Rating of the best creams for dry skin in Russian pharmacies. What cosmetics are suitable for dry skin

Dry skin requires special care - in order to maintain its health and beauty, it is necessary to use special creams that can provide long-term hydration, as well as protect the skin from irritation, peeling and other problems. Below you will find an overview of creams for dry skin - we have selected the most effective products and offer the resulting list to your attention.

Biotherm Aquasourse Non Stop Oligo-Thermal Gel Intense Moisturization

This is one of the recognized leaders in the quality of moisturizing. The cream has a gel-like texture and is great for dry and sensitive skin. It is quickly absorbed and moisturizes the skin for a day. Due to the high content of tonic components, as well as active substances, it quickly refreshes the skin, and also helps it retain moisture for a long time. If dry skin is caused by moisture problems, Aquasourse Non Stop Oligo-Thermal Gel Intense Moisturization is a great choice.

The cost is about 1800 rubles.

Chanel Hydra Beauty Creme Hydration Protection Radiance

Chanel Hydra Beauty Creme is a fairly dense yet well-absorbing cream for intense hydration of dry skin. Chanel Hydra Beauty Creme is a great choice for winter when dry skin needs extra care. The cream helps to maintain the natural level of hydration, and also saturates the skin with nutrients. An important advantage of Chanel Hydra Beauty Creme is a thorough dermatological control - even on sensitive skin, the product does not cause irritation or redness.

You can apply the cream both in the morning and in the evening. It is absorbed for quite a long time, however, the absorption is complete - the cream does not leave a film on the face.

Cost - from 2800 rubles.

Aubrey Rosa Mosqueta

This is a night cream designed specifically for dry skin. In Russia, it is very rare - the easiest way to find it in online stores. Aubrey Rosa Mosqueta contains alpha lipoic acid, which plays the role of a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E, also present in the composition, provides the softening and hydration needed by dry skin. Finally, organic rose oil evens out, repairs and nourishes the skin. Aubrey Rosa Mosqueta is quite greasy, oily, and therefore it is better to apply it in a thin layer. At the same time, if the skin is combination, oily areas are best avoided. The cream instantly rejuvenates, tightens, smoothes and moisturizes the skin. This is a very powerful remedy, well suited for very dry skin and also for use in the winter.

The cost is about 1000 rubles.

Decleor Nutridivine

Decleor is a French premium brand. Her Decleor Nutridivine is an excellent remedy for combating dry skin on the face. The consistency of this cream is more like an emulsion, which is very quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any residue. Decleor Nutridivine contains a range of plant extracts, fatty acids, as well as grape and pine polyphenols and angelica and geranium essential oils. This composition provides intensive nutrition and hydration without the risk of allergic reactions. The cream also contains light-diffusing pigments that strengthen and simultaneously brighten the skin.

Cost - from 3500 rubles. for 100 ml.

La Roche Posay Hydreane Riche

La Roche-Posay Hydreane Riche is a moisturizing and nourishing cream that is great for dry sensitive skin. It contains hydrolipids, which provide not only hydration, but also increase the skin's ability to retain moisture. The cream also contains thermal water enriched with selenium. This component provides additional hydration, and also soothes the skin, reducing its sensitivity. As a result, the skin of the face becomes perfectly hydrated and more elastic. The cream has a very thick consistency, but it is well absorbed without leaving marks on the skin. Additionally, La Roche-Posay Hydreane Riche protects the skin well, especially in winter.

The cost is about 1200 rubles.

HydraQuench Rich by Clarins

HydraQuench Rich is a powerful moisturizing and nourishing cream for very dry skin. Provides restoration of the hydrobalance of the skin, and also helps it retain moisture for a long time. Retains its effect in all weather conditions. In addition, it provides intensive nutrition, so that the skin becomes more elastic, velvety, and its color evens out.

HydraQuench Rich is very thick and needs to be applied thinly. It is better to do it at night - then after the first application the skin condition will improve significantly. It is important to note that HydraQuench Rich is the most powerful product in the line that can be used for emergency skin repair. Clarins also releases a base, weaker HydraQuench that works well for dry, normal, unstressed skin.

Cost - from 3000 rubles.

