Romantic dinner for your beloved at home recipes. How to organize and what to cook for a romantic dinner at home

This question at least once in a lifetime arises before representatives of both sexes. On the one hand, with a beloved (beloved) paradise in a hut with a cup of tea and a dried sandwich. On the other hand, you always want to celebrate a significant moment (and the idea of ​​a romantic evening comes at a turning point in a relationship) and cook something really worthy of being called romantic dinner for your loved one.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind when organizing a romantic dinner

Food should be prepared quickly, easily, and not require the skills of a chef. This is understandable - who wants romance after 4-5 hours spent at the stove. I give my simplest and fastest recipes with photos.

In order for the process of a joint meal to be truly romantic, meat, poultry and fish must be boneless. Let it be easy to wield a knife and fork, and clean hands may soon be useful to you.

I advise romantics to do without onions, garlic, salted fish and spicy cheeses. All these smells are superfluous for the continuation of the evening, you must agree.

Cooked food should not cause discomfort after a couple of hours. Do not cook something too spicy and fried. We will also leave beans with peas for less romantic occasions, for example.

Don't cook too many different foods. Served table lose all romanticism if you force it with plates of a dozen appetizers. Enough one salad, one hot dish and one dessert.

Salad should be arranged directly on the plate. Two courses, to be exact. Let it look like a finished masterpiece, like in a restaurant. You can do this with a hot dish, and with a dessert.

Prepare dishes, tablecloths and napkins without picture. Better to decorate the table romantic accessories- candles, hearts, flowers and bows (see some examples in my article). Only in this case, the table setting will not seem clumsy.

Now about the products from which you need to cook our homemade romantic dinner. I don’t know how effective aphrodisiac products are, but since every people inhabiting our planet has noticed such products, then there is something to it. Even the purely psychological effect of contemplation and anticipation of gastronomic pleasure in a pleasant campaign will triple us.

Here are the products:

Avocados, bananas, mushrooms, caviar, nuts, coffee, strawberries, sesame seeds, honey, almonds, celery, dates, chocolate, eggs.

There is no meat in this list, but in the minds of Russian romantics, it is the most preferred aphrodisiac so we cook our favorite dishes with peace of mind.

What to cook for a romantic dinner: quick and easy recipes

Chicken breast in honey sauce, salad with cherry tomatoes and feta, strawberries and cream (25 minutes for everything!).

If it is possible to prepare a candlelit dinner in advance, take this selection ():

If you had the most ordinary dinner, do this ... The French serve it as a dessert, so everything fits together :-)! Check out my article for pictures and tips on exactly how different types of cheese are served with fruit and wine! Believe me, it's very cool! What if it's a good movie about love...

More options:

Salads and appetizers:

Recipe in pictures, extremely simple and very successful.

Don't make a salad at all, get by with a few canapés (small sandwiches on skewers) from my collection. There are elegant and quite romantic combinations of meat, fish and vegetables.

Main course:

(skewers on skewers). Very fast - one and a half minutes on each side. We fry in a regular frying pan! Proven recipe with photos and videos!

Meat in the sleeve with sauce (prepared without the participation of romantics, while tasty and beautiful). Don't miss my detailed recipe in pictures.

The state of falling in love is truly a wonderful and bewitching feeling. Being in the euphoria of love, each person expresses a desire to please his soul mate with pleasant surprises.

Everyone does it in their own way. For many, gifts or beautiful words are valuable. But a romantic dinner prepared by oneself for a loved one will help to express not only love, but also sincere concern for a loved one.

There are many variations of preparing a romantic dinner for a loved one. Each person is individual and has his own taste preferences. Sometimes it is difficult to guess them if you have known a person for a small amount of time.

But still, there are some recipes for a romantic dinner that almost everyone will like. The following recipes will help not only to feed your loved one tasty and satisfying, but will also delight him with your culinary skills.

1. . The advantage of this salad lies in its fairly easy method of preparation. It is perfect for the fair sex, watching their figure.

Caesar can cook even a man. This recipe does not require special culinary skills and abilities, but it has a truly divine and delicate taste.

