Child development in the womb. The secret of a small universe. What does a baby feel in the womb when she cries?

Good afternoon, dear readers!

It seems that there is no female consciousness that would not be amazed by the thought of how a new little man is born. How a full-fledged self-sufficient organism, thinking and acting, is created from a couple of tiny particles. Just think how many transformations and changes during the development of the child inside the mother occur during the prenatal period! Any woman expecting a baby will find it incredibly exciting to travel into the inner world, where you can see how a child develops in the womb.

The birth of a new life

It is generally accepted that pregnancy begins to develop from the moment a sperm reaches an egg and fertilizes it. This is how a zygote is formed - a one-celled embryo containing 46 chromosomes (23 of the father’s and the same number of the mother’s). And within a day the zygote begins to divide into cells, and by the fourth day of life it consists of about 10 cells. Then this tiny lump reaches the uterine cavity. From this moment, cell division noticeably accelerates, and the embryo grows significantly. It consists of about a hundred cells at the time of implantation - attachment to one of the walls of the uterus.

In obstetrics, the entire period of fetal growth inside the mother’s body is usually divided into three functional stages:

  • blastogenesis(first two weeks), when the zygote turns into an embryo due to rapid cell division.
  • organogenesis ( 2-12 weeks), when the rudiments of all important organ systems of the future organism are formed in a tiny embryo, and the embryo acquires characteristic human features. This is the most significant and dangerous period, since it is now that the presence or absence of fetal pathologies, compatible or incompatible with its life, is determined.
  • fetal period(beginning of the fourth month - the moment of birth), when all the already established organs and systems of the little person are intensively growing and developing.

Obstetrician-gynecologists divide pregnancy by month into three equal parts - trimesters, each of which is equal to three obstetric (28 days) months.
In the picture you can see an approximate process of fetal growth and development week by week:

First trimester of pregnancy

The first three months of a baby's development in the womb are the most important. How the laying of organs will occur depends directly on the mother’s lifestyle and her health. In each specific week of pregnancy, certain systems, internal and external organs are formed:

  • Week 2 – the neural tube is formed;
  • Week 3 - the formation of systems occurs - respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous and circulatory. The heart begins to beat.
  • Week 4 – the folds of the body are determined, and the chord – the future spine – is formed.
  • Week 5 - individual organs of the digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems are highlighted - the larynx and lungs, liver, parts of the brain.
  • Week 6 – the upper limbs are improved, palms and fingers are formed.
  • Week 7 - the eyes reach an almost perfect shape, and the nasal fold provides the prerequisites for future ears.
  • 8th week – the child’s face acquires real human features, the bones inside the improving upper and lower extremities become stronger.
  • Week 9 – organs of the endocrine system are created.
  • 10th week – the nervous system continues to develop, and the sucking reflex appears, the child reacts to external stimuli.
  • 11th week – the iris of the eyes is determined, which in the future will determine the color of the newborn’s eyes.
  • 12th week - the baby’s genitals acquire characteristic male or female differences, the intestines take on the shape of an adult. If you're lucky, you can already see the sex of the baby on an ultrasound.

Baby development in mid-pregnancy

The period from the fourth to seventh months of pregnancy is considered the most stable and calm for a woman. The development of the placenta is completed, which helps ensure the proper functioning of the baby inside the mother’s tummy. And the baby continues to actively develop. The various systems and organs of his small body are brought to perfection and begin to function independently. Fingernails appear, a system of teeth is formed inside the gums. The child’s skin improves and a unique fingerprint pattern appears on the fingertips.

The child exhibits active mobility; as he grows, the mother herself can feel and monitor the movements of her baby. Depending on the mood, the child can grimace - smile or frown, facial expressions are improved. Very intensive growth of the fetus occurs. If at the beginning of the trimester the child weighed about 350 grams, then by the end the weight will exceed a whole kilogram with proper development. The baby already sees and hears well, reacts with movements to various stimuli around the mother - for example, a loud sound, bright light.

