Romantic sms for your loved one. Message to your beloved guy: the best options for cute and pleasant SMS

The real happiness of a person consists of small daily joys. It is doubly important if these joys are given to him by the most beloved person. You don’t need any golden mountains, and you don’t have to get out of your skin. Just a drop of attention and a little imagination - even in pleasant SMS. It's not so difficult, and a charge of vivacity will appear in the morning. Yes, and a light, unobtrusive “break-up” during the day in the form of messages on a mobile phone will also be nice surprises. How to do this for a beloved man?

First, let's learn how to write SMS messages correctly. No, it is clear, of course, that everyone can press buttons, but sometimes even these innocent SMSs for the subscriber turn reading time into a living hell. Therefore, we are guided by several rules:

    SMS cannot convey intonation, exactly the one that is clear to the writer. Therefore, emoticons at the end of a sentence will definitely help express all feelings: are you smiling now, or are you sad.

    It is advisable not to use the "auto-correct" function. Sometimes there are well-known curiosities when, through inattention, you send out such nonsense, because of which the reader comes to a stupor. If you use "autocorrect", then be sure to double-check the text.

    Be friendly with spelling and punctuation. And this is not because your man is picky about literacy, but because texts written in a blunder are difficult to read. And, frankly, illiteracy does not paint a girl.

    Again, long messages cause difficulty in reading. SMSs are needed more for a dialogue than for an epistolary monologue. Even if your boyfriend did not immediately answer some of your questions, wait a while - he may be busy.

    Do not mix pleasant messages with a showdown in correspondence. If you really want to bring joy to your man, and not ruin your relationship with him, then it’s better to hold back at some point if something goes wrong.

    Small surprises, in the form of text messages, should be light as a kiss, short as a gunshot, and often unanswerable. When sending a text message, just think about how your lover will now just smile after reading it.

    Double-check the written text addressed to a man, in any case, and imagine if you yourself would like to receive such a love message.

    Never try to make a “surprise” if a man warned you that he would be very busy at some time (meeting or driving), and you, so mysterious, still wanted to provoke him with SMS of a sexual nature. This will be off topic, and will rather piss off your young (or not so) person.

In the modern world, it has become difficult to be in a secret love relationship. Gossip grandmothers on a bench at the entrance no longer “have weight”: cameras and hidden “eyes” are everywhere, and only SMS, calls to a mobile phone and correspondence on social networks are generally time bombs.

If your man is married to another woman, and you really don’t want to “shine”, then be more careful with communication on all these means of communication - only at the time appointed by your lover. Yes, and you, most likely, are recorded on his phone not with your name, but with some “Ivan Ivanovich” from work.

Now imagine if in the morning you decided to pamper your not free man with SMS, and suddenly his wife accidentally stumbles upon the phone. And SMS like this:

Kitty, good morning! Love and kisses!

Here are three options for her guesses:

  • This is 100% love!
  • My husband is a closeted homosexual!
  • A certain Ivan Ivanovich is clearly from a hangover, and mixed up the phone number!

So don't even think about writing something like that. I am convinced that your married man is outside the family zone - you can purr a few words to him in SMS - that you love, that you miss, that you are waiting for a date. But it's better not to get carried away. And, the golden rule: I drank too much with my friends - turn off or hide the phone away, otherwise you’ll do such things that you don’t even wake up in the morning.

Messages to my own husband

SMS messages to a loved one should “smell with the aromas of the day” (in a figurative sense, of course). Morning SMS should “smell” with cheerfulness, freshness and positive, daytime SMS with support and optimism, evening SMS with mystery and eroticism. It is with all this that messages should be “charged” throughout the day.

The husband is almost your "blood". And if you have been married for a long time, and your relationship has “settled down”, the former passion for each other has passed, then it is short messages that can stir up cooled feelings. Let's distribute SMS a little by daily parts and imagine an approximate family regimen.


You left for work first. The husband stayed to sleep until his time. You know how sleepy he is, and you usually call him on your cell phone with the usual demand to get up. He's used to it and doesn't expect anything else from you. And then suddenly: "deelin" - the sound of SMS. And there the text: “Wake up, sun! Good morning!” Well, a couple more control times. Wouldn't he be pleased to wake up to such kind words?


Work bustle for everyone. Your head is full of thoughts about business, you completely forget that you even have a family. But here's a break, you drink a lunch cup of coffee and get distracted from work. And you think - well, how is he, my main man, maybe he is also tired, twirled, nervous. Make sure he smiles. Write at least one word: "I love you!" It won’t take much time, but what a balm for the soul this word will be for your spouse!