2. . If a romantic dinner is being prepared for your girlfriend, then there is no better dish than stuffed champignons.

This is a light, dietary and very healthy dish. For its preparation, it is necessary to choose mushrooms with a large cap.

3. . This dish is perfect for seafood lovers. It has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

The specialty of this salad is the tuna. It is recognized as a natural aphrodisiac, so it will ideally complement a romantic dinner of two persons in love.

4. . For lovers and connoisseurs of sushi, Philadelphia rolls can be prepared for a romantic dinner for a loved one.

The cooking process is particularly complex. Therefore, if there is no similar practice, it is better to stop your choice on a simpler dish.

5. . Juicy, crispy, fried chicken will delight your loved one. This dish is appetizing and does not require much effort.

Grilled chicken is prepared by pre-marinating and baking in the oven. This dish can be served on its own for a romantic dinner, or as an addition to the main side dish.

6. . Today it is difficult to meet a man who would not like meat. Even a hostess with insufficient culinary experience can cook this dish.

This dish is hearty, appetizing and tasty. Having cooked meat in French for a romantic dinner, you can please your loved one not only with delicious food, but also with a beautiful and very appetizing presentation.

7. . This type of fish has not only a pleasant taste, but also an abundance of vitamins and minerals. And salmon cooked in the oven with onions simply will not leave you indifferent.

Any, even the longest and most lasting relationship between lovers needs constant heating. Therefore, it is so important to periodically arrange pleasant surprises for your soulmate in the form of cute trinkets, tickets to a new movie, a bouquet of flowers or a romantic dinner for two. What to cook for this special occasion, we will tell in today's article.

In order for everything to go according to plan, you need to think over the menu options in advance. It should not contain heavy and solid dishes. Light treats are best suited for such an occasion, the preparation of which does not take too much time and effort.

Typically, the menu of romantic dinners includes a salad, cold and hot appetizers, a main course and, of course, dessert. At the same time, it is extremely important that the chosen dishes are liked not only by you personally, but also by your chosen one.

To prepare a romantic dinner, you can use seafood, lean meat or fish, all kinds of vegetables, spices, nuts and chocolate. From this list of products, you can create a lot of interesting treats that will help relieve fatigue and set you on the right wavelength.

At the end of the dinner, it is not at all necessary to eat hearty cream cakes or pastries. Instead, you can serve homemade berry ice cream, milk jelly or fruit sorbet as a dessert.

Goose liver and lentil pate

This is the perfect dish for a romantic dinner. The pate will be a great start to your evening meal and will surprise your loved one. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 grams of boiled lentils.
  • 150 milliliters of cream.
  • Shallot.
  • 300 grams of goose liver.
  • 30 milliliters of cognac.
  • 125 grams of good butter.
  • Ground chili, salt and fresh herbs (thyme, dill, rosemary and parsley).

Practical part

Having decided what to cook for a romantic dinner for two, you need to figure out exactly how to do it quickly and without mistakes. The washed and chopped liver is sent to a greased frying pan and fried along with chopped onions. A few minutes later, salt, spices and cognac are added to the browned products. All mix well and continue cooking. After three minutes, the pan is removed from the heat and the lentils are sent into it. All this is crushed with a blender to a puree state, combined with cream and whipped again. The finished pate is laid out in a beautiful dish and sent to the refrigerator. Before serving, it is sprinkled with olive oil and decorated with toasted toast.

Avocado salad

This simple recipe will surely interest those who have not yet decided what to cook for a romantic dinner for two. Of course, this salad cannot be called light and low-calorie. But it has a non-standard presentation, which means it will be pleasant to surprise your loved one.

Grocery list:

  • 200 grams of any cream cheese.
  • 50 milliliters of low-fat cream.
  • 100 grams
  • 4 large spoons of shelled walnuts.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Salt, spices, lettuce and fresh herbs.

Cream cheese is combined with cream and lemon juice. Salt, spices, chopped gorgonzola and lightly chopped roasted nuts are added to the resulting mass. Everything is mixed well and laid out in boats made from avocado halves sprinkled with lemon juice. This salad is served on a beautiful flat plate lined with green leaves.