The last three months: preparation for birth

By the third semester, the child is almost ready for independent life outside of his mother’s tummy. And in the event of premature birth, there is a high probability that he will survive in hospital conditions. The fetus reaches a large size, making it more difficult for the mother to bear it.

The growing baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, so the nature of his movements changes. There are no longer those sharp and sudden jolts when he jumped from one wall to another. Now mom feels soft but strong touches from the inside. As a rule, the child chooses his favorite position with his head down. The baby's genitals reach full development. The brain is improving. Convolutions appear in the small cerebral cortex. The skin becomes less wrinkled due to the growth of subcutaneous fat. The respiratory system has reached its peak in development, which means the baby is ready to be born!

With the help of modern 3D and 4D ultrasound, you can see the facial features of a child, and even think about who the baby looks more like. Most medical centers can please future parents with the very first intrauterine photo of the baby.

And this video models in detail the intrauterine development of a child:

The path of baby development from embryo to newborn is enormous and difficult. In just nine months or 40 weeks, incredible transformations occur. For us women, the real reward is to see and feel this sacrament within ourselves.

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Many women carry a fetus without knowing what does a baby feel in the womb. But his emotions begin their development early. With the help of modern research, scientists have learned amazing things about a small child who is not yet born.

How does the mother's condition affect the child?

As soon as the baby's development in the womb begins, every word has an impact on him. A woman is advised to especially monitor her physical and psychological condition in the first and third trimesters, as they are quite difficult.

From the 3rd month, the baby begins to feel touch, hear sounds, and feel emotions. If the expectant mother is calm, then he calms down, but aggressive speech makes him restless. If you repeat certain phrases often, the baby in your mother’s belly is able to remember them.

How does the child feel?

The baby in the mother’s belly feels feelings due to the hormones that appear in the mother’s body. If a woman is scared or upset, stress hormones are produced. They reach the baby through the bloodstream, so he begins to feel the same feelings. If the expectant mother is in a calm, happy state, then endorphins, hormones of happiness, appear in the blood. As a result, the baby also receives them, which makes him happy. Such processes are observed even at the beginning of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, hearing and taste buds develop, and the eyes open. But what does a child feel in the womb?

  1. Doctors noticed that during pregnancy the baby grimaces from the bitter taste of the amniotic fluid, but he willingly absorbs it if it tastes sweet. When a pregnant woman eats food, the amniotic fluid absorbs the taste of the food. If a woman ate sweets, then they become sweet.
  2. Until the 17th week, the baby already has acute hearing. Sounds from the environment reach him. This could be a voice, musical compositions. At such a young age, the child remembers frequent sounds, so after birth, when he hears them again, he calms down. Studies have proven that classical music has a positive effect on the baby, it puts him to sleep. Parents are encouraged to talk to their baby in the womb so that he recognizes familiar voices after birth. They will also calm him down.
  3. A baby in the second trimester feels when someone touches his stomach. This is especially noticeable in the later stages. When a mother strokes her belly, she is able to feel the baby. He can make a response push, begin to arch.
  4. One can only imagine what a child feels in the womb. After all, his feelings are different. It has been proven that he begins to dream. When a person sleeps and dreams about something, his eyeballs move. This is exactly the phenomenon that can be seen in a baby at 22 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. The child feels all the woman’s experiences. And they especially often appear before childbirth. Often, the expectant mother is afraid before the birth of her child, and the baby also feels this fear. For this reason, doctors advise the woman to try to calm down and communicate with the baby during labor so that he can be convinced that nothing bad is happening. This will make the child born much calmer.

How does the child react?

There is a huge bond between a woman and her child. The baby reacts to changes in the mother's mood. If trouble happens, he will also worry about it. For this reason, during pregnancy there is no need to worry about trifles. After all, a child cries only with his mother, so you should avoid tears.

