Puppets. Order a puppet for the holiday. Animators in life-size puppets Animator life-size puppets for a children's birthday

Funny heroes of favorite cartoons and fairy tales will arrange for your child a joyful holiday with exciting games, entertaining entertainment and cheerful dances. Life-size puppets will amuse both children and adults at the celebration, will give vivid impressions and joyful emotions to all those present at the solemn event. After all, together with them you can safely go to fabulous countries, travel through time and space, test yourself in the most unusual fantastic adventures. During the holiday, the invited characters of cartoons and fairy tales will become faithful and caring friends of the little birthday boy and his guests.

Life-size puppets will help the little hero of a grandiose children's celebration meet guests, accept huge gifts, and cope with the difficult role of the culprit of the event. And if you invited a photographer, then fairy-tale characters will perfectly decorate the photo session. In the company of our cheerful characters, it is simply impossible to resist a sincere smile.

Life-size puppets will take care of a cheerful mood

For the entertainment of children of different age groups, our agency's life-size puppets have acting talent, ingenuity and are capable of improvisation. They use specially designed scenarios and programs, taking into account the interests and hobbies of your child. Thanks to this, your baby's holiday will turn into a fun performance in which all those present are directly involved. Bright costumes and harmonious voice data of the actors make a pleasant impression on children and adults. Life-size puppets will take care of the cheerful mood and entertainment of all those present at the children's birthday, graduation in kindergarten or school.

After all, children's holidays are a wonderful occasion for the most unusual and fantastic children's dreams and desires to come true. Fairy-tale characters will help to reveal the creative potential of the child, his interests and hobbies.

Express - congratulations

You can order a festive program in our agency, invite a host to a children's party, clowns and life-size puppets who will make sure that fun and happy sonorous laughter reign at the celebration, and none of the guests get bored. You can also use the express congratulations service, and our actors dressed as their favorite characters will wish the child a happy birthday and present gifts. Life-size puppets will perfectly entertain and take care of the festive mood on your baby's birthday in kindergarten, school, cafe, at home, in the country or on a picnic in nature.

To entertain your child at the celebration, our artists are ready to go to any place and time you choose. Call, and your favorite fairy-tale heroes and characters of your favorite cartoons will go to visit you, even if they are far away to the far away kingdom. They can be invited to children's parties in Moscow, as well as, having previously agreed on the conditions, outside the city.

A child's birthday is a very important event for both him and his parents. Each child believes in a fairy tale in his own way, dreams and expects miracles. So why not make his dreams come true? For example, life-size puppets for a child's birthday are very popular today. At the moment, it is more than available to each of us.

Why is it worth ordering a life-size puppet for your birthday?

Previously, in order to organize something similar to a fairy tale, it was necessary to independently invent a script, cut and glue masks, mustaches, beards, ears, etc. You can, of course, in our time take a chance and try to prepare everything on your own, but modern children are no longer the same as they used to be. Of course, they will be delighted with the surprise, but they will quickly notice peeling ears, wearing off makeup, incoherent speech and your other shortcomings. Besides, you can only imagine how long it will take!

It is much easier to order a life-size puppet for a child's birthday. But here it should be understood that you can, of course, just rent a costume and ask a friend to change into Mickey Mouse or Winnie the Pooh. But think for yourself how many people before you have already rented this suit, and in what condition it is.

The advantages of our company include, first of all, the fact that we do not rent costumes. All of them are made of high quality materials to order and belong only to us.

Life-size puppets for the holiday and our professional animators

Our dolls naturally move, talk and take an active part in the celebration. Such a life-size puppet for a birthday will be remembered by the baby for a long time! In addition, we offer you a large selection of fairy-tale characters. You can find yourself in Disneyland by ordering Mickey Mouse, you can visit Hollywood, or you can invite your favorite Russian cartoon characters, such as Masha and the Bear, Smeshariki, Luntik or Barboskins. Give joy!

Life-size puppets for children are just a godsend! See for yourself!

The cost of ordering a finished doll - from 3 300 rub.

The cost of tailoring a life-size puppet in Moscow according to an individual sketch - from 16 000 rub.

Masha and Misha at a children's party.

Why is it worth ordering Life-size puppets for a holiday?

Life-size puppets for a children's party in the form of Luntik, Masha and the Bear, as well as any other favorite cartoon characters or fairy tales, is the transfer of kids from reality to a fairy tale, where they are direct participants in adventures and unusual events. And the opportunity to hug your favorite hero, shake hands or paws - that's what every child dreams of on his birthday. The gift received from him will be especially valuable for the child, carefully and reverently kept. The holiday will be unforgettable not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for his friends.

Puppets You can also order for other (even adult) events: a party dedicated to a significant event for the company; wedding or anniversary, etc.

Surprising adults is currently quite difficult, but thanks to a life-size puppet with a professional animator inside, it will really arouse interest and delight.

The event will immediately noticeably liven up, you will feel a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of the holiday, which will also affect the very course of its holding.

It will not be difficult to choose a character for your themed celebration. It all depends on the theme of your event and entertainment programs. If you entrust the organization of the holiday on a turnkey basis, then this will all be the task of our team.

So, for example, when holding a New Year's holiday in the office, the Snow Maiden can meet guests and seat them at the very beginning of the holiday, arrange small dynamic breaks, and also pose with pleasure and make a campaign when photographing against the backdrop of the New Year tree. Every holiday and event is unique and requires a carefully crafted script, which is what we do.

At the wedding, a full-length character will not be superfluous at all. He can be assigned the role of seating and seeing off guests, who will accompany your guest to a certain place at the festive table during a pleasant conversation. And also, do not forget about the little guests, who often get bored at such an event due to lack of attention.

Our animator in a suit will gladly take over the entertainment of the kids. And the kids will not be bored, and the parents will be calm that their children are supervised and busy with something that is pleasant for them.

As you can see, a life-size puppet can become an indispensable attribute of any holiday and celebration. It will bring its own atmosphere of fun, joy and happiness.

Perhaps you already have your own scenario for the event, maybe completely, or maybe partially. If the script is written in full, we will act according to it. And if you have developed a thesis script, it indicates exactly what should be in it, then you don’t have to worry about the rest. We will supplement it, revive it and think over everything to the smallest detail.