"Locobase Lipokrem"

"Locobase Lipokrem" is a pharmaceutical product, which is a cosmetic cream with a high lipid content. The effect is based on the formation of a special waterproof layer on the surface of the skin, which protects the skin from drying out and at the same time allows it to breathe. This layer is not felt on the skin and retains its effect throughout the day.

It is recommended to use "Lokobase Lipokrem" in case of violations of the protective barrier of the skin, as a result of which it becomes prone to increased dryness. The action of "Locobase Lipokrema" begins immediately after application. With regular use, the cream helps to restore the natural moisture balance, completely solving the problem of dry skin.

The cost is about 500 rubles.

"Aisida" for dry skin

Aisida cream-gel is a Russian development that provides fast recovery and effective protection for dry skin. The cream contains olive oil that provides moisture, as well as a special antiseptic that helps relieve inflammation and redness, and also helps to rejuvenate the skin. In addition, "Aisida" contains a whole range of oils (burdock, cocoa, lavender, Chinese magnolia vine, etc.). Regular use of the cream "Aisida" allows you to get rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness, completely remove inflammation, make the skin more toned and elastic, as well as perfectly moisturized.

The cost is about 1000 rubles.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal

Vichy Aqualia Thermal is a moisturizing cream that provides fast and even hydration to help skin stay hydrated throughout the day. The cream contains hyaluronic acid and thermal water. These components provide not only hydration, but also a rejuvenating and soothing effect. The latter is especially important for dry, irritated skin. The cream has a fairly dense texture and is perfectly absorbed without leaving a film feeling on the skin. Since the main effect of using Vichy Aqualia Thermal is moisturizing, it is better to use a cream paired with a nourishing agent.

Cost - from 975 rubles.

Johnson's Baby, baby moisturizer

This cream was developed for children's skin, however, due to its composition and action, it is an excellent choice for dry, sensitive, irritated skin. The cream contains panthenol, which helps to relieve inflammation and healing, as well as a number of active softening and moisturizing ingredients. In addition, the cream contains sunscreens, which is also very important for dry skin. Hypoallergenic, completely safe, light in texture and quickly absorbed - many dry skin owners prefer Johnson's Baby.

The cost is about 140 rubles.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


Skin of any type needs good quality care. Properly selected cream is of no small importance. It will protect the skin from possible irritations, give it moisture. But sometimes it is very difficult to find exactly “your” cream, so you need to choose among the best, according to women's reviews. See also loved by women.

Day cream Natura Siberica - nature to help dry skin

Due to the content of extracts natural healing herbs and hyaluronic acid It optimizes the degree of hydration and nourishment of the skin of the face. Helps to make the skin soft and supple, improve its tone. At the same time, blood circulation improves and protective forces are activated, which helps to withstand the negative effects of various temperatures.

This is the perfect cream for me. Moisturizes with a bang. The skin after its application remains fresh all day. Although it seems greasy when you see its consistency, but at the same time it is absorbed in one moment. And the face does not shine, and there is no peeling. It also includes an SPF filter. No need to buy a separate cream.

I accidentally bought this cream, I was just interested in a new company. It turned out that this is exactly what I always wanted to find. It absorbs very quickly and leaves no unpleasant feeling behind. It moisturizes my dry skin well, like from the inside.

Day cream for dry skin Siberian health "Biora Orchid" - ideal moisturizing

Orchid extract normalizes skin respiration and gives it a flowering appearance. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants protect the skin and fill it with everything necessary to maintain elasticity. Other natural ingredients in the composition help to nourish, soften and moisturize the skin.

For many years I could not find the right cream for myself. How many of them I had different. I bought this cream with no expectations. In a very convenient bottle, there was a very good cream that was absorbed for one, two, three. As a result of its use, I forgot about pimples, dryness and flaking.

Faberlic Bioeffect Day Cream gives dry skin the ability to breathe

Provides dry skin biologically active substances , which contribute to the preservation of beauty and health, strengthen the protective barrier and increase local immunity. Thanks to this, the skin is reliably protected from the harmful effects of various environmental factors, resulting in no redness and irritation. Therefore, there is no unpleasant feeling of dryness. The moisture level of the skin is enough for the whole day.