If the mother is in a great mood, she feels joy, then the baby feels good. Despite the fact that the child is still in the womb, he knows how to smile and have fun.

But the baby feels not only joy and happiness. He also reacts to stressful situations and sadness. If the mother is depressed, her mood worsens, and the hormone cortisol enters the bloodstream, which reaches the fetus. In such a situation, few people suspect what the child feels in the womb. But his mood also worsens, causing him to feel sad and even start crying. This has been proven by scientists.

What is good and what is bad for the fetus

The baby feels everything:
  1. care;
  2. joy;
  3. Love;
  4. anger;
  5. mother's crying.
Some emotions of a pregnant woman have a good effect on the fetus, while others have a bad effect. First of all, it is worth remembering that all the feelings of a mother are transmitted to her child. Anger and screaming have a bad effect on the baby, but joy and tenderness give him pleasure.

Experts recommend monitoring sounds, conversations and even thoughts. It will be useful to read fairy tales aloud and watch positive films. It is worth giving up thrillers, melodramas, action films, and horrors, as they evoke strong emotions. It's better not to listen to heavy music.

Every woman should think about what a child feels in the womb. She needs to learn to control her feelings and emotions so that a child grows up filled with happiness and joy. Your little treasure must be protected from negativity and anger.

Pregnancy is a physiological process in which a fertilized egg, first called an embryo and later called a fetus, develops in the uterus. The duration of pregnancy is about 9 astronomical or 10 obstetric months. Traditionally, the development of pregnancy is considered by trimesters. However, knowing how the embryo develops week by week is also of interest.

Embryo or fetus?

In medical science, you can often find two concepts related to the period of gestation - “embryo” and “fetus”. What's the difference between them?

Intrauterine development of the fetus is conventionally divided into two stages:

  1. Embryonic – lasts the first eight weeks. At this time, the embryo that develops in the uterus is called an embryo.
  2. Fetal (from 9 weeks until the moment of birth). At this stage, the fetus resides in the mother's womb.

How the child, his internal organs, systems, will develop during various periods of intrauterine development of the fetus is determined by the genetic code that was transmitted by the germ cells of the mother and father.

1-10 weeks

1 Week

Speaking about the first week of pregnancy, you should clearly understand what exactly is taken as the starting point. If we talk about obstetric weeks (regardless of whether there is a multiple pregnancy or not), then we take into account the first day of the last menstruation of the cycle when the woman had unprotected intercourse and, accordingly, conception occurred.

Sometimes the moment when contact occurred without the use of contraceptives is taken into account. By counting by days, you get the third obstetric week. If we take into account the date of the start of the delay in menstruation, we get the fifth. In gynecology, when analyzing the intrauterine development of the fetus by week, they often focus on obstetric timing.

The first few days, even if it is a multiple pregnancy, are not characterized by any clear signs. This time is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is within normal limits (5 IU/ml for non-pregnant women).

HCG fluctuations at the first stage are evidence of:

  • previous abortion or miscarriage;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

2 week

This time is marked by the fact that the zygote continues to mature in the uterus or fallopian tube, which, under favorable circumstances, will become a developing pregnancy.

Towards the end of this period, there comes a time when, after conception, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

This can be indicated by discharge that is similar in consistency to egg white and even bloody. Small discharges of blood are relative evidence of the attachment of an egg to the wall of the uterus and the appearance of an embryo. Heavy discharge during this period of pregnancy is not the norm.

3 week

It was at this time that it can be argued that conception occurred. The fruit is extremely small, its size is 0.15-0.2 mm in length, and its weight is only 2-3 mcg. If fertilization does not occur, the woman may begin her period several days earlier. When maintaining a special calendar, it is easy to notice a slight shift.

If the pregnancy was planned, significant bleeding may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

4 week

The embryo develops so actively that a woman may begin to feel the first signs of her changed status, especially if the pregnancy is multiple. There is swelling of the mammary glands, the nipples become sensitive. Menstruation is delayed, and scanty bleeding is sometimes observed.