Shrimp cocktail

We offer you to pay attention to one of the simplest salads for a romantic dinner. It perfectly combines seafood and sweet juicy fruits. And it is prepared so simply that any young housewife will cope with this task without any problems.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of peeled shrimp.
  • Celery stalk.
  • Half a mango.
  • 100 grams of strawberries.
  • Whole orange.

So, you already know what to cook for a romantic dinner for two. Let's make a submission. Layers of celery and mango cut into small cubes, strawberries and shrimps are laid out in beautiful bowls. All this is poured over with a mixture of sour cream, citrus juice and chili sauce, and put in the refrigerator. This cocktail salad is served chilled.

French meat with mushrooms

In the oven, you can quickly and easily prepare a very tasty hot dish, ideal for a special evening. Since it is served warm, it is advisable to make it shortly before serving. To treat your chosen one with meat in French, you will need:

  • Half a kilo of pork meat.
  • 300 grams of champignons.
  • Large bulb.
  • 100 grams of processed and hard cheese.
  • 3 large spoons of sour cream.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, aromatic spices, herbs and vegetable oil.

Detailed instructions:

Step #1. Washed and dried pork is cut into slices 10 mm thick and lightly beaten with a hammer.

Step #2. The meat prepared in this way is salted, seasoned with spices and laid out in a refractory form greased with oil. A filling made of melted cheese, crushed garlic, mushrooms fried with onions, sour cream and chopped parsley is placed on top.

Step #3. French-style meat is baked with mushrooms in an oven heated to 180 degrees. After half an hour, the almost ready dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and cooked for about 15 minutes more.

Chicken breast with creamy mushroom sauce

Poultry fillet is so easy to prepare that even a young inexperienced hostess will not spoil it. It does not require long heat treatment and is ideal for special occasions. To make this simple and delicious hot dish for a romantic dinner, you need to take:

  • Half a kilo of chicken.
  • A couple of bulbs.
  • 200 milliliters of low-fat cream.
  • 6 champignons.
  • 50 grams of good hard cheese.
  • A couple of large spoons of soy sauce.
  • Olive oil, salt and aromatic herbs.

The washed chicken breast is laid out in a deep container and poured with a marinade made from olive oil, soy sauce, salt and spices, left for half an hour. After this time, the meat is wrapped in foil and baked at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes.

While the chicken fillet is in heat treatment, you can do the rest of the components. In a well-oiled well-heated frying pan, champignon plates and onion half rings are fried. Cream is added to the browned products, brought to a boil, sprinkled with grated cheese and removed from heat. The prepared sauce is poured over the baked breast and served.

Tuna tartare

The classic recipe for this dish is extremely simple. Therefore, any beginner who knows the basics of culinary art will reproduce it without any problems. True, raw fish is an amateur dish, so check in advance how your soul mate treats such delights. To prepare this treat you will need:

  • A pound of tuna fillet.
  • A couple of bell peppers.
  • Avocado.
  • ½ lime.
  • A couple of large spoons of olive oil.
  • A bunch of green onions, cilantro and mint.
  • Salt and pepper.

The washed fillet is cut into small cubes and put in a deep bowl. Cubes of bell pepper and peeled avocado pulp are also sent there. All this is poured over with freshly squeezed lime juice and chopped herbs. Ready tartare is salted, seasoned with spices and served at the table.


We draw your attention to another interesting recipe for a romantic dinner. The vegetable casserole with meat cooked on it is equally good both warm and cooled. In addition, it looks quite presentable and can become a worthy decoration of your small feast. To make Greek moussaka, you will need:

  • Half a kilo of eggplant.
  • 100 grams of good hard cheese.
  • A teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • 200 milliliters of olive oil.
  • 300 grams of meat.
  • 400 milliliters of milk.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • ½ onion.
  • A couple of full spoons of flour.
  • Salt, nutmeg and spices.