The cream is squeezed out economically, so it lasts for a long time, albeit a small volume. It smells great and is very easy to apply on the face. After using it, there is no feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. I forgot about the red spots. My skin is so soft now!

I generally use this series. And I really like all the tools. What to say about the cream specifically? It has everything you expect from a cream - fast absorption, pleasant aroma and texture. As a result of its use, various irritations and peeling disappear. This cream will help even problematic skin.

Nivea visage day cream for dry skin

This cream is designed for very sensitive skin. Thanks to active natural ingredients in the composition, it has a nourishing and moisturizing effect at an optimal level. Additionally contains sunscreen SPF 8 . This helps protect the skin from sun exposure. Helps prevent premature aging.

I am not happy with this cream. My very dry skin just wanted to get a little fat. I couldn't put anything on her, no foundation, no powder. Therefore, this cream has become a salvation. Now the skin on the face is smooth all day, moisturized and very tender. My delight knows no bounds.

It was worth smearing this cream once, and the skin instantly moisturized, became some other, without peeling. And even after the evening washing the skin does not tighten. It is a pity that I did not find this cream earlier, I suffered so much with overdried areas on my face.

Take care of dry skin with Faberlic AQUA KISLOROD day cream

Nanotechnology is involved in the production of the cream. Microcapsules with a cocktail of oxygen and active substances penetrate deep into the skin, saturate it with moisture and oxygen. As a result, the water balance is maintained and the protective barrier is strengthened.

I have tried different famous creams. But the skin did not change at all with them. As a result of its use, I forgot about the past problems of dryness and peeling. Due to its light texture, it is very well absorbed, leaving the skin fresh. I will never change him and recommend him to all owners of dry skin.

For a long time I could not choose the perfect cream for myself. Everyone did not like it, everything was not right. Bought on a whim, same with this one. But it turned out to be so wonderful with a pleasant aroma. The skin from it simply rejoices. It is moisturized and with a slight sheen, without feeling greasy. Its composition, however, is full of all sorts of chemical names, but what can you do if there is no other way.

With the day cream for dry skin "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty" you can forget about irritations

The cream contains useful natural ingredients - medicinal herbs, honey and yogurt . This contributes to the filling of the skin with nutrients and the normalization of internal processes.

It spreads very easily. Absorption is very fast, without a greasy film on the face. This is very important in such creams. I also have enlarged pores, but they are not clogged with this cream. The skin becomes healthier and softer. Although when buying this cream, I did not hope for any good results, but it turned out to be in vain. It is very good especially for winter.

I forgot about all the problems with the face as soon as I met this cream. No dryness, no irritation. Such a price along with such a result is just a paradox. The skin is now ruddy, smooth and not afraid of cold weather. Now I recommend this cream to all my friends.

Dr.Scheller Dry Skin Day Cream with Thistle Oil Impresses with Results

Thistle oil effectively regenerates skin cells and moisturizes it throughout the day. Active active natural ingredients help improve skin elasticity and counteract the loss of moisture, so that the skin is protected from aging.

The price of this cream is simply ridiculous, considering that the composition in it is 10 times more natural than in any fashionable means. Apparently, this cream is exactly “mine”, since it suits me so well. Its texture does not seem light, but after its application, the skin becomes velvety and very soft. But, unfortunately, this cream is not suitable for hot weather.

In the creams of this brand, I really like the naturalness of the compositions. This cream seems to be healing as well. It looks very thick. Therefore, I very often use it instead of the night. Here the smell is a bit harsh for me, but the skin has not experienced tightness for a long time. In summer and spring, you have to use something else, because this cream is too heavy in hot weather.

Praise your favorite cream! Reviews of women on the best creams for dry skin

The usual "Clean Line" easily copes with the problems of my skin, but my skin, in principle, is not very dry. So, more prone to dryness.

Thanks to the Black Pearl cream, I get rid of skin irritations. It is very light and therefore absorbs well. I recommend him to everyone.

And I really like the cream from Garnier. He even smoothed fine wrinkles, thanks to the lifting effect. After buying it, I don’t look at other creams.