Tired time, when everyone just wants to stretch out on the couch, so that no one touches. But your darling, on the way home, is predetermined out of habit severely: now something will be wrong from the threshold, nit-picking, questions. And you take it here and send him a text message from you: “Darling, I miss you so much! I cooked a delicious dinner, I can’t wait!” Set up another one right now!

Almost night

You are still spinning in the kitchen, and he has already gone to bed. Somehow there was no sex for a long time, but I really want to. Well, why don't you throw a message through the wall to him: “Kitten! Want you! I'm in the shower and soon to you in bed! He, of course, can pretend to be asleep, but most likely it will excite him out of surprise. Little tricks, but what an effect they have!

Messages for the groom

Your man is your future spouse. Then you need to especially try with imagination and literacy, because he still decides to take a serious step in his life, connecting it with you. More affection in words, without obsession and edification - just be a good boy.

When a person is cute, you want to please him much more often, even constantly. This can be done both in person and in correspondence, for example, write the following words in a message: “Morning has come, and a new day has come, I hope it will bring me a meeting with you.” Especially girls like to send pleasant SMS to a guy, it is they who manage to find the most correct words that a young man can like. In many ways, the relationship of two people in love will depend precisely on the kind words addressed to the chosen one. Therefore, you need to learn how to write them.

Psychologists say that every girl can write the right mobile message, you just have to follow the rules. But how to write a message is NOT necessary, described below.

No spelling mistakes. When a girl feels sympathy for a young guy, her words flow like a river. But this does not mean that there should be several errors in each word, even if the chosen one is not very literate. It is more pleasant to read the correct speeches than to figure out what you wanted to write and count incorrectly spelled words in sentences.

“No” to increased attention to your person! If after your SMS the guy does not answer for a long time, then there can be 2 options: either he is busy, or you are completely uninteresting to him. Do not overwhelm him with questions like “Where are you?”, “Why are you silent?”, “I am waiting for an answer from you.” This can only repel a person, but does not interest oneself in any way. Believe me, a young man who is interested in a girl will find a couple of minutes to text her back. It is better to wait, patience will most likely be justified in time.

No to blackmail! If, after several messages, the young man did not answer, you should not use blackmail like: “If you do not write to me, then my life will end” and the like. So you can only cause a negative attitude towards yourself, but not the location of the guy.

Jokes in moderation. Girls have the peculiarity of "pinning up" guys. It is not forbidden to do this, but every action must have boundaries. Do not forget that at heart every person is selfish, and the wrong joke on a young guy can spoil the pleasant impressions of you that he had initially.

"No" to too fast answers! Pretend you have other things to do as well. A guy who received an answer to his message in a minute can become conceited by taking an instant SMS for strong affection. It will give the impression that you have been waiting and even prepared the text in advance. Make him nervous, moreover, during this time you can come up with an original message, for example, "I want you to turn into the sun and kiss my nose just as gently." Peculiar and pleasant, without any serious hints, because you didn’t ask to kiss you on the lips, did you?

Don't use too many emoticons. Among young people, this item is in a special place. Smileys are everywhere. But if you want a guy to show interest in you, it’s better to express the meaning of the pictures in words. If you wish good morning to a young man and want to wink at him with an emoji, it’s better to write something like “I can’t remain indifferent and not wink at such a nice guy.” And a smiley face can be changed to the words “As soon as I remember spending time together, a happy smile immediately appears on my face.”

Don't bombard the guy with messages. Even if you really want to write, do not overdo it. During the day, you can send several messages, for example, "I look forward to the evening to open my soul to you." This sms is a riddle, and does not mean at all that you will reveal your most cherished secrets, perhaps you mean something else, for example, a closer acquaintance or a story from your childhood.

How to write

In any case, the girl should be friendly, sweet, open in communication. No matter how harsh it may sound, but you should not get hung up on one person, because this leads to the disintegration of the individual. After several attempts to lure the guy with your messages, you need to stop communication if it does not bear fruit, and transfer your attention to another young man.

It happens when you like a guy, it can be very difficult to write a message that is simple at first glance. It is important to understand that SMS is such a flirting technique, quite piquant, which will help not only, but also learn more about it. But on the other hand, a young man may take this as a hint of a non-committal relationship. Keep that edge that will not allow the guy to take you lightly, make him become attached to you with your own words and understand that an easy romance is not your option.