Description of the cooking process

This tasty and fragrant dish is sure to add to your collection of recipes for a romantic dinner and more. It is prepared according to an extremely simple scheme, following which you can quickly cope with this simple task. Eggplants washed and cut into rings are poured with salted water and left for twenty minutes.

In the meantime, you can make the sauce. In a dry hot frying pan, flour is fried to a creamy shade, poured with warm milk, mixed with nuts and spices and removed from the stove.

Eggplants are rinsed with clean water, dried and browned in a saucepan with oil. Grilled meat and chopped onion are fried in a separate frying pan. A piece of toasted eggplant is placed at the bottom of an oiled heat-resistant form and covered with minced meat mixed with egg and chopped cheese. Spread the remaining blue ones on top and pour the sauce over it all. Bake Greek moussaka at 160 degrees for no more than 45 minutes.

strawberry sorbet

This light dessert is a great alternative to the usual ice cream. It has a moderately sweet, refreshing taste and is ideal to end a romantic dinner. To make strawberry sorbet, you need to take:

  • A couple of glasses of skim milk.
  • 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • A couple of cups of fresh strawberries.
  • ½ cup sugar.

Practical part

Washed berries are crushed with a food processor to a puree state. The resulting mass is ground through a sieve to get rid of small seeds, and then poured into a suitable container and mixed with milk, sugar and citrus juice. All this is whipped with a whisk and sent for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. The frozen mixture is placed in an ice cream maker and finished in accordance with the instructions. The fully prepared strawberry sorbet is transferred to beautiful bowls and served on the table.

pistachio dessert

This simple and tasty delicacy has a pleasant chocolate-nut flavor. It is prepared using a very simple technology, but the process itself takes a certain amount of time. Therefore, it is better to make this dessert for a romantic dinner at home a few hours before serving.

You will need the following products:

  • 100 grams of pistachios.
  • 100 milliliters of not too fatty sour cream.
  • 3 large spoons of pasteurized milk.
  • 10 grams of instant gelatin.
  • A couple of large spoons of powdered sugar.
  • 50 grams of any good chocolate.

Sour cream is intensively whipped together with powdered sugar, and then mixed with chopped pistachios. The resulting mass is added dissolved in boiled water, swollen and slightly cooled gelatin. The almost ready dessert is laid out in beautiful bowls and cleaned for no less than a couple of hours in the freezer. After that, it is decorated with pre-melted chocolate and whole nuts.

A romantic evening is a great way to express your feelings for your loved one. It is not necessary to wait for a special occasion and go to a cafe or a pretentious restaurant, it is quite possible to please each other at home. But how to cook a romantic dinner at home if you are far from a chef? For this occasion, there are a lot of simple, but at the same time original and tasty dishes. About them, as well as about some secrets of organizing an unforgettable romantic evening, and will be discussed.

A properly planned menu is already half the battle. When choosing dishes for a candlelit dinner, remember that the food should be light. It is better to refrain from cooking fatty and too satisfying food, especially if dinner implies a romantic continuation, to which a full stomach does not contribute in any way.

Many dishes from complex ingredients are also not worth doing. This will take you a lot of time, but you still need it for decorating a date. Moreover, the main goal is not food, but time spent with a loved one.

Typically, the menu includes hot, appetizers and dessert. But, if you know the tastes of your soul mate well, you can limit yourself to one or two dishes that you will definitely like. It is not superfluous to include natural aphrodisiacs in the list of products, namely: seafood, cinnamon, strawberries,.

Men, take note! If you want to treat a girl to a romantic dinner, before organizing a sweet table, try to delicately find out if she is not on a diet. Otherwise, it is possible that your chosen one will refuse the treat, and the evening may be ruined.

Simple Recipes for a Romantic Dinner

We bring to your attention some simple snacks and desserts that can be prepared quickly and without any special culinary skills.

Hot dishes

There should be at least one meat dish or fish, and other seafood on the table. If you opted for fish, buy fillets that have already been deboned. It can be baked with herbs and lemon juice or made into tender fish rolls using the recipe below.