In order for dry skin to become healthy and beautiful, it needs a special face cream. For sensitive skin, products that provide moisture, protection against peeling, irritation are suitable. Let's conduct a short review of cosmetics intended for this type of skin. We note their specific features, price range.

Characteristics of sensitive skin

This term appeared not so long ago. At the end of the last century, cosmetologists identified three main oily, normal, dry. In connection with the deterioration of the ecological situation, additional types have appeared, such as sensitive. The problem of lack of moisture in it with maximum sebaceous secretions has become a real disaster for cosmetologists. Nowadays, acne appears even in girls with a normal skin type. They are also forced to look for a suitable one. For sensitive skin, in addition to cosmetics, special salon procedures will also be required.

As a woman grows older, there is often a change from one skin type to another. Moreover, both oily and dry can become sensitive. Only in a small part of women, the dermis retains its softness and tenderness throughout life, while in the rest, after a certain age threshold, normal skin turns into sensitive.

Signs of sensitive skin

There are various factors that indicate the presence of problematic skin:

  • subtlety;
  • pallor;
  • minimal amount of sebum;
  • tightness after washing;
  • persistent severe irritation;
  • systematic appearance of age spots of unknown origin;
  • reaction to the use of natural and decorative cosmetics;
  • peeling;
  • constant burning sensation

Having found at least one of the points, do not even doubt that you have

Day cream "Belita-Vitex" Dead Sea for dry and sensitive skin

The unique mineral composition of the Dead Sea water is familiar to many women. Magnesium helps to smooth fine lines, potassium regulates the level of moisture in the skin, bromine soothes it. The developers took into account all the advantages of the unique Dead Sea water. The Dead Sea line has more than one face cream. There are 10 different products for sensitive skin.

Composition and description

The manufacturer says that a day face cream for sensitive skin is an excellent way to prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles. With constant use, you can get rid of deep wrinkles, make the skin supple.

"Belita-Vitex" - for sensitive skin. Reviews of women who have experienced it for themselves confirm this. The main advantages of the product are efficiency, fast absorption, reasonable cost. Despite the small volume (45 ml), the cream is enough for a long time period. No shortcomings have been identified. Day face cream for sensitive skin is suitable for women of any age, helps to maintain beauty and youth, get rid of dryness and flaking. This Belarusian remedy contains natural ingredients: macadamia seed oil, wheat germ, beeswax. There is also a proprietary component Magnolidone, which effectively eliminates wrinkles.

Reviews of women about the remedy

What impression does the Belarusian day cream for sensitive skin leave on women? Reviews will start with an analysis of the smell. A discreet, pleasant, delicate aroma, reminiscent of the sea, is noted by the fair sex, who have experienced Belarusian facial skin care products. Full absorption occurs in 15 minutes, after application there is no oily sheen. After 20 minutes, you can already apply daily makeup on your face. After applying the Vitex eye care product, any decorative cosmetics keep perfectly. In cold weather, face cream for sensitive skin "Vitex" protects the cheeks from peeling and dryness. All products of this line perfectly cope with the task assigned to them. Reviews of girls and women who have repeatedly used Belarusian products for sensitive skin are unanimous in this.

Cream "Nivea" for dry and sensitive skin

Day cream "Nivea" for the face for sensitive skin is ideal in terms of effectiveness and cost. It is saturated with extracts of calendula and lotus. The formula of the product functions in two directions: exfoliates dead cells and perfectly nourishes the skin.

Reviews of women about the cream "Nivea"

According to the reviews of women who have chosen this cosmetics, among the advantages of the Nivea day cream, light texture, speed of application, absorption, and compatibility with foundation creams should be noted. Many owners of problem skin are convinced that this is for sensitive facial skin. Reviews about this tool are mostly positive.

The downside is that the cream often rolls off, tightens the skin, and does not effectively moisturize it in all cases. After it, it is problematic to make high-quality makeup, cosmetics roll off. Reviews of women who have tried different cosmetics are different. But they are all convinced that Nivea cosmetics is a good option. Those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who have tried a lot of different creams are unanimous in their opinion. The best cream is “Nivea”, it is like “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”.