Before sending a message, re-read and delete unnecessary text. Do not try to write more, it is better to compose concise phrases. If we talk about the psychology of guys, then they perceive long SMS messages as a very strong interest in their person. This means that they will simply lose interest in correspondence and in you, believing that they have already achieved what they wanted.

Praise. Any representative of the strong half of humanity wants to be touched. If you want the guy to be pleased, write a message: “I can’t forget your broad shoulders, behind them any girl will be like behind a stone wall” or “Your strong arms captivated my gaze, and I imagined how they carry me with ease like a fluff” (a little not modern, but poetic, agree?).

Before writing a message, it is important to clearly understand why you are doing this. This point cannot be missed, because any written word can be an impetus to a new stage in the relationship or cause a break. For example, the poetic form of messages is irrelevant if you have just stopped being friends. Confessions of feelings will be inappropriate when you recently met. And the dry “Hi, how are you?” will be an incorrect expression if your relationship has already crossed the bar of simple meetings. In addition, SMS in your own words will seem to the guy the most pleasant and understandable, especially if you need to say a concise "I miss you" or "I'm sorry."

If you are already dating a young man, it is important to find out the tastes and habits of each other. For example, your chosen one may be a fan of Shakespeare, then you can send him an SMS in the form of lines from a sonnet, not only rewritten from the Internet, but rewritten in your own words. Believe me, the guy will get untold pleasure from such a message.

Do not write too much about feelings so as not to bore the young man. It is better to send a concise letter like:

  • "I dream of you from morning to evening"
  • "I dream of your tender lips"
  • "I can't forget the taste of your kiss"
  • "My lips feel your touch."

You can’t shout about love, especially if it doesn’t exist. Do not use pathos, set yourself a framework so that SMS messages are unobtrusive, but pleasant.

A very interesting version of the message to a dear heart will be letters similar to those written by previous generations. No need to think that this is old-fashioned, on the contrary, in the old days, women were able to write beautifully, words flowed in a harmonious stream. For example, you can write to a young guy a revised dictum of Tolstoy: “Love is considered a gift that has no price. This is the value that we are able to give, but at the same time keep for ourselves "or Albert Camus, who spoke about the greatness of love:" There can be only one love in life - great and for life, only it can justify that despair who visits us.

Reasons to write

When should you post? We will tell you about this so that you do not become intrusive and have a small “cheat sheet” on hand for pleasant words.

So write in the morning. Believe me, it’s nice for a guy to wake up and read from a cute girl the words “Good morning, happy person! And you are happy, because you are able to give the same feeling to others. It will be relevant to send an SMS with the words “Early morning brought me thoughts about you and with this a good mood. I want you to experience the same."

Write about his appearance. Although they say that looks are not important for a guy, believe me, the words “Your dimples on your cheeks make you a charming man” or “The clear eyes of a nice guy captivated me for ages” will be most welcome in the midst of a working day.

Remind him of his talents by texting "You did what no one else could" if he complied with your request for strength or intelligence. You can also point to his courageous hands, with which the young man simply carried a bag from the supermarket. Write according to the situation.

Write if you are grateful. Even the smallest detail can be marked by your "thank you". The more often you say words of gratitude, the more often the young person will try. Write him these words: “My gratitude knows no bounds - the bouquet you gave me lit up my day.”

Wish good night with the words “I miss you and dream of falling asleep on your strong shoulder” or “May you see me in your dreams, and I will definitely dream of you.”

Lovely and warm words are easy to find if a person is really pleasant and dear. Trust your feelings and emotions, they will help you pick up those lines that will amaze you to the core and make you think about you from dawn to dusk. And besides, with pleasant content - this is a chance to give your neighbor a drop of unexpected joy.

Girls quite often wonder what to write to a guy to make him feel good. The reason for this concern may be sympathy for this person, which has not yet developed into a relationship, or more serious feelings.

Men are incredibly sensitive to pleasant words addressed to them. With a few lines, you can ensure that he, feeling himself the most beloved, respected and dear, will not delay reciprocity and will surround his soul mate with attention, care and courtship.

What do you need to write to a guy to make him feel good?

If you write to your loved one something that will please him very much, no doubt it will be extremely pleasant for both of you. Few people do not like to bring joy to loved ones, to see smiles on their faces, to make them feel adored.
By writing nice words to your boyfriend, you will give both him and yourself a little happiness.