Fish rolls with shrimps

Shrimp fish rolls can be served hot or cold.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • 600 g fish fillet (any suitable, usually salmon or salmon);
  • 0.5 kg shrimp, preferably large;
  • a glass of fish broth;
  • salt, herbs and spices to taste;
  • ginger root;
  • freshly squeezed juice of one orange;
  • 80 g butter.

Cut the fillet lengthwise into long strips, wrap with cling film and lightly tap with a kitchen hammer. Then we add the fish, rub it with spices and leave it to soak for a couple of minutes. We clean the shrimp and wrap each with a strip of fillet. To prevent the rolls from falling apart during cooking, you can tie them with cooking string.

Pour the fish broth into a deep frying pan, bring to a boil and lower the rolls into it. Simmer the dish over low heat until done.

While the seafood is cooking, you can make the sauce. To do this, pour into a saucepan, add 15 g grated on a fine grater and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, butter, salt and spices are added to the mixture. Boil the sauce until it thickens, then cool and strain through a sieve. Rolls are served both hot and cold with sauce and lemon rings.

Pork tenderloin with potatoes and apples

Fish, of course, is a delicacy, but among the representatives of the strong half of humanity there are much more fans of meat. Therefore, girls who want to please their loved ones should pay attention to meat dishes. One of these is the oven-baked pork tenderloin. It is amazingly easy to prepare.

For cooking, you need 1.5 kg of pork, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, 1-2 onions, 3 tbsp. l. butter, steam and an hour of time left. First of all, turn on the oven and set the temperature to 230º. While it is warming up, rub the tenderloin with black pepper and salt mixed with butter (1 tablespoon).

Lubricate the baking sheet with the remaining oil and spread the meat in the center (as a whole). The remaining free space around the tenderloin is filled with potatoes, cut into quarters, while it is not necessary to peel it, rinse it well enough. Add chopped onion to potatoes.

We send meat with vegetables for 20 minutes in the oven and prepare apples. Fruits need to be washed, core removed, cut into slices and put on a baking sheet with the rest of the ingredients. After adding apples, the tenderloin is baked for another 40 minutes. The cooked meat is allowed to cool slightly, cut into pieces and served with a side dish and herbs.

Salads and appetizers

After a hearty hot meal, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself and your loved one to a light salad that awakens romantic feelings. If there is almost no time left before the event, you can whip up a spicy avocado salad in a hurry.

Salad with avocado and ham

Required products:

  • ripe avocado;
  • 200 g ham (low fat);
  • a small bunch of white seedless;
  • salt and olive oil.

We wash the grapes, separate the berries and cut each in half, 20 grapes will be enough. Then cut the ham into small strips. Peel the avocado, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the pit. We cut the pulp into cubes or strips and sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken. It remains to mix all the ingredients, add salt, and a light salad is ready.

Before serving, it is better to transfer it to two separate plates. If you wish, you can conjure a little on the design of the salad and decorate the dish with tomato hearts or boiled.

Salad "Heart"

Such a salad cannot be prepared quickly, but it will become the main decoration of the table and create the right atmosphere. In fact, this is the well-known "Garnet Bracelet", but in a new, thematic design.


  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • beets - 1-2 pcs. depending on the size;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • light mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • seeds of one pomegranate.

First, finely chop the onion, fry it over low heat until golden brown and leave to cool. Then cook the chicken fillet in salted water until cooked, cool and cut into small cubes.

Grate pre-boiled eggs, beets and carrots, as well as cheese on a fine grater into different containers, although you can not do this in advance, but rub the products immediately into the salad bowl as you lay out the layers. We clean the nuts and finely chop with a knife, cut the pomegranate and carefully separate the grains.

Now the most important stage is the formation of layers. There are several ways to give the salad the desired shape. The first is to put it on a regular plate and then cut it with a knife, the second is to use a detachable heart-shaped baking dish, and then remove it. In any case, the main thing is to put the ingredients correctly. Lay out the layers in the following order:

  1. Chicken fillet, lightly salted and sprinkled with pepper.
  2. Onion layer.
  3. Shredded carrots.
  4. Eggs (grated or chopped with a knife).
  5. Layer of cheese and nuts.
  6. Grated beets.