Cream "Natura Siberica" ​​for sensitive skin "Protection and moisturizing"

When choosing a face cream for sensitive skin, opt for this brand. It presents products of different price ranges, designed for skin with various problems. Moisturizing creams offered by this manufacturer contain the following components:

  • allantoin as a soothing and moisturizing agent;
  • bisabolol (softening and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • lactic acid as a natural moisturizer;
  • panthenol (regeneration of damaged skin).

Bought for sensitive facial skin (reviews from women are unanimous) makes the skin soft and smooth, and in a minimum time period. As part of the moisturizing cream "Natura Siberica" ​​there is an extract of lungwort, stinging nettle, forest mallow. These components soothe the skin, tone it, restore its natural color, increase elasticity.

Today it is not easy to choose the right cosmetics. Many different companies offer customers their products. How not to get confused in it and make the right choice? There are two types of cosmetics - caring and decorative. Lotions, masks, face and body scrubs - all this makes the skin not only silky and soft, but also healthy.

Different tasks day and night

Cream is one of the main components of caring cosmetics. It happens day and night. Our skin has different tasks at different times of the day. At night, she rests and gains strength, and during the day she actively “works”. Therefore, cosmetic “feeding” is also needed differently.

What should be a face cream for dry skin? Moisturizing and nourishing. Before you start choosing a cream, you need to accurately determine the type of facial skin. There are four varieties: dry, oily, normal and combination. The structure of the skin in all people is approximately the same. Only the speed and strength of the sebaceous glands differ.

Dry or not?

The most balanced skin type is normal. This one is almost perfect. Normal skin is neither shiny nor pimple-prone. Wrinkles appear relatively late on it. There are no vascular "stars" on such skin and pores are almost invisible. She reacts poorly to a sudden change in the weather. Such skin needs minimal care. The main thing is not to disturb its natural balance.

Dry skin also rarely causes problems for its mistress, especially at a young age. The exception is winter. At this time of the year, dry skin needs intense hydration and nourishment. Otherwise, wind and frost will make it unhealthy and faded. Therefore, you need to choose the right face cream for dry skin. With age, more intensive care is required. The fact is that dry skin is covered with wrinkles early. Therefore, she needs anti-aging programs.

Combined or not?

Oily skin causes problems for its mistresses already in adolescence. Excess sebum is what causes acne. This is a real grief for girls. In summer, oily skin instantly sweats and begins to shine. Excess moisture clogs the pores, which form ugly black rods. But oily skin rarely dries up and flakes off in winter. And wrinkles are formed on it relatively late.

Combination skin has signs of oily, dry and normal. The facial areas can produce a sebaceous secret with varying degrees of intensity. For example, the forehead, nose and chin sweat and become covered with black dots, and the cheeks are flaky. And all this at the same time! Signs of different skin types can appear sequentially. For example, in summer the skin sweats intensely, shines and even becomes covered with acne, and in winter it flakes and turns red from irritation.

Take the test

Each girl can determine her skin type depending on the degree of shine and the presence of enlarged pores. If in doubt, take a short test. Cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics and give it a little rest. Blot different parts of your face with a tissue. If there are no wet marks left on it, your skin is dry. The spots appeared on the site of the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks - an excess of sebaceous secretion is produced. If your cheeks are dry, then your skin is combination. Wet marks are distinguishable only in two places, for example, in the forehead and nose - you have normal skin. This is the best option.

Dry skin often hurts after washing. And sometimes it turns red and peels off. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right face cream for dry skin. The absence of a greasy layer looks good, but can be a problem. The fact is that the sebaceous secret has a protective function. It not only eliminates the negative impact of the external environment, but also prevents the evaporation of moisture. Dry skin dehydrates very quickly. And then there are wrinkles.

Causes and consequences

Dry skin sometimes indicates a lack of vitamins in the body. Such a problem may be the result of a passion for tanning. Sometimes the skin dries out the wind or frost. Problems threaten and lovers of cleanliness. The skin becomes dry due to frequent washing. The fat layer also destroys the use of scrubs. Contact with chlorinated water negatively affects the skin. But the main reason is heredity.