At this time, there is an increased risk of fetal developmental abnormalities due to excessive physical activity, an infectious disease accompanied by high fever, and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

HCG levels only increase in the blood. On an ultrasound, you can see the corpus luteum, which provides nutrition to the embryo before the placenta begins to fully function, and is also involved in the production of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone.

The size of the embryo increases. It is already 5 mm in length.

The fruit weighs 3.5 g and length is from 4 to 7 mm. The rudiments of limbs, fingers, eyes, ears, slits for the nose and mouth, and some glands and systems begin to form. The size of the uterus changes.

An ultrasound specialist at this time can tell whether a woman is developing a multiple pregnancy or whether she will have one child. During the examination, the diameter of the amniotic sac is determined, as well as the coccygeal-parietal size and the “growth” of the fetus. The last digit will appear in the results throughout the first trimester.

Changes in the body become more noticeable. Some women note a slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels. However, if the condition begins to fit the description of a cold, you should immediately consult a doctor.

week 6

The woman begins to show signs of future motherhood. The uterus reaches the size of a plum - an experienced gynecologist is able to feel it during the examination. If there is a multiple pregnancy, an ultrasound will show two fetal and yolk sacs. The examination will also allow you to see small tubercles - here, over time, the upper and lower limbs will appear, and you can also hear the heartbeat using a special device. Facial features gradually emerge. The embryo reaches a length of 4-9 mm, its weight is no more than 4.5 g.

week 7

The fetal heart becomes four-chambered and large blood vessels are formed. The first trimester is marked by the continued development of all internal organs and systems. Weight – 1 g, coccygeal-parietal size is 13 mm. The unborn child gradually begins to straighten up. The brain is developing rapidly.

The face and upper limbs are improved. The umbilical cord completes its formation and a mucous plug forms.

The size of the fruit increases significantly - 14-20 mm in length, it begins to move. By the middle of the first trimester, the face acquires more and more human features. The formation of organs and systems has been completed, some of them are actively functioning. The optic nerve is born, the rudiments of the genital organs appear.

Week 9

The coccyx-parietal size of the unborn child reaches 22-30 mm, weight - 2 g. The cerebellum, pituitary gland, middle layer of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, and genitals are actively formed. The functioning of the cardiac and nervous systems is improved. The upper and lower limbs begin to move, bend, and muscles appear. The fetus gains the ability to urinate.

The critical first stage of development ends for the fetus. Weight reaches 5 g, and height – 30-40 mm. The heart rate reaches 150 beats per minute. The limbs are fully formed, you can see the joints and fingers. The foundation of baby teeth is laid, which obliges the mother to keep a food calendar and mark the consumption of dairy products in it. Most of the gastrointestinal tract organs have already completed their formation.

11-20 weeks

11 week

The critical stage of development is virtually over. The weight of the fetus reaches 8 g, the “height” is 5 cm. From this moment, the embryo enters the fetal stage. The heart is working fully, the formation of blood vessels is completed. The placenta becomes dense. The liver occupies 10% of the body. The intestines make the first movements similar to peristalsis.

The genital organs are increasingly formed. Eye color is determined and the sense of smell appears. Palms and fingers become sensitive.

12 week

Critical moments for fetal development depend more on the health and lifestyle of the mother. The body length ranges from 6-9 cm. The unborn child already has fingers and nails are forming. The gastrointestinal tract organs are completing their formation. The immune system is improved.

The first trimester ends, the critical cycle is completed. The baby teeth are fully formed, muscle and bone tissue continues to form, and the digestive system develops. The genital organs are differentiated. The child’s “height” reaches 8 cm, weight – 15-25 g.

Week 14

The baby is actively growing and developing. Its weight is 30-40 g, and its height is from 8 to 10 cm. The resemblance to a person is increasing. In case of multiple pregnancy, the expectant mother can feel the movements of the children, who are becoming more and more active. The bone skeleton grows, ribs are formed. The movements of the diaphragm resemble breathing. All organs and systems are fully formed. The child has an Rh factor and blood type.