The exchange of messages between you can become a game that is interesting for both. Even if you have been together for several years, flirting via SMS will not be superfluous, it will only add passion to your relationship. If it suddenly seems to you that the ardor of your love has begun to fade, do not miss the opportunity to start a romantic correspondence before it's too late.

Usually, what was said aloud cannot be reproduced unless the words were recorded on a voice recorder or video camera. What is written is very easy to save, which is important for many. If you suddenly feel sad, you can re-read these words at any time and remember how dear your existence is to someone, how much your happiness worries someone, how much they love you.

Some girls are convinced that men should take more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they don’t really pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion., because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like someone his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase her self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her. Many girls don’t even know what to write to a guy to make him happy. You can send a message to your loved one in various ways, some of them are given below.

  • Burning flame of love both must support, which means that girls also need to please their men not only with cooking, but also with romantic surprises. A small but very pleasant surprise can be a letter sent in the same social network, even if you live together. You should not write for everyone to see, by doing this you can embarrass him, it is better to write in a personal message. In this case, you have the opportunity not only to write a few fiery lines, but also to send a photo, picture, song or video that matches the text. You can also draw some original graffiti yourself, and it is not necessary to have talent for this, because simple hearts pierced by arrows will be enough.
  • If one or both of you are not into social media, you can write him an email. The only thing is that in this case a couple of lines will not be enough, you will need to prepare a rather long text in which you will tell the guy in detail about your feelings. Be sure to assure him that he is your most beloved and dear man, whom you want to take care of throughout your life. Let him know how much you miss him, how bad you feel when he is not around, and that you look forward to meeting him when you are apart from him. The guy will be very pleased to know that you dreamed about him, so be sure to tell him about it if this is true. In this case, intimate details do not interfere at all, because they will spice up your candid letter!
  • When there were no modern technologies, which are very developed today, all people used exclusively by ordinary mail sending each other handwritten letters. Now everyone uses mostly the keyboard, but not pens. The most ordinary letter can become quite original surprise, so do not immediately rule out this option, but be sure to take a closer look at it.

    You can write in it all the same as in an email, but the guy will be doubly pleased to read the words, written by your hands.

What to write to a guy to make him feel good at night

If you and your loved one do not yet live together, then most likely you really want to write pleasant words to him every day before going to bed. It is undoubtedly very important for you that he falls asleep and wakes up every day with a smile, thinking about you. Below are some letter options based on which you can send a guy a message or sms with very nice words for the night.

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  • My most adored, dearest and most affectionate man! Now you go to bed after a hard day, letting go of all the heavy thoughts. I hope that, lying in bed, you will forget about all possible failures and fall asleep smiling. I really want you to have a wonderful rest and enjoy a wonderful dream. It is very sad that now I am not with you, otherwise this moment would be even more beautiful.
  • My love, I know that now you are getting ready for bed. I miss you so much that I can only dream of us. Come to me in a dream, we will enjoy each other's company there together. I will gently take your hand, snuggle up to you and we will watch the beautiful sunset, dreaming of our wonderful future. Maybe you will dream something completely different, I only hope that your dreams will be the most wonderful. Let in a dream you get what you have long dreamed of.
  • Beloved, I know that you dream of going on vacation to some wonderful place, for example, to a fabulous island, where we will be just the two of us. In such a place we could perfectly enjoy each other, splashing in the sea or ocean, swinging in a hammock on the beach, eating palm fruits from each other's hands and marveling at the stunning beauty of nature. I wish you to see this fairy tale so far only at least in a dream. Let all your heavy thoughts evaporate, your body relax, and dreams fulfill all your desires, bringing you joy and inspiration.
  • My dear, I wish you to see my most pleasant memories in a dream. May they relieve you of sad thoughts, if any, and give warmth to your soul. I hope that I will be in your dream, delighting you with our joint memories. My one and only and the best of all men, relax calmly and sleep sweetly. I will come to your dream and give you boundless affection and magical tenderness.
  • Baby, I miss you madly and look forward to our meeting. I'm sure you miss me too, so go to bed soon, then we'll see each other in a dream. My dear, good night and the best dreams to you. I am crazy about you!

What to write to a guy in SMS so that he is pleased

Probably the most common way of remote communication between lovers is writing sms. A short message sent to a loved one's mobile phone can say a lot. If you really want the guy to smile as soon as he wakes up, wake him up with an SMS with a text like “Good morning, darling! Wake up soon, my little one." If you quarreled the day before, it’s better to send an SMS in the morning like “My dear, I love you so much, let’s not quarrel and make up as soon as possible!”.