For women, it is simply necessary to use a face cream for dry skin. From youth, you need to start taking care of constant hydration and nutrition. You need to choose a cream specifically for dry skin. This is usually indicated on the tube. You need to buy a product for your age. Today, all well-known brands offer product lines for women over 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 years old. For young people, there is also a large selection of various cosmetics. Moisturizing cream for dry skin should contain:

  • salicylic and hyaluronic acids;
  • elastin;
  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin D

Additional remedies can be plant extracts, oils and beeswax. These substances make the skin smooth and silky.

Texture and security

Consider the thickness of the cream. In winter, it is better to use products that are rich in nutrients. These creams are quite thick and oily. In summer, choose products with a light texture. In the hot season, it is advisable to use cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Is your skin not only flaky and red after washing, but also itchy? She needs special care. Cream for dry and sensitive skin should be delicate and hypoallergenic. Such a tool, in addition to the required components, may contain thermal water and panthenol. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect. Don't forget to test the tool. Especially if you suffer from allergies.

What to avoid

In addition to a special cream for dry skin, you will need: gel, lotion, serum or cleansing milk. They must not contain alcohol. Night cream can be quite oily regardless of the time of year. In summer, it is better to use a light day remedy.

Girls with dry skin should avoid:

  • sunburn;
  • swimming pool;
  • frost and wind;
  • alcohol-containing cosmetics;
  • rough scrubs.

Useful procedures are offered by beauty salons. Owners of very dry and capricious skin can be advised warm compresses, collagen masks and gentle peeling. It is better to use tonal products with a caring effect.

Don't skimp on beauty

The best face cream for dry skin includes active ingredients and tonic ingredients. It should be thick and dense, but well absorbed. Owners of combination skin can also use this cream. But it should be applied only on dry areas. The more useful substances the product contains, the more expensive it is. But if you have too dry skin, you need to use a cream that is rich in plant extracts, as well as fatty acids and essential oils. It is good if the product contains additional useful substances. Give preference to products with reflective particles or pearl proteins.

Therapeutic drugs with lipids

Cream for very dry skin of the face not only nourishes, but also provides natural moisture retention. It usually includes hydrolipids. Selenium has a good effect. It also soothes the skin and relieves redness. There are emergency remedies that can quickly restore the appearance of the skin. However, it is not recommended to use them often.

If you are very worried about dry skin, and the usual cream does not help, visit a beautician. He will advise you to purchase a special remedy. In the pharmacy you can buy a cream with lipids. They form a special film that does not allow the natural moisture to evaporate and at the same time allows the skin to breathe. Such a tool protects against the harmful effects of frost, wind, sun and pollution. Waterproof film lasts all day. She is invisible and imperceptible.

Typically, a lipid product is a day cream for the face. Dry skin needs constant nourishment. But strong remedies are best used only on the recommendation of a beautician. Sometimes creams contain an antiseptic that relieves inflammation and prevents infection from entering through microscopic skin lesions.

Often, cosmetologists advise using products intended for children. This is emergency help. Baby creams intensively moisturize the skin. In addition, they contain agents that instantly soothe discomfort and relieve inflammation. Often the composition of baby creams includes panthenol. Such products are hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. They absorb quickly.

How to choose the right cream for dry skin? Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that it is desirable to give preference to products of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the cosmetics market. Here are some more professional tips.

  1. Before using the product, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Choose creams with a high content of nutrients and herbal extracts.
  3. Give preference to products with additional protective and aesthetic functions.

It is good if the cream contains thermal water. Be healthy and beautiful!

In the formulation of creams for sensitive skin, the following ingredients are needed:

  • hyaluronic acid - to maintain natural moisture, stimulate the healing of damage;
  • allantoin - to eliminate discomfort, recovery;
  • vegetable oils - for enrichment with fats, softening;
  • plant extracts - to relieve unpleasant symptoms, prevent and treat skin problems;
  • vitamins (A - for dryness, C - for healing cracks, E - for UV protection).

Names of creams for sensitive skin:

  • Protection and hydration Natura Siberica;
  • Pre-makeup Nivea;
  • Calming Sensitive by Janssen;
  • Comfort on Call Clinic;
  • Aloe vera Gigi;
  • Total Effects 7 in one by Olay;
  • Soothing Healing by Avene;
  • Soothing Irritation Treatment from Pharmaceris;
  • Asian from Styx Naturcosmetic;
  • Camomile Allergy Stop by Dr. Santa.