Starting from the 15th week, the baby’s cerebral cortex begins to form. The process will take most of the second trimester. The endocrine system, sebaceous and sweat glands are activated.

Taste buds are fully formed, breathing movements are improved. The baby’s weight reaches 70 g, from the tailbone to the crown it is already as much as 10 cm. But even with multiple pregnancies, this does not interfere with free movements.

Week 16

By the first half of the second trimester, the baby is already 11 cm tall and weighs 120 g. The neck has taken an even position, the head rotates freely. The ears and eyes gradually rise upward. The liver takes over digestive functions. The development calendar is becoming busier. The composition of the blood is completely formed.

The immune system turns on, interferon and immunoglobulin are produced. The baby is able to protect itself from infections coming from the mother. But they all continue to be critical for the small organism. The fetus develops a layer of fat. If a girl grows, by the middle of the second trimester she will have a uterus. A person's height is 13 cm, weight is 140 g. He is able to hear sounds from the outside and feel emotions. From the point of view of emotional and mental development, week 17 is critical - establishing contact is extremely important.

The second trimester is approaching the middle. The upper and lower limbs of the fetus, phalanges of the fingers, and prints on them are fully formed. Fat tissue, the immune system and the brain continue to actively develop at week 18. The rudiments of molars are formed.

A reaction to light appears, and hearing increases. The calendar must include the date of the first movements and their frequency. Fetal height is 14 cm, weight – 200 g.

There is a big leap in development. Movements become more orderly. The respiratory system is improving. The body is covered with vernix. By week 19, the head rotates freely and is held in one position. Weight reaches 250 g, and height – 15 cm.

Week 20

The child is already fully formed, his organs are improving. By week 20, the heartbeat can be heard with a regular stethoscope. The limbs are fully formed. The sensations of sounds become more acute. The length is 25 cm, and the weight is about 340 g. The movements are more noticeable for the mother.

21-30 weeks

By 21 weeks, the baby gains height - 26.7 cm and weight - 360 g. But there is enough room for active movements. The digestive system works more actively, the fetus constantly swallows amniotic fluid. Muscle and bone tissue are strengthened. The spleen is involved in the work of the body.

Week 22

The period is marked by a significant increase in weight - up to 500 g. Height also changes - as much as 28 cm. The fetus at these times is viable even if it is first born. The brain and spine are fully formed. Reflexes are improved. The heart increases in size.

Week 23

By the 23rd week the fetus is sufficiently formed, the digestive system is fully functioning. Adipose tissue accumulates. The genital organs are clearly differentiated.

The baby's height reaches 29 cm, and his weight is 500 g. The spleen becomes more active.

Externally, the fetus already looks like a child. Due to the small amount of adipose tissue, the weight is only 600 g with a height of 30 cm. By week 24, independent production of growth hormone begins.

The respiratory system enters the final stage of development. Reflexes and sensory organs are improved. A sleep and wakefulness pattern is developed. The baby begins to listen to the mother’s emotions. The movements become sensitive.

The fetus gained weight to 700 g and grew to 34.5 cm. The resemblance to a newborn increases.

The lungs are preparing for the first independent breath. The hematopoietic function is completely carried out by the bone marrow.

The sense of smell is highly developed, the child senses the mother’s mood swings. The bone skeleton is actively overgrown with muscles. Testicles and vagina appear.

The fruit acquires individuality. The eyes begin to open. The child is able to recognize the voice of his mother and father. Bone tissue is strengthened. The lungs are finally taking shape. The brain produces various hormones. The baby weighs 750 g and is as much as 36.5 cm long. He sleeps 16-20 hours. Movements can be noticed by others.