Each of the layers is smeared with mayonnaise on top, and the top of the salad is densely sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. To fully reveal the taste, the finished dish is left to brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.


Canapes can be combined with various products.

Canapes are tiny sandwiches that came to us from French cuisine. Usually, toasted white or black bread is taken as the basis for them, and a variety of products are laid out on top: lightly salted salmon, cheese, sausage, caviar, olives, vegetables, etc. The whole structure is fastened with a decorative skewer.

Popular combinations of ingredients for canapes:

  • white bread with cherry tomatoes and hard cheese;
  • black bread with salmon or shrimp and olives;
  • smoked chicken breast with marinated mushrooms and white bread;
  • toast with pineapple and boiled chicken fillet;
  • sliced ​​loaf with red caviar and cheese.

What's for dessert?

Many men, and women too, have a sweet tooth, so you can’t do without a sweet table. Of course, the store has sweets for every taste, but they will not replace a home-made dessert.


Strawberries with whipped cream is one of the most romantic combinations. Such a dessert is the best suited for creating a special atmosphere, and everyone can handle its preparation.

You will need fresh strawberries (0.5 kg), half a glass of sugar, vanilla, powdered sugar and high-fat liquid cream (at least 30%) or ready-made, whipped. It is better to buy homemade berries, but out of season you can get by with strawberries from the supermarket, as long as they are a uniform ruby ​​​​red hue, firm to the touch and with fresh foliage.

Pour the strawberries into a colander, rinse with cool water and carefully remove the tails. We cut each berry into slices, traditionally - into 4 parts. It’s easier to buy whipped cream ready-made, since whipping requires following several rules and it may not work the first time.

To whip cream at home, they are well cooled, otherwise the product will delaminate, and whipped with a mixer, starting at low speed and gradually increasing the speed. In the process of whipping, vanilla and powdered sugar are added to them in small portions to taste. When the whisk begins to leave marks on the surface of the cream, turn off the mixer.

The berries are laid out in glass bowls, sprinkled with sugar, poured with cream and sent to the refrigerator to wait in the wings. Before serving, dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate or leaves.

Bananas in chocolate

Chocolate covered bananas are a delicious and healthy treat.

This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy, because bananas are a real pantry of vitamins and microelements. In addition, both components (chocolate and banana) are known aphrodisiacs.


  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • 1/2 bar of dark chocolate;
  • a package of confectionery topping or coconut flakes, nuts can also be used.

You will also need long wooden skewers. Peel bananas, cut each into three parts and put on skewers. In a water bath or in the microwave, melt the chocolate, dip the fruit in it and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles. In order not to lubricate the coating, the sweetness is placed in a narrow cup with skewers down and sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Dessert is ready!

Choosing drinks

It is worth saying a few words about drinks. Light alcohol is more suitable for a romantic dinner: wine, champagne or cocktails. But you need to choose one thing, otherwise a headache can ruin the evening. If your soul mate doesn’t drink alcohol in principle, please her with a fruit and berry smoothie or self-cooked one.

Table setting and decoration

It’s not enough just to prepare a delicious treat, you also need to be able to serve it beautifully. You can set the table in any suitable room, but not in the kitchen, it's too ordinary. It is better to take a white or neutral color tablecloth and create bright accents on it with beautiful dishes or themed figurines. Since red is the color of love, it is desirable that it be present in the design.

And, of course, candles. There must be many. Ideally, you need to replace the overhead light with them so that you do not have to sit in the dark, but at the same time the lighting is dimmed. If there were not enough candles for this task, turn on a floor lamp nearby.

Advice! You should not take scented candles, especially if you plan to light a lot of them. They can give off a very strong odor.

Atmosphere and musical accompaniment

There are no trifles in organizing a romantic evening, so the decor and atmosphere should be appropriate. In the room where the dinner will take place, you can sprinkle rose petals or arrange small bouquets of fresh flowers.