Siberica cream for sensitive skin

The tasks of the Siberica cream for sensitive skin are reflected in its name: "Protection and Moisturizing". The main ingredient is an extract of Rhodiola rosea, which increases the immunity of the skin and serves to prevent allergies. In addition to vegetable extracts, the composition includes:

  • vitamin P - to enhance barrier functions, restore the structure and elasticity of the skin;
  • allantoin - to restore the skin, moisturize at the cellular level;
  • hyaluronic acid - for the prevention of wrinkles;
  • SPF 20 for UV protection.

In addition to the listed ingredients, the composition contains natural extracts of useful plants from ecologically clean areas.

The cream for sensitive skin of this brand has a delicate texture and a pleasant aroma. Provides softness, relieves tightness, protects from the sun and other aggressive factors.

"Protection and Moisturizing" is packaged in convenient bottles with dispensers, which helps to rationally use their contents.

Nivea face cream for sensitive skin

Nivea face cream for sensitive skin (nourishing) contains two active substances of plant origin that can best affect the epidermal layer. These are almond and calendula oils. They provide special hydration, eliminate redness and other symptoms of irritation, and soothe the skin of the face for a long time. She gains the ability to resist external stimuli and maintain a natural balance.

Cream for sensitive skin Nivea nourishes the dry epidermis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and skin pores, eliminates irregularities and fine wrinkles. It has bactericidal properties and sun protection, it is instantly absorbed and prepares the face for make-up.

Nivea also produces a cream for sensitive skin with hypoallergenic properties. Contains chamomile extract, flavonoids, aragon oil. These components provide nutrition, hydration, smoothing, prevent the appearance of redness and inflammation on the face. Restores the optimal level of hydration, soothes the skin for a long time.

The cream is thick and oily, but this consistency does not prevent it from being absorbed quickly and without traces. Hypersensitive skin immediately becomes velvety and soft, healthy looking. With constant daily application, peeling, itching and other symptoms of irritation disappear forever.

Day face cream for sensitive skin

Day face cream for sensitive skin is designed to nourish, moisturize, relieve unpleasant symptoms on the face. One of the budget options for a cream for sensitive skin is a soft hypoallergenic day remedy brand Dr. Sante (Ukraine) Camomile Allergy Stop.

The formula is designed in such a way as to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms, prevent inflammation and allergies at the cellular level. Cream properties:

  • It works thanks to an innovative complex based on bisabolol.
  • Vitamin E works instantly, eliminating redness, peeling, itching, tightness.
  • After application, make-up is perfectly applied to the face.
  • Improves complexion with continued use.

To increase the effectiveness, it is recommended to use a similar night cream of the same brand. It neutralizes the harmful effects of adverse factors that the body is inevitably exposed to throughout the day. In addition to the mentioned innovative complex, the cream contains cotton extract, currant oil, vitamins that strengthen and soften the skin of the face.

Moisturizing cream for sensitive skin

Creams for sensitive skin in the range are offered by the French manufacturer of cosmetics based on thermal water La Roche-Posey. The line is represented by several products.

  1. 1.Deserves attention moisturizing cream for sensitive skin Intense Rish. It is recommended for dehydrated, dry and irritated skin. The formula contains fragments of hyaluronic acid and provides a double effect: intensive saturation with moisture and its retention in the skin. The skin receives instant hydration and long-term moisture enrichment.
  2. 2. Another product from La Roche, Hydreane riche, is also advertised as a cream for sensitive skin. In addition to moisturizing, it reduces skin sensitivity due to the content of thermal water with selenium. With continued use, softness and comfort return to the skin.
  3. 3. Cream Toleriane SPA is designed for hypersensitive skin prone to allergic manifestations. The recipe contains a high concentration of thermal water, which soothes and softens the skin, relieves burning, tightness and other discomfort. There are few components, and they are selected taking into account possible allergic risks.
  4. 4. Cream Toleriane rish, according to the annotation, is soothing, moisturizing and protective. Designed for hypersensitive and allergy-prone skin. Otherwise, its action is similar to the previous cream for sensitive skin.