Week 27

The fetus weighs 900 g by 27 weeks. Growth becomes more active. The endocrine system also enters a new phase of activity. The stability of a child’s pancreas determines the development of metabolic processes and mental abilities. The production of surfactant, a substance that allows the lungs to open after birth, stabilizes.

The amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The mother feels the baby’s training even more strongly.

Bone tissue continues to strengthen. Alveoli appear. The future little man can weigh 1 kg or more. Having reached 38.5 cm in height, the baby begins to feel a lack of free space in the uterine cavity, although this does not in any way affect his activity.

Week 29

The baby's body is gradually preparing for the upcoming birth. Thermal regulation and the functioning of the immune system are improved. The blood composition has been stabilized. The digestive system is completely ready to digest food. The gaze begins to focus. The skin gradually brightens and loses wrinkles. Subcutaneous fat increases, muscle tissue strengthens.

Week 30

The child’s weight reaches 1500 g. Gradually the nervous system “turns on.” The liver accumulates iron. The work of the heart acquires sexual differentiation - in boys it beats more calmly than in girls. Typically, by this time the fetus is in the position from which it will be born. Movements become calmer. Eyes open.

31-40 weeks

The child may already weigh more than 1.5 kg. The liver acquires the ability to cleanse the blood.

Surfactant production continues. The connection between peripheral nerve cells and the brain is established. Having touched the cornea, the baby will definitely close his eyes. The calendar of intrauterine development is gradually ending.

Week 32

The active growth phase continues. Organs and systems are fully functioning. The skin and appearance take on a familiar appearance. Lanugo, the original down, gradually disappears.

The baby is finally in position for birth. The skull remains soft.

At this time, the weight reaches 2000 g. Muscles and subcutaneous fat continue to build. Body parts become more proportional, many body systems work fully. The child is able to express emotions. The kidneys are prepared for their main function - filtration.

34 week

Fetal development is coming to an end. Individual traits become more and more obvious. Gastrointestinal tract training is more active.

By these days, organs practically do not develop. Activity is observed in terms of building muscle and fat tissue. Every week the baby gains up to 220 g. The skin is deprived of lanugo and completely smoothed out. Shoulders are rounded.

The body continues to improve. Iron continues to accumulate in the liver, and vital systems are being adjusted. The baby actively sucks his thumb in preparation for the upcoming breastfeeding. Most children occupy, that is, head down.

Week 37

The fruit is fully formed. The gastrointestinal tract is ready to receive and digest food, peristalsis is activated. Heat exchange processes have been established. The lungs are ripe. Iron accumulates in the liver. Height and weight increase weekly.

The baby is ready to be born. In male children, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The skin takes on a pink tint.

The fetus is fully formed, its organs and systems are ready for independent functioning. Reaction to sounds and light is developed. There is no original lubricant on the surface of the skin.

Week 40

The baby's height is approximately 54 cm, weight - from 3 to 3.5 kg. The formation is completely completed.

Knowledge of how the child develops at each stage of the gestation period will allow the mother to better respond to the changes occurring in her body. This is also of greater importance for the observing gynecologist - he will be able to respond to pathological abnormalities in a timely manner.

People learn about it in schools thanks to anatomy courses. But not many people know what happens next. How does a baby feed in the womb?

Start of a new life

The first days after fertilization, the egg takes nutrients from its own. This happens until it is implanted into the wall of the uterus and acquires a placenta. While the fetus is in the mother's belly, it receives all the necessary substances from her body. Based on this, a pregnant woman should diversify her diet and eat well.

She must consume all the necessary vitamins and minerals and limit the consumption of smoked, salty, and spicy foods. This is very important for the baby's development.

There is an opinion among people that a newly born baby is like a “white” sheet of paper. But this is far from true. How does a baby feel in the womb? He also feels all the emotions that his mother experiences, be it joy or anxiety, worries or happiness. It is influenced by both illness and the family situation.