It turns out that writing something to a guy to make him feel good is not at all difficult and you can do it many ways. It is very important for a man to feel loved and dear person, even no less important than for a girl. Appreciate, respect your guys and please them with pleasant messages more often.

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A declaration of love to a guy ...

I decided today to give you my sincere confession. My letter is a sled that is flying without control on the ice, I don’t know where they will take me, but still I mustered up the courage to tell you this. You are the cutest and smartest boy I have ever met. When you're around, strange things happen to me. I begin to blush, stutter, my arms and legs go numb, and my knees give way. When I go to bed and close my eyes, I immediately see your face, I think about you, I sort through all your words and gestures in my thoughts. I'm always very interested in you. And every day this feeling in me is stronger. I want to see you more and more, and I feel more and more embarrassed when I see you. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that I fell in love with you. And I decided that it's time to tell you about it, otherwise I'll just stand silently on the sidelines.

I have one biggest and most important secret in my life. You are my favorite boy - now you know my secret! How you will deal with him is up to you, I understand that you will do as your heart feels. And I do not pretend to anything, I just want to say that I have long lost my appetite and restful sleep. You have become so special and important for me, even necessary! When you smile, it seems to me that my head starts to feel a little dizzy. All because you are the cutest, the funniest, the strongest and the bravest. Now my heart beats much faster, and all my thoughts are occupied with you. I dream that you would reciprocate me, because then my whole world will turn upside down and I will become as happy as I have never been! All I dream about now is to see your affectionate and playful look.

You and I have been best friends for a long time. We spend a lot of time together. We walk together, watch interesting films together, talk about everything in the world, laugh, make fun, fight sometimes. I feel very good with you always, very fun, warm and comfortable. I can no longer imagine my life without you, you have become an integral part of my every day. Millions of spoken words, millions of cups of tea drunk, millions of jokes, millions of infinitely beautiful minutes. But, not so long ago, everything has changed dramatically. Now everything is different. When you are near, I increasingly want to touch you, kiss you. I'm jealous of other girls. And you know what I think? I love you! I am very afraid to admit this to you, because I cannot know for sure what is happening in your heart. But, I still decided on this and I really, really hope that my feelings will be mutual.

I want to confess my feelings to you today, and maybe this is not very common for girls, but I plucked up the courage and did it. I have long and hopelessly in love with you, the coolest boy on earth. And even now, not knowing your feelings for me at all, I'm still very happy about it. Because love makes a person more beautiful, I now notice beautiful things that I didn’t even pay attention to before, everything is completely different now. And I know for sure that no one, since I am not able to love you, with all my heart, absolutely disinterestedly, without demanding or expecting anything in return. After all, despite your answer, your eyes will not stop captivating me, I will not stop liking your smile, I will not stop thinking about you twenty-four hours a day. All I need is to see you cheerful and happy.

My sweetest, most desirable boy, I fell in love with you so much that I no longer have the strength to keep it in myself. I myself did not realize and did not understand when there was that moment in which I changed so much. But at the same moment of my change, two large white wings grew behind me, with one wave of which, I fly into the sky. I know for sure that guys like you don't exist anymore. You are like my own magnet, I am drawn to you as soon as I wake up, and, falling asleep, I think only of you alone, my dear. I'm sorry if I seem too bold to you, but please take this girl's confession seriously and do not laugh at my feelings. For me, this is very, very important. After all, I love you with all my bright and inexperienced soul. I am very afraid to be disappointed. You filled my head so much that it became difficult for me to study, I felt like eating, and now I can’t sleep at all. I love you.

Recently, some miracles happen to me, as if magic broke into my life. I am so happy that I want to turn into a butterfly and soar to heaven. Such lightness, such inspiration, very strange, unknown to me and very unusual feelings. And it was you who was to blame, because it was you, the most beautiful boy in the world, who made my life change. It was you who was able to paint my world with bright colors, it was thanks to you that wings grew behind my back. You are so cool, funny, smart, interesting and brave. I have never met anyone who could be better than you. And now it's time to reveal my feelings to you. Because it has already become very difficult for me to keep it in myself and cope alone. I am very worried about what your answer will be, because a lot depends on your answer. But, there is one thing that will remain in me, no matter what you answer me - this is my strong love for you.