Another mandatory attribute is romantic music. It is better to make a playlist in advance, including calm and unobtrusive compositions. If you still don’t know the musical preferences of a loved one or there are no melodies suitable for the occasion among them, you can put something from the classics in the background.

But the main component that will tell you how to cook a romantic dinner at home and make it unique is love. With it, any dish will become much tastier, and the evening will be unforgettable. We wish you mutual love and romance!

Useful related videos

Useful tips from Yulia Vysotskaya.

A few more ideas from the video magazine "Men's Cooking".

You are planning a dinner alone with your loved one, and it does not matter at all whether this is your first date at home on Valentine's Day or you have been together for ages and celebrate your wedding anniversary on this day. In any case, everything should be beautiful, elegant, exciting and at the same time very tasty. What to cook for a romantic dinner for two? Let's talk about what options can be, and consider a few especially original dishes in more detail.

If you are hosting an evening for two at home, here are some simple tips and tricks to keep the atmosphere exciting and mysterious:

  • You should be just the two of you. If you have kids, arrange with grandparents that they will spend the night with them. Even if the children in the next room play computer games all evening or elderly relatives promise you that they will quietly watch TV in their bedroom until the morning, all romance will come to naught. A romantic dinner for two is not arranged behind closed doors, you have to be alone in the whole house.
  • The whole atmosphere should be romantic, not just the menu. In no case do not choose the bedroom for such a dinner, and even more so the kitchen. Of course, an evening for two should be organized in the living room or hall room. The table must be covered with a festive tablecloth and served with beautiful dishes, placed on it and lit candles. Turn on soft pleasant music, and no TV, even if there is your favorite romantic picture. No need to be distracted by the characters in the film. The heroes of tonight are you!
  • Meals for a romantic dinner should be light, both in terms of preparation and for the digestive system. As a rule, a light salad, a main hot dish (meat or fish) and a dessert are prepared. You can also make a cheese plate, vegetable or fruit canapes.
  • When it comes to drinks, you know perfectly well that neither vodka, nor whiskey, nor even the best Irish beer can be combined with the concept of romance. In this case, only wine is appropriate. Cocktails will not work, because they need to be constantly prepared and distracted. Start with champagne followed by a glass of white or red wine (depending on the course served).


You need to start a pleasant evening with light salads. In principle, they will also become an addition to hot meat and fish dishes; for a romantic dinner, you should not cook any heavy side dishes.

Remember! No "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa", "Men's whims" and similar salads should not be on a romantic date. Forget about mayonnaise, everything should be easy and delicious.

We offer the following options:

  • , you can make it with chicken fillet or shrimp;
  • salad with Feta or Mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes and olives;
  • salad with Dor Blue cheese, pears and walnuts;
  • green salad with smoked meat, pickled mushrooms and scrambled eggs;
  • salad with baked tomatoes;
  • salad with canned tuna, cherry tomatoes and eggs (chicken or quail);
  • crispy salad with bacon and pine nuts;
  • avocado, grapefruit and sea cocktail salad;
  • salad with tongue, celery, walnuts and pomegranate seeds;
  • salad "Pearl" with salted red fish, tomatoes and avocado.


  • salad mix - 1 bunch;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • coriander, zira and ground star anise - a pinch each;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to your liking;
  • liquid honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp for salad into cubes approximately 2x2 cm in size. Melt the butter in a pan, add cumin, star anise and coriander to it, mix. Due to this, the oil absorbs all the aromas from the spices, and then gives them to the product being prepared in it.
  2. Fry the pumpkin slices in a pan for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. Try to prick it a little with a wooden toothpick, it should be soft, but make sure that the pumpkin cubes retain their shape. Let the pumpkin cool down a bit.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes slightly smaller than the pumpkin.
  4. Prepare salad dressing. In a separate bowl, mix honey, olive oil, lemon juice, add salt and pepper to your taste, beat everything with a fork until smooth.
  5. Rinse the lettuce, dry it, coarsely tear it with your hands and distribute it among two portioned plates. Spread the cubes of pumpkin and cheese evenly on top. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

Dried tomatoes, roasted nuts and seeds can also be added to this salad.