After 4 weeks, the embryo receives the necessary oxygen through the chorionic villi, which turns into the placenta. It not only protects the baby from internal and external factors, but also through it the mother and fetus exchange substances necessary to obtain energy. A real monastery! Products of the baby's metabolism are also excreted through the placenta. It is also commonly called a “children’s place.”

It is very interesting how the fetus is nourished in the womb. Let's say the expectant mother ate an apple. The digestive system breaks down nutrients into simple molecules. Afterwards, the process of their absorption into the blood begins, which delivers all the necessary components to the embryo’s body.

Direct nutrition of the fetus occurs through the umbilical cord attached to the placenta. It contains 2 arteries and 1 vein. Venous blood flows through arteries, and arterial blood flows through veins. Venous blood flows from the baby towards the placenta and stores metabolic products. It's that simple! Now you know how a baby feeds in the womb. Interestingly, the width and length of the umbilical cord grows with the child. By the time of birth, its size can reach from 30 centimeters to a whole meter.

Some nuances

We have already looked at how the baby is fed in the womb. But it should be noted that the baby eats the same food as the mother only if she consumes all the necessary vitamins and elements. And if the mother’s nutrition is inadequate, the baby takes all the necessary “building materials” for the growing body from her tissues and cells. Is this dangerous for a woman? Of course yes! Therefore, her health condition is deteriorating. Problems with hair, teeth, and nails appear. The child’s need for calcium is great, since he must create his skeleton from “nothing”.

If the mother uses harmful substances

How does a child feed in the womb if she doesn’t think about the consequences at all? We should not forget that the child will receive not only useful, but also harmful substances to the small body if the mother smokes, drinks alcohol or drugs. This will adversely affect the health of the unborn child. Doctors advise giving up these harmful habits in advance of planning pregnancy.

Oxygen for baby

How does the fetus breathe and feed in the womb? It is very important for any living creature, including humans, to receive oxygen; it is impossible to live without it. If the brain is supplied with insufficient oxygen, it suffers. The fetus does not breathe with the help of the lungs; it receives the required amount of oxygen through the placenta. That’s why it’s so important that mom breathes properly and stays in the fresh air as long as possible. And during childbirth, proper breathing is important. It will help keep the child in excellent condition.

The course of pregnancy by week

You are the happiest person on earth! You will soon become a father or mother! Do you know everything about the development of a child in the womb week by week?

  • 1-4 weeks. During this time, the fetus's nervous system also develops.
  • 5-8 weeks. The brain begins to control the heart and muscle movement. Already in this period, the baby can move, but the mother does not feel it yet, since he is very small. The baby's eyelids, inner and outer ears appear. By 8 weeks he already looks like a human. The stomach begins to produce gastric juice. The Rh factor can already be determined by blood. You can see tiny fingers. Facial expressions develop.
  • 9-16 weeks. Weight is approximately 2 grams, and height is already 4 cm. The genitals are forming. The baby already knows how to suck his thumb, which is what he does when he gets completely bored. He begins to hear sharp sounds and may even cover his ears with his palms. And this means that he has formed hair growing on his head, and eyebrows and eyelashes on his face. He can already smile involuntarily.

  • 20-24 weeks. Your baby has already grown noticeably, his height is about 30 centimeters. And on the fingers of the limbs there are marigolds. The baby can already express his dissatisfaction. When he goes to bed at night, he dreams, this has been proven by scientists. The baby's skin is red and all wrinkled, but don't worry, a special lubricant protects it from exposure to water. If the baby is born at 24 weeks, he will survive, but, of course, with proper help and medical care. And it’s okay that its weight is only 500 grams.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

Just above, the development of a child in the womb was described week by week. But remember that labor can begin as early as 38 weeks, and this is considered normal. Such births are timely. As a rule, at birth the baby weighs from 3 to 4 kg and is about 50 cm tall. As soon as he is born, you will hear the first cry. And your life will change forever!

Text: Nadezhda Smirnova

Many pregnant women begin to feel their connection with their unborn child only after they feel the movements of the fetus - at first barely noticeable, and then more persistent. We asked an expert how to decipher these signals.