Today I will write my wish on a piece of paper and burn it. And I have one desire, that you reciprocate this bold confession of mine. I want to confess to you that you are the best boy on earth, you have become a close and dear person to me. You are like a ray of gentle, warm sun lit up my life and my every day. You give me happiness, you give me laughter, you give me the most interesting and most pleasant moments. Thank you for this. Today the day has come when I will tell you that I can no longer be just your friend, because I have long and strongly wished for more. I want to be your girlfriend because I love you. Today I will write on a piece of paper: I love my boy, and I want us to always be together, and for him to reciprocate! It is up to you to decide what you will give me, the fulfillment of my dream, or the pain of disappointment and tears. All in your hands!


I fell in love with you with a very strange love, you seem to have grown to my soul, become a part of me, and it’s not that it’s hard for me to be without you, I can’t even breathe without you - I start to suffocate. You and I have become one, and I am one hundred percent sure that you are my soul mate on this earth. I am sure that my love for you will be eternal, all because love has no end. I am sure that you can make me the happiest, you are already doing. You shed a bright light of love and tenderness on my days. Now every morning I wake up thinking about you, and every night I go to sleep thinking about you. You penetrated into my soul, into my heart, into my blood and captured me all. Now my heart belongs only to you, my beloved and the best boy in the world. I love you. I can not live without you. I want to be always by your side. I want to be the one and only for you.


My dear boy, today is a special and very important day for me. After all, it was today that I decided to confess my feelings to you, to tell you, without hiding, about what worries me very much, about what excites me for a very long time. I don’t know how to write beautiful words, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, because I dreamed about you, and I lie and think about you for a long time, I understand that all this is not just like that. When you come up to me, I start to get very embarrassed, I lose the power of speech, I blush, and I understand that this is also not just like that. In the evening, I look forward to the next day, because after an hour I start to miss you very, very much, and this is also not just like that. I decided today to confess not only to you, but also to myself what I am very scared and excited to admit. But, this can no longer continue, because the feelings that live inside me rebel and want to go out. I love you, I love you very much!


My dear boy, the most beloved in the whole wide world, the best, the smartest, the most beautiful, the most cheerful. Today, my feelings cannot be limited to the space inside me, they are torn out, they want to fly and spin. I love you so much! I love everything about you: your eyes, your hair, your smile, your laugh. I love your jokes, I love your thoughts. I love you all very much, my dearest and closest. You were able to make my life a little better, now everything that happened in it before has become a little happier, a little more interesting, a little brighter. It is very important to me that you answered me in return, that you love me too. This makes me truly happy. I don’t know what else you can wish for, because I have everything a girl needs to be happy. And most importantly, I have you and it's so wonderful!


My dear boy, my beloved, the only one! How long I have been waiting for you, how grateful I am to fate that I met you on my life path! I have never met a more beautiful and sweeter person in my life! Only you helped me to believe in real feelings, only before you I opened my soul and entrusted you with all its secret corners and hiding places. Only you know what is going on in my soul, I stretch out my bare heart in my palm in front of you and give it to you forever! I will never forget our first, such a tender and touching kiss, your look, your lips, your strong hands, your touch. They excite my blood, and from excitement I hear the beating of my heart. I want to confess to you my feelings, because I don’t have the strength to keep it in myself anymore, there’s no point in being silent. My boy, kitten, I love you, I live by you, I breathe you, I admire you, every minute of my time, I think only about you!

Having met you, my gentle, pure soul and heart, dear boy, I seemed to be in a garden, in a rose garden of love, which is fragrant with aromas of tenderness that eat into the soul forever. And this magical aroma will never disappear from the corners of the heart, it will never be forgotten and will not disappear from memory. It will leave a mark for life, but it will never be repeated. Only once in a lifetime can you feel it. And this time it happened. I am bewitched, I am enchanted, I am in love. Your charm is endless, your voice is divine, your smile is insanely beautiful, your gaze pierces so through and through that there is no chance not to fall in love with you. You are the universe of my perception, you are my world, you are the ideal, you are my idol! I admire you, my feelings are growing every day, my feelings are also gaining momentum, and it would seem that there is a limit to everything, but no, not in this case. There is no limit to my love. It will never be. He is not. There is you, me and our love.