Cream for oily sensitive skin

Sensitive is not only dry, but also oily skin. This state of affairs is no better, quite the contrary. Creams for sensitive skin are even easier to get rid of, experts say, because they usually combine nourishing and moisturizing functions. What to do with oily sensitive skin?

The main task of creams for oily sensitive facial skin is to relieve inflammation, reduce sebum production, and provide a bactericidal effect. Such functions, as a rule, are performed by pharmacy cosmetics - light emulsions designed to solve just such problems. In a brief review - several drugs with such properties.

  1. 1. Cleanance K from Avene: in the composition - 50% thermal water, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, chamomile extract. Reduces inflammation, exfoliates old cells. Special capsules absorb excess sebum.
  2. 2. Effaclar K by La Roche Posay: The effect is based on thermal water with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. 3. Exfoliac from Merck: resists excessive fat content, regenerates and increases turgor, eliminates the symptoms of lack of moisture. The effect is achieved due to the presence of essential fatty acids, ceramides, similar in structure to their own fats, as well as vitamin E.
  4. 4. Apezak from Biorg: restores the structure, regulates the production of lipids, softens the skin. The tool is indispensable in the treatment of dermatological pathologies with hormonal drugs, as it improves their tolerance. Protects from climatic factors in winter.
  5. 5. Iseac by Biorg: A novelty with Uriage thermal water designed for oily sensitive skin. It normalizes the formation of sebum, evens out tone, improves complexion, protects against external factors and wilting.

To enhance the effect, along with a healing cream, it is recommended to use thermal water from the same source. Thus, supportive treatment is carried out. In case of exacerbation of pathological processes, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist.

Sunscreen for sensitive skin

The skin on the face is more delicate than on the rest of the body, therefore, during the period of active sun, it needs protection from ultraviolet radiation, not only on the beach, but also in urban areas. When choosing a protective agent, it is important to know a few rules.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the composition and appearance. The cream should contain zinc oxide, avobenzone, titanium dioxide, and the best consistency is medium density. Such creams protect delicate skin from burns, are quickly absorbed and do not stick to clothes.

Then we look at the SPF numbers, indicating the level of protection. Typically, the range of numbers is between 15 and 50. The larger the number, the more effective the protection. To determine which one is needed in a particular case, information about skin phototypes will help.

  • Light delicate skin needs enhanced protection, a cream with high rates, SPF 40 - 50 is suitable for it. Such a sunscreen is ideal for sensitive facial skin.

It remains to decide on the company, and pricing plays a role here, among other things. Approximately in the middle of the scale of minimum and maximum prices is a cream for sensitive skin from Uriage Bariesum SPF 50+. Effectively protects hypersensitive skin from UV and prevents dehydration.

Pharmacy creams for sensitive skin

Pharmacy creams for sensitive facial skin are used to eliminate irritation, moisturize the skin and restore local immunity. To perform tasks, the following substances are introduced into their composition:

  • allantoin;
  • retinol;
  • nourishing oils;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • plant extracts;
  • tocopherol.

Pharmaceutical cosmetics do not contain dyes, bioactive components and at least preservatives.

In the list of creams for sensitive facial skin, French cosmetics made on the basis of thermal waters take pride of place. In addition to standard ingredients, these creams are saturated with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for any type of skin. The French are leading the market for such cosmetics, and this is not one company, but many. So, cosmetics for sensitive skin are produced by Uriage, Avene, La Rocher, Bioderma, Yves Rocher, Noreva.

It is difficult to single out the best remedy. As in other cases, you need to choose according to two criteria: the composition and individual characteristics of the skin. Reviews can serve as a hint. According to them, the brands Aven, La Rocher Rose and Uriage are effective, affordable, consist of natural ingredients, do not cause unwanted reactions. Bioderma and Noreva are suitable for dry skin, while A-Derma Exomega Defi is suitable for oily skin.

The Vichy brand, sold in pharmacies, contains 15 minerals that are effective for both treating and preventing many skin problems, including dryness, inflammation, wrinkles, and cellulite.