The head of the Moscow Center for Perinatal Diagnostics at Maternity Hospital No. 27, obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Vladimirovna Yudina, talks about what the baby is doing in the womb.

The laws of intrauterine life have not been fully studied...

Does it move or did it seem?

The fetus begins to move in the mother's womb while still an embryo, almost from the moment of birth. He turns over and tumbles almost continuously, but the expectant mother does not feel the movements as long as his muscles are thin and weak. When their size and strength increase, the woman begins to feel a barely audible and tender trembling within herself. The fetus first makes itself felt at various stages of pregnancy. It depends on the condition and physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. Women expecting their first child may feel fetal movements in 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. Those who have already given birth can feel this earlier - from 16 weeks. Their uterine muscles are more stretched, and fetal movements are more clearly audible.

Baby, how are you?

Studies have shown that in utero a child reacts to external sounds and brightness of light. Their strength affects the intensity of his movements. It is also known that its activity is influenced by both the mental and physical state of the mother. The state of wakefulness and rest can change in the fetus within every hour. This occurs in accordance with the physiological rhythms of its intrauterine development, which are different for everyone. Some babies may be more mobile in their mother's belly, while others may be calmer. Their intrauterine life follows its own laws, which have not yet been fully studied.

Even in the mother's womb, children have days of special activity and periods when they want to rest and behave calmly. Sometimes fetal movements can be caused by the body touching the inner wall of the fetal membrane, from which it moves away. Perhaps not enough oxygen is supplied to him through the blood through the umbilical cord. When it moves, its position changes, blood flow increases and oxygen supply increases.

The fetus makes breathing movements, sighs, and sometimes hiccups. At times, the expectant mother feels cramps in her stomach from his hiccups. In the fetus, as in the newborn child, this does not cause any particular inconvenience. With some babies this happens every day, or even several times a day, while others do not hiccup at all.

The number of fetal movements increases as pregnancy progresses. Rhythmic beats in some cases become regular and are repeated at constant intervals, while in others the fetus pushes spontaneously and variedly. The greater activity of the fetus in the mother's womb does not mean at all that after birth it will be more restless than those babies whose movements were less intense.

D. Pearson's test "Count to ten"

On a special card, the number of fetal movements is recorded daily from 28 weeks. Counting starts at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to consult a doctor.

Periods of special activity

  • If a pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle, the baby is calmed by the rhythm of her movements and she does not feel his kicks. As soon as she lies down to rest, the baby begins to kick and push. Therefore, some expectant mothers hear the baby's movements more often at night than during the day.
  • Sometimes the force of the kicks increases after the mother has eaten. The food she eats adds energy to the fetus.
  • The intensity of movement also increases due to the release of hormones into the blood when the expectant mother becomes nervous.

After 28 weeks During pregnancy, fetal movements are already clearly visible. It develops, grows and gets stronger, and its movements become more and more noticeable. You can already clearly understand when he is resting and when he is awake. As long as the baby has enough room in the uterus, he constantly spins and kicks. Sometimes this causes pain to the pregnant woman.

In order for the child to calm down, sometimes it is enough for her to change the position of her body or take several deep breaths

By 34 weeks During pregnancy, the fetus in the uterus takes its final position from which it will be born. He has already grown so much that it is becoming a little cramped for him there - it is already difficult for him to roll over and spin around. In women who have given birth, the fetus sometimes changes its position even after this period. The activity of the fetus before birth decreases slightly, but even then it does not stop its movements. During late pregnancy, the fetus often sleeps at the same time as the mother.

All sensations of the expectant mother, who listens to the movement of her child, are very subjective, and you should not attach importance to the observations of other pregnant women and compare them with your own. Each fetus in the mother's womb, like every person, has its own individuality, temperament and develops in its own way. If something worries you, consult your doctor who is managing your pregnancy!