I want to turn back time and go to the day when we met. Remember and scroll through your head, every minute, every second, every moment of our meeting. It was a great, incomparable feeling that now, right now, something incredibly important is happening for both of us. Something clearly happened between us, it's so hard to explain in simple words, but I'll try. I understood the meaning of the expression: "wings have grown." It was the state of inspiration that I felt next to you, like a bird, my soul flies when I think about you. And I think about you all the time. The entire ether of my time is filled with you, all my attention is only for you, everything that I can feel and feel is for you, my dear boy. I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave me. In general, stop beating around the bush. It's time to dot the i's. I want to confess to you. I love you!


Before meeting you, it seemed to me that there were no real, strong, self-confident males left, but you completely convinced me of this and showed that a girl should be weak and defenseless. You taught me to trust you, your choice and decision, and I am very grateful for that. My beloved boy, I will never tire of repeating that I love you very much, you are the real and only meaning of my life, which I will never give up. Only next to you I feel complete, alive and very happy. It is with great pleasure that I am going to you on a date every time, and every time I get excited as if this is our first meeting. I love to watch you rush to me, a little excited, with a bouquet of flowers and a charming smile. After you take me home in the evening, I immediately begin to dream about the next meeting and look forward to it. And there is a reason for that. I love you!


It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for such happiness is the most beautiful, most intelligent and talented boy, with whom I am simply madly in love. Ever since we ran into you on the street by accident, my life has literally been turned upside down. Now I constantly think about you, miss you and plan our new date. The time spent with you is always not enough for me, because no matter how much we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you so much for giving me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring, which will literally be in my soul, even among gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold. Only your hands can hug so gently and tightly at the same time, only in your hands I want to be around the clock, thank you for that, my love.


My sweet baby, my boy, my affectionate angel, I want to give you the most precious thing I have - a declaration of love and a desire to make you happy! I can't live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I'm just a little man in this world, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and I love you very much. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because the heart can't only beat halfway. I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness, my soul, my joy! I love you!


When a star falls from the sky, I make a wish. I have one desire and for one person, for you, my boy. I ask heaven that the feeling that I feel for you never ends, that it lives in me forever and only gains strength. So that you feel the same and our love lasts forever. I live for this, for the sake of our meetings, touches, for the sake of our future with you. The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think of you! I sleep at night and smile because I dream of you. When you are near, a light burns inside me, I like its insanely cozy warmth, and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me or when you just smile. You are my little world, which even the whole universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all.


Recently, some very strange things have started to happen to me, I have become very distracted, I constantly fly in the clouds, I can’t see anything, I can’t hear anything and I can’t concentrate on anything. Do you know, my dear boy, what caused all this? It is because of you that I have become like this, because I can’t think of anything else except my most beloved, most beautiful and most wonderful boy. You take up so much space in all my thoughts that I just don’t have time to think about anything else. Despite all this, I'm just happy, because only next to you can I feel such an upliftment, so much happiness and joy, like never before. I love you very much, my dear, and I am ready to repeat these very warm beautiful words every day just to see your most wonderful smile in the world. Thank you, my love, for making me so happy!


Among the thousands of passers-by in the gray crowd, my eyes met yours and I realized that I was gone forever. That depth, beauty and sensuality that I saw in your eyes captured me and never let go. My dear, I am happy that then I was able to consider you, and you, too, could not pass by. Let our love story last for many more years, our feelings become stronger day by day, and that light that shines in our eyes does not fade away. I constantly want to breathe the same air with you, hold your hand and look at the same stars. There are probably no words that could fully contain what I feel about you, so I'll just say that I love you very much. Among a thousand eyes your are the most dear, among a thousand hands your warmest and among the thousand boys that I have met in my life - you are the only one to whom I gladly give my heart!

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have writing or, even more so, poetic talent. After all, it is possible to express thoughts and feelings in the simplest words, and this will not diminish their significance at all.

Do you still doubt that you will be able to do it beautifully and romantically enough? Especially for you, I decided to talk about how to write a truly sincere SMS in my own words to a loved one.

good morning wishes

A day started with a ray of goodness received by SMS from a lady of the heart may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can be tied to those cases and problems that your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they can simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of vivacity and optimism. So, we start with those same two words of welcome, and then the options can be, for example, like this:

  • May your boss have a great epiphany today and finally see how much you are doing for your company.
  • May you meet at least three good people who will make your day kinder.
  • I wish that today the sore is disappointed in you and proudly leaves, taking with it a temperature, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
  • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want it that way, and a woman's desire is the law!
  • I asked the sunbeams to fly into your window, wake you up and convey gentle kisses and good mood from me. Have they already carried out my order?
  • So we became one more day closer to each other. Looking forward to your arrival, dear!