Main dishes

After a light salad (or at the same time with it), serve a hearty, tasty, hot meat or fish dish:

  • skewers on king prawn skewers;
  • veal with rosemary and cherries in chocolate sauce;
  • meat rolls "Plum Valley";
  • glazed loin;
  • turkey fillet with oranges (chicken breasts, the recipes of which you will find in .), will be an inexpensive substitute;
  • duck zrazy with shrimps in cherry sauce;
  • pork with apples and cognac;
  • salmon steaks;
  • pork chops with fried pear;
  • duck breasts with raspberry sauce.


  • pork (brisket or ham) - 600 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • shallots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid honey - 75 ml;
  • red wine - 25 ml;
  • mustard - ½ tablespoon;
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • chili sauce - ½ teaspoon (optional);
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your liking.


  1. Wash the pork, dry it and rub it on all sides with salt and ground pepper.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, wash and cut into 5-6 circles.
  3. Take a baking dish, put onion mugs on the bottom and pour in some water. Place the meat on top, tightly cover the form with cooking foil and send it to the oven, heated to a temperature of 150 degrees, for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Peel, wash and mince shallots and garlic. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic in it. When the onion is soft and translucent, pour in the wine and let it boil. Let it boil for a minute, then add the soy sauce with honey and mustard (add chili sauce at your discretion). Mix everything and let it boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting honey glaze, but do not throw away the soft onions and garlic. Now remove the meat from the oven, open the foil, coat it on all sides with the remaining garlic and onions after filtering. Drizzle the pork with a third of the glaze, cover again with foil, and put back in the oven for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the meat again and open the foil, pour another third of the glaze, cover and put in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven for the last time, remove the foil completely, drizzle with the rest of the glaze and bake for another 20 minutes.
  8. Let the cooked meat rest for 5-10 minutes, cut and serve.


Finish a romantic evening with sweet and airy, beautiful and delicate dessert dishes:

  • fruit and chocolate fondue;
  • cottage cheese dessert with raspberry jelly;
  • a very light dessert will be sorbet, the recipes of which can be found.
  • exotic fruit salad of mango, papaya and pineapple;
  • jellied curd cake with fresh berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries);
  • chocolate jelly;
  • Catalan cream with caramel crust;
  • panna cotta with cherry sauce;
  • mint ice cream;
  • pineapples in syrup;
  • Creme brulee;
  • chocolate truffles.


  • air cookies (for example, "Lady's finger") - 6 pieces;
  • cream (fat content 33%) - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • fresh raspberries - 1 cup;
  • powdered sugar and fresh mint for decoration.


  1. Start by rinsing the berries and letting them dry thoroughly. You can make such a dessert with strawberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries and other berries according to your desire and taste.
  2. Break the cookies by hand into very small pieces. Do not use a blender, because it will grind the cookies into crumbs, and it is precisely small pieces that are needed for dessert. Divide the resulting mass in half and place in two portioned bowls.
  3. Pour the cream into a deep bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 5 minutes to get a thick foam.
  4. Spread one layer of whipped cream on top of the cookies.
  5. Now put in the raspberries. It must be dry. If after washing it there is some water left, then the berries can release juice and then the whole appearance of the dessert will deteriorate. Leave a few berries for decoration.
  6. On top of the raspberries, again spread the whipped cream to the edges of the bowl.
  7. Garnish the finished dessert with berries and fresh mint leaves, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.
  • The meat and fish that will be served as the main course must be pitted.
  • Arrange salads only on portioned plates, no common dishes. The same goes for hot and dessert.
  • Instead of salads, a romantic dinner can be started with light snacks, such as bruschetta with tomatoes, chicken liver pate or creamy cod liver mousse.
  • This evening, try to do without spicy cheeses, peas, beans, garlic and onions.
  • Do not cook a lot of dishes, as for. A table full of plates loses all romance.

We hope that our article turned out to be useful for you and the question of what to cook for a romantic dinner for two is no longer left. Let your evening with your loved one (perhaps the most important in your life) become unforgettable!