid at 2 years 8 months does not understand the meaning of many words, but he remembers well. To avoid having to blush in front of other parents on the playground, just watch how you communicate at home.

Preparing for kindergarten

It's no secret that at the age of 3, kids are sent to kindergarten. Of course, some moms are against it. After all, he is still small, he does not know how to do anything, he speaks badly and in general - at home it is much better. This is not quite the right approach.. At home with your mother, you do not get the necessary experience that is required for a child. His mental development will be better in kindergarten.

Here he is for the first time you can feel really independent. There are other children, joint games, and you still need to make a lot of decisions. It stimulates thinking, speech, imagination, reactions. Parents should start preparing their baby for kindergarten in advance.

Again, it is no secret that in the first months you will find the process of adaptation. So the child is adapting to new conditions. To be honest, adaptation is difficult. Crying, requests, promises to behave well, “just don’t take them to kindergarten” - all this awaits parents every morning. The age of 2 years and 8 months is well suited to start cooking crumbs.

How to help the baby in advance? This will greatly facilitate adaptation in the garden and help the child mentally prepare.

  • Telling honestly

the child has a measured habitual life, his own habits, games, even small rituals. And then one day, without warning, you wake him up at 6-7 in the morning, dress him and take him to a new place. He is left there alone, with unknown children, new rules and food that he does not like.. Would you be scared in his place? This situation is shocking for him. And so that the baby knows and is ready, talk to him about this in advance, try to explain everything.

It is necessary not to scare, but simply openly talk about the kindergarten - what is there and how. At 2 years and 8 months, the baby already understands a lot. Tell him that he will go there, because it is necessary and there is no other way out (mother goes to work, grandmother lives far away ...). No need to paint the garden as some incredibly beautiful place. Better to be honest.

  • We answer questions

After your
The story will give the child a lot of questions. Answer them, even if they seem stupid. It is important for the kid to prepare - for this he asks about everything. For example what will be given for breakfast, is it possible to take toys home, how to call mom, etc..

  • Even in the summer, take a walk next to the garden

If you manage to enter the territory, be sure to walk there with the baby. Take your child with you when you go to register for kindergarten. If he sees him, stays there for a while, then "day X" will no longer be so scary.

  • Road

Psychologists advise dads to take the baby to the garden. After all, a child is more emotionally attached to his mother, it is harder to say goodbye to her, and it will be easier for him to part with his dad.

In a month or two all problems will be gone. Of course, all children do not like to get up early in the morning and leave the house. However, such a regimen will prepare them for a more important stage - for school.