good night wishes

Wishes for good dreams in SMS to your beloved guy will set you up not only for a good dream, but also for a good awakening and a good new day. In the same way as in the previous version, you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let the night take away all the negativity of today, and in the morning you will wake up rested, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
  • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel? We are now bound by her ghostly light...
  • 10 more nights like this and we will finally meet! Looking forward to this magical moment, my tenderness!
  • You know, now I hurry to bed every night, because dreams are now the only place where we can be together. I hope they come true soon!
  • I asked Ole Lukoile to give you fabulous dreams. Before you go to bed, dress warmly. I wished that you were Aladdin, and I am Jasmine. It will be cool to fly on a magic carpet at night, so a warm sweater will not hurt.

Letters about what you miss and are waiting for

Experience shows that a long separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is the test that truly loving couples can handle. Therefore, do not despair and just patiently wait for the cherished moment of the meeting!

They say that not very easy and simple love usually encourages writing poetry. But if you don’t have a craving for this, then feel free to write SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than in iambic pentameter.

  • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems like a whole year has passed. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're around. And how painfully long it lasts in your absence.
  • It seems to me that it was parting that allowed us to understand how strong feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So in our separation, it turns out, great wisdom was hidden. Thank her for this...
  • I never thought I'd miss the dirty cups you always leave in the sink. By grumbling in a dream and loud songs in the shower. By the way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how much you really mean to me. Not by its individual positive features, but entirely and completely!

Bon appetit wishes

I told you that there can be any number of reasons for a message. Why not include this one as well. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And in order for food to bring more joy, it will not be superfluous to flavor it not only with spices, but also with bright feelings.

  • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, fruit give life energy, and the cake will please my beloved sweet tooth.
  • Recently I learned that cooked with love does not turn into fat on the belly. So eat with pleasure!
  • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew / borscht / pie, seasoned everything with kind words and praises addressed to you, and generously sprinkled love on top. I hope you enjoy...

About their hopes, a joint future

Having found her “prince”, a woman usually soon begins to think about how she would like to see relationships through time. She tries on her chosen one first the image of a guy, then a groom, and there she already begins to think about how she will write SMS about love to her husband and father of her children ... If you have been together long enough, and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary , then you can safely share your thoughts with a partner.

  • Rather, I look forward to the moment when we begin to live together. I think about the love with which I will cook for you, wait from work, take care of you. Being constantly around is wonderful, because you are my soulmate!
  • Today I was walking home through the park, I met so many couples in love. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I would walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, having breathed fresh air, they would go home, have dinner and watch some movie.
  • I like every feature of your face and character in you. May our children certainly take the best from you. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around love you.
  • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my home, my family. Previously, these were only timid youthful dreams, which today are acquiring the features of a real adult life, where I am already a wife and mother myself. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

Just about my feelings

  • Only next to you I feel truly protected, only next to you can I be weak, indecisive, trusting. Therefore, when you are not around, it is very difficult and sad for me. Let's do our best to be together.
  • There was the smell of your cologne on the pillow, on the table - a cup of coffee you had not finished drinking, and in the bathroom - a tube of toothpaste that you again did not spin. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I'm not alone! Thank you dear for having me! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
  • Right now I hugged you tightly, tightly, kissed you gently, gently! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! You are the best man in the world for me! Come soon, we are waiting for you with the cat.
  • I'm sorry I lashed out at you yesterday. I was wrong! It's not your fault, I just had some trouble at work that completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry... I love you!
  • I always hated men who tried to call me "one of them". It seemed to me that by doing this they were infringing on my freedom, they wanted to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I just didn't like them. Because today the thought that I am YOUR warms my soul!
  • I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know it's not an excuse, but still... Thank you for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet is still standing and makes me happy! Let's meet at the weekend if you have time. I miss you so much, I want to see you.
  • And I have prepared a little surprise for you ... Hurry up and come home from work, I'm waiting for you!
  • I baked such a pie for you (you will need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Do not linger, otherwise you will eat everything! Kiss!
  • Thank you for leaving me breakfast, dear! It was amazingly delicious and incredibly enjoyable! You are the most caring and romantic person in the world!!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it's time to do it so that the yummy that I put for you does not spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

It will help you better understand how to build a happy relationship with a partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing questions, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

That's all for today. Don't miss out on new posts. The site news subscription function will help you a lot with this. See you again and all the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.